
  • ***Spoiler Warning: Severance (2022)***

    Three wolves rage inside your breast. One really likes work, the other really likes his dead wife. The third wolf is that devourer of worlds known as Isekai - he lives both without and within us all. Does our discussion of Severance really warrant a spoiler warning? I don't really think so but there you go anyway. Severance asks a question posed very Spike Jonesily: what if the mysterious door transported you not into John Malkovich but your boring office job? Is wage labour actually an isekai? Find out at (15:35), right after our lil Le Guin mantra.

    In this episode we discuss:

    Episode 12: Return to the Capital (28:48)

    Episode 13: Self-Proclaimed Knight Natsuki Subaru (54:43)

    Episode 14: The Sickness Called Despair (1:25:57)

    Closing Thoughts (1:55:08)

    In this, the grand return to form of Reincarnated as podcasters we are introducing some exciting new changes. For one we have embraced a new emerging format we like to call Web 3.0. It works like this: First we briefly recap the three (3) episodes of the anime we're watching, and with this refresher out of the way we are free to create a WEB of interconnected associations, observations and thoughts related to these episodes. Thus we have Web 3.0, pretty neat right? We really look forward to changing the podcast game with this one!

    These episodes are weighty but it is made bearable by the generous outpouring of waifus we receive. And not just any waifus, mind you, they're waifus with ideology. Step on me, mommy? No, no. More like crush my windpipe, mommy's belief system! Of course Re:Zero is not satisfied with merely fulfilling a viewer's fantasy of another world as it draws humanity out of its characters, and with it their glaring flaws. Who would have thought that being sucked through a portal into RPG land would not fix the issues that would make you unbearable in any world you ended up in? Both Emilia and Subaru find out the hard way. 

    Don't forget, you can follow us on twitter at @ReincarnatedPod

    Or email us at reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • Lemme just upload this and be done. Show notes to follow. 

    I haven't uploaded this because internet issues caused my audio to sound like garbage and editing this ep felt like suffering through Itachi's sharingan genjutsu. So I simply decided not to edit it! Listen to us vape on mic and listen to me struggle to recall the term "cognitive dissonance" for like 5 minutes. 

    Anyway, enjoy!

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • ***Spoiler Warning: Warcraft (2016)***

    Have you heard about the latest Activision Blizzard scandal? They got a talented indie film director to helm their cinematic vanity project based on the Warcraft IP five years ago. I know, I can't believe it either. And the worst part is... it might be an Isekai! In all seriousness fuck Bobby Kotick, Microsoft and the games industry that sustains itself on violence against workers, women and people of colour. Is it an Isekai starts at (16:51)

    In this episode we cover:

    Episode 6: The Sound of Chains (29:25)

    Episode 7: Natsuki Subaru's Restart (1:01:38)

    Episode 8: I Cried, Cried My Lungs Out, and Stopped Crying (1:44:56)

    Closing thoughts (2:11:55)

    Good anime is always engaged in a balancing act between drawing the viewer in and overdrawing on their suspension of disbelief. In these episodes Re:Zero signals at some moments of strong pathos that I am more than willing to go along with because I am pathetic. My co-hosts however, tread carefully where I leap in headlong. A moment's interrogation reveals the false bottom on this illusion of depth and pops the bubble of this Isekai dream held onto so steadfastly by Subaru and perhaps even some viewers. 

    These episodes tease out some multifaceted views from us, and in a sense that is Re:Zero's greatest strength so far. Shout outs once again to Sam for taking this trip with us. We hope you enjoy our discussion! 

    Don't forget, you can follow us on twitter at @ReincarnatedPod

    Or email us at reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • As promised, here's part two of our discussion covering episode 5 as well as our closing thoughts.

    Once again, a big shoutout to Sam for joining us on this episode!

    We cover:

    Episode 5: The Morning of Our Promise Is Still Distant (3:06)

    Closing Thoughts at (57:11)

    Yep, we went long with this one! These episodes offered a one-two combo of genre and pacing, switching it up on us with alacrity, hitting us with delicate left jabs followed by some rather straightforward, unsubtle rights. While I take it all on the chin and beg for more, Vicki and Sam still manage to duck and weave some of Re:Zero's more halting shift of direction. When the swords and sorcery is put away, it is true that most of Re:Zero's action so far has happened in its conversation. But is it falling into the trap of telling rather than showing? Join us to find out!

