
  • This week, Jake and Bob are once again joined by Heather Khym to continue with part three of their four part series on the four identities of a human. In this episode, they focus on the identity of bride/bridegroom and delve into the interconnectedness of each identity and why healing is essential to living them out fully. They discuss self-giving vs. self-seeking love, the role of bride/bridegroom in every vocation, and how learning to love others well is an important aspect of our healing journeys.

    Key Points:

    The four identities of a person (son/daughter, brother/sister, bride/bridegroom, mother/father) are interconnected and require healing and integration to be lived out fully. The healing process involves both receiving love and learning to love well through practice and maturation. The sacraments play a crucial role in the restoration of relationships and offer a framework for understanding love and healing within various vocations and states of life. The bride/bridegroom identity points towards our universal call to love within different states of life (single, married, and religious life).


    The Abiding Together Podcast series on Identity (Mother, Daughter, Sister, Bride)

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  • This week, Jake and Bob are once again joined by Heather Khym to continue with part two of their four part series on the four identities of a human. In this episode, they focus on the identity of brother/sister and explore the sense of belonging, safety, and camaraderie that stems from these types of relationships. They also delve into the wounds a broken brother/sister relationship can cause, discuss the healing power of healthy affection, and how the saints can become our spiritual siblings.

    Key Points:

    Healthy brother and/or sister relationships provide safety, camaraderie, and healing through healthy affection and mutual support. Woundedness in brother and sister relationships can lead to deep despair and a sense of not belonging. The power of brotherhood and sisterhood lies in the invitation to belong and the opportunity to heal from wounds. The saints can become our spiritual brothers and sisters.


    The Abiding Together Podcast series on Identity (Mother, Daughter, Sister, Bride)

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  • This week, Jake and Bob are joined by Heather Khym to begin a four part series on the four identities of a human: son/daughter, brother/sister, husband/wife, father/mother. In this episode, they focus on the identity of our sonship/daughtership, explore why this is the foundational identity, and unpack the core realities behind this identity from both a masculine and feminine perspective. They end the episode by sharing personal stories of healing and restoration within their identity as a beloved son/daughter.

    Key Points:

    Identity is bestowed by God and is a gift to be received. A solid foundation in sonship and daughtership is essential for all other identities to flourish. Trust and receptivity are key elements of a secure identity. Wounds and brokenness can disrupt and distort our understanding of our identity. Healing and restoration are necessary to fully embrace our true identity as beloved children of God. Healing comes through receiving love and being rooted in God's love.


    The Abiding Together Podcast series on Identity (Mother, Daughter, Sister, Bride)

    Connect with Restore the Glory:

    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

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  • This week, Jake and Bob discuss the current state of therapy and its increasing popularity in society. They explore the factors contributing to the rise of interest in therapy, highlight the importance of philosophy and theology in therapy training, and reflect on the importance of objective truth in the healing process.

    Key Points:

    Therapy has become increasingly popular in society, with more people seeking it out and discussing it openly. The breakdown of trust in various institutions, including the church, has contributed to the rise in therapy as a means of finding support and guidance. A solid foundation in philosophy, anthropology, and theology is essential in therapy training to provide a proper understanding of the human person and their needs. Subjective experiences without objective truth and care can be dangerous, and therapy should aim to integrate both subjective and objective realities. Resilience and the ability to repair are part of human nature and therefore are important aspects of therapy and personal growth. The sacraments provide structure and guidance in relationships and can contribute to healing and growth. Therapy should be situated within the context of faith and community, and not isolated from them. Discernment is crucial when considering a career in therapy, and motivations should be rooted in a genuine call rather than popularity or personal dysfunction. Healthy Christian communities have the potential to provide healing and support, and may reduce the need for therapy. Jesus should be the centerpiece of the healing journey.

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    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

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  • This week, Jake and Bob discuss their journeys away from being therapists and the reasons behind their decisions. They reflect on their experiences, share how they outgrew their roles as therapists, and how they found other outlets to use their charisms and gifts. Jake and Bob also share the burdens they felt before and after making the change and how surrendering their work to the Holy Spirit has helped bear more fruit than ever before.

