
  • “If there are kids in high school that are showing an interest, or a passion, or want to try something, we absolutely do not want literacy barriers, financial barriers to be an issue. So, we want to be able to be there to assist and make sure they get those opportunities.”

    Lindsey Haring & Celia Uribe are a partner and board member of PEAK. In this episode, Lindsey and Celia chat with Luis about San Luis Obispo, best places to hike there, PEAK or Promoting Extracurricular Activities for Kids, history and mission of PEAK, how to submit your hike so money will be donated, the importance of PEAK, Peaks for PEAK fundraiser, volunteers, and The Mountain Air store.

    PEAK’s mission is to enable all TK-12 students in San Luis Obispo to participate in extracurricular activities. A volunteer-run nonprofit organization, PEAK uses 100% of its proceeds to pay tuition, purchase equipment or clothing, and reimburse expenses. PEAK is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are tax deductible.

    PEAK welcomes donations of all kinds: financial, equipment, and volunteer time. Consider making a donation today!

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    Submit your hike here: https://themountainair.com

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/

    LUNA Sandals

    “Whether I’m hitting the trails or just hanging out, LUNA Sandals are my favorite.

    They’re designed by Barefoot Ted of Born to Run and made for every

    adventure—ultra running, hiking, or just kicking back. Its minimalist footwear

    that’s good for your feet!” Check them out and get 15% off at



    Lindsey Haring Contact Info:


    PEAK: https://peakslo.org

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “We know that you are trained as a journalist, you’re trained as a more documentary style photographer so whatever you see out there capture it.”

    Taylor McKenzie Gerlach is a writer, photographer, runner, rock climber, and outdoor enthusiast based in Seattle, Washington. In this episode, Taylor chats with Luis about the outdoor industry in the Pacific Northwest, the details of the 9 Trails Race, her article on 9 Trails, her article workflow, her favorite projects she has worked on, her favorite gear, and her running history.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/

    LUNA Sandals

    “Whether I’m hitting the trails or just hanging out, LUNA Sandals are my favorite.

    They’re designed by Barefoot Ted of Born to Run and made for every

    adventure—ultra running, hiking, or just kicking back. Its minimalist footwear

    that’s good for your feet!” Check them out and get 15% off at



    Taylor McKenzie Gerlach Contact Info:



    [email protected]

    REI Wonderland Run: https://taylormckenziegerlach.com/rei-run

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


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  • “I don’t know if I’d do a 100 miler again. I don’t know.”

    Carmen Mata is a distance runner and a financial investigator. In this episode, Carmen chats with Luis about her job, living with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, her experience at Born to Run, her ultramarathon support crew, and what to look out for if someone is laundering money.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Carmen Mata Contact Info:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/lil_ra_warrior/

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “You can actually just do whatever makes you feel the most joyful. You can. You have permission. You are going to feel so good.”

    Alison Cebulla has a running business called Kind Warrior. Kind Warrior is dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability, compassion for all living beings, and the transformative power of healing personal and historical trauma. They advocate for a holistic approach to well-being, embracing interconnectedness, knowledge empowerment, and fostering a society rooted in empathy, love, and respect for all. In this episode, Alison chats with Luis about how she transformed her life, how to be intentional with your life, how she combined travel and running to feel good, her therapy, her life focus, petting reindeers, her podcast, what she has coming up next on her digital nomad journey, dating people in different countries, her consulting business, and the books she recommends.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/

    LUNA Sandals

    “Whether I’m hitting the trails or just hanging out, LUNA Sandals are my favorite.

    They’re designed by Barefoot Ted of Born to Run and made for every

    adventure—ultra running, hiking, or just kicking back. Its minimalist footwear

    that’s good for your feet!” Check them out and get 15% off at



    Alison Cebulla Contact Info:




    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “The people that are members of the Mural Society are amazing. They do everything that they do because of the love of their community.”

