
  • Guest: ✨ James Maynard, Creator / Producer, The Cosmic Companion

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-g-maynard

    Website | https://thecosmiccompanion.net


    Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli

    This Episode’s Sponsors

    BlackCloak 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbcweb

    Bugcrowd 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbgcweb


    Episode Introduction

    Welcome to Another Episode!

    All right, everybody. Welcome to another episode of the Redefining Society podcast, where we talk about the intersection of society and technology. This time around, our focus is on generative AI and its impact on creativity, filmmaking, and society. I'm Marco Ciappelli, and I'm thrilled to be joined today by James G. Maynard. James is a creator, a science communicator, and someone with a profound interest in how technology shapes our world.

    James grew up close to the space program, with his father working on the Apollo and Space Shuttle programs. This environment fostered his dual passions for science and the arts, which he has successfully merged throughout his career. With degrees in physics and chemistry, experience in running star parties, and a treasure trove of books to his name, James combines these elements in his work, using art and storytelling to make science accessible and engaging.

    Generative AI: A Game Changer

    During our fascinating conversation, James referred to generative AI as the "greatest tool for the democratization of filmmaking since the invention of the movie camera." He highlighted how AI is cutting down the colossal budgets typically associated with filmmaking, empowering independent filmmakers to create high-quality content without needing enormous financial backing. According to James, this is a revolution, democratizing not just the tools of filmmaking but also the opportunities to create.

    The Evolution of Filmmaking: Navigating Traditional and Modern Tools

    James discussed how generative AI transforms various aspects of the creative process. He noted that traditional methods of filmmaking were often restricted by heavy financial investments, which in many cases led to films being produced solely to make money for investors. This often resulted in a loss of artistic value. However, with AI, we are witnessing a resurgence of creativity and a proliferation of new stylistic approaches in filmmaking.

    James described himself as an "app smasher," someone who doesn't rely on a single application but uses a suite of tools to bring his visions to life. From MidJourney for still images to Runway for videos, and from Suno for music to Eleven Labs for voice synthesis, his approach exemplifies the endless possibilities that technology offers to modern filmmakers.

    Marco and James shared a lively discussion on the balance between innovation and the inevitable pushback against new technologies. They drew comparisons with historical shifts in other industries, such as the move from vacuum tubes to transistors in computing. James emphasized that while AI might reshape certain jobs, it opens vast new fields of creativity and opportunity.

    Upcoming Projects

    James also shared insights into his current projects. From his weekly science comedy interview show, "The Cosmic Companion," to short films like "Moon Beans" and feature-length films, he is always striving to educate and entertain. His upcoming films, "Gaia Rising," a future history on climate change, and "The Wizard and the Scholar," a historical adventure situated in 12th-century England, epitomize his commitment to blending education and storytelling.

    The Future of Creativity

    Throughout the episode, it's clear that both Marco and James see AI not as a threat but as an enabler of creativity. James compared today's generative AI to early photography or the initial skepticism of CGI, pointing out that every technological revolution faces resistance before being widely adopted and appreciated.

    The discussion with James G. Maynard sheds light on the exciting potential of generative AI in redefining storytelling, filmmaking, and education. By democratizing access to powerful creative tools, AI is not just transforming how stories are told but also who gets to tell them. As James's projects show, we are on the cusp of a new era where creativity and technology intertwine in unprecedented ways.




    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Watch the webcast version on-demand on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllTUoWMGGQHlGVZA575VtGr9

    Are you interested in sponsoring an ITSPmagazine Channel?
    👉 https://www.itspmagazine.com/advertise-on-itspmagazine-podcast

  • Guest: François Bitouzet, Managing Director at Viva Technology [@VivaTech]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/fran%C3%A7ois-bitouzet-180a89/


    Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Episode Notes

    A Celebration of Technology and Innovation

    The VIVA TECH Conference 2024 in Paris proved to be a rendezvous of the brightest minds and innovators in the tech realm. With a blend of key speakers, groundbreaking sessions, and vibrant discussions, the event will be a melting pot of ideas, creativity, and collaboration.

    In Conversation with Visionaries

    Marco Ciappelli, along with his guest François Bitouzet, the managing director of VIVA TECH, engaged in insightful dialogues touching upon varied aspects of technology's impact on society. From the language of tech to the importance of collaboration and the role of diversity in innovation, the conversations were both enlightening and thought-provoking.

    Spotlight on Key Themes

    The event will spotlight key themes such as AI, sustainability, Internet and democracy, and the creators' economy, amongst other. The intersection of technology with democracy sparked crucial discussions on safeguarding democratic processes in the digital age.

    Business with a Twist

    Amidst the flurry of innovation, VIVA TECH aims to provide a unique platform for startups to connect with potential investors and clients. The business-focused approach of the event adds a touch of creativity, epitomized by the 'bar-hopping' networking concept on Rue Montorgueil.

    Building Connections and Finding Your Tribe

    At the core of VIVA TECH 2024 there is the core mission of building connections and fostering collaboration. The event focuses on bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds to find common ground, empower each other, and unlock new possibilities in the tech landscape.

    An Echo of Excitement

    As VIVA TECH 2024 is about to start in Paris, it echoes with the buzz of excitement and anticipation. The convergence of ideas, the clash of perspectives, and the melding of creativity set the stage for a transformative experience for all attendees.


    Catch all of our event coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/technology-cybersecurity-society-humanity-conference-and-event-coverage



    Learn more about VIVA TECH 2024: https://vivatechnology.com/


    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

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  • Guest: ✨ Theresa Payton, Author & CEO Fortalice® Solutions LLC [@FortaliceLLC]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/theresapayton/


    Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli

    This Episode’s Sponsors

    BlackCloak 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbcweb

    Bugcrowd 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbgcweb


    Episode Introduction

    Theresa Payton is one of America’s most respected authorities on Internet security, net crime, fraud mitigation and technology implementation. As White House Chief Information Officer (CIO) at the Executive Office of the President from 2006 to 2008, she administered the information technology enterprise for the president and 3,000 staff members. Prior to her time at the White House, Theresa Payton was a Senior Technology Executive in banking, spending 16 years providing banking solutions using emerging technologies. Payton founded Fortalice in 2008 and lends her expertise to government and private sector organizations to help them improve their information technology systems. In 2010, Security Magazine named her one of the top 25 “Most Influential People in Security.”

    In the age of technology and social media, the proliferation of misinformation and manipulation has become a pressing issue in our society. Teresa Payton's book, "Manipulated," dives real deep into the intricacies of cyberwarfare, election hijacking, and truth distortion, shedding light on the intersection between politics, technology, and human behavior.

    Exploring Technology's Impact on Society

    In a recent conversation with Marco Ciappelli on his Podcast Redefining Society, on the ITSPmagazine podcast, Teresa Payton discussed the updated version of her book, "Manipulated," which addresses the rapid evolution of technology and its implications on societal manipulation. With a background in cybersecurity and extensive experience in the field, Teresa brings a unique perspective to the challenges posed by advancements in AI and deep fake technology.

    Unveiling Fictional Scenarios Inspired by Reality

    One of the remarkable features of "Manipulated" is the incorporation of fictional writing that serve as cautionary tales about the consequences of unchecked manipulation. By weaving together fictional narratives with real-world threats, Teresa prompts readers to consider the potential implications of technology in shaping our social discourse and democratic processes.

    The Power of Dialogue and Critical Thinking

    Through her book, Teresa aims to inspire critical thinking and open conversations about the role of technology in shaping our perceptions of truth and reality. By encouraging readers to question biases and engage in dialogue with varying perspectives, "Manipulated" serves as a catalyst for deeper reflection on the impact of manipulation campaigns on society.

