
  • Imagine this: every person reporting directly to you is not just competent, but an A-player, fully aligned with your vision and driving your company's growth. Sounds ideal, right? This is not just a dream—it's an achievable reality that can transform the way you lead. Today on "Sales Talk for CEOs," Alice Heiman delves into why having the right people in the right roles is not just beneficial but essential for your company's success.

    Key TakeawaysEvaluate Your Team: It's crucial to assess if each team member is an A-player who contributes positively to your company’s performance and culture. Alice notes, “You do not need to struggle with the people who work for you. It’s not good for you, it’s not good for them, and it isn’t good for the rest of the company.”Leverage Individual Strengths: Encourage team members to operate in their "genius zone" where they excel and are most passionate, boosting morale and efficiency. Alice emphasizes, “Know what you’re good at and do that. Let’s figure out how to get someone else to do things you’re not good at, rather than having you do them poorly.”Strategic Restructuring: Be willing to make tough decisions. If team members are not suited to their roles, consider reassignments or changes to better align their strengths with the company’s needs. Don’t just live with it. As Alice points out, “It’s just really not fair to anyone and it doesn’t make your company grow faster, that’s for sure.”

    Alice discusses the common challenges CEOs face with team dynamics, emphasizing the importance of not just filling positions, but filling them with people who truly fit the company’s vision and values.

    Action Steps for CEOs:Conduct a Performance Review: Identify who truly meets the A-player criteria.Focus on Your Strengths: Ensure you are working within your genius zone and encourage your team to do the same.Clear Communication on Roles: Have honest discussions with your team about their performance and future within the company.

    Alice challenges leaders to envision a team that not only supports but propels company growth. She poses a critical reflection for every CEO, "What would your world be like if every team member was an A-player?"

    Aligning your team with your company's goals isn't just beneficial—it's crucial for thriving in today's competitive market. Tune into the full podcast for a deeper dive into how you can lead your team to success.


    00:00 Introduction - Alice Heiman kicks off the podcast addressing CEOs and discussing the challenges with sales strategies.

    02:14 A Player Struggles - Exploring the common CEO issue of having underperforming team members and the desire to turn them into A players.

    04:24 CEO's Role in Team Performance - The harsh truth that a part of the struggle with team performance lies with the CEOs' decisions.

    06:23 Genius Zone Concept - Alice Heiman introduces the concept of working within one's 'genius zone' to enhance personal and company growth.

    08:02 Team Structuring - Discussing the importance of aligning team members' roles with their strengths and talents.

    09:24 Personnel Changes - Insights on making tough personnel decisions to ensure each team member is playing to their strengths.

    11:14 Impact on Customer Experience - How internal team dynamics directly influence customer satisfaction and sales.

    13:04 Call to Action for CEOs - Alice Heiman urges CEOs to evaluate themselves and their teams to optimize company performance and growth.

    13:50 Conclusion - Wrapping up by emphasizing the CEO's role in building a strong company culture and inviting listeners to the next episode.

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (40) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice’s website:


  • Landing big deals, or "whale hunting," is crucial for small and mid-sized businesses aiming to grow. In a recent episode of "Sales Talk for CEOs," Barbara Weaver Smith, an expert in whale hunting, shared invaluable insights on how CEOs can successfully target and secure these significant accounts.

    From Strategy to Action: The Essence of Whale Hunting

    Whale hunting is a systematic process for scouting, hunting, and harvesting large accounts. Barbara explains, “A whale is a customer that could give you a deal that's ten to twenty times bigger than your current average deal.” This approach requires the involvement of the CEO and senior leaders to succeed. "Selling is a team sport. The salesperson is an orchestrator,” says Barbara.

    Why Whale Hunting Matters

    Securing large accounts is one of the safest and least expensive ways to grow your business. Barbara highlights, "If you get one big company and understand strategically how to move in that company, you can do a lifetime of business with that one customer."

    Key Strategies for Whale Hunting

    Identify the Right Targets: It’s essential to know which companies to target. Barbara advises picking a specific geography and industry to build brand recognition and power.Mitigate Risks: Big companies have significant fears about working with smaller companies. Barbara suggests preparing materials to address these fears, such as detailed onboarding plans and financial stability assurances.Leverage Networks: Use your network to gain introductions to key decision-makers. Barbara shares, "The idea that you picked them out because you have a set of criteria and they fulfill it perfectly... they just beam."Involve the CEO: The CEO must play an active role in the sales process, especially in building trust with potential clients. Barbara notes, "They need to know you, and they need to know you know what the sales team is doing."

    From Insights to Implementation: Key Action Steps for CEOs

    To transform these strategies into successful outcomes, CEOs need to take deliberate actions. Here are the crucial steps to effectively pursue and land whales:

    Emphasize Personal Interaction: Build trust by having direct engagement at the right level with potential clients.Understand the Risks: Prepare in advance to mitigate the risks the leaders of large companies will have. Build a Dedicated Team: Train a team that can effectively execute your whale hunting strategy.

    Barbara Weaver Smith’s insights provide a roadmap for CEOs looking to elevate their sales game by targeting and securing large accounts. For more detailed strategies and expert advice, watch the full episode below.


    00:00 Introducing Barbara Weaver Smith - Host Alice welcomes Barbara Weaver Smith. She is an expert in "whale hunting" — landing major accounts.

    01:33 The Excitement of Sales Talk - Barbara expresses her anticipation for discussing her area of expertise.

    01:53 Defining Whale Hunting - Barbara explains whale hunting as a business strategy. She emphasizes CEO involvement for successful large deals.

    03:07 The Importance of Teams in Sales - Emphasizing sales as a team sport. Lone wolves are a thing of the past.

    05:50 Scouting and Engaging Targets - The process of identifying ideal clients. The role of scouts and engaging teams in whale hunting.

    07:44 The Value of Large Accounts - Barbara discusses strategic growth through large client accounts. She explains their impact on businesses.

    08:03 Repeat Success - Addressing the challenge of replicating the success of landing a first-time whale. This requires a deliberate and structured approach.

    10:35 Overcoming "Whale Fears" - Introducing the notion of mitigating big companies' fears. This includes dealing with smaller vendors and financial risks.

    14:11 Building Effective Sales Teams - The need for sales teams to be business-savvy. They must also be capable of leading a buyer's journey.

    17:31 Crafting a Precise Customer Approach - Using customer dossiers for targeted engagement. Proper introductions are key.

    21:54 Establishing the Buying Journey - Sales teams lead the buying journey. They identify key stakeholders in a large deal.

    25:04 CEO Involvement - Discussing the strategic role of a CEO in sales meetings. This is crucial during complex negotiations.

    28:01 After the Whale Hunt - Post-sale strategies are vital. The importance of onboarding new large accounts for long-term success.

    31:21 Introducing The Whale Hunters Institute - Barbara reveals her new project. It offers resources and a digital coach to help companies in whale hunting.

    About Guest

    I am Barbara Weaver Smith, the founder of The Whale Hunters Institute. At The Whale Hunters, we are passionate about pioneering innovative sales strategies. With the introduction of Barbara AI, we are revolutionizing sales coaching, making it accessible 24/7. Our mission is to empower businesses of all sizes with practical tips for success. Let's navigate the sales world together!

    Social Links

    Barbara Weaver Smith LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbaraweaversmith/

    Whale Hunters LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-whale-hunters/

    Barbara Weaver Smith Twitter: https://twitter.com/thewhalehunters

    Check out Alice’s website: https://aliceheiman.com/

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aliceheiman/

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  • Episode Summary: Ever felt the frustration of navigating customer service bots that just don't get your problem? Alex Levin of Regal.io understands this pain all too well and is transforming customer interaction with a human touch. He shares his journey from working to build Angie’s list to cofounding Regal.io, getting customer feedback in the early days and growing sales to $3M ARR in the first year.

    Here's what you'll discover:

    After taking Angie's List from 1 million to 1.5 billion, why Alex craved the startup world.The founding story of Regal.io and its mission.How personalized customer interactions can drive sales.The importance of a hands-on approach in the early stages of a startup.

    From Angie's List to Regal.io: The Founding Story After helping Angie's List grow from 1 million to 1.5 billion in revenue, Alex Levin yearned for the dynamic environment of a startup. Recognizing a gap in how companies interact with customers online, he co-founded Regal.io. “People were nervous about making big decisions online. What worked was actually talking with the customer,” says Alex. He found that for complex services, customers preferred real conversations to feel reassured and confident.

    Personalized Customer Engagement Regal.io was born from the insight that certain industries, like home services, healthcare, and education, benefit immensely from personalized customer interactions. At Angie's List, Alex saw that conversion rates improved significantly when customers had real conversations. He explains, “We had a team of 5000 people engaging directly with customers, but the tools were not made for proactively engaging them.” This meant using a large team to personally interact with customers, build trust, and guide them, even though existing tools weren’t designed for this proactive approach.

    Building the Business Alex and his co-founder took a calculated risk, leaving their jobs to build Regal.io without a finished product. They validated their concept by showing potential customers mockups and iterating based on feedback before raising money. Alex emphasizes, “Don't raise any money until you've convinced yourself it's a real business.”

    Scaling and Sales Strategy Initially, Alex led the sales efforts himself, leveraging his industry knowledge and personal network and was able to close $3M in ARR the first year. When you are doing all the selling and decide you are ready for some help, he advises, “Get somebody to shadow you, see what you're doing, figure out how you're doing it.” This hands-on approach helped them get others up to speed more quickly.

    The Role of Human Interaction In a world increasingly driven by digital interactions, Regal.io stands out by emphasizing the value of human touch. “If you’re lucky, people go to that one feature they like, and you end up spending years building that,” Alex notes. This approach has helped Regal.io grow rapidly, reaching significant milestones in a short time.

    Action Steps for CEOs

    Emphasize Personal Interaction: Identify areas where direct engagement can significantly impact customer experience and conversion rates.Validate Early: Before investing heavily, use mockups and direct customer feedback to refine your product concept.Build a Dedicated Team: Hire individuals who can shadow and learn from your sales process to create a scalable sales strategy.

    Making real connections with your customers can make a big difference. Alex Levin's journey with Regal.io shows how personal touch can drive business success. For more insights and detailed strategies, watch the full episode below.


    01:02 Guest Welcome - Introduction of Alex Levin, founder of Regal IO, and his journey from Angie's List to starting his venture.

    01:32 Regal IO Explained - Alex provides insights on Regal IO's conception from his experiences at Angie's List and the gap in the home services industry.