    Ann Thompson is the art curator of murals for the Lompoc Mural Society. In this episode, Ann chats with Luis about the history of art in Lompoc California, all the beautiful murals around town, how they met, why art needs to be restored, how some murals are done in one day, satellites, how you know when you are finished with a piece of art, how the Mural Society chooses the art, historic buildings, and all the various types of murals around town.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/

    LUNA Sandals

    “Whether I’m hitting the trails or just hanging out, LUNA Sandals are my favorite.

    They’re designed by Barefoot Ted of Born to Run and made for every

    adventure—ultra running, hiking, or just kicking back. Its minimalist footwear

    that’s good for your feet!” Check them out and get 15% off at



    Ann Thompson Contact Info:

    Lompoc Mural Society: https://www.lompocmurals.com

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “When you’re doing long distance it’s about efficiency. You only have so much energy. You can only store so many carbs.”

    Steve Mackel is a marathon running coach out of Los Angeles. In this episode, Steve chats with Luis about how they met, Born to Run Ultramarathon, dealing with the Los Angeles fires, how he got his start as a running coach, incorporating yoga with running, ChiRunning, quality of life, recovery, RPR – Reflexive Performance Reset, Catalina Marathon, Victoria Marathon, and what types of training are best for older people.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/

    LUNA Sandals

    “Whether I’m hitting the trails or just hanging out, LUNA Sandals are my favorite.

    They’re designed by Barefoot Ted of Born to Run and made for every

    adventure—ultra running, hiking, or just kicking back. Its minimalist footwear

    that’s good for your feet!” Check them out and get 15% off at lunasandals.com/allwedoisrun.


    Steve Mackel Contact Info:

    [email protected]

    Youtube channel: Marathon Training TV

    IG: MarathonTrain

    Website: https://marathontraining.tv

    Facebook: Steve Mackel

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “14 years ago, I set out to radically transform my life. To live in a way where my actions where in alignment with my beliefs, to overcome my hypocrisy, and instead actually be who I really wanted to be.”

    Robin Greenfield is on a life journey to transform himself. Robin is a truth seeker, activist, and social reformer. In this episode, Robin chats with Luis about his lifestyle changes, living sustainably, how he is walking over 1600 miles from Canada to Los Angeles, how is gearing up for a state of non-ownership by giving away all of his possessions, making his own clothes, how he wants to inspire people to think differently, how he is meeting people where they are, how he is living as a public experiment, why he is ending his walk in Griffith Park, how he is dedicating his life to service, how he will be available to meet people, extended meditation, what his future plans are, and his life advice.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/

    LUNA Sandal

    “Whether I’m hitting the trails or just hanging out, LUNA Sandals are my favorite.

    They’re designed by Barefoot Ted of Born to Run and made for every

    adventure—ultra running, hiking, or just kicking back. Its minimalist footwear

    that’s good for your feet!” Check them out and get 15% off at



    Robin Greenfield Contact Info:









    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


  • “I would say stage racing is probably my greatest love in ultrarunning in trail running because of the way that it lets you use your sport to move through environments and in places and really have these intimate experiences through running.”

    Meghan Hicks is the Editor-in-Chief of iRunFar. iRunFar.com provides you with the best possible information regarding trail running and ultrarunning anywhere. Meghan is also the author of 'Where the Road Ends: A Guide to Trail Running. In this episode, Meghan chats with Luis about the magazine iRunFar, how she got started at iRunFar, the future of trail running, how technology will affect the sport, how she got into running, her proudest running accomplishment, the Snowman Race, and what she has coming up next.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Meghan Hicks Contact Info:

    [email protected]





    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Meghan Hicks photo credit: iRunFar Photo

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • In this special on the road episode of the Road Dog Podcast, Luis finds himself deep in the Copper Canyons with the Tarahumara Indians. Listen in as Luis interacts with locals, witnesses a local running game called Rarájipari, records musicians, and gets in way over his head.

