
  • Salutations and solidarity everyone! There’s been a little chaos on the Henson thanks to a plasma leak in engineering. Thankfully, we got it sorted in time to record Episode 14, Sleeping Dogs, which features, Klingons, Vulcans, humans, Denobulans but no dogs. Go figure, or go to the bridge and join Jason and Michela for another serving of Enterprise goodness. Enjoy!

    #startrek #trekkie #scifi #startrektng #generoddenberry #startrekenterprise #startrekfan #geek #trekkies #podcasts

    Music & Stings: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/https://filmmusic.io/artists/kevin-macleod)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • Salutations and solidarity everyone! Episode 5 of Enterprise, 'Unexpected' has been our favourite episode thus far. But hold your course their Ensign because Episode 13 titled 'Dear Doctor' might just be the best we are going to get for the season. I'm calling it. I'm the captain of this rusty tub, and I'm putting this in my log as an absolute cracker. Too much? Not possible? Hyperbole at its worst? There's only one way to find out if what I say is true. Report to the bridge and join Jason and Michela on another podcasting adventure on board the U.S.S. Henson now!

    #startrek #trekkie #scifi #startrektng #generoddenberry #startrekenterprise #startrekfan #geek #trekkies #podcasts

    Music & Stings: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/https://filmmusic.io/artists/kevin-macleod)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

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  • Salutations and solidarity, everybody! Apart from the philosophy, phasers and awesome geeky tech, one of the best things about Star Trek is its characters. From Kirk and Spock to Worf, Picard and Khan, the Trekverse is filled with some of the best characters in any quadrant, and they can often be the difference between a filler and a fantastic episode. This week in Episode 12, Silent Enemy, the focus is on one of the quieter Enterprise characters, Malcolm Reed. It would be fair to say of all the crew members that we have met so far, Reed is one we know the least about, and we’re not the only ones. Because when Hoshi is assigned to prepare a tasty treat for Reed’s upcoming birthday, she can’t find anyone, including Reed’s own family that knows what he likes. Report to the bridge of the U.S.S. Henson and join your hosts Jason and Michela as they banter on about Reed’s big day and what’s the situation with pineapples?

    #startrek #trekkie #scifi #enterprise #generoddenberry #startrekenterprise #startrekfan #geek #trekkies #Netflix

    Music: (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • Salutations and solidarity, everybody! So, in the opening double pilot episode Broken Bow, Enterprise set up what looked to be an exciting story thread featuring the Klingons, Sulibans, Vulcans and the Federation. Since then, we’ve barely had a whiff of that plot and Number One, and I was wondering if we were going to regret committing to doing the podcast. Well, we may have been a little too hasty in that regard because in this week’s episode (11), Cold Front, we are back on track with some more story details on the whole Temporal War situation that kicked off the entire thing. Now it was more of an amuse-bouche than a full-on main course, but it was just enough to keep us ordering at the table. Report to the bridge of the U.S.S. Henson and join your hosts Jason and Michela for fewer food analogies and tons of podcasting fun!

    #startrek #trekkie #scifi #enterprise #generoddenberry #startrekenterprise #startrekfan #geek #trekkies #Netflix

    Music: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • Salutations and solidarity, everybody! Here we are once again with another probe for your ears layered with the sweet arias of Enterprise goodness. This week we discuss Episode 10, ‘Fortunate Son’, an off-ship on another ship adventure that finds the crew responding to a distress call from a freighter called the Fortunate. This being Star Trek means that this distress is a tall cocktail of phaser fire, Nausicaan aliens and patriarchal complexes that turn out to be particularly thought-provoking for Ensign Mayweather!

    Report to the Bridge of the U.S.S. Henson and your hosts Jason and Michela for some podcasting plunder and more!

    #startrek #trekkie #scifi #enterprise #generoddenberry #startrekenterprise #startrekfan #geek #trekkies #Netflix

    Music: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • Salutations and solidarity, everybody! It’s been quite the week. At the time of writing this, the world has seemingly crossed the streams and spun into a parallel dark world here everything is back-to-front upside-down odd. But reinforcements are here with photon torpedoes fully loaded for laughter and discussion of Episode 9 of Star Trek Enterprise, Civilisation Risa & Shine!