    Advocating for Better Awareness and Regulation

    As lawmakers grapple with the challenges of regulating social media platforms and combating misinformation, "Manipulated" calls for a more nuanced approach to safeguarding freedom of speech while preventing the spread of harmful manipulation tactics. By fostering awareness and advocating for stronger regulations, Teresa highlights the importance of collective action in combating the threats posed by digital manipulation.

    Embracing a Multifaceted Audience

    "Manipulated" is designed to resonate with a diverse audience, from policymakers and experts in the field to everyday individuals seeking to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. By offering insights and perspectives accessible to all, Teresa invites readers to join the conversation and take a proactive stance against manipulation in all its forms.

    This books emerges as a compelling narrative that illuminates the intricate relationship between technology, manipulation, and societal impact. As we navigate an increasingly digital world, Teresa Payton's insights serve as a reminder and guide, urging us to engage critically, foster dialogue, and advocate for a more informed and resilient society.

    The updated paperback edition of her bestseller book “Manipulated” includes new information on real world cases of AI, chatgpt, tiktok, and all the latest and greatest exploits of manipulation campaigns, will leave readers both captivated and chilled to the bone.

    About the Book

    Cybersecurity expert Theresa Payton tells battlefront stories from the global war being conducted through clicks, swipes, internet access, technical backdoors and massive espionage schemes. She investigates the cyberwarriors who are planning tomorrow’s attacks, weaving a fascinating tale of Artificial Intelligent mutations carrying out attacks without human intervention, “deepfake” videos that look real to the naked eye, and chatbots that beget other chatbots. Finally, Payton offers readers telltale signs that their most fundamental beliefs are being meddled with and actions they can take or demand that corporations and elected officials must take before it is too late.

    The updated paperback edition, including new information on real world cases of AI, chatgpt, tiktok, and all the latest and greatest exploits of manipulation campaigns, will leave readers both captivated and chilled to the bone.



    Manipulated: Inside the Cyberwar to Hijack Elections and Distort the Truth (Updated Edition, April 25, 2024): https://www.amazon.com/Manipulated-Inside-Cyberwar-Elections-Distort/dp/1538188651


    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Watch the webcast version on-demand on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllTUoWMGGQHlGVZA575VtGr9

    Are you interested in sponsoring an ITSPmagazine Channel?
    👉 https://www.itspmagazine.com/advertise-on-itspmagazine-podcast

  • Guest: Geoff White, Author, Investigative Journalist

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoffwhitetech/



    Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Episode Notes

    In this episode of On Location, Marco Ciappelli and Geoff White dive into a fascinating conversation about the intricate world of cybercrime, investigative journalism, and the dark realms of money laundering. The duo explored the symbiotic relationship between technology, organized crime, and the evolving landscape of digital currencies like Bitcoin and NFTs.

    From billion-dollar cyber heists to global money laundering rings and crypto-gangsters – Geoff White has covered it all. As an author, speaker, investigative journalist and podcast creator, his work’s been featured by Penguin, the BBC, Audible, Sky News, The Sunday Times and many more.

    His new book for Penguin, Rinsed, reveals how technology has revolutionized money laundering, from drug cartels washing their cash in Bitcoin to organized fraud gangs recruiting money mules on social media.

    His first book, Crime Dot Com, covered cybercrime’s emergence as a primal threat to modern society and was published in August 2020 by Reaktion Books. One of the key chapters detailed North Korea’s unlikely emergence as a cyber superpower. It was adapted by the BBC World Service into the hit 10-part podcast series The Lazarus Heist, co-created and co-hosted by Geoff, which immediately ranked number one in the UK Apple chart and within the top 7 in the US.

    Marco Ciappelli invited Geoff White to join him on Broadcast Alley at RSA Conference 2024 to unravel the complex web of interconnected crimes and technologies shaping our modern world. Geoff shared insights from his extensive research and experience, shedding light on the hidden layers of organized crime and technological advancements.

    From Investigative Journalism to Podcasting

    Geoff White discussed his journey from covering technology stories for Channel 4 News to delving deep into cybercrime, highlighting how stories of North Korean hacking and money laundering captured his attention. His work on "The Lazarus Heist" podcast and the subsequent book delves into the astonishing world of cybercrime, where trust between criminals and innovative tactics play a pivotal role.

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Money Laundering

    In their conversation, Geoff White elaborated on the processes of money laundering, emphasizing the three crucial steps - placement, layering, and integration. He explained how technology has revolutionized the ways in which criminals launder money, leveraging crypto assets like Bitcoin while evading traditional detection methods.

    The Rise of Cybercrime and AI

    Geoff White addressed the adversarial battle between cybercriminals and security professionals, pointing out the attacker's advantage in exploiting vulnerabilities rather than developing advanced weaponry. He discussed the role of artificial intelligence in spotting suspicious transactions and the cat-and-mouse game between criminals and law enforcement agencies.

    A Thought-Provoking Discussion on Ethical Dilemmas

    As the conversation turned philosophical, Marco Ciappelli and Geoff White pondered the ethical implications of cybercrime and money laundering in modern society. They touched upon the coexistence of good and evil forces, the necessity of crime prevention, and the ongoing battle between innovation and criminal tactics.

    Audience Engagement and Impact

    Geoff White highlighted the diverse target audience for his work, encompassing cybersecurity professionals, financial crime experts, and cryptocurrency enthusiasts. By crafting engaging narratives and insightful analyses, Geoff aims to make complex topics like money laundering accessible to a broad readership, inviting them to delve into the dark corners of financial crime.

    This dialogue between Marco Ciappelli and Geoff White serves as a poignant reminder of the intricate connections between technology, crime, and societal structures. By bringing these complex topics to light through compelling storytelling and in-depth research, they invite audiences to explore the hidden layers of cybercrime and money laundering, prompting critical reflections on the ethical and practical implications of these phenomena.

    Be sure to follow our Coverage Journey and subscribe to our podcasts!


    About the Book

    Rinsed reveals how organized crooks have joined forces with the world’s most sophisticated cybercriminals. The result: a vast virtual money-laundering machine too intelligent for most authorities to crack. Through a series of jaw-dropping cases and interviews with insiders at all levels of the system, Geoff White shows how thieves are uniting to successfully get away with the most atrocious crimes on an unprecedented scale.

    The book follows money from the outrageous luxury of Dubai hotels to sleepy backwaters of coastal Ireland, from the backstreets of Nigeria to the secretive zones of North Korea, to investigate this new cyber supercartel. Through first-hand accounts from the victims of their devastating crimes, White uncovers the extraordinary true story of hi-tech laundering – and exposes its terrible human cost.

    'Rinsed is as twisty, colourful and terrifyingly eye-opening as the people White investigates. You’ll never look at wealth, technology and crime in the same way’


    Follow our RSA Conference USA 2024 coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/rsa-conference-usa-2024-rsac-san-francisco-usa-cybersecurity-event-infosec-conference-coverage

    On YouTube: 📺 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllS-B9eaPcHUVmy_lGrbIw9J

    Be sure to share and subscribe!



    Rinsed: From Cartels to Crypto: How the Tech Industry Washes Money for the World's Deadliest Crooks (Book): https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0241624835

    Learn more about RSA Conference USA 2024: https://itspm.ag/rsa-cordbw


    Catch all of our event coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/technology-cybersecurity-society-humanity-conference-and-event-coverage

    To see and hear more Redefining CyberSecurity content on ITSPmagazine, visit: https://www.itspmagazine.com/redefining-cybersecurity-podcast

    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Are you interested in sponsoring our event coverage with an ad placement in the podcast?

