
  • In this episode we celebrate International Women’s Day and grapple with the huge throbbing phallus of Christian fragility. Engorged and swollen with an urgent pressure it must release. But first we should ask ourselves the question, did Jesus hate women? Coz his followers sure do!

    This episode features special guest appearances from DEI, disciples, Progressives, apologists, feminists, YHWH, Genesis, Tertullian, Christian bloggers, INCELs, Bishop of Milan Ambrose, Paradise, Eve, Adam, Serpent, Wendy's, John Chrysostom, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Girdle of chastity, Northern Italy, Franciscan Friar Cherubino of Siena, Douglas Wilson, The Feminist Mistake: The Radical Impact of Feminism on Church and Culture, Professor Mary Kassian, The Southern Baptist Seminary, Obamacare, birth control, Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite, Washington Post,The Great Reckoning: Surviving a Christianity That Looks Nothing Like Christ, Stephen Mattson, The Transformed Wife, Lori Alexander, Oklahoma Senator, U.S. Vice President, JD Vance, Eric Weinstein, The Joe Rogan Experience, The Case for Christian Nationalism, William Wolfe, Dusty Deevers, #metoo, Deuteronomy, Texas pastor, Joel Webbon, Bill Cosby, Girl Defined Ministries, Kristen Clark, Einstein,

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #leftist #SatanIsMySuperhero #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor

  • In this episode we stroll down the corridors of power in high heels, paint the White House pink and take up residence in the OVARY Office. We’ tell the story of women attempting to enter the White House via the Electoral College and the trouble that brings.

    We’ve got special guest star appearances from the likes of Harpers Weekly, Thomas Nast, Victoria Woodhull, Marx and Engel’s, Demosthenes, Fredrick Douglass, President Grant, The Equal Rights Party, Anthony Comstock, United States Postal Inspector, Union Army, Civil War, Confederates, The Comstock Act of 1873, Mifepristone, US Mail, Donald Trump, Project 2025, Bernie Sanders, Democrats, Hillary Clinton, North Carolina, Public Policy Polling, Republicans, Obama, Rapture, Americans, Floridians, Ted Cruz, Zodiac Killer, Up Front in the Prophetic Radio Show, Allen Fodsick, Francine Fodsick, Pokémon, Michelle Obama, J.K. Rowling, Alex Jones, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, January 6th, Capitol Building, Mike Pence, MAGA, Republican Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson, Martin Luther King,

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #leftist #SatanIsMySuperhero

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  • In this episode, we ask the question, why won't Jesus allow his chosen people, Americans to be ruled over by a woman? And did the Bible predict her downfall?

    We’ll be joined on this quest for knowledge by some very special guest stars like Texas pastor, Tom Buck, Joe Biden, Southern Baptist Convention executive Steve Swofford, Donald Trump, MAGA, Lance Wallnau, The Kremlin, Mario Murillo, The Holy Ghost, Robert Henderson, Hillary Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Ratatouille, Texas pastor Joel Webbon, Right Response Ministries podcast, Oklahoma state Senator, Dusty Deevers, Douglas Wilson, Pastor Andrew Isker, New Apostolic Reformation, Ché Ahn, Jehu, Jezebel, King Ahab, Micah Beckwith, Nick Fuentes, JD Vance, Ron DeSantis, Archbishop Carlo Vigano, Michelle Obama, Fox News, Jesse Watters, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts, NORAD, Navy, Gordon Klingenschmitt, Jill Stein, Wisconsin,

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird

  • In this special in between season’s episode I have pulled one from the Patreon.

    Here we dwell on all our missed steps in 2023.

