Episode Notes
Episode 93: Matthew 5 - Blessings, Curses, and Moving Mountains: The Architecture of Matthew’s Gospel
March 4, 2025 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
In this episode we're diving into Matthew chapter 5 and we’ll notice a fascinating aspect of Matthew gospel. Matthew organizes Jesus’ major addresses into five distinct sermons. The first and the last of which are delivered on mountains. and today, we’ll unpack a link back to the Old Testament story of Moses and Joshua.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Thanks to Dr. Warren Gage for the bulk of the material in this episode. Gage, W. A. (2010). Essays in Biblical Theology (pp. 63–65). Warren A. Gage. - The Blessings and Cursings upon Gerizim and Ebal - The law of Moses instructed the people, when Joshua led them into the good land promised to the fathers, to assemble before the mountains of Gerizim and Ebal for a ceremony reaffirming their fidelity to the Lord and the law of the covenant (Deut 27–28). The entire nation of Israel was to be arranged in ranks by their tribes in the valley between the slopes of the two mountains. Six tribes stood upon the skirts of Ebal, and six tribes stood upon the skirts of Gerizim. Joshua spoke all the law of Moses in the hearing of the twelve tribes of Israel (Josh 8:30–35). The six tribes upon Gerizim spoke the blessings that would be poured out as long as the nation obeyed the law and the covenant (Deut 28:1–14). The six tribes upon Ebal spoke the curses that would come upon the nation if they disobeyed the law (Deut 27:15–28). All the tribes affirmed that, upon their disobedience, a nation from afar would come upon them like the eagle, besieging the fortified walls of Israel (Deut 28:49–52) and driving all the people into exile among the nations (Deut 28:64–68). As each group of six tribes spoke the blessings and the cursings of the law, the six tribes opposite answered with an antiphonal avowal of their fidelity to the covenant and their imprecatory oath of obedience to the Lord. In the New Testament, Matthew’s Gospel portrays Jesus as the True Joshua presiding over a new ceremony of blessing and cursing. To recognize this portrayal, we must understand something of the structure of the first Gospel. Matthew arranges his Gospel around seven mountains. These mountains are 1) the mountain of the temptation (4:8), 2) the mountain of the beatitudes (5:1), 3) the mountain of the separation (14:23), 4) the mountain of the feeding in the wilderness (15:29), 5) the mountain of the transfiguration (17:1), 6) the mountain of the Olivet discourse (24:3), and 7) the mountain of the commissioning (28:16). The seven Matthean mountains are arranged chiastically, with corresponding pairs arrayed around the central mountain of the wilderness feeding. The mountains relevant to the Joshua typology are the second mountain and the sixth, which frame Matthew’s five discourses. The second mountain is the mountain of the beatitudes in Galilee, the site of the first discourse called the “Sermon on the Mount” (5:1–8:28). The corresponding sixth mountain, the site of the last or “Olivet Discourse,” is the mountain before Jerusalem (24:3–26:1). Matthew’s typology of the True Joshua is built around the relationship between the blessings pronounced upon the mount of the beatitudes in Galilee and the woes (or curses) spoken against the Pharisees in Jerusalem. By juxtaposing these mountains, Matthew anticipates the blessings to descend upon the mountain of the Gentiles, which has become Gerizim, and the destruction to come upon Jerusalem, which has become Ebal. Jesus solemnly pronounces nine beatitudes upon the mountain in Galilee (Matt 5:3–12). Eight corresponding woes or curses are enumerated against Jerusalem, framed as antiphonal responses to the beatitudes spoken in Galilee. The juxtaposition of Matthew’s two mountains constitutes the restatement of the solemn ceremony at Shechem, and darkly foretells the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the people for their disobedience to the law of Moses in rejecting the Prophet of whom Moses spoke (Matt 24:2).Matthew Study Resources at the Rethinking Scripture Website: https://rethinkingscripture.com/matthew-study-resources/Here are a few resources regarding my first tour guide in Israel, Halvor Ronning.New American Standard Bible: 1995 update (Mt 4:18–22). (1995). The Lockman Foundation.Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos SantosTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book is now available.