    Key Points:

    Therapy can be a demanding profession that requires selflessness and a high level of holiness. Outgrowing the role of a therapist can be a natural part of personal growth and development.It could be a difficult but necessary step in answering God's call to a larger audience. Supernatural opposition can occur when bringing the Kingdom of God into the world. The Holy Spirit is the primary therapist and therapists should surrender to His guidance.

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  • This week, Jake and Bob discuss their recent ministry experiences at Franciscan University, Assisi, and various JPII Healing Center events. They explore the transformative power of healing ministry, why they prefer ministering to groups instead of individuals, and the significance of holy sites. Jake and Bob also share insights into why we need so much healing in today’s culture.

    Key Points:

    Team ministry is powerful and allows for mutual submission and a greater impact. Holy sites have an accumulation of grace and can facilitate powerful encounters with God. Blessing spaces is important to invoke God's presence and protect against spiritual contamination. Blessing places and spaces is critical for inviting the presence of God and experiencing His grace. The desecration of authority and the degradation of holy spaces contribute to the loss of worship, healing, and the culture's current state. Therapists and pastors have distinct roles, and it is important to recognize the limitations of therapy and the need for spiritual authority. Prayer has a powerful impact and can bring about healing and transformation in the lives of others.


    Fr. Joe Freedy and The Power of One Hail Mary Video

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  • This week, Jake and Bob are joined by Bishop Andrew Miller, the founder of HeartSync Ministries and a priest in the Orthodox Evangelical Episcopal Church to conclude their series on Parts Work. Bishop Andrew discusses the four core parts of HeartSync, the importance of placing God in the center of our hearts, and his process for helping others heal from brokenheartedness. He also discusses the ultimate goal of healing as bringing the whole heart into a loving relationship with God and how giving thanks to God can help bring us into deeper relationship and healing. For more information about HeartSync or Bishop Andrew, visit his website here.

    Key Points:

    Heart Sync is a therapeutic approach that focuses on healing brokenheartedness and integrating the core components of the heart. The four core components of the heart are function, guardian, emotion, and true self. Many people have parts of their heart that are not in relationship with God, and healing involves bringing these parts into communion with Him. Healing also involves making relational connections with God through memories and experiences as well as expressing thanksgiving to deepen the bond with God. It is important to recognize union with God as the ultimate goal of inner healing and deliverance.


    Bishop Andrew’s website

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  • This week, Jake and Bob are joined by Brya Hanan, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, to continue their series on parts work. Brya shares her personal story from trauma to healing and how it has influenced her work as a therapist. She introduces her model of parts work, discusses the five A’s of parts work therapy, and shares a practical meditation you can use to begin your healing journey. For more information, check out Brya’s book Befriending Your Inner Child.

    Key Points:

    Understanding and integrating the different parts of ourselves is essential for healing and wholeness. Embodiment and the awareness of the body's sensations and needs can be the first step in one’s healing process. The relational aspect of parts work, including self-compassion and love, is vital for healing and integration. The five A's of Internal Family Systems therapy are Anchor, Acknowledge, Attune, Ask, and Act. Incorporating Jesus into the therapy process can deepen the healing and anchoring experience.


    Brya’s new book: Befriending Your Inner Child Brya’s website

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  • This week, Jake and Bob are joined by Gerry Crete, a marriage and family counselor to discuss his work on internal family systems, or parts work. Parts work is a therapeutic approach that involves exploring and understanding the different “parts” of our personality and how they can influence the decisions we make in life. Jake, Bob, and Gerry explore the transformative applications of parts work in therapy, distinguish the differences between desires and wounds, and discuss the role of love and compassion in the healing journey. For more information check out Gerry’s book Litanies of the Heart.