    Rarájipari is a running game played by the Tarahumara (also known as the Rarámuri) people of the Copper Canyons region in Chihuahua, Mexico.[1] The game is played by two teams of four or more players. One member of each team takes a wooden baseball-sized ball and kicks the ball ahead. The members of that team then chase after the ball, pick it up then kick it again. This is usually done for several miles in the casual games. However, in the serious inter-village contests, held after all-night parties, during which much of the Tarahumara corn beer, Tesgüino or Tejuino, is enjoyed by all, the games will often go for distances of 100 miles.

    Once the game starts, one runner on each team usually pulls into the front and always takes care of the ball. However, after a few miles or after the ball rolls under an outcrop of rock in the canyons, the rest of the team is able to catch up and the front runner is able to fall back into the main group and rest. The game ends when one team finishes the distance agreed upon by both teams prior to the start of the race.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “It really is about the experience and I think that all of us want to read about the runner, the pacer, the crew member, a volunteer, what their experiencing in the moment during that race and so the details, the emotions, everything that you could put on to paper so that somebody else could feel those emotions as they are reading the race report.”

    Amy Clark is the Editor in Chief of Ultra Running Magazine. In this episode, Amy chats with Luis about Ultra Running Magazine, the history of the magazine, how she got started there, her running, what they look for in photography, and the magazine’s new podcast.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    Ultra Running Magazine: https://ultrarunning.com

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Amy Clark Contact Info:

    [email protected]



    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “Everything we do has an impact and so everything we can do to make this world better off is in everybody’s best interest.”

    Randall & Roslyn Braun own and operate Route Arrows which is a racecourse marking business. In this episode, Randall & Roslyn chat with Luis about route making racecourses, the importance of color markers, products they have invented, environmental impact of course markers, their connection with the American Trail Running Association and the US Trail Running Conference

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    XOSKIN show code: Road Dog

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.xoskin.us

    Squirrel’s Nut Butter


    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Randall & Roslyn Contact Info:


    HQ: 650-429-8859

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/routearrows/

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “The evidence of exercise as a factor for someone’s longevity is irrefutable at this point. We know that. We understand that. Not only for physical being but also the mental and the emotional being as well.”

    Dr. Sarah Groman is a Doctor of physical therapy and also works for a remote coaching company called Mountain Endurance Team. In this episode, Sarah chats with Luis about her job, coaching endurance athletes, common injuries for runners, advice for clicking and or squeaking in the knee, dealing with arthritis, tape and compression sleeves, running, providing physical therapy, coaching endurance athletes, her podcast Runners Up, and what she has coming up next.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    La Cuesta Ranch Trail Run: https://ultrasignup.com/register.aspx?did=117756

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Dr. Sarah Groman Contact Info:

    Instagram: @sarah_groman

    Instagram: @mountainenduranceteam

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: https://theapproachdpt.com

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    Luna Sandals: 15% off online order at lunasandals.com/allwedoisrun

    La Cuesta Ranch Trail Run: https://allwedoisrun.com/

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Morganfield Burnett Contact:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/morganfieldburnett/?hl=en

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/morganfieldburnett/

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “I think it’s just sharing that love of being out here and running. I will come out here, we’ll ride our horses. Joe will come run with me and it’s such a beautiful place that being able to have the privilege of sharing that with other people is pretty amazing.”

    Rosalie Smith is a registered nurse, the owner of La Cuesta Ranch, and the founder of the Templeton Run club. In this episode, Rosalie chats with Luis about the Tierra Redonda Mountain Trail Run, how the Templeton Run Club got started, the La Cuesta Ranch, and her personal running.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Rosalie Smith Contact Info:



    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “I was working my way up a hill and this guy goes, “Good job. You’re doing good. You doing the 30?” And I was like, “I’m on mile 95!” And he was like, “What!?”

