Welcome to the Soul Purpose Podcast. This is a podcast where you will be guided into your truth and authenticity. This is your born and unique strengths, gifts, energy and light. What you are here to serve the world with, your unknown possibilities.. This is your Soul's Purpose. It's what you're here to feel, create and experience in this lifetime. And this is what we will step into in this podcast together!
Instagram: @celineheldrup
Join us on The Soul Purpose Retreat for 2024: -
Bekreftet – en prat om kreft og sånn er en podcast for unge kreftrammede og pårørende. «Alle» kjenner noen som har kreft, men dette er ikke en podcast om sykdom. Bekreftet handler om unge mennesker som har en historie å fortelle. Det handler om å leve, her og nå. Podcasten er produsert av organisasjonen Ung Kreft.
Velkommen til Meditasjonsguiden. Dette er en podcast for deg som ønsker mer ro, balanse og tilstedeværelse i hverdagen. Mitt mål er å inspirere og motivere deg til å gjøre meditasjon til en naturlig del av din hverdag – et kraftfullt verktøy - enkelt og gjennomførbart.
Jeg har tidligere jobbet i Nordsjøen og vært ansatt i Statoil i 24 år – et hektisk og krevende yrke. Etter å ha møtt veggen to ganger, innså jeg at noe måtte endres. Jeg oppdaget meditasjon, og det har forandret livet mitt. Nå ønsker jeg å dele mine erfaringer, innsikter og praktiske tips, slik at du også kan finne mer ro i en travel hverdag. -
FlowCast sitt mål er at det skal være en motiverende destinasjon for samtaler med interessante personer innen idrett, næringsliv, relasjoner og jakten på en optimal hverdag.
Hør Christoffer Solheim, daglig leder av FlowState, intervjue inspirerende personligheter hver uke der han henter frem unike historier og får innsikt i de som lever i eller av å være i flytsonen.
(Flyt (eller Flow) er et psykologisk begrep som først og fremst er blitt utforsket av sosialpsykologen Mihály Csíkszentmihályi og betegner en tilstand der man blir så oppslukt av en aktivitet at man glemmer tid og sted. En tilstand av flyt innebærer blant annet at man er motivert, tilfreds og går i ett med selve aktiviteten man holder på med slik at man glemmer seg selv og føler at man lever i nuet.) -
Oppveksten har kanskje vært på halv tolv, men det blir mye bra prat av det!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En podcast om spiritualitet, intuisjon, entreprenørskap og selvutvikling.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome To The Blossoming Mommy + Baby Show: The ONLY International Maternal-Lifestyle Brand, Helping Families Discover Healthy Solutions to Natural Living. Blossoming Mommy + Baby Show is hosted by Jennifer Blossom, who is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy and Founder of Blossoming Mommy + Baby. Jennifer created this show with one mission- to transform and reboot the health and happiness of families worldwide. Fresh, gorgeous episodes are released every Monday and Wednesday and focus on modern holistic living. Whether we chat healthy recipes, remedies, motherhood, encouragement, pregnancy, Christianity, marriage health, emotional health, parenting, and beyond.... we are here to provide you with the action steps to healthy and happy living! It is time to BLOSSOM, girl! Welcome to the Blossoming Community! XOXO
MentorBox is the new way of learning. If you're like most of our members you believe in expanding your knowledge and leveling up your skillsets, but you just don't have the time to read the books that you know will get you there. We engineered a new, fun and engaging way to learn directly from the highest level authors and thinkers...
We're talking real life. Cornelius is talking to real people about real things, discussing real problems, and coming up with real solutions. This podcast features talks ranging from entrepreneurship, financial management, politics and government, relationships, parenthood, pastoring/ministry, and so much more! Join the conversation.
LIVING FULLY ALIVE. A podcast from: Mary Hyatt
Intuitive Living For The Modern Woman.
I’m on a quest to help women start living fully alive.
In my podcast, I’ll share real conversations and strategies for having more purpose, pleasure and passion in your body, mind, and soul.
From body love, mindset, femininity, success, sexuality - I cover it all!
In 2012 I was completely shut down, feeling lost, numb and freaked out. I was 75 pounds heavier than I am now, living out one of the darkest times in my life… and then something happened.
An inner light began to flicker. I bravely stepped out of the shell of a woman I had become. I ordered 20+ books on Amazon and took myself to Mary-Come-Back-To-Your-Life-School. Fast forward 10 years later and now I am an entrepreneur, holistic personal life and mindset coach, Kundalini Yoga/Meditation/Breathwork teacher, and I’m empowering women all over the world to bravely step into their life and start living more fully alive!