    As always, you can follow us on twitter at @ReincarnatedPod

    Or email us at reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • A big thank you to Sam, who guests on this episode! 

    ** This one went a bit long so I decided to split it up into two chunks. It's pretty much a standard ep, but we only discuss episodes 3 and 4. Our discussion on episode 5 and our closing thoughts will be uploaded some time next week. Sorry if you are inconvenienced by this, but it does help get it out on time and keeps the eps from being massive. **

    We've all been hate watching Netflix's Cowboy Bebop and stirring up the vitriol within our souls all week just to get it out for all of the internet to hear. We spend a little extra time in "What Have You Been Watching" (segment name pending), tearing this awful remake to shreds and praising the original (or at least our memory of it). The segment starts at (6:34)

    Isekai, the final frontier. This is the voyage of 3 podcasters as they discuss whether Star Trek: Voyager is an isekai or not. We also finally answer the age old question of who cleans out all the splooge from the holodeck. No real spoilers are discussed here! Is it an isekai starts at (24:56)

    On this episode we cover:

    Episode 3: Starting Life from Zero in Another World

    Episode 4: The Happy Roswaal Mansion Family

    Episode 5 and our closing thoughts to be uploaded soon!

    Subaru is a gamer, in these episodes he's also a hero. But most importantly, he's the hero of this story. Or so it seems. While Subaru plays out the JRPG he finds himself transported to, does he have the wherewithal to recognise he's not the only one playing a game here? In these episodes we meet characters who are more than meets the eye, with ambitions that may just dwarf Subaru's isekai dreams. Or perhaps they simply thrive in being unnoticed. A humble servant in a familiar and comforting hierarchy. We bring a variety of perspectives to the table for this episode. We hope you enjoy hearin them!

    Don't forget, you can follow us on twitter at @ReincarnatedPod

    Or email us at reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com 

  • ***Spoiler Warning: Cube (1997)***

    Colonel, come in. This is Snake. Kept you waiting, huh? Laurens was feeling a bit under the weather so he asked me, Solid Snake (as voiced by David Hayter), to sub for him. He also asked me to make my voice extra gravelly. I'm not sure even a veteran of stealth operations, such as myself, could survive in the cube from the 1997 indie sci-fi horror Cube. Luckily that's not what we debate in this weeks "Is It an Isekai" segment. Instead we wonder how does the claustrophobia and existential horror of Cube relate to Isekai? We get into all of it at (25:25)

    I'm afraid I had to tactically dispose of the "Otaku Glossary" segment for this week. Our research pieces will be moved to their own episode down the line in the interest of keeping these episode sleek and streamlined, like my sneaking suit which needlessly accentuates my dump truck ass. So yeah, look forward to that... the research pieces, not my ass.

    In this episode we cover:
    Episode 1: The End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End (36:05)
    Episode 2: Reunion with the Witch (1:32:51)
    Closing thoughts at (1:52:50)

    Episode one is actually a 50 minute double episode, hence us covering just two episodes this time. As we find out, this show absolutely needs 50 minutes to lay out the elaborate clockwork of this new isekai world, perhaps even more. The vistas are dense with finely crafted detail, the designs are eye-catchingly elegant and the worldbuilding is woven into the plot with a naturalistic ease. But it is the sheer amount of character banter that makes up the glut of these runtimes. These new personages talk and talk with Sorkin-esque loquaciousness and verve. But does it serve the story and our understanding of these new characters? Or is it all just complicated airflow? I happen to think it's very enriching, but that might be because I - Solid Snake - have already seen the entirety of this anime before (so has Laurens by the way). 
    We find that Re:Zero is interested in the little games that people play, the subtle transactions that occur between people all the time without us noticing. Our protag, Subaru, gets to put his internal worldview to the test in another world. Only he might find that world more hostile to his intentions than he first imagined. Luckily he gets a do-over, but at what price?
    Thanks for joining us on another isekai journey. Don't forget, you can follow us on twitter at @ReincarnatedPod
    Or email us at reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • ***Spoiler Warning: Pleasantville (1998) ***