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    Learn More 👉 https://itspm.ag/evtcovbrf

  • Guest: Steve Luczynski, Chairman of the Board for the Aerospace Village [@secureaerospace]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/steveluczynski/

    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/cyberpilot22



    Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Episode Notes

    In a recent conversation between Steve Luczynski and Marco Ciappelli, the essence of the Aerospace Village came to life as they shared their experiences, vision, and passion for cybersecurity in the aviation and space industry.

    A Meeting of Minds and Hearts

    The conversation between Steve and Marco at Broadcast Alley, during RSA Conference 2024, revealed a deep connection between ITSPmagazine and the mission and vision of the Aerospace Village. Steve's military pilot background and transition into cybersecurity, combined with Marco's genuine curiosity and enthusiasm, set the stage for a rich discussion on the importance of bridging the gap between different sectors and inspiring the next generation of cybersecurity leaders.

    The Heartbeat of the Aerospace Village

    Steve and Marco's conversation highlighted the core values of the Aerospace Village—building relationships, fostering collaboration between government, private sector, academia, and students, and showcasing the cutting-edge work in aviation cybersecurity. The volunteer-driven effort emphasizes the power of collective intelligence and the impact of sharing knowledge and expertise in a transparent and open manner.

    Nurturing Innovation and Education

    The Aerospace Village's focus on STEM programs, outreach to schools, and engaging with the broader community demonstrates a commitment to nurturing innovation and education in cybersecurity. By bringing real-world scenarios, like flight simulator vulnerabilities and supply chain risks, to life, the Aerospace Village creates a dynamic learning environment that inspires participants to think critically and creatively about cybersecurity challenges.

    Looking Towards the Future

    Steve's wishlist of three key aspirations for the Aerospace Village—seeking more help and talent, expanding educational initiatives, and fostering partnerships for secure innovation—reveals a vision rooted in collaboration and growth. The idea of bringing in aviation and space equipment for demonstrations not only ignites curiosity but also showcases the practical applications of cybersecurity in high-stakes environments.

    A Call to Action

    As a reader, you are invited to join the Aerospace Village in their mission to push the boundaries of cybersecurity in aviation and space. Whether through volunteering your time, sharing your skills, or contributing to their initiatives, you can play a vital role in shaping the future of cybersecurity and inspiring the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.

    The Aerospace Village at the RSA Conference represent innovation, education, and collaboration in the realm of aviation and space cybersecurity. Through the dedication and passion of volunteers like Steve and Marco, the Aerospace Village continues to pave the way for a more secure and interconnected future in the aerospace industry.

    Be sure to follow our Coverage Journey and subscribe to our podcasts!


    Follow our RSA Conference USA 2024 coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/rsa-conference-usa-2024-rsac-san-francisco-usa-cybersecurity-event-infosec-conference-coverage

    On YouTube: 📺 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllS-B9eaPcHUVmy_lGrbIw9J

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    Learn more about RSA Conference USA 2024: https://itspm.ag/rsa-cordbw


    Catch all of our event coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/technology-cybersecurity-society-humanity-conference-and-event-coverage

    To see and hear more Redefining CyberSecurity content on ITSPmagazine, visit: https://www.itspmagazine.com/redefining-cybersecurity-podcast

    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Are you interested in sponsoring our event coverage with an ad placement in the podcast?

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    Want to tell your Brand Story as part of our event coverage?

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  • Guest: Christina Stokes, Host, On Cyber & AI Podcast, Founder of Narito Cybersecurity

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/christina-stokes

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/xTinaStokes/



    Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Episode Notes

    The Evolution of Cybersecurity

    The dialogue initiated by Sean, Christina, and Marco shed light on how cybersecurity has matured over the years. From the early days of hacking as a hobby to the current focus on ethical practices, the panelists emphasized the importance of adapting to the changing technological landscape. They discussed how regulations, policies, and laws have played a crucial role in shaping the cybersecurity industry, emphasizing the need for responsible use of technology to prevent it from becoming a monster.

    AI and Its Implications

    The conversation also touched upon the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in cybersecurity. While AI has brought about advancements in threat detection and response, there are concerns about privacy and data protection. The panelists emphasized the importance of using AI ethically and responsibly to avoid potential risks associated with its misuse.

    Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

    A significant portion of the discussion revolved around supply chain vulnerabilities and the interconnected nature of global industries. The experts highlighted the importance of understanding and securing supply chains, particularly in the context of operational technology and manufacturing processes. They stressed the need for resilience and innovation to address evolving cybersecurity threats.

    The Human Element in Cybersecurity

    Throughout the conversation, the experts reiterated the significance of human connections and collaborations in the cybersecurity domain. They emphasized the need for organizations to invest in education, training, and building strong relationships within the industry to combat cyber threats effectively. The dialogue underscored the essential role of people in securing digital ecosystems and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness.

    Looking Towards the Future

    As the discussion came to a close, Sean, Christina, and Marco expressed optimism about the future of cybersecurity. They discussed upcoming trends such as Generative AI, AI Bill of Materials, and the continued focus on governance, data security, and AI ethics. The experts highlighted the importance of ongoing conversations, collaborations, and innovation in driving the industry forward.

    This insightful chat at RSAC 2024 offered valuable perspectives on the current challenges and opportunities in cybersecurity. The experts' nuanced discussions about AI, supply chain vulnerabilities, and human-centric cybersecurity shed light on the complex nature of the digital threat landscape. As we navigate the evolving cybersecurity landscape, collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to ethical practices will be key to ensuring a secure digital future.

    Be sure to follow our Coverage Journey and subscribe to our podcasts!


    Follow our RSA Conference USA 2024 coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/rsa-conference-usa-2024-rsac-san-francisco-usa-cybersecurity-event-infosec-conference-coverage

    On YouTube: 📺 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllS-B9eaPcHUVmy_lGrbIw9J

    Be sure to share and subscribe!



    Learn more about RSA Conference USA 2024: https://itspm.ag/rsa-cordbw


    Catch all of our event coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/technology-cybersecurity-society-humanity-conference-and-event-coverage

    To see and hear more Redefining CyberSecurity content on ITSPmagazine, visit: https://www.itspmagazine.com/redefining-cybersecurity-podcast

    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Are you interested in sponsoring our event coverage with an ad placement in the podcast?

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  • Guest: ✨ Leigh Honeywell, CEO, Tall Poppy [@tallpoppyhq]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/hypatia/


    Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli

    This Episode’s Sponsors

    BlackCloak 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbcweb

    Bugcrowd 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbgcweb


    Episode Introduction

    The Digital Evolution: Reflecting Society's Redefinition through Cybersecurity

    Hello, everyone, and welcome back to our show where we unpack the most insightful conversations happening in the intersection of technology and modern society. Today, let's take a deeper look at a particularly evocative episode of the ITSPmagazine Podcast, "Redefining Society," featuring cybersecurity expert Leigh Honeywell and host Marco Ciappelli.

    Cybersecurity: A Foundation of Digital Society

    The discussion kicked off on an interesting note, with Marco examining the runaway pace of technological evolution and its societal implications. Leigh Honeywell, co-founder and CEO of Tallpoppy, brought not only her rich experience from the front lines of cybersecurity but also an encompassing view of its role outside corporate firewalls. They underscored the importance of personal and executive cyber protection, emphasizing security beyond the corporate landscape.

