
  • Join Scott Snibbe in a thought-provoking Q&A session as he explores Buddhist philosophy, Consciousness & AI. In this conversation, Scott takes us on both an intellectual and experiential journey, exploring the intersections between mindfulness, technology, and consciousness.

    Through the lens of Buddhist philosophy, Scott addresses questions on the nature of consciousness in relation to software and AI, the physical and non-physical aspects of the mind, and the transformative power of meditation and mindfulness in our digital age.

    Watch the full talk here

    Learn more about Scott Snibbe

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  • In this video, Neuroscience Researcher Dr Ekaterina Denkova discusses effective mental health strategies for adaptive thinking. By exploring mental time travel and mindfulness, she reveals how our memories influence our future and the significance of staying present. She delves into the benefits and potential pitfalls of remembering and ruminating, demonstrating how mindfulness can help us break free from maladaptive thought patterns and enhance our well-being.

    Join as she explores the dynamic interplay between memory, mindfulness, and brain function to improve mental health.

    Learn more about Dr. Denkova Ekaterina

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  • In this video, Juan Santoyo explores the concept of the embodied mind in cognitive science and its profound connection to meditation practices. Drawing on the influential work of pioneers like Ben Thompson, Eleanor Roshan, and Francisco Varela, Juan discusses how the brain and mind are not isolated entities but are deeply intertwined with the body and environment.

    This conversation highlights the importance of first-person methodologies in studying the mind and the emerging paradigm of contemplative science. Discover how the integration of meditation practices with scientific research is paving the way for new insights and understanding.

    Learn more about Juan Santoyo

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  • Neuroscientist Prof. Marjorie Woollacott, cognitive scientist Prof. John Vervaeke, and Swami Sarvapriyananda from the Advaita Vedanta tradition explore the Nature of Consciousness from diverse perspectives.

    They discuss the Nature of Consciousness, its role in manifesting the universe, and the mind-brain complex's function as a filter of our perceptual experiences. They share Insights into meditation's impact on brain activity and its ability to expand awareness, offering a unique blend of scientific and spiritual viewpoints on consciousness and self-awareness.

    This dialogue is moderated by Scott Snibbe, host and producer of the meditation podcast ‘a Skeptic’s Path to Enlightenment’.

    This is an excerpt from a previous episode, listen to the full episode here.

    Show notes:

    0:00: Introduction 2:20: The Mind-Brain Complex3:57: Consciousness & Light5:52: Subjective vs Objective Reality9:19: Meditation & Wisdom12:56: Self-awareness15:06: The Unchanging Nature of the Seer18:01: Conclusion

    Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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  • Prof. Anil Seth, a leading researcher in consciousness studies, delves into how our brains construct our perception of reality and self.

    In "Consciousness and the Perception of Self" Seth challenges dualistic views, promoting a materialistic perspective that closely ties consciousness to brain processes. He describes our experience of reality as a 'controlled hallucination', crafted from diverse sensory inputs by the brain. Seth also touches on the relevance of quantum physics, suggesting a more nuanced understanding of matter and its relationship to consciousness.

    This dialogue is moderated by Scott Snibbe, host and producer of the meditation podcast ‘a Skeptic’s Path to Enlightenment’.

    This is an excerpt from a previous episode, listen to the full episode here.

    Show notes:

    0:00: Introduction0:40: Brain's Role in Conscious Experience1:09: Disputing Dualism in Consciousness2:44: Consciousness as Organizational Function3:40: Quantum Perspectives on Physical Reality6:42: The Illusion of Self10:38: Bodily Perceptions and Self-Identity14:28: Qualia and Conscious Experience17:45: Consciousness Science and Vitalism Parallel

    Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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  • Satish Kumar, a peace pilgrim, activist, educator, and former Jain monk, along with journalist and author Vicki Mackenzie, delve into the realms of ecology, non-violence, and the path to true happiness.

    Their conversation weaves through Satish's journey from monkhood to global activism, shedding light on how personal transformation and environmental consciousness are pivotal to societal change. Exploring the intricate ties between spirituality and activism, they reveal how living in harmony with nature and embracing non-violence can lead to a deeper sense of fulfilment.

