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    In the 100th episode of the School for School Counselors podcast, we are all about the colorful and often unexpected world of school counseling with stories from school counselors who are in the trenches every day. One counselor from Kentucky shares about her handmade wooden sand tray, a favorite among her students for its soothing qualities. Another from Georgia uses a screaming goat toy to break the tension and get a laugh out of students during stressful moments. These personal touches not only make their offices a little more welcoming but also offer unique ways to connect with students.

    As the conversation unfolds, more counselors chime in with their favorite tools and methods. From a tabletop punching bag in an elementary school to a life-sized cutout of The Rock used for student greetings and school events in Southern California, each story highlights the creativity and personalization that counselors bring to their roles. These stories underline the episode's core message: school counseling isn't just about following guidelines and filling out forms—it's about the real, meaningful interactions that help students navigate their school days.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

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    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    What if the place where students spend most of their time held the key to unlocking their potential? Meet Christina Wren, a first-year school counselor who almost became a clinical therapist but found her true calling in school counseling. Christina joins us to share her practical approach to creating positive changes within the school environment. She highlights the profound impact school counselors can have, especially when support like parental involvement and mental health resources are lacking. With candid insights into dealing with isolation and high caseloads, Christina’s journey showcases the dedication and resilience needed to make a real difference in students' lives.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    Are you preparing to leave your school counseling position and unsure about what documentation to leave for your successor? Navigating the complexities of student privacy and legal compliance is crucial for school counselors. In this episode, we dive into the essentials of managing student notes and records, giving you the confidence to adhere to FERPA regulations while maintaining the confidentiality your students rely on.

    Think of this episode as your toolkit for identifying and balancing memory aids versus documentation. We explore the CARE acronym—Consider, Align, Review Records, and Empower—a practical framework to help you navigate information transfers. Discover how to communicate effectively with stakeholders, align with the ASCA National Model and FERPA, manage documentation securely, and empower your successors with the right information, all while protecting student privacy. Join us for this insightful discussion, and enhance your practice with the skills to handle student records with integrity and care.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors

    Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

    Stone, Carolyn. (2022). School counseling principles: Ethics and law. 5th ed. American School Counselor Association.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

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    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    In this week’s episode, I’ll take you through my real-life experience of being compelled to overhaul my data systems due to recent legislative changes in Texas—a process that unfortunately did not go very well.

    It’s been quite a journey with some big adjustments I had to make in my data collection methods. However, despite the setbacks, the lessons I learned have been invaluable.

    I’ll share what I learned and was reminded of regarding the secret weapon of straightforward data habits, the importance of selecting effective tools, and the power that comes from purpose in data collection.

    As the school year comes to an end, let’s look back on our achievements and prepare for a future where data supports and enhances our counseling programs. Together, we’ll learn not just to collect data, but to harness its full potential for the betterment of our programs. Let's do this!


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

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    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    Nancy is an experienced and stellar school counselor whose story is as inspiring as it is instructive. Her path from art teacher to guiding light for students spans over three decades, and in this episode, we walk through the trajectory of Nancy's career, from the day her father suggested looking into a masters degree to the present, where she works through innovative programs like Ohio's College Credit Plus to reshape student opportunities firsthand. Nancy's career is an inspiration for anyone who believes in the transformative power of dedicated school counselors.

    Nancy believes in investing in her students and meeting them in their realities to inspire hope and incite change on a campus where many of her students face more than their fair share of challenges. We talk about the delicate art of supporting dreams, the realities of the working poor, and the critical need for resources and camaraderie among educators. Join us for an episode that not only celebrates the impact of school counselors but also serves as a reminder that what we do is crucial- and life-changing- for students.

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    In our latest podcast episode, we sit down with Ginger Bernal for a friendly chat about her fascinating 17-year journey through the world of education. Ginger started her professional life in the unexpected waters of underwater crime scene investigation before finding her true calling in school counseling. She shares heartwarming stories, like how she helped a mother of seven go from pursuing her GED to becoming a certified nursing assistant, illustrating the life-changing impact of dedicated school counselors.

    Ginger dives into the nuts and bolts of working within educational systems, emphasizing the importance of effective communication and building strong relationships with school administrators. Her insights offer a wealth of knowledge on how to advocate for necessary programs and gain the support needed to make a real difference. We also get into how school counselors can maintain their professional sanity by using the right tools and systems to balance productivity with passion.

    Looking ahead, Ginger discusses the exciting potential of data and technology in shaping the future of school counseling. She offers practical tips on using digital tools to streamline schedules and how well-structured lesson plans can enhance student engagement. The conversation wraps up with a powerful note on the personal qualities that make school counseling both challenging and rewarding—patience, intentionality, and grace.