    Empowering Generations in the Digital Arena

    A pivotal part of their dialogue centered on how different generations engage with technology. With the advent of smartphones and smart devices, the need for educating young users and their guardians has never been more critical. Leigh and Marco touch on the importance of mentoring over monitoring, advocating for a holistic approach to digital literacy that spans generations.

    Online Harassment and the Quest for Safety in Cyberspace

    Leigh shed light on the grim realities of online harassment and doxing, sharing insights into how individuals and communities can protect themselves. From advocating for robust personal cyber hygiene practices like the use of password managers and understanding one's digital footprint, Leigh provided actionable advice to bolster online safety.

    Harnessing Tech Wisdom Across Ages

    The conversation naturally veered towards the generational gaps in tech adoption and understanding. Both Leigh and Marco lamented how certain generations jumped straight from no computers to smartphones, missing out on the intermediate stages of digital literacy. This jump, as they discussed, has implications for how we teach and learn about cybersecurity.

    Conclusion: It’s All Just Life

    In wrapping up, Leigh offered sage advice for both the young and the old navigating the digital world: when technology makes you feel uneasy or unsafe, talk about it. This simple yet profound tip draws a line under the idea that the digital realm is an integral part of our lives, needing the same care and understanding as any other aspect.

    As we continue to explore the dynamics between technology and society, episodes like these remind us of the collective journey we're on. Despite the challenges, there's hope and guidance available to navigate our increasingly digital lives.

    Sharing these candid, in-depth conversations is essential in crafting a safer, more inclusive digital future. If you found value in this post or the episode, don't hesitate to reach out or comment with your thoughts. Together, let's redefine society for the better, one podcast episode at a time.




    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Watch the webcast version on-demand on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllTUoWMGGQHlGVZA575VtGr9

    Are you interested in sponsoring an ITSPmagazine Channel?
    👉 https://www.itspmagazine.com/advertise-on-itspmagazine-podcast

  • Guest: Anu Talus, Head of the Office of the Information Commissioner (TSV), and Chair of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) [@EU_EDPB]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/anu-talus-657a892/

    At RSAC | https://www.rsaconference.com/experts/Anu%20Talus



    Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Episode Notes

    The latest episode of the On Location podcast, hosted by Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli, provided a deep dive into the crucial topics of data privacy and AI ethics, featuring an enlightening discussion with Anu Talus, the Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman. The conversation explored the intersection of GDPR, the AI Act, and the ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence.

    The Role of Anu Talus: Protecting Data Privacy in Europe

    Anu Talus, the Finnish Data Protection Ombudsman and chair of the European Data Protection Board, shed light on the dual role she holds in safeguarding data privacy across Europe. With a comprehensive overview of the GDPR and its application in the new reality of AI, Talus emphasized the importance of a harmonized approach to data protection legislation.

    Unveiling the Complexity: AI Act and GDPR Interconnection

    The discussion with Talus goes deep into the intricate interplay between the AI Act and GDPR, highlighting the essential role of the GDPR in regulating the processing of personal data in AI applications. The conversation underscored the need for a consistent and comprehensive enforcement mechanism to ensure the protection of individuals' privacy rights.

    Navigating Ethical Dilemmas: Balancing Innovation and Risk

    Ethical considerations in AI governance were a focal point of the conversation, with a deliberate exploration of the challenges posed by emerging technologies like deepfakes and misinformation. Talus emphasized the significance of conducting thorough risk assessments to strike a balance between innovation and ethical usage of AI.

    Bridging Stakeholders: Collaboration for Effective Legislation

    The episode highlighted the importance of stakeholder engagement in the legislative process, emphasizing the need for diverse perspectives to inform effective policymaking. Talus underscored the value of collaborative efforts among researchers, policymakers, and industry innovators in shaping meaningful and enforceable regulations.

    Looking Ahead: Insights and Experiences from RSA Conference 2024

    As Anu Talus prepared to participate in a panel on AI Governance and Ethics at the RSA Conference, the podcast provided a glimpse into the anticipated discussions around data privacy, AI ethics, and legislative perspectives. The panel promised a robust dialogue with industry experts and privacy advocates, offering attendees a wealth of insights to carry forward.

    Join the Conversation: A Call to Action for Data Privacy Advocates

    The episode concluded with a call to action for listeners to engage with the evolving landscape of data privacy and AI ethics. Encouraging attendance at the RSA Conference panel, Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli emphasized the importance of continued dialogue and collaboration in shaping a secure and ethically-driven AI ecosystem.

    Be sure to follow our Coverage Journey and subscribe to our podcasts!


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    AI Governance & Ethics: A Discussion with the Big Players: https://www.rsaconference.com/USA/agenda/session/AI%20Governance%20%20Ethics%20A%20Discussion%20with%20the%20Big%20Players

    EDPB: https://www.edpb.europa.eu/edpb_en

    Learn more about RSA Conference USA 2024: https://itspm.ag/rsa-cordbw


    Catch all of our event coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/technology-cybersecurity-society-humanity-conference-and-event-coverage

    To see and hear more Redefining CyberSecurity content on ITSPmagazine, visit: https://www.itspmagazine.com/redefining-cybersecurity-podcast

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  • Guest: ✨ Dr. Robert Pearl, Author of "ChatGPT, MD"

    On Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-pearl-m-d-32427b98/

    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/RobertPearlMD

    Website | https://RobertPearlMD.com


    Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli

    This Episode’s Sponsors

    BlackCloak 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbcweb

    Bugcrowd 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbgcweb


    Episode Introduction

    Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Healthcare

    In the latest episode of the Redefining Society podcast, host Marco Ciappelli dives into the intersection of technology and healthcare with esteemed guest Dr. Robert Pearl. The conversation revolves around the transformative impact of generative AI on reshaping the landscape of medical practices and patient care.

    Empowering Patients and Doctors through CHAT GPT MD

    Dr. Robert Pearl, a former CEO of Kaiser Permanente and a leading voice in healthcare transformation, shares insights into his latest book, CHAT GPT MD. This innovative approach harnesses the power of generative AI to empower patients and doctors alike, offering a personalized and data-driven approach to healthcare solutions.

    The Evolution of Healthcare Practices

    From his vast experience in the healthcare industry, Dr. Pearl highlights the urgent need for a paradigm shift in medical practices. By integrating generative AI tools like CHAT GPT, healthcare providers can enhance diagnostic accuracy, streamline patient care, and improve overall clinical outcomes.

    Navigating Privacy and Security Concerns

    As the healthcare system adopts advanced technologies like generative AI, concerns around data privacy and cybersecurity come to the forefront. Dr. Pearl addresses these issues, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding patient information while leveraging the benefits of AI-driven insights.

    Embracing a New Era of Care

    Through personalized care, continuous monitoring, and informed decision-making, the collaboration between patients, doctors, and AI tools like CHAT GPT paves the way for a new era of healthcare. By embracing innovation and valuing the doctor-patient relationship, the industry can move towards more efficient and effective care delivery.

    Driving Positive Change in Healthcare

    Dr. Robert Pearl's vision for the future of healthcare underscores the transformative potential of generative AI. By harnessing the capabilities of AI tools, providers and patients can collectively drive positive change, optimize healthcare practices, and enhance the overall patient experience.

    About the Book

    Doctors And Patients Have Lost Control Of American Medicine. Generative AI Can Put The Power Back In Their Hands.

    Welcome to ChatGPT, MD. In this unique collaboration, renowned healthcare leader Dr. Robert Pearl teams up with the artificial intelligence system ChatGPT to examine the transformational power of generative AI in medicine.

