
  • Episode 75

    This week we are back with another bitesize recap episode, meaning that we are also joined by our fantastic co-host Tamsyn Hendry once more! This week we are having a summary discussion of Episode 35 with Emma Wildgoose on Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as "tapping".

    This is honestly such a groundbreaking approach to helping our children emotionally regulate and I hope our discussion helps spread the word to more families! We talk how EFT blends Eastern acupressure and Western psychology to help us and our children label our feelings and handle stress and anxiety. We discuss how impactful parent emotions are on our children, talk about the applicability in our schools, and (as with every bitesize episode) share some stories from home.

    Tune in, tap into emotional freedom, and watch the transformation unfold in your family's life!


  • Episode 74

    This week we are joined by Amber Jayne, whose story of resilience from an abusive relationship and breast cancer to establishing a successful preschool unfolds in our latest episode.

    We talk all about Amber's journey and the pivotal role of early childhood education and the empowerment it brings, not just to the children, but to mothers crafting their own entrepreneurial endeavors. We chart the course of nurturing from infancy to the brink of school age, and the transformative impact it holds. We also talk navigating screen time with young ones and how to choose the childcare that works for you, and top tips for starting childcare yourself.

    We close the episode on a note of simplicity, reminding us all that amidst the cacophony of parenting advice, the simplest acts of love form the cornerstone of our children's well-being.

    Click here for Amber's Website The loving start way


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  • Episode 73

    When my daughter Alexandra was diagnosed with ADHD, it challenged everything I thought I knew, both about the condition itself but also, and more importantly, parenting my child. Having dispelled and debunked all the myths and misinformation there is about ADHD online last week, this episode is a deep dive into the symptoms, issues, and solutions. I approach this subject from the lived experience as a mother to a daughter with ADHD and from a clinical perspective as a doctor.

    I deep dive into some of the lesser known ADHD symptoms (like emotional dysregulation), how they have presented and caused issues in our home life, and the accommodations we have made. I cover all kinds of changes we've made like medication, diet, visual aids, sleep hygiene, and school accommodation. I'm here to offer a roadmap of actionable strategies to bring a sense of hope to your family.

    Join me for an honest, informative session filled with the tools you need to support your neurodiverse child in a world that's just beginning to understand them.


  • Episode 72

    The myriad of myths swirling surrounding ADHD create needless barriers to help and support for neurodivergent children and their families. As a medical doctor, mother to a child with ADHD, and devoted advocate for neurodiversity, this week I am wading in to bust these harmful misinformed ideas. But unraveling these misconceptions is more than just myth-busting; it's a vital part of understanding and accepting the complexities of this condition.

    I am covering statements like:
    - ADHD is caused by bad parenting
    - ADHD is caused by too much sugar
    - ADHD medication is dangerous
    - ADHD is being over diagnosed
    - ADHD doesn't exist
    - ADHD is just kids being fidgety
    - People with ADHD are dumber than neurotypical people

    But I don't just leave it there, I also go into the science behind ADHD, how it functions, what causes it, and share my own family's experience with it. Understanding ADHD fullt is crucial for crafting strategies that support our children's successful transition to adulthood, and this episode is your guide to doing just that. Join me as we champion the journey of neurodivergent children towards a thriving future, armed with knowledge and empathy.


  • Episode 71

    Navigating the complex maze of health assessments for neurodevelopmental disorders can be daunting for any parent so our guests this week are here to guide us through it.
    Jenny Hooper is CEO of The Evolving Mind with 39 years of experience working in SEND education and Dr Dolly Agrawal is a consultant paediatrician with 25+ years working in the NHS and specialism in neurodevelopmental diagnosis.

    We talk about the difficulties of diagnosing neurodiversity (particularly in girls), why it is crucial, and why so many families are seeking private assessments. Across autism, ADHD and dyselxia, our guests take us through what to expect when your child is being assessed and how to spot red flags in private assessors.

    The journey through the referral process can be fraught with frustration—but armed with our insights, you can anticipate potential roadblocks and ensure your child remains the centerpiece of any assessment. Dr. Dolly and Jenny impart invaluable advice for post-diagnosis support and navigating the educational system. If you're looking for actionable insights and empowerment, this conversation is tailored to light your path through the special education needs landscape.

    Link to The Evolving Mind Clinic


  • Episode 70

    This week we have the fantastic Rebecca Avern to talk all about acupuncture and how it can help our neurodiverse children! As a doctor trained in the UK, we start our conversation on the discussion on the benefits of using Eastern and Western medicine in conjunction with one another. We discuss how acupuncture offers solace and support, tackling emotional dysregulation, sleep disturbances, and an array of challenges that often accompany neurodiversity.