    Join us for this inspiring episode that not only highlights the profound influence of school counselors but also leaves you feeling empowered to make a lasting impact in your own sphere.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    It's time to end the school year on a high note while supporting a stronger partnership with your campus principal. This week’s School for School Counselors podcast offers strategies for school counselors to navigate end-of-year conversations with precision and grace without alienating administrators.

    We talk through how to craft success stories from your collected data to highlight growth opportunities during end-of-year chats with your principal. I guide you through your conversation prep so you can remain intentional, even as you head toward the relaxed vibes of summer. And we dissect how to receive feedback with a professional detachment that shields your passion for work from the sting of criticism.

    Take a moment to listen, reflect on your accomplishments, and gear up for those final conversations with your administrator. Let’s set the stage for an even more impactful school year next year!

    Supporting resources for this episode:

    Jordan, C. (2022). Developing Productive School Counselor–Principal Partnerships. Professional School Counseling, 26(1c). https://doi.org/10.1177/2156759X221134669

    Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FDmbmH3joYGv_lHvlDozJ_YmdR_ydhVyRp1-6S9iWQ8/copy


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    As we near the end of the school year, it's easy to feel so, so TIRED. How do we power through the rest of the school year while maintaining our sense of purpose and joy for the work we do each day? It's a heavy topic, but an important one.

    In this episode, I'll share my own end-of-year challenges, the things we can do to reset our mindset, and the approaches we can take to recapture our hope and purpose in our work, despite our current circumstances.

    If you're due for some mental clarity or rejuvenation of spirit, this episode just might do the trick.

    Supporting resources for this episode:

    Fernández, T., Malvar Méndez, M., & Varela Tembra, J. (2023). Emotional competence profile in secondary school counselors: controversy or need? Front. Educ., 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2023.1277638

    Wahyuni, F., Wiyono, B., Atmoko, A., & Hambali, I. (2019). Assessing Relationships between emotional intelligence, school climate and school counselor burnout: A structural equation model. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young
    Scientists, 7(4), 1361-1374.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    In this episode, I highlight a fascinating conversation with Elizabeth Janners, a school counselor with a super-cool blend of music and military service in her background. Listen in to hear how Elizabeth's background shapes her unique approach to mentoring the next generation, offering invaluable lessons in resilience and adaptability as she guides students through life's challenges.

    Elizabeth's story is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of personal growth, and how combining various life experiences can lead to a fulfilling career that has the potential to positively impact the lives of others. Don't miss this insightful discussion that also highlights the importance of trauma-informed practices in education and how life and art can intersect to create powerful school counseling perspectives.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    Ever felt like you're juggling the workloads of four people, expected to perform seamlessly in all of them? Buckle up and join me from my car's front seat where I get real about where we stand in the school counseling profession, including the unsustainable pace we're expected to maintain and the systemic issues that often leave us feeling like we're set up for failure. The good news? Falling short may not be your fault- listen to find out why.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    Do you feel like you're running an 'unwinnable race' this time of the school year? In this episode, Steph provides an excerpt of her recent keynote speech for the Lone Star State School Counselor Association Rural Route School Counselors Conference to highlight the importance of self-care, setting achievable goals, and the profound impact counselors have on their students' lives.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    This is such a fun episode! Getting started on a new career path can often be a leap of faith, and this story is a shining example of where such a leap can land you. Meet Katie—a former teacher and current grad student who has discovered her true calling in the school counselors' office. Led to develop a meaningful and student-centered school counseling program amidst multiple natural disasters and a global pandemic, Katie speaks from the heart about her journey, her challenges, her triumphs, and ultimately- her goals for the future.

    Whether you're an aspiring school counselor, new school counselor, or a seasoned pro, Katie will leave you feeling inspired and energized for your work with students.

    Hudgens, Molly. (2020). Saving Sycamore: The school shooting that never happened. Dave Burgess Consulting.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

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    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    Today's episode considers the legendary "spring fever" in schools, where escalating tensions and stress impact both students and teachers. We unpack the collaborative problem-solving approach credited to Ross Green that seeks to strengthen students' abilities in areas often overlooked – from emotion regulation to social skills – rather than pointing fingers at motivation levels or parenting styles. And we're here to shine a light on the five pathways that can make or break a student's ability to cope and thrive.

    Get ready to learn about a path forward that emphasizes empathy, equips students with essential life skills, and creates a shared space for resolving conflicts, ultimately reducing classroom meltdowns and fostering a more harmonious learning environment.

