Oh boy, the Brave Boys are at the friend's house where the mom let's us do whatever and she has built a little jail for us and Molly Kiernan (@mollybkiernan). Thank goodness Molly has us watch the disgusting movie The Adventures of Pinocchio. We see an old man bathe with his clothes on! You will learn that a doll CAN love eating cake! Geppetto (Charlie Mihelich (@mihelicopter)) stops by actually looking for Pinocchio (a name derived from pine and occhio). Unfortunately it seems that Gepetto is now based and nobody enjoys that aspect of his personality.
Follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account! Or, send us your thoughts at scarymoviesleepover@gmail.com.
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Look out kiddo (kiddo means wife) because Stephanie Burchinow (@stephburch1) has us watch The Grudge. So I of course talk about my wife a lot and her hair and how I burp her. Also The Grudge (Isabella Escalante (@isabellaesc)) shows up I guess looking for Jake Jabbour? Mostly it was following Stephanie from improv practice and really just talks about Diet Coke tallboys.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Saknas det avsnitt?
♫ Oswald, oh Oswald. ♫ Shrek, oh Shrek. ♫ Nick Costanza (@nickcostanza) joins the Brave Boys and guest co-host Erin Smith (@erinonainen) in order to give his hot takes on Batman Returns and to discuss the action movie(s) that snapped him out of being a scaredy... pussy??! Then the ultimate stinker, the Penguin (Tyler Schnupp (@schnupp69)), appears and shows us his dirty onesie and his even dirtier potty mouth.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Rob Zombie (Ivan Ngo (@ngoivanngo)) invites the Brave Boys to his Summer Kickoff! His Dragula is for sale and the digits that make up the gate code can be input in any order, baby! There's too much going on to really describe it. It's a necessary click, though, because it does contain new Chucky lore. It's a big, big party with a hot and spicy guest list, including...
Pumpkinhead (Tyler Schnupp (@schnupp69))
Freddy Krueger (Erin Smith (@erinonainen))
Chucky (Mark Jacob Meza (@markbymarkjacob))
Hollywood Harry (Chris Howard (@chrishowabunga))
Rob Werewolf and Rob Vampire (Brent Flyberg (@brentflyberg_) and Travis Watt)
The Tooth Fairy (Anja Boltz (@anjaboltz))
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Sound effects used under CC0 1.0, and CC 4.0 by ondrosik.
I'm sure everyone is absolutely pumped to see who wins Holiday Cheermeister this year in Whoville, but I got my money on one particular green underdog (I wish it were undergrinch and I was the one under him hubba hubba!). Alex Bigelow (@a__biggs) was scared of the Grinch so we watch him. We watch him very closely
Grab your pogo sticks and little pedal cars, babies, because Cara Meyers (@carameyers) scares us all the way to Ireland with Leprechaun! Yikes! Also Tanner brings up whether or not baptism is necessary for salvation for a third time on the podcast (and this time Erin DOESN'T edit it out). Luckily, Cara doesn't try to convince us all to leave and Tanner doesn't kill a mouse, otherwise we may have missed a visit from the Leprechaun (Allyson Phillips (@allyson.grace.phillips)), who teaches us a great deal about magic and being a father.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
It's 8pm, you're calling your mom to come pick you up from a sleepover because your friend's parents are making you go to sleep before the clock hits double-digits. On the ride home, your parents talk to you about drugs, alcohol, and tummy piercings... they've just seen the movie Thirteen. You don't listen, you shoplift this episode from the itunes store. If this scenario freaks you out, then watch out because Alan Johnson (@alanjohnson____) exposes us to some graphic content with the movie Thirteen this week. Then, thirteen year-old Evie Zamora (Stephanie Burchinow (@stephburch1)) comes over and makes everyone uncomfortable.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Yeah, Fortnite, we 'bout to get down because Derek Mari (@directorderek) has us watch Signs. It's a real spooker rated PG-13 because of TERROR!!! We also find out the mysterious origins of the Tomato Town song. Then of course we are joined by Bat Handler Patrice Slugger (Kati O'Hearn (@katiohearn)) who scares us half to death by telling us what the movie might have been like without their contributions to the project.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Grab your tiny hat and give it to your friend so they can help you escape your school! Anna Bezahler (@annabezahler) has us watch the horrifying Madeline. I almost typed Matilda, I can't get it through my head which is which. Anyway this is a movie about a bunch of girls who, according to Lord Covington (Isabella Escalante (@isabellaesc)), live in a hotel. Luckily not very much money is lost, so I wasn't scared.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Listen up fooglies, John Chapman (@chappy127) is here to have us watch Spy Kids. So grab the brand new product from Totino's: "pizza," and play this podcast backwards. Also Floop (Meredith Dillon (@meredithdillon)) comes by to talk about his egg.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Secret note: "Erin Rules" (but said like how Bill Nye says "science rules" in the intro to his show).