    02:48 Customer Engagement Realities - The revelation of conversational engagement increasing conversion rates and how Regal IO addresses this in various industries.

    05:03 The Human Touch in Digital - Discussing why despite digital trends, human interaction remains crucial in customer engagement and business dealings.

    05:56 Startup Leap - Alex shares the motivations for leaving a large company and deciding to build a startup addressing sales engagement difficulties.

    07:37 Founding Moments - Strategy behind launching Regal IO, including initial market research and the philosophy of avoiding premature funding.

    09:13 Entrepreneurial Grit - The importance of perseverance and adaptability in an entrepreneur’s journey from concept to successful company growth.

    10:24 Sales Strategies - Alex reflects on the early sales approach of Regal IO and the lessons learned about pricing and building a sales team.

    13:23 Scaling Sales - From sales tactics at 3 million ARR to scaling up operations and transitioning to an enterprise sales model and channel partnerships.

    16:55 Customer-Centric Sales Structure - Alex stresses the significance of customer experience during onboarding and maintaining executive involvement in the sales process.

    18:39 Role of the CEO in Scaling - Alex advises CEOs on evolving their roles in sales strategy as their company grows, using both personal involvement and strategic delegation.

    20:14 Growth and Sales Team Evolution - An overview of how Regal IO went from a solitary sales front to a robust 30-member team tailored to market needs.

    24:10 Executive Participation - Navigating the balancing act in bringing senior executives into sales conversations to provide value and secure customer loyalty.

    27:30 Final Thoughts and Advice - Alex imparts final advice for CEOs on positioning their products in a cost-conscious market and ensuring they convey unique value.

    About Guest

    Alex Levin is Co-Founder and CEO of Regal.io. He leads the GTM teams. Prior to Regal.io, Alex was a product manager at Personal and Thomson Reuters, and then joined Handy (acquired by ANGI in 2018) as an early employee. At Handy and then ANGI Alex led growth and marketing. Alex grew up in New York and received his BA from Harvard.

    Social Links

    Connect with Alex on LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexlevin1/

    REGAL LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/regal-io/

    Check out Alice’s website: https://aliceheiman.com/

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aliceheiman/

  • Did you know 95% of Americans eat at least one cookie per month? In today's "Sales Talk for CEOs," Alice speaks with Grayson Hogard's entrepreneurial journey from hobby baking to a hugely successful business. As CEO of Grove Cookies, Grayson turned traditional treats into a powerhouse of corporate gifting. Discover how cookies can reshape client relations and strategies.

    A Sweet Start

    In 2020, amidst the pandemic, Grayson and his wife began baking as a hobby. Their homemade Oreo cookies were a hit among friends, sparking the idea to sell them. "When I took a bite out of our Oreo cookie, I was like, okay, this is real," Grayson recalls. They quickly set up their business, choosing traditional cookie flavors over trendy ones to stand out in the crowded market.

    From Home Kitchen to Corporate Gifting

    Grayson's logistics expertise and initial positive feedback led them to focus on corporate gifting. They realized the potential when a financial advisor requested hundreds of cookies as client gifts. "When you get a client that wants to send out 500 gifts a year, you just are like, oh, there's a market here, let's explore it," Grayson explains. This insight shifted their business towards serving corporate clients, offering a memorable and delicious touch to business relationships.

    Navigating Business Growth

    Despite no formal business background in baking or sales, Grayson's experience in logistics helped streamline their operations. They refined their offerings based on customer feedback, ensuring their cookies always arrived intact and delicious. "All that mattered to them at the moment was cookies do not break. And we succeeded on the first try," Grayson notes about their packaging efforts.

    The Key to Success: Listening and Adapting

    Listening to their clients has been crucial. Grove Cookies adapted their packaging and expanded their range based on client needs, maintaining high standards and customer satisfaction. Grayson emphasizes, "Really listening to your customers, which is always important, and executing off of that."

    Action Steps for CEOs:Identify Unique Opportunities: Like Grayson, look for unique angles in crowded markets.Leverage Personal Passions: Turn personal passions into business opportunities.Listen to Your Customers: Use client feedback to refine and adapt your offerings.

    For more insights and the full story of how Grove Cookies turned a simple idea into a thriving business, make sure to watch the full episode of Sales Talk for CEOs. Discover the power of combining passion with business acumen!


    01:42 Overview of Grove Cookie - Grayson explains the focus of Grove Cookie, specializing in corporate gifting and sales and marketing.
    02:23 Popularity of Cookies - Discussion about the universal appeal of cookies and their role in corporate gifting.
    04:01 Choosing the First Cookie Flavor - Grayson talks about selecting the Oreo cookie as their first flavor and how it became a favorite.
    05:27 Packaging and Shipping Challenges - The initial challenges of packaging and shipping cookies without them breaking.
    06:36 First Sale and Realization of Market - Grayson's first sale to his mother and the realization of a market for corporate gifting.
    07:51 Networking for Initial Clients - The importance of networking in securing their first major clients and building relationships.
    09:33 Cold Calling Strategy - Grayson shares his experience with cold calling and the success it brought in securing clients.
    10:40 Ideal Customer Profile - How they identified financial advisors as their initial target market.
    12:53 Learning from Feedback - The significance of customer feedback in refining their products and services.
    16:52 Expanding Customer Base - How the ideal customer profile has changed and the benefits of partnering with gifting platforms.
    18:05 Using Gifting for Prospects - Grayson discusses their strategy of using cookies to initiate contact with potential clients.
    20:27 Sales Techniques - Insights into effective sales techniques, including personalized outreach and follow-up strategies.
    22:31 Building Partnerships - The role of partnerships with gifting platforms in expanding their market reach.
    25:22 Organic Marketing Success - The impact of organic marketing and social media in growing Grove Cookies' brand presence.
    28:30 Challenges of Scaling - The challenges and learning experiences of scaling the business while maintaining quality and service.

    About Guest

    Founder of Grove Cookie Company. My wife and I launched our company from our townhome in 2021 with a focus on B2B gifting with cookies.
    We are the premier B2B cookie company focused solely on enhancing your professional relationships.
    What started as a fun side hustle crafting small batch, soft and delicious cookies became a fun and exciting business that quickly outgrew our home kitchen.
    In 2022, we moved our operation out of our home and into our very own production facility in Tigard, Oregon.
    We use quality ingredients from companies known for their ethical treatment of animals and a commitment to sustainability, like Ghirardelli & Bob's Red Mill.
    We offer nationwide shipping, DoorDash delivery, and pickup.
    Cookies delivered - 2021, year 1: 13,990
    Cookies delivered - 2022, year 2: 52,437
    Cookies delivered - 2023, year 3: 220,186
    Cookies Delivered - 2024, year 4: TBD

    Social Links

    Connect with Grayson on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/graysonhogard/

    Grove Cookies LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/grovecookiecompany/

    Grove Cookies Website: https://www.grovecookiecompany.com/

    Check out Alice’s website: https://aliceheiman.com/

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aliceheiman/

  • In today's fiercely competitive market, understanding the core of value-driven sales can be transformative. This crucial concept was the centerpiece of our latest "Sales Talk for CEOs" episode, featuring expert Ian Campbell, CEO of Nucleus Research and author of "The Value Sale." In this discussion, we delve into how emphasizing value rather than just product features can revolutionize sales dynamics and lead to enduring customer relationships.

    Key Takeaways:Accelerating Sales Cycles with Value: Demonstrating the true value of products or services can significantly shorten the sales cycle and enhance customer satisfaction.Sustaining Post-Sale Value: Delivering ongoing value post-sale is crucial for ensuring customer loyalty and facilitating smooth renewals.Essential Value Articulation: It's vital for CEOs to train their teams to articulate value effectively, aligning closely with customer expectations.Action Steps for CEOs:Evaluate Sales Messaging: Refocus your sales conversations to emphasize value over product features.Commit to Training: Continuously train your sales team on recognizing and communicating value effectively.Adapt and Improve: Regularly assess how your team communicates value and adjust strategies as needed.

    Ian Campbell shared, "When value drives a deal, people shorten the sales cycle. They make better references." This emphasizes the importance of a value-centric approach in modern sales strategies.

    Alice Heiman underscored the significance of this strategy, stating, "When there's value, you have the momentum you need to keep a sale going and close it."

    For a deeper dive into how embedding value in your sales process can foster more engaged and loyal customers, be sure to watch the full episode of "Sales Talk for CEOs." This discussion is essential for CEOs looking to refine their sales strategy and cultivate teams that prioritize customer value at every interaction. Don’t miss these expert insights — watch the full episode now!

    You are not going to want to miss this episode with expert Ian Campbell! For a comprehensive exploration of their insights, make sure to watch the entire episode.


    00:00 Introduction - Welcome to Sales Talk for CEOs and introduction to the value proposition topic with guest Ian Campbell of Nucleus Research.

    01:30 The Importance of Value - Exploring why value is essential in sales and how it can shorten sales cycles and foster long-term customer relationships.

    02:56 Focusing on Customer Value - The discussion shifts to a customer-centric approach and how value shapes their purchasing decisions.

    04:28 Renewals and References - Ian emphasizes the pivotal role of articulating value for subscription renewals and generating robust customer references.

    05:34 Beyond the Sale - Delving into how value sustains the customer journey beyond the initial sale, influencing retention and word-of-mouth marketing.

    06:23 Key Value Aspects - Ian breaks down the critical factors of value that resonate most strongly with customers, aiding in the sales process.

    07:23 Direct vs. Indirect Benefits - Understanding the difference between direct and indirect benefits and their impact on the value narrative.

    08:15 Crafting Marketing and Sales Messages - The conversion to align marketing and sales messaging with value-driven content to captivate the target audience.

    09:39 The Art of Value Language - Learning how to effectively communicate value propositions, translating into successful customer engagement.

    10:17 Selling Through Value - Ian explains the significance of selling through an individual to make an organization-wide impact.

    12:08 Assessing Sales Team Culture - A guide for CEOs to evaluate whether their teams are truly embracing value selling tactics.

    13:14 Training for Value Selling - Highlighting the necessity for CEOs to provide comprehensive training on value selling and relevant tools to their sales teams.

    18:23 Knowing Your Customer Value - Emphasizing the need for connecting product features to tangible customer value.

    19:08 Value Selling Methodology - Ian shares practical steps in the methodology of value selling, from early engagement to closing deals.

