
  • How can the fashion industry become more sustainable? Jessica Schreiber, founder and CEO of Fab Scrap, gives us some innovative answers in this enlightening podcast episode. Jessica takes us on a journey into the world of sustainable fashion, examining the vast amount of waste produced during the design process of creating new collections. With a focus on improving sustainability, she explores potential solutions such as AI, virtual images, and sustainable packaging methods to reduce fabric samples and other materials wastage.

    Jessica's journey to founding Fab Scrap is nothing short of inspiring. As she delves into the details, we gain insight into how her nonprofit organization maintains a delicate balance between raw materials and finished garments. Jessica also shares her experiences working at the New York City Department of Sanitation, illuminating her deep-rooted passion for sustainability. Learn how fashion companies contribute to Fab Scrap's income through service fees for their waste and how fabric sales add to their revenue.

    In the final segment of our discussion, Jessica outlines the recycling and waste management solutions that Fab Scrap has implemented. Hear about the ingenious ways they transform fabric waste into a product called shoddy and its uses within the industry. Jessica also shares her future plans for reducing waste, presenting findings at fashion conferences, and experimenting with fabric shipping. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the vital role volunteers play in sorting fabric at Fab Scrap and how they're rewarded for their efforts. This episode is a must-hear for anyone interested in sustainable fashion and innovative solutions to waste management.

    Chapter Markers:

    (00:07) - Inventing Sustainable Solutions in Fashion
    (08:08) - Sustainable Fashion and Funding for Recycling
    (14:11) - Textile Recycling and Waste Management Solutions
    (24:57) - Sustainable Fashion

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  • Remember when I caught my first flight, the mix of anticipation and nerves? The travel bug bit hard, and it's an experience I'll never forget. Our guest today, Gilad Goran, brings a whole new perspective to how we see and participate in the world of travel. From his family's journey from Israel to Portugal, he shares unique insights on the complexities and transformations within the industry. We dissect the environmental implications, the commodification of experiences, and even the shady reality of land purchasing. And amid this, the story of Gilad's father's entrepreneurial spirit shines as a beacon of hope and inspiration.

    Corporations hold an undeniable power, and with that power comes great responsibility. Today, we navigate the uncharted waters of corporate sustainability initiatives and their potential to drive meaningful change. Small and large players, activists and dreamers alike, we explore how all of us must come together, adapt, and fluidly connect to steer our world towards a more sustainable future.

    On a more tech-savvy note, we dive into the exciting intersection of technology and indigenous communities. From satellite imaging and sensors to Nvidia's supercomputer modeling the entire world - the possibilities are awe-inspiring. These communities, often the unsung guardians of our planet, and how we can support them through modern technology becomes a focal point of our discussion. As we wrap up our deep-dive, we fire up a call-to-action for you, dear listeners, to create impact in your communities and increase our collective visibility. It's time to share, review and inspire. We're all in this journey together, and your voice matters.


    (00:08) - Impacts and Innovations in Travel Industry
    (13:17) - Corporate Social and Sustainability Action Importance
    (27:30) - Satellites, AI, and Indigenous Communities
    (33:31) - Making Connections and Increasing Visibility

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  • Ever wished for a sustainable and cost-effective solution for periods? Brace yourself for an enlightening conversation with the game-changers of the period product industry, Ruby and Dave, founders of WUKA. Our dialogue takes us across continents, from the cultural practices of Nepal to the bustling markets of the UK, as we learn about their journey in transforming period health.

    This conversation unravels the innovative process behind WUKA's trailblazing period underwear. We delve into the functional intricacies of their products, shedding light on how they achieve absorbency, dryness, and comfort while minimizing odors. Prepare to be astounded as we compare the performance of their products against the traditional ones available in the market.

    In our final segment, we talk dollars and sense. We dissect the financial and environmental advantages of switching to sustainable period products. Ruby and Dave also share pearls of wisdom for budding entrepreneurs, emphasizing the significance of developing solutions for existing problems and spotting market gaps. We round off with a critical discussion on greenwashing and the necessity of providing consumers with transparent data. As we wrap up, you will be left with a fresh perspective on the period product industry and an urgent awareness of the need for sustainable alternatives. Gear up to have your notions challenged and your curiosity piqued!