Join me every week as I bring mindset shifting ideas, inspiring conversations and thought provoking interviews so you can finally say, YOU ARE LIVING FULLY ALIVE. -
The Living In Alignment Podcast is about helping you find your higher purpose, reconnect with your authentic self and share your unique truth.
I chat about Human Design, manifestation, healing, spirituality, self-growth and much more!
Are you ready to answer to your soul's calling and align your life with who you truly are? -
Impact the World is a show designed to inspire creatives, entrepreneurs, and change makers. Our guests share their stories of the work they do and the behind the scenes journey of what they are creating and experiencing. We explore the highs and lows, the challenges, gifts, and learning that takes place along the way.
The podcast Experience Life Transformation with Dr. and Master Sha is dedicated to sharing ancient wisdom and practices updated for modern times to help people become healthier and happier, empowered, and enlightened. His teachings have helped thousands of people to have better health, more harmonious relationships, better finances, and to live with inner joy and inner peace. Master Sha has traveled the world for decades, assisting people in overcoming physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual challenges and teaching special techniques for self-healing and self-improvement.
Dr. and Master Sha will share both theory and practice, presenting the wisdom in an accessible way and leading listeners in simple practices that apply the wisdom. He will explain the relationships between soul, heart, mind, and body and universal laws to understand and follow for optimal health, happiness, and success. This alternative approach is compatible with all other health practices but adds another dimension. Dr. and Master Sha honors all traditions but teaches a special way of reaching well-being and moving towards enlightenment. He teaches soul over matter and the power of positive messages for transforming the negative information within that creates illness and undermines health, happiness, and success. To support humanity, he created the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field that offers everyone a way to connect with a higher frequency and vibration that promotes healing, well-being, longevity, and flourishing in life.
In this podcast, Dr. and Master Sha will guide people to develop and strengthen positive messages of love, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, and more to remove physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages and free themselves to discover their true selves and reach their greatest potential.
Born in China, Master Sha began to learn tai chi at the young age of six and has studied several Eastern arts including qi gong, Shaolin gong fu, feng shui, and more and, in 2002, was named Qi Gong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong.
He also found the calling to heal and help others early when he observed people suffering from chronic illness. He received an MD in Western medicine from the Xian Medical College and certification in Chinese traditional medicine and acupuncture in both China and Canada. He has gone on to combine the essence of Western medicine, Chinese traditional medicine, knowledge gained from practicing the Eastern arts, and five-thousand years of energy and spiritual healing secrets. Dr. and Master Sha has taught self-healing practices and wisdom around the world for decades, trained hundreds of teachers through the Tao Academy, and founded the Sha Research Foundation to study the effects of these practices. A renowned humanitarian devoted to peace, Master Sha established the Love Peace Harmony Foundation to bring humanity together as one family and to support people living in crisis situations worldwide. -
What The Actual Fork is hosted by professional dietitians Sammy Previte and Jenna Werner. Both ladies are parents within growing families, which makes them food savvy mothers, who have plenty of factual information, advice and experience to share on food, parenting, body image, and everything in between. Sam and Jenna not afraid to share secrets. They started this podcast so no human has to feel alone in their journey towards a balanced and informed freedom in life, whether that involve food, motherhood, or any other pressing topics.
Do you wish you were smarter, successful, happier, had more confidence, enjoyed life, had better relationships, better health, lived your dreams, took some more risks, didn't mind failing, had a positive attitude, loved more, helped more, and just become more of who you should be? Then I suggest you join the other 100,000+ subscribers to find out how to reset your life. This podcast is basically self-help 101. Changing your life is hard, but if you really want to change you can just by finding and pressing your reset button! Subscribe and life the life you are meant to live!!!!
Many people do not meditate daily because they feel they do not have the time to, so in answer to this, I have created Meditation Break! Each meditation takes less time then having a cup of coffee, so if you have time for a coffee break, you have time for a meditation break!
Mary Phelan is the co-host of the popular metaphysical television show, Telepathic TV (airs in the Washington D.C. area and online). She is well known as an Intuitive Reader, Spiritual Empowerment Coach, EFT Practioner, Seichim Master Teacher and author of the Chakra Affirmation Cards, Inner Wisdom Cards, Spirit Animal Cards, Mary's Magical Message Cards and the Relationship Guidance Cards. She holds regular workshops on Psychic Development, Dream Interpretation, Tarot, EFT and Mayan Astrology. To learn more about her, visit or
For those that are looking for a more in depth study of meditation techniques, check out the Meditation Techniques online class at and on