The Rethinking Rest audiobook is available only on Audible:
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLAPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode Notes
Episode 92: Matthew 4 - Not the First Calling of the First Disciples
Feb 13, 2025 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
In this episode we finish Matthew chapter 4 by looking at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee and what some say is the calling of the first disciples. Did these men immediately leave everything in order to serve Jesus? We will discover… following Jesus might not be that simple, demanding, or immediate. All that and more in Episode 92 - Not the First Calling of the First Disciples
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Matthew Study Resources at the Rethinking Scripture Website: https://rethinkingscripture.com/matthew-study-resources/Here are a few resources regarding my first tour guide in Israel, Halvor Ronning.Jerusalem Perspective Page with links to articles and blogs. https://www.jerusalemperspective.com/author/halvor-ronning/#:~:text=Halvor%20Ronning%20(B.A.%2C%20St.,Israel%20for%20over%20fifty%20years. The Importance of Biblical Geography: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOL5e3atnUsPsalm 23 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2uOPUL6dQYNew American Standard Bible: 1995 update (Mt 4:18–22). (1995). The Lockman Foundation.Marshall, I. H. (1994). Luke. In D. A. Carson, R. T. France, J. A. Motyer, & G. J. Wenham (Eds.), New Bible commentary: 21st century edition (4th ed., p. 989). Inter-Varsity Press.Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Vol. 2, p. 16). Logos Research Systems, Inc.Martin, J. A. (1985). Luke. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 216). Victor Books.The incident recorded here is obviously not the first time Jesus had been in contact with the men whom He called to be His disciples. Luke already had stated that Jesus had healed Simon’s mother-in-law which denotes previous contact with Simon and Andrew. This seems to be at least the third time Jesus had contact with these men. In John 1:41 Andrew told Peter that he had found the Messiah. Apparently the men at first did not follow Jesus on a “full-time” basis, for in Mark 1:16–20 (also Matt. 4:18–22) Jesus called Simon, Andrew, James, and John. Mark recorded that that call was before Jesus entered the synagogue in Capernaum and healed a man who was demon-possessed. It is no wonder Peter invited Jesus home after the synagogue incident. Now, sometime later, Peter and the others were still fishermen. It was at this point, now that Jesus had established His authority (Luke 4:31–44), that He called these men to full-time discipleship.1Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos SantosTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book is now available.
The Rethinking Rest audiobook is available only on Audible:
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLAPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Episode Notes
Episode 91: Matthew 3-4 - The Baptist
Feb 5, 2025 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
In this episode we’ll spend some time talking about Jewish baptism, take a look at a curious statement Jesus makes, and then talk about his testing in the wilderness at the beginning of Matthew 4. All of that and more in Episode 91 - Fulfilling the Theme of Baptism and Testing.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Matthew Study Resources at the Rethinking Scripture Website: https://rethinkingscripture.com/matthew-study-resources/Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos SantosTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book and now available.
The Rethinking Rest audiobook is available only on Audible:
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLAPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode Notes
Episode 90: Matthew 3 - The Baptist
March 14, 2024 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
In this episode we’re in the first 12 verses of Matthew 3. It’s a deep dive into John the Baptist’s ministry and no matter how familiar you think you are with this New Testament character, I guarantee we’re going to discuss several things you’ve never… ever considered.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Matthew Study Resources at the Rethinking Scripture Website: https://rethinkingscripture.com/matthew-study-resources/Podcast Statistics: https://www.yaguara.co/podcast-statistics/#:~:text=With%20an%20average%20of%2050,from%20the%20environment%20to%20politics. The story of Hiroo Onoda (who died Jan. 16, 2014) who hid in the jungle and continued to fight a war that had ended 29 years earlier: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroo_OnodaShow Music:
Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos SantosTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book and now available.
The Rethinking Rest audiobook is available only on Audible:
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLAPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode Notes
Episode 89: Matthew 1-2 - Let's Talk About the Birth Narrative
March 4, 2024 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
The story of Jesus’ birth has become more than familiar to many. But even after hearing it year after year during the holiday season, there are still elements we may be missing. In this episode, we’ll focus in on some of the finer details you may have never considered regarding how this story was written.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Matthew Study Resources at the Rethinking Scripture Website: https://rethinkingscripture.com/matthew-study-resources/Williams, Dr. Peter J. (2019). Why are Jesus's birth stories different?- https://tyndalehouse.com/explore/articles/why-are-jesus-birth-stories-different/ (Williams is Principal and CEO of Tyndale House, Cambridge).August, J. M. (2018). “He Shall Be Called a Nazarene”: The Non-Citation of Matthew 2:23. Tyndale Bulletin, 69(1), 63.Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos SantosTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book and now available.