    Rebecca shares a number of anonymised stories of neurodivergent clients she has helped using acupuncture and how we can tailor acupuncture to young people and children. This includes gentle, needle-free options and allowing the children to lead their healing experiences, moving at their pace.

    This episode exemplifies the benefits of nurturing a multi-practitioner environment, and the power of a collective effort to create a healing space where children and families feel supported and understood on their journeys toward well-being.

    Link to Panda Acupuncture Clinic
    Link to The Little Acupuncture Room


  • Episode 69

    When the road ahead seems shrouded in uncertainty, it's the stories of those who've walked it before us that shed the most light. This week we are joined by Esther Freeman, the visionary behind the SEND Parent Survival Guide, as we traverse the terrain of raising children with SEND. Esther's candid account of her own trials and victories offers a map for parents in the thick of similar struggles – a guide to finding balance between caring for their child and themselves. Through the guide's three pillars, we illuminate tools and strategies that can transform the chaos into a journey of growth and empowerment, underlining the profound importance of self-care and mental health in creating a nurturing family environment.

    Join us as we uncover the strength in community, the necessity for boundaries, and the collective knowledge that lights the path for parents guiding their children with SEND.

    Click here for link to The SEND Parents Survival Guide

    Click here for auto generated Transcript


  • Episode 67

    This week Dr Olivia is joined by Tamsyn Hendry, back for another bitesize recap! This episode they are revisiting Ep 18 with Rachel Horner, and are discussing our favourite takeaways and most important tips from that episode. For so many families, occupation therapy is truly a kind of magic. While so many may be telling us that there is something "wrong" with our children, occupational therapists meet them where they are at and tailor changes so small and simple, yet with life changing results.

    Tamsyn and Olivia pour over a lot of their favourite take-aways from the episode like the "Just Right" challenge, molded cultery, why autistic children may prefer super hot or cold food, and as always share how these lessons have changed their parenting in real life.

    This episode is a reminder that when we really meet our children where they are at, the smallest changes and accommodations have profound impacts on our lives.


  • Episode 67

    This week we are joined once more by the esteemed Dr Maryhan, in an episode that promises to equip you with the tools to nurture the skill of bouncing back from life's hurdles. The skill of resilience is both crucial to a neurodivergent child's life and simultaneously one that can be more difficult to cultivate due to the extra support our children need.

    We talk Ginsburg's 7 C's of Resilience (with a focus on 'confidence' and 'competence'),
    Embark on a journey to understand the heart of parenting neurodiverse children—resilience. With Dr. Olivia Kessel and the esteemed Dr. Maryhanas your guides, this episode promises to equip you with the tools to nurture the skill of bouncing back from life's hurdles. We dissect Ginsburg's seven C's, with a focus on 'competence' and 'confidence', the importance of experiential learning, and balancing empathy and support with allowing the room for trials, failures and learning. We also discuss the importance of connections beyond the family unit, how to cultivate healthy coping mechanisms, and the empowerment that comes from control and agency.

    Finally, we share the palpable excitement for Dr Maryhan's upcoming "Raising Resilient Adults" Conference (for which I, Dr Olivia Kessel, am a guest speaker). Parents, educators, and all invested in the future of neurodiverse children, join us in this pivotal conversation and walk away with a renewed commitment to the resilience-building journey.

    It Takes A Village Conference will be held on 18th April 2024 at Farnborough-Hill school. It is for parents and professionals who want to hear from experts on how best to raise resilient adults.

    To buy tickets click on this link https://drmaryhan.com/ittakesavillage/


  • Episode 66

    This week we have the fantastic Kate Steer @nurturedneurokids, a former teacher turned neurodivergent family coach, on the podcast to unravel the complexities of neurodiversity in education.

    Together, we talk about the changes in the education system that led to Kate's exit from teaching, the stifling pressures on creativity within classrooms, and journey that many families undertake as they step away from mainstream education. We talk about the importance of advocating for and honour parental instincts and transformative power of self-directed learning at home.

    Kate's expertise shines as she provides practical advice on preparing for pivotal meetings with school officials, and navigating the labyrinth of state education. If you're looking to empower your child to flourish on their unique educational journey, let our stories and strategies guide you toward a brighter, more accommodating learning environment.


  • Episode 65

    This week we are joined by Tina MacGillivray, known as @thepdaparent on instagram and a beacon of resilience and knowledge in parenting. This week we talk to her about the journey of parenting her son with 48 XXYY syndrome, autism, Tourette's, and PDA.