    Hell is other suburbs. I can think of no place I'd rather avoid than an American suburb. But what if you where isekai'd to one by an evil genie TV repairman? Sounds like you're in Pleasantville (1998). We give everything away about this film. Again we see sitcom nostalgia and suburban ennui rear it's ugly head in our "Is it an Isekai" segment. More like UnPleasantville, am I right? Upsettingville, more like. NPR's Shittown, more like! Okay I'll stop. Segment starts at (13:58)

    In lieu of an Otaku Glossary, we talk a bit about what show to watch next. It's a brief conversation as we come to a decision pretty quickly. I don't think we'll be leaving our next show up to the dice for a while. Our chat starts at (21:04)

    In this weeks ep we cover:

    Episode 10: It Seems Ringo's Worked Up the Courage to Become a Hunter! (30:30)

    Episode 11: It Seems Keine Can't Stand Naughty Boys! (59:02)

    Episode 12: It Seems High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even In Another World! (1:28:12)

    Closing thoughts at (1:45:36)

    We've learned our lesson folks. What more can we say about High School Prodigies Have it Easy Even in Another World. While they were having it easy, we were busting our damn brains trying to understand just what we were watching. With these 3 episodes the show manages to stretch our credulity even further than before. Eugenics superbabies? The war on drugs? An actual nuke? They're all in this episode baby! Like Oslo El Gustave, this show just would not stay down and it is batshit form minute one to minute done. Although we learned a great deal about isekai and the wide array of wish fulfillment fantasies they can cater to, by the end we're practically begging for a forced lobotomy (which is also included in these episodes). Thanks for joining us on this strange journey to another world. Up next: Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World!

    Follow us on twitter at @ReincarnatedPod

    Email us at reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • *** Spoiler Warning: The Cell (2000)***

    We sensory dive into the mind of a psycho killer in this weeks "Is it an Isekai", only to find that it's full of elaborate set design and bondage gear. The contradictions of the human mind, folks! We're talking about The Cell. The visually arresting and suspenseful sci-fi thriller direct by Tarsem Singh starring beautiful queen Jennifer Lopez and wretched goblin man Vince Vaughan. It's pretty good... but is it an isekai? Find out from (12:36).

    A trolley is barrelling down the tracks towards some unsuspecting workers. You can flip a switch to save them, at the cost of the life of one worker on another track. What do you do? Easy, I throw myself on the tracks. I'd rather take my chances in another world than have to answer a ridiculous hypothetical. Just how ridiculous and how hypothetical is the trolley problem? We get into it from (24:19).

    This weeks recap segment covers:

    Episode 7: It Seems Shinobu Has a Shinobi's Intuition! (49:35)

    Episode 8: It Seems Aoi's Specs Are Greater Than Imagined! (1:28:05)

    Episode 9: It Seems Tsukasa Has Seen Through Everything! (1:52:10)

    Closing thoughts at (2:28:47)

    Sigh and groan. We spend another episode going way too long on how terrible this anime is. To be fair, High School Prodigies has finally gone overboard into heretofore unseen territories of vileness. Not only is this show constantly high on its own lib fumes, it seems the level of creepy content just continues to creep upward and it's starting to get upsetting. No one is likeable and the story is barely there. So how are we able to talk about it for as long as we do? We're simply trying to understand! By re-treading the awful events of these episodes we slowly make sense of it whilst also keeping each others sanities intact. Come stare into the abyss with us!