The Rethinking Rest audiobook is available only on Audible:
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLAPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode Notes
Episode 88: Matthew 1 - A Royal Genogram - Pt. 2
February 12, 2024 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
Mathew begins his gospel with a long list of names… and it’s a list you may be tempted to skip over just to move more quickly to the story of Jesus’ birth… but the birth story really begins with the list of names. It’s a list which includes, among other things, sexual scandal, and the stories of five faithful women.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Matthew Study Resources at the Rethinking Scripture Website: https://rethinkingscripture.com/matthew-study-resources/https://www.olivemecounseling.com/blog/genogramA genogram is the Family Tree 3.0: not only does it reveal who's who in the family, but it also is rich in information about:major events, cultural factors, mental health issues, medical conditions, traumas, addictions, relationship dynamics, the role played in the family.Dr. Warren Gage Information:Watermark Gospel Videos - https://www.watermarkgospel.comMatthew Study Audio - https://alexandrian.academy/p/matthew-bible-studyShow Music:
Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos SantosTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book and now available.
The Rethinking Rest audiobook is available only on Audible:
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLAPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode Notes
Episode 87: Matthew 1 - A Royal Genogram - Pt. 1
February 1, 2024 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
I’ve always thought most of scripture was inspired… I mean, let’s be honest, those long lists of names in the genealogies, somebody must have snuck those in after the final edits. If that’s what you’ve always thought, get ready, because today’s episode is going to flip your script.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
The Matthew Study at the Rethinking Scripture Website: https://rethinkingscripture.com/matthew-study-resources/https://www.olivemecounseling.com/blog/genogramA genogram is the Family Tree 3.0: not only does it reveal who's who in the family, but it also is rich in information about:major events, cultural factors, mental health issues, medical conditions, traumas, addictions, relationship dynamics, the role played in the family.Podcast: Exploring My Strange Bible by Tim Mackie - Episode 79. Yahweh Saves - Gospel of Matthew Part 1https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/exploring-my-strange-bible/id1271147429?i=1000410260487Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos SantosTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book and now available.
The Rethinking Rest audiobook is available only on Audible:
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLAPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode Notes
Episode 86: Intro to Matthew - Recognizing the Ol’ Switcharoony
January 25, 2024 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
In the movie the Princess Bride, there is a battle of the wits between two characters, Vizzini, a “Sicilian man of genius,” and the main character Westley. For those who have seen it, you know it’s a great example of the old Switcharoony, which suggests a surprising change or reversal has taken place. Well... the gospel of Matthew is full of surprising and unexpected reversals. In today’s episode we’ll introduce the gospel and give some examples of how you’ve probably been misreading it for years.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Vocabulary.com defines "A switcheroo" as a surprising change or reversal. If your mom replaced the cookies in a cookie jar with plums, your dad might say, "She pulled the old switcheroo!" - https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/switcheroo#:~:text=A%20switcheroo%20is%20a%20surprising,could%20call%20this%20a%20switcheroo.Blomberg, C. L. (2007). Matthew. In Commentary on the New Testament use of the Old Testament (p. 34). Baker Academic; Apollos.Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Growth" by Armani Delos SantosTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book and now available.
The Rethinking Rest audiobook is available only on Audible:
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLAPowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 84 - A New Year... with New Projects
Jan 15, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
For those of you listening in real time… you realize I’ve been absent the last four months. And the beauty being on a podcast means that for many of you… this will just simply be Episode 85… the one that follows Episode 84. In this episode I discuss the War in Israel and I discuss my new projects for the new year.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.2025 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 84 - From Exodus to Communion: Exploring the Biblical Roots of the New Covenant
Sept 9, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
In an attempt to better understand the signs of the new covenant, baptism and communion, we jump into 1 Corinthians 10 and consider the significance of Paul’s instruction about baptism and communion as displayed in the story of the exodus from Egypt. I bet you haven’t had anyone walk you through what happens in this episode.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.Crampton, W. G. “The Sacramental Implications of 1 Corinthians 10:1–4: A Confessional Study of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.” The Reformed Baptist Theological Review 7 (2010).2024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 83 - Shotgun Weddings, Rings and New Covenant Baptism
Aug 23, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
Weddings are a big deal. I’m always amazed at the many details that go into such events. It usually takes months to properly plan and execute a modern wedding ceremony. But one doesn’t actually need that much time. There’s really only a few things needed for two people to get married. In today’s episode, we’ll take a closer look at the Biblical wedding metaphor and ask if, in our modern day rendition, we’re maybe unintentionally creating shotgun wedding scenarios with Jesus… where forget to bring the engagement ring.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.Slow Theology Podcast - Episode 21 "Why Baptism Matters" w/ hosts A.J. Swoboda & Nijay K. Gupta - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/slow-theology-simple-faith-for-chaotic-times/id1556188087?i=10006237124512024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 82 - John H. Walton - Q & R
Aug 5, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
In this episode I welcome Dr. John H. Walton to the podcast to answer several questions posed by members of "The John H. Walton Discussion Group" on Facebook.