    Together, the co-authors present a vision for the future where doctors, patients, and AI join forces to reclaim control of American healthcare from prevailing corporate interests.

    With engaging narratives and real-world examples, ChatGPT, MD reveals how advanced AI technologies can reduce medical errors, enhance diagnostic precision, ease the growing burden on healthcare professionals, and—most important—democratize medical expertise, arming patients with the kinds of tools and knowledge once reserved only for doctors.

    While the future looks incredibly promising, the journey will be fraught with challenges. In ChatGPT, MD, Dr. Pearl tackles tough questions concerning technological bias, patient privacy, and the threat of job displacement in an AI-driven healthcare system.

    An indispensable guide for healthcare professionals, patients, and anyone who’s disenchanted with the current healthcare system and invested in its future.



    ChatGPT, MD: How AI-Empowered Patients & Doctors Can Take Back Control of American Medicine: https://robertpearlmd.com/chatgptmd/#:~:text=With%20engaging%20narratives%20and%20real,of%20tools%20and%20knowledge%20once

    Dr. Pearl's Newsletter:


    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Watch the webcast version on-demand on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllTUoWMGGQHlGVZA575VtGr9

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  • Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber] | https://www.itspmagazine.com/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast | https://www.itspmagazine.com/marco-ciappelli

    Episode Notes

    In a fast-paced world where time is a precious commodity, ITSPmagazine is revolutionizing the way we consume podcast content with their latest episode format - 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine. Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli, the dynamic duo behind this innovative concept, are here to shake things up in the podcasting arena.

    The Concept

    The premise of 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine is simple yet brilliant. In just seven minutes, listeners are taken on a whirlwind journey through a concise and impactful brand announcement story. This short podcast format is designed for those moments when you need a quick burst of insightful content without committing to a full-length episode.

    Testing the Waters

    Sean and Marco are boldly stepping into uncharted territory by testing this new format. By asking three key questions - What are you announcing? Who is it for? What are the desired objectives or outcomes? - they delve straight into the heart of the matter, ensuring that every minute of the seven is packed with valuable information.

    Audio and Video Experience

    One of the beauty of 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine is its versatility. Whether you prefer to listen to the audio-only version or watch the video podcast, ITSPmagazine has got you covered. The duo's investment in the video aspect elevates the podcasting experience, bringing a visual element to the storytelling.

    Announcing at RSA Conference

    Sean and Marco are gearing up for the RSA Conference, where they plan to unveil an array of exciting brand stories. From broadcast alley interviews with industry veterans like Teresa Leinovitz and Vivek Ramachandran to media room briefings with cybersecurity experts, ITSPmagazine promises a diverse lineup that will captivate audiences.

    Engaging the Audience

    The ultimate goal of 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine is to engage and inform the audience. Through thought-provoking conversations with industry leaders, the podcast aims to shed light on the latest trends, research, and innovations in cybersecurity. By inviting listeners to participate in the journey, Sean and Marco are fostering a community of like-minded individuals eager to stay informed.

    Call to Action

    As the clock winds down on the podcast, Sean and Marco issue a compelling call to action. They invite listeners to join them at RSA Conference, either in person or virtually, to be a part of the immersive experience. By sharing updates, recaps, and exclusive insights, ITSPmagazine promises to keep the audience entertained and educated every step of the way.


    In just seven minutes, Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli have encapsulated the essence of innovation and engagement in the podcasting world. 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine is not just a podcast; it's an experience, a community, and a journey worth embarking on. Join them on this exciting venture and discover a new way to stay connected in a rapidly evolving industry.

    Seven minutes. Done.



    Learn more about 7 Minutes on ITSPmagazine Short Brand Story Podcasts: https://www.itspmagazine.com/purchase-programs

    Catch all of our RSA Conference coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/rsa-conference-usa-2024-rsac-san-francisco-usa-cybersecurity-event-infosec-conference-coverage

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    Catch the regular catch-up videos here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllQGJIyWHoPPDigW-B0ANjhn

    Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast with Sean Martin, CISSP playlist: 📺 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllS9aVGdiakVss9u7xgYDKYq

    Redefining Society Podcast with Marco Ciappelli playlist: 📺 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllTUoWMGGQHlGVZA575VtGr9

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  • Guests:

    Kate Esprit, Senior Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst, MITRE [@MITREcorp]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kate-e-2b262695/

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Host: Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/sean-martin

    View This Show's Sponsors


    Episode Notes

    In this new episode of the Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast, host Sean Martin is joined by Kate Esprit and co-founder Marco Ciappelli to explore the nuanced cybersecurity landscape of Latin America. Esprit, with a rich background in Latin American geopolitical affairs and cybersecurity, provides invaluable insights into the evolving threat environment, emphasizing the region's often underreported cyber adversaries.

    The discussion highlights Latin America's complex cyber landscape, marked by financial-motivated cybercriminals who, until recently, predominantly targeted local victims. Esprit points out the distinction between these cybercriminals and state-sponsored actors, shedding light on the operational and financial constraints that shape their activities. The conversation also explores the impact of language and cultural factors on cyber operations, including how attribution challenges complicate the response to cyber threats.

    Esprit's extensive experience offers a comprehensive overview of the spectrum of cyber threats in Latin America, from traditional malware to sophisticated ransomware attacks targeting the financial sector and government agencies. She underscores the significant yet often overlooked role of technology, including the deployment of 5G infrastructure and its implications for regional cybersecurity.

    Delving into the dynamics of cybercrime, the episode covers the intersection of cyber and traditional criminal activities, exemplified by cartels expanding into cyber avenues. This segment illuminates the blending of digital and conventional crime landscapes, highlighting the adaptability and resilience of criminal enterprises in the digital age.

    The discussion also touches on broader societal and political issues, such as election interference and information manipulation, demonstrating cybersecurity's far-reaching implications. By examining the varying cyber maturity levels across Latin America, Esprit points to the critical need for improved cyber defense mechanisms and the role of international collaboration in bolstering regional cybersecurity capabilities.

    In sum, this episode provides an insightful exploration of Latin America's cybersecurity challenges and opportunities, highlighting the importance of regional focus in understanding and combating cyber threats. Through Esprit's expert lens, listeners gain a comprehensive understanding of the unique cyber landscape of Latin America and the pivotal role of technology and policy in shaping its future.

    Key Questions AddressedWhy Latin America's cyber adversaries remain overlooked in global discussions?How does the culture and political landscape in Latin America impact its cybersecurity strategies and responses?What are the future trends and challenges in cybersecurity within the region?

    EDITORIAL NOTE: During the discussion about the 2022 Conti ransomware attack targeting Costa Rica, it was stated that the attack occurred shortly after [President] Santos took office. We would like to make the correction to [President] Chaves.


    Watch this and other videos on ITSPmagazine's YouTube Channel

    Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast with Sean Martin, CISSP playlist:

    📺 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllS9aVGdiakVss9u7xgYDKYq

    ITSPmagazine YouTube Channel:

    📺 https://www.youtube.com/@itspmagazine

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    2023 in Review: Notable Cyber Trends in Latin America: https://www.phishingforanswers.com/blog/2023-cyber-trends-latin-america

    Operation King Tut - The Universe of Threats in LATAM: https://www.virusbulletin.com/uploads/pdf/conference/vb2023/papers/Looking-into-TUTs-tomb-the-universe-of-threats-in-LATAM.pdf

    Blind Eagle's North American Journey: https://www.esentire.com/blog/blind-eagles-north-american-journey


    To see and hear more Redefining CyberSecurity content on ITSPmagazine, visit:


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  • This story represents the results of an interactive collaboration between Human Cognition and Artificial Intelligence.