    What missed step would be complete without special guest stars like, Michael Bolton, Mutt Lange, Brother’s Grimm, Russell Crowe, Disney, Eric Clapton, John Wayne, Paul McCartney, Uri Gellar, Pokémon, Joey Tempest, Europe, Nikki Sixx, Motley Crue, Duffer Brothers, The Stranger Things, Venus, Benny Hinn, Carlos Santana, Santa Claus, Artificial Intelligence, Alexa, Norwegian Black Metal, Lovecraft, Black Sabbath, The Book of Revelation, Dragons, Phoenician bath house, Nightrider, Shakespeare, first folio, Melania Trump, Quarto, 2015 Toyota Corolla, witchcraft, Knitting, Casseroles, Alpaca farms, Witchfinder General Mathew Hopkins, Jesus, Cotton Mather, Salem Witch Trials, Roseanne Barr, Jesus Christ Superstar, Vatican, Gorge Pell, Boys’ choir, Genshin Impact, GUIZHONG, HEAVENLY PRINCIPLE, Sam Smith,

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor #Animation #Anime

  • In this special, in between seasons, compilation, we mash together our previous four episodes about the last book of the New Testament. The finest final chapter. The most metal maelstrom of mayhem and madness. The epilogue to end all epilogues. The volume of vengeful violence that is, the Book of Revelation!

    Volume 1 contains the previously released episodes,

    Book of Revelation 00 Prologue of the Epilogue

    Book of Revelation 01 First Chapter of the Final Chapter

    Book of Revelation 02 Where Satan Dwells

    Book of Revelation 03 I Will Come In To Him

    Many apologists, theologians, academics, historians and scholars have pondered the inclusion of this Lovecraftian hallucination in the final draft of the Chri$tian Bible. We will look at the various theories as they come up.

    The prologue includes cameo appearances from, The Bible, the Rapture, John of Patmos, Roman Emperors Domitian, Vespasian, Titus, Nero and Caligula. We’ll also meet Epaphroditus, Eusebius, Josephus and D.H. Lawrence.

    Did you know you are blessed just to read it or hear it read? Did you now this book is a cornerstone of conspiracy theories like Flat Earth Theory and the Holy Trinity? Does it allude to the Holy Ghost or the Archangels? What’s the deal with John and the number seven? Will we see the saviour coming in the clouds? Will he or won’t he have a two edged sword in his mouth? Will he sound like a fart or diarrhoea? Did you know it gives you a description including but not limited to Christ’s breasts? And why does John mansplain away his poetic metaphors?

    I chapter two, John will explain to the church of Ephesus just how much the ultimate creator god of the entire universe is upset about a wife swapping cult of Nicolaitanes.

    John explains quantum physics to the church in Smyrna and proves once and for all Jesus is Schrodinger’s Cat.

    John doxes Satan’s home in Pergamon.

    And among the church in Thyatira, we finally meet, Jezebel! And she does not disappoint. She repented not!

    Is this book prophecy of a future still to come?

    Is this book a coded message of rebellion for the early Chri$tian freedom fighters in their struggle with the Roman Empire?

    Is this book xenophobic propaganda to stop Hellenising?

    Who cares? It’s got Hell, Armageddon, Antipas, the brazen bull, Zeus, Balaam, Balac, the children of Israel, Canaanites, angels, a talking donkey, fornication, Motorhead, Lemmy, Frankenfurter, Sardis, playstation, Christmas, Philadelphia, David, Cheech, Chong, Cheech and Chong, Billy Graham, Richard Nixon, Ron DeSantis, Disney World, robux, Laodiceans, Donald Trump, Mordor and the Roman Empire

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Bible #Skeptic #Debunk #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor

  • In this episode we look back over the year that was 2024 and fondly remember all those characters we let on our show like, Slayer, Tipper Gore, Jesus, Paul Di’Anno, Iron Maiden, The Antichrist in Jerusalem, Antiochus, Kirk Hammett, Dave Mustaine, Greyhound buses, Donald Trump, Lord Byron, Taylor Swift, Zeena Schreck, Joe Rogan, Vocaloid, Wasp, Demi Lovato, Prosperity Gospel, Pat Robertson, Danzig, The Roman Empire, Constantine the Great, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Book of Revelation, Santa, Motörhead, Lemmy, Jeopardy, Maga, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, the White House, George Washington, Chester A. Arthur, Abraham Lincoln, F.D.R., Ronald Reagan, Maryland, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Illuminati, Manfred Mann, Pretty Flamingo, War on Christmas, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lego Batman

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor #Animation #Anime

  • In this episode, we wrap up the year with one final look at Satan in 2024's news. Or more accurately, we put shit on liars who invoke Satan to get attention from those, mentally, emotionally and intellectually less fortunate than the rest of us.