Dr. Walton is a scholar and was, until just recently, a professor. He recently retired from his position as professor of Old Testament and coordinator of the Masters of Biblical Exegesis at Wheaton College in Illinois. Before Wheaton He taught at Moody Bible Institute for 20 years. He specializes in the Ancient Near Eastern backgrounds of the Old Testament. Throughout his research, Walton has focused his attention on comparing the culture and literature of the Bible and the ancient Near East. He has published dozens of books, articles and translations, both as writer and editor, including his popular book, The Lost World of Genesis One.
The questions include the following topics (with time stamps) - and contributors
1. The weight of an unladen swallow. (10:38) - Colby Hammer
2. How to apply ancient Jewish and Platonic thinking to modern interpretations. (11:44 ) - Hashim Warren
3. Should we interpret Jacobs "heel grab" back into Genesis 3:15? (15:43) - Hector Grijalva
3. Understanding the "pain" and "toil" caused by the fall. (19:45) - Luis Barceló
4. How we should understand the events of the conquering of Jericho. (22:30 ) - Joel Montes
5. The role of the Torah's "wisdom" in OT, how that changed in the NT, and modern implications. (27:27) - Steve Bell
6. The OT tithe and if it's required today. (29:57) - Paul Robinson
7. Material origins of creation vs. Phenomenological Origins. (33:06) - Vernon Goodman
8. Critiques of the "Demons and Spirits in Biblical Theology" book. Whether demons and spirits exist, and if so, how should we understand the Bible's descriptions in both the OT and NT. (3 questions) (36:30) - Jeremy Smith
9. Why God created dinosaurs.(46:44) - Frank Fleming
10. "Kelly's story" from the NIV Application Commentary on Job. (49:11) - Buddy Coffey
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.2024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/Thomas J. Farrar published a review in “Journal of Theological Studies" published by Oxford University Press.” Here is the authors original version of that review: https://www.academia.edu/45148436/Review_of_Demons_and_Spirits_in_Biblical_Theology_Reading_the_Biblical_Text_in_Its_Cultural_and_Literary_Context_by_John_H_Walton_and_J_Harvey_Walton)Dr. Michael Heiser's Podcast Critique of the Demons and Spirits book: https://nakedbiblepodcast.com/podcast/naked-bible-430-john-walton-on-demons-and-spirits/The YouTube interview with Dr. John H. Walton is available here: https://youtu.be/FaRhASBLmv0
Recent Podcasts where Gregory Hall has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallOther Covers of the song
Blind Melon made a cover of the song, which appeared in track 3 of Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks.The song was covered, with rewritten lyrics, by Greg Raposo, Matthew Ballinger, and Stevie Brock to promote Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers. Their cover appears on the original release of the film's soundtrack, while a music video appears on the film's original DVD release.The album version is slightly longer than the TV version, because it has an extra verse explaining the pattern of each set of ten containing three multiples of three. It was also used in the original 1971 broadcast in the form of a carnival duck shooting game. This scene was never rebroadcast or available on home media or streaming sites.Podcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 81 - Three... It's a Magic Number
July 29, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
I grew up listening to School House Rock. I know that dates me a little… but I suspect with the internet and all… there are many in every generation that are familiar with songs like Interjections, I’m Just a Bill, and Conjunction Junction. These songs were formative during my development years. It was during those years that I also learned that the number three… well... there’s something about that number that’s magic. In today’s episode we’ll look into the significance of the number three, both culturally and biblically.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.Hall, Gregory D. Beyond the Sabbath’s Shadow; A Biblical Understanding and Application of Godly Rest. DMin Major Project, Knox Seminary, 2017.YouTube interview with Dr. John H. Walton available here: https://youtu.be/FaRhASBLmv0
2024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro - Three is a Magic Number is a song from Multiplication Rock! It goes over multiplying by three. This song was the pilot episode of the whole Schoolhouse Rock! series. It features a magician, who goes over multiplying by three while many examples are provided. (A man and a woman having a baby –three in the family; heart, soul, body – three parts) The music and lyrics are by Bob Dorough, and it is also performed by him (with uncredited backing vocalists and a male singer). It first premiered on the pilot episode of "Curiosity Shop" on September 2, 1971. Two years later, when Schoolhouse Rock! premiered, the airdate was on January 6, 1973. (https://schoolhouserock.fandom.com/wiki/Three_Is_a_Magic_Number)Transition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallOutro - Hip-hop trio De La Soul interpolated the "Three is a Magic Number" song as "The Magic Number", which was included in their 1989 debut studio album, 3 Feet High and Rising. The track gained further exposure when it was featured in the 2021 superhero crossover film Spider-Man: No Way Home. Watch De La Soul's full video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxkOWjZAPLsOther Covers of the song