    Follow us on twitter at @ReincarnatedPod

    Email us at reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • *** Spoiler Warning: Annihalation (2018) ***
    In this episode's "Is It an Isekai" segment we delve into the forbidden zone where no man dare venture. So instead they sent in a team of women including Natalie Portman. Can they unravel the mystery of the shimmer? Or will they find that they too have been isekai'd? We talk about some broader story elements in Annihalation without getting into specifics. Check it out at (23:15).
    There's so much anime out there it's hard to keep up at times. Nevertheless, each new show does not ask you to reacquaint yourself with a whole new cast of characters every time. Through the clever use of signs, signifiers, shorthands and tropes anime offers us common character types that emerge in specific genres. Yet even if certain protagonists share identifiable traits and personalities, they still elicit different emotional responses from us. Does isekai pull this same trick? We offer some opening thoughts and observations on what will undoubtedly become a recurring question as we watch more shows. The Otaku Glossary starts at (31:20)
    The recap segment this week covers:
    Episode 4: It Seems Tsukasa has Resolved to Change the World! (47:03)
    Episode 5: It Seems Akatsuki's Becoming God Akatsuki! (1:26:07)
    Episode 6: It Seems Lyrule's Growing Closer to Him! (2:10:09)
    It's just the two of us on this episode but we talk enough for three! This show just won't stop showing us ridiculous, absurd and vile things so we got through it the only way we know how, by analysing and goofing in equal measure. In these episodes we discover that Lyrule might be a body pillow, Akatsuki might be an E3 presenter and Tsukasa might just be the anti-Christ. Boy do I hate that twerp. As to be expected there will be mayo, there will be milkies and there will be misery. Your intrepid hosts will persevere however, we're already halfway through! 
    Don't let us suffer through this alone:
    Follow us on twitter at @ReincarnatedPod
    Mail us your sympathies at reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • Boy oh boy, we recorded a monstersode! I managed to whittle it down to 3 very concise hours of chat, goofs and takes. But it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do for the pod. Watching these 3 episodes comes in second. Big shoutouts to Joss, who guests on this episode and even brings along an "is it an isekai" for discussion, 1971's Mr Benn. Is it an isekai? A slice-of-life? Or even a magical girl anime? Find out at (23:16).

    We're tackling a new isekai starting this week. It's High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even in Another World. What a mouthful! That's not the only mouthful we'll be talking about on this one. It's a rough ride, but your intrepid hosts made it all the way through and now we're knee deep in free market economics and... horse oil? What the hell? As per usual we talk about various production details about the show before getting into the episode recaps. Production notes start at (40:25)

    In this episode we cover:

    Episode 1: High School Prodigies Have Arrived in Another World! (54:49)

    Episode 2: Masato Is Serious About Making Money! (1:39:14)

    Episode 3: It Seems Roo Can Decide Her Own Worth! (2:07:35)

    Closing Thoughts (2:43:30)

    This is an anime that is going to spark a lot of disdain. It's packed front to back with dogshit ideas an ideology. I don't think any of us on this episode thought this was a good anime in any way, but it is definitely a work that falls squarely within our purview. If we're able to stomach some of it's more reprehensible elements we will absolutely find a story about another world that is just begging and clamouring to hold up a mirror to our own. A dirty, greasy, horse oil smeared mirror. We hope you like this episode as much as we liked recording it!

    Follow us on twitter at @ReincarnatedPod

    Email us at reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • ***Spoiler Warning: Avatar (2009)***

    You say furries have invaded the mainstream? I say they have been among us all along... Avatar shows us just what its like to be reincarnated as your fursona OC copyright do not steal. Is it an isekai? Find out at (12:45)

    We've got a mini Otaku Glossary segment today. We really just talk about what isekai we might want to watch. We think about the parts that make up an isekai and where this branching path may take us next. This segment starts at (27:03)
    We couldn't pick from the many possible worlds so we decided to roll a die, in true gamer fashion. You can here what we landed on just after our Closing Thoughts segment.

    In this weeks podcast we cover:

    Episode 11: The Devil Carries Out His Duties (50:39)
    Episode 12: The Devil and the Hero Do Some Honest Hard Work (1:19:13)
    Closing thoughts (1:45:15)

    We've made it to the end of our journey through the wild and fantastical world of Sasazuka, Tokyo. We've met some great friends along the way, as well as some folks that we'd rather forget. We feel deeply ambivalent about this pair of episodes. Did they really sour our experience of the show or is there still something to Maou-sama that's worth salvaging? Let's dig in.