    --------- EPISODE CHAPTERS ---------

    (11:54) - Period Underwear Shaking Up the Market
    (16:54) - Sustainable and Cost-Saving Period Products
    (29:33) - Entrepreneur Advice
    (38:19) - Transparent Data on Greenwashing and CO2


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  • Have you ever wondered how a wilted, shriveled tree could hold the solution to malnutrition and desertification? You're in for a revelation in this chat with Josef Garvi, founder of Sahara Sahel Foods. We uncover the surprising potential of indigenous, wild trees in the Sahel region. Despite their unassuming appearance, these trees can outproduce annual cereals by more than two-fold. Sahara Sahel Foods is tapping into this untapped resource to create an array of nutritious foods, from pseudo cereals and porridge to food oils and fruit powders.

    One can't help but marvel at nature's bounty as we delve into the world of indigenous trees and their role in boosting crop productivity. These hardy trees, built to survive in the harshest of climates, can yield double the dried seeds that rain-fed crops can manage. We explore the wisdom of creating biodiverse fields by intermixing these trees with other crops and the symbiotic benefits of practicing polyculture.

    Lastly, we focus on Niger, a country marked by unpredictability in climatic conditions and an ever-growing population. We discuss the irreplaceable role of biodiversity in fostering resilience. Josef, a Swede-Norwegian turned Nigerian, shares his inspiring work to restore the Sahara's greenery. Despite the challenges, he continues his mission, advocating for the planting of indigenous plants and nuts to foster a more hopeful environmental future.

    This conversation is a call to action for all of us, a challenge to look beyond appearances and see the potential in the unlikeliest of places. Tune in, be inspired, and join the movement to make a difference.

    --------- TIME STAMPS ---------

    (00:08) - Promoting Indigenous Trees and Foods
    (16:39) - Increasing Crop Productivity With Indigenous Trees
    (20:59) - Protecting Biodiversity in Niger
    (25:24) - Restoring Greenery in the Sahara
    (32:20) - Inspiring Mission and Call to Action


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  • Ever wondered how the exploration of the most remote parts of Earth could inspire efforts to sustain our planet? Tune in as we have an incredible conversation with the remarkable father and son duo, Barney and Robert Swan. Sharing tales of their travels to the North and South Poles, they unveil how they are now using their experiences to spearhead a project in the biodiverse region of Mossman, Queensland. They went on a mission to explore Antarctica using renewable energy and share their challenges about it.

    We take a detour into the realm of sustainable leadership, as the Swans generously share their insights and experiences. Barney’s tales from their off-grid farm underline the importance of diverse energy sources and reliable storage solutions, while Robert discusses Wright's law and its application to understanding the cost of new industrial technologies. Prepare for a thought-provoking discussion about the evolving dynamics of leadership between older and younger generations.

    As we wind up, we dig into a mix of analog and digital perspectives, the importance of respect and authenticity when setting foot in the Arctic or Antarctica, and the critical role of collaboration with indigenous communities in building sustainable markets and livelihoods. Tune in to this enriching episode as Barney and Robert inspire you to have a ripple effect on our planet. Discover the wisdom, challenges, and rewards of their efforts – this episode is a testament to their commitment to saving tomorrow’s planet.


    (00:07) - Father and Son's Renewable Energy Expedition
    (13:09) - Renewable Energy and Innovations in Leadership
    (16:28) - Blending Analog and Digital Perspectives
    (24:12) - Lessons and Advice for Visiting Antarctica
    (28:01) - Observations of Climate Change in Antarctica
    (32:27) - Building Sustainable Reforestation and Indigenous Collaboration
    (44:28) - Taking Action as Individuals

    Connect with Barney: https://www.instagram.com/barneyswan/?hl=en

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  • How much do you know about seaweed? Probably not enough! Prepare to have your mind blown by the incredible potential of this marine plant to combat climate change. Our guest, Howard Gunstock, CEO of Carbon Kapture, is here to educate us on the rapid CO2 absorption capacity of seaweed, which grows up to 30 times faster than trees and matures in a mere six to seven months.

