
  • What if animals could come back to us after the've crossed the rainbow bridge? Many animal communicators say they can ... and do! This is the story of a special cat named Gabriel and the pet parent who says reincarnation brought him back to her.

    For more information on animal communicator Kathy Van Guilder visit her website https://kathyvanguilder.com/.

    If you have questions, comments or story ideas please reach out through https://www.roversays.com/

    And to see pictures of Gabriel and Cosmo check us out on Instragram @roversayspodcast.

  • A dog goes on a hunger strike ... except for hot dogs. What is he trying to tell his owner? She tries everything she can think of including seeing two veterinarians. Finally, his owner reaches out to an animal communicator and that's when she learns what's behind his strange behavior. Surprisingly food isn't the real issue.

    Thanks to Beamer, Julie Schullie and animal communicator Lynn Schuster. For more info on Lynn visit https://animalspirittalker.com/,

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  • Her yard was her happy place - a peaceful oasis with plants and butterflies just perfect for meditation and feeling grounded. Wild animals thought so too, the bunnies and birds and eventually rats started coming to pay a visit. This is the story of how one Northern California woman enlisted the help of an animal communicator who has done a lot of work with wild animals to persuade the rats to leave. And it didn't happen at all the way anyone expected.

    Special thanks to Sue Seely, and Animal Communicator Shannon Cutts. You can hear more from Shannon on her podcast Let's Talk to Animals. She's also on Instagram @loveandfeathersandshells.

    Thanks for listening to Rover Says. If you have a comment or a story idea, please reach out at roversays@gmail. And if you like the show please follow and share, every like helps other animal lovers find the show. Until next time, keep talking to your animal friends.

  • Have you ever felt sad and your animal companion seemed to know? Perhaps even tried to comfort you? Well that might be because animals want to help their people says animal communicator Kathy Van Guilder.

    In this episode of Rover Says, a dog named Harley tries his best to connect with his owner, but he can't get through to her, despite years of trying. That's when he hatches a plan to land a new human friend who can give him her home and heart.

    Thanks to Lucy, Harley, Martha and Kathy for sharing their story.

    For more about animal communicator Kathy Van Guilder:


    Instagram @the_animal_mystic

    If you have a comment or story idea, please reach out at roversays@gmail.com.

    And don't forget to rate, subscribe and follow the show.

    We're on Instagram @roversayspodcast.

  • What's a cat lover to do when her furry feline has a taste for fabric ... as in drapes, curtains, and clothes! This is the story of a cat named Spencer and his penchant for chewing on things not on the menu and what it finally took to get him to stop.

    Thanks to Julie Scott and Spencer for sharing their story and to animal communicator Frances Greenspan.

    To find out more about Frances Greenspan:



    As always thanks for listening. You can leave us a question, comment or story idea at roversays@gmail.com. Please don't forget to like, review and share with a friend, it helps other animal lovers find the show. You can follow us on Instagram @RoverSaysPodcast

  • Fish may not seem like they have many ways to communicate with people, but one South Orange County woman begs to differ. Her goldfish let's her know all manner of things and when she can't get an answer, she'll call in a pet psychic to help fill in the details. This is the story of their special bond and of the remarkable things she's learned about her special guy Hoover.

    You can see pictures and videos on Instagram of Hoover doing his thing @buffieandbandit.

    For more information on Animal Communicator Suzan Vaughn go to her website https://www.animalwhisperer.net/.

    As always thank you for listening to Rover Says. If you like the show please rate it, follow and share. Every positive review helps more animal lovers find the show. As always we'd like to hear from you so please send us your comments or story ideas at roversays@gmail.com. Our website is https://www.roversays.com/. Follow us on Instagram @roversayspodcast.

  • In this episode we talk with Animal Communicator Shannon Spring about what the afterlife is like for animals and how we can keep communicating with our beloved animal friends even after they've crossed the rainbow bridge.

    Shannon talks about the topic and others in her new book called Open Mic for Animals: Evidential Fairy Tails which is available now on Amazon.

    You can find out more about Shannon on her website at https://shannonspring.com/.

    Or at https://www.instagram.com/mayorpuppypants/.

  • A flashy young horse, who was taught to do tricks, wants a life in the limelight ... or so he thinks. Is that really what will make Magic happy?

    In this episode of Rover Says, Ellie Laks from the Gentle Barn Animal Sanctuary makes another appearance to tell the story of this amazing horse and the lessons he learned and turned around to teach others.