    This is a heartbreaking yet inspiring episode which tells the story of a parent who has realised that the support she needs just isn't there, and has taken matters into her own hand - an experience help with so many others in this community. We talk PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance), about being on the receiving end of an underfunded system, and the choice to disengage. We also discuss how Tina brought herself and her son back from the brink, low demand parenting, educating oneself about the nervous system, and the key role humour has in parenting.

    The episode concludes with an empowering message to parents: your journey, though daunting, is laced with opportunities for transformation, growth, and the discovery of unexpected joy in the face of adversity. Join us as we share a story not just of struggle, but of profound hope and the indelible strength of the human spirit.

    Click here for Tina's The PDA Parent Newsletter
    PDA Books:

    Understanding PDA in Children – Phil Christie

    The Educators Guide to PDA – Laura Kerbey

    Collaborative Approaches to Learning for Children with PDA – Ruth Fidler


  • Episode 64

    This week I sit down with Matt Gupwell, founder of Think Neurodiversity and co-host of ADHD Talks, to discuss finding your passions and thriving within neurodiversity.

    Diagnosed with ADHD and autism later in life, Matt unveils how this revelation reshaped his understanding of success and spurred his passion to help to make this journey easier for others than it was for him. We talk about medication, the profound effect a diagnosis can have, and learning to re-centre yourself after a diagnosis. As two people with a mutual passion for sharing reliable SEND information and resources, we discuss navigating misinformation online and highlight the necessity for individuals to proactively seek evidence-based resources. We also critique the deficit-laden narratives surrounding ADHD on social media and encourage neurodivergents to embrace their innate talents. And finally, we discuss the beautiful gift of relearning and redefining success for ourselves, and how to help our children find their own versions.

    This is an uplifting and open minded conversation and I can't wait for you to hear it.

    Click here for Think Neurodiversity
    Click here for Talk ADHD


  • Episode 63

    Join us this week as I am once more talking with the fantastic Chrissa Wadlow from Sunshine Support as we unravel the complexities of school attendance for neurodivergent children.

    From personal trauma to sensory overload, we analyse the reasons behind school avoidance and the essential trust between parents and children that must be preserved to prevent long-term psychological harm. We delve deep into the education system's outdated punitive measures surrounding attendance and the harsh interpersonal and societal impact on families they penalise.

    We also remind parents of key legal protections for their children in school that they may not know about, like the fact that you do not need to provide medical proof of poor child mental health and the 15 day rule. By encouraging early recognition of individual needs and equipping parents with the knowledge to challenge systemic barriers, we aim to prevent disengagement and its far-reaching consequences for future generations.

    Link to Sunshine Support
    Mental health guidance - DfE

    PDA Books:

    Understanding PDA in Children – Phil Christie

    The Educators Guide to PDA – Laura Kerbey

    Collaborative Approaches to Learning for Children with PDA – Ruth Fidler

    PDA in the Family – Steph Curtis

    PDA by PDA’ers – Sally Cat


  • Episode 62

    *CONTENT WARNING* This episode mentions suicidal ideation, gaslighting from social services, and child protective services.

    This week I sat down with the indefatigable Chrissa Wadlow, founder of Sunshine Support, to talk to her about the journey that brought Chrissa to creating Sunshine. Chrissa's battle against the UK education system to get the support her autistic daughter needed will be both shocking and heartbreakingly familiar for fellow parents of SEND children. We talk about the infuriating and fraudulent bureaucracy that has been created by a deeply underfunded system, and how it very nearly cost her and her daughter's lives.

    But this is not a sob story - Chrissa used her experience to go on and create Sunshine Support, a centre which works to empower and advocate for parents, carers, and professionals who support children and young people with SEND. They have free information resources, expert educational and legal advice, and community building for families at their wits end. This episode is a testament to power of never giving up, community, and how much easier the world is when we approach with curiosity, not judgement.

    If you are struggling in your quest to get your child support, please click on link to Sunshine Support


  • Episode 61

    This week we are talking to the wonderful Lynn Greenberg who, along with her dyslexic son Jonathan, wrote the children's book "Robby the Dyslexic Taxi and the Airport Adventure". We talk today all about how the book came to be, its reception, and her journey with her son's dyslexia.

    As her son is now an adult man, we reflect on how far neurodivergency advocacy has come in the past 15 years, and how much further there still is to go with early screening and intervention. We reaffirm the importance of educating yourself as a parent, and listening to your gut. And finally, we talk about empowering dyslexic children via the medium that often makes them feel excluded, and the importance of representation of neurodivergent people in books and stories.