    We explore CarbonKapture's unique business model that draws on a circular ecology concept. They harvest seaweed to create biocharcoal, an innovative solution that aids in removing CO2 from the sea and enriching the soil. Howard reveals the resilient qualities of seaweed, its role in reducing coastal erosion, and enhancing marine biodiversity. This conversation redefines the phrase 'green business', showing us how companies can offset carbon emissions while preserving our ecosystems.

    Lastly, we delve into how you can lend a hand to CarbonKapture's mission. There's more than one way to contribute to saving the planet, and Howard breaks down the company's engagement strategies and how you can get involved. Tune in to this episode to learn about the tangible solutions that are changing the game in the fight against climate change. Be prepared to be fascinated by the power of seaweed and its potential role in preserving our world.


    (0:00:08) - Innovative Seaweed Solution for Climate Change

    (0:06:58) - Seaweed's Environmental Benefits

    (0:15:09) - Circular Ecology Business Model

    (0:24:26) - Seaweed Farming and Climate Change Solutions

    (0:31:56) - Engagement and Promotions for Business Growth

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  • Ready to debunk some myths about carbon removal and scale up your knowledge to a gigaton level? Strap in for a transformative conversation with Ben Rubin, the visionary Executive Director of the Carbon Business Council.

    With a mission as ambitious as the climate change challenge we face, Ben is here to guide us through the intricate world of carbon removal and management. He regales us with tales of the birth of the Carbon Business Council and elaborates on how collaboration is the key to making a large-scale climate impact. We also tackle the often misunderstood concept of carbon removal, demonstrating the scale and scope of the challenge we face, while highlighting the importance of communicating science effectively to ensure progress.

    As we navigate the complexities of our carbon-clad world, we delve into the role of the public and private sectors in scaling up carbon removal. We spotlight recent examples of corporate purchases and investments, painting a clear picture of the relationship between understanding and action in carbon management. Plus, we dissect the concept of twin targets for net zero pledges. With the Carbon Business Council's global reach and bipartisan support in the U.S., we explore their strategies for engaging with climate change skeptics and harmonizing efforts to scale up carbon removal.

    It's a powerful conversation that emphasizes the importance of communication in addressing climate change, and how we can all contribute to a more sustainable future.

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  • Imagine a world where our ocean's ecosystems thrive through sustainable fishing practices and coral reef rejuvenation. Marine conservationist Gayatri Reksodihardjo-Lilley, founder of LINI Foundation from Indonesia unveils her remarkable work in preserving Sulawesi's marine life and habitats.

    Explore the impact of the aquarium trade on local communities and delve into the fascinating world of octopus farming. Discover innovative methods for educating fishers on sustainable practices, leading to healthier marine populations and prosperous fishing yields. Witness the transformative power of artificial coral reef structures in rebuilding ecosystems and securing the future of our oceans.

    Celebrate Gayatri's achievements as she inspires indigenous fishers to adopt sustainable methods, resulting in a resurgence of marine life. Share the hope found in these success stories with others. Join us for this enlightening conversation, where inspiration meets actionable solutions, propelling us towards a future where our oceans flourish.

    Tune in now and become part of the movement for positive change.

    Know more about LINI Foundation:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/linifoundation/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LINIfoundation

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  • Have you ever thought about how fragile birds can live after an oil spill? Join us for an enlightening conversation with JD Bergeron, the CEO of International Bird Rescue, where we find out the amazing story behind the organization's noble goal of saving oiled birds. Starting with the oil spill in California in 1971 and ending with the discovery that dish soap is a good way to clean feathers, JD talks about the organization's interesting past and the challenges it faces today.

    Oil spill reaction is hard because there are a lot of rules and regulations, and JD helps us understand how different states and countries handle these kinds of disasters. From Alaska to California and Russia to South Africa, we look at the different rules and problems that come with dealing with oil spills and how they affect wildlife. We also talk about the science behind birds that have been cleaned of oil and how bird bands can be used to keep track of how long they live.

    Lastly, we talk about what the pandemic means for birds and the future of bird conservation in general. With the highly pathogenic bird flu spreading across the West Coast and it being hard to treat birds with no symptoms, JD talks about how the increased attention to our feathered friends during the pandemic has changed their job. Together, we talk about how important it is to keep helping and getting involved in bird protection, and we encourage people to join us and make a difference.

    Don't miss this show with JD from International Bird Rescue, which is full of great ideas!


