
  • Pre-Order your herbal pre/postnatal elixir here

    I was so inspired by Bethanee and our conversation. I hold a vision for motherhood that is true integration and joy: bringing together all the parts of ourselves into a beautiful life. Bethanee shares her life and mothering perspectives with us. and we talk about a lot of different topics within this realm: farming with her children, weaving ceremony into their everyday lives, becoming a more resourced mother, and so much more. Tune in to hear it all... (and share anything that comes up for you in the IG post for this episode)

    Bethanee Wright is a home-birthing mother of two daughters, wife of her beloved husband, organic farmer (⁠Winterfell Acres⁠) and shamanic practitioner (Earth & Cosmos Shamanic Healing) from southern Wisconsin. Devoted to embodied living, anchored to the Earth’s cycles, she is continually exploring how to weave conscious mothering, growing good food and shamanic living into everyday life. Bethanee loves diving deep into healing work to get into those juicy, life-changing depths that create space for authentic living. She offers healing sessions, audio tracks and classes to support your healing path and, of course, lots of organic produce grown with love.

    ⁠Bethanee's healing offerings⁠

    ⁠Resourced meditation (supports her daily mothering)

    Books Mentioned:

    Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions - Starhawk

    Celebrating the Great Mother: A Handbook of Earth-Honoring Activities - Cait Johnson

    The Magical Year - Danu Forest

    Existential Kink - Carolyn Elliott

    Hunt, Gather, Parent - Michaeleen Doucleff


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for Herbal Elixirs for Wild Women + Mothers Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
  • Last September (2023), I was a guest on the Crunchy Mom Club podcast with Erika Wirth. I thought it would be fun to share that conversation here (and she posted my recent conversation with her, on her podcast as well (check out her ep. 41).

    Erika reaching out to me initially actually began such a sweet friendship and I'm so glad she did.

    In this conversation, I share my "origin story" with my work, and I talk about other things that I haven't talked about anywhere, including one of my most potent motherhood initiations. I also talk about being in the pre-conception time in that moment, spirit babies, dreams and visions, and more. I always enjoy talking with Erika. Enjoy <3


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for Herbal Elixirs for Wild Women + Mothers Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    IG @⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


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  • Further Reading/Viewing:

    Fertility and Culture: A Deep Dive - More Births article

    Birthgap Documentary part 1 - must watch!

    Pronatalist organization

    Anti-natalism and morality article by BigThink

    "Children Belong in Public" - Emily Hancock

    "The Battleground of Motherhood is Where the War for Truth is Won" - Emily Hancock


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for Herbal Elixirs for Wild Women + Mothers Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    IG @⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


  • This week, I speak with Kass, a woman devoted to mothers living in a state of embodiment, regulation, and pleasure, offered through her somatic tools. She talks about....

    Her own postpartum experience and initiation Healing as sitting with the body, and its sensations and stories Pregnancy and birth as a womb cleansing on all levels The vulnerability of the postpartum time and rooting in ourselves above all, and sovereign pregnancy as preparation for knowing in motherhood The difference between physiological worry in motherhood and when it becomes an issue Kass shares a couple of practices for embodiment and regulation in difficult moments in motherhood Getting out and feeling emotions, and integrating our kids into it The importance of accessing and loving from our sexual energy/life force in motherhood

    Kass is a soon to be mama of two boys, somatic practitioner, and sacred birth and postpartum keeper. After healing her own chronic pelvic pain and experiencing her homebirth cesarean, she works with women to remind them of their innate connection to their bodies’ wisdom. Her work is dedicated to the women creating a revolution of mamas prioritizing regulation, rest, pleasure, and play (ie you!).

    Thrive as Mother membership (code: "RootedWoman" for listeners, 35% off!)

    Kass's Instagram (To stay up to date on local offerings or reach out here for 1:1 support)

    Music: Hanna Leigh


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for Herbal Elixirs for Wild Women + Mothers Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    IG @⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


  • This week, Hannah Grace shares the wild and sweet birth stories of her two sons. Each story carries its own beauty and wisdom. Enjoy and be inspired!