    21:16 The Elevator Pitch - The importance of equipping your sales team with a strong value-driven pitch for stakeholders like the CFO.

    About Guest

    Ian Campbell is CEO of Nucleus Research, where he is responsible for the company’s investigative research approach, product set, and overall corporate direction. A recognized expert on ROI and TCO analysis of technology, Campbell is a frequent speaker at industry and business events. He has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, and the Financial Times.

    Social Links

    Ian Campbell LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iancampbellnucleusresearch/

    Nucleus Research LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nucleus-research/

    Check out Alice’s website: https://aliceheiman.com/

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aliceheiman/

  • Did you know that collaborative team selling has become a fundamental approach for modern businesses? According to Forrester, nearly 60% of sales leaders now emphasize team collaboration over individual efforts to secure significant deals. In this compelling solo episode of Sales Talk for CEOs, Alice Heiman explores why moving away from traditional sales and marketing silos to a unified go-to-market (GTM) strategy is crucial for thriving in today’s competitive landscape.

    Key Insights for CEOs:

    Team-Based Selling is Essential: "The days of the lone wolf seller are long gone," Alice explains, highlighting the importance of team collaboration in sales.Cultural Shift is Necessary: A GTM strategy involves reshaping your company's culture so that everyone understands their role in sales success.Marketing Must Contribute to Sales: Alice stresses that marketing should generate sales-qualified leads, directly contributing to the sales pipeline.Include Customer Success Early: Start customer success processes early in the sales cycle to enhance customer retention and satisfaction.Actions for CEO’s:

    How to Implement a GTM Strategy:

    Evaluate Your Current Processes: Look at how each department supports or hinders sales and customer experiences.Encourage Collaboration: Work towards unified sales goals across all departments.Clearly Communicate Your Vision: Articulate a vision that emphasizes exceptional customer experience across all departments.

    Adopting a GTM strategy is not just an operational change but a strategic necessity for modern CEOs. For a deeper dive into these strategies, watch the full episode of Sales Talk for CEOs. Equip your team to meet today's market challenges by integrating these insights and encouraging them to adopt a successful GTM strategy.


    00:00 Introduction - Alice Heiman uncovers the evolving landscape of sales and the vital shift from siloed functions to a unified go-to-market strategy.

    02:02 Go-to-Market Importance - Unpacking the necessity for team collaboration in sales and questioning traditional sales, marketing, and customer success isolation.

    04:28 Marketing's Role in Sales - A deep dive into how marketing must transition from branding to owning sales numbers and generating qualified leads.

    05:39 Customer Success Integration - Exploring the expanded role of customer success in onboarding and retention, starting long before the sales close.

    07:17 Cross-Departmental Sales Roles - A call for every department to recognize their part in sales and how they contribute to making it easier for customers.

    09:20 CEO's Leadership in Sales Alignment - Emphasizing the CEO's unique position to realign the company's vision and culture towards a customer-centric, integrated sales approach.

    Social Links

    Check out Alice’s website: https://aliceheiman.com/

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:


  • "It's how you sell that becomes your differentiator in a crowded market," explained Ross Rich. Alice was excited to talk with Ross, whom she’s known since the early days of his entrepreneurial journey. Ross, the CEO of Accord, started his company to solve a critical problem in sales: lack of transparency between teams and customers. His insights are not just about Accord’s journey from idea to successful product, but about the transformative lessons learned from evolving from a sales rep to a CEO.

    Key Takeaways for CEOs:1. The Genesis of Accord: A Lesson in Identifying Market Gaps

    Ross’s journey began at Stripe, where he recognized a recurring challenge across sales teams—aligning the "why," "how," and "who" of deals was cumbersome and opaque. This realization spurred him to develop Accord, demonstrating the power of addressing specific market needs with precise solutions. “The whole idea behind Accord is taking those best practices that pretty much every top seller uses...and building that into software to make it really easy for both the seller and the customer to understand those three key aspects,” Ross shared.

    2. Embracing the Entrepreneurial Leap: Overcoming Fear with Preparation

    Ross’s transition from employee to founder wasn't spontaneous. It was calculated and gradual, emphasizing that making 'the leap' should feel like a natural next step, not a risky jump into the unknown. He advised, “It shouldn’t feel like a crazy leap at the time...By the time that you’re ready to do it, it should be, hey, I have an overwhelming amount of work to do on this project.”

    3. The Importance of Early Customer Success Management

    One of the critical early mistakes Ross acknowledged was underestimating the importance of customer success management. Before scaling the product or marketing efforts, ensuring that the initial customers are successful and well-supported is vital. This focus helps in refining the product based on real user feedback and solidifies the foundation for scaling.

    What to Do Next? Actionable Steps for CEOs:

    Ross’s experiences underline the necessity of not just starting a business but nurturing it through thoughtful steps and strategies. For CEOs aiming to replicate such success, here are actionable steps to consider:

    Evaluate Market Needs: Just as Ross identified a gap in sales transparency, CEOs should look for unmet needs in their markets that align with their expertise and business vision.Gradual Transition into Entrepreneurship: Transitioning to a full-time entrepreneurial role should be a process rather than a sudden shift. This approach reduces risk and ensures a solid foundation for the business.Prioritize Customer Success: Invest in customer success early on. This focus will not only improve your product through genuine feedback but also increase customer retention and satisfaction.

    To grasp the complete range of insights Ross offers about enhancing your business operations through these foundational strategies, watch the full episode on our youtube channel.


    00:00 Introduction - Alice opens the episode touching on the need for CEOs to update sales strategies and the joy of reconnecting with early-stage entrepreneurs she had met.

    02:07 Welcome Ross Rick - Ross Rich, founder of Accord, joins the conversation, reminiscing about the initial connection with the show host, Alice.

    02:41 Discussing Accord - Ross introduces Accord, sharing insights from his early days as a seller at Stripe and the concept behind his company.

    03:21 Technical Interruption - A sudden audio cut forces a pause in the conversation, prompting troubleshooting efforts.

    05:43 Resuming Conversation - With technical issues resolved, they restart the discussion, focusing on Accord's role in sales transparency and customer understanding.

    06:27 Why Accord Was Founded - Ross delves into his journey starting Accord, driven by the essentials of successful deals: the 'why', 'how', and 'who'.

    08:03 The Genesis of Accord - Insights into the conception of Accord, Ross's realization of an opportunity, and how he transitioned from idea to action.

    10:04 Discussing Customer Experience - Exploration of why providing a superior customer experience is pivotal in today's competitive sales environment.

    10:53 First Steps to Entrepreneurship - Ross shares the initial hesitancies and the pivotal moment leading to the full-time commitment to Accord.

    12:15 The Importance of Customer Success - The conversation shifts to the critical role of customer success and the early challenges faced in onboarding users.

    14:27 Gaining Your First Customers - How networking and leveraging personal connections allowed Accord to acquire their initial customer base.

    16:47 Intentional Customer Targeting - Ross emphasizes the shift from an inbound marketing approach to a focused strategy on identifying and securing ideal customers.

    18:21 The Right Messaging - Continuing the marketing discussion, they explore the importance of crafting messages that resonate with the target audience.

    19:40 Building the Sales Team - Delving into sales team construction, Ross shares his advice on the timing and type of sales hires needed for a growing startup.

    21:44 Current Team Landscape - A look at Accord's current marketing, sales, and customer success teams, and the lessons learned in building an effective go-to-market strategy.

    About Guest

    Ross Rich is the CEO and Co-Founder of Accord. Accord ensures rigorous deal execution by enforcing your standards for how you sell, onboard, and expand with customers. Before founding Accord Ross spent 4+ years at Stripe where he helped scale the sales team from 3 to 300+ as the top performing rep. In a past life, he worked at Columbia Records with artists such as Calvin Harris, Snoop Dogg, and Pharrell.

    Social Links

    Ross Rich - LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/rossrich/

    Accord - LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/inaccord/

    Accord - Website https://inaccord.com/

    Check out Alice’s website: https://aliceheiman.com/

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aliceheiman/

  • How does a product marketer end up in the CEO seat?

    Moving from being an analyst at Forrester to starting at BlueConic as a product marketer and doing many different jobs at the company over the years landed Cory Munchback the CEO seat.

    Fully backed by the founder, Cory shares her remarkable journey from analyst to CEO, detailing the vital lessons learned and the strategies that have shaped her leadership.

    Cory’s Path to CEO

    Cory started her career at Forrester Research, gaining invaluable insights into marketing leadership and technology strategy. This foundational experience at Forrester was crucial as she transitioned to BlueConic, where she began as the Director of Product Marketing. Reflecting on her diverse roles within the company, Cory notes, "I've always been someone who feels how the system works."

    Key Takeaways for CEOsEmpathy and Understanding Across Roles: Cory emphasizes the importance of understanding every department's role in achieving the company's objectives. She shares, "I have a deep reverence and admiration for the skills that they bring, because I literally knew I wasn't good enough at them or wasn't passionate about them to do it myself."Replacing the Founder as CEO: Cory highlights the smooth transition from the founder being the CEO to her replacing him as a well-planned succession. "He was fully behind me. This was a thoughtful succession plan...me taking over was something he valued as part of his own legacy," Cory explains, underscoring the significance of support and clear communication during leadership transitions.The Importance of Customer-Centric Leadership: The customer is at the core of Cory's leadership philosophy. Coming from product marketing she knows better than most that you have to stay close to the customer.

    Don't miss the rapid fire session at the end of the episode where Cory shares her favorite books and podcasts that have influenced her career and leadership style.

    For an in-depth understanding of Cory Munchbach’s strategic approaches and personal influences that have shaped her journey at BlueConic, listen to the full episode.

    Join us next week on Sales Talk for CEOs for more insights from top executives on driving growth and leadership effectiveness.


    00:00 Introduction - Unveiling the critical sales knowledge CEOs need to thrive in modern markets.

    00:03 Female CEO Spotlight - Kicking off with excitement for female CEOs and the fresh perspectives they bring to the table.

    01:05 Welcome Cory Munchbach - Introducing Cory Munchbach, CEO of Blueconic, and her unexpected career journey.

    01:29 Exploring Blueconic - Diving into what Blueconic does, its ideal customer profile, and how their tech drives business forward.

    02:26 The Importance of Consumer Insights - Discussing the necessity for brands to deeply understand consumer behaviors.

    02:44 Cory's Path to CEO - A look at Cory's progression within Blueconic and her transition to the CEO role.

    03:02 From Analyst to CEO - Tracing Cory's professional roots from Forrester Research to her leadership position.