    Follow us on Twitter: @ReincarnatedPod

    Email us your thoughts and feels: reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • Welcome to the Isekai show! We put the age old question of "is Futurama an isekai?" to rest in this one. We go into so little detail about the series that it hardly warrants a spoiler warning imo. I think we do a pretty solid job of arguing our side! This segment goes from (24:58) to (32:28).

    If you thought anime was purely fictitious, then let me tell you about economics! In this week's Otaku Glossary we talk about Japan's Lost decade, the asset price bubble of the the late 80s and early 90s and the various references to this that we see show up in anime whether explicitly or implicitly. It's super interesting, and I expect we'll return to this subject as we cover more series. This segment runs from (32:28) to (1:05:54).

    In the summary segment we cover:

    Episode 10: The Devil and the Hero Take a Break from the Daily Routine (1:05:57)
    Episode 11: The Hero Stays True to Her Convictions (1:40:44)
    Closing thought start at (2:21:17)

    That's right, we only cover two episodes today owing to the odd total of episodes in the series. We do manage to talk enough for 3 episodes worth of coverage though! We can't help it, these episodes are jam packed with stuff to talk about, especially 11. These episodes finally offer the balance of frivolity and serious examinations of character that I was hoping for, but does it manage to salvage our overall opinions of Maou-sama? We really break it down on this one. Join us!

  • ***Spoiler Warning: The Truman Show (1998)***

    I hope you are ready for some furore and controversy as we duke it out over whether The Truman Show is an isekai or not. It's a film starring Jim Carrey from the late 90s, and what a great film it is! We cover almost all of the big twists relevant to our discussion, so if you somehow haven't seen it then - damn - I wish I had your brain. This segment runs from (19:37) to (30:02).

    In The Otaku Glossary we do a deep dive analysis of the opening and ending to The Devil is a Part-Timer. We even do some close reading of the song lyrics and, folks, it gets dramatic. There's something about Sasaki Chiho they're trying to tell us and it's by means of Charlie Chaplin. Go figure! This segment starts at (30:02). We leave no frame unexamined!

    In this episode we summarise:

    Episode 7: The Devil's Budget Is Saved by Neighborliness (1:04:56)

    Episode 8: The Hero Enters the Fray (1:35:03)

    Episode 9: The Hero Learns the True Meaning of a Lover's Quarrel (1:56:29)

    Closing thoughts at (2:13:45)

    It's a thicc ep, we just can't help it. Luckily our analysis is equally thicc. Thicc with vitriol, that is. We simply can no longer stan Maou, we've made our choice. He's a chump, a creep and a bootlicker and we get into all of that. The people around him, however, continue to shine. We get a couple new characters added to the roster and they're almost immediately endeared to us. There are some highs and lows. Stick around, get cosy, we got a lot of anime to talk about

    You can Follow us on Twitter: @ReincarnatedPod

    Or e-mail us your thoughts and feelings: reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • ***Spoiler warning: Super Mario Bros. (1993)*** In 1993 there was a film about the super Mario brothers. It's true... and it's weird. And It might be an isekai?? We discuss in non-specific detail. If you simply must find out for yourself, unspoiled, then skip segment 22:10 to 29:09. The Otaku Glossary segment is back and it starts at 29:10. We talk about the meaning behind some of the names that have popped up so far. We talk about angels and demons and how wHaCkY those Abrahamic religions are! Also what the heck is a Dullahan and why are they so SEXYYY? Learn something. Eat your podcast veggies.  For the [protein and starch] of the show we discuss: Episode 04: The Hero Experiences Human Warmth (49:06) Episode 05: The Devil and the Hero Save Sasazuka (1:27:47) Episode 06: The Devil Climbs the Stairway to School (1:52:24) Closing Thoughts: (2:24:38) It's a chomky ep this time. A lot happens to Maou and Co but Maou doesn't seem to feel any type of way about it. Emi and Ashiya stay being the best, and even Chiho grows on us a lil bit. So why is Maou being left behind? Let's get into it! You can Follow us on Twitter: @ReincarnatedPod Or e-mail us your thoughts and feelings: reincarnated.podcasters@gmail.com

