
  • Listen to this interview of Redowan Mahmud, Lecturer in the School of Electrical Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Curtin University, Australia; and, Mohammad Goudarzi, Lecturer at Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia. We talk about their paper iFogSim simulator for mobility, clustering, and microservice management in edge and fog computing environments (JSS 2022).
    Redowan Mahmud : "The thing is, when a researcher starts writing, they start from their own perspective. So, in our case, we wrote our manuscript from the perspective of, 'These things are right, and those things are the limitations.' But in the review process, we found out — as many researchers do — that the strengths and limitations of our work were not demonstrably in quite that shape. The reviewers still needed convincing that what we were doing was innovative and in the long run was going to make some impact. That was the task we needed to accomplish through the writing."
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  • Listen to this interview of Darja Smite, Professor of Software Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, and also research scientist at SINTEF; and, Jarle Hildrum, Director, Deloitte Consulting, Norway; and also, Daniel Mendez, Professor of Software Engineering at Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden, and as well, Senior Scientist heading the research division Requirements Engineering at fortiss. We talk about their paper Work-from-home is here to stay: Call for flexibility in post-pandemic work policies (JSS 2023).
    Daniel Mendez : "Two key takeaways from our collective experience here are, No.1, figures don't need to be absolute — so, we should really focus on the essence of what we want to convey. And No.2, in terms of what we want to convey, I think that every figure ideally has one key message, one key takeaway."
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  • In the fourth episode of Publish My Book, Avi breaks down the core components of a winning book proposal and identifies key questions you should be able to answer to effectively convey to your publisher why they should consider your manuscript. Avi shares why it is worth your time to introduce yourself to your target acquisitions editor in advance. He then takes a deep dive into the book proposal itself by addressing how you can craft each proposal section as strongly as possible. From the table of contents and proposal abstract to identifying which sample chapter to share and how to compile a succinct CV, Avi offers insider tips to help you set yourself up for success from the outset.
    Related resources:

    How to Get a Contract from a Reputable Academic Publisher Before You Write Your Book

    Sample Book Proposal

    Watch Laura Portwood Stacer, author of The Book Proposal Book, in conversation with Avi Staiman about mastering the book proposal

    Hear from acquisitions editors: The Authors Handbook to Academic Book Publishing

    Identify your current stage within the publishing journey (and navigate the rest of the journey with success!)

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  • In the third episode of Publish My Book, Avi dives into one of the most important stages of the publishing journey: writing the book proposal. Avi poses a fundamental first step you should take before putting pen to paper - conducting a thorough market analysis of your research. By identifying key criteria in your market analysis, you will be equipped to more effectively present your target acquisitions editor with a convincing proposal that not only highlights your research’s impact but also why it can sell and how it can contribute to their existing portfolio.
    Related resources:

    How to Get a Contract from a Reputable Academic Publisher Before You Write Your Book

    Hear from acquisitions editors: The Authors Handbook to Academic Book Publishing

    Identify your current stage within the publishing journey (and navigate the rest of the journey with success!)

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  • In the second episode of Publish My Book, Avi Staiman explores how to determine if your research is best suited for a commercial or university press and why the distinction between the two categories is key to increasing your chances of publication success. Avi shares some important differences between these two publishing types by posing a series of critical questions aspiring authors should be able to answer about their research and publishing aspirations, including: Do I want to see my published book at an airport? By gaining an understanding of important terminology, including ‘trade publishing’, authors can continue to lay down a sturdy foundation for their publishing journey.
    Related resources:

    Which publishing option is best for me?

    Learn more about leading commercial and university presses

    Hear from acquisitions editors: The Authors Handbook to Academic Book Publishing

    Identify your current stage within the publishing journey (and navigate the rest of the journey with success!)

