
  • Welcome to Adam's Archive, where we dissect the most significant political scandals, unravel deep-seated conspiracies, and delve into the unseen workings of modern society. Hosted by Austin Adams, this podcast brings you thought-provoking discussions on current events, technological advancements, and historical parallels, all designed to shed light on the truths obscured by mainstream narratives.

    Join us for a riveting episode where we delve into a series of interconnected events that have shaken the political landscape. We begin by examining the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, analyzing the details and implications of this shocking incident. What were the security lapses, and why did the Secret Service fail to prevent it?

    Next, we shift our focus to the mysterious disappearance of Joe Biden. Rumors are swirling, and we explore the various theories about his sudden absence from the public eye. Is there more to the story than what's being reported?

    We also uncover the latest revelations from the recent congressional hearing. What were the key takeaways, and how do they impact our understanding of the current political climate?

    Topics Discussed:

    Trump Assassination Attempt: A deep dive into the details and security failures surrounding the attempt on Donald Trump's life. What went wrong, and what does this mean for his future security?Biden's Disappearance: Investigating the sudden absence of Joe Biden from the public eye. We explore various theories, including health issues and potential political maneuvers.Congressional Hearing Revelations: Breaking down the most significant revelations from the recent congressional hearing. What new information has come to light, and how does it change the narrative?

    Call to Action: Subscribe to Adam's Archive and stay informed on the topics that matter most. Follow us on YouTube, Substack, and social media for updates and exclusive content. Your support is invaluable, and we thank you for joining us on this journey to uncover the truth.

    All the Links: For easy access to all our content and platforms, visit https://linktr.ee/theaustinjadams

  • Welcome to the Adams Archive, where we dig deep into the stories shaping our world. Hosted by Austin Adams, this podcast offers an unfiltered and in-depth look into the recent attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Our goal is to provide the insights and perspectives that mainstream media often misses.

    Each episode takes you on a journey through the shocking details of the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. We break down every aspect, from the security lapses and political implications to the hidden forces at play. Discover how deep state agendas and corporate manipulations may have influenced this dramatic event.

    In the Adams Archive, we uncover the inefficiencies within our security systems and the impact of poorly implemented policies. We discuss how political agendas can compromise national safety and public trust, using the Trump assassination attempt as a real-world example to illustrate these dangers.

    We delve into the lives of key figures involved in this event, offering a nuanced perspective on their roles and the broader implications of their actions. Our discussions provide context and depth to the political figures and shadowy entities connected to this assassination attempt.

    Our analysis uncovers the tactics used by media to shape public perception and push specific narratives about the attempt on Trump's life. By understanding how propaganda works, we help you see through the fog of misinformation and get to the truth.

    Join us on the Adams Archive for fearless explorations of the Trump assassination attempt. Subscribe to the podcast and follow us on YouTube, Substack, and social media. Your support is crucial in our mission to uncover and share the unvarnished truth. Thank you for being a part of our community.

    All the Links: For easy access to all podcast-related content and platforms, visit https://linktr.ee/theaustinjadams.

    Subscribe now and never miss an episode. Your journey to uncovering the truth starts here.

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  • Brought to you by Roninbasics.com: Protect yourself from the perils of modern technology with high-quality faraday products designed and developed by yours truly.Podcast overview

    Dive into the most captivating and controversial topics of our time, blending deep research with a touch of humor and a lot of heart. From bizarre trends and historical horrors to groundbreaking medical theories and conspiracy revelations, we cover it all.

    Summary of Major Topics:

    Influencer Insanity: We delve into the bizarre trend of influencers and celebrities shaving their teeth down to nubs for porcelain implants. Discover the dark side of aesthetic trends and the shocking consequences people face for the sake of beauty and uncover the ancient wisdom of meridian energy.

    Disappearance Mysteries: Dive into the harrowing tales of individuals who have faced unimaginable horrors, from underground bases to mysterious disappearances, this is the chilling case of Gabriela Rico Jimenez. A mexian supermodel who blew the whistle on a elite trafficking ring and then was never seen again.

    Historical Horrors: Journey back in time to uncover the gruesome and fascinating stories of historical figures like King Geza, whose reign was marked by brutality and human sacrifices.

    Cultural Collisions: Witness the rapid cultural erosion experienced by remote Amazon tribes upon gaining internet access, and the profound changes it brings to their traditional way of life.

    Make sure to hit that subscribe button and leave a five-star review. Follow us on YouTube, Substack, and social media to stay updated on our latest episodes. Thank you for your support!

    All the Links:

    For easy access to all our podcast-related content and platforms, visit linktr.ee/theaustinjadams.----more----

    Full Transcription

     Adam's Archive.

    Hello, you beautiful people. And welcome to the Adams archive. My name is Austin Adams, and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we have a couple of deep dives. We're going to have a couple other things sprinkled in there too, but a couple of deep dives that we're going to discuss starting with the.

    Crazy trend that has happened probably over the last, I don't know, five or six years, but even more so recently, the amount of celebrities, the amount of tick tock influencers that are out there getting their teeth shaved down with essentially nail files into nubs, and then getting fake implants of teeth, porcelain implants into their mouth.

    Now there's a specific case that brought this up more recently, and it came from TikTok. So we'll discuss that. But what we're really going to talk about there is the idea behind why this is truly a problem, right? There's, there's this fundamental idea behind traditional Chinese medicine, which talks about the meridian.

    And so that's what we're going to discuss first. After we talk about that and the horrific things people are putting their bodies through, and we'll actually use a case study here of the, with this woman from tick tock that caused this topic to be discussed because I saw it recently pop up in one of my feeds.

    And it's just unbelievable. The amount of people that are doing this without even understanding what the potential side effects could be. So we will talk about that. After we talk about that, we are going to talk about a father in, I believe this was in Mexico, who went on stage at a, uh, comedian's show and smacked him several times.

    And you would go, that's crazy. You should be able to take a joke, right? But there's a lot more to the story. And I think He might be justified in this. So we'll talk about that. Then we will jump into a remote Amazon tribe left hooked on pornography after finally connecting to the internet. Uh, so this tribe essentially got.

    The internet and the very first thing they did was get absolutely unbelievably, horrifically addicted to pornography. So we will talk about that. Then we will move closer and closer into our real deep dive of the day. But before we jump into that for that last deep dive, we will discuss. A royal tomb of an African king that is actually completely made of human blood?

    After scientists had recently confirmed. And then the last thing that we're going to discuss today is the curious case of Gabriela Rico Jimenez, who was a Mexican supermodel who essentially disappeared off the face of the earth. Going outside of this hotel back in August of 2009, and she had made these crazy claims.

    Something about celebrity, elites, billionaires, cannibalism, and a lot more. She even calls out a few names, one that you'll be familiar with, and if you're not familiar with it, I'll tell you who they are, and why it's important, and who they're tied to. Spoiler alert! It's the Clintons. And so we'll talk about that.

    We'll do a deep dive into that situation. We'll watch a couple clips and we will go from. So all of that and more, but first I need you to hit that subscribe button. I know it's been a few days, few weeks, even two, three weeks since my last podcast episode. And I apologize, but I appreciate that you're here.

    I love you. Thank you so much for listening in. I know life comes up for a lot of people on a lot of things and that's what's happened here recently. Anyways, so. Uh, life comes up, life gets crazy. I have, uh, career, children outside of this, but the goal has always been to consistently put out great content for you guys, and that's what I hope you think about this episode right here.

    So again, thank you for being here. I appreciate you. Subscribe. Leave a five star review. And if you haven't heard I have a new side project among those other things that I have, including a career and a family and a wife and a hobbies like jujitsu represent. And, uh, all of the different shit that I do, I decided that I was going to start a completely separate business, which is Ronin.

    And if you haven't listened to the last few episodes, maybe you don't know Ronin is a Faraday Goods company and what Faraday Goods do is they protect you from the harmful effects of modern technology, everything from EMF radiation poisoning that is being emitted constantly from every piece of technology around you all of the time, including the cell phone that you're listening on this to including the car that you're in right now, if you didn't know that most cars today emit EMFs while you're sitting there driving your vehicle.

    And they have unbelievably terrible side effects to your health. And so a few things you can do is you can get Faraday goods and essentially eliminate the effects of those products by having specially lined fabric within things like hats, beanies, um, even like, uh, Faraday backpacks can. Put your laptop, your cell phone inside of it.

    It will eliminate your digital footprint. It will stop those EMFs from being emitted, and it will even stop the corporations and governments from being able to track you. It eliminates completely all inbound and outbound signals. So go check it out. Ronan basics. com. We are finalizing all of our orders for everything right now.

    The hats, just like the one that's on my head, right? Now, uh, the first order will be in, in just a couple of weeks. And so I'll be making those first shipments from all of the pre sales from the orders. Uh, backpacks will be following a few weeks after that phone, uh, phone sleeves. After that, I currently have the wallets up there, everything Ronan basics.

    com. Go check it out. You'll love it. Love it. And that's what I got. Let's go ahead and jump into it.


    Adams archive.

    That's a jam. Every time I hear that, that's a jam. All right, let's go ahead and jump into it. The very first thing that we're going to discuss today is going to be the disgusting trend of influencers and celebrities out there getting their teeth shaved down with nail files so they can look like Gollum from Lord of the Rings, only to have porcelain implants.

    The teeth implants implanted into their face after they get their teeth shaved down to little disgusting nubs all in the name of aesthetics, right? You know, there's like 80 year olds, 85 year olds, 90 year olds out there who need veneers and that makes perfect sense to me, right? If you don't have teeth, you need to eat.

    You don't want dentures. You don't want to deal with that. That's okay. Get veneers. But if you're young and you're healthy, the hell are you doing? Why in the world would you take something that God gave you, beautiful teeth in your mouth, maybe not so beautiful, but much better than shaving down your teeth with a file, and then having some dude in Miami shove porcelain into your mouth like it's not an actual living part of your body.

    Your teeth are so much more important to your body than modern medicine, western medicine wants you to believe. And that's what we're going to talk about today. So the very first article that we're going to take a look at is going to come from Indy 100. One of my favorite new news articles that sources a ton of different articles from all over the world for you.

    And, uh, Pretty good stuff. So there's a video coming out of the New York Post and this TikTok video that this woman had posted, but let me just show you what we're talking about here. Okay, when we talk about them shaving down your teeth, this is what we're talking about. Okay, here we go. If you're looking at my screen right now, you will see a woman.

    That looks just like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. I have to get this up here for you. There it is. Oh my God. That's terrifying. How horrific. And to do this to yourself for just aesthetics, like I can get plastic surgery, do your thing, I don't care. It's not my body, but. Like there was absolutely nothing wrong with this woman's face.

    Absolutely nothing wrong with her teeth, but she was convinced by society that she had to whittle down her teeth from what they were to turn them into this horrific Frankenstein science experiment, because that's what celebrities do. So let's go ahead and watch this video. This woman's talking about her veneers and why she decided to do this and all of the terrible things that happened to her sense here.

    Here we go.

    I know that I look crazy and it's so embarrassing to come crying on the internet, but this stuff that I have been dealing with for two years because of my freaking teeth is like I don't even know what to do anymore and like the only place I can really go to is my platforms. As everybody pretty much knows, two years ago I Had, um, dental work done, I smelled Dental Center 32 in Miami and it ruined my life.

    Like literally ruined my life and I'm still dealing with it to this day and I just left another doctor, another TMJ doctor. This is the third or fourth one that I've gone to and I'm just very overwhelmed. Like, The medical industry, the dental industry in America is like, they literally do not care about what you are going through.

    Like, everything is about money for them. And like, I understand like, people have to get paid. But it's like, the fact that like, I can't, I can't do anything. Like, I can't use insurance. I can't do anything. I've already spent 80, 000 pretty much on this whole situation in two years. And I go to another TMJ doctor because I have severe TMJ now because of the veneers that Smile Dental Center did.

    They, they, they lost my bite. I have severe TMJ. I got my T3 done. It, it didn't fix it. That was another 30, 000. It's just like, I just had an appointment and like, you know, they're telling me like, okay, we could do this, we could do this, and it, you know, it could, it could be a big money pit and, you know, it could be, you know, another 80k and, you know, might not work.

    Like, I spent so much money with so many doctors just praying that something works for me. And nothing works. Nothing ever works. I don't know what to do anymore. Like, I can't even sue the freaking dentist. Every, every time I come on here telling my story about what happened, which is a crazy ass story.

    I'm like, just sue. Why don't you sue? If I could sue, that would be the first thing I'm, I'm doing. But I can't do that. I can't do that. It's, it's not possible. Like, can't sue for my sensory issues. My sensory issues are unknown. Every time I go to the doctor.

    So let's talk about this real quick. And it's easy to look at this person and say, You're vain.

    You shouldn't have done that. Your body was perfectly fine. You know, it's easy to laugh at this person and go, You know, play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Right? But let's, let's put our empathetic hat on. Let's pretend this is your wife. Let's pretend this is your daughter. Let's pretend this And I don't know what she looked like before before she got this done.

    So let's pretend that maybe she had some little bit of messed up teeth. And you're in Miami. And if you ever been to Miami, like literally 10 percent of the people 20 percent of the people that are there, if they have money, they have these fake veneers. And so this woman, With our empathetic cats on your wife, your daughter is convinced that she would be more beautiful, that people would accept her more, that she would have more friends, that she would seem cooler.

    Like she would look like, you know, one of those supermodels that she watches on Instagram all day in Miami. And like to have society convince you that you need to be anything other than what you were then to go somewhere that  convinces you that you need to pay them 80, 000 and they'll make you better.

    Then to have all your, your teeth essentially whittled down to nubs, this porcelain shoved into your mouth, which is too big for your mouth. You've ever seen people that, that get these done. It's way too big for their mouth. A lot of times they don't look natural. They don't look normal. A lot of times. And when you get that done that way, And it's not the natural way that your teeth were supposed to sit that your body had gotten used to for, I don't know, in this woman's case, 25, 30 years, maybe your jaw alignment, your, your teeth all are meant to be the way that they were.

    And so when she's talking about TMJ, she's talking about the misalignment of her jaw, causing consistent pain. throughout the day, causing migraines, causing all these things. I've had TMJ in the past and it's, it's a terrible thing to deal with. And it makes your jaw click and you can't open your mouth as wide.

    It's, it's not fun at all. And to have it caused by somebody who told you they were going to make you better, that you spent your own money on to have them do it. And then as a result, to have this happen is just, I can't imagine. So keep your empathetic head on while you're watching this and, and maybe.

    Yeah, maybe it's, you could roast her a little bit, but right. It's still, it's a terrible situation to find yourself in. So let's finish this out.

    After they've never heard of it and you can't prove that they gave you these issues because there's no way to diagnose it specifically. Like it's just a whole thing.

    They offered to give me my money back within the first year. And I told them no, so that I could bring awareness because like, People are just like, you know, out there getting veneers and whatever the case may be, like, my life is literally ruined because I got my teeth redone. Like, I'm not even joking, like, my, I'm constantly in pain.

    I can't even close my mouth properly after a retainer every single day. 24 7 pretty much to even close my mouth comfortably. No bite adjustments can fix it. Nothing. I've done a hundred bite adjustments. I've gone to 10 different dentists, four different TMJ doctors. I've done integrative medicine. I've done acupuncture.

    I've done everything you could possible. I've done hypnosis. I've literally done everything you could possibly do to try to fix these issues. I've been called crazy by my primary care doctor at Kaiser. They told me to therapist. Because I'm wondering what I'm going through At this point like I just don't know what to do.

    I'm in severe pain I've gotten freaking acid or Botox twice my fucking face is slim the fuck out Like I look crazy as fuck because I'm in pain 24 7 I Guess my only thing is just don't get fucking veneers and know that like Something like this can ruin your life like literally and Quite frankly, I'm not giving nobody else 80 fucking bands.

    Like no, I'm not doing it. Like the fact that these people are so like, just everything is so money driven. And then like, I understand, but it's like, this shit is like really medical for me. Like why does nobody care about people?

    And so that video had 9 million views. Let's see how many it has now. Not sure where to see that on the web app.

    But it has 100 or 864, 000 likes. Let's see what the number one comment is. Veneers and LASIK I'll never do because of the horror stories I have heard. Somebody said, babe, could it be a trigeminal neuralgia? Basically, the veneers hit the specific nerve. Interesting. Veneers are so extreme. I don't know why people have to do it.

    Try braces or composites when the tooth was hurting. I wanted to walk off the little planet. Yeah, so that's the terrible thing about this is she hasn't even begun to see the real effects of this. Hasn't begun to see the real effects because the only thing she's dealing with right now is TMJ. And she probably gets headaches or migraines as a result of the TMJ or even that trigeminal neuralgia, which is, can cause, you know, essentially what they call like these terrible, horrific, uh, types of migraines.

    And so she's not even beginning to see the effects of this because what we're about to listen to is the fact that your teeth are tied to the nerves in your body and those nerves have connections. throughout your entire body. And this isn't something that's like mainstream accepted within modern medicine dentistry within the United States of America, but it is in many, many, many other countries.

    And so that's what we're about to watch this next clip on, which explains how these types of like each individual one of your teeth has a specific nerve that it's tied to that affects other parts of your body that causes issues within your body as a whole, whether it's, uh, things like, um, I don't know, talking about high blood pressure, talking about your, your obesity, talking about all of these different health effects.

    And we'll actually pull up the map here in a minute and look at it, but let's go ahead and watch this video. It talks about the meridian, uh, essentially the meridian lines in your body and the connection to your teeth and all of the terrible things that can happen from doing something like what we just talked about.

    And this is coming from the ultimate human podcast. Here we go.

    Doing the most harm out of any medical profession. It's like, here you go, opiates. What is biologic dentistry? Because it absolutely blew my mind. Each tooth is alive. It's a living organ. Any disease in the mouth can correlate to the rest of the body. You're taking a look at the whole body, not just the oral cavity.

    We can help people live a lot longer. How quickly can we help a patient heal? We're getting them off of meds. That's a passion of mine. If you're having symptoms, question it.

    Hey guys, welcome back to the ultimate human podcast. I'm your host, human biologist, Gary.

    Wait, what was I doing? And then you seek out the world's best doctors are knowledgeable in this and it's stuff that's been, it's out there. The literature is out there. The science is out there, but it's, do you believe in it?

    Do you want to take that step and actually go that road? And it's very hard to talk to all the dentists and all the colleagues like, Hey, there's something else out there. You know, we can actually be causing harm. It's like, do no harm is our first, the Hippocratic oath, right? It's do no harm. But it's actually, when you look at it, we're actually doing dentistry is doing the most harm out of any.

    Medical profession now leading

    dead tissue in the body. Yeah I mean, you just got to wrap your arms around that there's actually dead tissue in the body And it doesn't have a blood supply and what a bacteria like they like dark moist oxygen deprived places anaerobic bacteria That's immune system can't get to and I want to talk specifically about a study that that was just Published in, in July of 2023.

    So this is only about three months old. It was published in the journal of microorganisms, but it was a longitudinal study that investigated the association between periodontal disease. and neuroinflammatory disorders. And neuroinflammatory disorders are Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, dementia, all kinds of conditions in the body that are related to inflammation that eventually begins to affect nerves.

    And we don't correlate dental hygiene or, you know, dental pathologies to Parkinson's, to early onset Alzheimer's, or dementia. And even before these conditions exist, we Memory and cognitive decline, um, exhaustion, fatigue, weight gain, water retention. And what I found really fascinating was that out of the 24 studies they examined, 20 of them showed a positive correlation between periodontal disease and neurodegenerative disorders with the studies focusing on cognitive function.

    Demonstrating the most robust effect.


    So these are all the things that are robbing people of their short term recall, their cognitive function, their waking energy, that they may be chalking up to a consequence of aging, that may actually be a consequence of something going on in their jaw from dental work that they've had done that they've left unaddressed.

    Correct. And one of those bacteria there, the Treponema Yes, the Treponema denticola. Yeah, that's me. Sorry, it's one of the five bacterias. Let's just keep it simple. Yeah, one of the five bacterias. That's, that's known for beta amyloid. Producing beta amyloid, which we know is for Alzheimer's. Right. So when it all starts here, if we can actually control it, and it sometimes goes more in depth than doing a, Regular cleaning, sometimes we have to use lasers, sometimes we use ozone gas, sometimes we'll put some medication in the pockets, what we call the periodontal pockets.

    Right. But if we can cure that, doesn't mean like every tooth needs to come out, right, but if we can hold on to the teeth and we have ways much better than ever before, much better than when I graduated dental school. When you say

    keep, to keep your

    teeth. Keep the teeth, yeah, we graduated, I graduated in 2009.



    teeth. How


    is that? Keep your teeth, right? And so we'll look at this, this, uh, article. We'll pull it up here. This is Dr. Rose. com R O Z E and talks about the Chinese Meridian Theory. And so let's talk about that. I was hoping to find it within that video, but I think that was a good point enough is that the health of your body, your cognitive decline, your obesity.

    High blood pressure, arthritis, all of these things could very well be tied to the dental work that you're getting done by modern dentistry. Because when you're pulling teeth, or even worse, whittling them down to nothing, only to be replacing them with exterior material that isn't meant to be implanted in your body, something's going to go wrong.

    And so here's a clip about Meridian. Dentistry or meridian belief system or theory, and let's watch that. Each

    tooth is a key. The key is press, and it causes a motion to strike a note, which creates a vibration and a sound. Each key produces a different sound, just like the relationship between the keys and the notes.

    Our tifa connected by nerves to our brain. These nerves and nerve impulses send messages to specific parts of the body. What does this all mean to you? Well, if you have a bad tooth, the energy flows through the meridian belonging to that tooth, and this flow can affect the health of all the organs on that meridian.

    For example, tooth number 14, the first molar, is on the same meridian with the kidneys, liver, spleen, stomach and breast. So if this tooth has a problem, it may affect the energy flow through the meridian, and the health of those organs may be affected as well. Your mouth is connected to specific organs in the body.

    This is something that practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine have known for thousands of years. The human body is really quite amazing when we listen to its messages. Sir William Osler, a founding father of modern medicine, said the mouth is the mirror to the body. A vital relationship exists between your teeth and your organs.

    Use our bio dental chart available from dr rose. com to see the relationship of your teeth and the rest of your body.

    Right, so that's the idea. And when you think about that, and you go, Oh, you know, you hear about traditional Chinese medicine, meridian lines have been a debated topic in modern medicine up until about I think is about two one, one or two years ago, where they actually found the interconnection within the body of these like nerves that are all connected.

    And so When you look at the traditional Chinese medicine, think of acupuncture, acupuncture utilizes the meridian lines in your body to help, uh, you know, unblock the, the energy flow, the, the nerves connections and the firing of your nerves within your body that, that all speak to each other. And so this is, this is how it explains it says in traditional Chinese medicine, meridians are channels that form a network in the body through.

    Which qi, or qi, I assume, uh, vital energy flows. A blocky Causes pain and illness the flow is restored by using pressure needles suction or heat at hundreds of specific points along The meridians, right? You talk about acupuncture The meridian tooth chart is based on acupuncture meridians pathways of energy that span across interrelated body parts glands and tissues and you have to remember What did she?

    Say what are the comments say they're like when you have people having terrible horrific what they call like Suicide migraines or that trigeminal neuralgia that she talked about Acupuncture is one of the only things My wife actually dealt with that during one of her pregnancies, where she had what we thought was either trigeminal neuralgia, some sort of horrific like, um, um, like clot in her brain or something.

    It was horrific, horrific headaches, unlike you could ever imagine in your whole life. And the only thing that helped my wife, The only thing that subsided the pain. We went to the hospital over it multiple times. They literally did nothing for us. Kicked us out with an 8, 000 bill. The only thing that helped her.

    And up until very recently, and even today, right now, the traditional acupuncture is not an accepted form of, of Western medicine. They don't, they don't agree that it's, it's works, but it works. People all over the country get acupuncture done. It's literally the Only thing that she did that helped her with her migraines.

    Why? Because it has to do with the nerves. It has to do with the meridian lines. It has to do with that flow of that, that firing of, of the nerves, that flow of energy throughout your body. We are electrical beings, your thoughts, your movements, everything that's happening inside of your body is an electrical pulse within these, the, the firing of these nerve endings.

    And so it makes sense that if you. use the body to its advantage and understand that rather than trying to impose your will upon it with metal, uh, you know, types of tools and medications and pharmaceutical drugs and injections and all of these things that the modern Western medicine tries to impose its will upon the body rather than trying to allow the body to do what it needs to do to correct itself.

    That is the huge difference between modern medicine. medicine in traditional medicine, holistic medicine. So it goes on to say the meridian tooth chart is based on acupuncture meridians, pathways of energy that span across interrelated body parts, glands and tissues. Each tooth is associated with a particular meridian through which energy flows.

    And so when you look at this chart here, make sure you're,

     So when you look at this chart here and you zoom in on it and take a look and if this is a chart that you want, I can send you over the link, just go to my Instagram. I'll have a post about this and you can just comment, uh, and I'll DM you it, but it basically outlines all of the teeth and, and what their attachment is to which part of your body and what can result from not Dealing with those issues correctly for that specific tooth.

    And so it goes through a whole long list of things from migraines and epilepsy from the, so if, so first, I guess it shows the tooth or teeth that are associated with it, then the part of the body. So things like your stomach and spleen, your lungs, your liver, your gallbladder, your bladder, your lungs and large intestines, stomach, heart, small intestines, um, all of these different parts of your body.

    are associated with a different tooth or a different meridian line. Again, same thing that they deal with with acupuncture. And so the things that this can result from is migraines and epilepsy, rheumatism, migraines, focus issues, sterility and impotence. So even your, even your Fertility can be affected by your teeth, um, focus, right?

    And so each one of these different zones of your mouth can have different negative effects on your body. It says if a weakness of in a particular system or organ exists, the condition of the tooth associated with that area could exacerbate the problem working with our Meridian tooth chart makes us able to assess patients, general state of health and wellness, simply through a review of the oral environment.

    Each tooth is associated with a particular Meridian through which energy. Flows. Very interesting. It says the mouth is the mirror to your body. Energy flows through the body along lines known as meridians. These lines associated with specific tissues, organs, and teeth. Health problems manifesting in the tooth may be related to conditions of the associated meridian.

    Interesting because this is a specific doctor that kind of specializes in this stuff. And again, it's D R R O Z E dot. Now, the funny thing about this is I found this article today, which says there is now a drug to regrow teeth, which has been approved for human trials. So, on the back of that, maybe you don't need to get all of your teeth pulled and get veneers.

    Maybe you just need this other pharmaceutical drug and that will solve all your issues, of course. And there'll be no side effects, just like everything else. Um, so it says, scientists are gearing up for human tricks. Not tricks, trials. Human trials, which makes way more sense than tricks. Human tricks. For a groundbreaking, truth growing science.

    A tooth growing drug with hopes to offer those suffering from tooth loss a revolutionary alternative. Molecular biologist and dentist Katsu, uh, Takashi developed the first of its kind drug by deactivating the uterine sensation associated gene, the UTI. One, protein, which is known to stop tooth growth. He has been working on tooth regeneration for almost 20 years.

    We want to do something to help those who are suffering from tooth loss or absence. While there has been no treatment to date providing a permanent cure, we feel that people's expectations for tooth growth are high. By stopping USAG 1 from interacting with other proteins, the drug prompts bone morphogenetic protein, BMP, signaling and encourages the growth of new bone and teeth.

    The researchers noted that mice and ferrets share the same USAG 1 properties as humans. The animals happen to grow new teeth from the drug. So my concern would be that if you're growing new teeth and growing new bones, how does your body know which to grow when and how long? Right, like if you hope to grow one tooth back, are you going to, you know, make yourself taller?

    Like, are you going to make your fingers grow long, too long, and you're going to look like Edward Scissorfingers? Um, the USAG 1 protein has a high amino acid homology of 97 percent between different animal species, including humans, mice, and eagles? Wow, that's very specific. Beagles. Um, is that what they're doing the studies on?

    Oh, that's horrible. If you go back and listen. Remember what Fauci was doing to dogs? That nobody's bringing up again? Like, the horrific trials that Fauci was involved with? And I'm pretty sure it was all specifically beagles. Where they would essentially put them in a cage where they couldn't escape and then put thousands of bugs in there that would essentially eat them alive?

    And meanwhile, I'm sure he's just living it up on a yacht somewhere after getting roasted by the Senate this week. Anyways, just a side tangent, human trials are set to start in September 2024 at Kyoto University Hospital in Japan, using 30 male participants between the ages of 30 and 64 who are missing at least one molar.

    The next phase will look at children who suffer from congenital tooth deficiency. Then, researchers will explore other Generations who have lost a tooth due to environmental factors have proven successful the drug could become widely available as soon as 2030. The promising development in dentistry has the potential to revolutionize the way the treatment of tooth loss and provide solutions for people across the globe.

    So, if this lady, this girl, this woman, maybe just waited a few years, I don't think that was her problem. The problem was vanity and living in Miami around a bunch of vain people. People, but anyways, interesting, very interesting. Now, the next thing we're going to talk about here, which I found to be a pretty wild scenario is that there was a dad.

    Dad went on stage and punched a comedian over his sexualized joke about his baby son. Now, from what I saw, this wasn't onstage joke. This was like on Twitter, uh, prior to this. But let me read 'cause maybe I'm wrong, I didn't read this article yet. It says, footage of a dad punching a comedian's mid, uh, comedian Midat after he allegedly made a sexualized joke about his three-year-old son has gone viral.

    Spanish comedian Jamie. Caravaca was performing a standup comedy show in Madrid on Monday evening when a man unexpectedly gets on stage. Dad, Alberto Pugalito, punched Caravaca in the head while shouting in Spanish. This is for the pedophile comment he made about my son. Will you repeat now what you said about my son?

    Pugalito continued while calling the comedian a piece of shit. Say it. Say it again to my face, he said, enraged. Here, now, say it to my face. Yeah, I'm pretty sure this happened, like, on Twitter, and then he went to his show and started, and, like, punched him on stage and then smacked him in the face. It says,

    Three month old son. The dad hit Caravaca one more time before leaving the stage. Says comedian makes jokes at art. So here's the video. Let's go ahead and watch it. It's in Spanish. So I'll, I'll translate for you. In which case, don't listen to me translating and listen to the Spanish.

    It says, who are you?

    What's up? It

    says, this is for, this is for my Alright, let's just start the whole thing with this. So loud. He

    said, who are you? Huh? Oh shit. What's up, huh? He smacks him. What have you said?

    This is for the pedophile account. Huh? Huh? Will you repeat now what you said about my son?


    Piece of shit. Now what?

    What were you saying about a black cock in my son's second cock at

    three months

    old? Huh? Piece of shit?

    Huh? Now what? Say it. Say it again to my

    face. Here. Now. Say it to my face.

    He said, I'm sorry. He turns around. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm asking you all for forgiveness.

    I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just a dad that defends his kids. He has made sectionalizing comments about my three month old son. And that has it's consequences. He says, can we talk to you? He says, no, you can go. He calls him a clown. He's a weird

    dad. I don't believe in that so much. And this next bit is how I would crack your fucking skull.

    And then he says, let's leave. Good. Finally, justice is served for somebody who's talking shit online, who in no way shape or form would ever back it up or say the same thing in person. So this man, this father gets his, in a Twitter argument with some comedian online. The comedian then tells him something about his son sucking black cock.

    Excuse my vulgarity. And his son's three months old. So this man drives to his comedy show, goes up on stage, punches him, and then smacks him in the face while ridiculing him in front of his entire crowd.

    That deserves a standing ovation, and I'm sure it was much more entertaining than whatever bullshit comedy this clown, as he would describe it, was going to actually do during his show. Alright, so, good. Good. More people getting to get smacked. Hundred percent. More people getting to get smacked for the stuff they say online.

    Good. For sure. 100%. If you are willing to say something to somebody online, you should understand that that is a real person, potentially, depending on if they're a bot or not, but majority of the time, they're a real person who you could see out there and you would never repeat yourself to them in public.

    Right, just the same way that when you're driving a car, you would never treat people the same way as you treat them when you're driving. Because it's like removed, you remove yourself from the human aspect. It's not a situation we were supposed to find ourselves in biologically. Is that you're going 85 miles an hour with a metal, you know, 3, 5, 8, 000 pound vehicle representing you.

    Not supposed to be that way. Just the same way. It's not supposed to be you're on a looking, staring at a piece of glass, somehow communicating with some person across the globe, or maybe even five minutes down the road, but you don't know it in that part, you would say some crazy stuff to that person, but in this situation, he got what he deserved.

    So let's see if there was any updates on this. Nope. Clarified the transcription. Cool. So just wanted to point it out. I think this, that's a real dad right there. That's a real man who shows up there, says, say it to my face, say it to my face, smacks him just like he deserved and then leaves. Respectfully looks at the audience, apologizes and says, but I needed to do this for my son.

    And I don't disagree. All right. Now onto some more serious matters. Okay. Which is the fact that a remote Amazon tribe was given Starlink and given access to the internet and the very Very first thing that they did the very first thing that they did was got addicted to porn. I Mean to be fair. I don't blame them, right?

    If you had never if the only thing you've seen is like the seven Ten twenty hundred women that are around you all the time and in your remote tribe You And all of a sudden you have access to all of these supermodels from around the world, shaking their ass in your face on a piece of glass in front of you.

    And you've never had the opportunity of that before. I get like, I get it. It really does show you the power of, of like human human biology, that the very first thing that they did was get addicted to porn, not gambling, not cryptocurrencies, not NFTs. They got addicted to porn. Almost immediately. Thank you, Elon Musk.

    And I believe there's a video here. Let's watch this video. I'm not sure if there's audio to it. Let's see. Let's refresh. Here we go.

    You're just watching this guy in this forest with his knife next to a tree. It's like indigenous tribe member.

    And they're like behind this leaf with the camera. I'm not sure what this has to do with this article at all. Maybe he's sneaking off with his new iPhone to go watch Pornhub. Why is this on this page?

    Okay, maybe it was like some random, maybe we'll have context here. Rare footage of uncontacted tribe in the Amazon. Okay. So it says what started as a moment of optimism and excitement was swiftly transformed into something worrying and sinister. After a remote tribe in the Amazon rainforest was finally hooked up to the Internet.

    The Marubo people had resisted modernity. Moderninity? Modernity? Moderninity? What the fuck? What? And preserved their indigenous way of life in one of the most isolated stretches of the planet for centuries. But then, in September, they found themselves equipped with high speed internet thanks to Elon Musk.

    The tribe is one of hundreds across Brazil that have been given access to the web through Starlink, the SpaceX subsidiary which provides satellite internet coverage in almost a hundred countries. But rather than feel beautifully connected to the world, the installation has left the 2, 000 member Marubos feeling bitterly divided as pornography and social media poison its youngsters.

    When it arrived, everyone was happy.

    SonomamaMarubo73 told the New York Times, whose reporters traveled to the tribe's remote villages. But now, things have gotten worse. Says, uh, they explained that the internet has brought a number of undeniable benefits, such as the ability to video chat with faraway loved ones, or call for help in emergencies.

    However, she said, the youth has grown increasingly disinterested in more traditional activities, such as making dyes and jewelry from berries and shells. Yeah, young people have gotten lazy because of the Internet. She lamented, they're learning the ways of the white people.


    Pretty sure it's not just white people that have access to the internet.

    After just nine months with Starlink, the Marubo. Already found themselves faced with the same issues that plague Western families. That's really interesting though, to like kind of accelerate this technological advancement and see as like a Petri dish, how quickly their lifestyle could be tainted. Um, it says that.

    The same issues that plague Western families, addictive social networks, misinformation, wow I'm sure they're so concerned about misinformation, scams, violent video games, and minors watching adult content. Alfredo Marubo, leader of the Marubo Association of Villages, has become the tribe's most vocal critic of the internet.

    He told the New York Times that he worried that his culture's oral history and customs will be lost now. Because everyone is so connected that sometimes they don't even want to talk to their own family. He admitted that he felt most concerned by the newfound interest in pornography, particularly given that Marubo culture frowns upon mere kissing in public.

    We're worried young people are going to want to try it, he said. He said of the graphic sex depicted in videos which young men now send each other in group chats. That's a little gay. Alfredo, Alfredo added that some leaders have already noticed more aggressive sexual behavior among their youngsters.

    Meanwhile, a father of three said that while he was happy the internet was helping to educate his children, he also felt concerned about the first person shooter video games. I'm worried they're suddenly going to want to mimic them. I don't think you guys have, you know, the right equipment out there. Uh, yet many tribe members continue to extol the internet's positive power and potential.

    Uh, he pointed out that a venomous snake bite can require swift rescue by helicopter, but before the internet, the Marubo relied on amateur radio to relay urgent messages through several villages in order to reach the authorities. Now such calls are instantaneous, and it could, it's already saved lives.

    Very interesting. This is in the village, you don't hunt, fish, or plant, you don't eat. Well. Now they can just order DoorDash, right? Maybe not, but you get the point. Meanwhile, Thomas A. Marubo, 42, the tribe's first woman leader, stressed that while some young people just want to spend the whole afternoon on their phones.

    Yeah, I'm sure that's actually quite difficult. Like I have, you know, I have children. I have children that are the age enough to have technology and deal with the woes of an iPad in your house. And you, it took a long time. Like when I was growing up. Our parents saw the, the, the advances and still gave like some timelines, but there's a lot of children today that just have absolute free reign of their technology, and it baffles me because you have to set those guidelines.

    The, the, the iPads, the social media, the whatever it is, pornography, whatever it is, is absolutely 100% designed so that you, it hijacks behaviorally the, the biology inside of you to make you want to stay there and give them your money and your attention. Right, because tension is just a currency. Uh, he explained that decades ago, the most respected Marubo shaman had visions of a handheld device that could connect the entire world.

    Oh, did he? You mean he somehow saw a phone? Um, it would be good for the people, he said, but in the end, it wouldn't be. Wow, they foresaw this. In the end, it would be war. Nevertheless, his son, Inoki, insisted, I see, I think the internet will bring us much more benefit than harm, at least for now. And regardless, there's no going back.

    The leaders have been clear, he said. We can't live without the internet. So interesting. So many conversations that you could have about that regarding that, that, that, like, incubator, right? That, that Petri dish of just it completely accelerating from hunter gatherer societies immediately being Thrusted into, for lack of a better word.

    thrusted into our modern society of technology and all of the negative side effects that that would have on the not just the youth but the I guarantee you the adults are watching just as much porn as the kids right or playing the first person shooters or you know there's so many things that that are actual negative effects on society so speaking of like faraway tribes and I'm not going to touch on this long because I have to get to the bigger deep dive but there was this african tomb and The king, the tomb of this king was made of completely human blood.