    Enjoy, think, share with others, and subscribe to the "Musing On Society & Technology" newsletter on LinkedIn.

    Sincerely, Marco Ciappelli and TAPE3


    Marco Ciappelli is the host of the Redefining Society Podcast, part of the ITSPmagazine Podcast Network—which he co-founded with his good friend Sean Martin—where you may just find some of these topics being discussed. Visit Marco on his personal website.

    TAPE3 is the Artificial Intelligence for ITSPmagazine, created to function as a guide, writing assistant, researcher, and brainstorming partner to those who adventure at and beyond the Intersection Of Technology, Cybersecurity, And Society. Visit TAPE3 on ITSPmagazine.

  • Guest: ✨ Theresa Payton, CEO Fortalice® Solutions LLC [@FortaliceLLC]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/theresapayton/


    Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli

    This Episode’s Sponsors

    BlackCloak 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbcweb

    Bugcrowd 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbgcweb


    Episode Introduction

    In the latest episode of the Redefining Society Podcast, host Marco Ciappelli takes us through a fascinating conversation about the pervasive influence of technology in our lives, with a particular focus on the privacy implications of social media platforms. Joined by cybersecurity expert Theresa Payton, the discussion dives into the complexities of data privacy in the age of social media, using TikTok as a case study to explore broader privacy concerns.

    Marco kicks off the episode by highlighting the blurred lines between our online and offline lives and the significant role social media plays in shaping our digital society. Theresa Payton, with her rich background in cybersecurity and her role as the first female Chief Information Officer at the White House, shares her insights into how data privacy concerns are not just about technology but deeply embedded in the fabric of our society.

    The conversation takes a turn towards the critical topic of social media's data collection practices, highlighted by a recent study that points out the surprisingly extensive amount of personal data these platforms gather. Payton shed light on how such data collection, while critical for app functionalities, raises significant privacy concerns. This is especially pertinent in today's environment where not just social media platforms, but also shopping and food delivery apps, participate in aggressive data tracking and collection.

    A focal point of the podcast was the discussion around TikTok, set against the backdrop of recent legislative efforts in the U.S. seeking to curb the influence of foreign-controlled tech companies over American data privacy. The dialogue extended beyond TikTok to address the broader implications for social media governance and the need for a global privacy framework.

    Theresa Payton's perspective on creating a 'privacy bill of rights' and establishing consumer-centric guardrails for data privacy provides a ray of hope. She suggests practical tools and behaviors individuals can adopt to safeguard their privacy, emphasizing the power of informed choices in the digital age.

    This episode serves as a compelling narrative on the intersection of technology, security, and privacy, offering both alarming insights and practical solutions. It reminds us that in the ever-evolving landscape of social media and digital technology, staying informed and proactive about privacy is not just advisable—it's essential.



    Breaking Barriers in Cybersecurity: Meet The First Woman CIO At The White House: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nancywang/2024/03/21/breaking-barriers-meet-the-first-woman-cio-at-the-white-house/?sh=4fff8eaa63ef

    2nd edition of Manipulated: https://www.amazon.com/Manipulated-Inside-Cyberwar-Elections-Distort/dp/1538188651


    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Watch the webcast version on-demand on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllTUoWMGGQHlGVZA575VtGr9

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  • Guest: Cecilia Murtagh Marinier, Cybersecurity Advisor - Strategy, Innovation & Scholars at RSA Conference [@RSAConference]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilia-murtagh-marinier-14967/



    Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Episode Notes

    In this new On Location with Sean and Marco episode, hosts Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli are joined by a special guest, Cecilia Murtagh Marinier, renowned for her pivotal role in overseeing innovation programs and scholar initiatives at the RSA Conference. The trio embarks on an insightful conversation, navigating through a myriad of topics central to the RSA Conference 2024 and the broader landscape of technology and security.

    The discussion kicks off with a light-hearted exchange about the unpredictability of San Francisco weather and the personal tradition of acquiring new jackets during the RSA conferences. Quickly shifting gears, they delve into the anticipations surrounding the conference, reminiscing about past interactions with notable figures such as Linda, Britta, and Jessica Robinson, and emphasizing the vibrancy of aerospace village and upcoming discussions on sandbox innovation.

    A significant portion of the conversation is dedicated to the College Day, the scholar program, and the sandbox innovation, spotlighting the RSA Conference's commitment to nurturing the future generation of security professionals. Cecilia eloquently outlines her role in fostering innovation across the conference, with a special focus on contests and expos aimed at spotlighting emerging talents and startups within the cybersecurity realm.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes center stage as the trio explores its transformative impact on security practices and the anticipation of its further integration into the RSA Conference's themes. Cecilia shares insights into the Innovation Sandbox Contest and Launchpad, highlighting the remarkable potential and diversity of participating companies.

    The episode is peppered with personal anecdotes and reflections on the evolution of the cybersecurity sector, underscoring the importance of community, diversity, and innovation. Special mention is made of the diverse tracks and villages at the RSA Conference, each offering unique perspectives on security and technology's role in society.

    As the conversation winds down, excitement builds for the RSA Conference 2024, with encouraging calls for participation and engagement. The hosts reflect on the importance of community and innovation, urging listeners to stay tuned for what promises to be an extraordinary event.

    Be sure to follow our Coverage Journey and subscribe to our podcasts!


    Follow our RSA Conference USA 2024 coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/rsa-conference-usa-2024-rsac-san-francisco-usa-cybersecurity-event-infosec-conference-coverage

    On YouTube: 📺 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllS-B9eaPcHUVmy_lGrbIw9J

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    Learn more about RSA Conference USA 2024: https://itspm.ag/rsa-cordbw


    Catch all of our event coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/technology-cybersecurity-society-humanity-conference-and-event-coverage

    To see and hear more Redefining CyberSecurity content on ITSPmagazine, visit: https://www.itspmagazine.com/redefining-cybersecurity-podcast

    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

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  • Guest: ✨ Jason Nurse, Reader in Cyber Security, University of Kent, UK [@UniKent]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonrcnurse

    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/jasonnurse


    Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli

    This Episode’s Sponsors

    BlackCloak 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbcweb

    Bugcrowd 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbgcweb


    Episode Introduction

    In a recent captivating episode of the "Redefining Society" podcast, host Marco Ciappelli engaged in an insightful conversation with Dr. Jason Nurse, an associate professor of cybersecurity at the University of Kent and director of science and research at CyberSafe. The dialogue delved deep into the realms of cybersecurity, its implications on modern society, and the pivotal role of human behavior in enhancing digital security.

    The Human Aspect of Cybersecurity

    The podcast highlighted an often overlooked aspect of cybersecurity – the human element. Despite the rapid evolution of technology and cyber threats, the conversation reiterated the significant impact human behavior has on cybersecurity. Dr. Nurse emphasized the interdisciplinary nature of cybersecurity, touching on its relevance not only to technical domains but also to individuals, homes, and society at large. His research on smart home security, IoT security, and cyber psychology underscores the necessity to consider the human side as integral to understanding and improving cybersecurity measures.

    Generational Perspectives on Cyber Risks

    A thought-provoking part of the discussion revolved around the generational differences in the perception and handling of cyber risks. Dr. Nurse pointed out how digital natives, despite being more technologically adept, might not fully grasp the tangibility and severity of online threats. This generational gap underlines the importance of educating all demographics about cyber risks and the necessary precautions to mitigate them.