    Hannah Grace resides on her tiny forming homestead in the Appalachian mountains with her beloved partner and 2 precious sons. Motherhood and partnership is at the center of her life, allowing her sacred roles to transform her into her highest. After her title of mother, she is a somatic practitioner and former classically trained dancer who fuses together both worlds for her somatic dance offerings. She values living close with the land and elements and is forever a student of life. She loves conversations that include birth, babies, baking, bodywork, life preparedness, trauma healing, death, and when she asks “how are you?” she is ready for the full and honest answer.

    Instagram: @webofgrace

    Website: webofgrace.mykajabi.com


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for Herbal Elixirs for Wild Women + Mothers Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    IG @⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


  • Today I'm talking with Lindsay Courcelle, a myofascial release therapist and internal pelvic bodyworker, on the sacred pelvic bowl and the multi-faceted experiences we go through as women that affect us and are held in our bodies. We talk about the importance of sitting in consciousness in this space in order to free up energy for life and creative flow.

    Join Lindsay in FLOW, a live (and recorded) class to guide you through a simple pelvic massage/meditative practice to begin to connect to your aliveness again.

    Lindsay talks about:

    Her path into MFR and pelvic healing The sacred and expansive realm of memories and experiences stored within the pelvic bowl Lindsay's birth experiences, healing cervical dysplasia, and the trust that develops in a mother-led pregnancy/birth Working in the area of internal pelvic bodywork + energy work - stories, wisdom, and the interconnected web of womanhood experiences that live in us The differences with 1:1 in-person sessions and guiding women to do this healing work at home Our bodies are made to heal and we all have the intuition for healing ourselves and our children

    Things we mention...

    MFR therapy ball

    Lindsay Courcelle is a mama of 2 (soon to be 3) living on a homestead in Vermont with her wee ones and farmer herbalist husband. She has spent the last decade working hands-on and hands-in with women as a myofascial release therapist, specializing in internal pelvic and breast work. Now she weaves her bodywork with the subconscious work of HeartHealing and her own Pelvic Alchemy method, always encouraging full emotional expression and empowerment in self-healing.


    IG @lindsaycourcelle

    FLOW - Internal Pelvic Myofascial Masterclass - early bird pricing til 2/24


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for Herbal Elixirs for Wild Women + Mothers Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    IG @⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


  • My Etsy Shop: Herbal Elixirs for Wild Women + Mothers

    Meghan shares the creative and transformational conscious conception of her first child, and her unexpected second conception. Both are sovereign, simple, and beautifully inspiring stories.

    Meghan Persephone Taylor is a wild woman, radical mother, and visionary artist devoted to the exploration and celebration of the transformational power of creative self- expression. She is a multidisciplinary creative with a special love for textile arts of all kinds and she fell in love with weaving over the course of her BFA degree. Her latest project, "a conception", is a digital memoir project that retraces her initiatory journey into motherhood - check it out HERE.

    Meghan is currently living in the jungle of Costa Rica with her beloved partner and two daughters. She dreams of one day creating an artist residency and birth sanctuary, and of once again having her own loom.Applications are also now open for her community "The Matriarchs Return" where wildly creative women are invited to gather with the shared intention of embarking on our own unique paths of authentic self-expression:⁠https://thematriarchsreturn.squarespace.com/Meghan's IG: @thematriarchsreturn

    Music: Hanna Leigh


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for herbal elixirs + more Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


  • This week, Carrie shares the birth stories of her two children, including one of redemptive healing for her matrilineage. Within her stories, you can feel her devotion to uncovering her inner truth, and her commitment to birthing in her power - both for her own soul healing, and her matrilineage.

    Carrie Michelle is living life to the fullest in Austin, Texas as a mother of two beautiful children.

    As a transformational guide specializing in NLP and hypnotherapy, she empowers women to find their confidence to speak their truth. Carrie Michelle has mentored with sacred elders in postpartum, motherhood, soul-evolution and emotional intelligence—holding certifications in a wide range of healing modalities.

    Carrie Michelle is currently developing a 2024 Instinctual Living online course to help fellow mothers and women to unlock their intuition and live authentically—by their instincts.