    Find Lynn and Johnathan at the Creative Cab Company
    Purchase on Amazon Robby the Dyslexic Taxi


  • Episode 60

    It's time for another bitesize summary episode! Ever witnessed the sheer joy and transformation a child experiences through the simple act of play? This week, Olivia and co-host Tamsyn Hendry review episode 25 with Anna Hodgson and Becky Hill from ClearSky charity. From the huge increases play therapy has in emotional growth and easing peer conflicts, to bridging communication gaps, to guarding child mental health, they recap the magical effects of play therapy. They also look inwards and reflect how they have been able to introduce play more in their own parenting, and talk about the importance of making time (even if it's just 15 minutes).

    Whether you're a parent in the throes of child-rearing or a caregiver looking for fresh perspectives, this is a lovely digestible episode geared with insights and resources to guide you through the intricacies of nurturing our future generations.


  • Episode 59

    As a parent, I've found myself navigating the stormy seas of emotional outbursts and fraught silences, frustrated at my child and disappointed in myself. Enter Sarah Fisher, the mind behind "Connective Parenting," who joins me this week to talk about the Nonviolent Resistance (NVR) approach.

    Together we discuss how this methodology, inspired by leaders of peace like Gandhi and Mandela, can revolutionise parenting for those with children prone to extreme or even violent emotional outbursts. Our discussion is wide ranging: we talk about the importance of parental presence and self-care, triaging challenges, and the delicate balance of acknowledging children's emotions and setting the boundaries needed to guide them gently towards better self-regulation. We share some of our parenting missteps along the way and discuss the need to forgive ourselves to move on to better parenting.

    This episode is a breath of fresh air for any parents who are struggling with this at the moment - just know you are not alone!

    Link to Sarah Fischer's book Connective Parenting


  • Episode 58

    When the education system doesn't quite fit the mould of your children's needs, where do you turn and how do you change? Caro Giles, author of "12 Moons" and single mother to four girls joins me this week to uncover the heart of this question. Together, we discuss the complexities of raising children who defy traditional expectations, from the isolating trenches of securing appropriate education to the balancing act of preserving one's identity. We also talk about Carol's memoir, in which her candid reflections provide solace to those feeling unseen in their caregiving roles.

    The conversation takes a lot of turns into the depths of advocacy, where we share war stories from the front lines of educational tribunals, the often invisible economic and emotional toll that comes with them, and the joyful moments in unconventional families. It's a cathartic conversation, full of personal anecdotes and an unvarnished look at the reality many families face, teeming with the grit and grace required to champion our children's right to a fitting education. This episode is a tribute to those parents championing neurodiversity, and a beacon for those finding their way in a world that's learning to embrace difference.

    Link for Caro's book Twelve Moons A Year Under a Shared Sky
    Support Caro on Substack (Unschooled by Caro Giles) here: https://carogiles.substack.com


  • Episode 57

    Have you ever considered the hidden strengths within a dyslexic mind? This week we sit down with Russell Van Brocklen, a pioneer in dyslexia education. Russell, once challenged by his own dyslexia, now champions a technique that capitalizes on the dyslexic students' unique abilities, turning hurdles into triumphs and helping dyslexic people thrive in academia.

    This is a fascinating episode in which we are afforded an inside scoop on the inner workings of this pioneering course. We discuss all sorts in this episode: both Russell and Olivia's traumatising school experiences with dyslexia, the future of AI in education with dyslexic students, and the powerful tool writing can be in helping organise our thoughts. This is a fascinating, technical episode perfect for those looking to tackle dyslexia in a new way!

    Russell has also been kind enough to offer a discount on his course to listeners of the SEND Parenting podcast!

    Find them on this link: https://dyslexiaclasses.com/podcast-offer/
    Or by using the offer code Parenting2024 at checkout: dyslexiaclasses.com


  • Episode 56

    In this podcast, we talk a lot about the hardships those with ADHD undergo - but what about those who have managed to harness the electric energy of hyperfocus and creativity? This week we have the privilege of hosting the incomparable British impressionist Rory Bremner, who provided an intimate view into his life post-ADHD diagnosis.

    We talk every angle of his journey with ADHD: from navigating the emotional rollercoaster that comes with a diagnosis as an adult, harnessing neurodiversity via comedy, giving yourself a break while keeping yourself accountable, and the personal decisions that go into taking medication or not.

    We cap off this journey with heartfelt advice for parents raising children who march to the beat of their own hyperactive drum. Patience, love, and the right guidance are the cornerstones of supporting these vibrant minds.