    We talk about Roman Emperor Theodosius I, Olympic Games, pagan rituals, Ancient Greek, Zeus, Paris, drag queens, Jan van Bijlert, Le Festin des Dieux, The Feast of the Gods, Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper, Gay Turtles, Gay frogs, Alex Jones, Rob Schneider, Twitter, American Olympic team, C-Span, Conservative Christian Podcaster, Allie Beth Stuckey, Christian Bible, Elbe Spurling, Brick Bible, LEGO, Jesus, Kung Fu, Blaze Media, transgender atheist, minifigs, Judeo-Christian mythology, yoghurt, The Satanic Temple, Iowa, John Milton, Paradise Lost, Iowa State Capitol Building, Tama County Courthouse, Curt Hilmer, La porte des Ténèbres, The Gate of Shadows, Toulouse, France, Marine Lee Pen, Minotaur, spider woman Ariadne, half-woman half-scorpion, Lilith, The Guardian of Darkness, Hellfest, Jewish folklore, Frasier, Xerox, Hesperides, Hades, Archbishop Guy de Kerimel, Sacred Heart, Catholic priests, America, Armageddon, Democrats, Lance Wallnau, Amanda Grace, Department of Justice, Inland Revenue Service, DOJ, IRS, charismatic evangelical preachers, Paul Djupe, Donald Trump, White House, robot, Hilary Clinton, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship, Madison Square Gardens, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Omega, Kash Patel, Director of the FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mark Taylor, Michelle Moore, The Plot Against the King, wizard, warlock, witch, billionaire

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor

  • In this episode we look at where Satan showed himself in the news cycle for the first half of 2024.

    We have special guest star cameo appearances from Trump lawyer Alina Habba, Christian wannabe astrologer and numerologist Amanda Grace, multi-millionaire E. Jean. Carroll, Arizona lawmakers Republican Senators Jake Hoffman, J.D. Mesnard and Ken Bennet, Mississippi wannabe congressional candidate Michael Cassidy, Baphomet, Iowa State Capitol Building, Church of Latter Day Saints, Scientology, Tea Party, Barrack Obama, Kenya, Overton Window, John Cena, illuminati, Andrew Tate, Oscars, Academy Awards, Qanon fan girl Liz Crokin, Hollywood, Donald Trump, North American continent, solar eclipse, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Nineveh, Jonah, Carbondale, Illinois, Little Egypt, Egypt, Armageddon, Mount Megiddo, Northern Israel, Assyria, Canaanites, Egyptian Pharaoh Thutmose III, Old Testament, Halloween, Dungeons and Dragons, Eurovision Song Contest, Bambie Thug, Maria Brink, Marilyn Manson, Doomsday Blue, Avada kedavra, Harry Potter, Lordi, Irish Christian Nationalist Hermann Kelly, New Zealand, Ireland, Hermann Göring, Galway priest Father Declan McInerney, 12P/Pons-Brooks, The Devil Comet and Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains.

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird

    666, SketchComedy, Sketch, Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Atheist, Science, History, Atheism, Antitheist, Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracy, Conspiracies, Sceptical, Scepticism, Mythology, Religion, Devil, Satan, Satanism, Satanist, Skeptic, Debunk, Illuminati, Heavy Metal, weird, SatanIsMySuperhero