    (00:07) - Saving Birds From Oil Spills
    (08:06) - Oil Spill Response and Wildlife Rehabilitation
    (19:16) - Protecting Birds During Pandemic

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  • I've always been captivated by the extraordinary wildlife of Borneo, and my recent conversation with Dr. Wong Siew Te, founder of the Borneo Sun Bear Conservation Center (BSBCC), only deepened my appreciation for this biodiverse wonderland. Wong's passion for sun bears, also known as honey bears, and his dedication to their preservation are truly inspiring. Join us as we explore his journey from studying in Taiwan to creating a sanctuary for these unique creatures in the tropical jungles of Borneo.

    Wong shares his own incredible story, from his early ambitions of working with animals to his eventual foray into wildlife conservation. His experiences in veterinary school, and later his training in wildlife biology, ultimately led him to the establishment of the Borneo Sun Bear Conservation Center. For anyone who feels their dreams are too big to achieve, Wong has some valuable advice to offer.

    But it's not just about the sun bears; Wong is also committed to working with local communities to ensure a sustainable future for all. We discuss the role of education, community-based conservation efforts, and nature-based tourism in preserving both the bears and their forest home. Learn about an innovative partnership between the honey industry and the Borneo Sun Bear Conservation Center, and how we can all play a part in protecting this precious species. Don't miss this inspiring conversation with Wong Se Tei, a true champion of wildlife conservation.


    (0:00:08) - Unveiling Nature's Guardians: Wong's Quest to Safeguard Tomorrow's Planet

    (0:15:21) - From Vet School to Wildlife Warrior: Wong's Extraordinary Journey in Sun Bear Conservation

    (0:28:49) - Sustainability Pays Off: Wong's Groundbreaking Blueprint for Sun Bear Conservation

    (0:35:20) - Buzzworthy Campaigns: How Marketing Miracles Are Rescuing Borneo's Sun Bears

    Like BSBCC on Facebook: BSBCC
    Follow Saving Tomorrow's Planet on Instagram: Saving Tomorrow's Planet

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  • In this episode, we take you on a journey to West Borneo, Indonesia, to discover ASRI's revolutionizing rainforest conservation with its unique and holistic approach.

    Join us as we have an empowering conversation with Febri, the Executive Director of ASRI, and learn about their integrated approach to conservation that combines healthcare, education, and livelihoods to empower local communities living around the forest.

    At the heart of ASRI's approach is its healthcare clinic, which not only provides essential services to the community but also connects conservation with healthcare. Patients can pay for services with seedlings, which are then used to reforest degraded areas. This innovative approach is a win-win for both people and the planet.

    We also explore the vital role of women in conservation efforts and the influence of different religions on environmental preservation in the region. Febri shares how ASRI is engaging women in conservation efforts, providing them with skills training and access to education and healthcare. Furthermore, ASRI is working with other leaders to promote environmental stewardship and spread awareness about the importance of conservation.

    They also encourage "green" villages by offering healthcare discounts to communities that protect the forest. This approach not only incentivizes conservation efforts but also creates a sense of pride and ownership in the community.

    Through ASRI's integrated approach, local communities are empowered to become guardians of the rainforest. They are given the tools and resources to protect the forest while also improving their own livelihoods. ASRI's success in this area is a testament to the power of community-led conservation efforts.

    Join us as we uncover the valuable lessons behind their approach to conservation and the importance of local community support. Febri's passion for this cause is truly inspiring and offers valuable insights for conservation efforts globally.

    As we face the challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss, ASRI's approach to conservation offers a glimmer of hope. It shows us that it is possible to protect our planet while also improving the lives of the communities that depend on it.

    Don't miss this opportunity to learn about ASRI's transformative work and be inspired to take action to protect our planet. Share this episode with your friends and family, and help spread the word about their incredible work. Tune in and let the optimism of saving our planet energize you!

    Time Stamp:

    00:07 - Rainforest Conservation & Empowerment
    07:42 - Healthcare and Conservation Partnership
    18:23 - Women's Role in Borneo Forest Conservation
    26:17 - Spreading Optimism for Saving the Planet
    Follow ASRI on Instagram: ASRI
    Follow Saving Tomorrow's Planet on Instagram: Saving Tomorrow's Planet

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  • Looking to save the planet? Meet Zoë Prinsloo, the 20-year-old environmentalist who is leading the change in Cape Town, South Africa.

