Bysnakk er en podkast om byutvikling som tar for seg alt vi lurer på om framtidens byer. Hvordan vil vi bo, jobbe og bevege oss i framtiden, hvordan får vi til økt ombruk og hvordan skal vi planlegge byen etter korona?
En podkast fra OMA med programleder, Erling Fossen og faglig kommentator, Maren Bjerkeng.
Erling er Norges første urbanist og Maren er arkitekt og jobber som eiendomsutvikler. Annenhver onsdag snakker de med spennende gjester om trender innenfor byutvikling.
OMA er et nettverk for helhetlig og bærekraftig byutvikling i Osloregionen.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to Brand it! with Petchy, where you’re about to discover that brand strategy isn’t just for 7-figure celebrity entrepreneurs or massive multi-national brands. In a mix of solo episodes and interviews with carefully curated guests, I talk all things branding & strategic design, with a sprinkling of entrepreneurship, politics — and life.
PS: I’m firmly on team #keepingitreal, and I don’t shy away from sharing the reality of running a business. Also; I'm partial to spicy language.
Livet som företagande grafiska formgivare och frågor som rör branschen och yrket. I jakt på balans mellan jobb, fritid och kreativa behov spånar vi kring aktuella teman. Vi tar in gäster att inspireras och lära oss mer av. Dela gärna med er av frågor och tankar som dyker upp, eller teman och gäster ni vill att vi har med. Följ och kontakta oss på instagram @drivadesignpodden.
Dive into Gretchen Jones's studio and sit in on series of unscripted sessions with her clientele, a diverse range of talented creative professionals. You’ll listen in as she guides each individual towards the self-actualized change they seek - for themselves, their businesses, and their professions.
Welcome to "UXChange" the podcast where we (ex)change experiences! I am a firm believer that sharing is caring. As we UX professionals are all aspiring to change User Experiences for the better, I have put together this podcast to accelerate learning and improvement! In this podcast, I will:- Share learning experiences from myself and UX professionals- Answer most common questions- Read famous blogs- Interview UX Professionals- And much more!For more info, head over to
Impulses and conversations to renew our senses for life, leadership and business by design. Lets lean into other ways of knowing, making and relating for enlivening and desirable futures, together! -
Det er bare å beklage, men i denne podkasten risikerer de fire jentene jentene - som til daglig dirver fÆbrik sammen - å ødelegge sitt gode rennomé som prektige syjenter med høy moral. Programledere: Jenny Skavlan, Mari Nordén, Ingrid Bergtun og Ingrid Vik Lysne Produsent: Øystein Weibell
Bare å beklage er produsert av Bauer Media. Vil du annonsere i podkasten? Ta kontakt med [email protected].
As a stylist who explores what makes women feel beautiful, entrepreneur and Instagram favorite @HilaryRushford brings her witty, winsome, and wise voice to honest conversations on how to have an extraordinary life (without being exhausted): More joy and less overwhelm in your style, business, and life. You’re welcome (wink), in advance.
VILLOID Gründer Jeanette Dyhre Kvisvik i samtale med forbilder som inspirerer jenter til å stå frem og tørre mer.
See for privacy and opt-out information.
Kva inneber det å gje opp livet og karrieren i byen og flytta på landet for å verta småbrukarar? I Pludrecast, gardspodden til Gjengevoll Mangesysleri, kan du følgja Mari og Kjetil på deira reise frå byfolk til heilstøpte bønder. I podden pratar dei om å starta og driva gard, kvardagen og utviklinga på Mangesysleriet, og større tema som livet, forretningsutvikling, politikk og berekraftig matproduksjon.
The Hair Game is a series brought to you by Salon Republic and hosted by founder Eric Taylor, who, after 20 yrs in the hair game, has seen a lot of s#!@ go down. We go deep with the beauty industry's most interesting players, we educate and tell stories about the things you care about, and we get into the business side of the game so you can earn more and keep more. Also check out the video content on
Mark of the Maker is a panel discussion with renowned custom knife makers Tom Krein, Sean Kendrick and Michael Burch, and hosted by Mark Stheiner. The format is much like a group of friends sitting around in The Pit at Blade Show, talking knives - a look at life from the perspective of the maker as well as the collector. Covering broader topics such as tactical knife history, trends, industry commentary and influences of social media, as well as conversations with other knifemakers, collectors and notable figures in and around the custom knife world. Music: “noir guitar” by Stevie’s Amp Shack, from the Free Music Archive, CC BY 4.0
How to get your architecture published.
17 part series presented by the co-founders of, architectural photographer Nic Granleese, and design journalist Ben Morgan. Topics covered include 5 steps to getting published, common mistakes architects make with the media, the purpose of getting published, media kits for architects, the people in architectural media (editors, freelance writers, publishers, and photographers), different types of publications (magazines, newspapers, websites, books, TV shows and social media), topics covered in architectural media, how to create amazing content, how to engage a photographer, story telling for an architect, how to name architecture, how to submit to journalists, architecture exclusives and much more. -
En brukbar, ufiltrert podcast om brukervennlighet i hverdagen - for de som skulle ønske at ingenting var dritt og at alt funker og er lett. Podcasten består av: Martine - Designer i Fink og Simon - Designer i No Isolation.
Ny episode hver søndag annenhver uke!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En ukentlig podcast hvor vi snakker om våre liv med innslag av mote, personlig stil, sosiale medier, entreprenørskap, foto og karriere. Heng med på vår hektiske, men gøyale hverdag!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.