  • In this episode we investigate the claim made by conservative Christians every year that Christmas is being threatened by forces they are weirdly shy about specifically naming. But of course the first and foremost piece of cognitive dissonance we must force our way through when examining the threat to Christmas is where it has ACTUALLY come from, historically. Christmas had been frowned upon and ignored in a lot of Protestant places throughout Europe for as long as the Protestant movement had existed. Their reasoning was pretty straight forward. Unbelievably straightforward and logical for Christians actually. The Christmas celebration is simply not Christian. The earliest mention of any Christmas celebration is from a Roman Bishop in 129ce. Long after the New Testament authors had passed. So while not celebrated by some Europeans, the first official state ban was introduced by the British Puritan Parliament in 1647. And that’s where our story will start. It features cameo guest star appearances from Oliver Cromwell, King Charles II, Jesus Christ, USA, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Henry Ford, Santa Claus, Barry Goldwater, John Birch Society, COMMUNISTS, United Nations, Peter Brimelow, VDARE, Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster, Immigration and Bad Social Policies Don't Mix; A White Ethnic Core, Southern Poverty Law Center, Anti-Defamation League, Virginia Dare, Brown Vs Board of Education, Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC, The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity, DACA, New York Times, Bill O’Reilly, Christmas Under Siege, Fox News, Canada, Macy’s, Amazon, Pat Buchanan, Shark Week, John Gibson, The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought, Alliance Defending Freedom, Alan Sears, The ACLU vs. America: Exposing the Agenda to Redefine Moral Values, Ebenezer Scrooge, Wikipedia, Tennessee, Sarah Palin, Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas, Joshua Feuerstein, Starbucks REMOVED CHRISTMAS from their cups because they hate Jesus, Donald Trump and Liberty University.

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor

    666, SketchComedy, Sketch, Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Atheist, Science, History, Atheism, Antitheist, Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracy, Conspiracies, Sceptical, Scepticism, Mythology, Religion, Devil, Satan, Satanism, Satanist, Skeptic, Debunk, Illuminati, Heavy Metal, weird, Roman Empire, Rome, Romans, Roman Emperor, SatanIsMySuperhero,

  • In this episode we’re diverting from the usual Satan in the White House formula. We won’t be talking about all the people who have claimed Donald Trump is the antichrist. But rather we’re tackling the people who have claimed he is the chosen one.

    There are cameo guest star appearances from Texas, Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry, Republican Party, Fox News, Africa, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Michele Bachman, Israel, Gaza, Assassins Creed, Palestine, Black Lives Matter, The Salt Lake Tribune, Pentecostals, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Vladimir Putin, Franklin Graham, Lance Wallnau, God's Chaos Candidate, POTUS Shield, Melania Trump, Florida, Mark Taylor, DARPA, Jesus Christ, Mar a Lago, YHWH, Liberty University, Thomas Matthew Crooks, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tim Scott, Republican National Convention, Wayne Allen Root, Newsmax TV, Bill O'Reilly, Joe Rogan, China, Celebrity Apprentice, The Apprentice, Scott Baio, Joanie Loves Chachi, Happy Days and Richie Cunningham.

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor

    666, SketchComedy, Sketch, Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Atheist, Science, History, Atheism, Antitheist, Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracy, Conspiracies, Sceptical, Scepticism, Mythology, Religion, Devil, Satan, Satanism, Satanist, Skeptic, Debunk, Illuminati, Heavy Metal, weird, Roman Empire, Rome, Romans, Roman Emperor, SatanIsMySuperhero,

  • In this episode we look for Satan in the oval office during the last decade of the 20th century and the first couple of the 21st. Think of them as the Jon Stewart presidents.

    There are cameo guest star appearances from The International Prophecy Conference, Jerry Rolan Church, Bill Clinton, Roman Emperor Nero, Arkansas, witchcraft, George Walker Bush Jr, Hugo Chavez, United Nations, Barack Obama, Faithful World Baptist Church, Pastor Steven Andersen, Walgreens, DNA , The Genuine Hoots of Joy, Donald J Trump, Joe Biden, John Voight, Roger Stone, ReAwaken America Tour, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, MAGA, Nikki Haley, Monica Crowely, Benny Johnson, Chat GPT, Michael Cohen, Demetre Daskalakis, Ted Cruz, Pat Benatar, Kansas City Chiefs, Dark Brandon, Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift, illuminati, Manfred Mann, Pretty Flamingo, Israel, IDF, Raffia and Ben Shapiro.

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Satanism #Satanist #Skeptic #Debunk #Illuminati #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor

  • In this episode we search out evil in the highest office of the land of freedom from FDR to his polar opposite, Ronald Reagan.