    This episode is part of the Lighthouse Dialogues, a collaboration between Science and Wisdom LIVE and Jamyang London Buddhist Centre.

    This is an excerpt from a previous episode, listen to the full episode here.

    Show Notes:

    0:00: Introduction0:42: Why People Die?1:52: Becoming a Monk: Seeking Answers to Mortality2:40: Understanding Death and Transformation4:36: From Monkhood to Activism4:52: The Peace Pilgrimage5:37: Encounters of Compassion and Challenge8:06: Philosophy of Non-Violence and Peace10:31: Human Evolution and Consciousness13:33: Nature and Spirituality

    Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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  • Three contemplative scholars and practitioners – Rev. Cynthia Carter Perilliat, Dr. Eva Natanya, and Dr. Nigel Hamilton – explore the difficult topic of mortality. They will discuss how we can deal skilfully with the inevitable fact of death, and what can death and dying teach us about life and living.

    Our speakers delve into the Tibetan Buddhist perspective of the Bardo, the Christian understanding of meeting the divine, and the universal experience of transitioning into a higher consciousness. Whether you're interested in the spiritual, psychological, or philosophical aspects of life and death, this conversation offers a rich tapestry of thought-provoking insights.

    Listen to the full episode here.

    show notes :

    0:41 - Near-Death Experiences: An Overview0:59 - Understanding the Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism1:20 - Stages of Consciousness Loss According to Tibetan Buddhism1:47 - The Experience of 'Fanaa' and Transitioning to Light2:43 - Exploring Identity and the Concept of 'I' at Death3:35 - The Cessation of Mental Consciousness in Deep Meditation4:41 - Encountering the Ground Core Conscious Awareness5:56 - Transition of Consciousness: A Christian Perspective9:02 - After Death: Comparing Different Spiritual Traditions13:35 - Sufi Perspectives on Death and the Unseen Light

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  • Author Vicki MacKenzie enters in conversation with John Butler, a modern mystic and meditator.

    In this dialogue, John will share his life’s journey and his experience of the sacred through meditation, discussing how silence and stillness can lead to feelings of presence, love, and connection with the divine. The simplicity of his words speaks directly to the heart, inviting us to journey deeper towards an inner peace that we always carry within ourselves.

    Listen to the full episode here.

    Show notes:

    0:35: A Natural Beginning2:04: Dreams of Farming2:59: Adventures in Peru4:35: Discovering Meditation6:03: Love and Meditation7:37: Silence, Stillness, and Spirit9:36: The Great Adventure 11:36: Reconciling the Finite and Infinite

    Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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  • This enlightening talk, delves deep into the complex world of trauma and its healing processes, focusing on "Understanding Trauma and Recovery." Joined by a panel of esteemed speakers, including Deb Dana, Rob Preece, Dr David Robinson-Morris, and Scott Snibbe, we explore the multifaceted nature of trauma from both scientific and contemplative perspectives.

    The conversation sheds light on how trauma affects the mind and body, highlighting the significance of connection, mindfulness, and the power of contemplative practices in the journey toward recovery. Each speaker brings their unique expertise to the table, offering valuable insights into the mechanisms of trauma, individual and communal healing, and the role of meditation and spirituality in addressing emotional wounds.

    The dialogue is moderated by Scott Snibbe, who is also host and producer of a Skeptic’s Path to Enlightenment.

    Listen to the full episode here.

    Show notes:

    0:30: Defining Trauma1:36: Fragmentation and Connection3:11: Communal Impact and Meditation5:01: Interruption as Invitation6:31: Body Awareness and Healing8:26: Compassion and the Nervous System10:51: Spiritual Bypass and Present Moment14:06: Suffering, Expansion, and Interconnectedness

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  • In this dialogue, Dr Pim van Lommel, a former cardiologist for 26 years in Rijnstate Hospital who is now doing full-time research on the relationship between brain and mind, and Geshe Tenzin Namdak, a revered Buddhist monk and scholar discuss, what can near-death experiences (NDEs) teach us about consciousness?

    Learn about the profound insights near-death experiences (NDEs) offer about the nature of consciousness. This conversation bridges the gap between ancient Buddhist teachings and contemporary scientific research. Explore the origins of our conscious experiences, the intriguing relationship between consciousness and quantum phenomena, and how NDEs alongside contemplative practices can fundamentally transform our understanding of life and death.