    05:03 The Lure to Blueconic - Cory shares what drew her to join a fresh, dynamic startup and tackle new challenges.

    06:07 The Marriage of Sales and Product Marketing - Understanding how product marketing works in unison with sales to achieve success.

    07:56 Initial Sales Struggles & Strategies - Reflecting on early sales efforts and the push for establishing brand credibility.

    08:05 Rapid Role Progression - Cory recounts the various roles she adapted on her way to the top.

    11:14 Cultivating Customer Success - Emphasizing the need for focusing on customer satisfaction to drive sales and business growth.

    14:15 Journey to CEO - Cory's evolution within Blueconic and the responsibilities she accumulated along the way.

    17:11 Cory's Role in Sales as CEO - Outlining how the CEO's involvement can significantly impact sales initiatives.

    About Guest

    As the CEO of customer data platform BlueConic, Cory has spent her career on the cutting edge of marketing technology and has years of experience working with Fortune 500 clients from various industries. Before joining the BlueCrew, she was an analyst at Forrester Research where she covered business and consumer technology trends and the fast-moving marketing tech landscape. A sought-after speaker and industry voice, Cory’s work has been featured in Financial Times, Forbes, Raconteur, AdExchanger, The Drum, Venture Beat, Wired, AdAge, and Adweek. A life-long Bostonian, Cory has a bachelor’s degree in political science from Boston College and spends a considerable amount of her non-work hours on various volunteer and philanthropic initiatives in the greater Boston community. The rest of that time is spent hanging with family and friends; running around with her rescue dog; or – most likely of all – reading.

    Connect with Cory on LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/Corymunchbach/

    BlueConic LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/blueconic/

    Check out Alice’s website: https://aliceheiman.com/

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aliceheiman/

  • What is RevOps anyway and how is it different from SalesOps? What do I as the CEO need to know about RevOps?

    In a recent episode of Sales Talk for CEOs, Eddie Reynolds, a seasoned expert in Revenue Operations (RevOps), shared crucial insights for CEOs looking to boost efficiency and enhance customer experiences. Eddie's expertise centers on aligning sales, marketing, and customer success teams to optimize overall revenue operations. Here are the simplified, actionable insights from Eddie, aimed at CEOs who are ready to leverage RevOps effectively in their organizations.

    Key Takeaways for CEOs:Defining Revenue Operations: Eddie describes RevOps as an evolution of sales and marketing operations. It aims to bridge the gaps between siloed departments to streamline the customer journey and improve revenue efficiency. "RevOps looks at the entire revenue engine, aiming to increase revenue efficiently and reduce costs," Eddie explains.Aligning Teams for Greater Efficiency: Misalignment between marketing and sales is a common barrier to growth. RevOps centralizes functions to ensure all departments work towards the same revenue goals, thus enhancing lead conversion and customer retention. Eddie highlights, "RevOps was developed to tackle the classic disconnects between marketing, sales, and customer success."Focusing on Customer Value: Shifting the focus from lead quantity to lead quality—those likely to convert and offer long-term value—is crucial. This strategy demands a deep understanding of customer profiles and targeted marketing. Eddie advises, "Targeting should revolve around the lifetime value of customers, aligning marketing, sales, and customer success."The Role of Technology in RevOps: Adopting the right tech stack is crucial for effective RevOps. Technology should enhance visibility across the sales funnel and support data-driven decision-making, helping track and optimize the customer journey. "While building a tech stack is vital, it's about more than just technology—it's about supporting the go-to-market strategy," Eddie notes.From Theory to Practice Here are a few ways to apply these RevOps strategies within your own organization.Action Steps for CEOs:Evaluate your RevOps strategy: Ensure it aligns with your company's revenue goals and includes all relevant departments.Train your team: Equip them with the knowledge to understand and implement RevOps principles effectively.Invest in technology: Choose tools that enhance data analysis and inter-departmental communication.

    Watch the full episode here to grasp the complete range of insights Eddie offers about enhancing your business operations through RevOps.

    Subscribe to Sales Talk for CEOs for expert insights tailored for top executives. Join us next week for more guidance aimed at driving your company’s growth and operational excellence.


    01:08 Welcoming Eddie Reynolds - Introducing Eddie Reynolds, an expert in revenue operations, to discuss the transformation of sales operations.

    01:43 Defining Rev Ops - Eddie explains Rev Ops through common problems faced between marketing and sales alignment.

    03:16 Customer Experience Focus - Discourse on how Rev Ops plays a crucial role in enhancing customer experience and aligning sales, marketing, and customer success.

    04:23 Why Alignment Matters - Debating the need for congruence between sales and marketing to ensure valuable customer interaction and efficient operations.

    05:32 The Pitfall of MQLs - A critical view on how misguided marketing goals can lead to poor lead quality and affect sales performance.

    07:30 Challenging Traditional Metrics - Exploring the flaws in current lead generation and measurement tactics and their impact on the sales process.

    08:43 Aligning Marketing and Sales - Solution-focused discussion on setting the right goals to align marketing and sales efforts towards revenue generation.

    09:46 The Place of Rev Ops - Understanding where Rev Ops fits within an organization and the misconception around the Chief Revenue Officer's responsibilities.

    10:53 Rev Ops as a Revenue Generator - Eddie discusses the value of Rev Ops in devising go-to-market strategies and building sales infrastructures.

    12:08 The Role of Technology in Rev Ops - How technology impacts Rev Ops activities, from market strategy to analytics.

    14:13 Finding Qualified Opportunities - Strategies for marketing and sales to identify and pursue high-quality leads more effectively.

    16:22 Account Scoring and Prioritization - The significance of account scoring in direct outreach and how Rev Ops can help focus sales efforts.

    21:21 Optimizing Sales Calls - Tactics to ensure salespeople's time is spent on the most promising leads and opportunities.

    23:50 Starting Point for Improvement - Eddie advises companies lacking leads on initial steps to refine marketing and sales alignment through Rev Ops.

    About Guest

    Eddie spent +20 years in Sales, Customer Success and Marketing, developing his passion for data-driven strategy and process. He was fascinated by the edge it could give an entire company.

    During his time at Salesforce, he covered high-growth VC-backed B2B SaaS companies, meeting hundreds of executive revenue leaders. They cared more about that strategic edge than how the software worked.

    His consulting partners, however, focused on the software, missing the broader GTM strategy. This resulted in many failed implementations and missed revenue targets. It inspired him to start a consulting firm merging system implementation with data-driven GTM strategy: Union Square Consulting.

    Social Links

    Connect with Eddie on LinkedIn:

    (26) Eddie Reynolds | LinkedIn

    Union Square Consulting LinkedIn:

    (26) Union Square Consulting: Overview | LinkedIn


    Home - Union Square Consulting

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (99+) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice’s website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • In a recent captivating episode of "Sales Talk for CEOs," Clate Mask, CEO and co-founder of Keap, shared his journey from law school to leading a company that’s at the forefront of small business automation software. For CEOs looking to streamline their operations and enhance customer engagement, Clate's insights are golden.

    Key Takeaways for CEOs:Leverage Automation for Growth and Efficiency: Clate explains, "Automation isn’t just about saving time; it’s about scaling your business efficiently to maximize both growth and profitability." This approach has allowed Keap to support small businesses in achieving more with less—something every CEO should consider.Emphasize Customer Success: Moving from traditional support to proactive customer success can significantly impact business growth. Clate emphasizes the importance of this shift: "By integrating Customer Success Managers into our team, we ensure our clients not only use our product but transform their business with it."Stay at the Helm of Revenue Leadership: Even as the company grows, a CEO’s involvement in driving revenue remains crucial. Clate advises, "As CEOs, we must lead the charge on revenue, staying closely connected to the outcomes and processes that drive our business forward."Insightful Reflections:

    Starting with his initial career pivot, Clate’s narrative is a testament to adaptability and passion. He shares, "I was drawn to the fast-paced world of tech and never looked back. It’s about harnessing every experience to propel your company forward."

    Discussing the strategic evolution from Infusionsoft to Keap, Clate offers a candid lesson on market alignment: "We learned the hard way that our strength lies in serving businesses that are ready for automation, not just anyone."

    Clate also gets real about the challenges and triumphs of entrepreneurship: "Those dark years were tough, but they taught us resilience and the importance of staying true to our vision and our customer."

    Watch the full Sales Talk for CEOs Podcast:

    For a deeper dive into how Clate Mask has steered Keap through the ups and downs of tech entrepreneurship and how these lessons can apply to your business strategy, tune into the full episode of "Sales Talk for CEOs."

    Catch the episode on our YouTube channel or listen on your favorite podcast platform to gain more insights into achieving sustainable growth and customer satisfaction.


    01:03 Welcome Clate Mask - Introducing Clate's unique journey from law school to software company CEO.

    01:29 Keap's Mission - Discussing the services Keap provides to small businesses, focusing on growth, efficiency, and automation.

    02:54 Niche Software Solutions - Addressing why Keap is the ideal CRM and business automation solution for small businesses, compared to Salesforce and HubSpot.

    03:33 Clate's Origin Story - Clate Mask shares his transition from law school graduate to co-founding a software company with family.

    05:24 Company Evolution - How the small custom software company grew into a substantial business focused on CRM products.

    07:26 Rebranding to Keap - Clate explains the strategic shift from Infusionsoft to Keap to focus on small business automation.

    09:05 Infusionsoft's Legacy - The integration and enhancement of Infusionsoft within Keap's comprehensive suite of products.

    09:55 Conquering Sales - Clate recounts his early sales challenges and the transformative advice from his father.

    11:27 Automating Success - How the implementation of automated follow-ups revolutionized the company's sales process.

    13:39 Building a Sales Team - Transitioning from lone salesman to establishing a robust sales structure within the company.

    15:50 Helping Profession of Sales - Aligning sales with a mission of helping customers solve problems effectively.

    17:58 Customer Success Focus - The inception of customer success management to drive user adoption and satisfaction.

    20:13 Marketing Alignment - How the Demand Gen and direct sales teams cooperate to generate qualified leads and drive revenue.

    23:02 Scalable Go-To-Market Structure - Examining Keap's organizational structure and the collaboration between marketing and sales.

