Karl Marx once famously said “the philosophers have interpreted the world in various ways, but the point is to change it.”
In this recording from Socialist Alternative's Revolutionary Ideas Festival last November, we discuss the basics of Marxist philosophy and how it is useful for those fighting for revolutionary change across the world.
Listen now!
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In this episode, we speak with two Marxists from the Movement for a Socialist Alternative (ISA Nigeria) about the ongoing battle to free Daniel Akande and all jailed activists. We also touch on prospects for future workers’ struggle and the fight to overthrow capitalism and imperialism across the African continent.
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Saknas det avsnitt?
25: The New Party We Need by Socialist Alternative
In this episode we sat down with members of Socialist Alternative in the United States, who are currently organising in the wake of Donald Trump’s recent election victory. We ask: What does his election represent? What are the prospects for building a fightback of workers and youth in the US? And what does Trump 2.0 mean internationally?
The Conservative Party is licking its wounds after its disastrous showing at the General Election. Never in their history have the Tories received such a low share of the vote.
But Starmer’s win is extremely shallow. Despite five years of work purging the left and cosying up to big business in the name of electability, Labour also received the lowest the share of the vote this century.
So how do we understand these events? What do socialists and Marxists say about where we should go forward from here?
To find out, tune into this new episode of Revolutionary Ideas!
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The Tories are on their way out! But a Labour government will be just as committed to serving the interests of big business. A new left, anti-war political party with socialist policies must be urgently built to challenge the capitalist parties and the racism of Farage.
This episode of Revolutionary Ideas will discuss just how this alternative can be built going into a Labour government.
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Through the 1960s until the 1990s, the Militant Tendency gained infamy for its defence of Marxist and socialist ideas within the labour movement in Britain. It took the fight to the Thatcher government in the 80s, both in the struggle of the socialist Liverpool City Council, and in the struggle against the poll tax.
What were the lessons of these fight? How was Militant built? Join us for another episode of Revolutionary Ideas to find out more!
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The years 1931-49 were years of reaction, fascism and inter-imperialist war, but also of revolution. In this episode of Revolutionary Ideas we ask: What was the genuine Marxist approach to the World War at the time, and what lessons does this era carry for today?
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The Spanish Revolution 1931-38 was one of the great workers' revolutions of the 20th century. But it was also one of the great tragedies. Stalinism played a crucial role in its eventual defeat. What were the reasons for that? And how could a genuine Marxist leadership have done things differently?
To find out, listen to the most recent episode of Revolutionary Ideas - the Marxist podcast from Socialist Alternative!
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Since the explosion of struggle against systemic racism and state violence in 2020, a new generation of workers and young people have asked: what sort of approach is needed to help in the fight for liberation?
At the same time, there has been a right-wing backlash against the ideas of 'Critical Race Theory'. But do CRT provide a way forward? Or does Marxism have more to offer? Or are the two compatible?
To learn more, listen to and share this latest episode of Revolutionary ideas!
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Over the last few years, the #metoo movement has exposed the widespread sexual abuse in society often perpetrated by men in positions of power such as Jeffrey Epstein, and most recently with the high-profile accusations against Prince Andrew.
In this episode of REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS, we discuss a socialist feminist and Marxist approach to understanding and fighting the power and privilege behind this abuse, and how we can build a mass movement to fight back for International Women's Day 2022.
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Lenin’s classic book, The State and Revolution is a must-read for all who want to get a firm understanding of how the state works. How do socialists approach complex issues like the police? How can the working class take state power, and what do we need to do to make that happen?
In this episode, our regular hosts, Tom and Connor will be joined by Sofia, from Socialist Alternative in Leicester. Listen now! -
On Christmas 1914, soldiers across the trenches of WWI disobeyed orders and dropped their guns. In this act of resistance during the imperialist war, a glowing example was set - of working class solidarity and internationalism.
In this special Christmas episode of Revolutionary Ideas, our regular panelists Yaara and Tom interview Greg Briscoe from Socialist Alternative in London.
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From Spain, to Argentina and beyond, women have increasingly staged feminist strikes against abuse, femicide, rape and oppression.
We ask in this episode of Socialist Alternative's monthly podcast: what is the way forward for these movements?
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As Marxists, we follow the example set by the Russian Revolution of 1917, as the greatest event in human history - a milestone in the fight for a world liberated from oppression, exploitation and war.
But we are also often told lies about what the revolution was and what it represented. In this episode of Revolutionary Ideas, we will be interviewing Rob and Lilly from Sotsialisticheskaya Alternative (ISA in Russia).
Facebook: ISA England, Wales & Scotland
Instagram: @SocialistAlternative.EWS
Twitter: @SocialistAltEWS
TikTok: @Socialist_Vids -
Capitalism always wants to tell us how it works as a system. Like an 'invisible hand', the market delivers for us all - or so we're told...
But how does capitalism REALLY work? Listen to this episode of Revolutionary Ideas to find out! -
'The Communist Manifesto', written in the 19th century, remains widely read, but not always understood. Often misrepresented and distorted by the capitalist class and Stalinism alike, it is more important than ever that we ask, “what did Marx and Engels really stand for?”. As we enter the stormy decade of the 2020s, with mass struggles on the horizon, rediscovering the real ideas of Marxism is needed to prepare us for events to come.
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Socialists want to change the world. But what is our underlying philosophy? How do we think change takes place?
To answer these questions, tune into the latest episode of Revolutionary Ideas!
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In this episode, we will be discussing with Becci Heagney from Socialist Alternative's Political Committee, about SA's recent reprint of Trotsky's classic work, "Marxism in Our Time". To purchase your copy of this, please order yours here - only £3!
forms.gle/Tv72E9gzbyRPoorg8 -
Christmas is a time of the year that millions of people look forward to around the world. It is also a time of massive consumption.
Some on the left have said "there can be no ethical consumption under capitalism". But is that true? And if it is, why? We will answer these questions in the Christmas special of Revolutionary Ideas - the monthly podcast from Socialist Alternative.
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