Bill Porter, MA has 20 years of experience in providing counseling, support and advocacy to at-risk children, youth, and families. Bill joined the Gladney Family in 2013 and he spends most of his time leading his team in providing “best practices” to adoptees, birth families and adoptive families. Bill has been trained through the Trust-based Relational Intervention TBRI® at Texas Christian University and has provided clinical supervision and consultation in evidenced based programming. Bill received his Bachelors of Arts in Religion from Southern Nazarene University and his Masters of Education in Counseling from North Texas University.
A child has to feel safe physically and emotionally. We underestimate fear and anxiety. If you are never available for your child as a safe base, then you're not doing your job as a parent.
Find ways to engage with your child even though you might be rejected. One of the most important things to remember is that it's never your child's responsibility to find ways to connect with you. It's your responsibility to find ways to connect with your child. What does your child like? What does your child want to do?
When you have your safety and your connect working, then you get to do the other parenting stuff like correcting.
The Power of Showing Up, by Daniel J. Siegel MD, Tina Payne Bryson PhD, et al.
Gladney University
The Power of Vulnerability: Teachings of Authenticity, Connection, and Courage, by Brené Brown
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Gladney University recently had the honor of presenting Bridging the Gap: Strengthening Competencies of Transracial Adoptive Parents. We enjoyed the training so much that we just had to continue the conversation.
Resources:Ebony Mack, MSW. LinkedInRachel Garlinghouse, "Come Rain. Come Shine"
Show Notes:1:58 - How do you prepare yourself to adopt transracially?
3:05 - What are the biggest concern that children of color adopted by white parents express?
4:06 - Should you talk about your child about race?
5:25 - What would you share to an adoptive parent about adopting transracially?
6:31 - What kind of mentors should you look for you and your child?
7:07 - Do adoptive parents who adopt a child of another race need to be part of their child's race?
8:01 - Do children of color want to be adopted by parents of another race?
On this Bonus Episode of reFRAMED we talk with two professionals who deal with Human Trafficking daily. You can't go more than a week without hearing a story on the news about human trafficking. You might think that this doesn't happen near you. Think again.
For more information and resources, read our blog post.
reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, talked with Jorge Gama, LPC-S, about secondary trauma. Secondary trauma has PTSD-like symptoms. Those that are affected by this type of trauma look at their life in a different way than they would normally after being affected by trauma. Watch and listen to their conversation.
We are striving to make an impact in our world through creating conversations about topics that are important to you and yours.
For contact information and additional resources, please check out the Show Notes.
Dr. Erin Espinosa joins reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, to talk teen girls in our juvenile justice system. Girls in institutions are three times higher rate trauma than boys which predicts a longer stay. Watch and listen to their conversation.
We are striving to make an impact in our world through creating conversations about topics that are important to you and yours.
Learn more on Show Notes
Kris Bryant the Founder, Owner and Therapist at The DBT Institute of Oklahoma, joins reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, to talk about DBT Therapy. Watch and listen to their conversation.
We are striving to make an impact in our world through creating conversations about topics that are important to you and yours.
For resources and contact information, please check out our Show Notes.
Heather Rogers, LPC, Supervisor, Residential Services – Gladney Home, joins reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, to talk about birth parent grief. Watch and listen to their conversation.
We are striving to make an impact in our world through creating conversations about topics that are important to you and yours.
For additional information and resources, please visit our Show Notes.
Heather Rogers, LPC, Supervisor, Residential Services – Gladney Home, joins reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, to talk about parenting teenagers. Watch and listen to their conversation.
We are striving to make an impact in our world through creating conversations about topics that are important to you and yours.
Check out the Show Notes for additional resources.
reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, and Lindsay Garrett, LMSW, talk about working with parents to show them how to offer predictability to their children in their day-to-day lives.
We are striving to make an impact in our world through creating conversations about topics that are important to you and yours.Check out our Show Notes for additional resources.
reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, and Monique Lee, LCSW, talk about all things sensory. Parents need to be like an investigator; watching and journaling the child's behavior and actions. Monique shares about setting up a sensory diet and all that it entails.
We are striving to make an impact in our world through creating conversations about topics that are important to you and yours.
Check out our Show Notes for additional resources.
Emily Morehead, LPC and Bill Porter, MA talk about neurobiologic stress. Our neurobiology is more than just our brain. Our neurons run through our body, our gut, our limbic system (emotions) and our mind. The stress we experience affects all the areas. It’s not just in our brain. If left to it’s own devices, our neurobiological responses usually become either over reactive or under reactive.
And that’s were we get into trouble. In many instances, our survival responses can be destructive to our relationships. Our overreaction or under reaction can affect our relationships with our kids, our spouses, our parents, our coworkers and on and on. Learn more by listening or watching today!
Check out our Show Notes for additional information and resources.
Guest Heidi Bruegel Cox, General Counsel & Executive Vice President of the Gladney Center for Adoption joins reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, to talk about reframing the evolution of adoption. Watch and listen to their conversation.
Check out our Show Notes for additional information and resources.
Guest Robyn Gobbel, LCSW, RPT-S, joins reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, to talk about sensory and emotional regulation. Through years of working with complex trauma children, Robyn recognized that she wasn't adequately trained or prepared to know how to support the child, the environment, and their regulation. When the body is so out of control, there is no trauma processing or attachment happening. It's crucial to believe that every single thing that someone does is done in an attempt to themselves feel better.Watch and listen to their conversation. We are striving to make an impact in our world through creating conversations about topics that are important to you and yours.
Check out our Show Notes for contact information for Robyn and further resources.
Three music therapists joined reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LP to share about the power of music therapy. Music accesses every part of the brain which has huge implications as music as a therapy. Our bodies are very musical and rhythmic and when your body does that, your brain releases dopamine which is key to forming new neural connections. Music is a way to connect and socialize in a non-verbal way. Having music as a healthy form of sensory input is so helpful for those on the spectrum. Watch and find out how music can be a motivator for daily tasks as well as transitions with children.
Check out the Show Notes for resources and contact information.
Guest Marshall Lyles joins reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, to talk about trauma. A lot of families ask a lot of questions about trauma and our goal is to break down this big topic into bite-size pieces. There's a phrase that our listeners probably hear a lot, "trauma-informed care", which does mean a lot but doesn't communicate a lot. Marshall defines trauma as any event that any person would go through that gets stored in the memory in a way that it then starts to interfere with their functioning. Trauma is more about how those memories are stored than it does about the actual events that happened. We are striving to make an impact in our world through creating conversations about topics that are important to you and yours.
Check out our Show Notes for resources and contact information.
Guest Robyn Gobbel, LCSW, RPT-S, joins reFRAMED Podcast Host, Emily Morehead, LPC, to talk about grief and transitions in the adoption and foster world. While adoption is beautiful, sometimes there are hard places before reaching the final destination. Robyn has found throughout her practice that the littlest information or even a script is enough to help parents to know how to talk to their child about transitions and grief that are happening or going to happen. Being able to talk through the transitions is like a building block and an empowerment piece. As a therapist, Robyn shared that she is constantly working with clients to understand that they can have more than one feeling at a time.
Take a look at our Show Notes for resources and contact information.
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