    She is passionate about embracing our natural instincts and finding joy in the little moments, she holds sacred the ‘heart’s raw truth’ that illuminates our individual and collective hidden wisdom within.

    Carrie's Instagram

    Victoria - Luminous Birth

    Sacred Soul Sanctum - MorningStar Community starting Feb 14

    Music: Hanna Leigh


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for herbal elixirs + more Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


  • Zoe shares her dharma as a midwife, her experiences in midwifery and the difficult witnessing and taking part in obstetric violence. After a divine accident and miracle healing, she shares what comes next for her, including her powerful and deeply intuitive birth stories. Zoe beautifully illustrates what is possible for women who seek to live an embodied, truthful, and spirit-led life.

    Zoë Jade is a trauma-informed Birthkeeper and freebirthing Mother from the Netherlands. She studied midwifery and discovered that if she wants to guide women with true respect for their autonomy and sacredness of birth, she can only do this outside of the patriarchal maternity system. She offers in person and online guidance throughout the entire childbearing year and organises birth and “Sacral Sound” workshops and circles. Zoë is also writing a book about how she transformed from a disconnected good girl into an intuitive powerful mother. Read more on her website and on her IG.

    Music: Hanna Leigh


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠⁠ for herbal elixirs + more Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠⁠⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠⁠⁠


  • In this solo episode, I share a little more in-depth about the different ways we can become depleted along the motherhood continuum, and some ideas and practices for nourishment, replenishment, and coming into a state of renewed vibrancy.

    Check out my herbal pre/postnatal healing elixir (if sold out, new batch coming mid January!)

    Other Episodes + Resources Mentioned:

    39. Multivitamin Myths + Real Nourishment for the Motherhood Continuum

    32. Coming Closer to Our Soul Essence in Pregnancy, Deepening into Yin, and Shifting Narratives in Mothering - Kristin Hauser (Round 2)

    30. The Regenerative Nature of Pregnancy + Its Initiatory Portal

    29. I Remember I Am a Prayer on My Ancestor's Breath

    Cod Liver Oil - Rosita

    "Diet for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers" - Weston Price Foundation

    "Minerals in Pregnancy and Their Impact on Child Growth and Development"

    Music: Hanna Leigh


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ for herbal elixirs + more Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠


  • (Check out the ⁠⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop)This is a special woman - Zuri, powerfully referring to herself as Dragon Mother - who walks the talk and is committed to the path of re-villaging. She shares in this episode about what it looks like for her and what she is building (inspiring ideas for bringing into your own communities). She also shares her way of conscious, respectful parenting and encouraging healthy sibling dynamics. We talk about:

    Stepping away from attending births as a young mother, the internal conflict and incompatibility, and where she's focusing her energies on these days Village prenatal and postpartum, and community seasonal events that she is facilitating How she calls in reciprocal community energy in these offerings How she is creating community seasonal gatherings that fulfill her vision for the "living dream of the earth", that center mothers and children, and ideas for you to bring to your community as well Cultivating gatherings that aren't just child-centered or adult-centered The primal need and fulfillment of being in a space of community and ritual Centering the family unit in our culture: mothers, fathers, and children Difference between women's and men's circles/spaces Her path and paradigm with parenting and navigating emotions, conflict in sibling dynamics, helping her children develop conflict resolution skills Trusting and respecting our children as intelligent beings

    Zuri Snow is a free-schooling, free-birthing mother and community organizer living in Georgia. She is passionate about rites of passage, earth wisdom, respectful parenting, undisturbed childbirth, and cultivating compassionate community. Her background is steeped in temple priestess arts and holistic midwifery, though she is currently steeped in the medicine of her role as an intentional mother, wife, neighbor, and friend as she prepares for the birth of her third child. Through her occasional ceremonial and educational offerings, women’s circles, postpartum support network, and family-centered seasonal gatherings, she works passionately to create a sense of re-villaging in her local community as an embodied prayer for the unfolding of the Earth’s Living Dream.You can connect with Zuri more via instagram @mamabearth , email zuri@mamabearth.com , or her website www.mamabearth.com where she occasionally hosts ceremonial and educational offerings virtually and local to Georgia.