    About Guest

    NY Times best-selling author, Clate Mask, is the entrepreneur’s guide and the CEO and co-founder of Keap, the leader in small business automation software. Keap is an 8-time Inc 5000 winner and is widely used by savvy small businesses to grow with automation. Clate’s passion is helping small businesses conquer the chaos and grow their business using the Six Keys to Success. When Clate isn’t serving entrepreneurs and building Keap, he loves to spend time with his wife, Charisse, their six kids, and their grandkids. He also loves playing golf and watching sports, with serious passion for the Arizona pro sports teams. He is intimately familiar with the balancing act of entrepreneurs, which is what drove him to discover and teach the Six Keys. Because success as an entrepreneur means having a great business and a great life.

    Social Links

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    Keap LinkedIn:


    Keap Twitter:


    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (99+) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice’s website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • This week’s episode of "Sales Talk for CEOs" is out of this world, literally! Alice Heiman was joined by Beth Mund, whose journey from NASA to entrepreneurial space storyteller is rich with insights for business leaders. Not only that, we found out Alice is a bit of a space geek and she’s a huge fan of Beth’s having discovered her when she began her podcast Casual Space.

    Beth's story from navigating NASA’s communication strategies to starting her podcast and founding a nonprofit called Stories of Space underscores the essence of curiosity, the imperative of adaptability, and the potency of storytelling in leadership.

    Key Takeaways for CEOs:

    Foster a Culture of Curiosity: Beth's endless questions at NASA showcase the need for leaders to cultivate curiosity within their teams. A curious team is an innovative team, always on the brink of the next big discovery.Embrace Change and Adaptability: Mund's leap into the unknown by leaving NASA for new ventures teaches the importance of adaptability in leadership. Change is not just inevitable; it’s an opportunity for growth.Leverage Diverse Testing Groups: Beth’s experiences as an analog astronaut demonstrate the value of diverse test groups in gaining genuine product insights. Understand your customers by walking a mile in their shoes, or in this case, their spacesuit.Harness the Power of Storytelling: Mund’s transition to storytelling through her podcast and nonprofit work illustrates how narratives can effectively communicate complex ideas and connect with people on a deeper level.

    "Curiosity is one of the key things that salespeople need, and I believe that all CEOs need to be curious...Fostering a culture of curiosity within your organization can lead to the exploration of uncharted markets and the development of groundbreaking products."

    Beth Mund’s transition from the realms of being International Space Station Communications Officer NASA to entrepreneurship offers CEOs a blueprint for navigating their businesses through today’s dynamic landscapes. Her journey reminds us that the principles guiding space exploration—innovation, adaptability, and effective communication—are parallel to navigating the intricacies of modern business leadership.

    Watch the full episode on our YouTube channel to see Beth Mund share her extraordinary experiences and insights that can inspire every CEO to lead with curiosity and courage.

    By embracing these lessons, CEOs can pilot their companies with the vision, innovation, and resilience needed to explore uncharted territories in business and beyond. Mund’s narrative is not just a call to explore outer space; it's a call to explore the vast potential within our teams and ourselves. Don’t miss out on this cosmic journey of leadership and innovation—listen to the podcast now.


    01:55 Exploring New Horizons - Alice elaborates on the value of seeking inspiration from diverse fields outside of sales, hinting at the innovative insights to come from Beth's experiences.

    04:22 Beth's Stellar Journey - Beth shares her nostalgic beginnings in space fascination and her journey from gazing at Halley's Comet to working at NASA and beyond.

    07:27 Finding a Place Among the Stars - Storytelling continues with Beth explaining how her childhood curiosity about space led to a fulfilling career in NASA communications.

    09:07 Tapping into Curiosity - Alice discusses the parallels between curiosity in Beth’s space pursuits and its necessity in sales and leadership roles.

    09:34 The NASA Chapter - Beth recounts her tenure at NASA, the challenges encountered, and the crucial task of conveying the value of space exploration to taxpayers.

    12:15 Selling the Stars - Unpacking the concept of 'selling space' and the nuanced role of storytelling and education in both NASA's outreach and the sales process.

    14:06 Entrepreneurial Leap - Beth talks about the difficult decision to leave NASA and eventually embracing her entrepreneurial spirit by starting her own podcast, Casual Space.

    16:58 The Power of Narrative - Elaborating on the effectiveness of narratives and stories in both space communication and business, and their potential to engage and educate.

    18:02 Communication Tips for CEOs - Beth shares valuable insights on how CEOs and businesses can improve their communication strategies based on lessons from her career.

    23:13 Analog Astronaut Adventures - Beth delves into the world of analog astronauts, explaining how simulated missions on Earth provide insights for real space travel.

    28:42 Customers on a Journey - Alice draws a comparison between analog astronauts' preparations and the importance of understanding customers' experiences with products.

    33:28 Tackling Space Junk - The conversation addresses the issue of space debris, the innovations aimed at cleanup, and the implications for businesses.

    40:18 Stories of Space - Beth invites everyone to contribute their space-related stories to an exciting project that sends these narratives to the International Space Station.

    About Guest

    Hi, I’m Beth Mund. Analog Astronaut, Keynote Speaker, and Space Communicator.

    While working at NASA as a public affairs officer for the Johnson Space Center, and later as a communication officer for the International Space Station, I reported the many scientific innovations that enhanced and sometimes _saved_ people’s lives, only to see these stories fall to the wayside, undiscovered. I became a fiercely passionate advocate for the people and their stories of science and space exploration. I share their stories on stage, in workshops, on my podcast, in my blog…any opportunity that showcases people who are making tomorrow’s innovations happen today.

    About a year ago, I created [Casual Space] (http://www.bethmund.com/casualspace), a podcast that provides intimate conversations each week with astronauts, engineers, authors, educators, architects and many more guests looking to share their love for space while helping to inspire the next generation of difference makers. Thousands of listeners continue to grow our casual community of space enthusiasts and advocates.

    I serve on the Space Camp Alumni Board, and as a Space Drinks board member. I became an Analog Astronaut in November at the HI-SEAS research facility on a Mars simulation mission with a crew of 5 other incredible women.

    I’m Beth Mund, and I discover, design and deliver stories about space.

    Beth Mund is a recognized expert in space exploration and story application. She owns her company, Stellar Communications, and is an influential keynote speaker. Beth is the Executive Director of the STORIES of Space Non-Profit, which provides direct access to space through innovative story submissions. In 2024, STORIES of Space launched 300+ stories to the International Space Station, where they are currently orbiting our Earth at 17,500 miles an hour for the next six months.

    Beth’s work at **NASA **as a science communication advisor helped shape her career in the space industry. As a Public Affairs Officer, Beth helped tell the story of the International Space Station, wrote speeches for astronauts, and showcased the technology, projects, and people at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.

    Beth is the host and creator of the Casual Space Podcast, delivering insightful conversations with astronauts, artists, scientists, and explorers. Beth has served as an analog astronaut for several missions, including a simulated Mars mission in Hawaii, living in the Biosphere in Arizona, and a simulated Moon mission in Poland. Beth provides direct access to space, allowing people to apply their innovative ideas, change the way we explore space, and improve our lives on Earth.

    Social Links

    Beth Mund

    The Stories of Space Project™

    (25) Beth Mund | LinkedIn

    Beth Mund Speaker, Writer, Space Geek | Facebook

    Beth Mund (@casualspacepodcast) • Instagram photos and videos

    Casual Space Podcast - YouTube

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (8) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice’s website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • "We help sellers consistently execute a Michelin star experience for their buyers instead of a fast food experience." And isn’t this what every buyer wants today.

    On "Sales Talk for CEOs," Alice Heiman was joined by Mark Fershteyn of Recapped, whose journey from sales struggles to CEO offers a roadmap for innovation in sales strategies. His focus on the customer journey always in the forefront.

    Elevating the Buyer Experience

    Mark emphasizes transforming the sales process into a collaborative and transparent journey; he wants to enable sellers to provide a Michelin Star experience. This approach underlines the shift towards prioritizing the buyer's needs and simplifying their journey. Something he always did as a seller.

    Embracing Adaptability and Process

    Reflecting on his early days in sales where he was struggling and almost got PIP’d. He realized he was too focused on the art of sales and not the science. He recognized that the best sellers had a process and though he didn’t consider himself a very organized person he knew he had to do something. So he started project managing his deals, creating mutual action plans and spreadsheets and all of a sudden he was 150, 250, 300% of quota and those principles became the basis for Recapped.

    "I was too focused on the art of sales and not the science of sales."

    His story highlights the importance of adaptability, process, and organization in achieving sales success.

    Learning from Scaling

    Discussing the challenges of rapid growth, Mark advises, "You can always speed up. You can't always slow down." He underscores the need for a solid foundation before scaling, advocating for a strategic approach to growth.

    Key Takeaways for CEOs:Prioritize the Buyer’s Experience: Elevate the sales process by focusing on transparency and collaboration, enhancing the overall buyer journey.Innovate Through Adaptability: Embrace change and focus on the science behind sales to develop processes that drive success.Scale with Caution: Ensure a solid foundation and clear processes are in place before accelerating growth to avoid potential pitfalls.

    For more in-depth insights and practical advice from Mark Fershteyn's experience, CEOs are encouraged to listen to the full episode of "Sales Talk for CEOs."

    Mark's journey is a testament to the power of focusing on the buyer's experience, the necessity of adaptability, and the importance of cautious scaling in the dynamic world of sales.


    00:00 Introduction - Understanding contemporary sales strategies and the shift towards customer-centric approaches.

    01:59 Recapped's Value Proposition - Mark Fershteyn explains how Recapped elevates the buyer experience through collaboration and transparency.

    03:36 Eliminating Inefficiencies - Highlighting how Recapped reduces common sales bottlenecks and streamlines buyer-seller interactions.

    04:48 Origin Story - Mark shares his personal sales challenges and the inception of Recapped as a solution for process-driven selling.

    06:17 Sales as Science - The transformative moment that marked Mark's shift from artful selling to systematic, results-focused methods.

    07:17 Early Success Leading to Investment - The journey from an efficient internal tool to securing investment to scale Recapped.

    09:04 The Accidental Entrepreneur - How Mark went from VP of Sales to running a successful start-up.

    10:18 User Adoption Challenges - The importance of robust onboarding and user adoption in the early stages of customer relationship-building.

    12:23 Rapid Scalability Challenges - The pitfalls of aggressive scaling and the subsequent need to pare down and refocus.

    13:52 Market Downturn and Pivot - Adapting to changing market conditions and making tough decisions to ensure the future of Recapped.

    16:23 Building a Sales Team - Intention and strategy behind assembling a high-impact sales force.