    Cameo guest stars include, Gerald Burton Winrod, The Antichrist and the Atomic Bomb, Concerned Christian, Kim Miller, big pharma, Harry S. Truman, George Bush, George E Lowe, Stalking the Antichrists, Gabriel J Cola, Unmasking the Beast, The Second Reign of JFK, Armageddon, Revelation, Qanon, Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, Donald Trump, JD Vance, Hunter S Thompson, Richard Nixon, Oval Office, Billy Graham, Hollywood, Knute Rockne All American, The Gipper, Notre Dame, The Four Horsemen, California, Maryland, 666, Pick 3 Lottery, New Jersey, GeoCities, Xerox, Administration’s Fiscal Year 1983 Economic Program, The 97th Congress, Budget of the United States Government, Bill Clinton, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Malibu, Porsche

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Skeptic #Debunk #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird

  • In this episode we will be discussing Satan intersecting with US Presidents from George Washington to Chester A Arthur.

    When it comes to religion, George Washington set the tone for many US presidents to come.

    This episode will also feature special guest cameo appearances from Oney Judge, Church of England, Deist, Asia, Africa, Europe, Freemasons, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, New Testament, Connecticut, John Page, James Madison, Bill of Rights, Catholics, Mormons, Satanists, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, James Brown, James Garfield, Charles Julius Guiteau and John Wilkes Booth.

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Skeptic #Debunk #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird

  • In this episode we will uncover all the behind the scenes conniving and machinations that have made Taylor Swift the most feared woman in certain corners of America.

    This star studded episode features a supporting cast of Travis Kelce, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Fox News, Jesse Watters, The Pentagon, Greg Kelly, Newsmax, Donald Trump, Democrats, DNC, RNC, Republican Party, Democratic Party, Kid Rock, Ted Nugent, Sean Hannity, John Stewart, Super Bowl, NFL, Kansas City Chiefs, Seth Myers, Michael Jackson, Vice, The Daily Stormer, Andre Anglin, Elon Musk, Europe, Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus, Houston Law Review, Armenia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, Marsha Blackburn, Miss Americana, Nashville, Oldsmobile, Sun Tzu, LGBTQ, Edward Carmack, Nathan Bedford Forrest and Forrest Gump.

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Skeptic #Debunk #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird

  • In this episode we tempt the algorithm to bring all kinds of crazies to our door with the most click baity number there is, 666 mark of the best.

    This entire episode is absolutely not a way of correcting a typo on our order to our merch supplier.

    Obviously it goes without saying 666 is relevant to anyone mentally unstable, and this show,

    Because of its appearance in the Book of Revelation.

    Now I’m not going to get into what all this means here and now. We have a series dedicated to a verse by verse explanation of the Book of Revelation. So far we’ve already pulled apart three chapters.

    But suffice it to say, 666 has significance in the world of crazy, because of that quote I just gave you. So leaving the biblical scholarship to one side for this episode I thought it would be fun to look at cases of hysteria around this number.

    There will be cameo guest appearances from Topeka, Kansas, Westboro Baptist Church, Men’s Health, GQ, Reddit, Jeopardy, Cicero, Philippics, Ashok Bhaskar, Yale Daily News, Alex Trebek, Taylor Clagget, Ben Sasamoto, Mad Men, Tishman Building, 666 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, Jared Kushner, Qatar, Trump, Christine Weick, Monster Energy Drinks, Hebrew, White Zombie, Louisiana, Megan Pinion, Starbucks, Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Threads, Kim Dotcom, Elon Musk, Google Chrome, Apple, Steve Wozniac, Steve Jobs, The Satanic Temple, South Africa, Mogoeng Mogoeng, Most Holy Place, Dunning Kruger, Idiocracy, CERN, Large Hadron Collider

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Skeptic #Debunk #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor #numerology

  • In this episode we strap on the mutton chops like biker Jesus pumped full of amphetamines and look straight up to the heavens with the voice of a demon for a warts ‘n all take on one of the most influential bands of the last fifty years.

    If you’re not familiar with Motörhead, they are best known for the song, Ace of Spades and I have described them in the past as what it would sound like if Chuck Berry was hit by an out of control freight train driven by drunken pirates.

    While there have been many members over the years, and some were more important than others, there’s only really one bloke who matters in the Motörhead story, Lemmy Kilmister.

