The Catholic Church commonly refers to St. Joseph as the foster father of Jesus. As we celebrate his feast day this week, Ralph makes the case that this designation is way too weak given the reality and depth of his fatherhood.
The angel who appeared to the children at Fatima in 1916 told them, "Make of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for the conversion of sinners. ..Above all, accept and bear with submission, the suffering which the Lord will send you." When Mary appeared to the children in 1917, she told them the same thing.
This week, Ralph talks about how challenging it is to accept our sufferings and asks the questions, "Does God really send sufferings? How can we turn suffering to good?"
Saknas det avsnitt?
As we enter into the season of Lent Peter Herbeck joins Ralph to discuss Church teaching on Original Sin and how we can salve its wound.
How can someone be appointed Archbishop of Washington, DC, after expressing views contrary to the Catholic faith? This is the question being raised by many within the American Catholic Church after Cardinal Robert McElroy’s recent appointment as Archbishop of Washington, DC. Appointments like this are causing many Catholics to wonder what is going on that bishops who hold objectively heretical or at least ambiguous views on basic Catholic truths are receiving these appointments. However, it is heartening to see the very direct and truthful comments that Archbishop Aquila from Denver, CO, and Bishop Paprocki from Springfield, IL, have made on the seriousness of appointing people to high positions who hold views like this. Let’s pray that the Lord have mercy on our holy Catholic Church which is going through a time of trial right now.
Get your copy of Peter Herbeck's new booklet, Does God Judge? Your first copy is FREE!
Articles in this episode:
On ‘Radical Inclusion’ for LGBT People, Women and Others in the Catholic Church by Robert W. McElroyRadical Inclusion Requires Radical Love by Samuel J. AquilaImagining a Heretical Cardinal by Thomas J. PaprockiI Apologize to LGBTQ Catholics by Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory: For the Church to Live In Eucharistic Coherence, We Must Be Willing to Challenge Catholics Persisting in Grave Sin by Samuel J. Aquila USCCB Must Discuss Eucharistic Coherence at June Meeting by Bishop PaprockiPaprocki: We’ve ‘Passed Beyond the Point of Private Conversations’ by The Pillar
Dr. Peter Williamson joins Ralph to share about his conversion to Catholicism and the role of sacred scripture in his daily life.
Ralph considers the important role that silence plays in our relationship with the Lord. He recommends a book called Holy Silence to help increase this virtue in our lives. This video complements another recent video, The Case for Loud, in which Ralph considered how Sacred Scripture exhorts us to full-hearted praise and worship and making a joyful noise to the Lord—and how we also should be open to this dimension in our response to God.
For a copy of "Fulfillment of All Desire" visit https://www.renewalministries.net/shop/product/fulfillment-of-all-desire/.
Popular speaker Fr. John Riccardo returns to the show to share what has been on his heart about the state of the Church.
For Fr. John's book, Heaven Starts Now: Becoming a Saint Day by Day, visit https://a.co/d/fF9FuIk.
Ralph reflects on how it is possible to find true rest for our souls, even amid our many responsibilities and heavy burdens.
The founder of From His Heart Ministries relates how she came into the Catholic Church after being a Pentecostal evangelist for years – without losing her ministry.
This week, Ralph discusses how the continuous conflict we should expect to face in this life will store up a weight of glory for us, both now and in heaven.
Catholic Answers apologist Tim Staples talks with Ralph about his conversion to Catholicism.
Ralph talks about the striking words of Jesus in Matthew 12 when he declares that those who do his will are his family.
Peter Herbeck joins Ralph for a special Christmas episode to encourage us to behold the incredible mystery of the Incarnation, inviting us to respond to the loving gift of God in Jesus.
From time to time we note in the Gospels that Jesus is expressing a strong emotion about a situation he is encountering. This week, Ralph looks at the range of emotions that Jesus shows and offers some guidance he (and John of the Cross) give us about how to rightly order our emotions.
The Anderbergs share about the tragic of death their son in 2004 and how the Lord has brought them through these difficult times.
This week, Ralph speaks about how the angels have been given very significant roles in God’s plan to save us. Our guardian angels care for us daily, and if we are alive when he comes again, the angels will come to escort us into the kingdom of heaven!
Deacon Jim and Ralph discuss the integration of prayer, relationship with the Lord and knowledge of Him for growth in intimacy with Christ.
We see many forms of prayer throughout the scriptures: profound silence, quiet nights of prayer, lamentation, crying out to the Father, and even loud song, dance, and thunderous praise.
Loud prayer or worship isn't a virtue in itself, but in certain circumstances or seasons of life it can be a way of relating whole-heartedly to the Lord.
Ralph sits down with Deacon Steve Thomashefski to hear his powerful testimony of God’s mercy and his work as a deacon and missionary.
It is an amazing gift that God himself speaks to us, and it is so important that we really pay attention to His voice. This week Ralph speaks about the amazing, life-saving gift of the Word of God. Share this inspiring episode with friends and family!
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