    If you'd like to know more about the Gentle Barn, you can find info here: https://www.gentlebarn.org/. For more about Ellie and her animal communication, go to her website at: https://ellielaks.com/. Her new book Cow Hug Therapy is due out in May, but you can pre-order on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/Cow-Hug-Therapy-Animals-Everything/dp/1608688682/ref=sr_1_3?crid=30ELPLIJHRYMU&keywords=cow+hug+therapy&qid=1706729712&sprefix=cow+hug+therapy%2Caps%2C232&sr=8-3

    Thanks for listening to Rover Says. If you like the show, please follow, rate, and share with your friends. It helps other animal lovers find the show. We always love hearing from you, so please send us a note and let us know what your animals are telling you or what they've told animal communicators at roversays@gmail.com.

  • Do animals have a sense of humor? They most certainly do say animal communicators. In this episode, you'll meet Portia, a playful turkey who played a joke on her human caretakers.

    Portia had been rescued from slaughter at just 12 weeks old by the Gentle Barn Animal, an animal sanctuary with 3 locations across the U.S. Like most genetically engineered turkeys made to fatten up quickly for slaughter, by the time Portia was two she was so big she couldn't stand and was struggling under her massive weight. Ellie Laks, the founder of the Gentle Barn, who also happens to be an animal communicator, asked Portia if she wanted to be released from her pain.

    Much to Laks' surprise, Portia said she wanted to live, but not just live like a regular turkey, live like royalty. Was she serious? Or was she joking? And what did her caretakers learn from this fowl play? That's in this episode of Rover Says.

    Thanks so much to the Gentle Barn, Ellie Laks, and Portia!

    If you'd like to check out Portia's bedazzled throne, go to our Instagram @roversayspodcast.

    If you'd like to know more about the Gentle Barn, you can find it here: https://www.gentlebarn.org/. For more about Ellie and her animal communication, go to her website at: https://ellielaks.com/. Her new book Cow Hug Therapy is due out in May, but you can pre-order on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/Cow-Hug-Therapy-Animals-Everything/dp/1608688682/ref=sr_1_3?crid=30ELPLIJHRYMU&keywords=cow+hug+therapy&qid=1706729712&sprefix=cow+hug+therapy%2Caps%2C232&sr=8-3

    Thanks for listening to Rover Says. If you like the show, please follow, rate and share with your friends. It helps other animal lovers find the show. And we always love to hear from you, so please send us a note and let us know what your animals are telling you or what they've told animal communicators at roversays@gmail.com.

  • An orphaned and abused calf gets to live a full life thanks to the gift of animal communication and the compassionate sanctuary that took her in.

    Holy Cow was born into the dairy industry. Taken from her mother when she was tiny, she was destined for the dinner plate as veal. Instead, she wound up at the animal sanctuary The Gentle Barn. Two veterinarians said the injuries she'd sustained in the slaughter pipeline were so severe she needed to be euthanized. But the Gentle Barn's founder Ellie Laks, who is an animal communicator, just knew Holy Cow wanted to live. And so she gave her that chance with some out-of-the-box thinking and a huge amount of love and care.

    Holy Cow, who was named by comedian Ellen DeGeneres, went on to live a remarkable life. In her final days, animal communication once again changed the trajectory of Holy Cow's life, giving her extra time, to say her goodbyes and die on her own terms.

    Thanks so much to the Gentle Barn, Ellie Laks, Julie Walker and Holy Cow for sharing this beautiful story!

    If you'd like to know more about the Gentle Barn, you can find it here: https://www.gentlebarn.org/. For more about Ellie and her animal communication, go to her website at: https://ellielaks.com/. Her new book Cow Hug Therapy is due out in May, but you can pre-order on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/Cow-Hug-Therapy-Animals-Everything/dp/1608688682/ref=sr_1_3?crid=30ELPLIJHRYMU&keywords=cow+hug+therapy&qid=1706729712&sprefix=cow+hug+therapy%2Caps%2C232&sr=8-3

    Thanks for listening to Rover Says. If you like the show, please follow, rate and share with your friends. It helps other animal lovers find the show. And we always love to hear from you, so please send us a note and let us know what your animals are telling you or what they've told animal communicators at roversays@gmail.com.

  • When you're planning a big move, there's a lot to think about. And if pets are part of your life, the whole process is that much more complicated.

    Christine Skoczynski was getting ready to settle back in the mid-west, then her two cats started acting strangely. Was it because they didn't want to go? Worried about making the right decision for her cats, she reached out to a pet psychic. Enter Animal Communicator Suzan Vaughn.

    Vaughn spoke with cats Finn and Frankie who were not on the same page about the move. She found out what they wanted to do and helped them know that if they wanted to go, what they could expect.

    How did everything turn out? That's in this episode of Rover Says.