    Lemmy wasn’t a satanic metal head. But he was certainly anti-religion with songs like, [Don’t Need] Religion, Bad Religion and God Was Never on Your Side.

    This episode also features cameo guest star appearances from Joseph of Nazareth, Ian Kilmister, Santa Claus, Wales, The Beatles, The Cavern Club, Liverpool, Europe, The Kinks, The Rockin Vicars, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Sam Gopal, Escalator, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, Pink Floyd, The Birds, Hawkwind, Silver Machine, Canada, Bastard, Top of the Pops, BBC, United Artists, On Parole, Phil ‘Philthy Animal’ Taylor, ‘Fast’ Eddie Clarke, NME, Ted Carroll, Chiswick Records, Mike Tyson, Snaggletooth, the War-Pig, Joe Petagno, Napoleon, Bronze Records, Austin Healy, No Sleep ‘till Hammersmith, Stand By Your Man, Plasmatics, Wendy O. Williams, The Young Ones, Miss Money Stirling, Ace of Spades, Mama I’m Coming Home, Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne, Nightmare/The Dreamtime, 1916, James Hetfield, Asteroid 250840 Motörhead, Asteroid 243002 Lemmy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, Lemmysuchus, The Natural History Museum, Lorna Steel, Hall of Heavy Metal History, Thrash Metal and New Wave of British Heavy Metal






    Inside Motörhead


    Spin April 2009 Edition



    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Skeptic #Debunk #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird

  • In this episode we once again, pick up the Book of Revelation at chapter three and continue calling out early Christian churches in Asia Minor for not being Christian enough. For not hating enough. For not paying enough. We have already done three episodes on this book which you can easily find in the feed. But for those of you who have not studied for this exam, here’s a quick recap. John of Patmos is sitting all alone in a cave like a totally normal person, writing a letter to seven churches in modern day Turkey. Back in chapter two, he started to pretend he was Jesus. So far John pretending to be Jesus has called out the church of Ephesus for not loving Jesus hard enough. But praised them for hating a cult of wife swappers. He’s warned the church of Smyrna the devil is coming to town to incarcerate them all. He’s called out the church of Pergamon for eating barbeque and fornicating. Then he told Pergamon Jesus was coming with a sword in his mouth to fight them all. John has singled out a member of the church of Thyatira called Jezebel. For also eating barbeque and fornicating.

    What on earth has chapter three got in install for us?

    Special guest appearances by Frankenfurter, Sardis, playstation, Christmas, Philadelphia, David, Cheech, Chong, Cheech and Chong, Billy Graham, Richard Nixon, Ron DeSantis, Disney World, robux, Laodiceans, Donald Trump, Mordor and the Roman Empire

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Bible #Skeptic #Debunk #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #weird #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor

  • In this episode we’re diving deep down into the dark and seedy world of adult animation. Helluva Boss is an adult animated cartoon about 3 demons, Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie who work at a company called I.M.P which stands for Immediate Murder Professionals. These demons live in one of the seven rings of Hell and murder people in the living world. Hazbin Hotel is another animated series, set in the same universe as Helluva Boss and came out at the same time. In it, fallen angel Lucifer's daughter, Charlie Morningstar attempts to rehabilitate the souls of sinners in Hell. Charlie hopes she can give these souls a chance to ascend to Heaven. All the angels in Heaven and all the forgiving Christians on Earth disagree.

    This episode also features special cameo appearances and mentions of Donald Trump, Vivziepop, Zoophobia, Cameron Walden, The Son of 666, YouTube, SpindleHorse Toons, A24, Amazon Prime, bisexual, LGBT, Twitter, Kid Rock, Bud Light, AR15, Presbyterian, Alastor, Kruptos, Lilith, feminism, Timothy Daniel Pool, Timcast, Outrage Over Amazon Show Praised Lucifer, Making Heaven Bad Guys, Hazbin Hotel Sparks Controversy, Feminists INSIST 5 Foot Female Black Belt Could TAKE ON The Average MAN AND WIN, Rhonda Rousey, Tim Pool, Target CANCELS PRIDE MONTH, Anti Woke Backlash WINS, Woke Companies BACK DOWN Over Bud Light Effect, ALPHA MALE Dating Trans Woman Says I'M NOT GAY, But He Is Absolutely A Gay Man But ASHAMED, Anthony Gramuglia, TikTok, Satanic Panic, LGBTQ+, The Crusades, Michael Knowles, Amazon Prime calls Satan the hero, Satanism, Jenn Nizza, The Washington Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Fox News, manga, Anime, Japan, Genesis 2, Genesis 1, 1998 Camry, Jesus, furries, YHWH