Blind Melon made a cover of the song, which appeared in track 3 of Schoolhouse Rock! Rocks.The song was covered, with rewritten lyrics, by Greg Raposo, Matthew Ballinger, and Stevie Brock to promote Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers. Their cover appears on the original release of the film's soundtrack, while a music video appears on the film's original DVD release.The album version is slightly longer than the TV version, because it has an extra verse explaining the pattern of each set of ten containing three multiples of three. It was also used in the original 1971 broadcast in the form of a carnival duck shooting game. This scene was never rebroadcast or available on home media or streaming sites.Podcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 80 - The Translation/Transliteration Trouble Within Testament Texts
July 8, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
Most people are familiar with the process of translation. But, fewer people are familiar with the process of transliteration. Translation is the process of reworking text from one language into another to maintain the original message and communication. Translation answers the question… what does that mean. In contrast… Transliteration changes the words from one language into another with similar-sounding letters. It answers the question… what did the original word sound like. In English Bibles, we usually translate the biblical text to convey meaning, but sometimes we transliterate the text to protect the way the original words sounded when they were spoken. This often happens with names of people and places. In this episode we discuss these two methods and take a look at some of the troublesome complications that arise when they are employed within the pages of sacred text.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.Hall, Gregory D. Beyond the Sabbath’s Shadow; A Biblical Understanding and Application of Godly Rest. DMin Major Project, Knox Seminary, 2017.2024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 79 - REST API (After Pentecost Instruction)
June 8, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
In the world of computers, "REST API" stands for Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface. It is an architectural style and a set of principles for designing networked applications. In web development, REST is widely used to create efficient APIs that enable communication between different software systems. However, when it comes to the concept of rest in the Bible, "REST API" takes on a different meaning. While many studies focus on the Old Testament's teachings on rest or Jesus' interactions with the idea, not many delve into the "After Pentecost Instruction" given for rest.
Understanding the instruction after the events of Pentecost, in Acts 2, is necessary. Those events mark the birth of the modern church. The instructions given before this were for a world that couldn't fully comprehend the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of the Messiah. Therefore, studying the New Testament's "Rest API" is the ideal conclusion to a comprehensive study on the topic.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.2024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 78 - Jesus as the "Son of Man" and "Lord" of Sabbath
June 8, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
In this episode we dive deep into the intriguing titles claimed by Jesus – "Son of Man" and "Lord" – and attempt to unravel their profound implications regarding sabbath rest. We will unravel the historical and theological significance of these titles, examining how they shed light on Jesus' teachings and interactions with sabbath rest. Join me as we discover the meaning cloaked within these titles and explore their relevance to modern believers.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Bruno, C. R. (2010). “Jesus Is Our Jubilee” … but How? The OT Background and Lukan Fulfillment of the Ethics of Jubilee. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 53(1), 81.Online Copy of the article: https://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs/53/53-1/JETS_53-1_081-101_Bruno.pdfBruno Link: https://bcsmn.edu/profile/chris-bruno-ph-d-2/Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.2024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 77 - Jubilee Jesus
May 25, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
One may be familiar with the term jubilee. It's a descriptor that is sometimes used in our modern culture in a variety of ways. In this episode we look into the biblical context for the idea of the jubilee. We will define it, look at the Old Testament context, and examine how Jesus interacted with the idea. And... spoiler alert... the whole concept points to Jesus' ministry. That's why I often refer to him as the Jubilee Jesus!