    If you'd like to know more about Animal Communicator Suzan Vaughn visit her website at https://www.animalwhisperer.net/.

  • You love your cat, but you feel guilty because you work so much. Adding another cat to the family will fix everything, right? Not so fast!

    In this episode of Rover Says, chaos ensues when a loving owner brings home a new cat to a one cat household. Much as the cats' owner wants everyone to get along, it's not happening. He reaches out to Animal Communicator Neave Karger to help restore harmony and she quickly learns, the new cat is only a small part of the problem. The real issue is the trauma the original cat endured in her former living situation. Fixing the problem will require Karger to employ a number of healing techniques. Can she help this family?

    Thanks to Conor MacDonald, Neave Karger, and superstars Muffin and Baby for sharing this story.

    If you'd like to know more about Neave go to her website at https://www.neaveanimals.com/

    Thank you for listening to Rover Says. If you like the show please rate it, follow, and share. Every positive review helps more animal lovers find the show. As always we'd like to hear from you so please send us your comments or story ideas at roversays@gmail.com. Our website is https://www.roversays.com/.

  • When you rescue a dog, you never really know what they've been through. Maybe they were abused. Maybe they were neglected. Maybe they got lost and no one came looking for them.

    In this episode of Rover Says, Daisy a pit bill mix who was adopted not once, not twice, not three times, but actually four times before finding her forever home carries a lot of mental scars. Daisy suffers from such severe anxiety she can't be left alone. Not even for ten minutes.

    Her new mom Liz reaches out to animal communicator Neave Karger for help. The first thing Daisy asks Neave ... whether Liz is going to give her away like all the others have?

    What will it take to mend this dog's broken heart?

    Thanks to Liz Tate, Neave Karger and Daisy for sharing this story.

    If you'd like to know more about Neave go to her website at https://www.neaveanimals.com/

    Thank you for listening to Rover Says. If you like the show please rate it, follow and share. Every positive review helps more animal lovers find the show. As always we'd like to hear from you so please send us your comments or story ideas at roversays@gmail.com. Our website is https://www.roversays.com/.

  • This week, I'm doing something a little different. After three years of not getting COVID, I finally did, and that impacted the show's production schedule. So this episode is a collection of a lot of great sound that I hadn't been able to use before. You'll hear some of the things animal communicators hear most often from the animals they talk to, things like what animals think we can do better, and what they'd like us to know.

    Special thanks to Animal Communicators Claudia Hehr (Episode 12), Frances Greenspan (Episode 1) and Shannon Spring (Episodes 9 and 10)!

    If you like the show please rate it, follow and share. It helps other animal lovers find the show. And as always, we'd to hear from you, please share a story or tell us what you think about the show. Our email is roversays@gmail.com.

    You can find Shannon Spring on Instagram at https://instagram.com/mayorpuppypants?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

    You can find Frances Greenspan at https://www.franceswgreenspan.com/animal-communicator/

    You can find more about Claudia Hehr at https://claudiahehr.com/

  • A kind stranger wants to rescue a stray cat and her young kittens, but the cat is having no part of it. That’s until an animal communicator gets involved to let mama know the stranger means well.

    In this episode of Rover Says animal communicator, Claudia, Hehr helps change the future for a family of cats and, among other things, lets their new owner know what everyone wants for Christmas!

    Thanks to Claudia and her clients Lee Anne and Goldie for sharing their story.

    If you’d like to know more about Claudia visit her website at https://claudiahehr.com. Claudia's work for animals extends beyond helping them communicate with their people, she was a pioneer in the doggie daycare field launching Canada's first such facility. She's now trying to revolutionize animal shelters by making them more comfortable for the animals and focusing more on animal's needs. Here's where you can find more about her project https://animalhome.org/

    To comment or give us a story idea go to roversays@gmail.com. Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/roversayspodcast/

  • A terrified young horse at auction has a chance encounter with a woman possessing unique abilities to communicate. What did they say to each other? Could he trust her? And what would that decision mean for the rest of their lives?

    In this episode, Kerri Lake, who has been able to communicate with animals, trees, bricks, and practically everything else around her, explains her unique gift and how it helped the horse ... along with countless other people and animals develop a deeper understanding of what the other thinks and feels.

    As for the frightened colt, he decided to trust Lake that day at the horse auction. That decision got him away from the people who'd hurt him and likely saved him from the kill buyers who purchase horses for slaughter. He enjoyed the rest of his days in a grass pasture with a quarter horse named Gail.

    If you'd like to know more about Kerri Lake visit her website www.generateharmony.com.