    Key Points:

    Parts work, or internal family systems, can lead to remarkable breakthroughs in therapy by helping individuals connect with and understand their different parts.
    Harmony and unity within oneself can be achieved through the integration of different parts, allowing for a more balanced and authentic experience of self.
    Understanding the distinction between desires and parts can help individuals navigate conflicting motivations and make choices that align with their true selves.
    Practical applications of parts work include using analogies and visualization techniques to help individuals relate to and understand their parts.
    It is important to recognize and distinguish parts from the true self, which is characterized by compassion and love.


    Gerry’s new book Litanies of the Heart Gerry’s practice Transfiguration Counseling

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    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast

    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

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  • This week, a special guest joins the podcast - Bob’s mother, Peggy. Bob has shared the story of his absent father and the healing that took place over years of prayer. Now, Peggy shares her testimony of tender love, hardship, and forgiveness. She opens up about the beautiful relationship she had with her husband, the pain experienced in the divorce, and her self-sacrifice as she raised her 7 children.

    Key Points

    The impact divorce has on childhood & those previously in the marriage.

    The process of forgiveness and the role it plays in daily life.

    The power of prayer and the impact conversion has.

    What it takes to get through a divorce.

    The reason why many men struggle in marriage.

    Connect with Restore the Glory:

    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast

    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

    Never miss out on an episode by hitting the subscribe button right now! Help other people find the show and grow in holiness by sharing this podcast with them individually or on your social media. Thanks!

    Audio editing by Forte Catholic

  • This week, Jake and Bob are joined by Nicole Rodriguez as they continue their series on divorce. Nicole’s parents divorced when she was 11 years old & the trauma she experienced affected her through childhood and into her marriage. In the episode, she shares how her marriage suffered because of these wounds as well as the healing she has received through her relationship with the Lord, her spiritual parents & her husband’s willingness to walk alongside her.

    Key Points

    The impact divorce has on childhood & marriage.

    Children have a deep need for their parents.

    How to process the pain of divorce.

    The role spiritual parents have for children of divorce.

    Bring divorce wounds to Jesus in adoration.


    Undone Retreat (virtual or in person)

    Connect with Restore the Glory:

    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast

    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

    Never miss out on an episode by hitting the subscribe button right now! Help other people find the show and grow in holiness by sharing this podcast with them individually or on your social media. Thanks!

    Audio editing by Forte Catholic

  • This week, Jake and Bob are joined by Joey Pontarelli, the founder and president of the ministry “Restored”. After finding a lack of help after his parents’ divorce, Joey decided to begin ministry with “Restored” to offer practical guidance and support for teens and young adults from broken families. Jake, Bob, and Joey discuss the wounds that come from divorce, their personal experiences, and practical advice on how to respond to this woundedness.

    Key Points

    If there isn’t any transformation in the wounds, then the sins we fall into, as a remedy, make sense. They don’t work, but they make sense.

    We often don’t want to face these wounds, so we try to outrun them. But we can’t outrun our wounds. We’re made for more than that.

    The Lord understands why you struggle with each particular sin. It doesn’t surprise or scandalize Him. And He loves you where you are.

    Divorce is a wound of broken love. So the medicine can only work when you reach the wound. Love is what heals.

    Relationship with God is the primary healing element and agent. Give God your attention, quality time, and trust Him.

    Consume great content that involves trauma and healing. Seek out coaching - a therapist, spiritual director, or mentor. Have a good community and deep relationships.

    For a healthy marriage - spend time with a couple who has a healthy marriage.

    The temptation in marriage is to harden your heart and to close yourself off. But instead, we are called to tenderness and vulnerability.


    Restored Ministry Website

    RTG Anatomy of a Wound Series

    Adam Young’s Podcast: The Place We Find Ourselves

    Restored Ministry Podcast

    Restored Ministry Podcast with Sr. Miriam

    It’s not Your Fault (Book by Joey)

    Restored Ministry courses

    5 tips to navigate the holidays in a broken family guide

    Jay Stringer

    Jason Evert

    Connect with Restore the Glory:

    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast

    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

    Never miss out on an episode by hitting the subscribe button right now! Help other people find the show and grow in holiness by sharing this podcast with them individually or on your social media. Thanks!