    We are off-ship, which according to my Number One only good things (in regards to the plot) can happen when we escape the confines of the Bridge. The crew shuttlepod down to a primitive-like society that is being ravaged by a deadly plague and exploited by a charlatan alien doctor and a group of other rogue aliens exploiting the planet for its resources. So quite unrealistic, then.

    Report to the Bridge of the U.S.S. Henson with your hosts Jason and Michela for some podcasting high jinks!

    #startrek #trekkie #scifi #enterprise #generoddenberry #startrekenterprise #startrekfan #geek #trekkies #Netflix

    Music: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • Salutations and solidarity, everybody! We're back for more chat and chuckles with Episode 8 of our continuing mission to debrief the entire Star Trek Enterprise saga. This week we’re on thin ice with Reed and Mayweather as they stick their drill in places where it doesn’t belong and end up in all kinds of trouble. It’s a cold world, but life on the U.S.S. Henson with Jason and Michela is heating up Report to the bridge now!

    Music: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • Salutations and solidarity, everybody! We're back for more chat and chuckles with Episode 7 of our continuing mission to debrief the entire Star Trek Enterprise saga. This week we are off to P'Jem, a remote planet where go to Vulcans meditate and purge their emotions in peaceful seclusion. But is that all they do there? According to a neighbouring species of the Vulcans, the Andorians, there's more to the monastery than meets the antennae! Find out what's going down and more on the U.S.S. Henson with Jason and Michela. Report to the bridge now!

    Music: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • Salutations and solidarity, everybody! We're back for more chat and chuckles with Episode 6 of our continuing mission to debrief the entire Star Trek Enterprise saga. This week we discover the long-forgotten colony planet of Terra Nova and its mysterious inhabitants that may or may not be the decedents of humans that left the earth many decades ago. What happened to their vessel? How have they survived for so long? And what is the meaning of shale? Find all this out and more on the U.S.S. Henson with Jason and Michela. Report to the bridge now!

    Music: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • Salutations and solidarity everybody! Risa & Shine is back for another wise-cracking, plot-breaking, warp-speeding Star Trek Enterprise podcast. This week, Jason and Michela discuss what looks to be their favourite episode of the series thus far, ‘Unexpected’, in which Commander Trip Tucker discovers that growth on his arm is a nipple. What’s more, he’s pregnant!  

    Music: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • Salutations and solidarity everybody! First up we want to apologise for some of the sound in this episode. We had a slight mic malfunction, which caused some dips in volume here and there. However, it didn’t stop us from having a good old natter about one of the better Trek episodes. This week the Enterprise crew and Porthos shuttle pod down to a beautiful planet with a bountiful oasis of flora, rivers and snowy mountain peaks. There’s also no life signs, which if you know your Star Trek, is not a good sign. It’s not long before a gusty storm forces the crew into a cave, where some mysterious shenanigans forces them into a paranoid standoff against one another. Join hosts Jason and Michela on the bridge for another probing mission of full-on Risa & Shine goodness.

    Music: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • Greetings universe, the Enterprise crew are two weeks in and the only First Contact they've made is with a small slug. Little do they know that they are at the beginning of a trail that leads to alien lymph drainage, translation errors and misguided torpedoes. Join hosts Jason and Michela as they banter and debate it all in this port to starboard crammed episode of Risa & Shine goodness.

    Music: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    SFX: trekcore.com

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

  • This is it! Our official, first review and in-depth discussion of Enterprise begins with the double pilot episode 'Broken Bow'. From enhanced Suliban aliens and Klingons sprinting through cornfields to a brand new ship, an excited crew and a mysterious, faceless figure from the future, this episode has it all. Join Jason and Michela on the U.S.S. Henson as they chat, debate and argue through it all. See you on the bridge!

  • No matter how hard we tried we could never make it past the third episode of Star Trek Enterprise, arguably one of the least liked series in the quadrant, which is why we created Risa & Shine. An unofficial, weekly Star Trek podcast where we will discuss and review an episode of the notorious show until we complete the entire four-season run. Either that or we'll end up in Sto'V'Kor. But before we take you on this adventure, you should get to know us, your crew, a little better. Join Trek fans Captain Jason and his No 1. Michela aboard the U.S.S. Henson where they get into their background and history with this beloved franchise.

    Music: Dreamy Flashback & Crossing the Chasm (All rights owned by Kevin MacLeod/incomptech.com)

    Risa & Shine is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc. or the Star Trek franchise. All STAR TREK trademarks and logos are owned by CBS Studios Inc.