    Charles Eisenstein - Sacred Economics

    Music: Hanna Leigh


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠⁠ for herbal elixirs + affordable healing workshops Check out my book ⁠⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.comwith feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠⁠


  • Elissa shares her intimate story about becoming a single mom of her young son. I resonate with her relatable story and how she has gone through this process with so much intention for consciousness in regards to her personal healing and relationship. This is also a beautiful story of the many ways our children/spirit babies/souls guide us in our lives.

    She shares about meeting her partner, having her son, the process of separating, and her reflections a year later. Elissa shares about how a trauma history can cause conflict in relationship, how a traumatic birth can cause fracture in the intimate relationship, and the freeing role of taking full responsibility in our lives.

    Elissa is a newly single mother to a son, a veteran, and a former nurse who left western medicine to serve women. She began her journey as a birth keeper, but after making the difficult decision to leave her husband, she has shifted her work to focus on story medicine: holding space for women's stories of birth, pregnancy, postpartum, or any other area that women feel called to share with her. Find her on her website and IG

    Music: Hanna Leigh


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠⁠ for herbal elixirs + affordable healing workshops Check out my book ⁠⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.comwith feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠


  • There are SO many gems within this conversation, and I guarantee this will inspire and move you as a woman/mother, where you have sons or daughters (or want to be a mom some day).

    We talk about...

    How parenting somewhat "begins" in the toddler phase Nicole's instinctual, embodied mothering approach and the weaving together of primal needs and mothering in modern times A discussion on boundaries with young children and the necessity of being physical Gentle parenting and animal, embodied parenting - and of course, kindness and respect is a core pillar and foundation. AND, what does true respect for children mean? At times, being an authority figure. The weight of responsibility when we don't take up the role of it for our children Under age 7, the children are the mother's domain Getting into a conversation about boys specifically and their path in life, the mother's role and leading them well into manhood Noticing how our children feel SAFE within hierarchy Inherent differences between boys and girls, and how she is teaching her sons how to interact differently with girls (which will inform how they treat women later on) Our responsibility as mothers to orchestrate their needs, and the difference between that and MEETING their needs ourselves What it truly means for Nicole raise boys with the intention of making them good, kingly men Her vision for her boys in the second plane of childhood, ages 7-14 - what she will bring in for them and her commitment to homeschooling Our job to be our children's gatekeeper and semi-permeable membrane vs mainstream approach of "you can't shelter them forever" Nicole's intention to have her children be in her family unit/orb their whole lives How our culture routinely and innately gaslights mothers (and babies) School as an alternate form of life and how it does not set up our children well for adulthood and "real-world" life Rampant distrust of self/embodied knowing in modern mothers; the wisdom of outsourcing as well as the shadow side, and her practice for developing internal knowing (hint: she looks to the animal kingdom) Getting to a place of radically calm and stable boundary setting, without guilt or anger The enmeshment and over-responsibility that happens for our children when we don't show up in these ways as mothers The crucial importance of honoring the mother-baby period, in order to usher our children out of babyhood and into healthy toddlerhood and beyond

    Nicole is a primal mother of four sons, keeper of sacred postpartum, and lighthouse for embodied motherhood. She believes that aligning with the brilliant design of our bodies softens us into our most vibrant, nourished lives – she walks with women along the mothering continuum to reclaim this truth together.Raising Sons Workshop

    Nicole's Website and Instagram


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠ for herbal elixirs + affordable healing workshops Check out my book ⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠


  • If you haven't heard of fertility astrology or your lunar conception window, your mind will be expanded by some of this knowledge. Athena is such an open, authentic and interesting woman, you'll love this conversation and topics. Her humility, trust, humor, and true, candid honesty with herself along her pre-conception path is inspiring to me.