    Is that what I'm reading? Right? So scientists have uncovered a grisly secret at the tomb of an infamously bloodthirsty ruler. King Geza ruled the West African kingdom of Dahami from 1818 to 1858 before it fell to the French colonization at the end of the 19th century. And yet he carried his violent tyranny to the literally, as a news study published in the journal of Prodemic says, Over the course of his four decade reign, King Geza was known both for his military power and his brutality towards his enemies.

    Uh, he was so vicious that the ally, uh, leading to his hut was paved with the skulls. The alley leading to his hut was paved with the skulls and jawbones of defeated enemies, while his throne rested on the skulls of four defeated enemy leaders.

    Gangster. Ironically, according to the official records, Gezzo died peacefully in his home, but he couldn't resist bringing a bit of savagery down to the underworld with him. Before his death, he ordered the construction of two adjoined funer Funerary huts to be built in honor of his father, who wrote from 1797 to 1818.

    For decades, rumors swirled around his tomb, suggesting that it was built using the blood of 41 human sacrifice victims. Now a team of researchers have confirmed that this is indeed true. True. Whoa. According to the team of medical and archaeological specialists, the victims would likely have been prisoners of war or enslaved people.

    And because 41 is a sacred number in voodoos, they would likely have been sacrificed in a ceremony conducted to protect the late king's remains. Geez. The study's authors explained the kings of Aberney were god kings, whose culture and religion centered on voodoo beliefs. In this chronocultural context, death is only a change of state, not a total disappearance.

    Importantly, which I completely agree with. Importantly, a barrier between the human world and the place where the body is laid can be magically delineated. The separator is part of a supernatural border, since metaphysical elements are incorporated into the physical world. Prayer, sacred water, and the blood of enemies were among the elements considered key to consecrating buildings such as these.

    When combined, so prayers, water, and blood. When combined, their mystical force was believed to symbolically protect what remains of the subtle essence of the deceased king. Geez,

    uh, to determine the truth behind the legend, the scientists use a technique called high resolution, tandem, uh, tandem mass spectra spectrometry, spectrometry to analyze the mortar, uh, used to build the funeral Hutt's wall. Specifically, they examine the proteins present rather than the genes as DNA degrades easily over time, depending on the storage conditions and most importantly, for this study, it cannot provide information on the source tissue.

    Unlike proteins, which can serve as biological archive, the testing identified hemoglobin and. Uh, immunoglobins. from both human and chickens present. Very interesting. This involved a sacrifice of as many as 500 victims. So it's possible the blood in the mortar may have come from one such ceremony. It's a ceremony called the great customs.

    Now the researchers hope that future DNA analysis might help pinpoint the exact number of individuals in the tomb. As far as we're concerned, even one is too many. Yeah. Thank you for your insight. Yeah. Don't kill people and scrub them on the walls. Well, after you die to protect you don't do that. All right.

    Now we have our deep dive, my friends, which is going to be about Gabriela Rico Jimenez. But first, make sure you hit that subscribe button. Make sure you leave a five star review and make sure you should you support your boy. Go to Ronan basics. com. Check out the new website. Some of the products are a backorder right now, and you can actually pay and order them.

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    All right. So. That's what I got. Let's go ahead and talk about this right here, which is Gabriela Rico Jimenez, the very, very dark and curiously interesting story about the disappearance of Of a Mexican supermodel. So let's go ahead and read this together. There's several, several articles about this one from the daily mail.

    One from, uh, this right here is from the daily mail, which outlines all of this as well. But the most intricate of these I found from this Reddit post, which has all of it. So, here we go. Let's watch this video first. This is the video of this supermodel, Gabriela Jimenez, where she is freaking out outside of this hotel.

    And I will tell you what she's saying again. We have a lot of Spanish translations today, interestingly enough. Uh, so, let's go ahead and watch this video and I'll tell you what she's saying. Translate for you. Right? All right. It says, let's hear what the young girl was shouting on the street. This is from a news company She's saying I wanted my freedom and you can hear the pain in her voice

    Since Monterey freed me, but it cost me a lot of work. I was in Mexico City for a year and four months She's crying all of this began in mid 2001 I barely remember. They were young and powerful, and they killed them. I'd been knocking on doors. What I wanted was my freedom. I want my freedom. She was claiming to have been abducted or essentially being, kind of, uh, being trafficked in a trafficking situation.

    Um, Carlos Slim. Dominique knew about this. I want my freedom. Now that name becomes very, very important. Carlos Slim. You may be familiar with it. One of the richest men in the world, and is the richest man in Mexico today. It hurts my soul, she said, that they took him away. Leave me alone. They have already taken me to the police station, and they have told me that they know nothing.

    She's screaming at these police officers right now. They took me to the general hospital. You, you were there. Go get the, you killed Murino. And we'll talk about who that is in a minute, it's a politician. They told me, who did they kill? The Queen of England? The Queen of Germany? Did they kill the princesses?

    And Mickey Mouse? It was also him, she said.

    What? Nothing is gonna come here. The people where you come from, they are crazy. They killed a lot of people, she's screaming at this man, telling him. Death to that kind of human. Go away. Saying that he was a part of it. They ate humans. Disgusting, she said.

    They ate humans. I wasn't aware of anything. Of the murders. Yes. But they ate humans. Humans. They smell like human flesh.

    Now this female police officer is walking up to her. You are not going to take me until this is clarified. You already took me there. Let me go. As this female police officer grabs her,

    she says, let me go.

    It says, this is the sad

    reality of the young Gabriela Rico Jimenez that you saw a moment ago tried to attack the police officer who managed to take her, no, the police officer grabbed her and she pushed back. She wasn't attacking the police officer. That's

    so silly. There's

    the video for you and the translation thereof. Let's go ahead and read this article and talk about it. So, this says the event took place in August of 2009 in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico, in front of a hotel located on Ocampo Street, in between the avenue of Pino Suarez and not going to try and pronounce that.

    The news broadcast features a young woman named Gabriela Rico Jimenez screaming in front of a luxury hotel. She repeatedly pleads for her freedom and claims she was held against her will. She makes claims of murder and cannibalism and drops some very big names in her accusations. Most public outbursts such as this could be attributed to mental illness or substance abuse, but Gabriela's claims are consistent and somewhat coherent and she speaks with such horror and conviction.

    I feel compelled to further consider her credibility. Then they show the news clip. There's the transcription, I already read it for you. It said, What happened to Gabriela Rico Jimenez? So, you saw this woman, out in front of this hotel, screaming at this man, screaming at this man, saying, You knew about this.

    You were a part of it. You were there. They took me to the hospital because of it. And they said, who, who did the, who did they kill? Who did they kill? Did they kill the princesses? Did they kill the Queen of England? Did they kill Mickey Mouse making fun of her? And she said, no, they killed Marino. And Marino was a politician.

    She even mentions the name Carlos Slim. Now, Carlos Slim, as I was telling you, was one of the most powerful people and the richest man in Mexico. Carlos Slim is a huge contributor and donor to the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton family funds all of these politicians, Democratic politicians. And guess what else he funded?

    The movie, The Sound of Freedom. Hmm. So the same man being accused by this woman who disappeared and was never saw again funded the Clinton campaign was, she claims, was trafficking people, cannibalizing them, and set up the murder of a politician. That same man funded the movie, The Sound of Freedom, which is just so happens to be about trafficking children.

    That's interesting. Very interesting, especially when you understand the controversy surrounding The Sound of Freedom, and the man who did the documentary, and the accusations against him.

    Now it says a witness speaks, and this is, let's see. Here it is. Here's where it talks about Carlos Slim. It says what happened to her. Finally, Gabriela Rico Jimenez, the woman who was arrested outside of a hotel in Monterey, was helped by DIF police on Monterey. And after she was detained in jail by the regional police, she was, she was sent to a psychiatric center in Buenos Aires.

    colony where she will stay indefinitely while she receives help and can be well cared for. Gabriela mentions the name Carlo Slim, and who was a Mexican business magnet of Lebanese descent. He is the richest man in Mexico and was the richest man in the world from 2010 to 2013. He has a son Carlos Slim, who serves as chairman of the board of his father's conglomerate company.

    The Merino, Gabriela claims was murdered is Juan Camilo Mourinho Torre Torrezo, who is a Mexican politician affiliated with the National Action Party, and the Secretary of the Interior of the Cabinet of President Felipe Calderón. He died in November of 2008. During a Mexican city Learjet crash, the government plane was seen traveling and crashed into rush hour traffic under mysterious circumstances.

    There were 16 fatalities, all 9 people on board and 7 people on the ground died. Juan Camilo Mourinho was 37. As President Felipe Calderon's strongman, he had been leading a government campaign against Mexico's powerful and violent drug gangs. Illuminati conspiracy theories frequently mention the British monarch, among others, as well as Disney symbolism.

    There is also a rumor that the Prince Philip, the Queen's husband, once said that cannibalism is a radical, but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation? Whoa, let's see if we can verify that in a minute. Um, there is a testimony of the alleged witness to Gabriella's breakdown on a Spanish language blog called the black Manic a law student claims to have spoken with Gabriella and gives the following account of their interaction.

    Um, it says a witness speaks after a long time. I will not reveal his name for obvious reasons. So what he says is basically that he was in the detention center at the time he was working as a law student and was in this detention center doing some work. And he said that he saw her there. He said, I still remember her face full of despair, fear, anguish.

    She felt very weary of the environment and a strange feeling. I approached her and asked her some questions. Um, if I name, if I knew where she lived, she told me that she, they were all, that we were all dead. And that we were all dead, that we were all, we were among them, among other things. That simply left me paralyzed after 20 minutes of being with her some tall well dressed people arrived They practically pulled me out of there I asked them why they did this if this was just a poor girl with a mental disorder Asked where that where they were taking her.

    They told me that was not my business to for me to retire When they left me they stopped me and asked me what she told me I answered them insane and I ran away. The next day I went to the senior officers of the ministry and told them about the issue and wanted information because the girl's family requested it.

    They just laughed and said, really? If she does not exist, she never existed. And you do not work here. I got a shiver and left. I left everything and left Monterey. I had a feeling that what had happened those days and what that girl said were true as I could. I left everything and got out of there. She told me that in Monterey there was some kind of underground base where they lived and regularly stole children as food and other things.

    By my profession, I dare not reveal my encounter. I have family and children who depend on me. And for logical and reputation reasons, I cannot. I would like to go out and spread it to the four winds, but society would call me crazy. Although I have the marks of the attack, is a little bad back, there are nights I just cannot sleep.

    That's a weird translation. I have the same feeling, the same feeling that when I saw them the first time, it was like a, uh, presentiment is appreciated that they do not judge me as crazy for telling me that. Only me and for those who were with me at the time know what happened. Those are monsters. At least the one who attacked me was a monster.

    If he found me, he would only have died since a drawing came into my hands.


    Interesting. Hmm. So that's what happened to this woman. She's never been seen since nobody knows where she's at and the internet was essentially scrubbed of her modeling history. Like she was a pretty prominent supermodel.

    She had brushed arms with all of these oligarch types like Carlos Slim and she Essentially after this happened, you look up her name now and you can't find anything about her as a person or her modeling career besides just these articles about this situation calling her crazy. But she's never been seen again.

    And she was 21 at the time. So she would be what this was 15 years ago, she'd be 3536 right now. And some people believe she's just still in that same mental institution. And she may very well have been a part of some like MK ultra type mind programming. And so crazy shit. Transcribed And there's video of it and the only reason that they showed this video on the news was because she was a prominent model.

    And so when you look at who is Carlos Slim, who is the person that she is claiming was a part of this, who is at the head of this, and actually if you understand that the most powerful people in Mexico, who have the most money, I mean, this is conjecture, um, but, Very likely have ties like you don't you don't get to flaunt your money or be in a position of very high power in Mexico I assume without having some way shape or form brushed arms with the cartels.

    So who is Carlos Slim? Well, let's watch this video of Trump First and see what he has to say about Carlos Slim

    Times is Carlos Slim now Carlos Slim as you know comes from Mexico He's given many millions of dollars to the Clintons and their initiatives. So Carlos Slim, largest owner of the paper from Mexico, reporters at the New York times, they're not journalists, they're corporate

    lobbyists for Carlos Slim and Hillary Clinton.

    He is the majority holder of the New York times. So why did Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton's Mexican cartel partner, Carlos Slim fund the sound of freedom? That's interesting. And here's a picture with Joe Biden, Carlos Slim, and Hunter Biden all together, says the sound of freedom brings to light the horror of human trafficking.

    However, there's one major question about the film. Why did Carlos Slim, a man with connections to Mexican cartels, Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden fund the film? In 2016, Donald Trump warned America about Carlos Slim and his connections with the New York times. And Hillary Clinton saying now Carlos Slim, as you know, is a Comes from Mexico.

    He has given many millions of dollars to the Clintons in those organizations. WikiLeaks emails revealed that Slim had connections to with drug, Mexican drug cartels. Even the Guardian published the article titled, who is more dangerous? El Chapo or Carlos Slim? Hunter Biden's laptop revealed that Slim was also a top customer of the Bidens.

    There are even pictures of Hunter and Joe doing business with Mr. Slim. Now here comes the tricky question. Why did Mr. Slim fund the Sound of Freedom when he has direct ties to cartels that are guilty of smuggling? The Deep State's most effective tool against Trump was the QAnon conspiracy theory. Q is effective because the Deep State used the theory and its associated accounts to leak just enough information to be credible, but at the same time, nothing being leaked could ever tie anyone directly, hence why dark to light never happened.


    What is this company? National The national file. com. Okay. So maybe take this with a grain of salt because I don't know, but I mean, it's legit. Everything he's saying is legit. Or she, um, Q also gave the false pretense that to MAGA supporters that they did not need to be involved with their local GOP through the trust plan line.

    Okay. Um, Hmm.

    Interesting. Uh, re energizing the Q PSY op may have been Slim's reason for funding the sound of freedom. The solution to the human trafficking problem is the same as election integrity. America's first patriots get involved with their local GOP to ensure MAGA, congressional and presidential candidates, are on the ballot and win free and fair elections.

    Hmm. Okay. Uh, so take that all with a grain of salt, but nothing he said that was factually incorrect. Carlos Slim is tied to drug cartels. Carlos Slim is tied to the Biden family. Carlos Slim is tied to the Clinton family. And he also funded a movie while also being a part of, you know, tied to the cartels, which do the trafficking, funded the movie about trafficking.

    Kind of suspicious. So that is what I'll leave you guys with today. Thank you so much for listening. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. I love you. Have a great day, and I'll see you next time on The Items Archive. Thank you.

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    Welcome to The Adam's Archive, where curiosity meets deep discussion. Austin Adams is the host of this podcast, which dissects the myths, ideas, and realities that have shaped our world. From historical insights to futuristic forecasts, each episode invites you to question what you know and discover what you don’t.

    In this episode, I interview Bryanna Robinson, a dynamic social and political commentator with a sharp intellect and a passion for uncovering hidden truths. In this episode, we dive into the mysterious world of ancient technologies lost to time, challenge the official narratives from NASA, and discuss the profound implications of the decline in human consciousness. Join us as we unravel the complex web of history and science, offering listeners a unique perspective on how our understanding of technology and consciousness shapes our reality.

    Summary of TopicsInnovative Thinkers: Dive into the minds that have shaped our technological landscape. From Tesla's forgotten inventions to the ethical dilemmas posed by AI, we explore how genius shapes our world.Art and Culture: Witness the transformation of art and culture through technology. Discuss the decline of traditional art forms and the rise of digital media, questioning what these changes mean for future generations.Conspiracy Theories: From moon landing skepticism to the secretive societies like the Freemasons, unravel the threads of doubt and secrecy that suggest a different narrative of history.Societal Changes: Examine how shifts like remote work and urban decay influence societal structures and what it means for communal living in the future.Technology and Privacy: Delve into the dark side of tech advancements, including the loss of privacy and the ethical challenges posed by emerging technologies.