    Audio editing by Forte Catholic

  • Happy New Year! Jake & Bob kick off the year by answering YOUR questions. They field listener submitted questions on topics including parenting, loneliness, anxiety, scrupulosity & maturity.

    Key Points

    Cultivating an environment of unconditional love as parents

    Our kids are observing and modeling our behavior more than we realize

    How to handle loneliness when it pops up in our lives

    Dealing with anxiety & scrupulosity

    The similarities & differences between healing & maturing


    Fr. Boniface on Matt Fradd’s Podcast

    Connect with Restore the Glory:

    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast

    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

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    Audio editing by Forte Catholic

  • Merry Christmas from Jake & Bob! This week, they discuss the healing power of Jesus' infancy narrative. They recognize that this time of year can be difficult for many people and offer some solutions. Jake shares some of his triggers & wounds around the Christmas season so Bob leads him through a deep prayer and meditation. It’s a beautiful insight into the work that they both do. We hope you all have a very blessed Christmas.

    Key Points

    The healing power of the Christmas story & Jesus’ infancy narrative

    Dealing with difficult feelings and triggers during the holidays

    Bob leads Jake (and us) in a prayer through the difficult parts of the Christmas season.

    The role animals can play in our attachment healing


    Life Restoration Website

    Connect with Restore the Glory:

    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast

    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

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    Audio editing by Forte Catholic

  • Sr. Miriam James Heidland shares her experience of being adopted. Jake, Bob & Sister have worked together for years and start the conversation off by discussing her impactful ministry, finding identity in Christ & her healing journey. She then shares about finding out she was adopted & the struggles & graces experienced along the way.

    Key Points

    Getting to a place where you are secure in your own identity that people’s reaction to you doesn’t affect you.

    A discussion exploring why Sr. Miriam’s ministry connects so well with people.

    “The man who loves to walk will go further than the man who loves the destination.”

    We are all adopted sons & daughters of God.

    What it means to truly belong.

    Sister shares her experience of finding out that she was adopted.

    Experiencing the kindness of the Lord that doesn’t pull away or act harshly.

    Sister shares the struggles and graces during her healing process.


    Sr. Miriam’s Podcast Abiding Together

    Sr. Miriam’s Books

    Connect with Restore the Glory:

    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast

    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

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    Audio editing by Forte Catholic

  • Chris & Michelle Benzinger share their story of adopting two children from Haiti after a hurricane devastated the country. They share with Jake & Bob how they weren’t planning to adopt until the Lord put it on their heart. They discuss how they navigated integrating these children into their family & how there was joint restoration for everyone involved. Michelle also talks about her experience with Safe & Sound protocol & it’s role in her healing journey.

    Key Points

    Before adoption, the call from the Lord was “Will you welcome them into your heart?”

    How Chris & Michelle’s community helped to welcome their new children.

    The disorientation of the kids coming to a new place, with new people and they don’t understand the language.

    Joint restoration for everyone involved. Healing of attachment wounds for Chris & Michelle as well as their kids.

    The importance of listening to your body in healing & a discussion of somatic methods.

    Our minds and body are so connected that healing in one helps the other.

    Safe & Sound Protocol explanation & it’s usefulness in our own healing and especially in our parenting.


    Chris’ Website

    Michelle’s Podcast Abiding Together

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    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

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    Audio editing by Forte Catholic

  • This may be the most special episode of the podcast yet! Jake & Bob are joined by Bob’s sister, her husband and his 48 year old nephew Brian that Bob just met for the first time this year! They gave up their son for adoption after a teenage pregnancy and the wounds were still there for everybody after over 40 years. Then, by nothing short of a miracle, the family was reconnected! It’s a beautiful story of grace, healing, reconciliation and God’s abundant love.

