In this episode, Dr Adam Denny joins us from Wellington in New Zealand to talk about his research journey from a post doc in neuromuscular disease into health technology based product owner and manager roles in the UK Government and pharmaceutical industry!
More good stuff:
Follow us for more content @research.coculture and https://researchcoculture.com
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
In this episode, Dr Pavendeep Rai from PA consulting and Co-founder of Kuma Health joins us to talk about her research journey alongside providing some insight into the role of a life science consultant, and why PhD graduates and post-docs can make great consultants!
More good stuff:
Kuma Health: https://www.kumahealth.com
Zinc Venture Builder: https://www.zinc.vc
Book - Designing your life: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/61130244
Follow us for more content @research.coculture and https://researchcoculture.com
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
Saknas det avsnitt?
Research Co-Culture is back! We are super excited to be back bringing you lots of content on exploring career pathways outside of academia and embracing the Research Co-culture spirit! Make sure to follow us for more content @research.coculture and https://researchcoculture.com
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
In this episode, Dr Faith Welch from the University of Auckland in New Zealand joins us to talk about research impact and how to develop a research impact plan for your research career.
More good stuff:
The Impactful Academic Book- Building a Research Career That Makes a Difference: https://books.emeraldinsight.com/page/detail/the-impactful-academic/?k=9781801178457
University of Auckland Research Impact webinar series: https://www.research-impact-enterprises.com/post/new-zealand-impact-through-culture-change-webinar-series-6
Research Co-Culture email address: research.coculture@gmail.com
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
In this special episode for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we talk to Dr Anne Clark from the University of Oxford about her perspective on being a woman in science, balancing her scientific career and family, and the accidental findings in the lab that have led to some amazing discoveries.
More good stuff:
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
In this episode, Dr Justin Hutchence from the University of Oxford Maths, Physics, and Life Sciences division joins us to talk about improving the current research environment, short-term contracts, keeping track of researcher careers and what we can learn from the private sector.
More good stuff:
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
In this episode, we reflect on 2022 and give you some insight into what we will be covering in 2023 - research impact & culture, myth busting and various career pathways. Happy Holidays from Lorna and Shilpa, and the IFPN team!
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
In this episode, Professor Leanne Hodson from the University of Oxford joins us to talk about her career journey from New Zealand to leading a lab researching metabolic physiology. Tune in to find out about Leanne’s approach to team science, the importance of valuing people in a research group, setting expectations early in a research relationship and what sports teams can teach us about leadership.
More good stuff:
Legacy (Book) by James M Kerr - https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/18890191-legacy
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
In this episode, we talk to Dr Dragana Savic who has just finished up an industry based fellowship at the University of Oxford and is now setting up a non-invasive medical device company aimed at treating chronic inflammatory diseases. Tune in to find out about Dragana’s entrepreneurial mindset, the importance of failure, the value of completing an MBA, her inner drive to bring something to patients, and how power poses energise her!
More good stuff:
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
In this episode, Associate Professor Steph Dakin from the University of Oxford joins us to talk about her experience going from an industry-funded postdoc to heading a lab researching musculoskeletal diseases. Tune in to find out about Steph's transition from being a vet to a researcher, how she keeps productive and how collaborating with industry pushes her academic research forward.
More good stuff:
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
In this episode, Dr Charlotte Bell joins us from the Business Partnerships Office within the Medical Sciences Division at the University of Oxford. Charlotte talks to us about her role in promoting stronger links between universities and pharma companies in order to drive collaborative research. Tune in to find out about industry fellowships, IP, building relationships with companies, and more!
More good stuff:
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)
Hi, we're Lorna and Shilpa and we're the hosts of Research Co-Culture, a podcast focused on bridging the gap between academia and industry and everything in between. Enjoy the trailer and make sure to follow us for more content!
Jingle by Brandon Davis
Artwork by Jo Dertili (@jodertili)