    We talk about:

    - Athena's path into herbalism (including the pop culture myth of echinacea and its actual traditional use), birthwork, and then fertility astrology

    - History of fertility astrology and using its principles to potentially time conception and sex

    - Hormonal fertility is most potent, and fertile moon phase is an additional but less potent access point

    - The mystical connection women have with the moon and planets, and its entwinement with fertility

    - Releasing what we are told/know about the rigid pattern of ovulation and examples of other animals in nature who release eggs based on the signal of sex

    - Astrological influences and transits on conception

    - Big 4 theories: gravitational pull on fluids, electromagnetic field that's being altered, moon light influence on hormones, the effect moon phases have on ionization - plus spiritual factors at play

    - The many, many opportunities to deepen into trust that the pre-conception time and beyond offer us, as women

    - "Women conceive how they live"

    - Athena's own pre-conception paths: her current one full of humility, trust, and humor - along with her many layers of healing and shifting along the way

    - The importance of witnessing during the motherhood continuum

    - Her work with women in fertility through the lens of astrology (and more...)

    - "If you don't conceive right away, its because there's something there for you."

    Resources Mentioned:

    Judith Hill's Astrology of Fertility course

    "Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma" by Dr. Peter Levine

    Athena is the devotional Keeper of Wild Willing Wisdom—a point of connection where women reclaim their conscious conceptions, wild births, and innate ability to heal. She is a womb-led practicing Fertility Astrologer and Herbalist who’s goal is guide to women into attunement with their cosmic fertility and authentic expression using star-centered and Earth-based wisdom. She's a Leo Sun, Gemini Moon, and Sagittarius Rising, with an ancestral lineage in Albania, Greece, and Germany.

    You can learn more about Athena, her journey and offerings at: her website, Instagram, and Substack (where she shares her cosmic conception diaries and more).

    Music: Hanna Leigh


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠ for herbal elixirs + affordable healing workshops Check out my book ⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠


  • Erika Wirth of Wirth Wellness and the Crunchy Mom Club podcast is on today to share her stories of healing her body on a deep level as she prepared for pregnancy, her sovereign pregnancy and birth experience, and then we have a conversation about respectful, new-earth parenting and mothering.

    We talk about:

    How Erika witnessed her mother loving her role, and how that led her to knowing mothering was one of the most important roles she could choose in life Entering motherhood as a stepmother first, and the differences between step-mothering and biological mothering Her deep healing pre-conception path: healing depletion and chronic illness, and all the diet, lifestyle, gut healing, cycle, hormone, and boundary changes she implemented Her pregnancy and birth experiences, starting with midwifery care and then her choice to freebirth A conversation on the choices we make and the history surrounding birthing alone vs. having female friends How it was to integrate a new baby into the family dynamic and her beautiful and supported postpartum experience. Then the reality after her mom left and immediately put back into the overwhelm of (essentially) solo mothering The importance in these times of finding like-minded mothers to surround ourselves with, when choosing instinctive parenting How becoming mothers has changed both of us and a conversation on how we view children, their souls, and the call to approach our children in a truly respectful way. The importance of awakening and shifting how we view our children compared to the mainstream approach to children How the energy of the mother affects the energy of our children: "One generally finds that infants are the most content and cheerful in the hands of mothers who move with ceremonious slowness" - Dr. Emmi Pikler

    Erika is the creator and founder of Wirth Wellness, host of the Crunchy Mom Club podcast, mother to one, step-mom to one, and wife. After embarking on her own health reclamation adventure in her early 20s following years of chronic illness, mental health crisis, and burnout, she decided it was time to take healing into her own hands and get to know her body as brilliant not broken.

    This process led her to step into the world of holistic health, energy medicine, and ancestral nourishment traditions. Eventually she healed her body, got pregnant easefully, and went on to have a natural pregnancy and free birth. Now, she supports women on the path to embracing Nature's blueprint for thriving. Whether that's in the preconception season of life, in pregnancy, birth, or postpartum, Erika is passionate about helping sisters create the life rhythms and rituals that feel deeply nourishing, intuitive, and gentle for both themselves and their young.