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Bruno, C. R. (2010). “Jesus Is Our Jubilee” … but How? The OT Background and Lukan Fulfillment of the Ethics of Jubilee. Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, 53(1), 81.Online Copy of the article: https://www.etsjets.org/files/JETS-PDFs/53/53-1/JETS_53-1_081-101_Bruno.pdfBruno Link: https://bcsmn.edu/profile/chris-bruno-ph-d-2/Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.2024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 76 - C.S. Lewis and His Platonic Christianity
May 18, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
Throughout the centuries many authors have described a world-view consisting of a dualistic reality. In other words, there’s one reality that we all interact with in the physical realm, experience and know, but there is another reality that is unseen. And that unseen version is one of a higher quality and perfection. Bible readers may feel right at home with that description. But you may be surprised that the current biblical worldview may have had some of it’s origins in ancient secular philosophy.
In this episode we examine the way a two authors, Plato and C.S. Lewis, have possibly influenced your view of the world in which we live. We also compare and contrast how some of these concepts, specifically their use of shadows, may interact with the text of the New Testament. This conversation may be a bit uncomfortable for some… because it might demand you rethink different aspects of your reality.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Chat CPT - Accessed at: https://chat.openai.com Clarke, R. L. W. (2017). The Neo-Platonic Christianity of C. S. Lewis. Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal, 11, 29.Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.2024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 75 - Ancient Perspectives on the Image of God
April 20, 2023 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
In this episode we explore how ancient the Near Eastern understanding of the image of God might influence how we think of this concept today. The concept of being made in the image of God has played a significant role in shaping our understanding of human nature, dignity, and purpose. But what did this idea mean in the context of the ancient Near East, where it first emerged? Join us on this journey of discovery as we seek to uncover the origins and significance of the image of God.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
Swamidass, S. Joshua. (2019). The Genealogical Adam & Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry (pp. 106–107). IVP Academic: An Imprint of InterVarsity Press.Walton, J. H. (2017). Old Testament Theology for Christians: From Ancient Context to Enduring Belief (p. 84). IVP Academic: An Imprint of InterVarsity Press.Beale, G. (2018). We Become What We Worship: A Biblical Theology of Idolatry (pp. 222–223). InterVarsity Press Academic.Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.2024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
Episode 74 - Easter and the Cultic Calendar
April 7, 2022 - Host: Dr. Gregory Hall
It's an Easter special! In this episode we consider the Jewish cultic calendar, which includes the feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. These divinely instituted assemblies are closely connected to the Christian celebration of Easter. We also introduce and examine a literary connection (regarding the gain harvest) which is often ignored by our modern English translations.
Resources Referenced and/or Read:
White, J. (2015). “He Was Raised on the Third Day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:4): A Typological Interpretation Based on the Cultic Calendar in Leviticus 23. Tyndale Bulletin, 66(1), 103.Hall, Gregory D. "Rethinking Rest; Why Our Approach to Sabbath Isn't Working." Deep River Books, Sisters, OR, 2023.Hall, Gregory D. Beyond the Sabbath’s Shadow; A Biblical Understanding and Application of Godly Rest. DMin Major Project, Knox Seminary, 2017.2024 Israel Trip Information - https://rethinkingscripture.com/israel-2024/
Recent Podcasts where Greg has been Interviewed:
You can track all my guest interviews on my page: https://rethinkingscripture.com/guest-appearances/
Show Music:
Intro/Outro - "Wedding Song" by Jacob A. HallTransition Music - produced by Jacob A. HallPodcast Website:
The All-America Listener Challenge Updates: https://rethinkingscripture.comMy New Podcast Studio... The Upper Room: https://rethinkingscripture.com/podcast-episodes/More information about The Homes and Help Initiative: https://rethinkingscripture.com/homes-help-initiative/Sister site: RethinkingRest.comRethinking Rest... the Book: now available wherever you buy your books! Kindle version available.
More information: https://rethinkingrest.com/the-book/Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RethinkingScripture Twitter: @RethinkingStuffInstagram: Rethinking_ScriptureYouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6YCLg2UldJiA0dsg0KkvLATikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rethinkingscripturePowered and distributed by Simplecast.
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