    When Zoë was just 10 years old, she started cleaning up her local beach and inviting family and friends to join her. This passion for sustainability and the environment only grew stronger, leading her to found Save A Fishie, a company that sells eco-friendly and biodegradable products.

    In this episode of Saving Tomorrow's Planet, Zoë shares her story of how a shocking image of a turtle with a straw inspired her to become an entrepreneur at just 15 years old. She talks about how Save A Fishie organizes weekly beach cleanups and raises awareness through social media, interviews, and talks at schools and community groups. Zoë believes that once you start, you can't stop. She talks about the mix of volunteers that come out to help, and how COVID has caused an influx of online orders and Facebook shares. She also highlights the importance of cleaning up beaches and focuses on one particular beach in Cape Town that sees a high volume of plastic waste.

    Zoë is a hands-on activist who dreams of a world without plastic in our oceans. She has a mentor and helper in her mother, who helps her spread awareness and educate the youth.

    This episode of "Saving Tomorrow's Planet" is a must-listen for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world. From avoiding single-use plastics to meat-free Mondays, Zoë shares small steps that we can all take to help save the planet. So, tune in and be inspired by Zoë's story of determination and dedication to creating a cleaner, more sustainable world. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your friends and colleagues.

    Time Stamps:

    00:07 Zoë Prinslou, Founder and Director of Save A Fishie: Taking Action to Save Our Planet

    02:47 How Save A Fishie is Making a Difference in South Africa

    04:32 Recruiting Volunteers for Beach Cleanups

    07:16 The Value of Beach Cleaning

    09:23 Eco-Entrepreneur and Activist: Exploring Sustainable Products and Dreams for the Future

    16:29 Beach Cleanup Solutions

    18:49 Taking Action to Protect Marine Life

    Follow Save A Fishie on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/saveafishie

    Follow Save A Fishie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saveafishie_sa/

    Follow Saving Tomorrow's Planet on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savingtomorrowsplanet/

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  • In this episode of Saving Tomorrow's Planet, we have an exclusive chat with Czar Carbonell, the visionary CEO and co-founder of Magwai, a leading sustainable personal care brand based in the beautiful Philippines. Find out how a devastating typhoon that hit Czar's home 15 years ago sparked her interest in climate change and trash management, which led her to start Magwai.

    Magwai is well-known for its reef-safe sunscreen and shampoo bars made without plastic, which is changing the beauty business. Find out why traditional sunscreens with chemicals are bad for reefs even in small amounts, causing coral bleaching and permanent damage to marine life.

    In this interesting conversation, Czar talks about how brands can use their power to change customer behavior for the better. Even though climate change is still the main cause of coral bleaching, it's important to know how harmful sunscreens are to our seas. Come with us as we look at how sustainability, beauty, and protecting the world all fit together.

    Tune in to Saving Tomorrow's Planet now to learn from Czar Carbonell's amazing journey and Magwai's innovative approach to sustainable personal care. Plus, find out what you can do to help protect our seas for future generations. Hit that play button, and let's start this exciting change together!


    02:46 Sustainability Awakening: A Conversation with Czar Carbonell

    07:39 Exploring the Impact of Sunscreen on Coral Reefs

    14:27 Sustainable Alternatives in Personal Care and Cost-Effective Pricing Strategies

    17:53 Value Perception in Sustainable Packaging Solutions

    19:16 Optimizing Reef-Safe Sunscreen Product to Address Consumer Pain Points

    Know more about Magwai: https://store.magwai.com.ph/
    Follow Magwai on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/magwaiph/
    Follow Saving Tomorrow's Planet on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savingtomorrowsplanet/

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  • Let's talk about sustainable tourism preservation with inspiring industry expert Saul Blanco Sosa. He's from Guatemala and lives near the famous Mayan city of Tikal. He is currently the Director of Sustainable Travel Programme at Preferred by Nature, and has been advocating sustainability in the travel sector since 1994.

    This conversation is about how travel can help people learn and make the world a better place. We talk about doing business in a responsible way, including the power of auditing, how to avoid "box-ticking," and what a sustainable hotel might look like. We look at ways for businesses to deal with problems like food waste, the exploitation of children, and the use of renewable energy. We talk about how important tourism certification is and how important it is to recognize the role of indigenous people.