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  • In the first episode of Publish My Book, Avi Staiman offers strategic tips for identifying your target publisher, including: understanding where other titles in your research field have been published and how your research angle fits into existing series, using platforms such as the Association of University Presses and New Books Network to your advantage and introducing yourself to relevant editors to inquire about potential publishing fits.
    Related resources:
    Association of University Presses find a publisher matrix
    Identify which New Books Network channel(s) most closely relates to your research field
    Hear from acquisitions editors: The Authors Handbook to Academic Book Publishing
    Identify your current stage within the publishing journey (and navigate the rest of the journey with success!)
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  • Listen to this interview of Roberto Verdecchia, Assistant Professor at the Software Technologies Laboratory, University of Florence, Italy. We talk about his coauthored paper Building and evaluating a theory of architectural technical debt in software-intensive systems (JSS 2021).
    Roberto Verdecchia : "In results sections, I feel it's rather helpful if, when writing, you sort of find a systematicity in the presentation. So, if you look at our paper here, each subsection has the exact same structure, where we start by describing a category first in general — you know, giving an overview of the category — then we cross-reference to a figure, where the description becomes more fine-grained and the overview more low-level for that particular subsection, then finally we include each one of all the single categories, each with its own subheading in boldface."
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  • Listen to this interview of Marcos Kalinowski, Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We talk about his coauthored papers; When to update systematic literature reviews in software engineering (JSS 2020); Guidelines for the search strategy to update systematic literature reviews in software engineering (IST 2020); and Successful combination of database search and snowballing for identification of primary studies in systematic literature studies (IST 2022).
    Marcos Kalinowski : "Genuine collaborations, ones which actually come out the context of ideas — even by coincidence and just because the work shared a common ground — this is the sort of thing that keeps me motivated. I consider scientific research to be level upon level of collaboration, so really the opposite to a view which might see the research as competition. Because I have experienced in my career, and certainly in all the work on these three papers — that we do more impactful work by sharing ideas and collaborating.."
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  • Listen to this interview of Tushar Sharma, assistant professor at Dalhousie University, Canada. We talk about his paper Code Smell Detection by Deep Direct-Learning and Transfer Learning (JSS 2021).
    Tushar Sharma : "For sure, it is crucial that the authors provide information about what they did, but also they need to provide enough information about this implementation so that another researcher can use the details to go and implement the approach themselves. And critical here is not just the level of detail, but also the presentation of that detail. Because if it's not well structured, the risk is that a researcher will get lost and therefore be unable to replicate the work."
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  • In this episode of the CEU Press Podcast, host Andrea Talabér (CEU Press/CEU Review of Books) sat down with Cyril Heude (Sciences Po) to talk about all things metadata. What is metadata? How can researchers use metadata to help others discover their research? Cyril answers all these questions and more.
    Cyril’s main activities as a data librarian consist of Data Management Plan advising and writing, administrating the institutional repository (data.sciencespo), training students and researchers, writing online guides, conducting events and workshops with laboratories staff, archivists and the data protection officer and participating in a data journal (editorial and scientific committees). His professional interests focus on active and playful teaching through escape games, murder parties, board games, sketch notes and storytelling.
    Useful links:

    Sciences Po guide about data management.

    Metadata standard in social sciences.

    This episode is part of our Getting published series. For our episode on how to write a successful book proposal click here. For our episode on navigating peer review, click here.
    The CEU Press Podcast delves into various aspects of the publishing process: from crafting a book proposal, finding a publisher, responding to peer review feedback on the manuscript, to the subsequent distribution, promotion and marketing of academic books. We will also talk to series editors and authors, who will share their experiences of getting published and talk about their series or books.
    Interested in CEU Press’s publications? Click here to find out more: https://ceupress.com/
    Stay tuned for future episodes and subscribe to our podcast to be the first to be notified.
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  • Listen to this interview of José Antonio Hernández López, postdoc in the Department of Computer and Information Science, Software and Systems, Linköping University, Sweden; and Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado, Professor, Department of Computing and Systems, Universidad de Murcia, Spain. We talk about their paper Word Embeddings for Model-Driven Engineering (MoDELS 2023).
    Jesús Sánchez Cuadrado : "Actually, there are two target readers for our paper. One is anyone interested in the results because they are researchers who will try to improve what we have done or because they want to build better models. So, of course, for this reader, the results are very important. But we envisioned another target reader: Someone who'll just use the artifact. And for this reader, the results are less important, because they might just go quickly to the evaluation section and see how our results improve on the SOTA, and really, that's enough for their purposes."
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  • Listen to Episode No. 10 of All We Mean, a Special Focus of this podcast. All We Mean is an ongoing discussion and debate about how we mean and why. The guests on today's episode are Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis, professors at the University of Illinois, and as well, John Jones, assistant professor at SUNY Cortland. In this episode of the Focus, our topic is Image as Form in a Transpositional Grammar: The Example of Photography.
    Bill Cope : "Every time a new medium turns up, it does new things. So, in the case of photography — our example medium today — its form is Image, and in our grammar, the Image is the human's way of representing the world on a two-dimensional plane. Now, of course, the Image has been around for a very long time, but when photography develops, it adds new things to the Image — it makes the Image much more accessible. You know, how many zillions of photographs are taken every day now, and most of them pushed across space and time via the Internet, right? So we ask, what does that massification of the ability to create the Image do?"