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    Full Transcription

    Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the Adams archive. My name is Austin Adams, and thank you so much for listening today on today's episode. I have a discussion with Brianna Robinson. Now, Brianna is a social and political commentator, just like myself. And she has tons of great contents, tons of great insight into plenty of different topics, including the moon landing government operations and conspiracies, historical events, really great. Really interesting stuff. So Brianna and I have a great conversation today. We jump into a ton of different topics, everything from the lost technology of Nikola Tesla and, and the utilization of modern energy and, and the death of language, the death of art, we talk about, uh, the, the moon landing and she gives some great, great insight and points into, and we have a discussion about the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, which was a cult essentially within the Freemasons that was founded by Sir Francis Bacon. And Sir Francis Bacon has a ton of deep dive rabbit holes that you can go into very, very interesting that we talk about every single one of those things and more today. So make sure you stick around to the end and. Go give her, Brianna, a follow. You can find her on Instagram at Brianna, B R Y A N N A, B R Y A N N A, xRobinson, R O B I N S O N. So go give her a follow. I hope you enjoyed the discussion as much as I did. It was an absolutely great conversation. And, without further ado, well, wanna do, Which is that leave a five star review, subscribe, and here's what I would ask of you. Something that you may not know about podcasts is the really the only way social media, no matter how many millions of views my content gets, very, very little moves the needle when it comes to podcast viewership. So what I would ask of you is if you enjoy this conversation today, send it to somebody, you know, tell them, Hey, did you know this about Sir Francis Bacon? It's crazy. Have you ever heard about the, the. Van Allen radiation belt. Have you just send it out to a couple of people and share the conversation because it was a great one. It was an absolutely phenomenal conversation. And I know you, and I know a bunch of people that, you know, we'll enjoy it as well. So please, please, if you enjoy the conversation, share it with some family, share it with some friends, talk about it with your coworkers and give them the link. All right. Now subscribe, leave a five star review and let's jump right in. Into it. The Atoms Archive  I was sitting in an hour of traffic. 📍 So. Oh, geez. Yeah, that's that. That's that California traffic. That's a little different, huh? Yeah. You probably didn't have that where you were before. Where were you before? Waco. Waco. Wow. That's an interesting one. Well, I grew up in California, so I'm back home. I was only in Waco for three years. Got it. Yes. All town vibes for sure. Yeah. A hundred percent. How is that? Like, is there any discussions about the Waco situation in general there? Is there like whispers of it still? Is it still kind of linger? Yes.  People don't really talk about it. Like Waco's moved on. If anything, they talk about.  So I was talking to a local at the site and he was talking about how the Clintons were involved and how Clinton, Bill Clinton, actually gave the kill order, when they burned down the compound and killed everyone. And he was telling us all about how Clinton and Bush would go to this house that was like just a couple of miles away. And I verified this, by the way, on the maps, he said it was covered in pine trees, like dense pine trees all around the house, kind of weird. So you couldn't see in and they would go there and engage in Epstein style activities. Apparently, David Koresh got caught with a bunch of CSAM, which is child pornography in the basement. Of his compound. So I have a feeling David Koresh was kind of in on or at least knew about what they were doing. And so there was a point of contention there. And so this guy was telling us that and I can't, I can't verify his story.  Obviously, I can only tell you what he said, but he was saying that That Clinton was involved in what the ATF was doing how they came in and were shooting up the compound And he gave the kill order from the water tower down the street, which you can still see yeah, just crazy crazy story  Wild so david koresh was the individual that was kind of the head of the the situation over there in in the house that they were in and so So the idea there would be that they kind of had a some sort of High level safe house over there that they were doing, like you said, Epstein style activities, and was David Koresh potentially in the know? Is that why the idea is that Clinton sent the order? I mean, if CSAM was found in his basement, I would think that he probably was part of that operation at some level, or at least knew what was going on because Clinton and Bush obviously knew who he was. Bush has a ranch in Clifton, which is probably like 20 minutes outside of Waco. I don't know. So he comes to town often and Waco was actually supposed to be the Freemasonry capital of Texas. So they have like a huge temple there and another local was telling me that apparently there's tunnels from like Baylor and like all through downtown and stuff. I don't know if that's true or not, but there's definitely some weird stuff going on in Waco.  Yeah, absolutely. The Freemason one's a really interesting one.  So I like, I would say my gateway drug into conspiracies. So when I, when I went into college, I took, I was in just a normal history class. It was like American history, a certain time period to a certain time. Here was like some, some time period to 1987 or something like right around the founding father's time period. And when I was reading through the books, the textbooks that they had. They mentioned the Freemasons maybe like two to three times. So when I had to write my final paper for the class, I decided to write it on the Freemasons.  And so I did, I did like the, I have like 25 page papers somewhere on the internet, somewhere that I wrote about the Founding Fathers and the Freemasonries that were actually so there's this whole crazy situation that brought me down a rabbit hole with Sir Francis Bacon And the idea that he was one of the have you ever heard that idea? Do you know who Sir Francis Bacon is?  I've heard the name you have to remind me  So there's some really interesting situations around Sir Francis Bacon.  Sir Francis Bacon has a. Rap sheet of conspiracy theories behind his name. So he was actually the found, the founder of the Cru. The Cruin is like a, they, there's a, a, a book that was basically written called the My Chemical Wedding. And the idea is that it was basically this kind of cultish situation, even within the Freemasonries and Sir Francis Bacon is, if you follow the founding of the country, there's like little seeds that have been planted that all allude and point back to Sir Francis Bacon.  He's a crazy character. Some people believe that Sir Francis Bacon because William Shakespeare was like a pen name. Some people believe, based on the, the idea of who they thought, like, who Shakespeare was, that the person behind his writings, the person behind the plays, because Shakespeare, as they knew him, was not nearly as educated to write the plays that he wrote, to, to have the style of writing that he wrote. So some people believe Sir Francis Bacon was behind the, The, the constitution, he was behind the William Shakespeare and that he was actually the, the head of the King James version of the Bible. It's  the one of the wild, so I started on Freemasonry, which is crazy in and of itself to realize it's some 75, 85 percent of people who, who signed the, the constitution were Freemasons. Yeah, but when I took that road, I found this name, Sir Francis Bacon. And then I read my chemical wedding of the Rosicrucians, which was a kind of like subculture, weird, esoteric cult within the Freemasons that he founded. And then that took me down that whole rabbit hole. So he, this one man, People believe could have been responsible for all of these different things based on his background. It's, it's one of the wildest, coolest, craziest conspiracies that you can go down and it's, it's absolutely unbelievable, but that, that was like the, the, like I said, the gateway drug, the marijuana of my, of my conspiracy journey was, was the Freemasons. Down to Sir Francis Bacon and I somewhere on my iCloud, I still have the chemical wedding PDF file of the book. I'll have to send it to you. It's pretty well.  Yeah, I'm gonna have to look into him. What an interesting character.  Yeah, it's it's crazy. And so there's all of these different things that like some people believe the He was like formally trained under the queen, like the queen had determined that she in some way, shape or form came into contact with him at a younger age. And she basically like brought her under her wing and gave him all of these mentors and all of these linguists and all of these like mentors and like raised him up from a very, very young because she saw something in him. And eventually he Did all the things that I just talked about, allegedly when you talk about so, so, and there's even some theories when it comes to the King James version of the Bible, that, and there's actually some very interesting comparisons between the Rosicrucian belief system, which is actually in completely intertwined with the Freemasonries. Really, really interesting stuff. So yeah, that's, that was my gateway drug. What, what was your gateway drug into conspiracy theories? What was the very, very first one that was like, damn, this all might be true.  You know, when I was like 10 or 11, my dad made me watch food, Inc. Man, have you seen that one? No.  Okay. Well, it's all about our food system and it goes into like, Monsanto is trying to monopolize the food industry, the farming industry and Oprah's connection to it and all of that. So that was like my introduction to the world is not what it seems. And I remember being so like spooked after watching it cause I was a child. And so I guess from then on you kind of see the world differently and you kind of question things and then as I got into high school and in college, I was listening to like Charlie Kirk and Steven Crowder, Candace Owens and just kind of keeping my, my ears open to all of that, but my dad had always been like a hardcore, like Alex Jones fan. So he would ask. Like in the garage and I'd kind of hear it, you know, throughout the day and stuff, but it definitely started with food ink when I was really young.  Interesting. So, so it's, it's so funny how it's like, you know, I just went like super deep all the way and then it's like seed oils and there's so many different ways to find you in this. And the funny thing about that is there's an interesting. Like if there's a Venn diagram of political ideologies in somewhere on the very big portion of the conservative or right or right of center, let's say, there's a big cross section between the people that were deemed for so long to be conspiracy theorists. And I hate even using that term. if you understand the background of it was completely utilized as a way to, to delegitimize opinions that were obviously legitimate as we've seen over the last, I don't know, three years or four years as everything's coming out from COVID and everything. But it's, I don't understand why, because if you go back, let's say 20, 30, 40 years, 50 years, even back down to the seventies, the conspiracy theorists were always the hippies, right? Like the dirty hippies, the guy on the corner with the cardboard. Box signs saying like the, the, they're all, you know, the, the, the government's after you or whatever it was, the world's coming to an end. Like the, the, the OG conspiracy theorist was always like a, some dirty hippie. And then, and then you go back and you actually look at the ideologies of the hippies. Back in the seventies and, and the movements that were happening, the anti war movement, the anti federal reserve movements, and every, even to this day, people think of hippies and like this negative weird light, which was totally a great psi op by the propaganda machine of the seventies. But. It seems like there's been this huge pendulum swing from like the dirty hippies of the seventies, quote, unquote, to the conservative movement that's normally like suit and ties. And, you know, there's the Venn diagram is totally shifted from one side to the other.  Yeah, absolutely. And you see it a lot here in California, people are so health conscious in Southern California. You have a lot of those like classical liberals who are more like socially liberal, but they're very like. They're very hippie and they're very like in tune to like what's going on with the food and stuff. And for a lot of them, the food is the gateway drug that gets them into politics and gets them to stop voting Democrat.  And you go back and like the food, you go all the way back to the food pyramid. You want to talk about the deepest of middle school conspiracies. I remember being in health class and them teaching us the food pyramid. And at the very bottom of the food pyramid was potatoes and bread. And at the very top was meat. They were trying to convince you. It was like the, even the same way that they still try to convince you, they have cereal for breakfast. It's like the, the, the, the big industry that is behind the Kellogg's, the, the craft, the, you know, the, the, you know, which all the way goes back to maybe like three or four major organizations, right? You talk about BlackRock Vanguard that owns every single one of them. Like they own every single other thing in the world, essentially. But you look back and you look at the amount of money that was pushed to pedal the idea that Egg yolk was bad for you, cholesterol was the devil, and that you should be eating frosted flakes for breakfast. It's absolutely crazy, right? There was, there was in the textbook, it was in our textbooks growing up. The food pyramid was the biggest, like the lobby gateway. Yeah. So like get people that that's it's yeah. They brainwashed an entire, I think two generations now with that nonsense.  For sure. And so I saw something today that I actually reposted. There's Matt Kim. You know who Matt Kim is? Brilliant. Love, love his style because it's very just like, I, I tend to be very animated. That's just my personality. And most people that get online and talk are, but he's very just calm, cool, and collected,  super simple, a  hundred percent. He does a great job, but he posted something today and it showed that. Jeff Bezos grandfather was actually a part of DARPA. And so DARPA being the, the government organization that was responsible for creating the internet. And for some reason, when I think of all of the Silicon Valley elites, the Mark Zuckerberg's, the, you know, fill in the blank, the Jack Dorsey's, the Google, whoever that guy is somewhere in a mansion, whenever you think of those people, I always think of. There was something that there always seemed to be some sort of tie back to like big money, right? Everybody wants to say all these Silicon Valley executives. They were at one point some 18 year old innocent guy in the garage with their best friend. And and everybody wants you to think it was like the Pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. They left Stanford. They created the biggest organization in the entire world. But when you look at it and you see that almost all of them got venture capital backed money. They got they got investment funds from from the largest VC organizations in the world and you realize that the same way and this was something I always thought. The reason I bring them up is because I always thought Jeff Bezos was like the safe one. I was like, Oh, he was the one that grinded it out. He started with books. I don't know if you remember. Do you remember when Amazon was just books? Was it?  You don't. Oh my God. We're going to, we're going to learn you today. I might've heard about Amazon. I was like a child and someone got me a gift card and I was like, what is this? Okay. So I'll give you, I'll give you a lesson here. So Amazon was originally only books. The only thing that you could buy on Amazon was a book because you always had to go into Barnes and Noble or I don't even remember the name. Barnes and Noble and. Borders was the other one here in California. Borders. That's what it was. Borders and Barnes and Noble. And you had to go in and buy books. And so what Jeff Bezos did, was he created an online platform that you could just buy books from other people. And it was it was basically just a, essentially where you could go look up your book that you wanted.  Somebody else would post it and then you would buy it off of them or you would buy it from the bookstore. Eventually that that's what it ended up turning into. But am or Amazon was just books for the, like probably its first five years or so. And I only know this because my aunt was like the biggest, Book nerd, growing up. And so she, I just remember her raving about it. And she thought it was the coolest thing. I don't even have to go in and buy books. But it started as only books. That was the only thing that you could buy on Amazon. And what he did is he utilized that as a way to build a, a Because the only thing like Amazon is Amazon, Amazon doesn't sell anything. Amazon is just a logistics company, right? They're just warehouses and trucks that take things from point A to point B. And, but it all started with books. And so I had this idea in my head and we'll get back to the DARPA internet conspiracy here in just a second. But I had this idea in my head that Jeff Bezos was like, you know, the one who really did it right. And it wasn't the Mark Zuckerberg who got this big VC funding from Silicon Valley dropped out of. Stanford or Harvard or wherever he's from, you know, and he, and he made it right. He was the billionaire who like did it the right way. And I saw that today and it like blew my mind a little bit because every single one of the tech CEOs that you know Got millions, like tens of hundreds of millions of dollars of backing from big money, but they want to give you this idea, you know, being entrepreneurial myself, I've had like several businesses throughout my life and I enjoy coming up with an idea and creating it. And you have this idea in America that you're just going to create a billion dollar business. But in the same way that you have to get through the gatekeepers when you go to Hollywood and you want that role to be an Avenger, you got to get through Harvey Weinstein. You got to, you, you have to go through that checks and balances of the Silicon Valley world. Like you have to be, the only thing that's probably more liberal than the Hollywood world is the startup world. Oh, yeah. And I've, I've realized that over the last several years and Jeff Bezos was not safe. So his grandfather actually was a part of DARPA who was the found one of the the founding military organization that started the Internet to begin with. And he does a podcast. I think it was with Lex Friedman. And he does a podcast where he talks about how, Oh, he grew up on this farm and he raised cows and chickens and had his grandpa raised him. But then, you know, now as of today that he was actually running. DARPA and creating the internet. And then somehow magically he just so happens to find himself in a trillion dollar business, 25 years later.  Like Taylor Swift, right? She says, Oh, I grew up on a Christmas tree farm and I had this cute little humble country life. No, no, no. Her dad basically bought her way into her career.  Exactly. And that's what all of the Swifties like seem to forget so quickly. Yeah. Like they, they, they, Taylor Swift and I, you know, you hear her music. I, there's very little talent there. I don't know. Maybe some people think that she's talented. I don't know. I like country music. She started out in country. But she was absolutely, when you go to her show, people don't talk about how amazing her singing was. They talk about how amazing the production is. Yes, there is tens of millions of dollars of marketing and production and pyrotechnics that make her show what it is because if it wasn't that she would be very undifferentiated from any single girl standing on the side of Broadway in Nashville right now with a guitar singing a song that you would probably walk past without giving five dollars to.  No, she's, she's a good songwriter. Like I'll definitely give her that. She's talented with her lyrics, but as far as like the music goes, everything sounds the same. The storylines are all kind of recycled now. And like you said, like she can't, I'm not gonna say she can't sing, but she's not the greatest singer. It is truly all about the show. Yeah.  Yes. It's huge production. There's like my, my daughter, I have three children. My daughter watched like the most recent Taylor Swift. Movie that came out or documentary or whatever. And it's just like the most unbelievable, more fireworks than none at Disney on the 4th of July. Like it's this huge, crazy production. She changes outfits like you know, 12 times with the, throughout the night. It's this crazy, unbelievable, huge marketing machine, which, which I think speaks to like the way that with enough money behind anybody, we talk about gatekeepers. Enough money behind anybody enough money behind any idea enough money behind any single individual in the music industry or you know Even if you look at it, I don't want to say what's his name post Malone, right? You go back and you have you seen the video of post Malone is like very first video that he did I don't think so like music video  Oh yeah, yeah, he, he posted this, it was like from his very first video, and I'm, I actually like Post Malone, I think he seems like a very genuine dude, I listen to his like 4 hour podcast on Joe Rogan, but he seems like a very, he seems like he did it right, but you go back and you look at like his very first video that he did, and it was like the funniest, most ridiculous, most ridiculous. Talentless video that you could ever imagine. It's great though. It's great. It's great to see where somebody can start and go, but, but the point in all that being, whether it's Hollywood, whether it's the music industry, whether it's Silicon Valley, VC startups, whether it's whatever, even you go into the news industry. Every single one of these organizations has a gatekeeper at the very top of it that decides, are you gonna, are you gonna make it? Or are you going to like, and really when it comes down to are you going to make it? It means are you going to play by the rules of the game,  which makes me. You know, I don't trust Elon Mux at all, and I get a lot of crap from people about that, but I don't think you can get where he is without playing by their rules. And he wore it was a couple of years ago. I don't remember the year. Exactly. We wore a white tux to the Met Gala for his debut with Grimes, his girlfriend. And on the back, it said no bus order. I don't know if you've seen that, but yeah, there's that I don't think they would allow him to buy Twitter. It's 1 of their biggest tools. 1 of their biggest means to control the population. I don't think they would just be like, oh, yeah, sure. You can have that. If you look at it into 2030, 1 of their pillars for the new world order for the agenda 2030 is social media. And social credit scores, and they have specifically the Twitter logo on there. And people like to forget that this is a thing, but he was a young global leader for the World Economic Forum. So I don't think that he's the good guy that people think he is. I think he's, he's playing the part at the moment. And acquiring Twitter to me is even for selfish reasons for him. I think it has to do with his projects with transhumanism. Like he's collecting massive amounts of data on the public right now. Have you, do you know about his mother? Yeah, I've heard a little bit about her and also his babysitter. That's kind of an interesting one. I don't know if you've seen her videos. Have not. Yeah. I think they got taken off the internet at this point. Cause I was telling people to go find them and they're like, we can't find them. Her name is Rosemary. Yeah. And she claims that she was his babysitter when he was a kid, and she is telling the story about how she was babysitting him, and he I don't remember all the details, but basically would go into these, like, demonic realms with his, like, friends who were demons, and then at one point, he tried to pull her in, and it, like, Terrified her. And I guess there's talk about like the parties that his mother would go to being, not Epstein style parties, but with that crowd basically. Yeah. Interesting, interesting stuff. And I, I think part of what the babysitter was saying was that I wish I could find the videos again that he is. Sent up to be like an antichrist type figure or something like that that they chose him for that and he's been raised for that. I don't I don't quite remember but yeah, really interesting.  Well, I think when you talk about that like right transhumanism which like is something that alex jones, right? has been beating on the drum of for 10 years his accuracy percentage on conspiracies to reality is so ridiculously high. That is unbelievable. And so he's been talking about the transhumanism,  which is essentially the idea that humans are going to eventually turn into something other than what they are today. Right through the, whether it's through the utilization of technology, which is exactly, exactly what Elon Musk is doing, and you want to talk about the potential and I've gone back and forth on Elon Musk, right? I love the idea that Elon Musk bought X or Twitter for the, for the complete purpose of freedom of speech. But when somebody is doing something that like that, and, and you should take this ideology and utilize it in your everyday life, when somebody is going completely out of their way to do something that is completely out of the norm, that is so gracious and kind, and you should at least be a little bit skeptical as to the reason why. Just a little bit. That's not to say there's not great people out there, that's not to say that there's not nice people who are, who are maybe going to do very kind things for you above and beyond the norm of what is acceptable or appreciated today. But when somebody goes, spends 40 billion, whatever it was, 40 billion, I don't know what the figure was, something like that. Yeah. To champion freedom of speech. It's like, yes, absolutely. But there is that seed of skepticism that speaks to exactly what you're talking about, especially when the same person that's doing that is getting access to not just what you're You got to think of from his perspective, not the perspective of the user on Twitter, from his perspective, he just purchased the rights to every thought that anybody has ever posted from their fingertips. That was a direct projection from their brain into a platform. He just purchased a spreadsheet of 80 trillion thoughts, whatever the number is right. And especially when that person is going to create and did create. actively simultaneously while purchasing the rights to the freedom of speech platform also implanting microchips in people's brains yeah and and there's so many different problems with that when you take that to like the Even 10 years from now, and I think they actually ended up having some concerns about the guy that they just implanted in where they're looking at potentially pulling it out because it wasn't something that was life threatening. But that just seems like a terrible idea. So when that same person is purchasing the rights to it, let's say 5 trillion thoughts. And that same person is looking to actively insert a microchip into every person's brain and also claims that if you don't do this, you're going to get left behind, right? You're going to become obsolete. I think was the term that he's used is if you don't, if you don't combine yourself with technology, you're going to become obsolete. Maybe you should question the real reason why they're purchasing however many trillion thoughts.  Yeah, and that's, that's an interesting choice of words that he used. I don't know where you stand faith wise, but the Bible specifically talks about in the end times, you're going to have to get a chip either in your forehead or in your left wrist, I believe, or left hand.  It's the mark of the beast, right?  Yeah, that you have to like scan or something like that in order to get food and to participate in life and culture. And then you have someone like Elon Musk, actively creating something like that.  And we're starting to see, you know, the Amazon one, I was at the airport not that long ago, and they had one of those stores where you just like walk in, you know, and get what you want and leave. And you like scan your hand. I think it is crazy whole foods. Now, when I go into whole foods, you just like scan your hand. It's I don't do it, but it's, it's crazy. Is that just a California thing? That's crazy. So Amazon test piloted something just like that. And they claimed that they would use facial recognition or something to charge your account for like, and it was all AI based. Did you, did you ever hear about that? Yeah, I think that's what we're talking about. It's like one, one something.  So it's different than the wrist where people would actually like have something implanted in their wrist or they would scan their palm or something like that. What this was is they claimed that it was all AI driven. They said that they, they would just basically do a facial recognition and all you had to do is scan your face into their system. But what it actually was, and they're, I believe they're getting sued for this right now. Amazon hired 25, 000 Indian dudes In a warehouse to actively watch the video surveillance footage and sit down and mark down each individual person and every purchase that they made because it was like the no checkout area. You would just fill your basket and you'd walk out and they're like, Oh, it's AI driven. And you know what they were doing is they were testing the idea, but they hired Tens of thousands of Indians in India, and they, they basically had them reading, looking at your face and trying to match it against the database of what they had and then charging you in the background. But they told everybody it was AI driven. It was like the craziest. Yeah. Yeah. A little different than risk scanning, which again is its own set of problems. But, but yeah, nonetheless, a pretty wild idea as we move into this, this You know, new era of, of AI. Well, meanwhile, it's just some guy sitting there eating chips and watching your face, looking for your social media profile to charge you or whatever. They should get sued for that. That's insane.  Absolutely. Definitely false advertising, at least to say. So I have this, I've had this thought that's been lingering in my head that, that when, especially when you combine the idea of, of AI and. Faith. And so, so here's my idea. We'll see how well I can actually convey it, because it's the first time that I've said it out loud. But my idea when it comes to this is that, let, if you, if you are religious, you people out there listening, if you're listening if you are religious, Every thought that's been had ever. And, and where I stand, stand spiritually and religiously, is I, I believe in God. I believe in, I have faith in, in everything. But, but what, what my thought is, is we are just as much a part of God, right? God. We are the, the seed of God. And, and God permeates the entire universe. And every thought that you've ever had, every, every decision you've ever made has in some way, shape or form, been at least slightly. Influenced by that, that greater power. And so when we look at the way that people are using chat, GBT today for creativity, for work, for art, for anything and everything that people are util their, it's for their, how they respond to their spouse in a marriage for how they're opening up their Tinder chats. Like there's a literal chat, G-P-T-G-P-T, that is called Riz, GPT, that is the guys. Oh, no. Yes, it is a real thing. It's like the number seven GPT on the GPT marketplace right now. It's called Riz GPT. And guys are using it to respond to girls on Tinder and try to, to pick them up or whatever. So when you, when you think about the way that AI is being utilized, it is actually, and, and, and, And I think, I believe that the way that we, when I have an idea, when I have a thought, especially something that, that I think is powerful enough to act on, I believe that was given to me. I don't think I'm just this, you know, I can come up with all of these amazing creative ideas and I actually have a book somewhere. Somewhere in the big long list of books behind me, it was written by Rick Rubin, and he talks about this idea, I think it's called the creative I forget the name of it, but Rick Rubin wrote this book, it came out very recently, it's an amazing book, and it talks about the act of coming up with creative ideas, and he talks about the ether, and how you have to be open to the idea, and essentially, Be open to the idea that you need an idea and through that you will become almost like a a Receiver for ideas, right? And I think that's that's god. I think that's the universe I think that's a higher power that is giving you this gift. That is a an idea. That is a thought that is a a beautiful way of stating something that is poetry that is music that is art that is architecture that is Anything and everything that you could think of But every single one of those categories right now is being replaced by AI. When you're talking about the way that people are responding to tinder chats, when you're talking about the way that people are coming up with art with chat GPT and dolly or mid journey, there's so many Things that would have normally been pulled from that ether from the universal power from the, the, the universe from God that is now being replaced by a man made God, right? That the way that we're anything and everything that you can think of right now, people are utilizing AI and they're using it in a way that is replacing the normal openness that you would have to receive it from something that is. Good. That is the universe. That is God. And we have since replaced that openness, replaced that power with something that is man made by algorithms that are in the background being manipulated by Silicon Valley Simps, weirdos that have never had a child that won't ever have a child that don't know what it's like to be in love, that don't know what it's like to enjoy art, that have just been in Stanford University classes their entire life, and, and, Had growth every single one. Like it's, it's, so that's my idea. That's my thought that that's, it's very concerning to me that we're replacing that higher power with something that is manmade and not just manmade, but man manipulated.  Yeah. It could be considered like a false God, like a golden calf. Totally. Absolutely. And I think that's, that to me is the most People are like, Oh, our jobs. It's like you're going to find a job. It's not like there's going to be 400 million homeless people in America. Eventually you're going to be able to utilize that. You know, I don't think people are going to be replaced by AI. I think people who don't use AI will be replaced by people who use AI. That's my thought when it comes to the workforce. But I do believe that the ether that the universe is you. You know, consistent flow of of ideas and creativity are absolutely going to be replaced by A. I. And what you mean by A. I. Is a man made exactly what you said. A false God that is manipulated by some 21 year old. Guy sitting in a white cubicle in San Francisco.  Yeah, yeah, and I think it's also going to dumb down the population a lot. I mean, we've already seen that with the Internet coming in. I mean, today's kids, I don't mean to be disparaging, but they're not. I mean, Look at the grades and they're barely making it through high school. Like they're just not as smart as previous generations. I look back at like what my ancestors were doing. I've been doing a lot of like genealogy and family history studying. And I'm like, gosh, people were so smart back then. And they were really creative. They were like all entrepreneurs because they had to be, they could all like grow food and survive. They just had it going on. And these generations now, because we have all this technology and with the industrial revolution, everything is so easy now. And we're just kind of stupid. Like every generation gets dumber and dumber. And I really feel bad for, I mean, my future children and the generations after, like, they're not going to know how to do anything. I mean, my little sisters, like they get to look things up on Google when they don't know how to spell a word. I had to go to the dictionary and like, sound it out, you know, like, And that's just, that's not even, we're almost in the same generation, you know, but yeah, I think it's going to make people really stupid.  When you go back to, let's talk about the, the, the way the Bible was written, Sir Francis Bacon you want to go back to the conversation about that, or even the constitution or the Federalist Papers, or any of those documents, it, or you, the way that The people wrote the way that people thought was so much more articulate, was so much more intelligent than the way that we speak today. You, I think, I believe it was like 1984, they, by George Orwell, the idea is that you, you dumb down language so that you dumb down the way that people think. When you talk about language, you're not just speaking about language, you're speaking about the way that you're taking thoughts within your head that the firing of those neurons and formulating them into organized thoughts that you can then convey, but you can't convey them until you have words for them. And you look at the dictionary and the amount of words that we've, we use today is a fraction of what people used back in the day. You look at even just penmanship, right? My handwriting looks like dog shit compared to all of the, like, go back and look at any signature on the Declaration of Independence, of the Constitution, of any of these things, the Federalist Papers. My, my signature. And I am probably sure any person's signature from my generation is just absolutely disgusting. They would think that we were mentally handicapped. If you put me in a time capsule and had me sign, sign the declaration of independence, they'd be like, that Austin guy was. Was he, was he like a, he was a diversity, he was a neurodivergent hire for Yeah, .  Yeah, for sure. I mean, yeah. Like the way my grandparents, great-grandparents, how they sign the card. Yeah, totally. Totally different. And that speaks to like, and again, you talk about the way that people speak and the way that people write is that's just a projection of your thoughts. You look at the  music industry and what's popular today. Tick tock trends like everything is slang. If you don't use slang, you're like not cool. And then I think about logos and branding, like graphic design has become so simple. And I, I'm obsessed with mid century modern design, but I think it kind of started there and it was intentional in the fifties, more so like the 60s, 70s. Yeah. Where they made everything super, super simple and minimal and everything was clean lines. And we see that I don't know if you've seen charts comparing like the high fashion houses like Balenciaga, Chanel Chloe, like how they all changed their logos to basically the same thing. Like Saint Laurent, Balenciaga, they all look the same now. It's black and white and it's simple text. It's all capitals. Very, very, like corporate, I guess, and the art is gone. Like the art and fashion, the art and architecture, all of that beauty is just gone. And it's very it's very communist Russia, if you ask me.  Yeah, absolutely. It's a great way to putting it. And you, you relate that the way that logos even, I haven't really thought about that, but I know that, you know, I'm, I've been Ben in marketing before I've been a director of marketing and in several companies and the way that logos have, I haven't thought about that, but it's completely dummied down, right? It's, it all, it's all minimalist logos, right? The way that people utilize their, their brand identities today is all very, very simple. Like you said, that the color palettes of companies has been so minimized down to something so simple. Like you go back to you, you look at the way that Apple. Even you look at Nike, you look at all of the major largest corporate brands that are out there today. It's all very, very minimal, like you said, very just simple lines and simple designs and simple colors and very simple color schemes. And you mentioned something there that architecture and for some reason, this is like, One of the things that I'm so passionate about and I have no idea why at all, but architecture to me, and I think it's probably because it's around you all the time. And I point this out to people and they're like, Oh my God, you're right. And I've never thought about that. Everything that we live in today, post World War II architecture was absolutely the death of modern artistry. You, you go and everything around you, just look around you. I live in a box that has several boxes within it that it has a my computers, a box, my, the walls in front of me, the art, the everything around me is, is designed as a box. And you go to, I was actually at a I was at, a local theater show. It was, it was a large theater show. Thing, but it was like, it's at the Fox theater in Detroit and the Fox theater in Detroit. You walk in there and you see this with cathedrals. You see, I, you know, I've been to the, the, Notre, Notre Dame in Paris. And like, you go over there and you see things that were built prior to the 1930s and it absolutely blows your mind. And it's not because it's not just the visual. Aspect of what you are appreciating. It's like, it's inside of you. There's something inside of you when you're in a beautifully built Gothic cathedral or you're, you're inside of the Fox theater in Detroit or the, the, there's so many examples of this, but none of them were built post world war two. There was a absolute, that, that is. A hill I will die on the death of artistry, the death of consciousness, the death of, of, almost any artistic pursuit died in the 1940s post World War II. Everything. Yeah. If you look at the homes, like here in California, people pay insane amounts. I mean, millions and millions and millions of dollars for homes that look the same. Like you could pay 2 million for a house that looks like a house that's 10 million. It's the same black and white, 90 degree angles box, like modern box. And they all have the fireplaces that are like in the wall. And like, it just, it looks the same. Everything looks the same now. Yeah, there's no spiral staircases. There's no woodwork and wood paneling and like art, real art. And it's the death. It's not the death of art in itself. It's the death of consciousness. It's like when you sit in a box, inside of a box, inside of a box. All day, every day, and then you drive your box car to your box house, and then you fall asleep in your box bed, and then you wake up, and you take a shower in your box shower, and then you drive your box car to your box work, and it's, it's, it's literally the death of consciousness, right? Exactly, a hundred percent. Like, you talk about the death of, the death of language, the way that people spoke 200 years ago. You would be, you and I if we, if you dropped us into those, those time periods, like if we took a time capsule and pressed, you know, 1824, we would look like the biggest idiots.  We look like cave,  right? Exactly. And you're supposed to improve, right? You're supposed to become more intelligent. You're supposed to become more capable and, and learn from the past, but the way that they spoke, the way that they wrote, the way that they live, the way that they built architecture and everything is, is absolutely the death of, of consciousness, the death of, of art, which is just a projection of consciousness and the projection of freedom and the freedom to create things. And you look at postmodernism. If you, if you, the, the idea behind postmodernism, essentially being that there, there is no truth, right? You look at the modern art and modern art is absolutely trash. Absolutely. Exactly. Valenciaga, it was like 800 for a handbag that was a replica of a bag of trash, literally. They're just rubbing it in your face!  Yeah, insane. I don't know if you've seen, there's an article and I'll probably make a video on it because it's really fascinating, written in I believe the 1800s, but it's And  this man is talking about, basically old world America. So the continent of North America and how, there are all these civilizations and these incredible buildings and these really advanced intelligent people that he claims, you know, used to live here. And there's kind of a growing number of people who are, I guess, waking up to this, that there was something more here than Native Americans and tipis and primitive people. But yeah, it's really about what he says about. Old World America, and then we look at like the Chicago World's Fair, and how everything conveniently got destroyed in the fire, and we don't have any of those gorgeous buildings anymore. But when you look at pictures that were taken of those buildings, they look like they had working electricity, and they were so intricate, and so detailed, and so massive. And they supposedly went up within a couple of months during a Chicago winter. And a Chicago winter is absolutely brutal. And we're talking about people who traveled by horse and buggy, who did not have heat, and who did not have, you know, layers and layers of incredible winter clothing, like we do now, that somehow built these incredible, Buildings that look like Paris and Rome, you know in a matter of a couple of months in Chicago, but they weren't smart enough to like, make a car back then. Yeah, and it's especially during the winter. There's, there's absolutely zero way. Like I said, I live in the Midwest and there's, there's no way. There's absolutely no way that modern society, they, they, they stop. They actually have frost rules. So if you live in a cold area, like the Midwest, you cannot build at all. You can't, they won't let you with modern construction, with all of the tools and the machinery that we have today, there is a certain amount of months per year where you literally are. You cannot build it's illegal to build because there's frost rules because the ground is is so hard and hard too hard for the modern machinery or whatever it's for the government to allow you to build, which I don't know why they care, but yeah, absolutely unbelievable. Yeah, so apparently these, these primitive people who grew potatoes knew how to do all this. And then of course it gets destroyed. And I think it's kind of a deliberate, some people call it like a reset. And I think it's a deliberate destruction of that beauty and kind of the dumbing down of the people because it makes us a lot easier to control. And I see that happening again with mid century modern. As much as I love mid century modern design, I think they did it again. Then where they're kind of erasing like the beauty and the art, and they're giving us a lot of geometry and clean lines, circles, squares, triangles. But yeah, it's very interesting.  Yeah. And, and when you speak about that, you can almost, you can go back thousands of years and feel the same way when you go look at ancient Egypt. You look at the architecture that they had then, we talk about Chicago, hundreds of years ago, talk about Egypt, thousands of years ago, we still have no idea, we still have no idea how they built the, the, the, the pyramids, how they built the chambers within them, how they built the, the tunnels underneath them, I think there was, there was an article that just came out, I believe today, that was about how there was a, a Finding of a new, underground tunnel system that they believe could potentially lead them to the tomb of Cleopatra. And yes, just today, I'm pretty sure. And, and so, but, but they still don't know how these tunnels were built. They would not be able to build these tunnels today. And that's almost every single part of ancient Egypt. And so you have these people coming out, these, these you know, these archeologists, and he talked about how there's absolutely Zero way that modern technology would be able to build the pyramids as we know them today. The, the, the amount of precision of architecture, the way that they, they cut these blocks and allegedly dragged them thousands of miles. And, and then, you know, so, so you go, you talk about architecture and you talk about the, the elimination of, I don't know, almost like, of Of questioning these narratives, they want to stifle these ideas so much, whether it's hundreds of years ago, or whether it's thousands of years ago, they just want you to live in your box. They don't want you to question why you live in your box or why there's just right angles everywhere around you. That stifles creativity. It's it's a continuation exactly of what you saw within to bring up 1984 again. The dwindling down of language to something that is verbally diminishing consciousness, it's, it's aesthetically diminishing consciousness in the same exact way. So if you can do that to the, to, to the, the surrounding areas that you're in constantly to the, the thoughts that you're able to, to come up with from, from the, you know, that, that ether, that God, that, that universal. Ideas that that are dropped and planted into your brain. If you can make the individual that the language that they are only able to convey them through as simple as possible, then then that person to your point is much more easy to manipulate. They're much more easy to make them just, you know, toe the line of what's accepted and not push back against the institutions that are there, you know, around them all the time that want them to do X, Y, and Z along the way, right? And so it's, it's, it's language, it's aesthetics, it's, it's art, it's creativity, it's entrepreneurship. It's, it's absolutely unbelievable. The amount of ways that we have been manipulated into simplicity.  Yeah. Yeah. It's almost, it makes you numb kind of you're numb and you're very susceptible to whatever they want to tell you. And I don't know if you've heard of cymatics, it's the study of how frequency affects water. If you look, yeah, I think I've heard of it. Like, I think I saw like a video on it at one point. Where I saw this like lady talking about it, but it was like the old Twitter, maybe five years ago. But yeah, absolutely. It's it go ahead  interesting. So you can affect the molecules of water with different frequencies. So music, even words spoken, and you can look up experiments that they've done on this and you can see like when negative words are spoken over the water, how it destroys the water molecules versus positive words or songs like, What did they use? Oh, imagine by the Beatles or whatever. John Lennon. Yeah, so really interesting. But if you look at these pictures of these water molecules that are affected by positive frequencies, they look exactly like cathedral windows in like all across Europe. It's really fascinating. And I'm gonna post something about it soon. But yeah, so it kind of gets you thinking like, People back in the day, they knew something about this. Like they were very in tune with frequency and what was going on. I don't know if they knew about cymatics necessarily, but there was something to that. I don't know if you've heard of the Coral Castle down in Florida. That's an interesting one. Apparently he, people think he moved these huge massive stones. It was one man who created this garden out of rocks. And The theory is that he moved them with frequency, and they demonstrated in a lab that you can pick things up and move them with frequency. They're doing it with like water droplets and really small things. But a lot of people think that this wasn't just the way that the Coral Castle was built, but also possibly things in Egypt as well. I did a video on Egypt a while ago where I broke down like the official theory for the pyramids. They would have to move these, I think they're like 80 ton blocks. Each one, I think it's 500 miles from the quarry where they said that they, they got the blocks across the desert, put them into place in two minutes. You're going to move this giant block 500 miles and put it into place in two minutes and you have to do that 24 hour. I think it's no, it's 10 hours a day for 20 years. You would have had to do that in order to finish the pyramids on time, according to the official timeline, the official story. So, yeah, it's possible to use frequency to build these things and they obviously knew a lot more than we do.  And there was a, there was a video that came out, I think where if you've ever seen the one where somebody claps, like if they clap in front of this Mayan temple down in South America, that it creates this like super weird, frequency that it, that it creates. puts back on you. That sounds like I forget what it is, but it's, it's a really, the, the way that they understood frequencies hundreds, hundreds, thousands of years ago is absolutely unbelievable. And the way that they were able to utilize them, that that's almost every single theory. When you look at the people who are really at the mainstream I guess mainstream is not the right term, but like the mainstream of the non mainstream is the idea is that the frequencies, the vibrational, the utilization of those frequencies is the way that they were able to do a lot of the things that they were, that they did, that we cannot explain today, which takes you to the idea that, you know, the lost civilization and lost technology, even if you go back several hundred years ago, you have Nikola Tesla. Nikolai Tesla created tons of technology, some of which you can't even learn about today, some of which they isn't, isn't spoken about today. And a lot of it had to do with the frequencies had to do with the way to utilize vibration and sound to manipulate the world around us. And so many people believe in, in, in. You have to understand that that the timeline that we're on, the reality that we're on today could have went hundreds of millions of directions, the, the, the people that we had a part of the American population, a part of the world population out of all of the potential. Sperm that could have created the world around us today. It's a very, very, very specifically small group from the group of potential beings that could have been here today. And so, when you look at the science that has been created, the, the person, the very, very small percentage of people that. Became people from sperm, the very, very small percentage of people that were born that went into science and the very, very small percentage of scientists that created the science as we know it today, you're talking about hundreds of people, not, not thousands, not hundreds of thousands, not tens of thousands, not millions. You're talking about maybe. The people that have created the world around us, the technology, the cameras, the phones that like really the core technology that created those things. You're talking about 50, 100, 200 people that created the core technologies that we know them today and of the millions of potential people, the hundreds of thousands of sperm that decided to be the one or two to 200 people that we're talking about that created the scientists that created the universe around us as we know it today, there could have been Thousands of other people in their position, and there was those thousands of other people in those positions that created the science that we knew prior, that was far different than the timeline that we found us on, we found ourselves on today, that is, electricity, that is, you know, the gas stove that you use, and the microwaves, and the cell phones, and the this and the that, that you know today, it could have been a completely One small scientist, one individual scientist could have completely off railed us from the technological advancements as we know them today to where we wouldn't be sitting having this conversation this way, and we wouldn't have the electricity that we have around them, but it would have been replaced by some other idea In some other way, just like what we're talking about, that is the lost technology of ancient Egypt and, and all of the, the, the things that we don't know about as a result of things like the, the burning of the library of Alexandria.  Yeah, oh, yeah, that's pretty crazy. There are a lot of people who actually think that the pyramids were used as, power plants essentially, and that our form of electricity that we use today is actually like a primitive form of electricity. And I would honestly agree with that. If we look at what Tesla did with Wardenclyffe tower, you know, he was harnessing energy from the earth and using it to transmit messages and images to ships all the way out at the Atlantic, you know, in the Atlantic Ocean. And he wanted to power up New York City with this clean, sustainable energy from the earth, and J. P. Morgan said nope, and he pulled his funding, and the tower was destroyed two years later. And you don't hear about that in school, you just hear Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, which actually, that was more so like Tesla's invention than Edison's, but Yeah, I think we're, we're living with primitive technology compared to what people had back in the day.  Yeah, absolutely. And that's like so many people are looking at what Tesla did now and like some of the schematics that were left around and things like that, but you pointed to it exactly, which is that  Thomas Edison took essentially complete Responsibility himself for all of the work of, I believe he hired Nikolai Tesla as his, like basically his intern and Tesla died broke and like had no money, no fame to his name. And essentially Thomas Edison utilized him as a pawn to steal all of Tesla's work and, and determined to utilize, I think, what, what was the. Certain type of like, luminescent metal or whatever it is that makes up our electricity today. And that's how stupid we are. I don't know how my house is, is, is lit up today. Like we're so, so primitive. We're so dumb that we just expect all of these things to work when we want them to work. And we just expect that daddy government's always going to take care of us. And whatever energy company that's out there just magically creates light. Around you. It's like, it's not God said, let there be light. It's whatever energy company is around you today is, is that that entity that, that just, you don't have to know. We got it. Don't worry about it. And if there's a complete failure of the electronic or the power grid. Well, good luck. You better have a lot of bullets or food. Yeah. Not our problem. And there's so many people like there's been so many movies lately, right? That the Obama movie that, that, that he helped write that talked about the EM, the, the, the difficulties that you would run into if there was an EMP or like a triple apocalypse or, and I don't think too many people realize how quickly we could devolve into chaos. Oh, yeah. Lord of the Flats. Like, a hundred percent.  Even the, the Northern Lights that we've been seeing over the last few days. So many people have speculated. And I don't think I've jumped on this train quite yet. You know, we, me and my wife went outside and like, used, I was able to actually see it with my eyes. My wife had to use her phone, but she got some amazing pictures of the Northern Lights. And again, we're in the Midwest, so not that crazy, but there were some people in Florida. We're done. It doesn't make any sense at all that you should be able to see these. And so some people were speculating that it was, you know, potentially all of these, you know, was the government operation, was the aliens, what is this? Was it that right? But how quickly. Some people were saying that even just a, a natural event, just a natural event, like the northern lights or the solar flares that was causing it. And I guess the idea behind that, the scientific the scientific explanation was that, was that there was a, a essentially two large areas of the sun that combined into one that was 16 times the size of the earth that started to emit the, the solar flare energy that caused the northern lights to be able to be seen. All across the globe, or so they say exactly, but and so even that they were saying a natural event, a natural event could have been the cause of, well, you might, you might just not be able to call your mom or your grandma, you might your electricity might go out your this, your that all of these things. Don't worry about it. But if it happens, you know, It's because of the sun. Yeah, it's not our fault. Absolutely. It has nothing to do with us. But how could, even if, even if it's natural, even if it's natural, which it's highly likely that if we do end up in some sort of scenario where there's lack of communication or our, our 5G towers, God forbid, don't work the way that they were intended. That it's, you know, if that does happen, The, we saw it with the toilet paper, people get very primitive, very quickly. There is so much that if, if our, in, I am guilty of this too. If my cell phone stopped working tomorrow. Like, I would be driving to my parents house, going to check on my grandparents, like, it would very quickly devolve into chaos. Just think about this. If all of the, the, the, the grid goes down tomorrow, and the grocery stores cannot turn their power on, guess what they're doing? They're closing their doors. Guess what your fridge is doing? Your fridge isn't going to work. And all of your food's going to go bad in two to three days. And if your food goes bad in two to three days, and your grocery stores are shut down, Just, just ask yourself that question. Then what, what am I going to do? Then two to three days.  In Texas, our water worked off of the electricity. So we don't have water when we don't have electricity either. So unless you have a well and you have a backstock of food, good luck. And what type of, we, again, there was people fist fighting over, toilet paper. Yeah, this fighting over toilet paper. Now, imagine if that was water. And I actually remember when you talk about coven. I actually remember going to the local store and buying the big jugs of water. Like, with that idea in mind, I bought, like, Five or 10 jugs of water that I stuffed in the back of my car just in case. But it wasn't even a conversation then it was toilet paper, right? People were fighting at Costco over toilet paper and that, and that's not even a daily necessity. Like, I'm sorry, you can figure something out, grab a towel.  Yeah, about the toilet paper thing, like why toilet paper, we laugh about it, but I almost feel like, I did kind of like a deep dive into all of these different patents that the U. S. government has on, what do they call it, voice to school technology, basically ways that they can communicate. With your brain ways that they can change the frequencies in your brain, all that kind of really weird stuff. All of this stuff is patented. It's public information. Really fascinating, but they can actually implant ideas into your head. So did they start this where they were like, get toilet paper, you know, like did they send them 5g towers and everyone went crazy over the toilet paper. So weird. Yeah, and you look at it. So, so there's actually so even if let's let's just say it was a real shortage, right? Let's just assume that when it's very, very easy to that for them to disrupt the supply chain, right? It's very, very easy for them to disrupt this. The supply chain, the amount of people that were running to the store based off of propaganda. All you need. All you need is every major Costco to not have toilet paper for then all of the Winn Dixie's around you, all of the Kroger's, everybody that's around you is going to start sprinting to the store, right? But then, then you get into what you're talking about, right? I think, I think there was a recent hearing about like last, within the last week, there was a hearing where they brought in the CIA and they talked to them about the, the more recent utilization and weaponization of, of the technology that you're talking about. And they talked to them about what used to be called Havana syndrome. You heard of that before? So Havana syndrome was you go back to the utilization of this during like the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union back in the day. And you can look this up, CIA. gov, their reading room right now. And you can look at the weapons that they utilize to basically attack and disrupt the frequencies within your brain. And they, they created essentially like these like ray guns, like alien style ray guns that, that could shoot these signals at you and cause you to go crazy. That way they verbatim last week said that they could make you see things that they can make you hear things that they could change the thoughts that were within your head to be positive. Or negative utilizing this technology. And just think of the implications of that today. We're not talking about when you have a, a, a brain, a Elon Musk chip in your brain that they can then just go to their computer and go to a drop down menu and say, Hey, I want Brianna or I want Austin to be super pessimistic or, or not even that I want every 24 to 35 year old white person to become hyper aggressive. Just for a week, and then next week, we'll turn it off. Well, whatever you there's so many things that you could do with that technology. But even as we know it today, they're able to weaponize and manipulate human consciousness. The way that the good Lord, the earth, the universe created it today without a brain implant in there, not only being able to manipulate your thoughts, but being able to track Every single thought that you make at every single point of the day, they know when you're hungry, they know when you're happy, they know when you're mad, they know when you're horny, they know when you're, when you're thirsty, they know every single thing about you all the time, every day at all times and guess what? They're going to sell that data to every company that's around you. And then guess what? They're going to project an advertisement in your brain. I think it was, it might've been like the, the minority report or something. They, they showed the way that they would, they would basically, there was no real like billboards. But the every billboard, every, every thing that you would drive past would have a, it was actually a, a TV show on Netflix called carbon, carbon fiber or something, carbon something. And they, they had this chip in your head that I talk about in this show and everything that you would walk past would be a personalized advertisement in real. Life that was specifically created for you. You walk down New York City, every billboard, every building, every screen, every everything that around you is completely curated to your thought processes and made it. It's exactly. It's terrible, right? And again, what are the implications of that?  Yeah, I don't know if this is going on YouTube, so I want to like censor myself, but the offing events that happen at schools, often, I was reading a post, this woman was talking about how all of these, characters who do this, report having voices in their head, telling them that they have to do this in order to make the voice go away and to feel okay again. And so they go do this. And so I thought that was like a little, it was a little out there. Like I need some proof for that. So then I was going through this list of it's probably like 100 different patents of this voice to school technology. And sure enough, there's a patent in there that it works by, so they need your DNA, which they can get from a piece of trash and your trash can out front or anything really. And then they can program using your DNA, their voice to only reach like your thoughts, basically. And Through frequency, and so they can speak to you. So some guy from the CIA or the FBI is, you know, on a mic speaking into your brain, telling you that you have to go commit this horrible act in order to get the voices to go away. And so you feel crazy. And so you go do this thing, and then you end your own life and, The story dies with you, but it's crazy. Cause this technology actually exists and it kind of makes me think about like, what about Trump supporters in the future? And like, how are they going to target us? You know, with deep fakes and with voice to school technology. And I don't know, it's a weird world we're living in.  It's crazy, right? And you think about 10 years from now and it gets into wild territory. But even what you're talking about today that most people aren't familiar with, and I'm not familiar with some of it, but it makes perfect sense to me. Even if let's go to the, let's go to the very, very generous side of that, which is psychological medications, the, the anti psychotics. Almost 85 plus percent of people are taking when they commit those unaliving events that you're talking about at the school systems. Almost every single case, almost every single case, they're taking anti psychotics and if you just look at it as biological, there is a, there is a switch inside of your brain that says, I would never commit this atrocious act. Even if you want to talk about like what we used to do back in the day, well, there was, there was a lot of murder. There was a lot of war. There was a lot of rape. There was a lot of pillaging. There's all these horrible things. Absolutely. For sure. People and humans are capable of very, very bad things on their own without psychological medications or without technology that manipulates their, their thoughts, absolutely capable of those things. But when you look at the effect of psychological medications and that, that, that switch in your brain that says, I would never go do this to children, I would never go do this to innocent civilians, I would never go do this to X, Y and Z fill in the blank. There is a switch in your brain that has to be muted, completely silenced. The same way that when you become hyper, hyper majorly depressed, that there's a switch in your brain that says, don't kill yourself. Don't don't commit suicide. Don't do this terrible, atrocious thing. There's better things on the side of tomorrow that you have to look forward to. There's a switch in your brain that says, don't do this thing. And the psychological antipsychotics and medications actually have on the label. Not only that you're far more likely, like very, very statistically far more likely to commit suicide, but you're also far more likely to commit these types of atrocious acts. So then, then 85 percent of people not only have committed anti or utilize anti psychotics and are being, let's say, mute, just mute that, just mute that switch in your brain. But then you start to. utilize modern technology by finding these people who are on anti psychotics on forums like reddit and you have the CIA or the FBI that goes in there and starts to manipulate those people and then guess what they have to show up at their door a weapon that they can use right and and that's like just what you said that's like old news That's not even that serious. Like just being able to go on Reddit and start messaging somebody or just starting to push anti psychotic medications and then manipulate the person who's taking them to commit these acts. That's old news. There's. Like you said, exactly patents out there today that showed those types of things that that can be utilized to not only, you know, take that muted person, manipulate their thoughts through through forums, but also in real life implant ideas that will, you know, Make them commit acts that they would have never as a human being be capable of committing on their own today.  Yeah. Yeah. Wild stuff. It's crazy, right? And it's just getting crazier. And then, and then you want to tell me that the only way that I can keep up with the Joneses is by taking Elon Musk's Neuralink, a chip. Oh, thank you. And implanting it in my brain. So that you can have complete wifi access to every thought that I've ever had. And not even have to utilize the technology that you're talking about. It just, it's so much more dystopian. Like, like the technology that you're talking about isn't even enough for them. We have to take it a step further. Yeah, exactly. To my brain and get me to do things. You have to be like, And you have to be part of my mind. Real time, real time feeds. Like, I don't want to have to be within a hundred meters of you to be able to manipulate you. I want to be sitting at a desk in Silicon Valley or in Washington, D. C. in some bunker in the CIA. They're AirPods, I think they're called, right? I don't have them. They just patented new technology for AirPods to read your brainwaves. So it's reading your mind while it's in your, in your school. Insane. Insane.  It's crazy. And so, so I just, I just went into like a new endeavor. I talked about how I'm entrepreneur, right? And so there's been a lot of conversations around the manipulation and weaponization of EMF frequencies. And that's what you're talking about. Like when everybody's talking about EMF, wifi radiation, poisoning, and the cancer being caused by your cell phone overuse and how you should turn off your wifi at night, there's, there's a lot of conversations about those things. And so, so I actually, the hat that I'm wearing on my head is actually a sample of the very first, one of the very first products that I'm coming out with for a company called Ronin. And what we're doing is there's a silver lined fabric. So there's something called Faraday goods and Faraday material is a silver lined fabric that you can actually interweave into the materials of your everyday shirts, hats, everything that you wear on a daily basis. And you can actually basically create a barrier between you and what that type of technology can do. So most people aren't aware of it. There is actually some type of material. It's a little expensive compared to everyday things. But if you're concerned about those things, and then a lot of people are just concerned about the regular AirPods. The, the, the amount of different, like the, the health effects of regular AirPods and then you see that, yeah, I saw like just a really super brief Instagram post by somebody that posted about that. What do you need to read my brainwaves for? Like you're already, you're already predicting basically everything that I would want to buy ever already at 75 to 80 percent accuracy. Yeah. What do you need access to my brain frequencies for? And how, how are you going to utilize that? Not even you. Let's say like, and I mean you by Apple, not you specifically, but right. But how, how is Apple going to utilize that? But also how is Apple going to monetize that data beyond themselves? I don't think I'm, I'm not concerned about Apple taking my brainwave frequencies and trying to sell me a newer Mac because I thought about it.  Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I have, I have one of those, the blankets you're talking about and I put it on my lap when I have to like work on my laptop or edit. Yeah. They're pretty cool.  Yeah, absolutely. And it's, it's something that like most people are not aware about the technology and it's not like not even technology. It's, it's just literally a certain type of fabric and it's a certain type of fabric that's not created for everything. You know, the way that I came up with it was I actually heard on a, on a podcast through RFK. So Robert F. Kennedy jr. Talked about the, the wifi radiation poisoning that he was actually litigating against a lot of people where there was people coming to him and saying that, you know, they had this certain type of a very aggressive cancer that was in their brain. And it was a result of after they did so many studies, finding out that people were holding their phones up to their head, which you should never do as people hopefully know now, you shouldn't hold your phone up to your head. You should put it on speaker. You should use. Wired headphones, whatever, but he found that that people who held their phone up to their head a certain amount of hours per day were far more likely to get this certain type of cancer. Yeah. And so we started litigating consistently against this, this, what he called either wifi radiation poisoning, 5g radiation poisoning and emf radiation poisoning. What most people don't know. And once you see it, you cannot unsee it. I, I feel crazy because like when I'm microwaving my food now, I stand like 10 feet away from the microwave. I, I just, there's no, but when you realize that you put your food in this magical box. And you shut the magical door and you press the magical button, your food magically heats up. I don't know what the hell is going on there. I don't, all I'm told is that it's a magical box that you press a magical button and your food magically heats up. Well, what's happening there? What is the science behind it? What does that do to me? What does that do to my food? What does that do to the plate? What does that do to everything around you? And you don't know. You're not supposed to know. But you know what you're supposed to do? You're supposed to buy the microwave and you're supposed to heat up your food. Don't ask questions. Hold your cell phone up to your ear. You should keep your Wi Fi on at night and don't worry about it. We got you. Of course we care about your health and safety. We're the government, right? But what they don't tell you is that the people that are responsible for the, the determining of how, like what level of EMF radiation is allowable. There's actually a governing body surrounding this, which is maybe a little bit, but that's encouraging to know there's a, there's a, there's six people that line the board of this, this board essentially within the government that determine the amount of allowable EMS with it. There's a certain level of threshold that you cannot pass or else you won't be allowed to sell it commercially, but five of six of the people on that government board. Are also board members or high level executives of telecommunication companies?  Yes. Yeah. And I think it's something like, I think it's over a trillion dollars that built big telecom, like lobbies Congress with every year and all of the information, all the studies get buried. There's over 10, 000 peer reviewed studies that demonstrate harm to humans. And all of that gets buried because Big Telcom is putting massive amounts of money behind this. And like you said, five out of six Big Telcom employees. Elon Musk, he went on Joe Rogan's podcast and Rogan was questioning him about the EMFs because of Starlink. And he straight up said, it's not a concern. You can wear a head, I think he said a helmet full of, Cell phones and be totally fine. You're not going to get cancer. You're not going to have any issues. And we know like scientifically, we know that that is not true. But him along with our government, like they're all just working together to push these technologies. But I think the bubble's kind of bursting. I think people are waking up.  I think it's the, and this is the reason that I started my company. So, so the company is called Ronan Basics. It's going to come out. I have several products that are available right now. But the reason that I started this is because the conversation started to become very, very consistent in, in a lot of different individuals, whether it's RF, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whether it's Joe Rogan, whether it's Tim Ferriss, whether it's Andrew Huberman, but there's so many. People that are out there speaking this, this, this truth today that weren't doing it three months ago, right? It's becoming one of the most consistent things I'm seeing on X. I'm seeing all these viral posts showing the amount of EMS being emitted from your, your laptop, right? There's, there's so many consistent conversations happening about this. So when I saw this. I think six months ago when I started my endeavor in this, I went out and I looked, there's one company out there that really does the EMF hats. There's one or two, maybe three companies that does the backpacks. There's one to two companies that does the phone sleeves and the laptop sleeves. Every one of them is so ridiculously priced and expensive, and there's no reason for it. So I was like, And again, by the way, all of it looks like shit. So it's like, so having, exactly. So having my background, so I was like, well, let me just see what I can do. I think this is a great opportunity to solve a real problem and to create a product that. You know, especially in the apparel world, there's not too many problems that you can actually solve with a hat or clothing or a backpack or things like that. And I was like, this seems like a great opportunity to create a great product is actually affordable for people. The hats that people are buying right now from the company That's crazy. The average person spend that in this economy,  a 90 hat, and it looks like shit, I would never wear it. I would absolutely never wear this hat. So I was like, there's gotta be a way. So I started to look at sourcing manufacturers and started to talk to people and source the fabric and do all these things and I was like, all right, so I'm, I think I'm onto something. So keep an eye out for that. But, but the idea is that  there's, there's. Very real threats that are around us because of modern technology, and here's the question I would pose to anybody that's out there today. If every, let's just say the government, if the government found out tomorrow, every single cancer patient that died was a result of modern technology was a result of the frequencies that are being emitted from your cell phone. I'm not saying this is the case. I'm just giving you a thought experiment. If you found out You know, let's start with the government. If the government found out that every single cancer patient that died was a result of modern technology, do you believe? That they would be capable of making the decision to say, We are cutting off all of your cell phones were cutting off all of your your Wi Fi. We are not going to do this because we know it's killing. It's the number two cause of death in the United States today, right? Cancer. We're no longer going to allow telecommunications companies to offer Wi Fi to offer 5G to offer cell phones to offer any of this modern technology. We're going to have to figure out another way. Do you believe? Tomorrow, they would make the decision to shut that down, or do you think they would stifle that conversation, stifle that science to allow us to continue down this trajectory?  I think we know the answer.  We absolutely know the answer. Now, I even want to pose this to people, because I would be conflicted with this as well. If you knew, if I knew, that every cancer patient that ever died, that ever got cancer was the result of modern technology, you as a person, me as a person, a father, Of three children. Would I stop all of my families, all of my own technological use as a result of that information? I don't know. And that's a very conflicting position to find yourself in. Like, do you really believe that you would be capable? Would you be mentally strong enough? Would you be able to, you know, I could tell you confidently my answer would be no, I wouldn't stop immediately because my job depends on my ability to utilize internet. My job depends on my ability to use my cell phone. My job depends on all of these things, right? My, my family being able to eat, right? My family's going to die much quicker from not being able to eat and from being able to drink water because I can't pay the water bill if I lose my job because I can't pay for their food or their water. So it's interwoven into our society to the extent that regardless of the information that came out, even if we found out tomorrow that 50, 30, 30 to 50 percent of people that utilize technology every single day, more than four hours a day, which is far more or far less than the average person utilizes their cell phone. If you're in Gen Z or millennials. Even if we found that out tomorrow, I'm not convinced at all that even 10%, even 5%, even 1 percent of people would stop their use of modern technology as a result of that information. And just like a, a, I don't know, an alcoholic who, who starts to make those realizations finds it out. I think we're far more addicted to technology. We're far more addicted to social media. We're far more addicted to, to doom scrolling on our phones than we are to the, the to the idea that we are actually wanting to do what's best for our bodies, what's best for our minds. And so I don't know where we go from here other than trying to find solutions. Like actually making those Faraday products mainstream, actually creating anti technology tools that you can leverage to mitigate those things. And it's not just Faraday goods. It's not just the silver line fabrics. There's some like quite expensive electronic devices, which I guess. I don't know how that works out. That will mitigate EMFs, but it's a, it's a very consistent conversation that I think people should hopefully start having within their families and their communities. And we should at least start to bring awareness to it, because I think that's the number one thing to, to solving almost any issue.  Yeah, and I agree with you 100%. I think people would give up alcohol and junk food before they gave up their doom scrolling and their social media and technology.  100%, right? We're, we're way more addicted, way more addicted to Instagram and X and TikTok than we are to literally any other substance on this earth today. And. The effects of TikTok and Instagram and X are not nearly that of the actual physical effects of the frequencies that are being emitted as a result of the utilization so close to your body. Mm hmm. Yeah. So, so it's, it's an interesting rabbit hole to go down. I don't think most people are ready for that conversation, but I do think that there are some real, you know, go buy the 90 hats. I don't care. Go buy the, the, the, the 200 phone sleeve. I don't care, but at least be aware of the idea that these things are out there that can help you solve this issue. And if there's a company out there. There's a company out there that can help you solve that issue at a much lower cost, you know, definitely, definitely pursue it because I think it's a worthwhile endeavor to start to wake up to those ideas. And I think that just as we've seen with covid, just as we've seen with, the pharmaceutical industry, that the military industrial complex, there is a telecommunications industrial complex that is out there right now, lobbying, like you said, billions of dollars. Billions of dollars to try to, to, to manipulate you into believing that these, this is not an issue, but there's a lot of studies out there, a lot of studies out there, and there's far more being conducted today and tomorrow than have been conducted in the past. But there's a lot of studies out there that show that there is a serious correlation and causation between the technology that you use and the health outcomes that you have.  Absolutely. Let me know when you're ready to drop your company. I'll happily promote it. I got you. So, so one of the things that I've seen you talk about, Brianna, a few times is the, is the moon landing, right? Oh yeah. The, the, the, the very convincing, Video evidence that we have seen from the United States of America, NASA program. So speaking about the, the, you know, the, the tarnishment of, of legitimacy within our institutions today, as we know them, what caused you to question the moon landing, like, what are the main, like, you have to point to two to three things. That's like, here's what, here's what made me believe this is absolute horseshit. What made you think that? As you know, I've seen several of your videos and they're very convincing.  Thanks. Yeah, you know, there's a long list of things that are inconsistent about the moon landing. And this is so controversial. Like people want to fight you on this. They get really emotional because it's, it's like supposed to be this epitome of American excellence and American innovation and this wonderful milestone in our history. And they don't want that illusion shattered. But one of the main things is the fact that we had, I believe it was a zero. 0. 17 percent chance of getting past the Van Allen radiation belt, even with all of the quote unquote protections that they put on the ship and somehow we made it through and the explanation given, I dug and I dug and I tried to find like a scientific explanation for how they got past the radiation belt. They say. We went fast, which is just absurd. Like, oh, okay, sure. You went fast. But you know, we have, I forget his name, but he's one of the astronauts at the international space station. And he slips that we haven't even made it past low earth orbit ever. And so there's things like that all over the place. There was a video that came out from NASA not that long ago talking about they don't even know how to get past the radiation belt yet with, without people, with just their, their technology, their ships. So yeah, a lot of inconsistencies there. I think the footage would have been very easy for them to create in the film studio. It's super primitive. It's super fuzzy. It's, you know, people say if you speed it up, it looks like they're walking at normal speed. Yeah, yeah, it's, it's an interesting one for sure.  A hundred percent. So the Van Allen radiation belt. So the idea behind that, that NASA gave is they said that it's a lost technology. That was their response because when people ask them, why have we not gotten to the moon recently? And why is this Van Allen Radiation Belt an issue today compared to what it was in the 1970s and 80s? Why is this an issue and why were we able to overcome it 50 years ago? And why are we not able to come it over to able to overcome it today? They say that, well, we lost the technology. We lost the schematics. We don't have the capabilities of doing what we did 40 years ago. You know, back when. We used to use a, you know, what was it like a tin can and a string to talk to each other before it's modern cell phones. You want to convince me you want, they think we're so stupid that that's really the, you saw that with covid, you see it with with the moon landing. There's so many other examples of this, but, but. The way that they try to talk to you about the Van Allen Radiation Belt, and I'm not intelligent enough when it comes to space to be able to explain it very well, but people should go look it up. It's essentially a certain altitude that you go past the atmosphere that causes all of the, I'm sure it's like the instrumentation and the capabilities of actually surpassing this to be able to continue past this certain altitude above the atmosphere to allow them to actually reach that. And to your point, they basically state that, eh, we don't know, right? Like they didn't, they didn't have unbelievable documentation and everything surrounding the, the, the actual, building and infrastructure that went into creating the moon landing. And, and so, yeah, it's, it's so crazy to me that they want to try to continue the lie. It's like, it's like abusive spouse. that, that tries to like gaslight you enough into thinking that you're really, really dumb to think that I was cheating on you for so long. But, but really you like knocked on the window of the car and saw them in there together, but they're trying to gaslight you into believing that that's not really what happened and you were dreaming, right?  It's so insulting to think that and like, if we were able to make it to the moon and you actually saw there was a The guy named his last name's Sibrell. He's like the number one guy when it comes to the moon landing. He's done a ton of research on it. And he actually got punched in the face, punched in the face by, I don't, it wasn't Lance arm, it wasn't Lance Aldrin, right? Yes. Buzz Aldrin. Thank you. Buzz Aldrin. Punched him in the face. I think it was like the late 90s or the early 2000s when he was doing this deep dive into the moon landing. And he went up to him and said, I want you to swear on this Bible. I have a Bible right here. I want you to swear on it. And he just gets punched right in the face as a result of going up to this guy and, and trying to like, have him just swear on the Bible. Just, you know, get to convince me like every other lawyer has done. put their hand on the Bible and lied to me before in a legal setting. He couldn't do it. He chose violence instead of, of telling the, the, the mistruth, which is that we weren't capable of going back then, which is what it absolutely appears to be. All of the, the, the footage that was essentially propaganda that they pushed out as a result was faked. And you see that by all of the evidence that is presented between the, the, the shadows of the, the light that's intersecting between the, you know, I, I even saw something today before we, we had this conversation that was there was like a fly that people zoom in on, on the moon lander. There was a community notes around that, to be fair. So I'll, I'll give you, I'll give you that. But it said it was fake, but, but again, there's so much weirdness around the moon landing, and I don't think, like, why, why do you think that is? Why do you think that we went to the extent that we did, if it is fake? Let's just say it's fake, and let's, let's accept that. Why do you think the government would do that?  I mean, it was thought at the time that whoever got to the moon first would win the Cold War. So there was sufficient motivation to get up there first and intimidate, you know, Russia by saying we're going to put weapons or there was, there was sufficient motivation to get to the moon first. So I think that was probably it. I think everyone in power probably was in on it. And knew what was going on. And I think NASA, you know, like the only stupid people are us, the people like we're, we're the ones that are always out of the joke, but, I mean, I'm, I'm sure everyone, I think the reason they probably get so angry, angry to the point of punching people who ask questions is because Not because they're hurt that someone would ask that question or frustrated their work is delegitimized, but because it's like a sore subject, they've been keeping this secret for so many years. My great grandpa was actually friends with Buzz Aldrin. I never met him obviously, but I wish I could have, I'd have some questions for him.  That's crazy. Yeah. So, so you, you alluded to it right there. It's like the cold war was an interesting time. And what a weird flex, like, yeah, it's like you're going to get into a fist fight with another kid and in middle school and you're like, well, I bet you I can race you to the that the store down the road and get back before you can yeah, you have your like mom Photoshop and image of you. Selfie ing next to the store instead of actually like racing 25 miles down the road. It's, it's such a weird flex. Like, why was that the thing that people wanted to do that proved that we were substantially technologically advanced more than the Soviet Union?  Yeah, I think it was. I think it was the Russians thought that they would put weapons on the moon, right? If the Russians got to the moon, they'd put space weapons up there and they'd win the Cold War. Which obviously no one's put weapons on the moon. I don't think we've been to the moon. But yeah, I think that was the thought at the time. It seems like we probably should have spent that money. Elsewhere, like, like again, it just goes back to the weird flex conversation. Like it just, it makes literally no sense why that was the, that was the weird cold war. Like it wasn't like creating a new technology. It was like, I bet you, I can race you to that fence and back faster. Only that fence is in Italy. And you'd actually have to swim across the Atlantic ocean to get there. And everybody knows that you can't actually do that. Yeah. Yeah, and also like, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any other nation has put a quote human on the moon before like it's just us still all these years later and the Apollo program and we lost the technology and we lost the tapes and like what it's insane that anyone actually believes it happened 50 years ago. It's like the RF, like the, the, the Kennedy assassination. It's like, we didn't do that, but we're also not going to release any of the information surrounding it. Yeah, we didn't do it, but we're not going to clear our names. Exactly. We're not going to convince you, but we're going to tell you, and you're going to believe us that we didn't do that. But we did do this thing and we're going to tell you and you're going to believe us, but don't question it because if you do, we're going to call you a conspiracy theorist. And so you, you see like Elon Musk trying to get to Mars and you see the way that he, he tries to frame it as the, the colonization of Mars for the purpose of mitigating catastrophes for the human species. Yeah, and I think if you take it from like a book sci fi perspective, it makes quite a bit of sense to be able to, to become an interplanetary species, because if there is some sort of catastrophic event, you look at what happened with the 16 times the size of earth with the sun and the solar flares that are happening right now, as we speak. Allegedly, right? If that got much worse, something could happen to, to the earth. And, and if that was the case, then it would be much better off. If we at least had an Adam and an Eve somewhere on Mars, that would be able to help us out. But also if you look at it from like an elitist perspective, you see that. Mark Zuckerberg just built a 40, almost 40 billion bunker, like unbelievable amount of money that all of these, these, these elitists are creating far below the surface of the earth. And it seems to me to be a little bit more of a escapist type of ideology that allows people who are far more financially set to offset the risk that they're going to be at the, the, the butt end of the joke. That is the end of humanity.  Yeah, I would agree with you. I don't know if you've seen the show, the hundred it came out years ago. And I, I was like a teenager when it came out. And so I loved it because it was like, it was created as like a teen show. But basically they send down, so there's nuclear war on earth and everything is destroyed and it's radiation soaked. And the only people that survive are the people that fit in the bunkers. And there's only like a few bunkers throughout the whole world. And so the rest of the people went up to space. And so they've been living in space for however many years. And so they send these hundred. teenage kids down to see if the radiation's gone so they can live on the land again. But yeah, it's the same idea, like what you're talking about with the wealthy who go and hide in their bunkers, everyone else dies, and then some of them go to space, and then, oh, we're gonna colonize the earth again, how cute. And yeah, I think that's, that's it. If you, if you pay enough, you can survive the nuclear, the nuclear war, and Yeah, but I see these people as godless and, in their mind that's where things are going, in my mind that's not where things are going, and I personally don't fear death at all, so I'd rather die in a nuclear war than live in a bunker, honestly. But yeah, I think these people are perpetually afraid, and so they build their bunkers and I think Elon Musk is selling this dream of we're going to go to Mars and democracy and the he talks about how Mars would be ruled, you know, in a democratic way and it's for the people and all this. It's not for the people like he's going to bring his elitist friends. Like it's so silly  when you look at like how much time does Elon Musk have left and you look at the trajectory of longevity. You look at, you know, the, the lifespan and, and age of people that we could potentially live to, let's say, I don't know, I'm, I'm 30. So based on the trajectory of life, maybe I should be able to live to a hundred. And let's say, and maybe if AI works out well enough and Elon Musk does a great enough job and so does Sam Altman, maybe it's 150, but, but Elon Musk probably has a runway. I don't know how old he is. He's probably mid forties, early forties, mid forties. 50s? Doesn't look too bad for 50. So let's say he has, if, you know, maybe they're gonna, put his brain in some sort of freezer or something, but let's say he has 60 years, 70 years left to live. He can do so much in that time, in a time where technology is expanding so rapidly with AI. And for most people who don't know this, Elon Musk was a initial investor of OpenAI. He  was one of the very first people alongside Sam Altman. Sam Altman being the Y Combinator, Silicon Valley VC, Venture Capitalist founder of OpenAI, but he, him and Elon Musk started OpenAI together. And so they, Elon Musk, QAM, right? And again, you have to look at the theatrics, like how many of the, how much of this is actually real and how much of this is. Jersey Shore reality TV theatrics to convince you that you should implant the brain chip that the good guy gives you and and don't use that bad chat bot online that the bad guy gives you right there's there's so many implications of this so so when you look at the amount of time effort and energy that that in an outcome potential that Elon Musk has there's it's a very real possibility. And maybe not if you look at the Van Allen radiation belt, but the potential that he has to take the technology and the rapid prototype testing that he's doing within SpaceX today and try to colonize a different area. But who's going to go there? Like, who's going to be the very first people that get there? And who's going to be the very first people that get there in the next 50 to 70 years? What's the, the, the second that if we've seen anything else from the, the humanitarian human perspective or, or even Homo sapien perspectives or whatever you want to call it, the, the, the nature of humanity is that we become tribalists. If, if he starts to colonize Mars and, and we're here on Earth as the, the lonely peasants, there's absolutely going to be some type of dispute, right? Some type of tribalism, some type of idea that we are better than them. And here's why. And here's what, what we need to, to, to take from them. And it gets to be this like weird sci fi terrifying dystopia. And, and I'm not sure that when you go back to the, the godly perspective, that was what was intended for us. To begin with, it wasn't that God gave us the, the, the garden of Eden and the, the land of Mars, it's like, no, God gave us the garden of Eden. Yeah,  for sure. Yeah. I don't, I don't see that as like, I mean, maybe I'm foolish, but I don't see that as like a real thing. Like I don't see us going to Mars and like living on Mars at least anytime soon. I think it's another bunker for sure. A deep, deep bunker next to Mark Zuckerberg, who's to be fair, trying to be way cooler than he actually is more recently. Yes. And so we, we talked about it a little bit. Robert F. Kennedy jr. And so I want to hear your piece. What is your thoughts on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? Do you think he's a legitimate candidate, legitimate candidate? Do you think that he's somebody who's going to pull votes from one party or the other? What are your thoughts there?  Yeah, I don't really see him as a threat, at least not to Trump. If anything, he'll take some votes away from Biden, but I don't see him as a serious candidate in this election. Obviously I personally won't be voting for him and I don't agree with a lot of his stances on things. I think people on the right really jump on his COVID vaccines. But he is. He's always been a super, super, avid environmentalist, so he's 100 percent into this climate change hoax. The policies that he would push as a result of that, I do worry about. Obviously he's, he's not pro gun the way that we are. He supports abortion up until birth, I think he said recently. Yeah, I don't agree with a lot of his policy. He's still very pro vaccine. He said it himself. He's quote emphatically pro vaccine. All his kids are vaccinated. It's just the COVID vaccine that he has a problem with, which is fine. But I see him as very, very much a part of the Democrat party, even if he's running as an independent. And I think people on the right embracing him as a little, not premature, but I don't think people are really researching like they should.  Sure. Yeah. And I think I almost fell into that trap a little bit. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to me was somebody who seemed like a, you know, I, I tend to be a little bit hesitant to identify myself as red or blue or Democrat or Republican. I like to keep an open idea about most ideas. I tend to be more, far more conservative than I am liberal, obviously, when it comes to social issues and financial issues but, but I tend to be more libertarian than anything where I think most often than not the government's absolutely fucking atrocious at basically everything that it does. And so we had it when I was in the military, so I was in the air force. I was an air traffic controller in the air force and we had a bowling alley on base. It was the only, yeah, super random, this, it was the only piece. It was the only entertainment on baseball. There wasn't a movie theater. There wasn't literally anything at all. They had thousands and thousands of individuals that were on base that only had one piece of entertainment. And you know what happened to that bowling alley? It got shut down because it wasn't profitable. Wow. The United States government cannot successfully run a bowling alley. The only form of entertainment.  The literal monopoly. On fun, on an entire military base, they could not run a bowling alley successfully. And guess what? Their beer was cheap. Everything was like, it was not expensive at all. They were just absolutely atrocious at business operations. And it opened my eyes up to the idea that the government is just terrible at everything it does. And so that brought me in many other reasons. But that's one particular thing that I can point to historically. Really that like made me think that like, man, the government's just really bad at stuff. There's not one thing that I can point to that the government does well. So when I looked at Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in some of the things and some of the ideologies, mostly his positions on COVID and in vaccines and in some of the things that he talked about there, it was intriguing. And I think where he lost basically everybody who was right of center was with his VP pick. Yeah, she is the white ex wife of a Google executive, like the guy who started Google. Yeah, probably the worst pick he could have made at all. I guess Tulsi Gabbard said no to him, which maybe makes it make a little bit more sense, but absolutely atrocious every single comment section. I look at of RFK. He is just getting roasted about his VP pick. And so I completely agree with you though. I, he recently, I think as of today. Came out and started to say that, Oh, I don't agree with abortion up until full term, which is like the most terrible, atrocious thing you could ever say in general is like, I don't think you should be able to kill babies when they're the largest they could be until full term. Like it just, and then you look at his gun policies. I don't think his gun policies were as, as, I guess as ridiculous as his. His abortion policies, his, his gun policies were essentially that I think the, the, the one quote that everybody points to for him is that if Congress or if Senate was essentially to put a bill across my desk, I would sign it if it had to do with an assault rifle ban. Yeah, that was like the quote and it's like. Yeah, don't do that. Yeah. But also I don't see that happening . You know, I'm a staun staunch second Amendment advocate. I have a, a, you know, a very beautiful Bravo company rifle upstairs, and two other, you know, I've, I have lots of, lots of weapons. I'm a military guy. I, you know, I go shoot, I, I train all of that stuff. So not, you're not gonna win my vote by saying those things. But I, I also think there was something to the, that he had something, he had something behind him that made people believe that he was a reasonable uncle. Yeah. I think that's like the best way to describe him is he was like, you know, you, you have your, your, your, Dad and your great grandpa, I don't know what to describe Biden as, like, your, your, your dad and your great grandpa arguing and both of them are like a little over the top and ridiculous. And then you have your uncle coming in and he's like, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, you're ridiculous here. Here's why you're wrong here. And he seemed very reasonable in a lot of situations. And then. You saw some of the things that came out, things like his gun policies, things like his abortion policies, things like, especially his VP pick. I think that, that to me as somebody who was probably, you know, I voted for Trump, I will vote for Trump, but. There was a very specific time period where I was very much so considering, and I think that's probably the same for a lot of people, a big percentage of the United States of America that was considering a vote for RFK that were like, maybe he's the guy who can be the reasonable uncle that can, that can come into office and have a reasonable opinion. And he's, he's very intelligent and he wrote the book about literally. Actually wrote the book about how terrible Fauci was. That's factual.  I think that's why a lot of people like him. But for me, like all this stuff that's coming out now that's causing people not to like him, it's not a surprise to me at all because he's always been consistent in what he believes. So his VP pick, his stance on abortion, like none of that is a surprise to me. Cause if you actually researched, you know, his history, that's who he is. He was a huge little Clinton supporter voted for her over and over and over again. You know, like I expect, I expect him to have democratic policies and have more of a liberal perspective on things.  For sure. And so, you know, wrap that up with a bow. I'm absolutely not voting for RFK, but I do think, I do, I do think actually that the best thing that could have ever happened, ever happened for Trump is that RFK grabs a extremely liberal VP that all of the conservatives are against, that all of the, all of the liberals love and you poll just the Just 10%. Just 10 percent of the votes from the liberals from from the left. And I think that you're, he's going to pull maybe less than 2 percent of the conservative vote at this point. I think he lost a huge, very large portion of the right as a result of his VP pick. I know again. And for me, I didn't hear about the abortion opinion because that would have been it as well. Biggest thing lingering me was like the, the gun positioning and, and the, the, the actual quotes that I had heard on that were very, you know, unconvincing in the way that it was like completely going to create my vote to be one side or the other. But I absolutely believe that. The best thing that could have happened to Trump, absolutely, was RFK choosing the VP candidate that he had chosen. If he had chosen Tulsi, I think that there would have been a real concern. I don't think that would have obviously won in any way, shape or form. I don't think he's going to win still, but I don't think that he, he would have won. Enough of the conservative vote to, to become, you know, even nominal. But I do believe now he has done, he did the thing that's going to make him a considerable potential vote for the liberal party. Yeah, I would agree with that.  I think there's probably far more liberals and, and Democrats who are like, I Maybe I should question my opinion. Then there are probably conservatives after we've been right and right and right and right over the last four years. But if you had to point to something, anything at all from the, that is maybe a little bit not towing the line of the conservative party, is there anything at all that you can think of that maybe it's like. Hey, I don't fully subscribe to this, to this idea or this ideology that maybe is more mainstream conservative than that.  Sure. I mean, I, I don't kiss the ground that Israel walks on. Obviously I'm not I will never support Hamas and I don't. I don't necessarily agree with everything the left has to say about Palestine, but I do think that Israel is way out of line. And I, I see Israel as the creation of the Rothschilds. I don't see biblical Israel as being a geographical location or a government, you know, I think I'm in agreement with the New Testament when it says that Israel is, you know, part of the church is part of Israel. Now we're a people group grafted in. And so it's not like a nation state. It's not Benjamin Netanyahu or, a specific piece of land. So, yeah, I'm definitely not, I'll probably never work in the conservative world because of that. But yeah. For sure. And I think beautifully stated. And I think that's, something that a lot of people that you say that the conservative world, right? Like the, the mainstream conservative, God, how many people have we seen be sent over to Israel? Yeah. Recently. Like how many mainstream, how many mainstream, like you talk about, you know, again, the Daily Wire, the PragerU's, all of those guys are literally getting funded and given videographers to send them over there. Yeah. And so, I appreciate that statement because to me that like, I'm, I'm, I'm, You know, I'm very, very much so in the same boat. I, I just, I don't see the, the argument that one side is the good guy and one side is the bad guy. And that is absolutely, absolutely the narrative that we're being told, you know, and even funded. You start to see some of the themes of the larger mainstream influencers and even the, the campaigns that are being ran there, that's like, I, I'm, I'm sorry, guys, like, I'm not going to sell my soul based on wartime policies of somebody who's, and it came out today. Today that the, I think it was, it was NATO or UN came out and said that, Oh, we were wrong by 50%. That was like, that was there. Did you see that, that article? There was an article that came out and said it wasn't 16, 000 women and 20, 000 children. It was 8, 000 children or it was 8, 000 women and 10, 000 children. Yeah. Like they, we cut our numbers in half. Yeah, it wasn't, it wasn't that many innocent Children and women, it's like, okay, so you're telling me as a, as an American citizen that I'm supposed to enthusiastically fund the murder of 8, 000 women and 10, 000 Children. I, I just can't get behind it. I don't see why so many people, unless it's monetary and they must be getting. And if, if you're like me and you're like you, I'm not sure how much money you would have to flash in my face for me to sit here in front of you and lie to you and say, I'm okay. With 10, 000 children dying. I have, like I said, I'm a father. I have three children. You cannot put enough money in front of me that you can tell me that I'm going to push this idea that what one party is doing, that is absolutely atrocious. That is absolutely against the Geneva convention. That is absolutely against the ideology that we, we utilized when we were in Iraq and we were in Afghanistan, when we were fighting terrorists with a Surgical knife as opposed to what they're using in the I. D. F. Today. I can't get behind it. And I see so many people like so many people that I respected through Cove it that just showed you who are the warmongers, right? And we even saw it with the Ukraine. Like it was so encouraging to me. Being the, you know, maybe I'm just a dirty hippie from the seventies, but maybe, maybe I'm just a dirty hippie and, and I'm, and I'm just generally anti war. I don't see very many cases where you can argue to me that that war is a good thing. That there's not a different way of going about it. And so when you look at what's happening in Israel and Palestine, and there's an argument to be made, exactly what you said. I don't agree with October 7th. I do believe the IDF had plenty of awareness of it as of the American intelligence reports that were given to them almost two weeks prior to these terrorists coming over with 20 foot fans behind them. And that they eventually were able to shoot down 300 plus drones that are the size of, you know, a foot by a foot, right? You can't convince me that the IDF wasn't aware of the 30, 40, 50, however many terrorists on fans. They're flying over the border, but then try and tell me that you were able to shoot down at 99 percent efficiency, the drones. That were flying over the border from Iran and the however many hundreds of of missiles that were being shot over the border by Iran and then they just called a wash like, you know, well, don't don't ask questions. How are you? How are you able to shoot down 300 plus drones, but you missed every 100 percent accuracy. You missed all of the dudes on fans. Yeah, flying over your border and took six hours to respond to it and it's the same way that you look at. I don't know how much research you've done into the actual evidence of Pearl Harbor and some of the information that we've had on that when you go back to that timeframe, but it's very, very reminiscence of what happened there and so. Yeah. And, and, and when you look at the amount of information they had, you look at the, the, it's, there's a argument to be made that they were pretty well aware of what was going to happen. And they were very well capable of, of making wartime decisions to shoot every single one of those terrorists down, flying over the border, that they were right sitting there. Potentially waiting for him watching leading up to it. And so, yeah, absolutely. I think that's a great response. And that to me has been one of the major things that to me has woken there. There was there actually probably wasn't. a single thing that I could point to from the conservative party that really made me question whether or not I was like on the team. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And maybe if you go back, there's probably, I'm sure several other instances of it, but the one thing to me that stood out was Here's a better question for you. Why do you think that is? Why do you think there's a, a, a institution behind the conservative party that is pushing? I can't tell you how conflicted I am watching these, these protests on college campuses, like I look at these protests and I'm, I'm somebody who's not like completely, I'm not pro, I would say I'm pro Palestine, anti Hamas, anti Israel. That's, that's where I would position myself. And so when you look at that, that, that situation that's happening, and then you look at the people that are demonstrating at colleges, it's like, okay, I get the bleeding heart of the left, right? I think there's a very famous quote that says show me a. Show me a young liberal and I'll show you somebody without a brain. Show me an, or I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is how it's stated. It's show me a young conservative and I'll show you somebody without a heart. Show me an old liberal and I'll show you somebody without a brain. Yeah. That's, that's a very, like, very famous quote, and, and the idea is that, like, I, I totally get where some of these people are coming from, where they're like, oh yeah, I'm gonna show up to this, it's a genocide, it's this and that, and I, I think genocide's being misused. What, what is the, the one thing that you would say to conservatives? And what is the one thing that you would say to liberals about what's going on in Israel and Palestine? I would say to both sides,  question everything. Like, why are you so eager to trust either the Palestinians or Israel? Like, why are we so quick to jump on bandwagons? Like question everything. And I think we would find that we agree on like. 90 percent of issues if people would just start asking questions.  100%. And I think that's like the same across the board, right? Don't don't wholesale wear the jersey. Never wear the jersey ever. Yeah. The second you do, the second you put on the jersey, it's, it's 10 times harder to take the jersey off than it is to put it on. And so, so question everything, even when it, when it comes to COVID. When it comes to Israel, when it comes to Palestine. And I think we saw that through, through the differentiation of the influencers who wholesale bought the Israel narrative, then questioned both side of things. And I, and I think that to me is encouraging as we move forward, as we move into, you know, what some people believe is like potentially more terrible. Terrible situations that could come up, right? A lot of people predict those, you know, as we move towards the election, as we move towards these more contentious issues that are, that are coming up, a lot of people are saying, you know, it's just going to get worse. There's going to be this, it's going to be a breakout of this. The United States is going to get involved in this. Question everything, right? Because I don't believe in any institution anymore. I don't believe in the CIA. I don't believe in the FBI. I don't believe in the United States government as I used to. I was a very, very patriotic individual. That's why I joined the military was literally to serve my country. You should question the narratives that are coming out from every major institution because every major institution is driven by patriots. Money. Yes, right? And and you hear that like narrative of it's the root of all evil and I don't think that has to be the case. But I do, do believe in most times it is the case because money equals power and, and power corrupts all and so question, everything questioned the, the narratives that you're being spoofed. I think everybody's pretty much aware about the mainstream media at this point, but I don't think everybody's aware of the influencers, right? Everybody started to buy in wholesale to the influencers that they, they started to buy into who are specifically. Just pro or anti vax, right? You saw that with RFK, right? Everybody's like, oh, he's anti vaccine. He's this. He's that. He must be telling the truth about this. It's like, Well, maybe he was right on this thing, but you should still continually question an individual on every subject that comes up, right? Because whether they're, they're anti vax, but they're pro Israel, every, every state at every, every position should be questioned. And I think that's the only way to get through this. This information age, right? That the difference between the industrial revolution and the technological revolution is that everything moves so fast. The life cycles of news, all of it is, is so quick and it's so easy to buy into one thing and get drawn into the narrative. Like, Again, I think RFK is just such a perfect example that I myself fell into. And so I think that's a great way to put it. So again, thank you so much for being here. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you have a good day. Where can everybody find you? You can find me on Instagram at Brianna X Robinson, X at Bri, B R I, Robinson. And then TikTok, I got taken down. So my new TikTok is now at Brianna, California. I just made it like brand new. So hopefully it'll be around for a bit. Awesome. Well, I love your content. I love talking to you. Thank you so much. I would love to have you back on again, and I hope you have a great day. Thank you so much for having me. Awesome. Thank you so much.

