Bienvenidos a "El Nuevo Gerente", un podcast dedicado a todos aquellos que buscan desarrollar y potenciar su carrera gerencial. Inspirado en el libro del mismo nombre, este espacio es una guía esencial para nuevos y experimentados gerentes que desean perfeccionar sus habilidades de liderazgo, estrategia y gestión empresarial.
Exploraremos temas fundamentales para tu crecimiento profesional, desde la toma de decisiones y la gestión de equipos, hasta la implementación de estrategias efectivas y la superación de desafíos en el mundo corporativo. Aunque hemos cambiado nuestro enfoque, conservamos los valiosos episodios de "Restaurante de Ventas y Operaciones", donde se abordaron las intersecciones clave entre ventas y operaciones.
Únete a nosotros en cada episodio para obtener insights prácticos, consejos expertos y experiencias reales que te ayudarán a convertirte en el gerente que siempre has aspirado ser. Bienvenido a "El Nuevo Gerente", donde tu carrera gerencial encuentra su mejor aliado. -
Everything you need to know about crypto and stocks. Shane (The Jolly Green Investor) and Josh (The Nifty Investor) discuss what is going on in the market every week. Topics include current market trends, top picks, analysis on top projects and businesses, interviews with industry insiders, and more!
Dirty Boots Capital is about educating people from all walks of life on expanding their wealth and freedoms. Through education we share how our personal and financial freedoms are being stolen from us by a corrupt political and financial system. We want you to be free and prosper like our ancestors. We believe you deserve your freedom and the preservation of your wealth. We provide deep dives into articles, have thought provoking interviews on relevant issues impacting us today and we provide many ways for you to succeed by investing in real estate, creating a business, networking and education.
El Podcast La Mujer de los Negocios con Roxana Castillo es tu herramienta para desarrollar negocios factibles, rentables, confiables y perdurables en el tiempo. Roxana Castillo es periodista, autora,empresaria y una de las coaches certificadas de negocios más carismática y versátil de Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica. Ella te motivará y asesorará con planes estratégicos adaptados a la realidad de nuestro continente, para que tu emprendimiento alcance la excelencia y la productividad deseada para ganar dinero.
Make it Shine Money is a personal finance podcast driven by a singular mission: to help as many people as possible live wealthier lives. Everyone worries about money, but most of us don't know how to take control of our finances. By equipping people with the power of behavioral psychology, we believe we can help everyone build long-lasting, positive financial habits to help you save and invest. Armed with the advice from our podcasts and free money tools you will quickly gain the confidence to take charge of your financial health and make it shine!
Disclaimer: Any views or opinions represented in this podcast are personal and belong solely to the podcast creator and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated.
Welcome to Marriage, Money & Mayhem with host, Kara Ayala! Our mission is to empower you to live on your own terms and expand your mind to new ideas and opportunities! We're here to not just tell you, but teach how you can have financial abundance without sacrificing your relationships. We want it all, the relationships, the health, and the money! Join us on Marriage, Money and Mayhem on the journey of loving who we are, sharing our gifts to the world, and growing our relationships with the people we care about most!
Welcome to the Institute of Brewing & Distilling (IBD) podcasts channel.
Our aim is to share technical knowledge and facilitate the creation of professional connections with the international network of brewers, distillers and allied industries professionals.
Established as The Laboratory Club in 1886, since then, the IBD has set up the benchmark in technical knowledge to produce high-quality products and industry exposure and professional contacts for you to thrive in your career and beyond.
With over 3,000 members from businesses of all sizes, represented in 90 countries across eight geographical sections worldwide, the IBD is here to help you thrive in your career and your business succeed in the global market. -
Bienvenidos a Así Lo Hice, un podcast donde descubrimos las historias detrás de emprendedores y empresarios que nos cuentan como lo hicieron. En cada episodio conoceremos los desafíos que enfrentaron, las lecciones que aprendieron y los consejos que tienen para compartir. Desde la idea inicial hasta su éxito, aprenderás de la experiencia personal de personas que ya lo hicieron. Más info en
The most successful real estate agents come in every shape, size, intelligence and personality. There is the obvious charismatic, attractive, smart and connected agent who kills it. There is also that agent that you would not trust with a coffee order if they were a Barista at Starbucks, yet is wildly successful.
The common denominator all successful agents have is what I call “Voodoo”. They have a magic ability to make deals happen where others struggle. Voodoo Agent is the study of taking those actions and making your own magic. These weekly videos will discuss the best practices you and I need to take to be in the top 1% of all agents in the country.
Why am doing this? The best way to master your craft is to give it away and teach others what you know. After over 30 years in Real Estate I know a lot but I am still a sponge and learn daily. Every time I share with others what I have learned, I absorb it on a deeper level and make myself accountable to practice what I preach. -
Creamos este espacio de conversación con expertos en diferentes materias relacionadas con el desarrollo de tu empresa, con el fin que puedas evolucionar tus procesos y no dejar de lado detalles que se pueden transformar en tu talón de Aquiles. A través de los capítulos, podrás encontrar tips que te ayudarán a conformar la estructura de tu emprendimiento en los primeros pasos que debes llevar a cabo, para pasar a los siguientes niveles de crecimiento.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Este podcast va de la necesidad que tienen muchos emprendedores y empresarios de usar el Marketing en su negocio de belleza o skincare, no importa si eres networker, dueño de spa o peluquero, la duda es generalmente ¿Como puedo subir mis ventas, darme a conocer en redes o cuales son las estrategias infalibles de marketing para mi negocio?
Aquí tendrás las respuestas a todas esas dudas, con invitados especialistas en el tema y muchas historias de éxito que te sirvan de inspiración para que escales tu negocio al siguiente nivel.
Mi labor radica en ayudarte a entender el marketing de forma sencilla y amena. Con temáticas en tecnología, ventas, diseño, creatividad, negocios de belleza y skincare, marketing digital, redes sociales, gestión de Clientes e historias de éxito con un enfoque integral para negocios de belleza.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the Be Great Podcast where we help intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs find happiness, fulfillment, and money doing work you actually love...
Hopefully, this podcast will leave you inspired and ready to take action.
For more information about BG2, visit While there, be sure to join the BG (Be Great) Squad to be among the first to receive our monthly giveaways/freebies, and to be notified of live Q&A sessions.
Come on, let's do this... -
En el podcast de "9punto5" hablamos sobre cómo la industria laboral, las habilidades y las posiciones de trabajo están cambiando. El trabajo remoto y las nuevas culturas empresariales son solo el comienzo. Desarrollar la cultura de trabajo de tu empresa es esencial para atraer y retener talento. Adquirir y expandir tus habilidades profesionales es fundamental para acceder a un mercado global y con más oportunidades.
Negocios, Internet, Marketing, Ventas. Activador Digital Podcast con Luis R. Silva. El espacio para dueños de negocio de acción que quieren aprender a utilizar efectivamente el internet para promocionarse, atraer más clientes y aumentar ventas. Con temas y entrevista acerca de negocios, marketing online, comportamiento y psicología del consumidor, estrategias, técnicas y herramientas de marketing online. Activador Digital Podcast con Luis R. Silva.
The Ultraspeaking Podcast explores modern-day solutions to greater confidence, skill, and ease when speaking at work.
Each episode features the founders, Tristan and Michael, as they detail unconventional strategies to thrive under pressure and speak with less preparation.
Working on hand-gestures and eye contact is OUTDATED advice. Writing a script or creating a structure is a TRAP.
It’s time for a better way. Join the Ultraspeaking movement and you’ll never look back.