    Saul started traveling in a way that was good for the environment when he was 18 and learning how to be a tour guide at Tikkal National Park. When he realized that sustainable travel was a way to show the world how different countries are, he became very interested in it. He says how important it is to be a good ambassador and show tourists from all over the world their culture. This conversation shows that travel can be a great way to learn, but it must also be done in a responsible way. He then cites examples of how travel can have bad effects, like making problems worse in sensitive areas, and how to deal with this. He shares how tourism can be both a chance for growth and a way to hurt communities. He says that we can't stop tourism completely, so we should focus on making the interactions between locals and tourists more meaningful. We also talk about how important tourism certification is and how important it is to recognize the role of indigenous people.

    Lastly, Saul talks about how important it is to slow down when traveling and take the time to get to know a place and its people. This will help you make memories that will last and have a positive effect on the people who live there.


    Time Stamps

    02:51 Exploring the Roots of Sustainable Travel

    06:07 The Impact of Travel on Society

    09:45 The Value of Auditing for Sustainability: A Discussion

    12:27 Sustainable Practices in the Hotel Industry

    14:00 Indicators of a Truly Responsible Company

    17:16 Acknowledging the Elephant in the Room: How to Tackle Challenges Collectively

    20:22 Sustainable Tourism Initiatives: A Discussion on Food Waste in Argentina

    23: Sustainable Food Practices: Social Fridges, Supply Chains, and Reuse of Food Waste

    25:00 The Role of Certification in Sustainable Development

    27:40 The Need to Innovate in the Travel Sector

    29:12 Exploring the Financial and Sustainability Benefits of Renewable Energy

    32:15 Sustainable and Responsible Travel


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  • AG is a passionate photographer, artist, and environmental activist from the Philippines. He has been doing large-scale murals around the world for the last 14 years. His subjects focus on climate justice, indigenous people, and marine environments. In 1999, he joined the first-ever humpback whale migration research in the Philippines and spent months at sea taking photos. Through his photographs, they were able to catalog the whales and compare them with Japanese and Russian researchers. AG explained that they can identify the individual whales through the underside of their tails, which are then cataloged and used to track the whales and determine who they are.

    He explains that whales travel to the Philippines and that the locals have been telling stories about them for generations. The discovery was made due to the observations of the local fisher folks, who noticed a loud, singing sound coming from the sea. This discovery is important in order to establish marine protected zones for humpback whales, as this was previously unknown.

    This conversation also discusses the impact of art activism on younger generations and encourages listeners to take the first step in saving the planet.

    Time Stamps

    12:08 Conversation on Marine Mammal Murals and the Inspiration Behind Them

    19:57 Exploring the Power of Art as a Form of Activism

    21:43 Achieving an Extraordinary Goal of Painting 1000 Murals

    23:59 Taking the First Step Towards Achieving Your Dreams

    27:08 Conversation on Sustaining a Living Through Environmental Activism

    30:49 The Profound Impact of AG’s Activism Through Art

    34:09 The Value of Mentoring and Coaching

    37:38 Proposal for Painting a Dolphin in Outer Space

    39:03 Segregate at Home and Plant a Tree on Your Birthday

    Connect with AG: https://www.instagram.com/whaleboy2000/
    Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savingtomorrowsplanet/

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  • In this Part 2 episode, Jonathan Co from the Philippines talked about the value of recycling plastics into new products.

    We discussed the differences between virgin plastic and recycled plastic. He emphasized the need for consumers to be educated on the correct sorting and cleaning of plastics. We also talked about the possibility of rewarding consumers for sorting and cleaning plastic.

    As we wrap up the episode, he highlighted the importance of incentivizing sustainability efforts. To achieve plastic neutrality, there is a strong need for education and collaboration.

    We concluded by talking about the inspiring advantages of teamwork and urged the audience to take part in their own little ways.

    Time Stamps

    01:36 - Recycled Plastics
    09:18 - Cooperation and Education for Sustainable Change
    11:13 - Achieving Plastic Neutrality
    14:47 - The Stimulating Benefits of Collaboration


    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sentinelupcycling.ph/
    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SentinelUpCyclingTechnologies

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  • Jonathan Co has a strong commitment to the practice of producing things from recycled plastic. He is a Plastic Engineer from the British Columbia Institute of Technology. His last 16 years have been spent working in the plastics manufacturing industry.