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    In this week's episode of the Adams Archive, I have a discussion with Eric Moutsos. Eric is the host of the American Moutsos Show, the founder and CEO of the health and wellness company Freedomblends, and a former police officer who has been at the center of political activism in several different high-profile situations.

    Eric is the author of the book Dispatched, recounting his fight against leadership during his time as a police officer, and the lead in a recent documentary called “Non-Essential” which follows him through his journey of fighting back against the government during Covid lockdowns.

    We discuss the controversies he has found himself at the center of, the Israel-Palestine war, selling out conservatives, good vs. evil, and more.

    You can find Erics social media profiles, podcast, book and more by clicking here

    All the links: linktr.ee/theaustinjadams


    Full transcription

     Adams archive. Hello, you beautiful people. And welcome to the Adams archive. My name is Austin Adams, and thank you so much for listening today on today's episode. I am going to be talking with Eric Mutzos. Now, Eric is a political commentator and podcast host of the Eric Mutzos show. He is also a CEO of the Freedom Blends supplement company.

    And Eric has been at the center of several. controversial events, one of those being almost 10 years ago, when Eric was a police officer for almost seven years, he actually had to fight back against the police department that he worked for, who was forcing him mandating him to basically be a part of a gay pride parade.

    Pretty wild stuff. Fast forward a few years later, during COVID times, Eric was also at the center of some controversy, as he basically organized and gathered several rallies to help small business owners during the time of COVID lockdowns, as well as through an entire concert during the same time, where he had to get shut down by the state, fought back against that, and eventually lost his job.

    One out. So Eric is an author. He was also a part of the recent documentary, which outlined that organization of those situations during COVID lockdowns. So without further ado, we have a great discussion today about good versus evil current events, the Israel and Palestinian conflict, the college campus protests that are going on, we get into some conspiracy theories, of course.

    So. Let's go ahead and jump into it. But first, I do want to tell you about one thing,  what I want to tell you about is Ronin and Ronin is my very new Faraday goods company, which is releasing our very first products over the coming weeks. Now you might ask yourself, what is a Faraday product? And I'm glad that you asked. Faraday products are basically products that are lined with a special fabric that blocks all inbound and outbound EMF frequencies.

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    Alright, so thank you so much for listening. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart, leave a five star review, hit the subscribe button. And let's jump into it.

    The Adams archive.

     My dream is to one day have a little homestead I've got 20 chickens now, but my dream is to have a homestead. living off the land the way that God wanted us to.

      Amen. That's awesome, man. Yeah that's something I think a lot of people it's so interesting how many people got chickens after like post COVID. I think there's something primal that when everything goes to hell a little bit I don't know what it was, but it seems like I fell into that too.

    We have a chicken coop out back. We had nine chickens that, that we had we even had ducks for a little bit, but it was funny because it's so many people that you saw. Just chickens were like the first step that people took in their journey to like becoming a little bit, well, I almost think that's more of a realization about the government, not actually being the father figure that was going to.

    take care of you that everybody thought it was.

    And it chickens for some reason was like the gateway drug into homesteading for everybody. Even if you live in a small city. I live in a, I live in a city area and it was pretty easy to get to the proof through the city and everything. They just got to come out and check out the coop and things.

    But yeah, it was really, it's funny how many people I think ended up getting chickens as a result of COVID, which is such a weird correlation but Yeah. It's funny. So, and when you talk about homesteading I think that was something that went. That came out of COVID too, was the amount of people that realized that our governmental structure and the protective layer that we thought our government gave us between us and the food supply chains, water all of those things essentially crumbled that when we looked at what happened through the grocery stores, right, I remember going to the grocery stores and all of the meat being gone.

    All of the eggs being gone, all of the milk being gone, and people started to wake up to that idea this isn't a a movie, right? It's not every, it's not a things can go south pretty quick, and I think we saw that with, COVID,

      Yeah. Well, and it's going to, but people don't understand. That was just the first wave, of what I believe is coming, but it's you have to understand that this is all, it's all biblical. Everything that's happening right now, it's all this. God, knows the beginning to the end and he's already seen the whole thing out.

    And now, We you and I and listeners, viewers, we're now here as the test to see where we stand. Like I'm convinced this whole sucker goes down probably within the next 10 years. I don't mean to scare anybody, but it's evident that I believe God is preparing his people with like ideas of, chickens and things like that.

    He's getting his people ready to leave Babylon entirely because as soon as they bring in this beast system, which I believe they will, as soon as the, dollar dies. That the, dollar dying is going to be very, intentional. It's, not going to be, Oh, all of a sudden they know exactly what they're doing.

    Just like COVID, COVID, was the left and then the overhand right was the Vax.

    And so then, so now with the financial system that's going to go and it's not going to be, in my opinion, it's not going to be a recession or a depression. I believe it's going to be a collapse and that's why we got to be ready for what's coming because you're either going to have to, where are you at on, do you, when I talk about this Christian stuff or you, do you believe in God, Austin?

     Absolutely. Yeah,

     Okay. Sorry. I just don't know. Sometimes when I'm talking to people I don't know. But I believe that the devil duplicates everything that God does, everything beautiful he does. He's got to have a counterfeit to it, right? And so this new world order is just the counterfeit of what God has always been trying to get his people to do, which has become one heart and one mind.

    Because if everybody did that, it would be, everybody would share with everybody. There would be no poor among us. Everybody would, you'd grow what you need and you give the rest away. And that's the environment that, consider the lilies, right? Jesus taught it. Consider the lilies, the birds of the birds of the sky.

    You don't think I can feed you. That's the whole point. That's what, well, the city of Enoch was taken up, but I'm, trying to get prepared for that. And even if that doesn't happen, which I hope I'm crazy, I hope that in 10 years,

      you  know what I mean?

     to be fair.

      Yeah I really do like just get, okay, that's great.

    I'll put me in the ward house but, I don't think I am crazy. I don't think that I believe that what's crazy are all of these people that have their heads in the sand that don't even realize what's happening. Our state of Utah, let me just read this to you. The state of Utah, we just won the best state, right? We just won the very best state of Utah. And we're, talking about of what? The best state of what?


      We're about my our state is about to flip over to blue. We're

    purple right now because we have a governor of the state of Utah that uses pronouns to little kids on zoom calls, bro.

    It's actually, it's.  That's fairly surprising, too, especially Utah. Obviously a very big religious sects within Utah itself. And I guess that's an interesting thought, too. When you talk about the dollar collapsing, right, you can speak about that from, like you did a biblical perspective.

    sense, but you can also look at.

    that from what's happening, socioeconomically across the world, right? Geopolitically right now between the brick, right? If you look at the way that India and Iran and China and Russia are all teaming up right now, have all already moved away from the dollar. And when we look at India and you look at China, those are the two biggest world powers when it comes to industry today, right? It's not like United, the United States of America is manufacturing things in an extremely high level. When we're outsourcing our talent, our menu, when we're outsourcing. I, have a business background. I run a business and several. And so when we're outsourcing talent to do most of the jobs, we're outsourcing it to India and when we're outsourcing manufacturing, we're outsourcing it to China.

    And so when you have those, organizations, those countries that are now moving away from utilizing the USD, the dollar. In their everyday trades and I ran when it comes to oil, right? We're, messing with some very dangerous territory politically in getting into this potential escalation with Iran, with which and Putin's already talked about his response.

    What it would be if, situations escalated with Iran, we're already seeing tensions rise with Taiwan and for China, right? We are literally being put in a position where. If nothing else, our leadership is putting us in a place where our economic system could very well collapse just from the decisions being made by our leaders.

      Yeah, that's right. Well, and it is going to happen. And so You know, the more money we give to Ukraine, it's going to start happening to the deep state part of Israel. I have to be careful saying this because people think if you're, you question what's happening with Israel or some kind of like anti semi, it's no, the deep state has infiltrated every single government across the world.

    And so if you don't think that, so look at Israel, I look at Israel a lot like America, the majority of people in America are good people, right? But guess what? Those of us are questioning our government that's happening in Israel too, just FYI. And so just big, make sure before you start throwing your flags all over your bios, that this whole thing is a big, operation.

    And it's, Even me saying this right now, I can't even believe I'm saying this from where I used to be even like four years ago, when you start to wake up to this stuff, it's so, unbelievably overwhelming, but at the same time, when you see the big picture of it, this is all supposed to go down just like this.