    18:49 Learning from Recruitment Mistakes - Reflecting on past hiring practices and how to improve them moving forward.

    20:02 Pivoting to Product-Led Growth - Mark discusses sharpening the focus on product development and self-service for the buyer's journey.

    22:05 Scaling for the Future - Preparing to rebuild the team with valuable lessons from past experiences and aiming for profitability.

    About Guest

    Mark Fershteyn is the CEO of Recapped.io, the easiest way for sellers to execute their deals and provide a better buyer experience. Recapped helps revenue teams accelerate sales cycles, close more deals, forecast with confidence, and stand out from the competition. Before founding Recapped in 2019, Mark spent the last decade selling SaaS products and building sales teams.

    Connect with Mark on LinkedIn:

    (15) Mark Fershteyn | LinkedIn

    Check out Recapped’s website:

    Recapped.io - The Customer Collaboration Platform

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (8) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice’s website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • Do you know that exceptional customer and employee experiences can be the game-changer for your business? In a recent episode of "Sales Talk for CEOs," Alice Heiman explores this dynamic duo's profound impact. Here's a sneak peek:

    🌟 Customer Experience Matters

    Dive deep into the customer journey.Identify areas for improvement.Create a seamless path to customer success.

    🌟 The Employee Experience Connection

    Don't underestimate the power of a positive workplace.Engaged employees naturally provide better customer service.A happy workforce drives exceptional customer experiences.

    🌟 Where Success Converges

    The sweet spot where customer and employee experiences intersect.Optimize both to supercharge your company's growth.Happy employees deliver outstanding customer service, boosting revenue and profitability.

    "Great customer experience and great employee experience go hand in hand because one drives the other. When they grow and expand together and continue getting greater together, our companies thrive." - Alice Heiman

    Ready to take action today? Prioritize both customer and employee experiences to unlock your business's full potential. Dive into the podcast for a deeper understanding of this vital link and set your business on the path to success.


    02:36 Importance of deep diving into customer experience

    04:25 Connecting customer experience to employee experience

    06:01 Assessing and improving employee experience

    08:01 Impact of employee experience on customer experience

    09:23 Thriving companies through caring, productive employees

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (28) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice’s website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • Another company that scaled to over $20M in ARR. How does Alice Heiman keep finding them?

    In another insightful episode of "Sales Talk for CEOs" Alice Heiman was joined by Adam Robinson, CEO of Retention.com, who shared his remarkable journey of bootstrapping his company to a $22 million ARR in just four years. Not unlike “G” Guillaume Moubeche, from a few episodes ago, Adam is willing to put himself out there and share the good, the bad and the ugly.

    This episode offers CEOs actionable insights on leveraging technology for sales success, the importance of transparency, and the power of authentic engagement.

    The Essence of Retention.com's Innovation

    Adam Robinson has carved a niche in the sales landscape by addressing a critical need: identifying anonymous website visitors. Retention.com's innovative approach, as Robinson puts it, allows businesses to "know who they are without them filling out a form or doing anything," revolutionizing how sales teams follow up on leads. This breakthrough underscores the untapped potential in sales technology, urging CEOs to rethink their strategies.

    Key Insights for CEOsInnovate to Stay Ahead: Robinson's journey underlines the importance of adopting and creating new technologies. His message to CEOs: don't shy away from technology that can redefine your sales strategy.Transparency Builds Trust: By openly sharing his company's ups and downs, Robinson demonstrates the value of transparency in building a brand. It's a reminder that honesty can significantly bolster your company's image.Content is King: Adam's success story on LinkedIn emphasizes the need for CEOs to leverage social media and content creation to engage with their audience (for actions you can take on that listen to Scott Gillum’s episode). He wisely points out, "I made 18, ten-minute episodes, two different seasons...and I ended up hiring the person full time to basically 5x the output of this."Product-Market Fit is Key: "Nothing will work without incredible word of mouth," Robinson states, highlighting the essence of product-market fit. This is a critical reminder for CEOs to continually refine their offerings based on customer feedback.Simplicity in Communication: The effectiveness of Retention.com's cold email strategy lies in its simplicity. "We can identify your anonymous website visitors and give you email addresses for people who do not fill out forms. Do you care?" This approach underscores the power of clear, concise messaging.Engage and Innovate

    Robinson's journey demonstrates how CEOs can actively engage with their communities and innovate relentlessly. In a world where sales strategies rapidly evolve, embracing technology and fostering a transparent relationship with your audience can set you apart.

    To gain comprehensive insights into transforming sales strategies and leveraging technology for business growth, make sure to listen to the full episode of "Sales Talk for CEOs" Adam Robinson's experience is a testament to the power of innovation, clear communication, and community engagement in driving business success.


    01:43 Adam Robinson, CEO of Retention.com joins the conversation, hinting at a game-changing sales tool for identifying website visitors.

    02:02 Adam discusses documentary series on the growth of his company and finding the ideal customer profile.

    03:49 The core technology of Retention.com is revealed, a tool for identifying website visitors without forms.

    05:00 Discussing how personal-level website visitor identification significantly benefits sales professionals.

    06:15 Adam recounts his prior experience in SaaS and the inception of Retention.com amidst an ultra-competitive market.

    07:11 Shifting from email marketing to discovering the untapped potential in visitor identification.

    10:06 Transition from email marketing to focusing on the more lucrative opportunity with Get Emails.

    10:56 Exploring the initial growth strategies employed, including Facebook ad campaigns and their efficacy in attracting diverse clients.

    13:38 Pivoting to cold email strategies that leverage simple yet potent messaging to resonate with recipients and drive conversions.

    14:38 Emphasizing the indispensability of word-of-mouth and product excellence in scaling a business.

    17:07 Detailing how captivating cold emails with clear value propositions can yield significant business interest.

    21:10 Adam’s vision of scaling Retention.com without a conventional sales team but with a focus on technology and chatbots.

    23:22 Adam outlines his plans to tap into the B2B market with an innovative and free product offering.

    33:02 Adam invites listeners to try the new free B2B product, concluding the podcast on an encouraging note for aspirational entrepreneurs.

    About Guest

    Adam is the Founder/CEO of Retention.com. Retention.com helps businesses identify anonymous people on their website, and pushes their Linkedin profiles to a slack channel, for free!

    Adam has bootstrapped Retention.com to $22m ARR in 4 years, is an avid content creator on LinkedIn, and loves building in public. He's trying to create wildly immersive experiences - mostly using video - for the Retention.com community.

    Follow him on Linkedin - his handle is RetentionAdam.

    (8) Adam Robinson | LinkedIn

    Check out Rentention’s website:

    +250% Klaviyo Flow Revenue | Retention.com

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (8) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice’s website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • In the engaging world of social media, CEOs find themselves at a crossroads between opportunity and caution. A recent conversation between Alice Heiman and Scott Gillum on "Sales Talk for CEOs" podcast sheds light on this very issue, offering a blend of strategies, insights, and anecdotes that CEOs can't afford to ignore. The discussion delves into the transformative power of social media for personal branding and the pivotal role CEOs play in this dynamic landscape.

    The CEO's Role in Social Media: A Strategic Imperative

    The conversation with Scott Gillum reveals a critical insight: "There is a correlation between your online presence and revenue." This simple yet profound statement underscores the importance of a strategic social media presence, not just for the brand but for the CEO personally. It's about being where your customers are, engaging in meaningful conversations, and showcasing the human side of leadership.

    Embracing Training and Defining Roles

    One of the first hurdles to overcome is the fear of the unknown and the potential for missteps online. Gillum points out, "They want training...they want to know how to do it right." This calls for a structured approach to social media engagement, where CEOs and senior management are clear on their roles - be it as content producers, sharers, or supporters. It's about empowering leaders with the skills and confidence to engage effectively, without risking the brand's reputation.

    The Power of Authentic Engagement

    Gillum's work with a global law firm illustrates the tangible benefits of executive involvement in social media, highlighting "a direct correlation between revenue billings and their online presence and activities." This evidence supports the notion that when CEOs engage online, it not only enhances their personal brand but also contributes significantly to the company's bottom line.

    Strategic Content Creation and Distribution

    In discussing content strategies, the importance of planning cannot be overstated. Gillum emphasizes the shift towards "planning a quarter out," allowing for higher production quality and more strategic content dissemination. This approach ensures that social media efforts are aligned with overall business goals, making every post part of a larger narrative that drives engagement and leads.

    Choosing the Right Platforms and Frequency

    The digital landscape is vast, with each platform offering unique advantages. From LinkedIn's professional network to Instagram's visually engaging stories, CEOs need to identify where their audience is most active. However, Gillum warns against over-posting, suggesting that "less is more" when it comes to frequency. The focus should be on quality, relevance, and strategic timing, ensuring that each post adds value to the conversation.

    The CEO as a Brand Ambassador

    Finally, the discussion touches on the CEO's role as the ultimate brand ambassador. Whether it's championing STEM programs or highlighting community involvement, CEOs have the opportunity to use social media as a platform for sharing what they and their companies stand for. This authentic engagement not only humanizes the brand but also builds trust and credibility with customers and prospects alike.

    In Conclusion

    The insights from Alice Heiman and Scott Gillum's conversation serve as a roadmap for CEOs navigating the social media landscape. By embracing training, defining roles, engaging authentically, and strategically planning content, CEOs can leverage social media to enhance their personal brand, amplify their company's message, and ultimately drive business success. The key is to be strategic, authentic, and always aligned with the company's values and goals. In the ever-evolving digital world, the CEO's voice can be a powerful catalyst for growth, innovation, and connection.


    00:00 Introduction - Dive into the evolution of sales strategies and the need for innovation in today's markets with Scott Gillum.

    01:01 Challenges in Sales & Marketing - Scott discusses ongoing issues in sales and marketing, underscoring the importance of continuous improvement.

    01:20 Ever-Present Marketing Problems - Revelations on the persistent challenges in the field despite decades of progress.

    02:52 Founding Carbon Design - Scott shares the unique inception of Carbon Design, highlighting its people-focused and flexible work ethos.

    04:05 Value Proposition Creation - Anecdotes on developing effective value propositions using challenger marketing techniques.

    06:29 The Essence of Sales & Marketing - Discussion on the critical gaps between sales and marketing efforts and customer acquisition processes.

    08:04 Social Media Strategy for Leads - Insights into using social media for lead generation and the common mistakes CEOs make.

    09:56 Executive Reluctance on Social Media - Exploring the challenges CEOs face with personal branding on social media platforms.