    Listen to the full episode here.

    Show notes:

    0:30: Origin of Consciousness6:57: Non-local Consciousness and Brain Function13:24: Near-Death Experiences and Memory19:51: Buddhist Perspectives on Death and Consciousness26:18: Meditation and Subtle Consciousness32:45: Continuity of Consciousness and Rebirth39:12: Transformation from Near-Death Experiences45:39: Meditation, Psychedelics, and Modern Implications

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  • Wendy Garling, Cynthia Bourgeault and Vicki Mackenzie discuss the transformative role of women in religious traditions. This is an excerpt of a previous Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, "The Buddha’s Mother & Mary Magdalene".

    Listen to the full episode here

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  • In this Interview a respected Tibetan Buddhist scholar, former monk, and the principal English translator for the Dalai Lama, Dr. Thupten Jinpa delves into the profound dialogues between Buddhism and science, exploring the intersection of ancient wisdom and modern scientific inquiry. He shares insights from years of collaboration with world-renowned scientists, including the impact of these interactions on both Buddhist practice and scientific understanding.

    This conversation sheds light on the mutual enrichment of Tibetan Buddhism's profound knowledge of the mind and contemporary scientific discoveries, highlighting the Dalai Lama's significant contributions to bringing compassion into the realm of science and everyday life.

    This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, 'Buddhism, Science, Compassion, and Climate: An Interview with Dr. Thupten Jinpa'.

    Listen to the full episode here

    Show Notes:

    0:00: Introduction1:00: Early Inclinations and the Shift Towards Science1:37:What Scientists Learn from Tibetan Buddhism2:35: Science Enhancing Understanding of Buddhism4:36: The Intersection of Quantum Physics and Buddhism6:50: Critical Thinking in Buddhism7:53: The Role of Ethics and Compassion in Society10:28: Advancing Compassion in Modern Science

    Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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  • This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, 'Surviving the Climate Crisis, with Kim Stanley Robinson'.

    Watch the full episode here

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  • This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, 'Deep Ecology, Mindfulness, and Climate Emergency'.

    Watch the full episode here

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  • Explore the intricate relationship between mind, meditation, and the nature of reality in this enlightening dialogue featuring Tibetan Buddhist Monk Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo hosted by author Vicki Mackenzie.

    Jetsunma with decades of meditation practice and spiritual teaching, dives deep into Buddhist models to unravel the mysteries of consciousness, mental factors, and their impact on our daily lives. This session provides a unique blend of philosophical discourse and practical meditation techniques to guide attendees toward a profound understanding of their own minds.

    Jetsunma discusses the foundational Buddhist concepts of emptiness, interdependence, and the seamless connection between consciousness and matter, inviting a transformative exploration of the mind-brain relationship.

    This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, 'Lighthouse Dialogue I - Vicki Mackenzie interviews Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo'.

    You can listen to the full episode here.

    Show Notes:

    0:00: Introduction to Buddhism1:15: Mind and Consciousness 2:01: True Nature of Self 3:29: Overcoming the Ego 4:30: Meditation and Ego Transcendence 5:45: Managing Fear and Insecurity 7:48: Cultivating Compassion and Positive Thoughts

    Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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  • This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, 'Reawakening the Ecological Self', with Dr. Stephan Harding.

    You can listen to the full episode here.

    Dr. Stephan Harding was born in Venezuela in 1953. After his first degree in Zoology at Durham University he was a field assistant for the Smithsonian’s field ecology research in Venezuela. His doctorate at the University of Oxford was on the behavioural ecology of the muntjac deer.

    After teaching conservation biology at the National University of Costa Rica, he became a founder member of Schumacher College. Here he met James Lovelock – the originator of the Gaia hypothesis – with whom he has maintained a long-lasting friendship and scientific collaboration that lead to their joint appointment as founding chair holders of the Arne Naess Chair in Global Justice and the Environment at the University of Oslo.

    Stephan is the author of Animate Earth: Science, Intuition and Gaia, and Gaia Alchemy, which was published in January 2022 by Bear and Co.

    Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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  • This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, 'Reconnecting with Nature and our Inner Being'.

    You can listen to the full episode here.

    David R. Loy is a professor of Buddhist and comparative philosophy, a prolific writer, and a teacher in the Sanbo Zen tradition of Japanese Buddhism. His books include Money Sex War Karma, A New Buddhist Path, and most recently Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Ecological Crisis. He is especially concerned about social and ecological issues. In addition to offering workshops and meditation retreats, he is one of the founders of the new Rocky Mountain Ecodharma Retreat Center, near Boulder, Colorado.

    In June 2014, David received an honorary degree from Carleton College, his alma mater, during its 2014 Commencement. April 2016 David returned his honorary degree, to protest the decision of the Board of Trustees not to divest from fossil fuel investments.

    Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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  • This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, 'What's shame got to do with it?'.

    You can listen to the full episode here.

    Tenzin Chogkyi first became interested in meditation and Buddhism in the early 1970s, and became a student of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other Tibetan Buddhist teachers in early 1991. Tenzin took novice ordination in 2004 with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and completed several long meditation retreats over a six year period. Tenzin teaches Buddhist philosophy and meditation within the FPMT network, and also teachers Cultivating Emotional Balance. She is passionate about social justice and interfaith work in addition to her Buddhist practice, and has been teaching in prisons for more than a decade.

    Dr. Eve Ekman is a Senior Fellow at the University of California Berkeley Greater Good Science Center, Director of Cultivating Emotional Balance Training Program and volunteer clinical faculty at the UCSF Department of Pediatrics. Ekman draws from an interdisciplinary set of skills and knowledge from her professional work and personal practice in clinical social work, integrative medicine, emotional awareness, contemplative science, and meditation.

    Ekman’s inspiration for research and training were inspired by her experience as a medical social worker in the emergency department of San Francisco General Hospital coupled with her training in emotion awareness and meditation intervention which she now leads: Cultivating Emotional Balance, CEB.

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  • Join, Biologist and author Rupert Sheldrake and Tibetan Buddhist master Geshe Namdak to explore Buddhism, Consciousness, Karma, and Evolution as they dive into the profound power of meditation.

    They discuss the power of meditation to transform destructive emotions. Geshe Namdak, explains that our stream of consciousness is individual and has no beginning or end. Each moment of consciousness is produced by the previous moment, and this chain of moments carries with it probabilities of future thoughts and emotions. Through meditation, we can purify our consciousness and eliminate the probability of destructive emotions, leaving only the probability of virtuous thoughts and states of mind. This, in turn, leads to happiness and well-being.

    This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, 'Interdependence & the Nature of Reality'.

    You can listen to the full episode here.

    Show Notes:

    0:40: Introduction to Modern Science and Interconnectedness 2:25: The Nature of Consciousness and Quantum Theory 4:01: The Hard Problem of Consciousness and Panpsychism5:31: The Buddhist View on Reality and Consciousness8:28: The Role of Karma and Virtuous Thoughts 10:47: Creativity, Evolution, and Memory in Science and Philosophy13:39: The Role of Probabilities in Science and Buddhism14:48: Buddhist Contributions to Neuroscience and Research

    Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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  • Join Father Laurence Freeman OSB a Catholic priest and a Benedictine monk of the Monastery of Sta Maria di Pilastrello, in Italy, and the Director of the World Community for Christian Meditation. As he explores Is meditation a form of prayer?

    Freeman emphasizes meditation as a form of prayer, a tool for connecting with the divine and achieving inner peace. He explores how meditation helps us transcend our egos, fostering love and letting go of negativity.

    Drawing inspiration from the early Christian monks who utilized meditation for spiritual growth, Freeman shares their practices and their relevance in our modern lives. He even delves into scientific evidence showcasing the positive impact of meditation on our mental and physical well-being.

    This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, 'The Journey from the Mind to the Heart'.

    Listen to the full episode

    show notes:

    0:00: Introduction1:30: What are destructive emotions?2:30: Meditation as a tool for transformation3:30: Connecting with the divine through meditation4:30: Letting go of the ego and finding peace5:30: The legacy of meditation in early Christianity6:30: Science supports the benefits of meditation7:30: Conclusion and getting started with meditation

    Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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