      Yeah, And I think that's there's been like a, almost a lot of weaponization of spirituality when it comes to the Israel Palestinian conflict, right? I think it's been really interesting to see the way that the right, like conservative right, has all almost simultaneously, in lockstep, decided that they're without question, right?

    And there's definitely things to question there, right? I've been somebody who's been looking at the situation and I, don't, like to wholeheartedly buy blue or red, right? I generally consider myself to be a more of a libertarian. I would say in a sense where I think less lesser government in most situations is generally a positive thing.

    And so I don't really feel like I have skin in the game. Right. So, so when I look at the Palestinian and Israeli conflict, you see the big money and conserve like the conservative industry pushing and backing all of the influencers, all of the you see the daily wire, PragerU. You see these large organizations sending the biggest influencers over to Israel with a, almost a documentarian style videographer behind them.

    They pay for them to go over there. They pay for them to speak about these things. And they almost have blinders on and I'm not ignorant to either side. I look at what's going on in Palestine, and I look at what's going on in Israel, and what happened on October 7th is, it's a tragedy. It's horrible.

    It shouldn't happen, right? Terrorism in any sense is absolutely atrocious.

     but don't you think that it's possible that October 7th was a deep state operation within itself?

     Absolutely. So when you look at

    The amount of information that the, IDF had, Leading up to that It's, staggering. It's almost very, like almost gives you the idea of Pearl Harbor back in the day, right? You see the, amount of signals that they had. And then you, look at the IDF and see how much more technologically advanced they are than even some of the intelligence agencies that we have here in the United States, right?

    And then you think that 40 guys on big fan. and parachutes

       So, it's  so obvious. It's so obvious, man. It's and now you got what? 30, 40, 000 people that have died in Gaza. And it's and people think, yeah, well they're human shields. It's they just dismiss it. It's no, There's innocent people dying.


     innocent people dying over here.

    There's innocent people dying over here. Like we should be standing on the side of innocent people wherever that is.

      And   To me, it's I don't look at anybody differently, dude. I don't, I look at somebody as a child of God. Yeah. They might not believe in Jesus yet, but I look at them like God loves all his kids and he's just trying.

    And now we're killing each other like this and cheering it on and saying, we got to flatten it. And look, I've come a long way. Like I remember even when Trump dropped the big old what's that big old MAGA bomb that he dropped at one point. I can't remember what it was called.

     Sure. There was, I'm sure there was a few of those

      I know it just come. And I remember like making jokes about it. And it was like, and they did hit that. They didn't go, Trump didn't go in and do what Israel's doing to Gaza. But I, the point that I'm trying to make is that I've come a long way in this a short amount of time on how wicked it is.

    War. War. In any degree yes, God wants us to defend he wants us to defend that as a godly principle to defend yourself, man, but when we, it's so obvious what they're doing they want us in third world war. They need us in third world war. They're funding both sides of this, of these little college Riots that they're starting to have their fun in that side.

    And so then it pushes all these people. Now it's this war, but it's so obvious. Don't participate in it. Don't participate in it. Call for peace. It's but that's what they need.

    And you see it, the  conservative side of things when it came to what was going on between Russia, like you almost saw a complete 180 between the Republican party and the conservatives that were out there that always generally were a little bit more. Historically pro-war than the liberals or the Democrat side of things, right?

    You look, you go back to almost anything pre 2018 and. The left was staunch in almost every situation across the board, anti war in almost every sense, right? There were the, they were the cool liberal hippies in the seventies. They were against Vietnam. They were there was a complete 180 at one point, very recently where you saw a glimmer of light for their conservatives and Republican party, where they looked at what was happening in Ukraine and they said, no, we don't want any part of this.

    There's no reason that, this war should be happening. And there's absolutely no reason that our attacks. Hours should be going to fund it. Right? And, so

    When, you look at that now, I was optimistic about the conservative party for such a long time because they were the ones calling out against war, against the war machine.

    And now you look and, they're the ones that are flying the, Israeli flags saying that they, can do no wrong no matter how many innocent children, women. Families, they bomb there. There's nothing that it's, all in the name of, and I think you, you pointed to something there specifically that I've noticed as a theme, anytime that they're trying to create a narrative, especially when it comes to these terrorists in the middle East, they always use human shields.

    I I was in I don't know, fourth grade, fifth grade when 9 11 happened, but I can't tell you that if I had to think of one thing in my mind that made them terrorists that the mainstream media painted the narrative with, it was that idea. It was the human shields that completely, they dehumanize women and children by utilizing them as human shields.

    Right. And you saw all of this propaganda going out, right? Just like you saw with Ukraine, the ghost of Kiev that ended up being a video game. Right. You saw the, women and the men being sent out in buses. I've done some videos on this and, you saw all of this propaganda being pushed out and the human shields is at the very top of the list for these people when they try to paint a narrative around terrorism.

      well, and that's the only thing they can say too, to justify it as human shields. And it's just no, there's certain wars. When I was a police officer, if there was like a hostage situation, right. You don't kill both of

    them. That's not what you do. That goes against every, it's what's the point of the government being there?

    It's like we're trying to help. And, so that, that excuse doesn't fly with me and all, I want to say on this topic is just be very, prayerful about it. The devil wants the devil wants us. He wants bloodshed. That's where we're to the point. We've, already like swiftly went through this and the next phase of the sexual revolution and the devil's like really salivating for, blood at this point.

    And so my, answer is, to, not do that. My, my answer is to call it out for what it is. Call out the wickedness for what it is. Don't call for war. Don't justify war because if we have that in our hearts and if we really are going to accept that as a collective whole, that's okay. That what's happening say in, in right now in Gaza, if that's okay, we're not, going to be part of, the kingdom of God if our hearts are thinking that's okay.

    Does that make sense?

      Yeah. Absolutely. And that's the thing that I you said you, you use the word like the, noun of the devil. Right. And you talk about the same people who are pushing for war, right? Who are profiting from these things, right? That the people who both funded Hamas to become what they are today, who funded Al Qaeda, who then turned on us who funded.

    Almost every side of the war, and you see it as a microcosm with what's happening in the universities, which you alluded to as Well, right? Every single one of the tents that were being set out at these extremely expensive universities were all this the same tent because they were sent them by the organizations, the same organizations like APAC, who are funding all of this.

    All but seven of the politicians that are currently making decisions on whether or not to send money to Israel, And so you look at you, you look at all of the narratives that have come out more recently. And I, only mentioned this because you, mentioned the devil, right? You mentioned the,

     Well, I look at, we talk about God, right? Like we talk about God all the time, but we don't talk about what the adversary is doing in his plans. And he hates when we call out his plans. He hates it. So bad. And that's why he hates people that speak truth. Because he, likes to just, he needs to justify himself too, right?

    He fell from heaven, it's he has to be justified and so, he believes he's right. And so that's what I'm trying to say is that we, have to call these things out when we see it. And I'm not saying you have to use devil. You could just say, Hey, it's wrong what they're doing. Right. I just, say those things because I believe this is a huge spiritual war that we're in and we have to start identifying it as such.

    If we're going to like, Be able to, ascend higher. Maybe that's the right word. If we're going to be, if we're going to be able to defend what's coming in the next little while we, the only words that we can use as Jesus Christ, like those are the only words that we're going to, that will have the power to, to not only stop what's coming, but to, transform things.

    What's happened, what's going to happen where we have to start using those types of words, in my opinion.

      Have you seen, And, speaking of that, have you seen Tucker Carlson speak on the spiritual aspect of what's going on more recently? Have you seen some

    Yeah. Yeah, he's right. And, I'd add  to it. He's absolutely right. And now I don't know much about like the aliens and stuff. I really haven't got into it that much. Is it possible? Sure. Anything's possible, but the, point that I think with Tucker, what he's trying to make is that this is very, we just see in the physical because we're being tested right now.

    God, is literally just watching us and he's just testing us. Yeah. He's what are you, made of? You got to understand that the kingdom of God is where he lives. If you, look in let's see first Corinthians 1540, it talks about degrees, right? The degree that God lives in that celestial kingdom degree.

    That is where kings and queens live. And, so why I bring this up is because we're, in this test to see where it is that we are going to place ourselves based off of the decisions that we make here. The whole purpose of this earth life I'm don't you love that this is what we were going to talk about, Mike, when we were prepping for this podcast?

    Like not one thing, right? So good.

     it's all good.


    is the kind of stuff

    That I I think most people are thinking it. I think most people think about this kind of stuff, but to try and articulate it and then to try and because yeah, could I be wrong on this stuff? I could be, but, it's so evident that this is such a, spiritual test to me.

    When, you talk about it being spiritual, right? In the most basic sense, you're talking about good versus evil, black versus

     white. right. Huh.

     versus light, right? And so when you look at, when you look at the things that have been happening over the last four to five years, we've seen truth as a fundamental weapon for the side of the good. And we've seen how often the side of the bad, right? You want to say black and white the, side of evil, whatever you want to call it, Satan, the devil, whatever

      they try to stifle the truth. Right? The truth is evident. The sun will always show the next day and it will eliminate the darkness. And so even if you just take it from the most simple sense when you look at something that says, who is trying to stifle the truth and who is trying to It's very evident who is on the side of the good and who is on the side of the evil, right?

    And so even if you just say there's good and there's bad and there's people who are perpetuating good values and there's people who are perpetuating evil for the purpose of self inflation of ego for the purpose of integrity. Monetization for the purpose of the very same people who I'm talking about who are being flown to Israel to have a videographer behind them, to, to, never for a second to speak about the atrocities that are happening in Gaza today.

    Right? So if you wanna vet your influencers, you wanna vet the people that you're following, you wanna. Do you ever disagree with them? Right. Because if I, if there's somebody out there that I never,

     Yeah. Oh, I do

    all the time. And, I try, are you asking me like rhetorically? Are you just,

    you're, do you want to know?

     that was rhetorical, but you can go ahead and answer it.

      Oh I'm just saying I, I do all the time. Hey, be really careful with this. This could be very well a deep state operation. Hey, be careful with this. There's a lot more to this story stuff like that because here's the truth. We're, None of us are fully awake to this awful situation that we're in and we're gonna get in a place where we might Be in a position where we're wrong about something and then you got to quickly check yourself spiritually hey Why do I feel off about this?

    Why is there something off about it? Oh because you're being deceived. That's why And so I try to do it to good people that I follow and there's some big ones and they're they are hook line and sinker on support in Israel under any circumstance. And it's you guys, this is in Israel.

    This is wickedness to me.

    And, it's clear, it's God is gathering his people right now and ultimately there's going to be like really a group I don't know how far you want me to hear about these like I guess Conspiracies you want me to hear

     We go deep  on this podcast, so feel free.

    when this system goes down there you're gonna have to bow down to one of two gods Now we're all up into Israel and I, every single time, it's just bowing down. And so, and I'm not saying that A lot of these things could be true, right? There's, a lot of things that, that, that could be true. However when we, go along with it, whatever narrative, whatever that, whatever the government's feeding us, if we just go along with that as if it's true, we're in a lot, we're in a world of hurt.

      Absolutely. And I think if you look at the government, right, you look at all the things that have come out more recently about the, not when you say the government, it sounds it's, the government is what, 500, it's like millions of people, right? But when you look at the government,

     the federal government is the, just the federal government is millions.

     right, exactly. So, so when you talk about the government you're talking about the governmental officials who we duly elected, right? Put that in quotation marks, but duly elected officials who have gone into these positions of power. There has been a unbelievable amount of information that has come out more recently.

    Let's say the last three to five years showing that those people, right? And this is when, we talk about my spirituality or my beliefs in religion, one of the things that was a big, Part of my moving more towards religion and spirituality, having grown up Presbyterian at a young age and then moving a little bit away and coming back now is realizing that all of these people in positions of power, all of the people that are holding office right now, there's a very, large group of these people who have shown themselves to be Worshipping the darkness, right?

    That have shown themselves to go in, in worshiping Malak at Bohemian Grove that have shown themselves to be within Hillary Clinton's emails, all of there's so many examples of this of, showing that the people in the highest positions of power have absolutely in one way, shape, or form. Gone to, you see it in music, you see it in the movies and the TV shows that are being pushed out.

    You see it in politics. You see all of the, highest positions of culture and society.

     Well, you see it even with Trump and you see it with politicians on our side as if Donald Trump's going to come and save us, right? Yeah.

     Right. Yeah, You go back to QAnon, right? The, he has the

     military. in my opinion, a deep state operation.

     Well and it did it, if it was, and it, and I think that it very well was, if it was, it did exactly what it was supposed to do. It made people look silly. It de-legitimized the opposing opinion. Right. Now, if you were pro-Trump, right?

    Even just the terms maga or far right, or Q anon they, associated every single person who was. Pro Trump to be a Q and I and conspiracy theorist. And then they took that to the furthest and said, Oh, they believe that Trump owns the military and that he can do no wrong. And really someday he's going to come back.

    And there was all of these, there was the very furthest extent. of what QAnon believed. But then even if you just take it maybe 10, 20, 30, 40 percent back from the craziest sides of their belief systems, when you look at what was happening between Pizzagate and all of these more, somewhat considered to be extreme conspiracy theories, but there's foundations there's seeds of truth in a lot of it.

    But then you get into the very, very craziest side of it. And those were used the, very farthest Extreme conspiracies, and I'm not saying that Pizzagate itself wasn't, didn't have legitimacy to some of the claims that were happening, but what I am saying is that when they said that he still has the military in his pocket and any day now he's going to come back and be the president, he's really the president of the United States.

    It delegitimized all of the legitimacy within the movement that was happening of people who believed things that are very real, right? All of the people waking up to the very thing that I'm talking about this satanic worship by politicians and Hollywood and the music industry that were happening and what that entailed when you look historically for that, when you talk about.

    Sacrifices and how far you want to get down that rabbit holes, but you see what I'm saying is that they utilized a very proven and true system to de legitimize the very legitimate concerns that people had surrounding what, whatever the movement was, that was QAnon to begin with that turned into what it was later on,

      \ at this point, I think the most important thing that we can do is just get prepared physically and spiritually, really that's it. Well, what does that look like? I always try to tell people at least get a year's worth, at least a year's worth of food for your family, at minimum.

    I don't know why that year is stands out to me. I think maybe you look at Noah, do you remember how long Noah was on the boat for? It was about 375 days that he was on the boat. It's, I think that there's something to that year, Mark. And And I believe that we have to have at least the provisions that much that we can, because people will die, right?

    People will die of starvation. And so don't let it be you. Have water. Know that there's water in the ground. Go to the lowest part and start digging. You're going to hit water. That's a lie that they tell us. I'm telling you. And they hate that. It's like hydrogen and oxygen create water. And it's they've lied about how much water is never ending.

    Just like oil. I don't care what anybody says. I'm just telling you the truth. So, get prepared physically and then get prepared spiritually, which is get right with God repent, we all need to repent every day. And we all do stupid things. That's why Christ came. And if we're prepared physically and if we're prepared spiritually, there's nothing to fear.

    Don't be afraid because that's all you can do.

      that's an interesting thing That I, think a lot of people, like I talked about that where the, creeping fear in, the, Realization of that through covid, where even the what I believe was 100%, one of the most successful psychological operations that happened in Covid was the toilet paper shortage.

      That was amazing.

      The, toilet

     paper shortage  showed people, it made people freak out, just an everyday essential . You didn't need it. Right. You can find, you can get a towel and wash it. There's so many different ways, get a bidet, right? There's so many different ways that you can deal with that issue. But the toilet paper shortage to me was a shock test.

    So I I did a podcast, a full five hour breakdown on a document that it was actually leaked from the CIA. That's called silent weapons for quiet wars. Have you ever heard of that?

     b no, I haven't.

      So silent weapons for quiet wars was a document that was found in a fax machine in the 1980s in from a purchase of a IBM fax machine so they did a whole a wholesale sale of all of these materials that were happening at IBM and one of the things that was interesting within the machine itself was a document from the 1940s and 50s, I believe.

    And it was a secret closed door document by the CIA. And what it essentially did was it outlined everything that we're talking about here today. It outlined the way that they wanted to manipulate the financial Society, they wanted to manipulate the way that, that people engaged with each other. But one of the things that they talked about, there's a theory or actually a framework called shock testing and shock testing originally came from the aviation industry in which they would, take the, wings of the airplane.

    They would take all of that and they would put it through a series of tests and based on the information and data that they took back from that shock test, and it was literally like basically shaking the materials to see that it would withstand. And how it would react to certain amounts of pressure and stimuli and, all those things.

    And so they took that fundamental ideology of what shock testing was in the aviation industry and they utilized it to start to weaponize big amounts of data against the general public. And there's some really the most interesting document. It, I would say I've read is called silent weapons for quiet wars.

    And within that shock testing, the idea was we want to utilize certain types of tests against the public. Like how would the society react if we got rid of toilet paper and what they might find is that if we Have a toilet paper shortage, that people might start buying large amounts of water. and they might also start purchasing chickens.

    That's a very real potential correlation, right? So they found these weird correlations and causations that happen due to these shock tests. And so I 100 percent believe these things are happening today. And the way that they're happening is much scarier than it was in the 1950s and 1940s that it was being weaponized against the general public because now they can use AI algorithms to do Hundreds of thousands of these tests at a time and see exactly how the

    General public is going to react.

      have you gotten into all the patents? I did an Instagram reel on like the United States patents on direct energy weapons. Oh man,

    Oh,  it's unbelievable. You can go to you. So I did it when it came to Hawaii, you can go to YouTube right now and you can go to Lockheed Martin's Insta or Lockheed Martin's YouTube channel and you can see them. Same, thing with, like all of these major military industrial complex companies, they have like literal star wars type advertisements right now on YouTube

    Oh yeah.

    about direct energy weapons and, boasting about how amazing they are and how efficient they are.

    And then, they want to take the videos that you and I create on Instagram and they want to call it misinformation when literally Lockheed Martin has Dozens of videos right now on

     Oh yeah,

    man. It's so the weapons that they have, it's, and I, equate it to right now when we see all the things that are happening with the weather, I equate it to I don't know if you remember in the old Testament when, the Pharaoh, which is the government when, they were showing their magic to Moses, like their, tricks.

    And I think that's what's happening right now. I think this is their tricks the, what they're spraying in our skies, what they're putting in, the air, there's going to be project blue beam. You're going to just be seeing a whole bunch of Really, fascinating. Look, remember all those lightning storms that were hitting all over the United States?

    Do you remember that? Just lightning, everywhere. I was getting videos from

     everywhere. When was that?

      Oh, it was last year sometime.

     Okay. Interesting.

     a whole Instagram reel on it, but lightning probably every 30 seconds for two hours straight, but it was, you can tell it wasn't your normal lightning.

    It was definitely a weather modification. And so I think what's happening is the devil,


     the government, whatever you want, darkness, however you want to label it. This is their way of showing that is his world. This is he's in control. And I again, I believe God's just sitting back, wait and watching what, his Children are going to do.

    then when he starts to speak, it's, there won't be enough bunkers that Zuckerberg can build that's going to hide the truth. them from God. I'm telling you right now, like when he starts to speak and when he steps in, look out

      And so you mentioned a couple of things there. The one being the weather modification, right? Talking about cloud seeding or, I can't even think of the original conspiracy term at this point. What is it for cloud seeding?


     Chemtrails. Thank you. Thank you. Again, same

    It's been  happening for decades.

      How many times, I was fact checked by Instagram on it, maybe two years ago.

    You look at what was happening in the, who's the, United Arab Emirates. Just recently they had a huge flood in Saudi Arabia,

    Yep. that, that,

    right. And they have been basically sitting on, every news channel being so excited to share how much cloud seeding they're doing.

    Right. Yeah.   It's so, yeah they, openly say it. It's so stupid that people can't even, they don't even believe I'm a pilot. I'm a pilot. And I know, yeah. Okay. Well, how many doctors are out there pushing the V?

    That doesn't make that to me, just because you're in that profession means nothing to me.

    I'm sure you're a great person. I'm sure you would never spray people intentionally to kill people. But just because you're a pilot doesn't make, doesn't mean that the government's not doing this. I'm sorry. I don't know how else, it's like cops, right? I was a cop. I didn't, I had no idea how wicked the upper three letter agencies are.

    No idea.

    I thought by getting into law enforcement, that was like the top echelon of integrity. Unfortunately, it goes the other way around. The higher you go up, the more corrupt it gets. And when you see that and you realize that's what we've become as, an Amer as, this, people that we, were supposed to be a city on a Hill, right?

    When you see that, we have become really the bad guys in a lot of sense, like really, if you think about it, dude, like we were, you and I were good people, right? And your listeners are good people, but like what this country has become, it's, right? It's really not good, like really, not good, the worst, like we are worse than Rome.

    We are worse than Babylon of old, the United States of America. And I mean that and I know that I keep bringing this stuff up but, it's so, On my heart that we have got to get right with God, like we've got to repent because, when this hits, it's going to be too late if you don't have that light inside of you navigating this darkness.

      Yeah, and it's actually something recently that I've been more interested in. Have you heard the conversation or seen some of the discussions surrounding the collapse of Rome and actually Rome turning into the throne? Three, if you look at a map and you look at the I forget the name of it. It's a certain monument that's in Washington, DC.

    It's also in London and it's also at the Vatican. And so when you look at this, the three different areas that, that these places of this, Gosh I can't remember the term of it, but it's also in from ancient Egypt, but it was essentially a a monument that, was utilized to show between Rome collapsing and then reintegrating itself into the new world, essentially by leveraging the United States as its military arm, London in.

    Where the other monument like this is, I believe it starts with an S. I, I just can't I can't think of it, but London being the financial arm and then the Vatican being the spiritual arm of what was originally ancient Rome. Have you, seen that at all?

      No, but it doesn't it's all going to repeat itself. It's all going to come together. That's what I was trying to explain to you is that God's gathering his, his the house of Israel, like spiritually, I'm not talking about physically spiritually it's gathering. And then on the flip side, the devil is starting to, bring in all of his house.

    Right. And so you're going to see all of these big the who, and the you're going to watch all of them start to come together into one big monster here soon.

      Yeah. Yeah. There's a really interesting you should look into it. It's really interesting conversation around how the collapse of Rome was essentially never actually happened. And it was really the integration of the Roman ideology. And that's why you look at the some of the things that people point out about this is that you look to the the types of architecture that is in Washington, DC, Rome, and London.

    And the way that they kind of framework, this is that. Each one of those individual I guess what you would call cities are actually their own individual, areas outside of the government in which they are housed within, right? Washington DC is not a part of the, 50 States of the United States, right?

    It's its own individual entity. within that, right? Same thing with the Vatican. It's, it actually is not a part of the government. It's not housed within the country that it's in. It's its own subsection of that, right? So they can have their own laws. They can have their own rules. They can have all of these things.

    Same, thing with the, financial arm, which is London. And so there's a really interesting conversation that that, I've seen come up pretty recently, actually around that. And I'll have to, I'll send you some stuff on it. It's really interesting. But when you talk about the, spiritual aspect of everything that's happening here, when we look to the, escalation of tensions, right?

    We're at a time now where all of the institutions have lost trust. And that's because each one of them is leading with the darkness, right? They're leading with lies. They're leading with manipulation. They're leading with all of the they're, trying to stifle the truth, right?

    Each one of these institutions. So when you talk about the three letter agencies, the CIA, the FBI, even when you're talking about the governmental institutions, do you think there's any current institution that isn't compromised?

      No, there's not, there are some good people within that are just quiet when you say good, well, they should be speaking out, but there are some that are very aware of what's happening that are just trying to get their 20 years, right? That, that was happening at the police department.

    It's I there, there's these cops that knew these things were wrong, but wouldn't say anything about it. For example, Occupy Wall Street. Remember that I worked that downtown Salt Lake City when they did the Occupy. Salt Lake City and it was very dangerous chanting F the police and they only had two of us working at a time You know inside the park they would post this up there and it was like you guys there's only two of us and I put in a complaint and I got in trouble right hey there I don't feel safe, but there's only two of us while there's hundreds and hundreds of people Chanting F the police and you have me in here like some kind of a pawn like that's dangerous You And I and, trouble's the wrong word.

    I got in my my, my supervisor was upset, but it turns out that I was right. Right. So, so I didn't get trouble on paper when it started to go up the chain. Oh yeah. Mootsos is right. We need more people in there.

      So, so tell me about that. You were a part of the police force for how many years?


     Seven years. And so that was a part of the, what I alluded to a very beginning of this is you had some of the controversies surrounding that, that kind of maybe speak a little bit more to the values that you hold dearly to yourself.

    What, was the situation that you found yourself in that was probably the most high profile out of, everything that you experienced with the police?

      Well, and this obviously is part of my book too, I finally made it over to the motorcycle unit. I've got a, I've got a crazy story. It is a, wild story in those seven years. But I finally made it over to the motorcycle unit and was doing really good. We, yes, there are police quotas, a lot of them.

    And that was part of the reason why. They didn't like me from within is because I called out their quota system. And, that's how most departments, not all departments, but that's how most departments operate is based off of money, right? You got to get a certain level of arrest to not only get local money, but then you get federal grants based off, of numbers.

    Right? And

    so when I,



    they talk, when you talk about quotas, is that like more of an unspoken rule? Or is that something they're

     Oh, absolutely. Yeah, it's unspoken because they know that it's wrong, but they have, there's no other way to do it. When I was a motorcycle cop we had, to get 20 points a day. That was our goal. Well, a one ticket was a point and then a DUI was worth 10 points. So if you got two DUIs in a shift, then you got your 20 points.

    So I chose to do more DUIs because I believe, that people shouldn't be driving around drunk, right? When you're giving petty tickets, it just doesn't feel good as a, it's and I'm not saying arresting drunk drivers feels good, but maybe I saved a few lives and I don't know about it. Who knows?

    But, when you're giving out a ticket for some stupid thing, cause you got to hit your 20, it sucks your soul a little bit at a time when you're looking at a person who's just driving just how you're going to drive when you go home.

    Which there's so many violations on the road.

    There's hundreds and hundreds of laws. I don't care who you are. You're breaking the law when you're driving somewhere from point A to point B. And it, so when you're writing these, tickets all the time, it's, it doesn't change behavior. Now, some people would argue it changed behavior, but what about giving somebody a warning?

    What about seeing red and blue lights behind you and, that scaring you enough Oh, geez I'm sorry. Yeah, you need to slow down and I'm not. Look, I'm, there are certain people that deserve tickets. Don't get me wrong. But when you create an entire industry. And jobs based off of money that you're getting.

    I think it's wrong. Anyway, I called that out. And I got in trouble, but with not actually getting in trouble, I got blacklisted in many ways. Once I called out the quotas and I recorded my sergeant too, just in case they ever say that it didn't happen, it did happen. But when I finally got on the motorcycle squad, I was the number one DUI officer by far.

    I think I had 160 DUIs in that year. And then, the next person below me had 85. I was a hard worker, right? Never been written up. Never had an IA. Never had, I never went to IA. I had I had awards in my file. So, I was, I really, put in my heart and my soul to my career, right?

    And when I was a motorcycle cop, they wanted five of us to come in and they wanted us to celebrate. in the LGBTQ parade. So they wanted us to, they wanted us to participate. They wanted us to lead the gay parade in our police uniforms. And when I saw that assignment, I can't explain it to you, but it was, every it's maybe how people felt during the vaccine.

    Don't do that. Do not take it. That's how I felt. It was dark and this is nothing against gay people. I just don't believe it theologically. Does that make sense? So I don't hate anybody. But because we live in this such polarized idea that if disagree with someone's lifestyle that you must hate them.

    No, I love you. There's nobody on planet earth that I hate. I don't, some people I don't like and I wouldn't hang out with. But I don't hate anybody. And so I was asked to trade assignments. I said, Hey, I went to another cop, and I said, Hey, will you be in the parade? And I will do your traffic post.

    And he's yeah, no problem. So we switched spots. An hour later, an email comes down that says there will be no trading positions in and out of this. And I'm like, I knew that they knew that I got a trade, or they would have never said that because it's within our policy to trade. They were upset. At least that Sergeant was upset that I got a trade and they were going to force me into something that they knew was against my faith.

    Because I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. That is the very definition of marriage. And when I say these things, you have to understand I'm a sinner too. I'm a sinner. I got problems, but I believe in a, value system that I try to live by. Right. I believe that we are.

    quickly devolving literally into animals. There's now furries in Utah in these, and I covered this story and I'm the bad guy for covering the story that there's a whole bunch of kids, dressing up as furries pooping on the floor in some of these schools. I'm getting reports.

     Well, you, if you The bad guy, I think it depends on who you ask. Right. And I think honestly,

     I'm just saying in the media now,

    I'm the bad guy. Like I exposed, let me go let me go back. So, Because I'll go off on a tangent. So they called me in the office, because I said, hey look I don't I sent an email, really professional, hey, I don't hate anybody, I love all people I just don't feel that the police should be involved in this speech.

    Because, it is free speech. What they're trying to do is normalize it because the police are involved in it. And now look at us now. What has the state become? Well, the state has become, ironically, the forced religion. The religion, that we weren't supposed to have a separate separation of church and state.

    Well, guess what? The L-G-B-T-Q to a lot of people is a religion. It is a dogma. It is. It is a faith. they believe this as much as some people believe in God. And so, I was not going to bow down to that false God religion. Because that's what it is in my opinion. And I, and again, I know that there's going to be some people that are gay listening.

    I love you. And I hope you know that. I love you. I just don't believe that's the order of heaven. Because God wants us to become like him,

    Well, when.

    He wants us to become perfect like him.

     right. and when you look at the military, I was in the military, so I did four years in the Air Force, and when you look at the military, they would, you would get in trouble if you are found being a part of a parade, if you're found to be a part of a protest, and you're in uniform when you do it,

    that's an  advocation   by the establishment, right?


    Like, even if, is that it's against our policy to wear something over your uniform. But yet the chief of police and all the lieutenants and all the sergeants and some officers, they're all wearing the gay lay the Hawaiian gay thing over their uniform.

      Right, exactly. And so you're, when you're in a position of power, which is what you are, whether you're in the military, whether you're a police officer, whether you're in whatever position that you're in, that if you're advocating for a certain if any of the police officers that were in your unit wanted to go there and dance in the parade or support them while not In their uniform or representing the police force, let alone.

    That's perfectly fine. Let alone forcing people to advocate for something that maybe they don't believe in. And to your point I'm, passive in the same way that you are. You do what you want to do. I have no, no, problems with anybody who, is. gay or lesbian. Now, when we get into the, TQIA plus

      Well, and kids,

    community,  that's a whole other issue.

    It's, we could, that's a whole other speaking of tangents that we can get into is the, hijacking of what is a sexual preference into being what is a fetish, personal fetishes that are then being enforced on youth. But back to the original conversation, which is that there's no reason at all.

    In my opinion, and coming from the opinion of somebody who worked for the government in a position that wore a uniform that would, we would not be allowed if you went to a gay parade in your ABUs or in your blues, your dress blues we would have, gotten in trouble. Right, let alone forcing somebody to be in the police force to be a part of that and show that the police force is now advocating for this, against whatever their religious beliefs are, there should, the Supreme Court has ruled on this, they said, I believe it was the, it was the bakery that said that they didn't want to bake cakes for somebody who was asking them to.

     Yeah. Jack Phillips. Yeah, that was Jack Phillips. That was about the same time period. Cause my story was about 2014 and I think his was either 2012, 2013. In fact I ended up, talking to him,

    to Jack Phillip. Yeah. Because when he heard my story and I guess I should finish the story. So, a couple of days go by.

    And I get this text message from my deputy chief, who's one of the highest of the high up in this. Hey we want to see, we need to see you on Wednesday in my office. And dude, my, my heart, like I, I immediately knew I'm like, this is not good. This is not good. Don't worry. We just want to talk.

    And I'm just like yeah, I don't believe you. I don't believe you. And it turns out they didn't just want to talk. They took my badge and my gun for discrimination. And dude I, don't know how to explain it. It's even like thinking about, I go right back to that moment. It was like everything flipped upside down.

    I couldn't believe what I was hearing and I remember like I as a, shoot, how old was I? 30, I don't know, 32, 33, right around that point. I'm crying dude. Like I'm literally crying. I can look down and I've got tears splashing my badge and they took my badge. They took my gun. Like I'm some kind of a criminal dude.

    Drove me home took all my stuff. And then two days later, all of a sudden my entire, story, Was blasted all over national news, officer refuses gay pride parade, which wasn't even true. So it wasn't even a true story. It was, absolute lie from the Salt Lake Tribune that I didn't want to protect gay people.

    That was the narrative. And so. I'm now in, I'm now in like complete disarray. I don't know how I'm going to, I don't know what I'm going to do. And then the police department comes out and condemns me in front of everybody. We don't tolerate bias, bigotry, or hatred. So they didn't even do an investigation, bro.


    I was on, what's that?

     and smeared you publicly within the mainstream media.

     Oh dude I didn't, even get a chance to go through the process. Right? Hey this is under, investigation where we can't comment. It's under, oh no, don't tolerate bias, bigotry or hatred. Threw me under the bus, dude.

    And when that happened, I am, I knew it was over. There's, why in the hell would I want to go work for a, for an organization that doesn't, that is not inclusive, that is not diverse, that is not loving, that, that, is not tolerant, because that's who these people are. They, are tolerant unless you disagree with them, unless you have your faith.

    And so, That happened 10 years ago, dude. That was probably the most, it was one of the hardest things that I've ever had to deal with in my whole life


     Because, a difficult thing for you to deal with too, Because,

    the reason that knowing at least having this conversation with you and knowing a little bit about your personality, it seems like your, values and your morals drive your decisions every day. And that's very

     likely. dude I, you got to understand like I'm a sinner, right? I, yeah. You got to understand I believe these things as an ideal, but I fall short all the time. And so when I talk about this stuff, people think that I'm somehow, I think I'm better than someone else. And I'm, and I do not believe that.

    I must, I'm like, I look at myself as a very, imperfect person who needs a lot of help on a daily basis who needs to repent. But there are certain things that I just, I can't live with. Right. It's like I, I couldn't knowing how I felt when that assignment came down, I couldn't go and do that and then live with myself.

    Right. I couldn't

       because I don't believe it.

     It's crazy to me to see that happened in Salt Lake City of literally any city within the United States of America.

     well, well, Salt Lake City like I said, our state, man, we're quickly turning blue. And it's because we have so many nice Christians here. The kind of worship, not all, but there's many Christians that worship the gospel of nice and no quarrels, no contention. That's the highest level of, of, goodness when that's not true.

    Like it's we, have to stand up for truth. If we do not stand up for truth, we don't have, we won't have a, country. Does that make sense? It's like we, I try to articulate this to people. When you have something and you have a certain knowledge and you don't live up to that knowledge, where much is given, much is required.

    And so Salt Lake City of all places is that we should have been a city that everybody looked to Utah wow, those guys got it right. But unfortunately, we are falling fast. I don't know if you've read the book, The Letter to the American Church, but on my podcast, I had a man named Eric Metaxas.

    And he wrote this incredible book called letter to the American church. And it's just about how Marxism has infiltrated our churches and it's all going down in the name of niceness. You just have to, you just have to be really nice and not bring this stuff up because if we bring this stuff up as Christians, that's not what Jesus would do.

    And, I submit that's the exact opposite. Jesus, his very first words were to repent. Literally his first words on his mortal mission, repent. That means that we need to turn back to God. And right now our country is on the verge of complete destruction because of, what we've allowed from abortion to this sexual perversion that has entered into our school system.

    That's, in cartoons, right? This whole they, them, man, I'm telling you dude, like we are, inches away from Being wiped off this, the face of this planet right now because we totally, screwed it up.

      And so you spoke to a few things there and I'll touch on a couple of them. So the first one being the infiltration of liberal ideology within the church. I can't tell you how many churches I've drove past. in the last six months that are hanging a trans flag outside of their church. It's in, and again I'm somebody who's struggled with their faith several times throughout my lifetime and is still trying to work on that and grow in that, aspect of my life and find myself there, whatever that means. Right. But, even just seeing that and being so puzzled by the idea that, there would be some sort of, It is social infiltration of the ideologies that we're seeing that are very much founded in sexual perversion, right? Let's, put the Bible aside and let's just say you look at what's happening with the, trans ideologies the, hyper sexualization through TV shows, which you mentioned as well.

    All of those things that are the and, to find that within a church setting, something that is so. so. I don't know the right word for it. So sensitive, right? When you're putting yourself in a position of authority, when it comes to spirituality between somebody else and God, right?

    The, amount of power that you can wield within that setting is alarming if you utilize it the wrong way. We saw that

    within some of the things that have come out from the Catholic Church and so the other ways that, that faith has been weaponized and utilized by bad people, bad actors within those, settings to, to utilize that framework as a way to push their own ideologies or their own perversions or their own their own wants and needs, whether it be monetization, money, sexualization, those types of things.

    So to, to see that being outright pushed in front of a church where the very doctrine that these people claim to, to worship speaks pretty, at least from my familiarity of it, pretty clearly on those, subjects. And so to, see them just be outright just, Against the, very thing that they claim to, to represent is, pretty alarming, right?

    And, to say that like 2014 a decade ago when this happened to you, so to see that already within a community that is very of, I would say any, city that at least I know of within the United States, Salt Lake and, Utah specifically is very, religious in, this sense.

    And so to see that happened all the way back 10 years ago as a precursor to what we're seeing today, specifically, not

    Yeah. the institutions of the government with the police force, but also within the churches themselves over the last couple of years.

      Well and I don't know if it was a vision or whatever, however you want to look at it, but I saw what was coming. Like when I had my experience, I just had it just in my mind's eye. Right. Like when you think ahead it's like we're talking about the digital currency. We see that this is going to be a very, real possibility.

    Right. And so I saw. All of this stuff happening. I saw it, dude. I saw the sexualization of kids, what they were going to do. I was even warning on Facebook 10 years ago about pedophilia stuff, about, minor attracted people. I posted about that 10 years ago and people thought I was nuts.

     It's unbelievable.

      Hmm. was trying to warn people even way back then, this is coming.

    This is coming. This stuff's coming. And so that's why you can't change definitions like marriage. I don't care if people want to have a civil union. Great. Get the government out of all of our, relationships. Right. But, when you start to change definitions, that was the floodgate, bro. And I said that, I said, if you change the definition of marriage, which is, Between a man and a woman.

    If you change that, anything can go. And now what have we seen? What is a woman? You can't even define it. The left cannot define what a woman is. That's, how far we've gone. And what's next age. That's what's

    next. I'm telling you, there is no such thing as age. There's no such thing as men and women.

    Kids are now animals in school. Age is next and it's going to be pushed at an alarming rate and we are going to be like, how can you even come close to participate? The governor of our state of Utah, Spencer Cox, he vetoed a bill that would prohibit men from playing against girls in girl sports. he vetoed that bill.