  • ***Spoiler Warning: WandaVision***
    It's a new season so we are cracking open a new anime. Settle in, we're talking about The Devil is a Part-Timer. It starts off pretty strong! The usual Is This an Isekai segment is present. This time we discuss the Disney plus series WandaVision. Be warned for there are mild spoilers! As per usual it's not like we break it down beat by beat, but I know how spoiler aversion can be. Is this an Isekai runs from 10:21 to 16:58.
    In this episode of the pod we cover:
    1: The Devil Arrives in Sasazuka (21:07)
    2: The Hero Stays at the Devil's Castle for Work Reasons (56:37)
    3: The Devil Goes on a Date with His Junior in Shinjuku (1:21:07)
    The Devil is a Part-Timer comes out of the gate swinging with an excellent concept and some hilarious characters. Some even have surprising depth and relatability. We talk about the limits of devotion, that twilit walk back home from work where you dread having to make dinner for yourself, the immigrant experience and what it's like to be a gifted child. We hope you're able to join us on this new journey!

  • *** Spoiler Warning: The Wizard of Oz (1939) ***

    In today's "Is This an Isekai" we talk about the Hollywood classic The Wizard of Oz. This warning is merely a formality as we both kind of forgot what happens in the Wizard of Oz. I mean aside from the broad strokes that you are no doubt familiar with. And if you're not then you can go watch this boring ass movie from 1939 that is only of interest to film theory dweebs. If you must keep your Oz experience pure, skip 14:49 to 19:00. But eff that, come watch anime with us instead.

    The Otaku Glossary is back this week. We talk about eggplants, aka aubergines and their relationship to Japan. Do we finally put to rest whether it is a dick joke in Hamefura? Sort of! this segment goes from 19:04 to 32:49

    We round out our coverage of Hamefura with:

    Episode 10: The Moment of My Doom Arrived... Part 1 (32:52) Episode 11: The Moment of My Doom Arrived... Part 2 (57:50) Episode 12: The Final Event Has Begun... (1:19:35)

    Hamefura pulls some wild ass stunts seemingly out of nowhere for the last three episodes. We were a bit perplexed but also very entertained. Our closing thoughts can be heard from 1:46:35. We even do a character ranking at the end (apologies in advance to Maria stans)!

  • *** Spoiler Warning: The Matrix (1999) ***
    For "Is this an isekai" we discuss the classic sci-fi action film that started it all: The millenium, red pills, overpowered main characters. We don't really go into heavy spoilers beyond what has already seeped into to the culture through osmosis, but if you'd rather skip it to be on the safe side it's 12:34 to 17:49
    No extra segments on this one.
    The episodes of Hamefura we cover, along with their starting timestamp, are:
    Episode 7: Will he come at me as well? (17:49)
    Episode 8: I Became Engulfed by Desire... (1:03:43)
    Episode 9: Things Got Crazy at a Slumber Party... (1:33:43)
    What's going on in this wizard's wacky temple? Does Catarina even like her friends? Where do I buy an eggplant onesie? All these questions and more are answered in this episode of Reincarnated as Podcasters!
    Thanks for listening!

  • *** Apologies: I had to take down the ep and upload a version that's a tad louder! I also made it so the transitions are a bit less jarring. Sorry if you were in the middle of serious pod sesh. Once again, we're still learning! ***

    *** Spoiler Warning: LOST (2004) ***

    I'm sure by now you must have realised you would be getting spoiled on Hamefura. But in this episode we also happen to talk spoilers about the 2004 TV show Lost on the "Is this an Isekai" segment. If you'd rather not hear that then I suggest you skip 12:50 to 16:30.

    In this episode we also do an "Otaku Glossary" segment on otome games. What are they and how do they relate to this anime we are watching?

    The episodes of Hamefura we cover are:

    Episode 4: I Enrolled in the Magic Academy...

    Episode 5: I Visited the Heroine's Parents' House...

    Episode 6: I Had Fun Over Summer Vacation...

    We were a bit lukewarm on these episodes, but each one did have something to bring to the table. What did you think?


  • Welcome to Reincarnated as Podcasters!

    We'll be talking through an Isekai series a couple of episodes at a time. First up is My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom aka Hamefura.

    We also briefly chat about our history with anime and the The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

    Please pardon the audio quality, we're still learning. Hope you like it!