
  • Good morning, the New Mexico legislature is now past the halfway point of the 60-day session.

    The first half is traditionally pleasantries, receptions and memorials in the House and Senate.  The second half is when the heavy lifting takes place.  In that spirit, this short run podcast will provide you an overview of what’s making news in the roundhouse.

    In less than five minutes, I’ll let you know the what New Mexico media is discussing about the 60 day session by providing an overview of the stories being covered by the Albuquerque Journal, Santa Fe New Mexican, key blogs and TV news stories that catch my attention.

    By means of introduction, this is Tom Garrity. My public relations firm, The Garrity Group is based in Albuquerque.  Following a ten year career in the news media, I moved into the public relations arena where I established my firm 21 years ago. And yes, I am the bow-tie guy on the New Mexico PBS public affairs program New Mexico in Focus where I have the opportunity to weigh-in on events of the day.

    In the spirit of one beggar showing another beggar where to get food, this podcast is just simply reviewing the headlines on a daily basis, nothing more.  I will read through the headlines, provide credit to reporters covering the stories and hopefully you will read their stories and learn more about the issues being discussed in the New Mexico legislature.

    I am doing this podcast before I start my work day.  Which means I am trying to get it done after a daily run, quiet time and getting ready for the day. Some morning’s I’ll have a meeting, surprise surprise, others I won’t. All that to say, I’ll try to have this updated before the work day starts, Monday through Friday until the legislative session wraps up. I will post the link on my personal twitter account @tom_garrity.  The podcast is not sponsored, and if I give my opinion it might be in the form of a pun or a play on words.  The focus is to share the information so we all can hopefully be more informed.

    For more information about the things of interest to me, you can ghost my twitter account @tom_garrity , personal blog site tomgarrity.com or check out my company’s page garritypr.com. Thank you for listening to the second half podcast.

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