    Lives in the Balance
    Greene, R. W. (1998). Lost at school: Why our kids with behavioral challenges are falling through the cracks and how we can help them. Scribner.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

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    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    In this episode, I'm joined by by friend Jessica Neitsch who talks about her simple yet effective strategy for maintaining our feeling of purpose and satisfaction in our work, how to approach emotional management for educators and students alike, and the need to celebrate the small victories that, moment by moment, build a fulfilling career in school counseling. If the spring semester is feeling long and challenging, this is the encouragement you've been needing: listen in for some of the best school counseling advice I think I've ever heard.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

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    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    When life throws you curveballs, it's the ones who knock them out of the park that inspire us the most. Lydia Larimore did just that, turning a disheartening remark from her own school counselor into a fire that fueled her rise as an innovative educator and a Virginia Department of Education Difference Maker. On our show, host Steph Johnson takes a deep dive into Lydia’s transformative journey, from leveraging her logistics and MBA background to revolutionize attendance at a Title I school, to instilling in her students the confidence to recognize the power of their voices. Lydia's story isn't just about overcoming odds; it's a beacon for anyone in the educational field, proving that with determination and a growth mindset, the impact of a dedicated school counselor can be immeasurable.


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

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    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    So many of you feel like you are being used as firemen right now, running from one fire to the next, trying to put out the biggest flames. This week, I share the four critical questions that I ask any teacher who flags me down for behavior assistance, why these four questions are so important, and how to facilitate these conversations without causing a rift in your professional relationships.

    If you're overwhelmed with behavior response right now, this could be a game-changer for you.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    School for School Counselors Mastermind


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    Ever found yourself in the middle of behavioral chaos, wondering where it all went wrong? In this episode, we create a "cheat sheet" for initial behavior intervention with strategies to support students without pulling them away from the classroom prematurely.

    Mentioned in this episode:
    ChildMind Institute's Hierarchy of Behavioral Techniques


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    How can we effectively educate kids with mental health or basic well-being concerns? Carissa, a former teacher, current school counselor and mental health therapist, says it's not realistic. Students can't learn if they aren't regulated and works to be her best self for her students by remembering her goal of helping rather than "fixing"- guiding her students toward resilience and self-reliance.

    Carissa shares her strategies that keep her grounded and effective while balancing a demanding workload and unrelenting needs with the realities of too little time. Our conversation brings to light an overlooked aspect of school counseling: Are we being as kind to ourselves as we are teaching our students to be?

    She also shares a SUPER-SUCCESSFUL initiative that would be PERFECT for Random Acts of Kindness Week or anytime your campus & community could use a little extra encouragement.

    It's easy to dream big, but Carissa reminds us that starting small and gradually building up while being kind and remembering to care for ourselves is the key to sustainable and impactful programs.

    And for a bit of excitement, we've got a giveaway that's all about celebrating the hard work of school counselors—without adding to their plate. Tune in to find out how to win a treasure trove of resources tailor-made for YOU: the school counseling heroes that guide our students each and every day.

    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    Imagine a career where every interaction is an opportunity for growth, understanding, and connection. That's the vision I'm casting in this episode, as we talk through the "what-to-do's" of social emotional leadership in the world of school counseling. I'm unpacking the art of leading by example, drawing upon the wisdom of Bowers, Lemberger-Truelove, & Brigman (2017) to showcase how you can put social-emotional leadership into place through affiliative, visionary and democratic behaviors to create a DYNAMITE school counseling program.

    Join me to dream and scheme toward an educational world where every school counselor is empowered to lead, inspire, and create change through the power of relationships.

    Bowers, H., Lemberger-Truelove, M. E., & Brigman, G. (2017). A social-emotional leadership framework for school counselors. Professional School Counseling, 21(1b). https://doi.org/10.1177/2156759X18773004

    Mentioned in this episode:
    School for School Counselors Mastermind


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

    Hang out in our Facebook group

    Jump in, ask questions, share your ideas and become a part of the most empowering school counseling group on the planet! (Join us to see if we're right.)

    Join the School for School Counselors Mastermind

    The Mastermind is packed with all the things your grad program never taught you IN ADDITION TO unparalleled support and consultation. No more feeling alone, invisible, unappreciated, or like you just don't know what to do next. We've got you!

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    Discover how to elevate your influence on campus as we explore a leadership framework for school counselors proposed by Bowers, Lemberger-Truelove, & Brigman (2017). We'll look at the leadership dispositions that can transform school counselors into agents of change, promoting an environment where both students and staff can thrive.

    Bowers, H., Lemberger-Truelove, M. E., & Brigman, G. (2017). A social-emotional leadership framework for school counselors. Professional School Counseling, 21(1b). https://doi.org/10.1177/2156759X18773004

    Mentioned in this episode:
    School for School Counselors Mastermind
    Get the Job!


    Our goal at School for School Counselors is to help school counselors stay on fire, make huge impacts for students, and catalyze change for our roles through grassroots advocacy and collaboration. Listen to get to know more about us and our mission, feel empowered and inspired, and set yourself up for success in the wonderful world of school counseling.

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