    Connect with Erika: IG

    Resources Mentioned:

    "Lying In: A History of Childbirth in America" - Richard + Dorothy Wertz

    "Elevating Childcare: A Guide to Respectful Parenting" - Janet Lansbury

    My episode on Erika's podcast

    Music: Hanna Leigh


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠ for herbal elixirs + affordable healing workshops Check out my book ⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠


  • In this episode, Amber shares her experience of healing very painful periods and depletion from many years of a vegetarian diet and pregnancy. Through the simplicity of prioritizing nourishing and ancestral foods, she found her path to vitality. Amber details what eating a nourishing diet looks like for her, and how her womb and overall health has shifted greatly since changing the way she eats.

    Amber talks about changing the narrative around loving, attachment parenting to also include letting our village support us. She also speaks to her Muslim faith, some of the misconceptions as she sees it, the elevation of women and mothers within Islam, and the sacred feminine element she centers within her faith.

    Resources Mentioned:

    "Magdalene Mysteries: Left-Hand Path of the Feminine Christ" by Seren and Azra Bertrand (my recommendation)

    "Sacred Pleasure: Sex, Myth, and the Politics of the Body" by Riane Eisler (my recommendation)

    Episode 3 - The Making of a Book: Pelvic Awakening + A Read on Sacred Sexual Traditions

    The Postnatal Depletion Cure (book)

    Panjeeri Recipe (Note to refer to Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon to learn how to properly prepare nuts and seeds, before sharing with a postpartum mom)

    Verses in the Quran where Mother Mary's delivery was described

    Amber's Instagram

    Music: Hanna Leigh


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop for herbal elixirs + affordable healing workshops Check out my book Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @bethanyjanewilde


  • I'm so excited to open up this offering for my vitamin/mineral/probiotic/antioxidant-rich elixir for mothers:

    Order your pre/postnatal herbal multivitamin elixir

    In this solo intro episode for the new season, I give a brief update on my summer and then share on the origin story around my new theme song (and play the whole song for you)!

    Then I get into the main part of this episode: how I healed my sense of depletion and came to a vibrant state again, changing mental narratives in motherhood, all about (prenatal) vitamins and their issues, and how you can incorporate herbal medicine for something much better.

    I'd love to hear from you. Have you taken prenatal vitamins and how did it feel? How did you nourish yourself in pregnancy and in motherhood? Have you been on a depletion-healing journey too?

    Resources Mentioned:

    Food/supplements I took (intuition-led, no affiliate links, just sharing names): Cod liver oil, collagen powder, beef liver, adrenal cocktails, maca, matcha, magnesium glycinate, vitamin C (acerola cherry)

    Root Cause Protocol - free handbook

    Why 90% of Store Bought Vitamins are Trash

    Ascorbic acid (RCP)

    All about hormone D (RCP)

    Iron toxicity archive (RCP)

    Finding the most optimal source of magnesium (RCP)

    Herbal Allies During Pregnancy workshop (Kristin Hauser + Arielle de Martinez)

    Music: Hanna Leigh

    ------------------------------Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠ for herbal elixirs + affordable healing workshops Check out my book Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.My Instagram is @⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠⁠


  • This is a long title but within this topic, it truly encompasses SO much. This is a rich episode for women who want to become mothers one day and speaks to a huge part of the path that is often not touched upon much - that of learning through, supporting, and being with mothers/children/families.

    We talk about:

    Her reflections on her relationship with children, as well as how her friends feel Emily's family culture and experiences growing up, interest in kids and becoming a mother How birth control plays a role in so many women not desiring motherhood The opportunity for maidens to soak up experiences and styles of parenting by being around mothers Women should consider the importance of family presence as an entry to a more easeful motherhood - these are universal helpful structures Emily's conscious dating experiences, and advice for finding a resonant life partner. "When you're not entirely sure in your beliefs of who you are, you're also going to attract those who are not sure of their beliefs and who they are" The toxic mainstream culture on birth and motherhood Maidens in friendship with mothers can witness the integration of children into life, to model and show a different way than the common tropes of sacrifice, separation, and resentment Prioritizing integrating our children into our lives rather than regular separation - this increases our joy, pleasure, and love for them, and contributes to the deep hormonal bonding and evolution as a mother Consciously choosing to step away from mainstream parenting for an opportunity for a more fulfilling experience How I've experienced witnessing my young daughter's pure maiden joy, and how it's healed any fragmented maiden or dark mother energy as inherited by the culture Shifting orientation and mindset in maiden-to-mother season through surrounding yourself with who you want to become Realizing that motherhood brings you more into your full and whole self more, leads to purpose-finding. and healing toxic unconscious paradigms The importance of embodying your most radical beliefs when dating to avoid conflicts later in parenting with hot-button issues Emily's current longer-term path of preconception, and her priorities The importance of men spending time around fathers before their time Emily's advice for maidens to make more mother friends and how to have a more reciprocal relationship How mothers and maidens benefit from prioritizing relationships with each other Learning and being around each other in all the phases of womanhood Emily's monthly maiden + mother circles and Mother-Child astrology readings