    Now, luckily the House overrode him or they, the legislators overrode him. But if he had it his way, he would have men. Playing against women and women's sports in the state of Utah, if he had it his way,


      this is to the degree of wickedness that we're at right now. And look, some people think that's hate.

    What I'm saying, that's, they think that I'm the one that's hating by, pointing this out. It's not hate. You have to understand that love is truth. Love is light. Love is liberty. That is love. And so when you're speaking this stuff, and this is to anybody who can knows when you post something or you share a thought and you get that opposition, you are truly loving your neighbor.

    And a lot of people just don't see it. And so I just say, keep, stay the course, keep speaking truth. Whenever you sacrifice a little bit, and whenever you speak truth, what happens to your soul is you expand light grows brighter every single time you do something that is a sacrifice. yourself, you literally, it grows brighter, that light then attracts the darkness.

    And so what's happening is the amount of light that you put into the, call it the universe, in the spiritual realm, as bright as you start to get, you're going to get the opposition, that's how you grow. That's how you can become perfect. Jesus was saying, be there for perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect.

    That's, that perfection is, has to do with the light inside of your soul. Not to get too deep into that stuff, but I'm just saying, don't be afraid to speak truth because when you do that, You grow as a spiritual being.

      Absolutely. So if you go back to COVID, right, and one of the things that you just talked about was the changing of definitions. Right? The changing of what the meaning of a sound is, right? When we talk about all of the different things, whether it's what is a woman, right? They're literally the Oxford dictionary has changed the definition, right?

    You go back to herd immunity. You go back to, there's so COVID, right? The Orwellian changing of, the meaning of a word, right? And even when you talk about things like what, people don't realize is that unless you're like I'm not, I wouldn't say I'm extremely Well, educated, right?

    But if you look at the people who go through private school and these high level universities, a lot of them learn Latin. And the reason that you learn Latin is because there's a meaning to the fundamentals, like the syllables within a word, right? When you look at a word like Genesis, you look at a word like Jenna tolls.

    Right? The, fundamental, when you break down that word to its Latin derivative, there is a meaning to the sounds that you are making with your mouth that are outside of the definition of a word itself. Right? So when you're talking about something as simple as genitals, right it's, the, fundamental idea of, right, like it's, it goes back to the same derivative of genesis.

    Right? The gen, the G E N has its own derivative meaning within the Latin language. So when they're sitting back trying to change the definitions of these things they're, it's literally post modernism in action, right? Post modernism being the idea that they're, the very word that you used at the beginning of this was truth.

    Right? That the idea behind postmodernism is that there is no truth. There is no fundamental truth. Eric has his own truth. Austin has his own truth. And regard and dependent on which reality and, body that you occupy, each individual person has their own idea of what truth is, but we know that's not true, right?

    There's math, right? Regardless of who you are, two plus two equals four. Right. 2 plus 2 doesn't equal 5. That's the whole Orwellian idea of, this changing of, reality to suit the need of the oppressor, right? To suit the need of the government. They, want to, break down the idea of

    Well,  everything has to be a lie. I think by the time the devil's up, he has to flip everything upside down in order to have that king, literally everything upside down. Because, ultimately, can I just give you my take on our death? Do you ever just sit and think, why am I here on earth?

    Do you ever think that kind of stuff?



     Okay. So I'm going to tell you why in my belief. Okay.

       So I'm a, Latter day Saint, right? So the Mormons, right?

    That's what I am. And I get it. There's going to be a lot of people in your audience that are like, okay, here we go. But this is who I am.

    Right. So, so you can turn off the podcast or not, but I'm telling you, this is what I believe you were born. You are a child of God, right? And so we're going to get into the Genesis in a second. God the Father and Jesus Christ are perfect beings. They are resurrected. Jesus Christ is resurrected. He has his body.

    Do you understand? He didn't shed it. He showed himself to his Apostles. They felt the Prince in his hand. He didn't go shed his body when he went up to the, Father. He is a resurrected being and so is Heavenly Father. We, you and I, if we stay on this path through Christ, we will be saved. We will be resurrected.

    Everybody's going to be resurrected. It's just to where you're going to be at. And so I want to read this scripture to you. We were talking about chickens earlier, right? So I'm sure chickens don't sit and think like, why am I here? Maybe, but if one of those chickens had an egg had an egg and it was fertilized, what would that baby chicken look?

    What would that baby chicken turn into?

    Okay. So, so have you ever heard the term and oak sleeps in the Acorn?

      I have not. But it makes sense.

      Okay. So the oak tree sleeps in the acorn and properly nourish. It's going to go through a process to become an oak, right? Well, then the question is who are you? So I'm going to read this Romans chapter eight, verse 16. It says, the spirit itself, beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.

    And if children then heirs, of God, and joint heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. For I reckon that the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. So what I'm trying to tell you, Austin, is that you, have the potential, the divine destiny potential to become like Heavenly Father.

    And I know that sounds crazy to a lot of people. I know that knows. But if everything shows us the predecessor, like every, predecessor shows that it can become like Heavenly Father. That's why Jesus Christ came. And so we will have, we will, so what I'm trying to say is there's two destinies. Okay.

    Why are you here on earth? There's two destinations. We can either become like God, which is an identity, a destiny, a divine, destiny. An eternal posterity because if you could, you have kids, right?


     Are your kids the greatest joy that you've ever had in your life?

      The greatest part of my, every day. Absolutely.

      Okay. So, so do you think, and you don't have to answer me, but do you think that God is going to take the, that ability away from you in the next life to have kids? Well, just think about it because I don't, I believe that. That posterity is an eternal posterity. That's why he promised Abraham the sands of the sea, because when you are resurrected, your body parts still work.

    Do you understand? So on the flip side, so that's, the one destination. And there's another scripture too, I can even tell you. So basically in that one, it says. And if children, then heirs, of God and joint heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with him. And then there's one other scripture in the book of Revelation that I'd like to share with you.

    And that's Revelation chapter 3 verse 21. It says, To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I have overcame and sat down with my father in his throne. And so that's amazing because that's, a promise. And so that's why I'm trying to tell you as sons and daughters of God, whoever you are listening, you, the divine, the divinity within sight of you, none of us can comprehend.

    None of us can comprehend. That's, that is the plan of salvation. That's why our families are so important. That's why fundamental unit of heaven is a family. Male and female. Now on the flip side, what do you think the devil wants? Well, the devil wants us to become like him. identity, no destiny.

      separated from everybody else with, no sense of self or self

     Okay. Keep going.

      or woman or,


    right. They,


      I'm telling you, dude, like this spiritual nature on the devil doesn't want you to have body parts. Why? Because he doesn't have body parts. And that's why this sexual revolution that's happening is so unbelievably demonic because he's getting people literally prepared for hell.

    Remember the two destinations to become like God with an eternal posterity or to become like the devil with no ability to procreate and you are damned. That is the literal word for damned is damn. You're stuck. You cannot progress if you are not having children.

      That's interesting. I haven't, I literally like from the, verbal speaking about the Genesis or the Latin derivatives, when you talk about damn in the way that you utilize that term and damned is the same way that just how you pointed that out is your the same way a beaver creates

     a damn. burnt as a stubble. That's why he's saying you're a little tree, you're bush, you're as a stubble. It means you're not producing fruit. The fruit is your children. And so I'm just trying to tell you that dude, like you're here for a reason. And you're not a bug. You're not a tree.

    You're not a plant. You are a child of God. And I hope that resonates with whoever's watching this because that is the most fundamental truth. And when you know that, and when you know how much God loves you, think about how much you love your kids. And there's nothing that they can do that's going to stop that love.

    That's how much God loves you. so that's why I'm always trying to talk about repentance because there's so many people that they don't dare to go to God because they don't think that he'll understand what they've done or what they've been through. And I'm here to testify that he has seen it all.

    It doesn't matter what you've done. You can go to God and he will forgive you in a second. Because he wants that relationship with you. I know that. And I know that because I go through repentance processes all the time. And, if he can forgive me, he can forgive you

     Sure. And I guess it translating that from the religious to the spiritual. Well, Right? To me, when you talk about the acorn becoming the, tree, right?




    Yeah, better stated that way is that the way that I can perceive God the way that I can feel God is that God is the Permeating and infinite everything around us.

    He created everything. He is everything. He's a part of us today And I think that when you know, there's some sense that I, feel from people who are hesitant towards religion the, organized the, organized sense of religion that, that is man made as opposed to the spiritual connection with that is God.

    And that, that the sometimes as we speak to the way that religion has been weaponized or manipulated and into being something that maybe get some people to, not want to be to explore that, that, that feeling or that familiarity, right? That everybody, historically, every single culture, every single country has a religion.

    Every single human

    right? calling to connect with whatever it is that, that there is. infinite everything is that, some cultures have proclaimed as this, name or that name but, there is a good and an evil and in the proclivity to move towards the things that are good, right?

    That, the infinite everything that moves you towards the light, right? That, that there there's a, way to look at the things that we're talking about here from a sense that is maybe a little bit more. available to people who aren't religious, right? Who, see the things that are playing out today and, realize that there is a good, there is an evil, right?

    And there, is something that is a core foundation of every single human being. I am you, and you are me, right? We, there, there's differences in, variables within our maybe genetic makeups. It's very, very slightly as we talk about percentage wise, but micro differences in our genetics, but we are cut from the same cloth.

    We are all acorns that came from the oak tree?

    Where this,  where the seed, where this that's God, bro. That is

    literally heavenly father. And that's when you know that, and it's such a comforting thing wow, like the, he's really there and he's just see, but he won't intervene on agency. That's one thing that people don't realize, he cannot force you to do anything. The devil wants to force you to do everything. His kingdom is all about force. His kingdom is all about manipulation and coercion. And I think what's happening, I don't know how deep you've got into the scriptures, but the devil, the reason why he was cast out of heaven is because he wouldn't follow the commandments.

    He wanted to be above everybody. He didn't want to be one with, he wanted to be above the stars. And so when he and his minions is a third of the host of heaven were cast down, they were cast out because they couldn't follow the commandments in the kingdom of God. So what the devil has done, counterfeit, is he's created a counter kingdom.

    He's created a kingdom that, that looks very similar to the kingdom of God, but everything's fake from the water to the food, to the air, to what we watch, the whole propaganda, everything is fake and what happens is he will force you to bow down for your job, for status, for wealth, for whatever that is.

    You have to bow down in order to stay in his kingdom and what happens so this is going to blow your mind What do you think happens so that so God he has commandments But the devil has demandments and what happens when you don't follow the demandments The exact same thing that happened to him you are cancelled You are cast out of the kingdom.

    You are a racist, homophobic, whatever it whatever phobe you are done because you would not bow down to his demandments. That's what I think is happening. It's the counterculture of the devil,

      Yeah, absolutely. And when you look at things like you mentioned that just there, right The the you're a transphobe. You're a, the, you're a anti Semite. You're a this, you're a that. Right.

     right wing extremist.

      I've had people, I've had people chase me down in bars. Like I went to a, startup founders meeting in, my local city here and did not expect anybody to come up with, To come up to me and recognize me, or I got chased around a bar for 15 minutes by this guy calling me a right wing conspiracy theorist, literally

    wouldn't stop. This guy was, he was actually a local democratic,  running.   Yeah. He was running for a local democratic role.

      And he chased me around this bar at Right.

      a nice location, right, trying to label you, trying to this, I, this guy was pretty intoxicated at the time, to be fair but he knew who I was, he chased me around Austin Adams, the far right guy.

    Podcaster is dude, you don't even you, probably hate this person. You probably hate these people. It's you don't even know my ideologies. you don't know anything about me. I don't have any problem with this or with that or with this or with that. But the problem is the labels, right? The problem is that it's so easy to throw on a Jersey, a blue Jersey or a red Jersey, right?

    And say, that's the bad guy right there. That person right there represents everything that I hate. But there's nuance to everything. I, after talking to this fairly belligerent individual for maybe after he chased me around and I just stopped, I put down my beer. I looked at them and I said, Hey, what do you want to talk about?

    What do you have a problem with what I've said about anything at all? Let's talk about it. Let's have a conversation about it. I'm interested. What do you think that I've said that is wrong? And he said, oh, you're a transphobe you're a homophobe, you're a this, you're a that. I said, look I broke down each individual part of his conversation, said you're wrong here, I don't believe that, I believe this.

    And eventually I got to a point where this guy was like in his belligerent voice I don't think you're that bad. It's I feel like we would probably have that same conversation with 90 percent of people on the opposite side of the, wearing the different

    color jersey that we're wearing today,

    if we sat down with them and let them speak their piece in a personal setting, right?

    That they, you would find very quickly that. Almost everybody isn't a far right this, isn't a far left this,

    but when you get, when you look at social media, when you look at the mainstream media, that's the promoting culture is that there has to be an enemy for on both sides. Otherwise it's not profitable, right?

    If there's not a 90 and it keeps you away from the actual problem, which is classism. Right.

    Which is the idea that there is a very, elite class of individuals at the point 1 percent of things that are have controlled politicians that have controlled the music industry that have controlled the, movie industry that have controlled Hollywood, that have controlled every single part of the highest echelon of American culture for so long.

    Those are the people that we should be yelling at. Those are the people that we should be chasing down in bars. Those are the people that we should make feel shame every time they leave their house. But instead they want us fighting amongst each other about race. They want us fighting amongst each other about your, political ideologies, your stance on this, your stance on that.

    When there is a real enemy out there Right. now that is causing this, divide, causing these issues and wants us fighting amongst ourselves, Rather than fighting against the real issue, which is the very, and I'm not talking about rich people. Hell, I want to be rich. You want to be rich. Everybody wants to have money.

    And, by the grace of God or the, infinite, everything one of us will be right. If we make the right.

    product, that's capitalism. And I love capitalism, but That's not talking about the people that were born into ungodly sums of money that utilize that to weaponize it against us every single day to continue to make those profits like what was outlined in Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.

      Yeah. So I'm of the sense of even you said chasing them down noncompliance is the answer. If everybody would have just not worn a


     And if everybody just not would have done gone to work, and if everybody been like, no, that's not happening, none of this would have happened and they would have no power.

    We give them their power.


    And so to me, massive noncompliance when they say something, you better question it. Why? Well, we need to do this for safety. Oh, we've heard that one before. Well, we need to do this for the greater good. Oh, okay. Yeah, we've heard that one before, too. And we're not going to, it's not happening.

    And if everybody did that, they would have no power.

     And you saw the very first thing that they did in COVID was create literally created the jersey. You have the people who are wearing masks. Still today and did then, and the people who would refuse it, who I got into, I can't tell you how many arguments with people at the grocery store, with people at the even outside, like it was crazy to see, but what they did is they created a Jersey.

    That you got to wear either your pro mandate or anti mandate. And they decided to make us fight amongst ourselves rather than fighting against the real enemy, which was the one that not only caused the mandates that obliterated hundreds of thousands, if not millions of business owners, but also stopped people from being able to say goodbye to their mothers while they were passing away in

     the process.   And, all of these horrible, atrocious things that were growing on during COVID that are so much further deeper seated issues that are still not addressed today, mind you, than wearing a mask, which again, the mask was a symbol, for which team you were on and the enforced compliance that regardless of what you think.

    We're still going to make sure that you do this or you can't buy groceries.

      Well, and it was a spiritual symbol of no, no voice, no choice, no identity. You literally can't even see who you are. It was very symbolic spiritually.

      Absolutely. And so as we move in and then that's, and that's the thing that I fairly appreciate about you, Eric, is that you're willing to, question. And something that I'm not seeing very consistently among the what would generally be considered the conservative or whatever influencers that are out there there's, a very small handful of us out there that are still questioning the government.

    Right. Regardless of the narratives that we're, they're trying to spoonfeed us, whether you're a conservative or a liberal or a Democrat is that when it comes to things like Israel I'm, Anti anti war and anti mainstream wholesale of buying the mainstream narrative, if they are feeding it through every mainstream media that's out there, whether it's supposed to be a Republican thing or a Democrat thing, should be questioned.

    Right. It should be vetted and it should be, it should, you should find out exactly what you truly believe, not what you're being told to believe, whether you're a Democrat, who's being told that masks work when this every bit of science tells you it's not, or you're a Republican being told that you should promote the, war in Israel, regardless of how many innocent lives that are lost as a result.

      Yeah. And everybody, that's why it turns out that the commandments were a good thing. It turns out like loving your neighbor. is a good thing. It turns it turns out, don't do this all the things that God was saying turns out to be true. And if everybody just did that, then we'd get back.

    We somehow find, some kind of peace. But I feel like everything's just really ramping up at such a pace. And the reason why it is because the light is shining on the darkness and the darkness has to justify why. And it's going to get very violent. that, that, is the next, they don't have any other moves now that we, that everybody's starting to wake up and shine the light on them.

    The only moves that they have left is to get violent. And I just, I pray to God that we just don't get sucked into a civil war. And we just say, we're not fighting. We're not doing that. That's not gonna happen. Now, defending yourself, yes, Of course. I fear that we're gonna, we're gonna, we can have a draft here soon.

    They want us in a, they want us in a third world war right now to stop this election coming up. They, need that. They need a

     And meanwhile, Netanyahu's son is sitting on a beach in Miami and

    won't even, right? Isn't that crazy? They want to draft, they want to draft our children. They want to draft me. They want to draft you. They want to draft all these American citizens. But the son of the individual who decided

     to cause tell you everything.

     exactly right.

    You go back to

      That should tell, you

      Black, Sabbath war pigs. Generals gathered in their masses, right, just sitting there there's, so many cultural situations that during times like this have pointed this out. The most powerful people don't send their sons to the military. They don't because they know what

     Oh it's  a chess game being played with it with the emotion and the lives of the middle and lower class that is used to profit from the upper and in like highest level 001 percent of individuals.

    So this is just a game that is played and you go I'll reference this just because I think it's such an important document. When you go back to that silent weapons for quiet wars document, it talks about how war is utilized as a way for checks and balances to not only. Be able to utilize the war machine to make profit by pushing money from taxpayers to the, organizations that fund it, but also by making checks and balances by eliminating human lives, When you have a finite amount of money across in a social or a governmental ecosystem, like the United States of America, and you eliminate taxpayers. People like the amount of individuals within that country, you are actually making it so that the value of a dollar becomes higher because there's less people owning that money, right? So when war is used as a checks and balances for, inflation. And that's one of the scariest things that was within that document.

      It's we're here man, but ultimately I'm very thankful to be alive in such a time as this. And I just, I, when I get back to God, I want to say I tried, I was a screw up, but I tried I could see what you were trying. I could see what you wanted me to do. Even though I failed, I tried.

    And I hope that's I just want to be able to look back and be like, didn't sit quiet when I saw all that. I at least put it out there I try to tell people about liberty because the liberty is heaven. That's in 1st Corinthians or 2nd It says where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty and You can't have liberty without morality freedom freedom plus bad choices equals captivity because freedom and liberty aren't the same thing.

    You can have that freedom, but if you don't do good with it, that does not equal. So, so in other words, freedom plus morality equals liberty. only way that we can have liberty is to do what's right.


    And I think that's something, to me, when we're talking about this doom and gloom and this battle versus good and evil, I believe wholeheartedly that good is winning right now, today. And I don't think that we could say that four years ago. But I do believe that there are so many people that have woken up to the atrocities that are happening, the ideologies that are being pushed on people.

    And I think even culturally, when it comes to things like comedy, and all of these different cultural movements. You're seeing that there is a large group of people that are waking up to these things that are wanting to not only be aware of them, but make other people aware of them and do something about it.

    And that to me, as we're moving into what you say, maybe the next 10 years of the potential most difficult parts of our lives, if not the lives of most of humanity, and in us as a species, that it is encouraging to me. That now more than ever, just like when John Locke had the great awakening, right?

    The great, the enlightenment period, where they realized that we don't need anybody to speak to God, right? There was that great enlightenment that allowed us to move away from Great Britain and realize that we, as a culture, don't need to speak through somebody else to have that connection.

    I believe there's another great awakening that's happening today, and I believe that to be true.

    is encouraging as we move towards the times that they are pushing for these wars. They are pushing for these things to happen. And I believe that we, as it stands, and people like you and me, who have this staunch moral compass that says if you want me to do anything that's against what my fundamental beliefs are, I'm not doing it.

    I won't do anything about it. I'm going to speak up, I'm going to speak out, I'm going to

    make change happen. And I'm encouraged about the way that this society is moving. So.

     Absolutely. well, and you have to understand too that if you can be awake, but if you don't make good decisions, then that light is going to be even darker because it will condemn you. Does that make sense?

     Absolutely. Well, Eric, on that note, I think that's a great way to wrap this up here. I appreciate your time. That was an awesome conversation. Like you said, maybe not the one that we had originally outlined, but I appreciate you. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I'd love to have you back. I think that was a great conversation and as things start to play out, we'll see that more and more.

    But thank you so much for being here. I appreciate you. Can you talk about some places where everybody can find you?

    All right. Well, go check it out. Read his book, listen to the podcast, watch the documentary, all of that stuff. Great conversation, Eric. Thank you so much for being here.

     Adams archive.

  • Welcome to the Adams Archive! Join Austin Adams as he takes you on a journey through history, current events, and deep dives into intriguing topics. In this episode, Austin dives into the true history of Revolutionary War, uncovering hidden reasons behind the conflict. But that's not all! From shocking revelations about the COVID vaccine to discussions on melatonin supplements and their impact on children, mysterious links between cat owners and schizophrenia, and the untimely passing of a TikTok influencer, this episode is packed with jaw-dropping content. Plus, get ready for a deep dive into the world of banksters and warmongers, exploring the connections to the Revolutionary War. Don't miss out on this captivating episode! Subscribe for more thought-provoking content and hit the like button if you enjoy it!

  • Protect yourself and your family from the perils of modern technology now with Ronin.

    Welcome to the Adams Archive. In this podcast we peel back the layers of official narratives to explore the intersection of advanced technology, government intrigue, and the ethics of scientific ambition.

    Artificial Eclipses: Uncover the startling revelations surrounding engineered celestial events, exploring the technology capable of creating artificial solar eclipses.

    The Dawn of De-Extinction: Step into the laboratories where the lines between past and future blur, as companies claim to possess the technology to resurrect extinct creatures. From mammoths to dinosaurs, examine the scientific breakthroughs, the dreams, and the ethical dilemmas posed by playing god with nature's design.

    Targeted Voices: The chilling confession of a CIA operative admitting to targeting Alex Jones sheds light on the power struggles between the state and the individuals daring to challenge it. Explore the implications of these admissions for freedom of speech, media integrity, and the right to dissent in a digital age.

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    Full Transcription

     Adams Archive.

    Hello, you beautiful people, and welcome to the Adams Archive. My name is Austin Adams, and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we're going to have to cover a lot of ground, starting with the fact that Julian Assange could have his prosecution thrown away, according to Joe Biden.

    Biden. Now we'll talk why I think he might be saying this. Maybe it has something to do with gaining popularity in a time where your dog wouldn't want to vote for him, but that's beside the point we'll read through that article together and talk through some of the more nuanced conversations surrounding Julian Assange.

    From there, we're going to discuss somebody of high, Notoriety within the AI community. What some people call the Godfather of AI warning about battle robots. If that sounds terrifying to you, then we're on the same page. So we'll discuss that after that. We'll talk about how plants. allegedly scream when they're being harvested.

    That's a terrifying visual. Then we'll jump into the Alex Jones situation. So Alex Jones, if you don't know, had the full force of the FBI, the CIA, they completely obliterated him in court. He over the Sandy Hook. It's a crazy situation that he had. I think it was a billion dollars is what they said that he owed these defendants, which is like the most egregious of all hearings in the history of the American judicial system.

    So there was some updates on that, which is the fact that there was an individual from the FBI. Who came out and got caught on camera in one of the, I don't believe this was actually private project Veritas, but it was very project Veritas ask in the way that it was a gay man who somebody found on either grinder or Tinder.

    And apparently that's the only way that you can find these people who are willing to talk about this type of stuff. Um, but we'll actually watch the video where this man from the FBI comes out and, and admits that the FBI actually, um, Went after Alex Jones to make an example of him and how you might ask.

    Well, we'll talk about that in just a little bit. Uh, we'll go through a couple articles about that. Then we'll talk about this new biomedical pharmaceutical company, I guess, biomedical company that's claiming that they're going to do something that has been shown rendition of this. ever, which is the fact that this company is saying it's called Colossal Biosciences.

    And apparently, they're going to de extinct animals, starting with a mammoth. And if that doesn't terrify you, I don't know what will. So we'll talk about the implications of that. We'll talk a little bit about the company and the people that are behind it. All of that, and then the last discussion we'll have today, and we might have one more, but if we have time, we'll, we'll talk about that.

    If we don't, the last thing we're going to talk about is the solar eclipse. So everybody went crazy over the solar eclipse. There was all these conspiracy theories about how there was earthquakes and all of this craziness, and there was going to be an EMP and mass chaos was going to break out. Well, it's been kind of silent since then.

    That eclipse just a couple of days ago. And I held my opinion on this a little bit for a reason. Cause I don't know if I believed any of these things. Some people were saying that the solar eclipses were fake and all this crazy stuff, but then I saw this article that came out. And it talks about, I think, I believe it's a Swedish or German, German article, um, talks about a technology that could be utilized to create eclipses.

    Hmm. That's interesting. It's called the ESA proba three, and it's a satellite, I guess, two satellites. And we'll actually read more about this together, but two satellites that essentially can cause pseudo eclipses. Why would they want to do that? Guess what? We'll talk about it. So all of that and more. And if we have time, we'll see just how far we get into this and how deep we go, but we might have a little bit deeper, darker, conspiratorial thing to discuss just after that.

    So all of that and more, but the first thing I need you to do before we can dive deep into those conversations is hit that subscribe button, leave a five star review, you know, I know that you know, that I know. How much I appreciate you. I think there was something in there that, that was probably linguistically correct.

    So I appreciate you go ahead and hit that five star review button. It takes 10 seconds out of your day. And honestly, it means a lot to me. I read every single one of the reviews. Every time I see a new review, even if you don't write anything, it just, it, it honestly makes this worth it to see that you guys appreciate it.

    So if you haven't yet. Back out of this podcast while you're listening to it, hit the five star button. It takes 10 seconds out of your day. And it honestly means the world to me. I would appreciate it more than, you know, and if you feel so inspired, write something down, tell me what you love about it.

    Tell me what I should improve about it. Anything and everything you can think of, put it in there. Tell me your favorite. I don't know your favorite chips and salsa brand company. I don't know. I'd maybe I need some good salsa brands. I don't know. Whatever the fuck, whatever you can think of, just throw it in there.

    Tell me what you love about the podcast though. Seriously. And leave a five star review. I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. And just to remind you. I am launching Ronin Ronin is my Faraday goods company, and we are going to have backpacks baseball hats beanies phone sleeves, laptop sleeves, wallets, all of these things specifically to help you protect yourself from modern technology, whether it be EMF radiation, which Robert F.

    Kennedy juniors talked at length about Andrew Huberman, all of those people I've mentioned that before, whether it be a stop people from swiping your credit card, Information from you, even when you didn't know what happened with RFID blocking materials for wallets, or whether it's helping you shut off, shut down and eliminate your digital footprint with our Faraday backpacks, which essentially block all inbound and outbound signals from your phone, from your laptop stops, the government stops corporations from being able to track you all of that nasty stuff that they're constantly doing.

    That is what I've been working on. That's why I've. Maybe had a few less podcasts more recently is because I've been diving head first into creating the by far best Faraday goods company in existence in the world today and for the future. So keep an eye out for that. The website, if you want to go check it out, there are some products listed right now.

    The wallets will actually be in next week. So if you want to go check those out and buy a Ronin wallet. Again, RFID blocking. You can head to Ronan, uh, ronanbasics. com, R O N I N B A S I C S, ronanbasics. com, and you can actually get a wallet that will be shipped to you like within a week, I'll get it to you.

    No big deal. Now the rest of the stuff, I'm still working with the manufacturers and the suppliers and helping with the design and everything, because I want to make sure that it's perfect for you. But the hat that I have in my head right now is a Ronan hat and just a couple more tweaks to go, and it will be awesome.

    Chef's kiss. So keep an eye out for that. Ronan basics. com. All right. That's all I got for you. Let's go ahead and jump into it.

    The Adams archive.

    I should have been a music producer in a past life. Cause I promise you both of the intros that I've made, whether it was for red pill revolution or for the Adams archive is kind of a banger, kind of a banger should have been a music producer, but here I am talking nonetheless. All right, let's go ahead and jump into it.

    The very first article that we're going to discuss the very first conversation that we're going to have today is about Julian Assange, Julian Assange, the leader and whistleblower who has. Unloaded a treasure trove of government and corporate corruption over years and years and years of WikiLeaks has since fled the country, fleeing for his life while the full force of the government, the FBI, the CIA, manhunt, manhunt, manhunt going after this man.

    And he would be put away for life, but he's been finding himself in Australia, interesting enough, um, who has been sheltering him without extradition to the United States. And now Joe Biden is saying that he's considering dropping the prosecution against Julian Assange. After a request from Australia.

    Now, this man should have been pardoned long ago. This man should have been pardoned by Trump. This man should have been pardoned by Obama. Right? The list goes on. This man should have been pardoned long ago. There's no reason. Somebody The only time The true case of authoritarianism is a government that cannot be questioned.

    And that's what Julian Assange did. He questioned the government. He questioned their intentions. And not only did he question them, but he exposed them for what they were. He exposed them for all of the corruption, all of the surveillance activities, everything that they were doing that was horrific. You know, you go to wikileaks.

    com Or org or something right now. I was actually looking at their archives today. There's a unbelievable list of all of these situations where the government was doing things that it shouldn't have done. From the Guantanamo Bay, uh, interrogation, what is it, enhanced interrogation techniques. Like so many of these things that were atrocious acts by our government that he exposed.

    Rightfully, you were doing illegal acts. You should be exposed for those illegal acts. This man exposed you for the illegal acts that you were committing, and now you want to go throw him in jail for committing, for, for, for exposing you. That's authoritarianism. That's abuse. That's abusive behavior. That isn't the act of an abuser, right?

    So I would say this is the best thing that Joe Biden has considered. This is the best possible thing. If Joe Biden did this one thing, I would scream the praises of Joe Biden from a mountaintop for about two minutes, but nonetheless, I would still scream is my praise from a mountaintop and it would be that Joe Biden.

    Pardons Julian Assange. And so let's go ahead and read this article. It says U S president, Joe Biden says the U S is considering dropping his persecution or prosecution, same thing against WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange. For years, Australia has called on the U S to drop its prosecution against Assange, an Australian citizen who has fought U S extradition efforts from prison in the UK asked about the request on Wednesday, as he hosted Japanese prime minister, Fumio Kishida.

    For an official visit, Biden said, we're considering it. Hmm. Interesting. Very interesting.

    Assange has been indicted on 17 espionage charges and one charge of computer misuse over his website's publication of a trove of classified U. S. documents almost 15 years ago. American prosecutors allege encouraged and helped U. S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning steal diplomatic cables and military files that Wikileaks Or WikiLeaks published putting lives at risk.

    I want you to point me to one person who died within the government as a result of Julian Assange exposing the government and their corruption. Australia argues that there is a disconnect between the US treatment of Assange and Manning. Then US President Barack Obama commuted Manning's 35 year sentence to seven years, which allowed her release in 2017.

    Assange's supporters say he is a journalist protected by the First Amendment, absolutely correct, who exposed US military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan that was in the public interest. Correct. Assange's wife, Stella Assange, has said that WikiLeaks founder is being persecuted because he exposed the true cost of war in human lives.

    Absolutely correct. She has said that his health continues to deteriorate in prison and she fears he'll die behind bars. A British court ruled last month that Assange can't be extradited to the United States on espionage charges unless U. S. authorities guarantee he won't get the death penalty. Wow. The death penalty for telling the truth.

    What kind of world do we live in? That's so crazy that they would even consider that for exposing the truth, exposing corruption, exposing war crimes, exposing an enhanced interrogation. Right? Hmm. So there you go. That would be amazing. That would be a great precedence to set. If you find corruption and you expose corruption, you should be celebrated, not given the death penalty.

    Very straightforward. So I hope that happens. I will be So excited to hear if that happens. Like I said, that is the one thing that Joe Biden could do that you would hear my praise about is pardon, Julian Assange, maybe Snowden to throw him on the list, throw him on the list, and then I'll be very happy.

    Right. So I hope to see it happen. I hope to see it happen soon. Joe Biden is leaving office office, you know, somewhat, uh, in the near future. And that would be pretty incredible to see that that man walks free. Alright, next situation. This is quite the segue. The godfather of AI warns us of death. Battle Robots!

    Now, when I think Battle Robots, I don't know if you remember this, but there used to be the Battle Bots, I think, or Battle Bots Arena, or something like that, where all these kids would like, I say kids, they were probably like 35 year old nerds, awesome nerds, by the way, because the show was Sweet, but they would create these little Circular like Roomba looking things, but they would throw razor blades on them and like little mini chainsaws and like little I don't know missiles or some shit They would have saws on the side of them and like it was the craziest thing ever game show ever where they would literally physically fight these little tiny robots on remote controllers.

    I mean, essentially, they were like glorified little RC cars with knives, which I guess is pretty terrifying in itself. But that's what comes to mind. When I think of this, I'm sure you remember that if you are over the age of I don't know. Twenty six. Twenty seven. I think it was even on like Nickelodeon or something at one point.

    Like a Nick at night. I don't know. I'm gonna have to go back and watch some of those. Anyways, the technology is becoming more intelligent than people and could take over. Geoffrey Hinton says. Hmm. The world can encounter, the world could encounter major disasters before the use of artificial intelligent weapons is regulated in a proper manner according to Turing award winning scientist Geoffrey Hinton, seen as a pioneer of the AI technology.

    The former Google engineer who quit the company last year compared the use of the technology for military purposes to chemical weapons deployment. And I'm going to go ahead and throw this article up for you here so you can follow along with me. And if you can't see it, that's because you're listening and not watching.

    And if you want to watch, you can head over to YouTube right now and type in The Adams Archive and you'll find me. Maybe not, because of all the platforms, for some reason, YouTube seems to hate me the most. But head over there, you can actually follow along on the articles as I'm scrolling through these and see them with your own eyes.

    But if you're driving, don't do that. Just keep listening to my silky smooth voice. The former Google engineer who quit the company last year compared the use of the technology for military purposes. I just read that, uh, to chemical weapons deployment, warning that very nasty things will occur before the global community arrives at the comprehensive agreement comparable to the Geneva conventions.

    And I totally agree with that. I can absolutely see that happening. The third I spoke about is the existential threat. Professor Hinton said on Tuesday in an interview with the Irish broadcaster RTE News, emphasizing that these things will get much more intelligent than us, and they will take over. I'm gonna read that again.

    The man who essentially is called the, the man called the Godfather of AI, just said that these things will get much more intelligent than us. And they will take over. The computer scientists highlighted the impact of AI on disinformation and job displacement and also on weapons of the future. One of the threats is battle robots, which will make it much easier for rich countries to wage war on smaller, poorer countries, and they are going to be very nasty, and I think they are inevitably going to be.

    And we see that kind of with the way that you see drone strikes, like the drone strike thing has completely changed the war landscape that we've seen between the war in Ukraine, uh, what we're seeing in Israel, like. Drones have changed the game. You can sit back in some hut somewhere and some, you know, trailer in a military base and fly a, fly a plastic plane over somebody and then blow them up or kill them, uh, pretty wild stuff.

    So yeah, if you think about how much that has changed warfare. Now think about how sentient ish AI robots armed with machine guns. With immediate reaction times and unbelievable strength and perfect accuracy. Yeah, that's terrifying. One of the threats is battle robots. Just said that he urged governments to put pressure on tech majors, and, uh, especially in California to conduct in depth research on the safety of AI technology, rather than it being an afterthought there should, there should be government incentives to ensure companies put a lot of work into safety.

    And some of that is happening. Now, the scientists also highlighted huge benefits that AI can bring to humanity, particularly in healthcare, adding that one does not, that he does not regret any of his contributions to the technology. Despite the mounting interest in AI, several high profile picture, uh, picture figures, wow, in the tech industry have warned about the potential dangers posed by the unregulated adoption of the technology.

    Hinton, who quit Google last year, has waged a media campaign to warn of the risks. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Apple co founder Steve Wozniak and Joshua Bengio, who is considered an AI pioneer for his work on neural networks, were among the top industry figures to co sign a letter last year calling for aggressive regulation of the AI sector.

    Now I'll stop reading that to you and tell you this, AI battle robots could be a very bad thing for humanity. like probably humanity ending or it could also be very good for war. And by good for war, you know, my stance on war by now, I think it's useless. I think, but I also think that it will not go away.

    War is not going to go away. So to me, I had this thought the other day. And there was an interesting little rabbit hole I found myself down where, think about this. What if AI robots were now the only soldiers in major wars? If you think about it, if their reaction time is way better, if they're literally unkillable, if they are extremely strong compared to humans, they're way faster than us, their accuracy is perfect, they have AI algorithms telling them exactly when a threat goes to reach for anything at any time.

    They can kill you from like, two miles away, probably like, it's just literally not going to be a fair fight. So during the time, maybe the near future, the near ish future, we're going to develop these weapons. If we haven't already, and my hunch would be that we already have, but if we haven't developed this already in the very near future, robots, AI battle bots are essentially going to take over the battlefield.

    Now, if they do that, and we're in wars with other countries who have essentially replaced their entire fighting force with robots, AI robots, then what if the war was entirely fought between robots? Because essentially, what you're saying is establishing absolute dominance, because if our robots can kill your robots, and our robots could definitely kill all your people, right?

    There's no contest, there's no conversation, right? So if our robots just obliterate China's, then China knows that we could essentially just have our robots kill all of them instantaneously or something like that, complete control, right? So, What if wars were no longer fought with people? What if they were only fought with robots in a safe arena esque type of situation?

    10 on 10, let's say. 10 US robots versus 10 Chinese robots, and they just fight it out in an arena because then we essentially know we don't need hundreds of thousands of these robots. But if we could just come to a gentleman's agreement, That once the, once the octagon shuts and the robots fire, fire up their engines and whoever is the last robot standing, that country wins the war.

    Cause we already know the end result would be if you take that to its furthest extent, that their technology is better. And as a result of your technology being better, you could essentially kill everybody within our country, or we could kill everybody within your country. Interesting thought experiment.

    And I kind of just want to see AI BattleBot war arenas as a sport, like betting and like drinking on the sidelines to, you know, two different jerseys, USA flags in the background, China with their, you know, little dinky Chinese flag. And, and, you know, we're drinking beer and they're doing math equations on the sidelines.