    Currently, he is the Project Head of Sentinel Upcycling Technologies. He supports recycling as one of several approaches to completing the plastic loop and is an advocate of Circular Economy.

    In this episode, Jonathan talked about the process of turning discarded plastics into durable items. His personal journey into this began with a conversation about plastic pollution and the damage it has caused to dive sites in the Philippines.


    Time Stamps

    00:07 - Third Generation Family Working in Plastics Manufacturing Business

    06:34 - What is Injection Molding Process?

    08:35 - The Science of Upcycling

    12:30 - The Challenges of Sustainable Furniture Manufacturing

    15:00 - The Economics of Recycling and Waste Management in the Philippines

    18:02 - What is Urban Mining?

    21:39 - Innovative Solutions for Waste Management

    23:42 - Upcycled and Recycled Materials in Injection Molding Processes


    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sentinelupcycling.ph/
    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SentinelUpCyclingTechnologies

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  • In this week’s episode, Jeremy speaks with Bubba Cook and discovers the incredible mission he is on to save the tuna in the Pacific Ocean.
    An extended interview because of the richness of the stories, Bubba both shares the troubling state of tuna stocks but also his efforts to control over fishing.

    To find out more about Bubba read more on this interesting profile:

    To stay up to date on all our episodes and news please follow our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savingtomorrowsplanet/

    More about Jeremy - Your host, Jeremy Schwartz, is a CEO, family man and adventurer. With a career spanning The Body Shop, L’Oreal, Coca-Cola and Pandora he knows the power of corporations to do good. Founder of this podcast, he is set on a mission to talk to pioneering people, around the world, taking action to save the planet. Jeremy's LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyschwartz2021-ceo-coo
    Saving Tomorrow's Planet website: www.savingtomorrowsplanet.com

    Thanks for listening - Please like, subscribe and share this podcast!

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  • In this week’s episode, Jeremy speaks with Igor Milosavljevic and discusses the environment of Serbia and dives deep into its own environmental issues.
    They break down carbon farming and the incredible systems of using our earth's soil to utilise carbon reduction, this form of carbon storage is a win all around.

    To find out more about Igor feel free to visit his LinkedIn page:

    To stay up to date on all our episodes and news please follow our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savingtomorrowsplanet/

    More about Jeremy - Your host, Jeremy Schwartz, is a CEO, family man and adventurer. With a career spanning The Body Shop, L’Oreal, Coca-Cola and Pandora he knows the power of corporations to do good. Founder of this podcast, he is set on a mission to talk to pioneering people, around the world, taking action to save the planet. Jeremy's LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyschwartz2021-ceo-coo
    Saving Tomorrow's Planet website: www.savingtomorrowsplanet.com

    Thanks for listening - Please like, subscribe and share this podcast!

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  • In this week’s episode, Jeremy takes time to reflect on Season Two so far and brings in the expert thoughts and ideas he has developed within his current role at Kantar. Jeremy summaries some of the learnings from the previous inspiring guests and produces his top 5 key takeaway themes.

    Jeremy touches on the big issue of plastic and helps answer WHY, after knowing the disastrous impact of single-use plastic, so many of us still resort to buying and using it. Jeremy speaks about the role and power of the government in making the change towards a more sustainable tomorrow. He further discusses creating true innovation and causing disruption, this being the type of innovation required to have a positive impact on tomorrow’s environment. We hope you have enjoyed Season Two so far and are sure to like and subscribe to the podcast.

    To stay up to date on all our episodes and news please follow our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/savingtomorrowsplanet/

    More about Jeremy :

    Your host, Jeremy Schwartz, is a CEO, family man and adventurer. With a career spanning The Body Shop, L’Oreal, Coca-Cola and Pandora he knows the power of corporations to do good. Founder of this podcast, he is set on a mission to talk to pioneering people worldwide, taking action to save the planet.

    Jeremy's LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyschwartz2021-ceo-coo
    Saving Tomorrow's Planet website: www.savingtomorrowsplanet.com

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