    The Rise of Social Engineering and Ransomware Attacks

    One significant threat highlighted in the podcast is social engineering, particularly phishing attacks, which have become a common method for cybercriminals to breach systems. Adding to the concern is the alarming increase in ransomware attacks, crippling businesses and even vital public sectors such as healthcare and education. These attacks underline the critical need for continuous vigilance and education to protect against these ever-evolving threats.

    Facing Cybersecurity Helplessness

    The conversation touched on a concerning trend - a growing sense of helplessness among individuals regarding their online security. This sentiment arises from the continuous news of data breaches and cyberattacks, despite individual efforts to secure their digital presence. The podcast emphasized the importance of combating this learned helplessness by empowering individuals with knowledge and tools to protect themselves and their data.

    Redefining our Cyber Societal Framework

    Towards the conclusion, Marco raised a compelling question on what needs to be redefined in our society to address cybersecurity challenges more effectively. The consensus leaned towards emphasizing the human aspect of cybersecurity in organizational strategies. Understanding and integrating the human perspective in cyber defense mechanisms is crucial in crafting more effective, inclusive, and adaptive cybersecurity strategies.

    In essence, the "Redefining Society" podcast with Dr. Jason Nurse sheds light on the critical intersection of human behavior and cybersecurity. As our society becomes increasingly intertwined with technology, addressing cybersecurity from a human-centric perspective becomes indispensable in creating a safer digital world for everyone.




    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Watch the webcast version on-demand on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllTUoWMGGQHlGVZA575VtGr9

    Are you interested in sponsoring an ITSPmagazine Channel?
    👉 https://www.itspmagazine.com/advertise-on-itspmagazine-podcast

  • Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber] | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli

    Episode Notes

    In a dynamic and engaging episode of the On Location Podcast, hosts Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli take listeners on a captivating journey through their on-location plans leading up to the RSA Conference 2024. The duo's insightful conversations shed light on the diverse topics and vibrant energy surrounding one of the most anticipated cybersecurity events of the year.

    The podcast kicks off with Sean and Marco bantering about app functionalities and the picturesque backdrop of Mount Fuji (no is not!). Their camaraderie and playful exchange set the tone for a series of discussions that seamlessly blend tech-talk with personal anecdotes, offering listeners a glimpse into the human side of the cybersecurity community and their coverages around the world.

    As the hosts dive into the preparations for the RSA Conference, they provide a behind-the-scenes look at the meticulous planning and excitement building up to the event. From testing out equipment to reminiscing about past experiences, Sean and Marco offer valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of cybersecurity conferences.

    The conversation evolves to highlight the theme of innovation and the intersection of art and technology within the cybersecurity landscape. Through engaging dialogues with industry futurists and thought leaders, Sean and Marco emphasize the significance of embracing emerging technologies like AI while pondering the ethical implications that accompany such advancements.

    Amidst the buzz of the upcoming conference, Sean and Marco extend a heartfelt call to action to their audience, inviting them to actively participate in shaping the podcast's future content. Emphasizing the importance of community engagement and diverse perspectives, the hosts encourage listeners to contribute their ideas and suggestions for future episodes, showcasing the inclusive spirit that drives the On Location Podcast.

    As the podcast draws to a close, Sean and Marco exude a palpable sense of anticipation for the RSA Conference 2024. Their infectious enthusiasm, coupled with a commitment to fostering engaging conversations and connections within the cybersecurity community, sets the stage for an immersive and insightful event experience.

    This On Location Podcast episode featuring Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli offers a compelling blend of candid conversations, insightful reflections, and a heartfelt call to action for audience engagement. As the hosts gear up for the RSA Conference 2024, listeners are in for a dynamic and enriching podcast experience that showcases the vibrancy and diversity of the cybersecurity landscape.



    Catch all of our RSA Conference coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/rsa-conference-usa-2024-rsac-san-francisco-usa-cybersecurity-event-infosec-conference-coverage

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  • Guests:

    Henry Danielson, Volunteer at AeroSpace Village [@SecureAerospace]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/henry-danielson-43a61213/

    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/hdanielson

    Liz Wharton, Founder, Silver Key Strategies [@silverkeystrat]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-wharton/

    On Mastodon | https://infosec.exchange/@LawyerLiz

    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/LawyerLiz



    Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Episode Notes

    The Aerospace Village at the RSA Conference 2024 is gearing up to be an event filled with innovation, collaboration, and excitement. In a recent episode of "Chats on the Road to RSA Conference 2024" with Sean Martin and Marco Ciappelli, the hosts digs into the details of what attendees can expect at the Aerospace Village. Let's take a closer look at the insights shared during this engaging discussion.

    Unveiling the Aerospace Village Experience:

    The podcast episode kicks off with Marco Ciappelli welcoming listeners to the conversation alongside guests Henry Danielson and Liz Wharton. The trio's palpable enthusiasm sets the stage for a deep dive into the diverse offerings of the Aerospace Village at RSA Conference 2024.

    Innovative Initiatives and Collaborations:

    Henry Danielson shares exclusive details about the Aerospace Village's collaboration with BuddhaBot to introduce a unique badge experience focused on constellations. The hands-on challenges and engaging activities promise an immersive experience for attendees, emphasizing learning through interactive participation.

    Exciting Activities and Exhibits:

    The conversation unfolds with discussions on Pentest partners' flight simulator and the AMSAT project, showcasing opportunities for visitors to explore CubeSat technology and ground control stations. The Space Grand Challenge, aimed at educating young minds in the cybersecurity realm, further highlights the village's commitment to fostering innovation and knowledge sharing.

    Insightful Industry Conversations:

    Liz Wharton sheds light on the importance of vulnerability disclosures in the aerospace industry and emphasizes the significance of building robust security practices collaboratively. The dialogue underscores the village's role in fostering critical conversations around cybersecurity, aviation, and space exploration.

    Community Engagement and Visionary Leadership:

    Hosts and Guests express their excitement for the upcoming RSA Conference and encourage attendees to join the vibrant community at the Aerospace Village. From showcasing cutting-edge technologies to facilitating thought-provoking discussions, the village promises to be a hub of inspiration and knowledge exchange.

    As the episode concludes, the hosts extend a warm invitation to all enthusiasts, innovators, and industry professionals to participate in the vibrant experience awaiting them at the Aerospace Village during RSA Conference 2024. The blend of education, engagement, and collaboration sets the stage for an unforgettable event that promises to shape the future of aerospace and cybersecurity industries.

    Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we venture into the dynamic world of Aerospace Village at RSA Conference 2024!

    Be sure to follow our Coverage Journey and subscribe to our podcasts!


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    Cal Poly Space Grand Challenge: https://cci.calpoly.edu/empower/space-grand-challenge-program

    Learn more about RSA Conference USA 2024: https://itspm.ag/rsa-cordbw


    Catch all of our event coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/technology-cybersecurity-society-humanity-conference-and-event-coverage

    To see and hear more Redefining CyberSecurity content on ITSPmagazine, visit: https://www.itspmagazine.com/redefining-cybersecurity-podcast

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  • Guest: ✨ Jeff Reich, Executive Director, Identity Defined Security Alliance [@idsalliance]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jreich/

    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/JeffReichCSO


    Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli

    This Episode’s Sponsors

    BlackCloak 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbcweb

    Bugcrowd 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbgcweb


    Episode Introduction

    In an ever-changing digital landscape, the lines between our online and offline identities continue to blur, raising important questions about identity security and management. On the latest episode of the "Redefining Society Podcast," hosted by Marco Ciappelli, Jeff Reich, the executive director of the Identity Defined Security Alliance (IDSA), delves deep into these themes, offering insights that both enlighten and challenge our understanding of what it means to protect our digital selves.

