Stories about my childhood growing up in Detroit, my college and graduate school years in chemistry living in Portland OR, my clinical chemistry research years spent in LA, my gemologist years spent in New York City, and lastly my years in Israel with my wife. Theseare the stories, Ideas and events which shaped my life as an orthodox jew, and those who helped me find my way...
From ancient history to current events, take yourself on a journey through the story of the Jewish People, from someone who has led hundreds of Jewish young professionals on trips throughout Israel. From the beginning of creation to modern Israel, each short episode is geared to appeal both to someone looking for the Jewish 101, as well as to those looking to go a bit beyond the basic story they already know. Check out the website at Enjoy!
Start your day with an inspiring meditation! Listen to a thought-provoking Torah minute. This is the Best Way To Start Your Day! Rabbi Moshe Levin is a world-renowned scholar and author. He serves as Rabbi and Spiritual leader of congregation Bais Bezalel Chabad in Los Angeles. 📲If you have any questions or comments, feel free to WhatsApp Rabbi Levin @ +1 323-252-3159 or email [email protected]
Join scholar, international speaker, and author Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro for cutting-edge discourse on important issues such as morals, free will, religion, politics, mathematics, critical thinking, and science. Learn to recognize propaganda, and make more logical and better-informed decisions.
Schmuckboys is the hottest new jewish podcast in town. Hosted by the dynamic duo, Libby Walker and Marla Friedson, this show will take you on a journey through the complexities of Jewish identity and how it affects our everyday lives.
Whether you're a young professional trying to navigate your career path or struggling to find love in the Jewish dating world, this podcast is for you. Expect to hear juicy personal updates from the hosts about their dating lives and get insider tips from a diverse range of guests from various Jewish communities.
So buckle up, grab a drink, and get ready for some real talk on all things Jewish, dating, career, social media, and more! This is "Schmuckboys," and we're bringing the heat.
New episodes every other Wednesday! Brought to you by the Jewish Journal.
Rabbi Moshe Levin is a world-renowned scholar and author. He serves as Rabbi and Spiritual leader of congregation Chabad Pico-Bais Bezalel in Los Angeles. 📲If you have any questions or comments, feel free to WhatsApp Rabbi Levin @ +1 323-252-3159 or email [email protected]
Evolve: Groundbreaking Jewish Conversations features interviews with thought-provoking rabbis, leaders and creators about the urgent issues faced by Jewish people today. As a part of Reconstructing Judaism’s multimedia Evolve project (, this podcast models respectful, sacred conversations about challenging topics.
How do we stop and notice that incredible, holy things happen to us every day.
My name is Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt and this is Awake - finding the holy in the every day. On this show, I bring the teachings from Jewish mystical texts into everyday life in less than 10 minutes. When you listen, I hope you will take a few minutes to pause and to open yourself to the possibility that holiness, connection and presence are around us all of the time.
In this biweekly talk radio series from KPCA 103.3 Petaluma, Rabbi Ted Feldman of B'nai Israel Jewish Center discusses topics relevant to the Petaluma and greater Bay Area community and engages in conversations with other community leaders. From human rights to ecology to religion and spirituality, Talking with Rabbi Ted contains timely and insightful discussions that will edify and broaden listeners' horizons.
Using Moreh Nevuchim and other philosophical concepts to deepen our understanding of various sugyas.
For questions, feedback or info contact [email protected]
What is being "Jewish"? We look the same, dress the same, work and play and eat right alongside our non-Jewish counterparts, and yet, somehow, everything is different. The world looks different through a Jewish lens, even for those who aren't particularly religious, the ones who might call ourselves "Jew-ish." This show explores that, and wants to share it, not just with the Jews, but with everyone, to provide a little window into the infinite ways there are to be Jewish. So, for all the Jew-curious out there, join us, and get a little Jew-ish!
We get it, Temple is big. That’s why we are bringing the wisdom of Temple to you. Join our clergy, visiting pros and guests as our community shares and grows together. We want to feel at home in your home. Thanks for letting us in! If you love learning Jewish ideas, are active in the Reform movement, or just want to be able to keep up with Temple, this is the podcast for you.