    11:25 Training Executives for Social Media - The benefits of social media training for senior management and their impact on corporate branding.

    12:33 Importance of Online Presence - Highlighting the direct correlation between an online presence and revenue generation.

    14:01 High-Quality Social Media Content - The shift toward strategic planning for content creation and distribution on social media.

    17:10 Platform-Specific Strategies - Unravel the nuances of different social media platforms for B2B engagement, from LinkedIn to Instagram and beyond.

    22:04 Social Media as a Strategic Tool - Advice for CEOs on the strategic importance of social media and tips on content categorization.

    25:44 Employee Role in Social Media - Encouraging a company-wide approach to social media participation and the specific roles employees can play.

    31:58 CEO Directions on Social Media - Suggestions for CEOs on how to effectively use social media for personal branding and promoting company values.

    About Guest

    Scott is the Founder and CEO of Carbon Design, a Personality Based Marketing firm. Prior to founding Carbon Design, he was the President of the Washington, DC office for gyro (a Dentsu agency), the world’s largest B2B agency.

    His career follows the pipeline. Starting at the bottom closing deals as a sales rep. Then as a management consultant after graduate school, helping clients build sales and marketing channels. Advertising broadened his knowledge and experience in building brands and creating awareness.

    Along the way, he’s been the head of marketing for an Inc. 500 company, and an interim CMO for a Fortune 500 company. Today, Scott helps clients improve the effectiveness of their marketing efforts up and down the funnel. From transitioning to digital to finding new ways to communicate, connect, and motivate audiences.

    Scott has been a member of the Gartner for Marketing Leaders Council and he writes a monthly column for several publications on business marketing. In the past, he has been a regular contributor to publications such as Forbes, Fortune, Adage, the Huffington Post and he has contributed to various books on marketing. Currently he writes a monthly column for MarTech.

    Finally, his work on sales and marketing integration was made into a Harvard Business School Case Study and is taught at leading business schools across the nation.

    Connect with Scott on Linked In

    (99+) Scott Gillum | LinkedIn

    Carbon Design

    (99+) Carbon Design LLC: Overview | LinkedIn

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (99+) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice’s website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • In an enlightening episode of the Sales Talk for CEOs Podcast, Alice Heiman engages with Malin Schmidt, not just as the CEO of Kodiak Hub, a pioneer in supplier relationship management software, but as a visionary leader whose journey epitomizes the fusion of sustainability and technology in business. Schmidt's transition from a sustainability advocate to a tech entrepreneur offers invaluable lessons on the intersection of technology, procurement, and sustainable business practices, making her path a beacon for CEOs and leaders aiming to navigate the complexities of modern industries.

    A Journey of Resilience and Innovation

    At the heart of Schmidt's story is her unwavering commitment to sustainability, which led her to challenge the traditional cost-centric models in procurement. Her philosophy, "What we want to do is to put the right data and insights in front of the strategic buyer...including the quality of what you buy, how it has been produced, and of course, to the right price," reflects a holistic approach to business that balances economic, environmental, and social factors.

    Kodiak Hub's utilization of technology to foster transparency and drive change is a testament to Schmidt's forward-thinking leadership. She emphasizes the importance of not just collecting data but using it to identify and act on opportunities for improvement, stating, "One thing is to report and to measure. But if those data points are not used to drive and identify opportunities for change...then what use is it to just report?" This approach underscores the role of technology as a catalyst for meaningful change, beyond mere efficiency gains.

    Schmidt's leadership journey is also marked by resilience, particularly in the face of challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Her ability to lead Kodiak Hub to double its growth consecutively highlights the significance of agility and customer-centric innovation in overcoming obstacles. This resilience, coupled with a strategic focus on growth, offers a blueprint for CEOs navigating uncertain times.

    Emphasizing Creativity and Innovation in Leadership

    A distinctive feature of Schmidt's leadership style is her emphasis on creativity in hiring. By exploring candidates' personal journeys and thought processes, Schmidt seeks to uncover their innovative potential, ensuring that Kodiak Hub's team is not only technically adept but also capable of thinking outside the box to drive sustainable solutions and innovation. This approach to building a team underscores the critical role of creativity in fostering innovation and navigating the complexities of technology and sustainability.

    Key Insights for CEOs

    Schmidt's journey and leadership at Kodiak Hub offer several key takeaways for CEOs and business leaders:

    Sustainability as a Core Business Strategy: Schmidt's emphasis on sustainability highlights its importance as a competitive advantage and a pillar for long-term business success.The Power of Technology for Change: Leveraging technology for transparency and to drive actionable change is crucial for modern businesses aiming to stay ahead.Resilience Through Innovation: Schmidt's ability to guide her company through challenges underscores the importance of innovation and customer-centric approaches in ensuring business continuity and growth.Creativity in Leadership: Valuing creativity in the hiring process ensures a team capable of innovative thinking and problem-solving, key components for addressing today's complex business challenges.

    For CEOs and business leaders looking to embrace sustainable business practices and navigate the complexities of modern supply chains, Malin Schmidt's insights provide a roadmap for leveraging technology, understanding buyer needs, and prioritizing sustainability to drive business growth and innovation. Her journey from a sustainability advocate to a leading CEO in the tech space is not just inspiring but also offers practical strategies for leadership in the 21st century.

    About Guest

    Malin Schmidt, a seasoned SaaS B2B entrepreneur, seamlessly blends her expertise in Operations, Supply Chain Management, and SustainTech to reshape global business collaborations. Malin stands at the forefront of innovation in the realm of Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) software as the Founder and CEO of Kodiak Hub. Recognized as one of the Top 100 most influential Women in Supply Chain, Malin has carved an indelible mark in the industry by steering Kodiak Hub to unprecedented success.

    For Malin, the creation of Kodiak Hub represents the most rewarding and enjoyable venture in her career. With a mission to assist brands in developing sustainable supply chains at scale, Kodiak Hub, under Malin’s guidance, has become synonymous with innovation and excellence in the industry. She emphasizes the importance of balancing expansion with consolidation in her business building, to ensure organizational scalability and sustainable modes of operating.

    Her continuous mission is to develop the Kodiak Hub platform to consistently surprise and delight users, delivering top-line value for large enterprises and solving the challenges residing in global supply chains.

    Social Links

    Connect with Malin on Linked In

    (99+) Malin Schmidt | LinkedIn

    Check out Kodiak Hub's Website:

    Kodiak Hub | Supplier Relationship Management Platform

    (99+) Kodiak Hub: Overview | LinkedIn

    Kodiak Hub on YouTube:

    Kodiak Hub - YouTube

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (4) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice's website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • In an insightful episode, Alice welcomed influence expert Matt Brown to explore how CEOs can leverage their influence for meaningful change. Having founded 14 companies and hosted over 850 podcast episodes, Brown shared his profound insights on leveraging influence to drive positive change within and beyond your organization.

    The True Essence of Influence

    "Influence is the current and future currency of business leadership," Matt Brown said, challenging the term's misconceptions. Unlike influencer marketing, which often lacks authenticity, Brown emphasized that genuine influence is about elevating others, not yourself. Your influence should aim to build better teams, enhance business operations, and scale brand presence in ethically responsible ways.

    Navigating the Digital Influence Landscape

    Social media has transformed how CEOs can use influence to create change and excel in business. Brown highlighted the importance of creating a credible digital presence, describing it as a collection of "credibility signals" that potential clients, partners, and top talent seek when evaluating a leader's trustworthiness.

    Thought Leadership’s Impact:

    Brown delved into true thought leadership, urging CEOs to share non-obvious, evidence-based insights. "True thought leadership is where you paint a nonobvious, evidence-based view on a problem," he explained, encouraging leaders to solve real-world problems and share those solutions to establish authority and influence in their industries.

    Key Takeaways for CEOsStart with Authenticity: Influence should be ethical and authentic; focus on uplifting others, not self-promotion.Leverage Thought Leadership: Share unique, evidence-based insights on relevant topics to assert authority and foster trust within your industry.Take Action and Improve: Brown's parting advice to CEOs is straightforward yet powerful: "Choose to start today." Whether writing a book, starting a podcast, or enhancing internal communications, the key is to take decisive action and continuously strive to improve.Start Today

    Matt's parting message is clear: "Choose to start today." Whether it's enhancing digital presence, sharing thought leadership, or improving internal communications, the key is taking action.

    Discover how to harness the power of influence to drive positive change within your organization and beyond; watch the full episode below, and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button!


    0:03:26 Definition of influence and the difference between positive and negative influence

    0:09:57 The impact of digital influence on sales and trust

    0:12:57 The importance of using assets as a CEO to influence prospects and employees

    0:13:50 The significance of internal communication in maintaining a strong company culture

    0:16:00 The value of telling the company's story internally and externally

    0:18:42 The impact of onboarding and internal communication on driving culture

    0:21:11 Additional strategies for CEOs to improve their digital influence

    0:25:25 The significance of solving a problem and offering proof to influence others

    0:26:26 Utilizing podcasts and writing a book to increase influence

    0:28:46 Focus on doing things more and better

    About Guest

    Matt Brown is a veteran founder and entrepreneur zealously dedicated to aiding, entrepreneurs, CEOs, business leaders and the broader business community in fostering positive change. A veteran founder of 14 companies across a span of 25 years, successfully exiting multiple businesses.

    In the limelight as the host of the globally celebrated Matt Brown Show, Matt has steered over 850 episodes to success, making it a powerhouse of insights with millions of downloads. Recognized for his superpower of compelling business leaders to reveal their well-guarded secrets, he has crafted a network unmatched in depth and diversity, hosting a sterling array of guests including billionaires from six continents, New York Times best-selling authors, navy seals, prominent professors, scientists, and a legion of business thought leaders.

    The show has now grown into a repository of high-value content, syndicated on platforms like Amazon Prime and the Roku Streaming TV Network.

    Matt is a 3x Amazon Best Selling author, with accolades including, “Your Inner Game", “Secrets of #Fail”, and “Secrets of Influence” which have established him as a significant voice in the entrepreneurial world, a reputation cemented by recognitions such as being named among the Top 25 Most Influential People in Technology by CIO Views magazine and finding a place in Fast Company Magazine's list of Most Influential People in Business.

    Matt is also known for his leadership interventions, where through professional speaking, master classes and personalized coaching sessions, he shares the wealth of knowledge accumulated over years of hands-on experience. All these initiatives stem from a driven desire: to usher a positive change in the business world, one startup, one leader at a time.