    Cartier-Bresson, The Decisive Image

    Muybridge's Moving Images

    Robert Fielding

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  • Listen to this interview of Courtney Miller, PhD student in Software Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. We talk about her paper "Did You Miss My Comment or What?" Understanding Toxicity in Open Source Discussions (ICSE 2022).
    Courtney Miller : "One of the things I really enjoyed after publication was the interest of other communities in our work. I mean, just the summer after we published, I went and gave a talk at the Linux Open Source conference, and it was really great to learn that — there's a lot of duality of thought in this world, but there's a lot of people who are pretty much studying the same types of problems as you but from completely different fields and completely different directions. And so, being able to incorporate their work in as well, while also having the bulk of our citations be to ICSE, of course, because that's our bread and butter in software engineering — all that comes together to make a better foundation for the paper."
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  • Listen to this interview of Lee McIntyre, Research Fellow at the Center for Philosophy and History of Science (Boston University) and Senior Advisor for Public Trust in Science (Aspen Institute). We talk about his book The Scientific Attitude: Defending Science from Denial, Fraud, and Pseudoscience (MIT Press, 2019).
    Lee McIntyre : "Scientists have an enormous role — and I'll even say, a responsibility, to make sure that their work does not end just with the discoveries, but extends, as well, to include the communication of those discoveries to their scientific colleagues and beyond them, to society more broadly. And I think that there's enormous room for more public education, not just about the results of science, but also about how science actually works."
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  • The Comic Book as Research Tool contributes to a growing body of work celebrating the visual methods and tools that aid knowledge transfer and welcome new audiences to social science research. Visual research methodological milestones highlight a trajectory towards the adoption of more creative and artistic media. As such, the book is dedicated to exploring the creative potential of the comic book medium, and how it can assist the production and communication of scientific knowledge. The cultural blueprint of the comic book is examined, and the unique structure and grammar of the form deconstructed and adapted for research support. Along with two illustrated research comics, Toxic Play and 10 Business Days, the book offers readers numerous comic-based illustration activities and creative visual exercises to support data generation, foster conversational knowledge exchanges, facilitate inference, analysis, and interpretation, while nurturing the necessary skills to illustrate and create research comics. The book engages a diverse audience and is an illuminating read for visual novices, experts, and all in-betweeners.
    Dr. Stephen O’Sullivan is lecturer in marketing and consumer culture at University College Cork, Cork University Business School. His research is primarily situated in the consumer culture theory dimensions of marketplace cultures and consumer identity projects. Current research involves an investigation of contemporary play, particularly that which is harmful in nature. Stephen is an advocate for the greater application of creative media in social science. His published works can be found in the Marketing Theory, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Consumption Markets & Culture, Advances in Consumer Research, and Journal of Customer Behavior. Contributes research films to the Indie Cork Film Festival.
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  • The Little Guide to Getting Your Book Published (Rowman & Littlefield, 2023) takes prospective authors from idea to draft manuscript to published book in a step-by-step process. The book advises writers on creating a book proposal and then how to find a publisher or agent. Whether a trade non-fiction work, monograph, or textbook, the book is guaranteed to motivate and inspire you to get started on the road to publishing today. 
    Written by a book professional with 30 years of experience on hundreds of publishing projects, The Little Guide will help you decide which route is right for you: a big publisher or self-publishing. It discusses the secrets on what you need to know when signing a contract, creating a winning title, and how to find the time to do it all. It includes valuable listings of publishing resources and suggested readings you will want to have at your fingertips. The Little Guide answers all of the beginner’s questions in a direct and useful fashion. The book can be read all the way through or serve as a spot reference guide as authors wind their way through the process. The book is divided into 32 short, focused chapters. Sections include: “Getting Started,” “Writing Your Manuscript,” Selecting a Book Publishing Model,” “Getting Published,” and “What is an Author Promotional Platform and Why it Matters?”