    I don't know, however far you want to take that analogy. I think it's a cool one. I don't think it's the utopia that's gonna come of this, but nonetheless it's a fun thought experiment. But it does seem to make some rational sense that it could get to that point. There's a sci fi book there you could write, but if you do, at least attribute me in your, you know, your acknowledgments.

    Anyways, that's, that's the side tangent when it comes to AI battle bots. Uh, but that's terrifying. Robots could potentially kill us all. I don't know what I think is a bigger threat, whether it be AI or, you know, You know, nuclear bombs, the problem with that scenario that I just gave you, though, is it's not going to be nearly equal, right?

    There's still countries who haven't figured out nuclear bombs, right? They don't have the nuclear stockpile that we or Russia or China does. And so if we send these battle bots into, I don't know, Afghanistan or a place where they don't exactly have that much It's not fair. It's just complete dominance and control.

    There's nothing you can do. Go watch Terminator. You know where it goes from there. Now on a completely different note, going from non sentient metal objects that are going to act sentient and have the possibility of, I don't know. murdering us all. There's also this flip side of things, maybe equally as terrifying, which is that I came across this article the other day that said that plants scream while they're being harvested.

    This new study finds. Now there's something about scream and harvested in the same sentence. That just doesn't quite sit right with me. Now I'm not saying I'm going to go vegan, but I think you're given some vegans, some more ammunition. So let's go ahead and read this article. Um, I actually came across this cool website, Indy 100.

    com. I find a bunch of different websites to source some of my news articles and try to do some research for you guys. And this one had some, it had like the top 100 articles and discussions that are being had. Seems like a cool way to kind of source some, some interesting material and find some conversations.

    So check it out. Indie100. com. No association. Um, vegetarians, we're afraid we've got some news. Vegetarians, we're afraid we've got some news that you're probably not going to like. Plants emit sounds akin to screams. When they're distressed, according to a new study, I actually got it backwards in the way that I said that a little bit earlier.

    Yeah. I guess this is ammunition for carnivores, not vegans. It plants emit screams when they're distressed. According to a new study, I have the most terrifying visual picture in my head right now of a little baby plant, just screaming, uh, they allegedly produce clicking noises that humans can't hear without the use of scientific equipment.

    Research has found the research, which was published in, uh, cell back in 2023 showed that plants produce these noises in times of acute distress. Lilac Hadany is an evolutionary biologist at Tel Aviv University. Hadany said, even in a quiet field there are actually sounds that we don't hear, and those sounds carry meaning.

    There are animals that can hear these sounds, so there is the possibility that a lot of acoustic interaction is occurring. Plants interact with insects and other animals all the time, and many of these organisms use sound for communication. So it would be very suboptimal for plants not to use sound at all.

    That makes sense. The findings show that plants which are distressed have incredibly high pitched popping noises, while unstressed plants do not emit these noises. emit these noises. The study's definition of distressed includes plants that were having their stems cut or were dehydrated. However, it's not yet clear how the plants produce these noises.

    Now that we know that plants do emit sounds, the next question is, who does? Might be listening. We are currently investigating the responses of other organisms, both plants and animals, to these sounds and we're also exploring our ability to identify and interpret the sounds in completely natural environments.

    Comes after a new study suggests that Western industrial diets may be changing the ways that humans digest plants. As modern diets lack fiber, cellulose found in fruits and vegetables is changing. Hmm. All right. So, that's a terrifying mental image, and now I feel a little bad for, you know, all the, all the weeds that I ripped out of the, the concrete when I was in the military.

    Um, anyways, yeah, so now when a vegan comes to you and says, oh, you're hurting those animals. Well, just let them know that plants scream when they eat them, literally, according to this study. I don't really know where to take this from here. It just seemed pretty terrifying. And I had a lot of weird mental images of plants screaming while, while somebody was eating a, I don't know, one of them anyways, really not a ton of places to go from there, but I'm just letting you know, that's more of an FYI than a discussion piece.

    Now, it is a discussion piece is the fact that Alex Jones has now come out and said that he's going to be pursuing a lawsuit against the FBI and the CIA for conducting a essentially a hit job on him, including the 1 billion settlement that he was forced to make. Now, it says.

    Let's go ahead and see which one we should start with. Alright, it says that Alex Jones, Alex Jones joined Louder with Crowder Wednesday to discuss the massive expose by Sound Investigations, showing a CIA operator Or CIA operatives admission that the FBI and CIA vindictively targeted Jones for destruction.

    Jones explained the footage could significantly bolster a free speech lawsuit against the federal agencies for a violation of his civil rights, with which he's hoping tech entrepreneur Elon Musk could assist since the law firms coming after Jones are the same coming after Musk. Now I do want to look a little bit into the sound investigations because it was very very Project Veritas esque.

    So let's go ahead and we'll take a look at them in just a minute. But this is from Sound Investigations. If you go to Twitter it's Sound I N V E S T I G is their handle. So. Sound investig. Says breaking CIA officer, former FBI boss, uh, boss can put anyone in jail. Set them up. We call it a nudge. FBI did what we wanted with Alex Jones.

    He took his money away, chopped his legs off. Estimates 20 undercover FBI agents at January 6th, works with some of them now at the CIA. Whoa. Let's watch this video.

    You can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do. How? You set them up. Does the bureau practice entrapment a lot? Yeah. We get really close. We call it a nudge. A nudge. A nudge. Mmm. Sometimes you just gotta give them a quick little, just to see what happens. Sometimes you like to fuse and just wait for it to follow.

    Nothing. Sometimes you just gotta give them a quick little Just to see what happens. We're putting up a fake social media thing to like really get people mad. Alex Jones? Yeah, so, we were after him. You are? He did what we wanted. Which was what? Took his money away. Chop his legs off. Took his money away, chopped his legs, is a contracting officer at the CIAO.

    Lennis. Worked for the FBI in 2021 and 2022 in the San Diego office. Moved on to Homeland Security where he conducted asylum interviews at the southern border and now works for the CIA managing multimillion dollar contracts across government agencies and private. I work for, um, I work like this, um, I'm not supposed to tell people any job.

    If I say intelligence, what do you think? CIA? Yep. Oh, you work for the CIA? I do. That's incredible. That is the worst CIA officer ever. So I work in a field where you're like, not really supposed to tell people what to, what you do. But when I say intelligence, you say central intelligence. agency? Yeah. Wow, you're a tough cookie to crack.

    That is the nation's best my friend. Let's listen to that one more time because that was amazing. Sector Vendors. I work for, um, I work at this, um, I'm not supposed to tell people. You're not supposed to tell intelligence. What do you think? CIA? Yep. You work for the CIA? That's me. I do work for the contracting officer.

    So I deal a lot with, like, different agencies. We're contracting with, like, uh, Directorate of National Intelligence to do stuff. We do Navy, Army, many of them, really. I just, FBI, I used to work for the FBI, so. We went through the FBI, Abby. They're like, here, you used to work there. Oh, I'm permanent. I'm staff.

    I'm good. Well, why do they call it contracting? Because I do the contracting for them. I do all the legal contracts. I fly out to vendors and evaluate them. I love the agency. I like the Bureau too. The Bureau was a lot of fun. I got to do a lot of cool stuff at the Bureau. I was the guy in the back of the truck in the van.

    Oblenus spoke to an Undercover Sound Investigations reporter about his work experience involving near entrapment and his employers involvement with political commentator Alex Jones legal battles. As long as the Bureau is able to progress far enough to be able to put pro lifers in jail whenever they want.

    Yeah. You think that's on the agenda? We can, we can You can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do. How? You set them up.

    You create the situation to where they have no choice but to act on their impulse. And once they act on that impulse, then we call that entrapment. It's a fine line. Does the Bureau practice entrapment a lot? We get really close. Not officially? No. We get as close as we can. We get as close as we can to it without doing it.

    So they can entrap some of these pro lifers into doing things that they don't care about. Japan gang, yeah. We call it a nudge. A nudge. We call it a nudge. Mmm. Sometimes you just gotta get a quick little, just to see what happens, right? And how does that happen? You put a post out there, or you have someone fake it.

    Profile, say something that triggers, that we know is going to trigger one, right? Like, we, we already know your history. If we're to that point, we already know everything about you. So we're like, oh, this'll piss them off. Oh. Sometimes you like to fuse and just wait for it to follow, right? Like a railing.

    Like a, oh. So when a railing happens, then sometimes the bureau behind it Yeah, sometimes.

    So that's interesting. So he's saying essentially that they would put out social media posts to try to get certain individuals to bite on it. I'm not sure how you could put somebody in jail for a reaction to a social media post. Not sure what he would be alluding to there, but the fact that a CIA intelligence contracting officer just stated basically publicly and without any friction that the CIA conducts nudges or entrapment campaigns around people they disagree with the ideologies of That's pretty concerning Make an influence that you're influencer that you're after you like a I don't know like um I don't even know these names.

    Like a Fox News person, or like a Tucker Carlson, or like a Uh, oh, I'm sure he's Right. The youngest one's I think that's the loudest. Like that, what was his name? The one that said, uh, the, uh, San Diego didn't happen. Alex Jones. Yeah, so, we were after him. You are? Are you still after him? Yeah. Why? Because he's broke.

    He got found guilty. And had to pay like a hundred million dollars. So what, why were you after him? We're not anymore. Just to get the money for them? Yeah. Was that court case used? Was that a CIA case? Sure it was. That was an agency thing? Well, actually it was a defamation case. So it's a civil, not government.

    But we were looking at all of his followers, commenting, following, like, who's that gonna make us take the break? So, even though it's technically not our, well, not the agency, definitely, but the Bureau, for instance. Yeah, that's not our purview. It's a civil, it's a civil matter. But, since they got all this access to his stuff, and it's there, what can we go find?

    And did you find anything? I can't tell you. Oh, God. But, so, you know, it's just kind of like, you know, Realize the opportunity that you have so with Alex Jones So he's essentially saying that during the civil case. They got access to all of his documentation over the Sandy Hook allegations And I'm sure you can't point to one thing Alex Jones said that pissed off the CIA It was probably a lot of things but within that list of things was obviously that the ability to find the silliest things potential civil legal case to completely bankrupt a man who was just doing his job in trying to expose potential corruption and mass weaponization of proven tactics that have been absolutely leveraged and at least proposed to be leveraged, right?

    If you go back to Operation Northwoods with the CIA, they proposed and it went all the way up to the president. To conduct fake mass shootings, one literally on a military base. And they were actually going to pay people to conduct it. Right? So not faking a mass shooting, that's far more difficult than actually doing the mass shooting.

    Right? When you looked at the situation in Russia, what happened? They found people who were broke. Right? Maybe this was, maybe it wasn't the CIA. But maybe it was the CIA. Mm hmm. Who has a track record of potentially finding people who are in a position that they can then bribe to do an act that would be in line with what they would want to see happen to cause something that they want to cause.

    And then they find them on telegram and then they convince them to do the thing through words and money and enablement, right? Just a little nudge, just a nudge, right? So in the case of Sandy Hook, right? The dumbest thing they could have done, the dumbest thing anybody could have done, was try to fake it like a movie, right?

    That's just, there's so many loose ends. It's far easier to convince somebody who's already on a bunch of psychological medications, who's already, you know, maybe having some sort of mental breakdown, who's already talking about it on forums to just Yeah, what if this did happen? What if this showed up at your house tomorrow?

    What if I gave you plans to conduct that, right? Like, there's a lot of ways to do it without creating a Hollywood movie scene, right? This isn't the moon landing. Right? So this man is literally admitting here that what they did was they weaponized the government. Right? Weaponize the CIA. Weaponize the FBI.

    Weaponize the judicial system in order to gain insight, dirt, and knowledge. And then go after Alex Jones, cut him off at the legs, which means the judge who conducted it, the prosecutors, all of that should be appealed at this point with this new evidence. You were watching him long before anything ended up happening?

    Probably. It wasn't my office, but I mean, we would have been well aware of what he was doing. And the goal with him was what? Just to bankrupt him? Oh, pretty much. And we let the families do it. What? We let the families do it. Were they encouraged to do that by the Bureau? Like nudged? We don't encourage people, but like, we just say, there's no federal statute being broken.

    But you do have the option for a civil, for a civil case. And it's a pretty good case. In our opinion. So, oh, that makes so much sense. I have a cousin who's a lawyer. So that's a lot of these cases, they're kind of encouraged by the FBI? Yeah, like, there's nothing federally, federal law we can Interesting.

    Let's see. Just gonna kind of scrub through here so I'm not making you listen to this loud background restaurant. But, let's see if there's anything better. Oh, here we go. January 6th, then we'll move on. Alright, here we go.

    Maybe it won't. It essentially says, how many people do you think the FBI or the CIA had in the crowd? And he said, I'm talking, they maybe had 20, 20. You needed a thousand to get rid of that crowd. That's where we're stuck on here. So there you go. That's the situation. Now, Alex Jones responds to this on Louder with Crowder.

    Discusses this at length in an interview. Let's see if we at that. Lemme ask if you have a lawsuit planned yourself. Um, yes. Can you explain that to people so they understand what it is that you're Yes. And, and Steven, I apologize for going on and on, but, but I can just, just lemme just finish that last go.

    I'll get into that. My point is justice depart. IRS, uh, law firms, uh, rig courts, who are not allowed to defend yourself. This is the cocktail they've used against Trump. It's the cocktail that they're now using against everybody. And absolutely, the only reason I want to sue them is to get my name back. I don't even want money, but I want to be able to call Oblevis in.

    I want to be able to call their other lawyers in. I want to be able to call in the PR firms because the mistake they made was run their mouth. I mean, the lawyers in Connecticut and Texas. And by the way, the Texas Crips, the same ones suing Elon Musk, by the way, they got up at the courthouse steps when they won their cases, the judge had already found me guilty and then told the jury to find me guilty for a bunch of money.

    They said, our mission is to silence him. We don't want money. And that's now happening in the bankruptcy court where the judge is like, wait, the law says you can get money. But the law doesn't say you get to silence people. And so basically there's now findings about to be made public that they're dealing in bad faith.

    So that's an inside baseball. But, but yes, I've talked to several different civil rights law firms and I've had four conversations with four law firms, uh, since this just broke, uh, uh, I was talking to him before it broke. So in the last week, they just broke a day and a half ago. It seems like a million years ago now.

    And so it's a big deal. You know, it's all God. Yeah. You're opening up the mouths of these evil people to then expose themselves. The Bible says the pit they dig for you is the pit they will fall into. And so absolutely. I don't like taking on the FBI and the CIA, but if somebody's on top of you breaking your nose and punching your eyeballs out and gang raping you and running over you and backing over you, All you can do is fight back.

    That's why when I saw the targeting of you a few years ago, I called you. We're already friends then. And I said, listen, don't let it get to you because you're successful. You're one of the top talk shows. You're a populist. People love you. Do not, I know you're smart, but you haven't been through a lot of this yet.

    You've been through some stuff. I said, I know the cut of this jib. I know the signature. This is 100 percent the Justice Department, the CIA. They create the narrative. They look at things. They go, we'll take this and we'll take that and we'll make Alex Jones the guy that bullies kids and pees on graves.

    Exactly. And then we'll make Steven Crowder this guy that, you know, literally, uh, breaks women's necks and human sacrifices them and it's just all made up and then they just hype it and hype it to, to, to, to, to, to take what you're known for being smart and being funny. Alright, so there you go. That's his response.

    He's essentially going to go after the FBI and the CIA for conducting this, uh, this nudge operation, right? Uh, now, again, I think that was pretty good work. Like, I think that's some of the better investigative journalism that's come out more recently, even above what OMG is doing. Uh, what I've seen more recently from James O'Keefe, which is, you know, OMG media project Veritas is essentially dead in the water.

    I haven't seen a single project Veritas thing come out, uh, in probably a year since they got rid of him. Uh, but let's look, I just want to look at their, the sound investigations, Twitter account. Hopefully they're only 23, 000 followers. Uh, investigating corruption in adult industries and more. Hmm. Wow. And since they posted that, that has 6 million views on Twitter.

    Hmm. Very interesting. Uh, And look, they have more posts. They posted about the Pornhub, C Suite, Executive, uh, Uh, Very interesting. Okay, cool. Sound investigations. Good job. Good on, good on James O'Keefe for encouraging people to start doing this, right? That's real journalism. Absolutely incredible. Okay, let's touch on this.

    But before we do that, I just want to remind you that you're still here, still here listening to me. And if you haven't left a five star review, I'm watching you. Not really. Not like the CIA, but I am I am I do feel your presence right now And if you haven't done it yet, I know you want to just do it Just tippity tap that button and I also know you want to head over to Ronan Ronan basics calm and check out the website It's still a little bit of a work in progress.

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    And I can start shipping it out as early as late next week. And I will include with that a QR code for you to share the love with all of your friends and family. All right. RonanBasics. com head there right now. U. S. company hoping to bring back dead extinct animals. This article says U. S. company hoping to bring back the dodo and the mammoth.

    But here's why it won't be like Jurassic Park. I like how they're already going on a PR campaign. But here's why it's not going to turn into velociraptors tearing you and your children to shreds. Here's why. Let me explain. My name is James Robinson, news reporter for SkyNews. com. Let me tell you why this is a great thing for humanity.

    That we're going to bring back woolly mammoths. And also saber toothed tigers. And also maybe Velociraptors. Let me, let me, give me five minutes of your time and I shall convince you, sir, that bringing back extinct animals that the world no longer was able to, to need or was able to sustain at sizes much larger than animals that we have today, in an environment that is constantly surrounded by humans that are not like they were before, let me tell you why introducing Extinct animals back into the ecosystem is a great thing.

    Okay, I'm listening, James. Tell me. Well, the idea of scientists bringing prehistoric creatures back to life with some clever DNA trickery might sound familiar to fans of the 1993 Hollywood blockbuster Jurassic Park. Yes, it does. But for Colossal Biosciences, a company that hopes to reintroduce extinct species such as the Dodo and the Mammoth, I like how they find like the most cuddly little stupid things that they could come up with, right?

    We're not gonna do those big scary animals, right? We're not gonna weaponize Tyrannosaurus Rex's, right? We're just just a little Dodo. They're stupid and harmless. That's all. Maybe a little woolly mammoth So you can give it a little belly rub But not velociraptors. We would never do that. We would never.

    We would never. That's a terrible idea. We would never do that, guys. We would never start an island for rich people to go hunt velociraptors. To pay us millions of dollars to go start our own Jurassic Park Island, where you could view Velociraptors, T Rexes, Bronchiosauruses, Triceratops, and, and all of your childhood dreams come true.

    We would never do that and monetize it for our benefit. Just dodo's. And little belly rubs for the woolly mammoths. That's all we want to do, guys. Don't worry about us. Just dodos. They were stupid to begin with. We'll start there. But for, uh, it, it says it is more than just a film script. It's a reality, and one that could be just years away.

    We've got all the technology we need, says Ben Lamb, chief executive of the firm. Based in Dallas, Texas. It's just a focus of time and funding. And we are 100 percent confident we can bring back the Tasmanian Tiger, the Dodo, the Mammoth. The science behind the project is simple. Work out the genes that make an extinct animal what it is, and then replicate those genes using the DNA of a close existing relative.

    Right? We're not God. We're just creating animals out of thin air. With our bare hands. Creating life. The very existence that maybe, just maybe, we may alter a thing or two there. Maybe make a purple woolly mammoth, because people love purple. Right? But we would never. Not the big scary stuff, guys. Don't worry about it.

    It's almost reverse Jurassic Park, says Mr. Lamb. Right? In the film, they were film filling in the holes in the dinosaur DNA with frog DNA. We are leveraging artificial intelligence and tools to identify the core genes that make a mammoth a mammoth and then engineering them into elephant genomes. Right?

    We're not, we're not filling in the DNA with frog DNA. That's um, such a huge part of this and all of the concerns have to do with the frog DNA. So we're not going to do that. Wow. Uh, that is the technical part, but there are some other practical hurdles for Colossal to overcome. Namely, once you have a mammoth cells, do you birth a real life mammoth?

    The answer, according to Colossal, is in the womb of an Asian elephant. Hmm. But it is a process that could take nearly two years, even after they've worked out how to do it. Each of the different projects have different challenges. The mammoth is really around gestation, which is around 22 months. The dodo gestations, it's pretty great.

    They said we are using surrogate chickens. The hardest part is cultivating the primordial germ cells. So after about 4, 000 years. When could we see the return of the Mighty Mammoth, a creature that fell victim to human hunting? This is our fault, guys. Let's bring him back. And the changing conditions brought about by the end of the last Ice Age.

    We are well into the editing phase, said Mr. Lamb. We don't have mammoths yet, but we still feel very good. About 2028. Geez. Away from the lab, led by Rona Hisoli, Colossal's head of biological sciences, there are a few issues to overcome, including where the newly returned species will live once they're born.

    Mr. Lamb said Who gives Who the fuck gives you the right? Mr. Lamb who gave you who gave you the right to do this? How do you how do you say? Oh, I'm gonna be the guy to challenge nature to say hey I know this happened in the past in history, but guess what? Not on my watch, my name's Mr. Lamb. I'm gonna reverse engineer the cells and become God, and start to create animals that haven't been around for thousands of years.

    Without any regard to how this will affect our ecosystem, without any regard to what the actual predatory aspects of this might look like, without any concern for anything other than, this shit looks pretty cool, maybe I'll do that. How is there not, and also by the way, what stops them from doing this with Neanderthals?

    There's a weird situation. Oh, no, all you need is a surrogate mom and we have Neanderthals back Isn't there like little people too? Like we I remember I went to the museum. I think it was in San Diego Some some museum that I was at and they had a literal like little person dwarf That was another homo sapien esque type of figure What's to stop them from doing this.

    With that, are we gonna bring back Neanderthals and dwarf homo, you know, homo sapien esque creatures, and just see how that works out for us. I could just see, let's go. Let's go into a new scenario. We went from battle bots to Neanderthals being regenerated into life. Maybe. Maybe let's cross them both together.

    The battle bots. And the only way to, to combat that is to bring back to life the strong, the, the eyebrow having Neanderthals, right? We were the reason they're gone anyways. Just bring them back. We'll see. Well, they're going to back us up. Right? If, if all hell breaks loose with the AI robots, let's just keep further experiment with us being God, you know, discount the metal God that we're creating.

    And let's just say, Hey, we're going to bring back the enderthals to fight off the AI robot battle bots. Maybe that's the end result. Right? But literally, do you think they're going to stop a mammoths? Do you think they're going to stop at Dodo's or whatever they said, whatever the other one was. No, they're going to do everything and anything they can, which includes.

    Includes dinosaurs includes other, uh, Homo sapien ask creatures like the Neanderthals, right? That is going to happen if we are going down this road. We are opening up Pandora's box. Where these scientists are acting as if they're gods, where they believe they can do whatever they want without repercussions, without government oversight, because they're moving fast enough now to where we can't as humans be able to take in the information and what they're doing and have corrective measures and, and guidelines for them to follow, which says, Hey, maybe it's not a good idea to re introduce predatory species into our current state ecosystem that haven't been around for thousands of years.

    Maybe that's not a good idea. Maybe it's not a good idea to create a hyper intelligent Metal figure that could break every bone in your body and has no emotions. Maybe not, you know Where do we start to put where do we start to draw the line, right? If it's not hyper intelligent godlike metal creatures, and it's not bringing back extinct creatures and developing Animals from scratch and changing their genetic makeups with with the metal God filling in the blanks Right?

    Like, there's so many sci fi books that I could create out of this, it's ridiculous. And most of them, if not all of them, end terribly for us. Right? We better hope the aliens show up and save our asses from these dumbass scientists trying to extinct humanity while bringing back dodo's and creating metal gods like AI.

    Battle bots. Jeez. Our ultimate goal is to put all the animals we make back into the wild. He says new tools in the fight to protect nature. Colossal thinks the work is not just about rewilding animals previously lost to the world. The company is currently working with Dr. Paul Ling at Baylor college of medicine to create a vaccine to eradicate the deadly.

    E E H V virus, which kills about 20 percent of baby elephants. It is also working closely with the university of Alaska and the university of Stockholm on radiocarbon dating of American mammoths, as well as sequencing their genome, the largest study of its type ever undertaken. Now what's interesting about this is that guess what they're getting to help convince you in their propaganda campaign, that this is a good thing.

    They hired the guy. There's a very famous documentarian named Teton. Not named Teaton Ridge, but James Reed, you've probably heard that name before and if you hadn't go look up his IMDB and you'll probably be pretty familiar with it. You know the Documentary that was very very famous region recently The my octopus teacher is now been commissioned to create a docu series about this medical technology company The new Jurassic Park says the company has teamed up with Oscar winning my octopus teacher James Reed's underdog films and Teton Ridge Entertainment to produce a multi year docu series about Colossal's work.

    The firm bills itself as the world's first de extinction company has raised some 225 million dollars in funding as it works to resurrect species like the woolly mammoth and the dodo. The announcement of the docu series comes on the heels of Colossal hiring former legendary Entertainment executive Emily Castell as chief marketing officer.

    Among other duties, Castell will help guide the company on its foray into the entertainment world. Teton Ridge Entertainment will finance the first phase of production with the intent of finding a distribution. Coming to a Netflix near you! The real Jurassic park. I like how every time they mentioned this, they also mentioned dodo's and woolly mammoths.

    Like they, I guarantee you that marketing executive CMO probably did a huge survey market analysis where they tried to figure out what are the least intimidating things that we could run our campaign on to not immediately sound the public alarms around us playing God, and that just so happens to be the woolly mammoth and the dodo.

    Right? Transparency is core to Colossal's missions and goals. Of course it is. So working with the right filmmakers to chronicle our journey was incredibly important. Right? So this is just a big propaganda campaign. Huge money budget, big propaganda campaign to convince you that this is a good idea and we shouldn't be sounding the alarms over this.


    now, the last topic that we're going to discuss today is going to be that the Everybody was talking about this week about the solar eclipse, right? There was all these conspiracy theories about the solar eclipse, right? It's going to be the end of times. It's going to cause all these earthquakes that the, all of the technology is going to go out.

    It's there's going to be this, there's going to be that there was all these conspiracy theories. And I didn't come out and say much about it at all. One, because I was too busy, busy building Ronan and have my head buried in the sand to sit and create content about it. Yeah. But two, I didn't really see the correlation, right?

    I know there's a huge buildup and it's in the air. Something's going to happen very shortly, very soon. I don't disagree with you. Uh, and side note, I listened to a podcast between Theo on Theo Vaughn's podcast, uh, this past weekend where he interviewed Tucker Carlson, probably one of my favorite podcasts I've listened to in a very, very long time.

    And Tucker Carlson sounds the alarm. It's the third time I've said that in like three paragraphs. It really does. Sound the alarm bells around the potential for mass EMPs causing mass chaos by an external enemy. And there's some really sobering thoughts and ideas around, get a plan in place, because when all hell breaks loose and you can't call your mom, you can't call your dad, you can't get a hold of your kids, you can't get a hold of your brother, your sister, your mother, your best friend, what are you gonna do?

    Do you have a plan in place? Do you have a place to meet up? Do you know where to source your water from? Do you know how to get out of the city properly? Do you know where to go hide in the woods? Do you know those things? Because if you don't, and I certainly need to put together this plan as well, but you should have a plan.

    You should have some food storage. You should have a way to filter your water. You should have some of those things, right? Go listen to that podcast. Really, really well done. But anyways, uh, all of these conspiracy theories around what's going to happen after the eclipse. Now. Being somewhat interested in astronomy and and the cosmos and everything that's going on in the larger universe around us This eclipse is pretty cool to me I like looking up in and seeing that and and kind of being able to feel extremely small in this mathematical equation that is reality going on around us and I appreciate being able to witness that and I think it's pretty damn cool People that shit on the Eclipse are the same people that shit on New Year's resolutions.

    Like, you're just, you're just lame. So, I wrote off all these conspiracy theories. And, I didn't find any of them interesting. I didn't see any one of them that convinced me there was going to be something that went down. But what I did see, after the fact, excuse me, is this article. And I saw a video about it, that was pretty well done.

    And it explains how the Eclipse could have potentially been artificially created. And that sounds crazy. But let me tell you how this article comes from the European Space Agency, and it says face to face with sun eclipsing proba three, there is a satellite technology rotating around the earth right now that has the capability to cause a pseudo solar eclipse.

    This is real technology. It's online. Look it up, the article is face to face with sun eclipsing Proba 3. And here's what it says. It says,

    through exquisite millimeter scale formation flying the dual satellite making up ESA's Proba 3 will accomplish what was previously a space mission impossible. Cast a precisely held shadow from one platform to the other in the process of blocking out the fiery sun to observe its ghostly surrounding atmosphere Now this should be fairly easy and simplistic to go back and see if prior to this thing being created was there a projected solar eclipse.

    It's just a mathematical equation, right? I'm sure somebody way smarter than me knows how to calculate it. But this should be able to be validated. I haven't done that math myself because it would take me 20 years of learning math and you know, maybe getting Neuralink in the, in the process to help me understand it.

    But there's probably a way to validate this. So I just haven't gotten that far, but there are some interesting names for these things. One of them is called the Occulter Spacecraft because there's two satellites that make this up. And it says, ahead of the Proba pair launching together later this year, the scientists who will make use of Proba 3 observations were able to see the satellites with their own eyes.

    Members of this team will test hardware developed for the mission during an actual terrestrial solar eclipse over North America. Next. April dun dun dun. The two satellites are currently undergoing final integration in the premises of RedWire near Antwerp in Belgium. They are paid a visit by Proba3 science working team, a 45 strong group of solar physicists coming from all over Europe and the wider world.

    Many of these experts are regular visitors to terrestrial solar eclipse around the globe, but looking forward to the new perspective Proba3 will open up on the faint solar corona. This mysterious region is important as the place where coronal mass ejections are created, vast eruptions of charged particles that trigger solar storms, as well as influencing the velocity of the solar wind, which is central to determining space weather.

    The satellite hardware was quite something to in close up, or in close up. I was particularly struck by how close the camera had on the coronagraph spacecraft is to the solar array. So those are the two names of it. Coronagraph? And the other satellite's name is Occulter. While the array relies on high solar illumination, the camera has to remain in complete darkness with no stray light whatsoever.

    It really brings it home how precisely that small shadow cast by the Occulter will need to be maintained in place. We also got to peek at the carefully machined edge of the Occulter spacecraft's disk, normally kept under protective cover before launch. Interesting. Now this is pretty long. Let's see if we can find out and explain how it goes.

    Exactly does what it's supposed to do.

    So it says there are telescopes that incorporate internal occulting discs to obscure the solar disc. The problem is that these internal occulters still experienced light spilling around their edges known as diffraction, blotting out the extremely faint signals of interest, right? So it looks like one, uh, one satellite in front of the other, both positioning itself in front of the sun and creating this.

    Pseudo eclipse, right? An artificial eclipse, it says. It says Damian Galeno, ESA's Proba 3 project manager, notes the best way to reduce diffraction, uh, is to increase the distance between the occulter and the chronograph, which is precisely what Proba 3 is going to do. Interesting. By definition, full scale end to end testing of PROBA3 is impossible here on Earth, but the meeting here heard how the same set of filter wheels developed by PROBA3 will be used to observe the solar eclipse over North America on the 8th of April 2024 along the Liquid Parallel Crystal Imaging Technology.

    The filter wheels allow observation of the corona in different polarization angles, like switching between different polarized glasses. Uh, the nice about observing during an actual eclipse is we won't need any occulter to gain insight of exactly the kind of results we are going to get back from Proba 3.

    Now why would they want to do this? Right, why would they want to cause proba 3? A solar eclipse. It says, uh, Assuming the sun's output influences Earth's climate, it's important to measure any variations we precisely can. Probe 3 is due for launch this autumn. Like, what's the purpose of this? Why are you doing that?

    Why do you want to? And here's a actual good, uh, Explanation as to what it's doing and how it's doing it and so you can go check that out Look up the article name, but the

    last thing I'll show you is a video here This is a two and a half three minute video that explains hopefully verbally what's going on If it doesn't I'll read you what it's saying

    Says proba mission for precise formation flying demonstration and sun Proba mission that we're developing for the European Space Agency and we have two main objectives The first one being at the demonstration of formation flying technologies And the second one is to allow for the observation of the inner solar corona.

    Robo3 consists of two spacecraft. One of them has a telescope which is pointing towards the sun, and the other carries an occulting disk. What we do with the formation flying is to position the disk in front of the telescope such that the solar disk is occulted from the point of view of the telescope.

    And it allows to see exclusively the much fainter solar corona. Besides that, one of the main challenges is the accuracy with which we want to achieve the formation. Positions need to have an accuracy of a couple of millimeters and pointings of a thousandth of a degree. And all of that while both spacecraft are flying at speeds between 1 and 10 kilometers per second.

    The last challenge will be the autonomy with which we want to achieve that each spacecraft is an in Basically it sends some instruction for the next seven days and from that point onwards spacecraft will work on their own. This has required the development of some specific technologies to make up all the spacecraft to communicate with each other, synchronize and cooperate, not only under no In GMC and attitude control systems and information flying.

    Anyways, we're not going to listen to that whole thing. It's amazing how proud these people are of themselves just randomly doing stuff for no seeming purpose. without any understanding of what the actual implications are of their actions. Seems to be quite the theme with science today is like, everybody's a mad scientist.

    And there's these situations, right? The mad scientist, like, trope, essentially, is playing out right before us right now in so many instances, and, you know, between nuclear bombs and AI battle bots and resurrecting extinct species. Gosh. And pseudo artificial solar eclipses. Like again, why would they want to do that?

    What's the purpose of that? What's the value of this? Why would you want to do that? It's crazy. It's crazy. But guess what? The world's crazy. And everybody's gone mad. And last but not least, you know, like I said before, make sure you have your, your, I'm not correlating it to this. This is just weird to me.

    I'm not sure why they would want to do this. They don't seem to explain why they would want to do this, but they can do it. So when people are saying, oh, it's an artificial solar eclipse, or, oh, it was fake, or, oh, this, oh, that. Yeah, you sound silly. But then you actually find something like this and you're like, Hmm, that's interesting.

    If nothing else. It's interesting. All right. That's all I got for you guys. Thank you so much for listening. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart, and I hope you have a wonderful. Thank you. Adams Archive.

  • Welcome to the Adam's Archive, where host Austin Adams brings you on a thrilling ride through today's hottest topics! Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of updates and breaking news as we delve into the Homeland Security raid on P. Diddy's homes and uncover the potential Libertarian party run by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Join us as we navigate the aftermath of a devastating terrorist attack in Russia and peel back the layers of intrigue in the eye-opening Nickelodeon documentary, "Quiet On Set." But that's not all – stay tuned to explore Austin's latest venture with Ronan Faraday Goods. Get ready for an action-packed episode you won't want to miss!

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  • Support my new company Ronin in our Pre-Sale:

    Protect Yourself & Your Family from the ever present surveillance state where corporations, governments and predators can track your location instantly, access your private photos in seconds and steal your entire life in the blink of an eye.

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    Shield yourself from the daily barrage of cancer causing EMF's being emitted by your cell phone and 5g technology with our EMF blocking apparel and faraday hats.

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    Welcome to "Adams Archive," where the glamour of Hollywood meets its darkest secrets.

    Host Austin Adams invites you on a gripping journey behind the velvet curtain, where the sparkle of stardom often hides chilling narratives of intrigue, misconduct, and mystery. In this thought-provoking series, we delve into three compelling stories that have sent shockwaves through the entertainment world and beyond.

    Joe Rogan's Murderous Guest: Explore the unsettling revelation of a guest on Joe Rogan's podcast who was later discovered to have a severed head in his freezer. We'll analyze the implications of such associations in media and the responsibilities of platforms hosting controversial figures.

    P. Diddy on Trial: Delve into the legal battles surrounding P. Diddy, where allegations beyond the music mogul's glittering career surface. From lawsuits that hint at dark practices akin to Jeffrey Epstein's to whispered tales of a hidden side to Hollywood elite circles, we unravel the complexity of P. Diddy's ongoing legal drama.

    Ryan Garcia Exposes Elites: Follow the shocking allegations made by professional boxer Ryan Garcia, as he claims to have witnessed and been a victim of heinous acts by some of the entertainment industry's most powerful figures. Garcia's claims shed light on the purportedly sinister undertakings within elite circles, echoing the fears and concerns about the influence and actions of the rich and famous.

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    Adams Archive. Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the Adams Archive. My name is Austin Adams and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we're going to discuss some pretty wild events. Now it's been a few weeks since our last episode and I'd like to formally apologize to you for that.

    Life gets in the way. Some new adventures that I have been pursuing simultaneously. So just trying to juggle it all while we go through some changes. Here on the Adams archive as well. So thank you for sticking around. I'm glad you're here today because we're going to discuss some wild shit, and I will even give you the update on everything that I've been working on in the background.

    And if you follow me on social media, you might be privy to it already. So we'll discuss that, which is pretty cool. But first, we're going to discuss Joe Rogan having a guest on just one month ago, who has now been found to have had a severed head in his freezer. Thanks So we'll discuss that, obviously.

    The next thing we're going to discuss is going to be the bill that may make TikTok unavailable in the United States as it quickly advances in the House. Now, this isn't a new idea. This is something that's been discussed before. This is bills that were presented by Donald Trump prior to this. This is no new conversation, but we'll discuss why it might be interesting in the conversation today.

    After that, we're going to have a discussion about some deeper and a little bit darker topics. And as always, the more you stick around, the darker and deeper things generally get. So as we segue from those conversations, we're going to move into a conversation about a few more recent celebrities that are exposing the elites the same way that Jeffrey Epstein did.

    Now, in a couple of different manners, one calling it out in a way that is seemingly, I would say positive, you know, positive in the meaning that they are not a part of it, and the other being a part of it. And you may know these names, one being the famous boxer Ryan Garcia, and the other being P.

    Diddy. Some pretty crazy stuff going on there, which is Stuff we'll get into. I'll give you a brief synopsis, which is the fact that Ryan Garcia, famous boxer, young, good looking dude, 200 something boxing matches, unbelievable boxer, has had a recent tirade on X where he just goes off about Bohemian Grove, saying that he was tied up by guys in black robes and made to watch some horrific events.

    Again, at Bohemian Grove. So. pretty crazy stuff. We'll look at the tweets, we'll look at the videos that he actually talks about these things, and that will move us into a conversation about P Diddy. P Diddy is having a more recent judicial situation where a former producer that he worked with, Lil Rod, seems to be the all time worst rapper name ever.

    It almost seems satirical, but I digress. Lil Rod has filed a lawsuit against P. Diddy as well as Universal Records and a bunch of other people in association with what seems to be a honeypot Trap, similar to what Jeffrey Epstein was doing. And they actually named Jeffrey Epstein in the doc documents in the court documents of this 73 page document, which I'll actually walk you through.