    Info on her book can be found at www.amazon.com/author/kerrilake and info on her podcast Compass Conversations can be found at www.compassconversations.com.

    As always we'd love to hear from you. Send us a comment or share a story of what your pet has revealed to an animal communicator. You can email us at roversays@gmail.com or visit our website at https://www.roversays.com/.

    Follow us on Instagram at @roversayspodcast.

    And please be sure to like, follow, and share the show!

    Dufresne devouring that two-foot tall grass.

    Dufresne and his pasture mate Gayle.

  • This episode contains adult content.

    We're back at Mockingbird Farm Sanctuary in New York to hear more about what the animals have to say to animal communicator Shannon Spring.

    In this episode, Sid the goat wants pumpkin muffins and he's not too shy to ask. Plus, Molly the duck loses her longtime mate Mike. Mockingbird Farm's founder Jonell Chudyk expects sadness from Molly, but that's not at all what happens. Molly reveals she's found new love - with a duck who's already taken!

    For more information on the show or to give us a story idea or comment go to our website https://www.roversays.com/

    For more information on Mockingbird Farm Sanctuary visit:




    The sanctuary provides tours for people who'd like to visit. If you'd like to help them, help the animals, you can volunteer or make a monthly donation through Patreon.


    Animal communicator and psychic medium Shannon Spring has a book due out March of 2024 called OPEN MIC FOR ANIMALS: Evidential Fairytales. You can visit her website at https://shannonspring.com/

    or check out her Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/@mayorpuppypants

    Thanks so much for listening!

  • The 52 animals living at Mockingbird Farm Sanctuary in western New York are the lucky ones. They were rescued from bad situations and get to spend the rest of their lives being loved and cared for by the sanctuary's staff and volunteers. The horses, goats, llamas, rabbits, dogs, cats, cows and other animals receive medical and dental care, food and medicine, and lots of attention. What else could they possibly want?

    In this episode, Daisy the llama tells a pet psychic how she thinks things could be better.

    If you'd like to know more about Mockingbird Farm visit:




    The sanctuary provides tours for people who'd like to visit. If you'd like to help them, help the animals, you can volunteer or make a monthly donation through Patreon.


    Animal communicator and psychic medium Shannon Spring has a book on the way called OPEN MIC FOR ANIMALS: Evidential Fairytales. You can visit her website at https://shannonspring.com/

    or check out her Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/@mayorpuppypants

    If you'd like to leave a comment, or let us know about an interesting encounter you had with a pet psychic, please email us at roversays@gmail.com or visit our website https://www.roversays.com/.

  • Jessie the cat had allergies. Bad allergies. The kind that made her skin itch and her eyes swell. Her owner had tried everything to no avail so she turned to an animal communicator.

    Animal communicator Kathy Van Guilder tried to talk to Jessie about her allergies, but Jessie had other things to say. She was worried about her person, Katy Samwell, who had left a career in the music industry to start a business in sound healing, and like any new business owner, Katy was stressed.

    This is the story of a trio of healers: the animal communicator who helped relay messages, the pet owner on a mission to help people through the healing power of sound, and the cat, who simply wanted to help her human.

    If you'd like more information on Kathy Van Guilder go to her website https://kathyvanguilder.com, or find her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/the_animal_mystic, YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUgC-fQYfU8pQf7JO010p9w, or on her pet photography website, https://kathyvanguilderphotography.com, yes, she's an amazing pet photographer too!

    If you'd like to learn more about Katy Samwell's sound healing you can find her music on all music streaming platforms https://katysamwell.com/medicine-songs-album and on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/katy_samwell/?hl=en

    Here's a link to the healing Katy created for her beloved cat Jessie.


  • Feral cats usually keep their distance from people. But one feral cat not only appreciated the food and company of a Southern California woman, the cat also communicated with the woman with the help of a pet psychic. What the cat said was one of the wildest things the pet psychic says she's ever had happen in her 20-plus years talking to animals.

    So what exactly did the cat say? Well, according to the people involved, the cat said she was willing to be spayed! Not only that, she wanted her two kittens to have the procedure done, as well. After she gave her consent, she dropped off her kittens outside the front door of the woman who had offered to take the cat to the veterinary clinic.

    Sounds crazy? Well, not to the people who witnessed the whole thing. That's in this episode of Rover Says.

    Special thanks to animal communicator Suzan Vaughn and animal lover Meredith Magaha for sharing this remarkable story.

    If you'd like to know more about Suzan Vaughn check out her Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgKqwuJfrDvGRO9XHxQ_BlcInGpnOOLL9 or her Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/AnimalWhisperer.net.

    For more info on the show or to send us a story idea, please head on over to our website.