    The Intersection of Cybersecurity and Society

    At the core of the original ITSP Magazine's mission lies the intersection of cybersecurity and society—a space where technological expertise meets everyday user experience. This episode, however, shifts focus from expert discourse to the implications of online identity protection for businesses and individuals alike. With Identity Management Day 2024 on the horizon, Reich's perspectives come at a crucial time, underscoring the need for heightened awareness and action in the realm of identity security.

    The Analog to Digital Evolution of Identities

    One of the episode's pivotal moments involves a discussion on the transition from analog identities to their digital counterparts. Reich suggests that rather than a transition, we are witnessing a convergence of the two. This blending of worlds complicates identity management, especially as we consider the role of identity providers in the digital sphere. From government-issued IDs to social media and beyond, understanding who controls our digital identities is key to navigating this complex landscape.

    The Role of the IDSA and Identity Management Day

    The episode also shines a light on the IDSA's efforts to rally the identity community—spanning practitioners, providers, and consumers—to elevate security standards globally. This endeavor is epitomized by the annual Identity Management Day, an event designed to foster dialogue and disseminate best practices across continents. Reich's detailed overview of the event's global outreach and its focus on engaging diverse audiences accentuates the universal relevance of identity security and management.

    A Call to Action for Digital Identity Ownership

    Reich's conversation with Ciappelli ultimately serves as a call to action for individuals and businesses to take ownership of their digital identities. By challenging us to scrutinize the terms of our engagements with technology providers and to advocate for practices that prioritize our security, the episode not only informs but empowers us to play an active role in shaping a safer digital world.

    As Identity Management Day 2024 approaches, let's reflect on the insights offered by Jeff Reich and Marco Ciappelli. Their discussion not only elucidates the challenges we face in protecting our digital selves but also champions the collective effort required to secure our identities in an increasingly interconnected world.




    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Watch the webcast version on-demand on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllTUoWMGGQHlGVZA575VtGr9

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  • Guest: ✨ Sid Mohasseb, The Entrepreneur Philosopher

    On Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohasseb/

    Website | http://www.mohasseb.com/

    Books | https://www.caterpillaredge.com/


    Host: Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli

    This Episode’s Sponsors

    BlackCloak 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbcweb

    Bugcrowd 👉 https://itspm.ag/itspbgcweb


    Episode Introduction

    In a compelling episode of the Redefining Society podcast, Marco Ciappelli engages in an enlightening conversation with Sid Mohasseb, exploring the intricate relationship between humans, machines, and the future that lies ahead. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the dialogue between Ciappelli and Mohasseb dives into the philosophical depths of human and machine interaction, offering a fresh perspective on the societal implications of such advancements.

    The Journey of AI: Fear, Optimism, and the Human Element

    One of the pivotal themes discussed is the general apprehension surrounding AI and its potential to disrupt the conventional dynamics of human society. Mohasseb eloquently addresses these concerns by comparing AI to a simple knife – an object that, while potentially dangerous, is indispensable in everyday life. This analogy underpins a broader message: technology in itself is not to be feared but rather understood and harnessed for the betterment of society.

    Redefining Entrepreneurship in the Age of AI

    Mohasseb's recount of his personal journey from immigrant to entrepreneur and venture investor serves as a powerful testament to the enduring spirit of entrepreneurship. He reframes the concept of entrepreneurship, suggesting that anyone who endeavors to exchange something of value, whether it be ideas, time, or resources, for something better, embodies the true essence of an entrepreneur. This perspective encourages listeners to view their interaction with technology and AI through the lens of innovation and opportunity.

    The AI-Driven Evolution of Society

    As the conversation unfolds, Ciappelli and Mohasseb discuss the transformative potential of AI to redefine societal norms and values. They envision a future where AI not only augments human capabilities but also catalyzes a new era of mental and creative evolution. In this future, the mundane tasks that currently occupy much of our time and energy could be delegated to machines, freeing humans to pursue more creative, meaningful, and fulfilling endeavors.

    Towards an Optimistic Future

    Both guests share a deeply optimistic outlook on the future, grounded in the belief that humanity is on the cusp of a significant evolution. They argue that embracing change and leveraging technology such as AI could lead to unparalleled advancements in various fields, including healthcare, agriculture, and management of resources. This optimism, however, is tempered with a call to action: society must engage actively with these technologies, educate themselves, and participate in shaping a future where technology serves the greater good.

    In *Redefining Society*, Ciappelli and Mohasseb invite us to ponder the immense possibilities that lie ahead and to approach the future of AI and technology with open minds and hearts. It's a call to embrace change as our best friend and to view the future with optimism, curiosity, and a willingness to redefine society for the better.



    Tedx Talk: Are you an Artist, An Art or An entrepreneur: https://www.ted.com/talks/sid_mohasseb_are_you_the_art_the_artist_or_the_entrepreneur?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

    You Are not Them (Book): https://www.youarenotthem.com/

    The Caterpillar's Edge (Book): https://www.caterpillaredge.com/


    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Watch the webcast version on-demand on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllTUoWMGGQHlGVZA575VtGr9

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  • Guest: Tim Fowler, Offensive Security Analyst, Black Hills Information Security [@BHinfoSecurity]

    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/roobixx/

    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/roobixx

    At HackSpaceCon | https://www.hackspacecon.com/speakers24#tim-fowler



    Sean Martin, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining CyberSecurity Podcast [@RedefiningCyber]

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/sean-martin

    Marco Ciappelli, Co-Founder at ITSPmagazine [@ITSPmagazine] and Host of Redefining Society Podcast

    On ITSPmagazine | https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/marco-ciappelli


    Episode Notes

    In this thought-provoking episode of On Location with Sean and Marco, we soar into the fascinating world of space cybersecurity with our esteemed guest, Tim Fowler. As a penetration tester at Black Hills Information Security, specializing in offensive security, Tim shares his intriguing transition from focusing on terrestrial cybersecurity challenges to those within the space domain.

    With the space industry rapidly democratizing, he highlights the urgency for better securing our assets in space, drawing a compelling parallel with the historical oversight in the industrial control systems (ICS) sector. The conversation explores the unique challenges and opportunities space cybersecurity presents, including the emerging need for governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) frameworks tailored for space. Tim's insights shed light on the importance of secure software development and contingency planning in this critical yet exhilarating field.

    Additionally, Tim enthuses about his upcoming workshop at HackSpaceCon, 'Bring Your Own Satellite' (BYOS), aimed at demystifying space cybersecurity through hands-on experience with virtual satellites. The episode also humorously touches upon the concept of 'Deorbit plans' and the fanciful notion of hacking the 'Death Star,' blending deep technical discussion with engaging speculative thought.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone curious about the nexus of cybersecurity and space exploration, offering a unique perspective on a domain that is becoming increasingly integral to our daily lives and future aspirations.

    Key Questions Addressed

    How can cybersecurity principles be applied to the space domain?What challenges does the democratization of space present to cybersecurity?How does one begin building a virtual satellite lab?


    Catch all of our event coverage: https://www.itspmagazine.com/technology-cybersecurity-society-humanity-conference-and-event-coverage



    HackSpaceCon: https://www.hackspacecon.com/

    About Tim's "Bring Your Own Satellite" Workshop: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/roobixx_satellitecommunication-virtuallab-spacetech-activity-7168236170760404992-uY1_/


    To see and hear more Redefining Society stories on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    To see and hear more Redefining CyberSecurity content on ITSPmagazine, visit:


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