    Emily Bruce is an intuitive astrologer and radical woman dedicated to authenticity and truth. With her background in physiological birth and postpartum care, Emily brings a cosmic reverence into all of her work with women. She is the co-host of The Fifth Element Podcast, a podcast for people seeking intimate connection with their innermost self through holistic healing, cosmic consciousness, and radical rebirth, and host of the online Maiden to Mother circle, held on every full moon. Connect with her on Instagram @leorisingbirthkeeping and check out all her offerings HERE.


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠ Check out my book ⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠


  • Coming back for season 2 in September!


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠ Check out my book ⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠


  • Emma is an inspiring woman who is deeply rooted in her ancestral Wise Woman ways of herbalism, ceremony and ritual, birthkeeping, and so much more. Enjoy this episode about peaceful birth, sitting in trust of the wisdom of the body, and leaning on herbal remedies for well-being.

    We talk about:

    Emma's easeful, trusting, and magical pregnancy and birth story Sauna as a womb space for birth and death and ritual/healing in Northern traditions Women's deep need for blessing during their pregnancy Her challenging postpartum as initiation and the sense that modern women are truly not prepared for this time How she thought she would want to be alone in the postpartum time, but instead discovered she really needed other wise women around her The blend of instinct and modeling in mothering The loss of divine love, protection, and blessings on a large scale - from not calling in our ancestors to be with us in our births, which is a core aspect of Ancestral Midwifery The expansion of pregnancy, down to the bones The steep learning curve of mothering and how we come to nourishing ourselves and finding our inner peace in our journey to heal an imbalance of over-giving The necessity of prioritizing solo time as our step to re-villaging and avoiding resentment towards our partners A conversation about the reality of village and community living, and how we may not be ready to make those concessions culturally yet. How Emma weaves in healing, nourishing, and herbal practices throughout her life - for herself and for her daughter Great herbs and homeopathy for babies and children and integrating them into their lives

    Resources Mentioned:

    DNRS (Dynamic Neuro Re-training System)

    Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us About the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans - Michaeleen Doucleff

    Medicine Mama's Apothecary Sweet Bee Magic All-in-One Healing Skin Cream

    Wild Mother's Medicine Chest (Arielle de Martinez)

    Emma is a clinical herbalist & educator, radical birth keeper, postpartum care provider, ceremonialist, and mother. Her work focuses on reclaiming our ancestral wisdom traditions, our intimacy with the earth, and tending women, mothers, and families with herbal medicine. She offers remote 1:1 herbal healing counsel, online and in-person workshops, and ceremony and mother-centered care for women seeking sisterhood through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. Follow Emma @⁠blackspruceherbals ⁠and on her website ⁠here⁠. Her other resources:

    1:1 herbal and holistic health coaching

    Upcoming online classes and workshops

    The Wise Woman Way course

    Must Have Herbal Remedies for Babies & Toddlers ebook


    Ways to Support My Work:

    If you are enjoying this podcast, consider sharing with a friend and leaving a review Check out the ⁠Rooted Woman Botanicals Shop⁠ Check out my book ⁠Pelvic Awakening: Connecting to Your Female Center for Transformation, Healing, and Joy⁠

    You can contact me at bethanywildeinfo@gmail.com with feedback or if you have a story you wish to share on here.

    My Instagram is @⁠bethanyjanewilde⁠