    Jenn Coyle is a Sacramento based runner and founder of The Can Van. In this episode, Jenn chats with Luis about beer runs, how to start a beer run to create community, her impressions of Born to Run, running 100 miles, the shelf life of canned beer, and what runs she has planned in the future.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Jenn Coyle Contact Info:





    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “There’s like a universal flow to things, I really believe that and so I think we know when it’s finished. I have this knowing that we are trying our best, we’re trying to tell the story correctly and it will be exactly how it is meant to be.”

    Rebecca Barnes is a filmmaker and surfer out of San Diego. Rebecca made the documentary called The Endless Mile and is currently making a documentary on ultra-runner Jamila. In this episode, she chats with Luis about living in San Diego, her experience at Born to Run, and making a documentary about an ultra-runner.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Rebecca Barnes Contact Info:



    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “Slow is steady, steady is fast.”

    Jim Clemens, Tyler Clemens, and Chris Clemens hike the Camino. Luis chats with the Clemens family about their adventures on the trail. Hear about the logistics, food and drink along the way, the interactive app they used, interactions with fellow travelers, reflecting on the hike, what it meant to be together as a family, and if you should venture out there.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    GUESTS Contact Info:

    Tylor Clemens

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/allwedoisclemens/

    Chris Clemens

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/christarzanclemens/

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “My concept was, when you crack the third beer, the podcast starts. Cause that’s when the good conversation starts.”

    In this replay episode, Clint Welch and Jack Rosenfeld chat with Luis about ending the Beer on the Run podcast, baseball, football, running events, how Beer on the Run got started, how they got guests by shooting their shot, some of their favorite guests they have had on the podcast, and what’s next for them.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    Photo Episode Credit: Michelle Evans

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    ***DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Jack Rosenfeld Contact Info:

    Personal socials: @JMRosenfeld on Twitter and Insta
    Beer on the Run: @BeerOnTheRun on Twitter and @BeerOnTheRunPod on Insta.

    Website: beerontherun.libsyn.com

    Clint Welch Contact info:

    Email: [email protected]

    Instagram: @clintlikesbeer

    Twitter: @clintlikesbeer

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “The Snowman Race mission is to raise awareness about climate change and the plight of people living in high altitude regions.”

    Clare Gallagher is a professional runner from Boulder CO. In this special Snowman episode, Clare chats with Luis about using an altitude tent, preparing for the Snowman Race, her race history, environmental advocacy, studying marine conservations for her PhD, the Snowman Race mission, her relationship with Patagonia, and winning Western States 100.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.


    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Clare Gallagher Contact Info:

    Website: https://www.clare.run

    Ultra Sign Up Results: https://ultrasignup.com/results_participant.aspx?fname=Clare&lname=Gallagher

    Strava: https://stories.strava.com/articles/clare-gallagher-on-a-mission-to-protect-the-trails-she-conquers

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar


  • “A marathon every day for five days. It is not a joke.”

    Simon Mtuy is a farmer, guide and runner from Tanzania. In this special Snowman Race episode, Simon chats with Luis about his homelands in Kilimanjaro, how climate change is effecting his land, what he grows on his farm, running ultras, finishing Western States 10 times, his guiding, running and finishing the Snowman Race, and his experiences in Bhutan.

    Support Road Dog Podcast by:
    1. Joining the Patreon Community: https://www.patreon.com/roaddogpodcast

    2. Subscribe to the podcast on whatever platform you listen on.

    GO SLEEVES: https://gokinesiologysleeves.com

    HAMMER NUTRITION show code: Roaddoghn20

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.hammernutrition.com

    DRYMAX show code: Roaddog2020

    Listeners get a special 15% off at https://www.drymaxsports.com/products/


    Simon Mtuy Contact Info:

    Guide Website: https://www.nomadicexperience.com

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/mtuysimon/?hl=en

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-mtuy-32575874/?originalSubdomain=tz

    Luis Escobar (Host) Contact:

    [email protected]

    Luis Instagram

    Kevin Lyons (Producer) Contact:

    [email protected]


    Music: Slow Burn by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

    Original RDP Photo: Photography by Kaori Peters


    Road Dog Podcast Adventure With Luis Escobar
