
  • In this episode we talk about the way in which our progress driven society has pulled us out of our fullness of being. How there has been a polarization between the doing and the being for so long that we end up just pendulum swinging from extremes. There's a beautiful reciprocity to be found when we root in the present moment, moving into the doing from a resonant being. Let's chat about it!

    Thank you for listening, so grateful to be in this shared space of deepening our understanding of our beings through ritual, yoga and energy healing. I am always open for questions, feedback or conversation and am also learning every day. Let us come to these conversations with compassion for our shared humanity and expand the conversation in love!

    The wild in me honours the wilderness within you. Namaste

  • Hello beautiful wildlings! Its been a while since of come to you in conversation through this beautiful podcast platform. Shifting down a gear, going slowly and only sharing with you messages when they feel deeply potent with juicy ideas and contemplations.

    This is my longest episode yet, a 50 minute episode full of nectar. On August 8th, Lions gate portal, I wrote this message in my journal and it has been invoking me ever since.

    In this episode we talk about there being no hiearchy of love. Breaking down the myth that a choice to pursue consciousness makes you "better than" or "higher vibin". We toy with the idea of moving towards a horizontal understanding of healing rather than the vertical hierarchy. We also speak a lot on the power of choice and how choice denotes responsibility. This can be an invitation in empowerment and a bit of a wake up call for those living in victim mentality.

    I've done my best to break it all down in a digestible way. Let me know if I've done so successfully and as always send me your questions or ideas on the topic. Big hugs xx

    The wild in me honours the wilderness within you. Namaste

    The Wild Ones Membership 🤍🤍

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  • This week, we are speaking about the second limb of the Eight-Limbed Path of Yoga outlined in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The niyamas are 5 values that we practice to live ethically and to awaken to our most divine expression of Self. This value system is ancient, dating all the way back to the Vedas. We study these sacred Niyamas and then we embody their teachings. As we do so, we drop into a sweeter existence, a conscious way of living joyfully and respectfully on earth.
    Thank you for listening, so grateful to be in this shared space of deepening our understanding of our divinity through ritual, yoga and energy healing. I am always open for questions, feedback or conversation and am also learning every day. Let us come to these conversations with compassion for our shared humanity and expand the conversation in love!
    The wild in me honours the wilderness within you. 
    Signature Healing Journey🌿
    Yamas & Niyamas Healing Journey 🌿
    7 Chakras & Subtle Body Healing Journey 🌿
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  • This week, we are speaking about the first limb of the Eight-Limbed Path of Yoga outlined in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The yamas are 5 "laws of life" that we practice to live ethically and to awaken to our most divine expression of Self.  This value system is ancient, dating all the way back to the Vedas. We study these sacred Yamas and then we embody their teachings. As we do so, we drop into a sweeter existence, a conscious way of living joyfully and respectfully on earth.

    Thank you for listening, so grateful to be in this shared space of deepening our understanding of our divinity through ritual, yoga and energy healing. I am always open for questions, feedback or conversation and am also learning every day. Let us come to these conversations with compassion for our shared humanity and expand the conversation in love!

    The wild in me honours the wilderness within you.

    Signature Healing Journey🌿

    Yamas & Niyamas Healing Journey 🌿

    7 Chakras & Subtle Body Healing Journey 🌿

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    Email: [email protected]

  • This week we cover the key to transforming your routines into rituals. We will cover what a Sadhana practice is, and why creating one is so important in our journey of expansion and awakening. We'll also speak of several rituals that are quick, easy and impactful. Living in ritual is one of our closest links to nature, let's sync back into this cyclical living.

    If you would like to begin on your journey of living with deeper intention and ritual, follow the links below to my programs and workshops!

    "If you pray, somewhere, something good will happen" -Hafiz

    "The way you invest your love, you invest your life" -Mumford and Sons

    Thank you for listening, I am so grateful to be in this shared space of deepening our understanding of our divinity through ritual, yoga and energy healing. I am always open for questions, feedback or conversation and am also learning every day. Let us come to these conversations with compassion for our shared humanity and expand the conversation in love!

    The wild in me honours the wilderness within you. Namaste

    Signature Healing Journey🌿

    Yamas & Niyamas Healing Journey 🌿

    7 Chakras & Subtle Body Healing Journey 🌿

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    Email: [email protected]

  • The Wilderness Within is the framework that has naturally come together from my years of personal practice, embodiment and trainings. In this integrated framework, we explore how to heal from within by embracing our most wild and intuitive essence. Recently the perfect analogy came to me to teach this work in a more relatable and digestible way. It involves a garden, a wild grandmother, a Shakti snake, and a different take on energy healing. This episode is my current healing thesis and is continually expanding and evolving! I am in the process of writing a book about this theory and my 5 month Signature Program was created to intentionally embody it. Thank you for listening, so grateful to be in this shared space of deepening our understanding of our divinity through ritual, yoga and energy healing. I am always open for questions, feedback or conversation and am also learning every day. Let us come to these conversations with compassion for our shared humanity and expand the conversation in love! You can find my offerings and contact below. The wild in me honours the wilderness within you. Namaste 

