Author, Podcaster, Poet, Singer-Songwriter, Voiceover Guy. 30+ books for kids and adults in addition to scores of articles. Hundreds of songs (and a couple of books) for businesses and loyal listeners. Tens of thousands of families have enjoyed and supported Tony Funderburk’s recorded music and live performances for many years. God gave you the beautiful gift of life. And He’s given you gifts and talents. So, you should use them to create and serve others. When you tune in to Tony’s Rhyme and Reason Podcast, you’ll get rhymes, reasons, and songs delivered to your inbox for free: https://www.TonyFunderburk.com/rhyme-and-reason-podcast AND jump on the Rhyme and Reason Bandwagon and get free songs and a book right away: https://www.TonyFunderburk.com And get yourself a songbook journal or one of Tony’s many books on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B008R08LUG/allbooks