    #666 #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #Antitheist #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Skeptic #Debunk #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #Animation #HazbinHotel #HelluvaBoss #Vivziepop #SpindleToons





  • In this episode we will examine the story of a real life demon who betrayed his brothers in arms, deceived many in a craven lust for power and murdered his own wife and child. With a resume like that, it goes without saying Roman Emperor, Saint Constantine the Great is held up as an iconic Christian hero.

    Also making special guest star appearances we have Romans, CAESAR, Christians, Eusebius, Lactantius, Christianity, Roman Empire, France, Britain, Italy, Rome, Tetrarch, Maxentius, Tiber river, Milvian Bridge, Jesus Christ, Chi Rho, Greek, Christos, Twitter, X, staurogram, crucifix, Arch of Constantine, Tetrarchy, Licinius, Maximinus, Edict of Milan, RON BURGUNDY, Paganism, Pontifex Maximus, pagan, Pope, council of Nicaea, Nicene Creed, Holy Trinity, Arius, Holy Land, St Helena, Constantinople, Fausta, Crispus, Jupiter, Persians, Armenia, Tiridates III, Persia, river Jordan, Bishop of Nicomedia, Pentecost, Holy Ghost, Mary, Apostles, Heaven,

    #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Skeptic #Debunk #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal #RomanEmpire #Rome #AncientRome #Romans #RomanEmperor

  • In this episode we flex our massive biceps and with the voice of a fallen angel in a roid filled rage scream for the blood of all the gods. We’re looking at Danzig’s debut album, titled Danzig. Look at least this time there isn’t also a song on it called Danzig, so that’s something new for one of these debut album episodes.

    Special guest stars include VANILLA ICE, Misfits, Glenn Danzig, Elvis Presley, Jim Morrison, Nancy Sinatra, Samhain, Halloween, Initium, Samhain III: November Coming Fire, Unholy Passion, Plan 9 Records, Metallica, The $5.98 Garage Days Re-Revisited E.P., Lars Ulrich, Rick Rubin, Cliff Burton, Def American Recording, Final Descent, Less Than Zero, Iron Man, Generation X, Kurt Cobain, Courtney Love, You and Me, Life Fades Away, Roy Orbison, Eerie Von, Robert Downey Jr, Traveling Wilburys, Sistinas, John Christ, Chuck Biscuits, Atlantic Recording Studios, Twist of Cain, Soul on Fire, Am I Demon, Possession, End of Time, Evil Thing, She Rides, Lilith, Tik Tok, Bible, Not of This World, Kingdom of Christ, alien invasion, The Hunter, Booker T and The MG’s, Mother, Tipper Gore, Parents Music Resource Center, NWoBHM, New Wave of British Heavy Metal, The Crown, Game of Thrones, Dungeons and Dragons, Washington, Show No Mercy, Slayer, W.A.S.P., WASP, White House, PMRC, James Hetfield, Marvel, The Saga of Crystar, Crystal Warrior, Michael Gordon, The Crimson Ghost, MRS LOVEJOY, Shout at the Devil, Vince Neil, Motley Crue, George Orwell, 1984, John Bunyan, The Pilgram’s Progress, U.S. Billboard 200,

    #SketchComedy #Sketch #Comedy #Sketch Comedy #Atheist #Science #History #Atheism #ConspiracyTheory #Conspiracy #Conspiracies #Sceptical #Scepticism #Mythology #Religion #Devil #Satan #Skeptic #Debunk #SatanIsMySuperhero #Podcast #funny #sketch #skit #comedy #comedyshow #comedyskits #HeavyMetal