    Signature Healing Journey🌿 

    Yamas & Niyamas Healing Journey 🌿 

    7 Chakras & Subtle Body Healing Journey 🌿 

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    Email: [email protected]

  • In our healing journey we often begin with the doing of many practices to deepen our awareness, gradually we shift to a stage of becoming all that we desire, and these in turn deliver us to our remembering our whole and complete identity. This week, I share with you one of my favourite passages from the Uddhava Gita to remind us of our wholeness and to bring understanding to why we can feel fragmented or broken along this path. We talk about identity, divinity, illusion and how these come together in this conversation we call life.

    "Like the sun the Self is one. But like the sun reflected on moving water, the Self appears to be broken into many forms. But I learned from the sun, not to mistake the image for the reality." Passage '51, The Uddhava Gita

    Thank you for listening! So grateful to be in this shared space of deepening our understanding of our divinity through ritual, yoga and energy healing. I am always open for questions, feedback or conversation and am also learning every day. Let us come to these conversations with compassion for our shared humanity and expand the conversation in love! I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and am looking forward to expanding my current conceptual understanding with your perspective.

    You can find my offerings and contact below.

    The wild in me honours the wilderness within you.


    Signature Healing Journey🌿

    Yamas & Niyamas Healing Journey 🌿

    7 Chakras & Subtle Body Healing Journey 🌿

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    Email: [email protected]

  • This week we entertain our curiosity in discussing the path of the Renunciate and the path of the Householder in traditional text as it relates to attaining consciousness and then we contrast it with the widely accepted contemporary version of yoga as union. Are they synonymous? How do they interrelate and where are we currently with our understanding? This is a juicy conversation that often flows through my field of awareness and today I share with you my thoughts.

    Thank you for listening! So grateful to be in this shared space of deepening our understanding of our divinity through ritual, yoga and energy healing. I am always open for questions, feedback or conversation and am also learning every day. Let us come to these conversations with compassion for our shared humanity and expand the conversation in love! I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and am looking forward to expanding my current conceptual understanding with your perspective.

    You can find my offerings and contact below.

    The wild in me honours the wilderness within you.


    Signature Healing Journey🌿

    Yamas & Niyamas Healing Journey 🌿

    7 Chakras & Subtle Body Healing Journey 🌿

    Instagram 🌿

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    Email: [email protected]

  • This week I share a bit about why I believe this medicine of remembering our divine wholeness is so necessary in our current collective. I talk a little bit about our energetic development through childhood, and how some collective patterns have been creating polarization rather than connection. I speak of the importance of compassion in creating a safer society for all, including those struggling with mental illness. How connecting within and therefore learning to hold space for one another will bring unity.

    Thank you for listening, so grateful to be in this shared space of deepening our understanding of our divinity through ritual, yoga and energy healing. I am always open for questions, feedback or conversation and am also learning every day. Let us come to these conversations with compassion for our shared humanity and expand the conversation in love!

    You can find my offerings and contact below.

    The wild in me honours the wilderness within you.


    Signature Healing Journey🌿

    Yamas & Niyamas Healing Journey 🌿

    7 Chakras & Subtle Body Healing Journey 🌿

    Instagram 🌿

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    Email: [email protected]

  • In this episode I share with you my spiritual background and how the sacred traditions I've been exposed to have influenced my work in yoga and energy healing. I do not claim to be a theologian, just sharing how my perspective has been shaped. I like to give this background so that you can take my words with a more holistic understanding of what I share. I also share with you my intention for creating this podcast and how I hope to help guide your conversation around your health and wellbeing.  

    This ending Quote by Robin Wall Kimmerer from her book Braiding Sweetgrass is what I hope to embody in sharing my truth with you. “The moral covenant of reciprocity calls us to honour our responsibilities for all that we have been given, for all that we have taken. It’s our turn now, long overdue. Let us hold a giveaway for Mother Earth, spread our blankets out for her and pile them high with gifts of our own making. Imagine the books, the paintings, the poems, the clever machines, the compassionate acts, the transcendent ideas, the perfect tools. The fierce defence of all that has been given. Gifts of mind, hands, heart, voice, and vision all offered up on behalf of the earth. Whatever our gift, we are called to give it and to dance for the renewal of the world. In return for the privilege of breath.” 

    Thank you for listening, so grateful to be in this shared space of deepening our understanding of our divinity through ritual, yoga and energy healing. I am always open for questions, feedback or conversation and am also learning every day. Let us come to these conversations with compassion for our shared humanity and expand the conversation in love! You can find my offerings and contact below. 

    The wild in me honours the wilderness within you. Namaste 

    Signature Healing Journey🌿

    Yamas & Niyamas Healing Journey 🌿

    7 Chakras & Subtle Body Healing Journey 🌿

    Instagram 🌿

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    Email: [email protected]