    The mission is clear— to facilitate the growth of aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders, steering them towards creating a meaningful impact in the world.

    Social Links

    Connect with Matthew Brown on LinkedIn:

    (3) Matt Brown | LinkedIn

    Link to the Matt Brown Show:

    Telling the stories of influencers and business thought leaders, one conversation at a time. - The Matt Brown Show

    Link to Secret of Influence:

    Amazon.com: Secrets of Influence - Proven Strategies for Business Leaders to Unlock Genuine Digital Influence eBook : Brown, Matthew: Kindle Store

    Link to Secret of #Fail:

    Secrets of #Fail - Stories, Insights, and Lessons from the Hidden Failures of Entrepreneurs: Brown, Matt: 9798861989114: Amazon.com: Books

    Link to Your Inner Game:

    Your Inner Game - 12 Principles For High Impact Entrepreneurs: Brown, Matt: 9780639955803: Amazon.com: Books

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (4) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice's website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • In a world driven by results and constant hustle, we often forget to pause and appreciate our achievements. Alice Heiman, in her recent podcast, emphasizes the importance of appreciation in business success. Here are the key takeaways:

    Appreciation Builds Momentum: Taking a moment to truly appreciate our accomplishments can create great momentum. It instills confidence and encourages us to plan for a successful future.Greatness Breeds Success: Acknowledging past achievements is the true measure of success. Reflecting on the times when you've outdone yourself helps predict future success.Leadership and Appreciation: As leaders, appreciating ourselves and our teams is crucial. It sets an example for others and drives sales, scales businesses, and focuses on what truly matters—customer satisfaction and employee engagement.It's Simple and Cost-Effective: Appreciation doesn't have to be grand gestures. Simple acts like handwritten notes, thoughtful gifts, or spending quality time can go a long way in showing appreciation.Building a Culture of Appreciation: To foster a culture of appreciation, start with yourself, appreciate your team, and encourage others to do the same. It creates a positive atmosphere that benefits everyone involved.

    Alice Heiman's insights highlight the transformative power of appreciation in business. Take the time to appreciate yourself, help others do the same, and share appreciation with those around you. It's a simple yet powerful practice that can elevate your business to new heights.

    If you found these insights valuable, be sure to listen to the full podcast for a deeper understanding of the topic. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more thought-provoking discussions on "Sales Talk for CEOs."


    01:27 Importance of taking time to appreciate and celebrate successes

    02:47 Deep appreciation helps build momentum and confidence

    03:56 Recommendation to read the book "Ten X is Easier Than Two X"

    05:29 Being great as a leader benefits others and brings success

    06:46 Need to appreciate and celebrate team achievements

    08:05 Ways to appreciate oneself and others in the company

    09:31 Understanding how individuals like to be appreciated

    10:50 Suggestions for showing appreciation: handwritten notes, asking preferences

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (2) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice’s website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • Imagine taking over the CEO role of a company just as COVID hit. Alice Heiman sat down with Andee Harris, the dynamic CEO of Challenger Inc., who did just that. Harris shared her riveting journey of steering the company through the COVID-19 pandemic and moving from 100% in-person training to 100% online training basically overnight, revealing not only the challenges faced but also the exact strategies she implemented to drive rapid growth and adapt to a rapidly changing business landscape.

    The Catalyst for Change: Pivoting in a Pandemic

    Harris's tenure at Challenger began amidst the pandemic. She was met with the daunting task of revitalizing a company that was "dead in the water" due to the pandemic-induced halt in its traditional training services. Recognizing the urgent need to pivot, Harris spearheaded the transition to virtual and e-learning platforms, ensuring that the high demand for Challenger's training could be met despite the constraints of the global crisis.

    One of the most striking revelations from Harris was the absence of a demand generation and marketing strategy within Challenger. The company had previously relied heavily on leads from Gartner and engagements with legacy customers. Leveraging her background as a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Harris embarked on building a robust demand generation engine. This included optimizing the company's website for SEO, engaging in social selling, and rebranding Challenger as an innovative tech company, thereby widening its appeal to include SMB and mid-market customers alongside its enterprise clientele.

    Strategic Sales Team Restructuring

    Harris didn't stop at marketing transformations. She meticulously restructured the sales team to better align with customer segments, differentiating between new logo acquisition and existing account management. This strategic segmentation enabled Challenger to tailor its approach to various customer needs more effectively, showcasing Harris's keen understanding of the nuances in customer buying processes.

    Key Takeaways for CEOs:

    Andee Harris's journey with Challenger Sales Training Company offers invaluable lessons for CEOs navigating their businesses through uncertainty:

    Embrace Agility: The swift pivot to virtual and e-learning platforms was a testament to the importance of agility in business. CEOs should be ready to adapt their product delivery to meet customer needs, regardless of external pressures.Demand Generation is Key: Harris's focus on building a demand generation engine highlights the critical role of marketing in driving growth. CEOs should ensure their companies have robust strategies for lead generation and brand positioning.Strategic Sales Team Structure: Tailoring sales strategies to customer segments can significantly enhance effectiveness. CEOs should consider how their sales teams are structured to best meet the diverse needs of their clientele.Customer-Centric Approach: Above all, Harris's strategies were rooted in a deep understanding of customer needs and buying behaviors. CEOs should maintain a laser focus on serving their customers in the manner they prefer, ensuring success and satisfaction.

    Andee Harris's CEO journey, is a compelling case study on leading with resilience, innovation, and an unwavering focus on customer needs. Her success in transforming Challenger amidst unprecedented challenges offers inspiration and practical advice for CEOs looking to navigate their companies through turbulent times.

    For a deeper dive into her strategies, challenges, and the innovative steps she took to transform Challenger, watch the full episode and subscribe to our channel!


    02:55 'Andee's decision to become CEO of Challenger after selling High Ground'

    06:17 'Transition of Challenger's founders and how opportunity came Andee's way'

    08:43 'Overcoming the absence of demand generation and marketing at Challenger'

    10:42 'Andee's strategy for developing lead generation and hiring new sales talent'

    13:19 'Fastest path to lead generation and impact on sales processes'

    16:25 'Upscaling sales talent and adapting to remote selling during Covid'

    17:08 'Recruiting the right salespeople and providing sales training under unique circumstances'

    18:52 'Segmenting the sales team according to customer needs and buying processes'

    21:06 'Finding the right sellers to handle segmented customer groups'

    22:47 'Aligning the structure of the sales team with customer acquisition and growth strategies'

    23:17 'Adapting to customer buying preferences and servicing key accounts'

    25:03 'Ongoing growth and hiring for the sales team at Challenger'

    26:01 'Training focus for sellers on understanding and addressing customer indecision'

    27:24 'Real-world impact of Challenger selling philosophy beyond sales'

    28:20 'Looking forward and recognizing the power of partnerships and integrations'

    32:33 'How the new Salesforce app will enhance the sales process with Challenger methodology cues'

    About Guest

    Andee Harris is the CEO of Challenger. A proven leader, Harris brings more than two decades of experience in growing and scaling service and technology businesses. She has previously led multiple companies, both as CEO and Senior Vice President, through periods of rapid revenue growth, critical fundraising and successful acquisition.

    She is an unstoppable, successful business builder, right brain thinker in a left-brain world. She is known for clearing pathways by connecting data and people. Andee is an Adjunct Professor at Kellogg School of Management, sharing her entrepreneurial wisdom in the course, Launching and Leading Startups. She is a highly regarded technology thought leader with broad expertise in market share growth, business development, multi-channel marketing and revenue management.

    Andee is a member of YPO Chicago and a board member to Bonfire, Chicago Ideas Week, Lyft Community Board and The Lurie Children’s Hospital Strategic Founders. She lives in Lincoln Square with her husband, two teenagers and black lab. She is an avid traveler and loves to cook and be outdoors.

    Social Links

    You can learn more about and connect with Andee Harris in the links below.


    The Challenger Sale | Sales, Marketing, & CS Approach (challengerinc.com)

    Winning The Challenger Sale podcast:

    Winning the Challenger Sale - Sales Podcast | Challenger Inc

    Andee on LinkedIn:

    (99+) Andee (Weissman) Harris | LinkedIn

    You can learn more about and connect with Alice Heiman in the links below.

    Connect with Alice on LinkedIn:

    (99+) Alice Heiman | LinkedIn

    Check out Alice’s website:

    Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs

  • Growing your business by doing an exceptional job is something that Alice’s guest Justin Rende knows well. This may be overlooked by those companies with a race to land new logos. Having referenceable customers can help you grow your sales. In fact when you do an exceptional job, without prompting, your customers will tell others. But that won’t fuel all the growth you need. You might have to become a bike messenger and start dropping off packages. When Justin decided to branch out he focused on startups. Learn how Justin messengered his way into startups all over New York City and how that grew his sales before hiring a team of sellers.


    02:38 Justin's journey from a consulting firm to starting his own business, Rhymetec

    03:24 The concept and process of penetration testing

    04:35 How successful penetration tests led to a referral and the start of Rhymetec

    05:34 The opportunity that prompted Justin to start his own business

    06:35 Justin's steps to become a CEO practically overnight

    07:03 Gaining the first prominent client and the growth following that

    08:57 The importance of doing a great job and how it led to a snowball effect in business growth

    10:40 Justin's strategies for scaling the company, hiring new talent, and the responsibilities they brought in

    17:39 The transition from bike deliveries to a global sales approach

    18:23 The training and responsibilities of hired CSOs and their role in sales and customer success

    20:05 Outreach strategies to engage technology startups

    23:30 Justin's unique approach using personal touches in sales outreach and its impact

    26:58 The evolution of sales tasks and hiring a sales team to support business growth

    32:06 Discussion on the growth of the go-to-market team beyond initial outreach methods

    34:49 Key takeaways on the importance of hiring people with the right mindset in sales

    About Guest

    Justin Rende is the Founder and CEO of Rhymetec, a cybersecurity firm providing cybersecurity, compliance and data privacy needs to SaaS companies. With over 20 years of experience in cybersecurity, Justin has focused exclusively on developing the most innovative and customizable cybersecurity solutions for modern SaaS-based companies.

    Social Links

    Connect with Justin

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justin-rende/Twitter: https://twitter.com/rhymetecFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/RhymetecCyberSolutions

    Connect with Alice

    LinkedIn: (3) Alice Heiman | LinkedInWebsite: Alice Heiman | Sales Consultant and Strategist for CEOs