    John Bond is a Publishing Consultant at Riverwinds Consulting. To connect with on a proiect, see his website PublishingFundamentals.com. His YouTube channel contains over 100 short videos on academic publishing. Or connect with him on LinkedIn.
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  • Listen to this interview of Rajkumar Buyya, Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor, University of Melbourne, and Director there too of the Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems Labs. We talk about collaborating within a discipline, collaborating across multiple disciplines, and also collaborating with industry partners.
    Rajkumar Buyya : "I consider the research coming from my group not just as the publication of a plain paper, but also as what we call paper++ and by that we mean, a paper along with something extra. So, we publish a foundation paper but we also release our software via Open Source in the community. That way, when we've shared our software, people start using our technology, and that sparks another kind of collaboration, because now the community might find some weakness in the software and if they come back to us with that, we can do that work together."
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  • Listen to this interview of Claire Le Goues, Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. We talk about writing to present versus writing to express.
    Claire Le Goues : "Really, the very best natural writers that I've ever had in my group were not native English speakers. Because writing a good paper is very much not about idiomatic or expressive language. I mean, sure, there is a point at which grammar becomes prohibitive to understanding. I mean, it needs to be correct enough that we can understand it without ambiguity. But good writing — it's about the argument, it’s about the order the information’s being presented in, it’s about hitting the appropriate level of abstraction or granularity. And that really has, fundamentally, very little to do with the language it's written in."
    Links: squaresLab
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  • Today’s book is: Stylish Academic Writing (Harvard UP, 2012), by Helen Sword, which dispels the myth that you only get published by writing wordy, impersonal prose. Dr. Sword reveals that journal editors and readers alike welcome work that avoids excessive jargon and abstraction. Her analysis of more than a thousand peer-reviewed articles across a range of fields documents the startling gap between how academics describe good writing, and the prose they actually produce. Too few scholars were taught how to create accessible prose, a problem Stylish Academic Writing addresses by showcasing works from the sciences, humanities, and social sciences written with both vividness and panache. Individual chapters take up specific elements of style, such as titles and headings, chapter openings, and structure. Stylish Academic Writing also offers examples of transferable techniques that any writer can master.
    Our guest is: Dr. Helen Sword who is an international expert on academic, professional, and creative writing across the disciplines. She received her PhD in comparative literature from Princeton University, and is a former Professor of Humanities at the University of Auckland. She now specializes in facilitating retreats, workshops, and masterclasses. She is the author of The Writer’s Diet; Air and Light, Space and Time: How Successful Academics Write; Writing With Pleasure; and Stylish Academic Writing.
    Our host is: Dr. Christina Gessler, who is the creator and show host of the Academic Life podcast. She holds a PhD in history, which she uses to explore what stories we tell and what happens to those we never tell.
    Listeners may also like this playlist:

    Becoming the Writer You Already Are

    Top 10 struggles in writing a book manuscript and what to do about it

    Exploring the emotional arc of turning a dissertation into a book

    Tackling your writing roadblocks

    An editor shares about writing for the general public

    Demystifying the path to publication

    DIY writing retreats

    Welcome to Academic Life, the podcast for your academic journey—and beyond! Join us again to learn from more experts inside and outside the academy, and around the world. Please support the show by downloading and sharing episodes.
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  • Listen to this interview of Diomidis Spinellis, Professor of Software Engineering, Athens University of Economics and Business, and as well Professor of Software Analytics, Delft University of Technology. We talk a lot about audience — especially how to reach them.
    Diomidis Spinellis: "They say that traveling enriches the mind. I think that the same applies to working outside your own narrow discipline. You get to know different ways of conceptualizing problems, of attacking them — you witness the value in other methods or entire other structures for building up knowledge — and also, you may learn to appreciate things you've come to look down upon because those things don't follow the conventions of your home discipline. All of this is enriching, and all of it improves the research."
    Links: Advice for Writing LaTeX Documents
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