    Key Points

    Nick & Kathy the experience of giving up their son for adoption after a teenage pregnancy.

    Brian shares his story of finding out he was adopted and his experiences with both families.

    “In my deepest wound, I saw Your glory and it dazzled me.” -St. Augustine

    The beauty of the reunion of the family after many years apart.

    Offering support and encouragement to other parents who gave babies up for adoption.

    Connect with Restore the Glory:

    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast

    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

    Never miss out on an episode by hitting the subscribe button right now! Help other people find the show and grow in holiness by sharing this podcast with them individually or on your social media. Thanks!

    Audio editing by Forte Catholic

  • Jake & Bob kick off a new series on adoption. We have all been impacted by adoption, whether through family situations or spiritually since we are all adopted as sons and daughters of God. Jake & Bob tackle heart dynamics of adoption, separation anxiety & ruptures of primary relationships along with defining dissociation & attachment trauma. This series will have something for everyone!

    Key Points

    We have all been impacted by adoption, whether through family situations or spiritually. We are all adopted as sons and daughters of God.

    The heart dynamics of adoption, separation anxiety & ruptures of primary relationships.

    Attachment & attachment trauma is a popular topic in pop psychology.

    Healthy attachments are formed between the mother and child in the womb.

    An explanation of the different types of memory.

    Nothing is beyond the scope & capacity of God to heal.

    Dissociation is a God-given dynamic where we self-protect but it’s not meant to be permanent.


    The Places we Find Ourselves Podcast by Adam Young

    Connect with Restore the Glory:

    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast

    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

    Never miss out on an episode by hitting the subscribe button right now! Help other people find the show and grow in holiness by sharing this podcast with them individually or on your social media. Thanks!

    Audio editing by Forte Catholic

  • Trust is vitally important to the healing process. Jake & Bob discuss broken trust, healing relationships where trust has been broken and the barriers we put up that prevent us from building trust in our relationships. They share about how trust issues can affect our relationship with God, those closest to us & how we can rebuild that trust.

    Key Points

    Trust is vitally important to the healing process

    Gen 3:10 “I was afraid because I was naked so I hid.” This verse is foundational to the human experience and a barrier in our relationship with God and others

    Wrestling with trust issues in marriage

    The first attack the enemy made in the garden was against trust

    Jesus still had wounds after His resurrection, but they were healed and became signs of glory as opposed to wounds of death

    Working through beliefs and vows that affect our ability to trust


    Chastity & the Refusal to Grasp article

    Dr. Karl’s Lehman’s Website https://www.kclehman.com/

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    Audio editing by Forte Catholic

  • Dr. Karl Lehman joins Jake & Bob to discuss his Immanuel Approach to healing. He shares from his years of training and extensive therapy work on how to use this approach to bring people to deeper healing. Dr. Karl has been a leader in the field for decades and we are overjoyed to share this conversation with you.

    Key Points

    Dr. Karl explains the Immanuel Approach to therapy. He shares from his years of training and extensive work with people on how to use this approach to bring people to a place of healing.

    Encountering Jesus in both positive and negative memories.

    Dr. Karl shares how he has trained other professionals and volunteers to use this approach and the results it has gotten in people finding healing, particularly in 3rd world countries.

    Dr. Karl shares his personal experience with healing ministry and common blockages in people’s minds and spirits.

    Finding healing in the the presence of the Eucharist

    How to know when we are truly encountering Jesus


    Dr. Karl’s Website https://www.kclehman.com/

    The Immanuel Approach Book https://www.immanuelapproach.com/

    Fr. Basil’s Immanuel Approach in Catholic Theology

    Outsmarting Yourself Website https://outsmartingyourself.org/

    Mind and Brain Book https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Brain-Separate-but-Integrated-ebook/dp/B0CC17X3X7

    Connect with Restore the Glory:

    Instagram: @restoretheglorypodcast

    Twitter: @RestoreGloryPod

    Facebook: Restore the Glory Podcast

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    Audio editing by Forte Catholic