Hope you like big babies, because we got the biggest one since Honey I Blew Up The Kid! Bō! Sarah Bebb (@just.kissing.improv) has us watch the all time spooker, Spirited Away, and I just know all you piggies will eat it up. While I do like Sarah, I do not love her and I think I'm allowed not to, but do I love Matt Adams? Do we get to the bottom of it? What is the little ball? Will someone who IS NOT THE GUEST interject to give interesting and useful context? Who knows. Also the ghost No-Face (Ann Maddox (@mikiannmaddox)) shows up and wants friends, which I'm fine with because you can be friends with someone even if you don't love them yet.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
What's your favorite Scary Movie Sleepover?! Better decide quick before a Weinstein changes the name to Scream Sleepover! Jake Jabbour (@wakeupwithjacob) has us watch Scream, but first he brings us Jiffy Pop (Matt messed it up somehow though so it didn't get as big as in the movie). A little behind the scenes trivia: I'm very tempted to title the episode Scream (1996) because I know it would make Matt mad. But... isn't someone knowing how to make you mad pretty much as good as them knowing how to make you happy? It means they know you and that's love, right? We'll get into more about whether or not I love Matt on the next episode. For now, we need to talk about popcorn, Lillard, and if Tanner's legal pad is normal-large or comically-large. Also if you press your head up against the bathroom stall you may even hear Ghostface himself (May Darmon (@maydarmon)) being strangely affectionate towards one of the hosts of the pod!
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Sound effects used under CC BY 4.0 by ondrosik and InspectorJ.
Wake up all you tub-sleepers! Our main man Truman Burbank is here thanks to Bri Rodebaugh (@brirodebaugh) who has us watch The Truman Show. Do we think the whole world is watching us? Is there a whole bar themed after us? Is a man in a tub splashing with joy at our actions? We try and figure it out and we almost figure it out over a nice cool Coors Lite (as seen in Scream VI) talking to townsperson Jason Venice (John-Michael Sedor (@2names1man))
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Welcome to Primetime, listener! Lehr Beidelschies (@lehrbeidelschies) absolutely spooks out the Brave Boys by having us watch the spooker A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors! So don't fall asleep, otherwise you'll piss yourself (if you are able to piss yourself... let us know, we're conducting a census like the famous census from Women Talking). Unfortunately, Matt dozes and Freddy Krueger (Erin Smith (@erinonainen)) shows up and is honestly pretty rude and hates James Wan?
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Time to tune into the Sci-Fi channel (this is pre Syfy) and watch a special about some kids that disappeared near Burkittsville, because Kati O'Hearn (@katiohearn) has the Brave Boys backpacking near Burkittsville's Blair Witch! And don't tell your mom that Kati watched The Blair Witch Project, otherwise she'll tell Kati's mom and she'll take away Kati's bedroom TV! Then we talk to Fisherman Bob Griffin (Sean Smith (@seansean213)) about his exciting star turn as man fishing with other man (either husband or daddy).
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Somehow, Bill Murray returned. Conner McCabe (@conner_mccabe) has us watch Ghostbusters II. A movie that not even EdTV (the original influencer) could stomach. It would have to be quite the stomach -- to drink all that pink goo! Keep your eyes peeled during this movie and you may even spot a cameo from the character Winston from the first movie! Oh also Dr. Janosz Poha (Olivia Connolly (@olivia.h.connolly)) stops by to tell us about selling the goo to teens at a high school.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
It was always you, Listener! Tyler Schnupp (@schnupp69) shows up and tells us a scary ghost story that you are a bad friend if you don't believe. This guy had us watch Candyman and finally the Brave Boys are on the same page. We stinkin' love this thing. Then Candyman (David Donnella (@davidlasoul)) and Helen (Casey Rosario (@caseyrosariyo)) show up and we talk candy and pulling prostates.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Can you solve the mystery of Sleepy Hollow? Can you remember which of these old men is which and what their job is? Mark Jacob (@markbymarkjacob) shares this spooky grey movie with us, and guess what? You may have heard (from the DVD cover) that Big Fish is Tim Burton's Masterpiece, but perhaps some of the people on this podcast think that it's actually Sleepy Hollow that should have that quote on the DVD quote! We don't quite solve this question but the Headless Horseman (Austin Williams (@wustinailliams)) does show up and can't find their head!
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
Look out college students because there's a smug and irritating professor on the prowl! His name is Venkman and he's got a little thing for a haunted lady ;^). Blake Edwards (@blakeedwards23) has us watch Boy Ghostbusters, and it's almost as scary as the sound of a heater!!! Also Gozer the Gozerian (May Darmon (@maydarmon)) stops by to make fun of me and be mean to me. Also I think it lost its dog things.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
We're taking the bull by the pigtails in this one (the Trunchbull that is). Bogart Avila (@bogartavila) has us watch the great spooker-classic Matilda. We of course all agreed that Matilda uses telekinesis and her powers are science rather than magic. Of course director Danny DeVito (Jess Uhler (@jessicauhler)) also shows up and defends his movie from the critics.
Follow Tanner on Letterboxd as tabner and find Matt by searching through who Tanner follows. Or follow the Scary Movie Sleepover Letterboxd account!
Our editor/producer is Erin Kelly Smith.
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