In Which We Consider Bicycles. Even when you make a cycling podcast that’s not about bikes, occasionally bikes comes up. Not as often maybe as burritos or how bad Foo Fighters are, but they do come up. Today we’ll talk about bikes in exactly the way we talk about bikes when we’re not recording a […]
Metamodern Sounds in DIY Podcasting. What are we even doing here? The only reason you’re hearing words right now is that you’ve become too lazy to read. Remember when you subscribed to magazines? Remember when you read blogs? Now you just want to zone our and listen to two bozos having a conversation. It’s a […]
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The World Is Flatter Than You Might Think. In the vast info-verse we spend most of our days trudging around in, every voice is equal, which means the grifter and ignoramus are just as loud as the expert and visionary. Good people doing good things are easily drowned out by bad people doing bad things. […]
Saloons, Saloonery, and Saloonacy. Humans love a bar. They love to drink. They love to talk. They love to shoot pool, and some of them even love to get thrown out. Today we’re mulling the universal appeal of the public room and discussing some good guidelines for behavior therein. Music pick of the week: Robot […]
Never Ever Pay the Artist. Your eyeballs have been under assault since you were born. Other people really are desperate for you to see what they want you to see. You’d think you’d place a higher value on the things can come into your field of vision, but you don’t. Everywhere there is art and […]
Learning to Fiddle While Rome Burns. When Ronald Reagan became president in 1980, we thought the world was going to end in a nuclear winter. When George W Bush, who couldn’t pronounce the word ‘nuclear,’ took over in 2000, we figured the whole planet would be consumed by the War on Terror. In 2016, we […]
Superstition as a Brain Eating Virus. People believe all sorts of crazy things. The world is flat. Gluten is a huge problem. There’s a mystical being who knows everything and controls our lives, but we can’t see them or possibly know what they want. Once you open your mind to ideas that are magical, mystical […]
The Customer Isn’t Always Bright. Expectations are the enemy of happiness, which is why the Amazonification of customer service has ruined a lot of people. They want everything now. They want a refund on it before it’s been shipped. They want a tracking number and a thank you note and a discount. But we’re all […]
White Whales and Sinking Ships. All of life is a struggle between our best intentions and the predations of time. Will we land our great white whale before the veil falls and we return to dust? Or are we still able to heft the big harpoon and land the whale, filling our holds with oil […]
Bill and Ted’s Hot Tub Time Machine. In 1968, when Dr. Spock invented the internet, it was just a cool way for people to share information with each other. Then the same people who brought you credit cards and telemarketing turned it into a predatory beast that wanted the last four of your social, every […]
New Year’s Icebreakers for the Dull or Demented. From a party perspective New Year’s is really amateur hour, hordes of emotionally chaotic humans getting sloppy and rubbing up against each other, celebrating an arbitrary milestone with Jell-o shots and plastic thimbles of champagne. This week we’re gonna help you bone up on your conversational chops […]
The Warm Breeze Off Jugalo Island. We live 3000 miles apart, but we’re neighbors on Jugalo Island, a special place where two fifty-something jabronis can have a podcast where they offer uninformed opinions, share dubious battle stories and generally pretend to know what’s going on in the world. This week you’ll get the warm breeze […]
Bad Reasons to Talk About Batman. Batman is clearly the best superhero because he doesn’t have any superpowers and because he isn’t even sure whether he’s a good guy or a bad guy. Also, because he wears his underwear on the outside. Recent events have highlighted that humanity has a real soft spot for vigilante […]
Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again. We’re just a couple of cracked eggs, and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men apparently need to be involved in our rehabilitation, which has to thread the needle between opiate addiction, night sweats and the fear of sneezing. Music pick of the week: Robot – Dissolves […]
The Last Will and Testament of Stevil Kinevil. By the time people are hearing this, I’ll either be in the great beyond where all the guitars are air guitars and all the cocktails come with umbrellas, OR I’ll just be crawling out of an opioid nightmare on the other side of knee surgery. And so, […]
Trying Very Hard Not to Try Very Hard. After 153 hours of jibber-jabber, I think we’ve established that nothing matters, and that quite possibly we’re all dead already anyway. That means we’re all free to do what we want, which for most us means, not very much. And yet, it’s still so hard to pull […]
The Epistemological Challenges of 21st Century Consciousness. One of the problems of being alive right now is that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to know what’s true, to even know what you know. There’s AI, deep fakes, fake news, memes, rumors, conspiracy theories, stuff we see in dreams, numerology, astrology and psychic surgery. How in the […]
Looking for a Good Cult to Join. Humans will believe just about anything. You wonder how people join UFO-worshipping, death cults, but is any of that so far from the stuff everyday people are completely sure about as they walk around the planet, eating food and reproducing? Music pick of the week: Robot – Billy […]
The Apocalypse Being Nigh. This episode has been gifted to humanity one day before the US election that may or may not (but probably will) trigger the end of our species in the universe. We can imagine a few of you are feeling some considerable stress, so today we’re going to talk about how to […]
Arbitrary Moments of Joy, Pain and Indifference. There are milestones in life that you see coming, and there are others that just happen to you. There are some you think are going to move your forward, like a marriage or a new job, but maybe they don’t pan out quite as expected. You shouldn’t expect […]
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