    I have it. I highlighted that I went through it, did my research for you guys. So I will share all of that with you as well in the show notes today. So you can actually take a look at it. All right, then. That's it. All right. So that will be our discussion for today. Go ahead, hit the subscribe button, leave a five star review.

    And before I jump into it, let me tell you what I've been up to. So I have recently launched the pre sale of my new company called Ronin and Ronin is a Faraday goods company. And you might say, what the hell is a Faraday Goods Company? And that's a good question, because I didn't know what it was up until four months ago.

    Four months ago, I did a deep dive, and you may have recalled the episode that I did on 5G and EMF radiation. And ever since then, it's just been bothering me. The, the amount of data that we discussed, the amount of harmful effects of these things, and, and also, Simultaneously, while I was doing that, we started to hear more and more about it.

    Joe Rogan's been talking about EMF radiation. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been talking about Wi Fi radiation poisoning. 5G's been talked about by people like Andrew Huberman, who's also talked about EMF radiation from your cell phone. So, Faraday products are products that protect you from the EMF radiation that's happening all around you all of the time.

    Very likely on the thing that you're listening to right now is also doing this to you, which has, has very harmful effects, including cancer causing blood clots, DNA damage, tons and tons of things like that. And there's only one way to protect yourself. And it's called Faraday products and Faraday products are a specially lined material that Pretty decently difficult to source.

    And so you can find apparel, you can find hats to protect your, your, you know, most important asset. There's a lot of different utilizations for these things, but what Ronan will be doing is we'll be offering EMF radiation protection. Apparel and hats, starting with hats. Okay. So we'll be coming out with 10 foil hats, kind of like tinfoil hats, but a little bit better.

    And these will be baseball hats and beanies that will protect you from EMF radiation. We'll also be coming out with Faraday backpacks. Now, again, I said, there's a couple of uses for Faraday products. One being apparel and protecting yourself from wifi radiation and EMF radiation from your cell phones and 5g.

    The other being that it completely shields all inbound and outbound communication signals. So, one thing that we know about this cell phone that we all have right here is that it's tracking you everywhere that you go. Who's using that information you might ask? Well, corporations, governments, and even just nefarious types of individuals all around the country and the world.

    They'll track you, they'll take your data, they'll steal your private photos and videos and leverage them against you, they can steal your credit and debit cards, they can do all sorts of atrocious things, unless you have a Faraday device. Product to put that in. So Ronan will be creating backpacks, Faraday backpacks in which you drop your laptop, your cell phone, your iPad, your wallet, whatever it is, and it completely shields all inbound and outbound signals, making you just basically vanish from all of those tracking technologies that are following you every single place that you go.

    Alright, there's a limited time pre sale of these products. I do not have them in my possession. I am ordering them in an initial pre sale order for you guys. And it's only going to be people who follow me on social media and people who buy them. Listen to the podcasts that are available for this presale.

    Okay? There's limited spots available. I already did the presale launch on Instagram and a few other social media, so there's a few spots left that I wanted to get out to you guys as well. So I'll include Ronan's presale link in the show notes for you. I've never promoted basically anything on this podcast, and I don't know how many episodes I never ask for you guys to, to, you know.

    Support some outside company, but I will ask you to support my company, and I truly believe in the mission that Ronan has, which is going to be to create harmony between the harmful technology and the pace of innovation and technology today, and actually providing you with a healthy lifestyle surrounding those things that we're not just going to get rid of.

    Okay, so I do ask you if you are interested in these things, go order the presale. It'll be the first thing in the show notes. Go check it out. Click that link, join the presale launch, and I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. All right, that's what I got for you right now. Now, without further ado, let's jump right in.

    Into it,

    the Adams Archive. All right. The very first topic that we're gonna be discussing today is going to be that Joe Rogan had a guest on his podcast just one month ago, who has now had been found to have a severed head in his freezer, along with a torso in a bla or a blue. bin that he was toting around that there's photo evidence of him Toting this bin around through a door.

    So let's go ahead and read this article And let's find out what this is really about now the individual in question here with somebody who is a former, former inmate, and he's, was on the podcast with Josh Dubin, and I've actually loved the podcast with Joe Rogan and Josh Dubin, where essentially what he does, Josh Dubin is a advocate and a lawyer who basically brings on people who are wrongful convictions.

    and gets them out of jail and then starts this conversation about wrongful convictions and, and how a large percentage of individuals who are in jail right now could very well be innocent. And so they, his organization does an amazing thing, which they go through all of the, the different cases that they're sent.

    They do some deep dives into the information that are there, and then they help get these people out, which is an amazing thing. I love the work that Josh Dubin does, but. Maybe in this instance, they should have left this guy in jail. Okay. So Sheldon Johnson, a former Joe Rogan show guest is a 48 year old youth counselor for the Queens defenders who spent 25 years in prison for attempted murder and robbery.

    And he was introduced on the Joe Rogan experience in February by his friend, Perlmutter Center from Legal Justice executive director, Josh Dubin. And he was saying that he was a marvelous human being who was wronged by the system. Johnson was also photographed shaking hands with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

    However, less than a year after his release from prison, Johnson was arrested in New York on Thursday after police found a severed head in his apartment freezer and a torso stashed in a bin. The victim, identified as 44 year old Colin Small, spent time in the same prison as Johnson and may have had a beef with him, according to the New York Post.

    Small was reportedly heard by neighbors pleading for his life on Tuesday evening before several gunshots rang out. In security footage following the incident, Johnson could be seen carrying cleaning supplies in a blue bin to the apartment where Small's remains were found, before leaving in a blonde wig.

    Great disguise. Rogan received criticism from viewers when the episode with Johnson aired with critics accusing Rogan and Dubin of downplaying Johnson's violent criminal history. Very interesting Now, I'm pretty sure I've listened to this episode I know I've listened to several episodes with Josh Dubin and again really like the work that he's done I'm not sure if this is the individual that I'm thinking of that I listened to last But I'll definitely go back and listen to this one because this is a wild situation, right?

    It's like Even if this guy wasn't guilty and maybe this is the argument that could be made around this is that jail prison time Makes you a terrible person it can find you it turns you into an animal All you are is surrounded by people who are violent criminals who are absolutely the the And even, and this isn't to detract from the fact that there are wrongful convictions, and that the for profit prison system is the absolute worst thing in the world, that causes hundreds of thousands, if not millions of families a year to be in agony, agony, for no good reason.

    I've stated my positions on the justice system before, as somebody who was, you know, planning on going into the justice system and becoming a lawyer, criminal defense lawyer, my take on the entirety of this. And the reason I wanted to go be a criminal defense lawyer is because I don't believe in the justice system in the way that it stands today.

    I believe there's so many wrongful convictions. And I feel like even the ones that are convicted, are generally convicted for profitable corporations, and not because it's a true way to help them better themselves and their lives and be a better person for themselves. In society. I don't think that happens.

    I think there's a very, very marginal percentage of people that come out of jail as a better person or come out of prison as a better person as when they went in there. I just don't think it happens. There's no system, there's no processes in place that cause that to be the case. There's no reform that's happening.

    It's a place to essentially imprison people, to throw them in a jail cell and allow them to be a number that corporations can profit off of. And so, to me In this situation, let's go back to the original discussion being had here, which is that in this situation, even if he wasn't guilty here, even if he wasn't an attempted murderer, as he was convicted for prior to him getting out for a wrongful conviction, they very well, in prison, could have made him this way, just shown by the fact that the person that he went after and murdered was actually somebody that went to jail with him, went to prison with him.

    And so, that to me, it shows that like, It didn't help, did it? Even if he, and let's just say he wasn't the person who committed that initial crime, it made him the type of person that they made him out to be to begin with. Even if he wasn't. And he probably was, now that we know he's this type of, he's got this in him.

    That's some gangster shit, but for sure, for sure, Seems like he did this one. I don't think he's getting out of this one at all. All right. So a pretty wild situation. I wonder what this I wonder what Joe Rogan's response will be to this because that's a not a good look for Josh Dubin. I wonder what Josh Dubin's response to this as I wonder if he's come out and had some some conversations because Joe Rogan as there's very few guests that Joe Rogan has said or had on consistently.

    Joe Rogan has Josh Dubin on his podcast at least once a quarter. And he says that he does that because he believes in the cause. He says that he does that because he believes that there is a injustice happening in our justice system. Absolutely is. And I agree with him 100%. This isn't a good look though.

    There's probably, there's probably I don't know, a hundred situations that could have been bad that couldn't have been this bad of a look for them. So anyways, wild situation. I'm sure there's going to be more information that comes out in this. There was some photos that leaked that showed this, Interesting stuff.

    So I didn't go and find any clips. I doubt there's going to be anything that like alludes to this or is even interesting compared to this. But, I would say you should still go check out Josh Dubin's situation and his organization that he leads there. Because they still do good stuff despite, I don't know, getting a man out of prison who severed another man's head.

    Not a good look. Anyways, all right. So the next thing that we're going to discuss here is going to be that there is a new bill looking to ban tick tock and, and it says the measure gained the support of house speaker, Mike Johnson on Thursday and could soon come up for a full vote in the house. I don't know why I said vote like that vote.

    Podcast when this happened. A couple years ago, and I'll tell you my position on this. I haven't read really much into this. We'll read it together and we'll, we'll kind of have a real reaction for you here. Cause I don't know the context of this bill or why they're trying to pass it personally. I do know that the last time it was because there's like military and, and espionage happening in there and situations where they're tracking our military members and leveraging the data against them.

    And, and they believe that it's a security issue with our own civilians, that they're gathering all this data and they're, they're infiltrating our youth and putting in all of these themes of like terrible societal constructs that are, are degrading our society as a whole. I don't disagree with any of those, but I also don't think that tick tocks the only one doing that and I also think that if our government is going out of their way to pass a bill because they're concerned about the security measures and the spying and the, the, the utilization of data weaponization of data, right?

    So if our government's concerned about China weaponizing tick tocks data against our citizens and surveilling us. utilizing that technology. What I should be far more concerned about and what you should be far more concerned about is the fact that our government uses every social media platform to do the very same thing.

    They just don't like it when other people do it to us too. It's like, if they're concerned about other other governments weaponizing social media against our citizens, it's because they're already doing it. It's because they know what they can do with that. Information and we already know that they're connected, right?

    We already know the information came out about the FBI connections with Facebook Instagram Surrounding the election. We already know that they essentially had the the twitter files and stuff you know after the twitter files were released that they were working with all of the three letter agencies and the government organizations and the White house and they all had a basically a secret email thread where they were telling people a specific post to take down and I'm sure several of mine were one of them Absolutely, because the second I posted a video about Hunter Biden and the whole situation, I think I pulled it from InfoWars, and I reposted it on my Instagram, I was vanished, gone.

    So shadowbanned for I think about seven or eight months. It really like crushed my momentum. With the podcast with the Instagram with everything very disheartening it hurt my feelings a bit But I bet say about eight months you couldn't search my account. You couldn't find any of my videos there would get no view It was terrible.

    I had like 30 something thousand followers at the time. It wasn't like I did nobody followed me. It was pretty wild But anyways, let's go ahead and read this bill. That's my take on it is essentially if they're concerned about it Somebody else doing it to us. It's because they already know and are doing it ten times worse than what they're doing it They're thinking China's doing it to us for right.

    Anyways, a bill that could lead to the popular video sharing app. TikTok being unavailable in the United States is quickly gaining traction in the house as lawmakers voiced their concerns about the potential for the platform to surveil and manipulate Americans. Could you imagine a government surveilling and manipulating American citizens with social media platforms?

    No way. Say it ain't so. We better get that TikTok out of here. Because there's no way our American social media platforms do that to us. It's only those Chinese communists over there that that surveil and manipulate Americans with social media. The measure gained support of House Speaker Mike Johnson and could soon come up for a full vote in the House.

    The bill advanced out of committee Thursday and unanimous bipartisan vote 50 to nothing. Wow. I find a another bill that's passed like that in a while. The White House has provided technical support in the drafting of the bill. The White House Press Secretary Kain Jean Pierre said that TikTok legislation still needs some work to get to a place where the President, Joe Biden will endorse it.

    Yeah, because you know, if you go read that bill right now, it's probably like, yeah, we'll ban TikTok and we'll also allow another 3 million immigrants to come into our country and also vote. The bill takes a two pronged approach. First, it would require ByteDance, which is based in Beijing, to divest TikTok and other applications it controls within 180 days of enactment of the bill.

    Or those applications will be prohibited in the United States. Second, it creates a narrow process to let the executive branch prohibit access to an app owned by a foreign adversary if it possesses a threat to national security. It's an important bipartisan measure to take on China, our largest geo geopolitical foe, which is actively undermining our economy and security.

    I think we're actively undermining our economy and our security. Just as much as China is. Our critics also claim the app could be used to spread misinformation beneficial to Beijing. Former President Donald Trump attempted to ban TikTok through executive order, but the courts blocked the action after TikTok sued, arguing that actions would violate free speech and due process rights.

    Hmm. So interesting that all these things that Donald Trump tried to do four years ago Biden's trying to do now, build a wall. Don't do that. Well, now Biden's saying that we should build a wall. Ban TikTok. No, don't do that. Oh, well, now Biden's trying to ban TikTok. It's like everything that Trump foresaw and tried to attempt to do.

    That was, Like defaced and demeaned by the Democrats is now being enacted as if it was their own idea. Just like how in the State of the Union Address, Joe Biden was sitting there acting like he wanted immigrants to not immigrate. Jump over our border. Like basically saying we're, we're going to protect our border.

    Like, Oh really? Cause you were the very person that allowed this to happen over the last two years. And now that we're coming up on an election and we have essentially the same amount of illegal immigrants that have entered our country as the total population of 33 States. That's how many immigrants that we have in our country today is the, They total up to the same amount of population that we have had over our borders in the last, since Joe Biden started in office, 33 states worth of populations of individuals that are now in our country, undocumented, illegal aliens.

    Hmm. Critics also claim that the app could be used to spread misinformation beneficial to Beijing. TikTok raised similar concerns about the legislation gaining momentum in the house. This bill is an outright ban of TikTok, no matter how much the authors try to disguise it. This legislation will trample the First Amendment rights of 170 million Americans and deprive five million small businesses of a platform that they rely on to grow and create jobs, the company said.

    Yeah, I really don't think that TikTok cares about the First Amendment, to be fair. The bill's author, Republican Mike Gallagher, the Republican chairman for the Special House Committee, focused on China, rejected TikTok's assertion of a ban. Rather, he said it's an effort to force a change in TikTok's ownership.

    He also took issue with TikTok urging some users to call their representatives and urge them to vote no on the bill. I did see that, that there was a big there was like a, a, a notification on TikTok, That's having all of the users of TikTok send or call their representatives. It says the notification that urged TikTok users to speak up now before your government strips 170 million Americans of their constitutional right to free expression.

    The notification also warns that the ban of TikTok would damage millions of businesses and destroy the lives of countless creators across the country. Today, it's about, it's about our bill, and it's not intimidating members considering that bill. But tomorrow it could be misinformation or lies about an election, about a war, about any number of things Gallagher said.

    This is why we can't take a chance of having a dominant news platform in America controlled or owned by a company that is behold of the Chinese Communist Party and their foremost adversary. Now, I don't disagree there. I just don't think that's the sentiment of this. I just think that if you were concerned about that, you just, you know, honestly get rid of all social media platforms.

    Our world would be much better. And I, this is an avid user of social media. That's how I've grown my podcast. That's how you know about me, likely. Get rid of it. It'd be better for my children, it'd be better for your children, it'd be better for your grandchildren, it'd be better for our country. Get rid of all social media.

    It's a fucking cancer on our population, on our society as a whole. It's terrible for children, it's terrible for adults, it makes people lazy, it sucks up all of your time, and it hijacks your dopamine system so that you feel the need to, like, I'm just as guilty of it, like, pffft. I try to be better about it, but just like everybody else, I'm just as guilty about it.

    And sometimes I sit there just and I go on tiktok. I go on instagram now and it's like just Maybe the way that I you know, I consume my feed and and for this podcast and stuff, but it's just political bullshit I don't know. What's more fake american politics or Pro wrestling like it's it's so irritating even though a lot of the influencers a lot of the the top people in the Republican influencer space and the Democratic influencer space.

    They're all full of shit They're all being pushed to you know, say certain things about certain topics and they're all being paid to do So they're all terrible at marketing with their shitty t shirt companies. They're, they're all just repost bullshit videos that are regurgitated from other accounts without any value or narration on them.

    It's just trash, like, trash, trash, trash, trash, trash. That's all social media is. And so, yeah, sure, ban TikTok, but ban Instagram and Meta and, and, you know, Axe, ban them all. Get rid of them. We don't need them. Let's, let's, let's use a fucking phone to call somebody instead, like, let's, let's go back, right?

    Like, you wanna talk about, you know conservativism? Let's get rid of those, get off my lawn! You know? Anyways, as I get older, I just have come to accept the fact that I'm an angry old man. And that's okay. I think that's probably the right way to be in today's society anyways. All right. Not sure what's going on there.

    Okay, cool. So let's move into the Ryan Garcia situation. So Ryan Garcia, professional boxer, has come out on, on a Instagram, or I'm sorry, a ex tirade, tirade, calling out celebrities. Dropping names like Oprah Winfrey, saying that he was tied down in a forest by men in black robes and forced to watch some horrific acts conducted on children.

    And I'm sorry, like trigger warning, whatever you want to say, there's some terrible stuff here, guys. I'm sorry. It's not like if you want to skip ahead 15 minutes, but it's, it's, it's pretty serious stuff. So the Ryan Garcia. Pro boxer, very, very active, has a fight April 20th. Now some people are saying that he's doing this to promote his fight.

    I don't think so. If you hear this guy's voice and you know what he's going through right now, I don't think that he's faking this for fight promotion. I also just don't think he's that smart. He's had 240 pro boxing matches. So he's probably has a lot of brain damage too. Now I don't think that means or diminishes anything that he's saying because everything he's saying we already know to be true.

    We know that. All of the celebrities and politicians and most powerful people in the world meet in Bohemian Grove, or at least they did. Till it was infiltrated and now everybody knows where it's at and how to get there. But at least they did, right? I think who was it? It wasn't Kennedy. Was it Truman?

    I think it was Truman said that it was the most faggoty place on earth. That is a direct quote from a former president that Bohemian Grove is the most faggoty place on earth. Excuse my 2020, you know 2010 language there's apparently we're not allowed to say that anymore, but the president said it So, you know blame him not me anyways And so what this, if you don't know about Bohemian Grove, it's a whole rabbit hole and I'm sure I've done a whole episode on it at least once, or had some deep dives into it.

    Essentially all these politicians and all these most powerful people in the world, very well known, been infiltrated, we know this happens, they all go there, they dress up in robes, they gather around this owl statue, this like 30 foot tall owl statue. Might be exaggerated, but it's probably pretty close to that huge owl statue.

    And then they light on fire while they're in a circle in their robes with masks on this effigy that is supposed to be a sacrifice to the owl God or Malak, right? The, the, Baphomet, the, you know, the evil entities of the world. They're doing a satanic ritual out in the woods. Very well known, well documented, Go Google it.

    Alex Jones at one point infiltrated it with a video camera and found them doing this effigy, found it happening live. So you can go go do that research. It's there. It's real thing. Okay, so he talks about it and says that he was brought there, taken by men in black robes, and I'll let you him tell you some of it here.

    All right, here you go.

    I don't give a fuck any. Hold on one second here, guys.

    Anymore where

    all right here we go. Hey, bro. All right. Talk to us. Oh, I don't give a fuck bro. They help Okay, and so this was after an initial release of, so I'll start from the beginning before I play this video for you. It needs a little bit of context. Ryan Garcia said that his phone was taken from him, that he was forced, his money was taken from him, all this stuff.

    He posted a video, like there was a video saying, it's kind of a weird situation, it was like, we got him, we slid his throat, something like that. On Ryan Garcia's Twitter, like they, they took over his Twitter. They said he still has his, their, his Instagram. We slit his throat, 666, Satan, the devil, whatever.

    It was like this super weird, random tweet that went out. Okay. That happened like 12 hours later, after some people thought he was dead. Ryan Garcia posts a video. And in this video, he looks completely disheveled. He looks like traumatized and he basically says, I'm okay, guys. I can't really talk about what's going on, but I'm okay.

    Just wanted to let you know, I'm not dead. Okay, then he starts to release information about Bohemian Grove and what these people did. Andrew Tate then goes on and says, let's do a live, I'll let you share your story. They jump on a live and here you go. They made me watch little kids get raped. I don't give a fuck anymore.


    Bro, they fucking took me to the fucking woods, bro, and they fucking tied I'm not fucking joking, bro. I have fucking proof, bro. I don't give a fuck. Bro, I fucking will show you every fucking video you could ever fucking believe. Bohemian Grove is real. They fucking tied me down and they made me fucking watch, dawg.

    I absolutely don't give a fuck anymore. Yes, I fucking lost it. They're raping little kids. He doesn't want to take us all, so let's go. Come on, Ryan. He doesn't want to take us all. Bro, fuck this dude, dude. Who? Who? Bro, you know the higher elites, bro. You already know who they are, bro. You know the path you're going down is dangerous, my friend.

    I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. They can't touch me. I'm a god. Well, that's the first point of contention, because I care about you a lot, and I can assure you, from my own personal experience, that they can touch you, which is the worst part about it. Bro, no, they can't, bro. Alright, so come touch me, you fucking bitch.

    You have proof of these things on You have proof of this on your phone? Yes, of course I do. The fuck you talking about? Of course. If Alex could get a fucking video from the Bohemian Grove, of course I could.

    Well, I have to be careful what I say, because I'm in the middle of a judicial process right now. You want me to get you out of it? Bro, my door gets kicked in if I say what I'm thinking. Okay, well I can help you get out of it if you want. I know people. Tell

    everyone at home then. Start from the beginning. When did this happen? Where did this happen? What exactly did you see? Why have you tweeted the things you've tweeted? Let people at home understand you. Because I don't give a fuck, bro. They rate me, right? I was two years old, they rate me. I have proof of that too.

    Why have you tweeted the things you've tweeted? So you have to honestly appreciate Andrew Tate. Like, you know, I love everybody shits on Andrew Tate. I've shit on Andrew Tate rightfully in some situations, but you have to appreciate the way he's organizing Ryan's thoughts, right? He's obviously much more articulate, much better at having a conversation than the emotionally heightened state, at least that Ryan's in right now.

    So again, you have to appreciate about how he's going about this. Even saying that, you know, be careful the path that you're going down, my friend, this is a dangerous one and they can touch you. You're not untouchable. You're not a God. They can get you. And that's the scary part, he says. So here we go.

    Tweeted the things you've tweeted. Let people at home understand you a little bit more. Because I don't give a fuck, bro. They rate me, right? I was two years old, they rate me. I have proof of that too. That's where it all started, bro. Jeez. Okay, you do know there's going to be certain people who believe and I'm Ryan, you know, I like you speaking for years, you know, there's going to be people who believe you're just saying this because you've, I don't know, had a mental breakdown or taking drugs and you're repeating some of the things you've said on the internet and they're going to not believe you unless you come at it very coherently.

    Andrew, Andrew, I'll go to the fucking Romania and take a drug test in front of your face. Bro, you don't want to come here. You don't need to remain in jail. It's not your fight camp. But I'm just asking, like, you're gonna have to tell a far more coherent story from start to finish for people to truly understand that.

    What you're saying happened is what you saw and that this is not some sort of episode or anything else. This is my advice to you as a brother. I'm trying to make it, if you want people to believe you, you're gonna have to come along and explain from the absolute beginning exactly how it happened, who was involved, how you got there, what car you were in, where you were standing, everything.

    Of course they're gonna want that and I have all the information possible. Okay, so when you're releasing it, how you're releasing it, or are you keeping it for yourself? Because it looks like you don't want to keep it for yourself. I don't. At the right time I'm gonna release all of it, but at the right time I'm gonna do it.

    They're already calling me to tell me to stop. I don't give a fuck, dude. I've already had a meeting with them.

    I'm gonna let you sit with that, Andrew. With who? All right, bro. Well, I want you to know that either way, I'm praying for you, and I hope that Thank you, bro. You know, and I mean that. I don't give a fuck, bro. Alex Jones has been saying the same shit, and they try to get The only reason they can't stop me, because they listen to the devil.

    I listen to God. God gave me authority. It's over for everybody, bro. Now, again, to Andrew Tate's point, and you probably won't hear me say that very often, but he does seem to be in some type of Mental breakdown, but obviously, you know, just by the way he's speaking is very Emotionally heightened his voice is shaky, but wouldn't you be Like, if you were sitting in front of, when this was going on, there's 26, 000 people hearing you talk about being raped as a child, like, wouldn't you feel that way?

    Wouldn't you be heightened emotionally? Wouldn't you have a mental breakdown if that happened? Like, and again, nothing he's saying is crazy. We already know that these things were happening. We already know Epstein was real. We already know Bohemian Grove is a super creepy, weird place where they have satanic rituals.

    And, you know, To, to Andrew Tate's point though, like, are you just puppeting, are you, are you just parroting the situations that you hear online? Are you just parroting what, the information that you have heard from other people talk about and just like stringing these together? But why, why would you do that?

    Why, why, what would be the purpose of that? That, that's not going to help him. You know, it's, it's really not good PR for his fight that he says that, and, and honestly, no man's going to come out and say, I got raped. Like, there's very little of the, you know, Me Too situation happening in men in highly visible spaces.

    And we'll find that out more with what we see with P. Diddy. And the Lil Rod situation coming up is like, this guy was tormented for years by this man. Lived with him and didn't speak up because that's like, not generally what men do in this situation. It's just not. Especially people who are very in the public eye.

    It's, it's, it's embarrassing, I'm sure. And, and something that you have to contend with in a different way, especially when you're highly visible like these people are. So again, you would have a mental breakdown. You would be heightened emotionally. You would stutter over your words and be, you know, use a bunch of swear words when you're talking and like, You would do those things, regardless, so I don't think that detracts from his opinion, and I don't, you know, this guy's also had a bunch of fights, so I don't think he's like the most articulate person in the world, I'm sure he has some serious head trauma, but I don't think that means that he's not telling the truth.

    And so, As we go further into this, let's go ahead and read some of the tweets that came from him. Now there was a whole 25 minute live that he did that I listened into. You can go to his Twitter right now and listen in. He did a full live video. You know, maybe I'll play a few minutes of that for you guys here.

    But the most recent conversation that he had is, is this one, which says that I'm not talking about anything else other than fighting. He's in the fight camp right now. He has a fight in the, like six weeks or so. So. Let me start you from the timeline beginning. Here is the video that I was talking about if it's still up of him essentially saying I'm, okay.

    I'm alive. They took my phone. Okay. Here's where it starts Hey guys, it's me ryan I'm here to explain what's going on I'm, not in possession of my phone. I can't get access to my instagram My cards are locked And i'm just being real Oh, you know I'm being real, taking advantage, and I personally wanted just to send out a video to the people that love me and my fans, family that's concerned that I'm okay.

    I'm not dead. I believe in Jesus. All those are lies. And, you know, in jail, they're blocking my cards. I can't access my money. Nobody's hitting me back. I don't know what's going on, but just know I'm okay, look. He was being targeted by some organization or some group of people that are obviously somewhat powerful if they can get into all of his accounts, if they can freeze all of his bank accounts, if they can get into all of his social media accounts, if they can cut off his communication with everybody at one time.

    It's obviously a pretty powerful entity, right? It's not just some random guy next door. And you see the look on his face. He looks, like I said, disheveled. He looks concerned. He looks like meek, almost. Which is not generally the case for a guy with 250 pro boxing fights. Like you just hear it in the sound of his voice.

    He sounds a little scared. Which rightfully, if somebody goes onto your account and says they slit your throat, it freezes your bank accounts, all that stuff at one time. So, and this is where it all started. This is where it all got triggered to, to begin. And it sounds like from there, he's just like, all right, And he's going to just say everything that happened that he's been holding back in fear of these organizations that are potentially going after him.

    And that's speculation, but that's what it seems like to me. It seems to be some, you know, you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes to kind of take that out of the context of what's happening. Now he posted a bunch of other things. that all got deleted. Now, I don't know if he deleted them. He says that they got deleted off of X, but I do have those tweets and I'll read them to you.

    It says, if they post my phone, I will post on someone else's. It's in plain sight. It's trying, I'm trying to screen record the rules of devil worshiping and they are deleting it. Can someone DM me their account info so I can tweet? They are going to attempt to stop me. I'm going to set up a drive a live drug test to prove that I'm not trippin I feel like crying because i'm giving everyone info.

    They already know but they refuse to believe do you want proof now? I'll get it asap he said If they take my phone, I will post on someone else's. More you ask, or what's up? It's that three Disney workers, school athletic, he posted screenshots. Three Disney workers, school athletic director among 219 arrested in Florida human trafficking sting.

    Wow. And that was posted from 2023 September. So just a few months ago, he said, please help send prayers. I'm calling all prayer warriors. You think you'd be you think you'd be quiet if they killed kids and showed you and did it over and over. I'm done. I have lost it. And so have you. My pain is unbearable.

    I can't describe I will be killed soon. Hurry find you think you you think you'd be quiet if they killed kids and showed you and did it over and over and over. I'm done. I've lost it. And so have you. My pain is unbearable. Wow. So, pretty dark stuff there. But then he went on to say that they auction off kids.

    That's one of the next tweets. He goes on to show that a video from a Bohemian Grove situation. He starts saying that I didn't kill myself. I love God and my kids. I love Jesus. I'm healthy and I have no medical issues for the record. I'm with my wife, Drea. All the other stuff is cap. For you who are not Gen Z, like me, cap means a lie.

    You're welcome. Let's see what this is. Says I'm changing. Let's see. He brought up the Vatican as well as Oprah Winfrey. He said, how many more kids will y'all allow this to happen to? And then he posted some posts from the Catholic church abusing children. He said, why do you think that in all scary movies, they are always use a priest from Catholic churches because they are molesters and they allow you to disrespect God.

    Hmm. So wait, I'm the bad guy for calling out an institution that has an unbearable or unbelievable amount of rape and molestation. And I'm the bad guy. I'm the crazy one. So everyone's getting real quiet now. Interesting. He, he, he also said something along the lines of, and I say along the lines of, but I'm just reading it verbatim.

    They actually have the files on Jesus, the Ark of the Covenant, the giants, the clones, the aliens files on everything. They are the ones. That let me in. Now, again, sounds pretty crazy in the way that he's going on this, like, tirade, back to back to back to back to back tweets. You know, I have my beliefs on almost every one of the things that he said there, which are definitely reasonable.

    Clones, check, we know that. Ark of the Covenant, super weird and interesting situation there. The Giants, we talked about the Nephilim. Alien files, we know that to be true. But when you put it in this unarticulate way, where it just sounds like you're ranting like crazy, it does sound crazy. Because when you put it all together, it is crazy.

    But it is crazy when you put it all together. But bitch, we live in a crazy world. All of these things have a potential of being true. But he's just not very good at discussing it. At least in a way that's believable, right? So he keeps going on and on talks about Gaza, all of this and that. So, so after a little bit, he does have a live that he's like, all right, come on here.

    Ask me anything. I'll play a little bit, just a couple minutes of that for you guys and just kind of go move around on the video. So I'm letting anybody ask any question for the time being to whenever we get off. How do we start this? People are coming in. People are coming in. Hello guys. I don't know how to run a space.

    I don't even know how to do this. How do you do this? How do I let people speak? They said the request, how do you let them speak? Oh, all right. So let's get this part. I'm, I'm, I'm going in on everybody.

    Wait, Brian, so to all the people that are asking why you don't show the clips, can you answer? No, there's, just so you know, there's 674, 000 listens to this audio. So it's not like this is some random weirdo, right? This guy's very, very well known celebrity athlete. Is there a question for them? I can't show the clips.

    They're already out there. I mean, there's so many clips. It's unbelievable. I know everybody wants me to put out my evidence, but I can't put out my evidence or else they're going to come after my family. So I choose not to. Oh, you can speak on me.

    Gummy, whatever your name, Gumi. Gummy don't want to speak. Bro. Oh, there you go. Can you hear me? Yes.

    Hello. Everybody's like, yo, put the drink down. Okay, fine. I won't fucking drink, but I'm still gonna tell the truth. Sober or not. I have more balls than you. I put my ball sack on everybody. . They told me they're gonna, they told me they're gonna make an example on me that because I say Jesus so much, they're gonna pit me on the cross and they're gonna crucify me in the whole world and say, yep, this is what we do.

    This is what we do. Hmm. So please help me out. I don't, I mean, if it's that, if that's what's supposed to happen, let God's will be done, not mine. I'm okay with that. And this is the truth. Have I lied about anything else? Nothing. So why would I lie about that? Ryan, I'm a father of two kids. Yes. I'm saying this because I'm worried about my children.

    Okay. Okay. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep clear. Ryan, listen to me. Listen to me. You know me. I've talked to you about mental health. Don't worry, brother. Nothing's going to happen to me. Here, Patriot speaker. Yes. As I'm going to just add, it's 25 minutes. You can go listen to the full thing. I was like, yeah, I'm serious.

    Why? So I'm going to commit and I'm going to do it. And I just did it. I was just like, God gave me the authority and the power to do it. And I seized it through amongst all the, the locks and all the people trying to confuse me, throw me off, say, what you're doing is a little this and that. I'm like, who cares?

    Watch what happens. And look at everything's and Ryan, if they think you, if they think you lying, bro. I just want to drop this on people real quick cause they don't, they don't, you know, I want to put this out there real quick cause I talk about this shit a lot. You got an executive order right now, one three eight one eight.

    I'll say it again. One three eight one eight that addresses human rights abuse and human trafficking that was done in 2017 and that's why all these motherfucking people coming out the woodworks and shit. And a lot of CEOs and shit stepping down and all this shit. I got the FC names, if you want me to start dropping them.

    Exactly. Oprah. What? Who cares? I do. What do you mean? That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. And this is, this is all. Alright, so I'll leave that to you. You can listen through that yourself. I don't want to bore you with a 25 minute Twitter space with Some, like I said, less than articulate people discussing these things.

    But, but I do think that it's worth a listen. There's some value in what he's saying. Again, the delivery is not very well done. And I think that's what Andrew Tate did a good job trying to hone him in a little bit and go tell us your evidence. Tell us why we should believe you. And here's the thing too.

    Let's say Ryan Garcia is lying. How many celebrities with millions of followers are going out there and even driving awareness to this? So like let's say he wasn't tied down in a forest in Bohemian Grove And maybe he has some mental health issues and maybe those mental health issues are Exacerbated by getting into these rabbit holes that are very very real of very real things happening right now around the world That we know about right we find out more about it with with P Diddy, right?

    But maybe let's just say he's lying Even if he's lying, even if he's having a mental breakdown, even if he's gone way too far down the rabbit hole and he can't handle the truth of the reality of what these people do to children. Which is a horrific thing and it's put me into terrible, you know, like a depressive state having to do all this research on these things and having to deal with the, the, the reality that these things are real and there's very, you know, horrific things happening right now around the world.

    I remember when I found out about Operation Underground Railroad and which is the, the movie is written about and this was before the movie came out, there was documentary about Operation Underground Railroad and the things that they were doing. Now, I'm not going to get into a whole thing about the, the situation with the owner and the guy who's depicted in the movie and all of that stuff, because there's a whole candy worms to open up their too.

    But I watched the documentary before I heard about it from anybody. I knew some people that were involved in these types of these types of task force and had tremendous respect for them and wanted to learn more about it. And as soon as I got done watching that, I was so deep in the hole. That I would have quit everything just to go save and rescue children that I would have joined a task force I actually put it in an application with them to be a part of their their team that goes and does that It's probably still sitting there somewhere where right now and they never got back to me, which is okay, I guess But I was ready to drop everything and I was ready to do something about it What is a more noble task than to save these children going through these things?

    There is very real situations There's warehouses around the world that that are Have children without social security numbers that are being literally bred for this type of situation. And it's, it's horrible, and I'm not going to take you there right now. But, I will say that it can take you down a very dark, dark path.

    And you have to be emotionally and mentally stable and capable of handling the knowledge. Because once you learn that, it's very difficult to navigate the everyday world knowing that this is happening underneath the surface. And so again, even if he's lying, even if he, this didn't happen to him, even if, let's say he's a celebrity with a lot of head trauma who's going into a mental breakdown.

    I'm still glad that he's raising awareness because everything that he's talking about is very real. Even if it didn't happen to him, I don't give a fuck whether it happened to Ryan Garcia, but I do know that this happened to someone, somewhere, someone's child right now in this world at this very moment.

    Who cares if Ryan Garcia is telling the truth? What I care about is that there's being awareness given to the situation, that maybe he is telling the truth. But regardless of whether he is or he isn't, I'm glad that he's bringing awareness to this because this is a topic that should be discussed by every celebrity with every connection everywhere across the country, across the globe, at all times, until it's rectified.

    And the light has been shined on the darkness enough to where it is. escapes into a deep dark hole and never presents itself again. That is what I would want. And I'm happy that he is, he is causing this potential for this to, to, to occur because there's very, very few celebrities, but we're actually seeing a lot more, which is becoming a theme in this situation.

    There was more recently a video that came out talking about how Matt Reif and another comedian were being forced to enter the being forced by two executives saying that they'll make them famous and all they have to do is perform a sex act on them. That's a wild claim too. But we know Harvey Weinstein existed.

    We know that there's these gatekeepers in Hollywood and the music industry, P. Diddy being one of them, as we will see a little bit later. This is a very real thing, even if for adults, even if for people who want to be famous. They have to have blackmail on you. You have to become a part of their little scheme.

    You have to have, you know, some questionable sexuality, and that's just the reality of the Hollywood and the music executives and the world that we live in, the high level politics, like even Madison Cawthorn talks about the orgies that were happening in Washington DC, right? We know these honeypot schemes are happening all around the world.

    We know that, right? This is all true shit, guys. Like this is, yeah, again, Maybe the not most, maybe not the most articulate way of putting it. But everything he's saying is true, whether it's, it happened to him or not. And so, hundreds of, hundreds of thousands of people watched this one video. 700, 000 people now have more awareness about what's going on in the world.

    And again, some of those people might not be able to handle that truth. But as long as it's being talked about and discussed, they have to hide it. They have to, they have to go into some far corner of the reality that we live in to do these things. They have to get out of the public light, the Epstein's will no longer be able to navigate the social circles that they, he did.

    Jeez, can't talk. Because it's so in the public space. I write everybody knows that about Hollywood. Everybody knows that about the music industry. Now, everybody knows that about high level politics and the elites and the Virgin Islands, like the Brussels or the, you know, the Branson's and the Epstein's that like, everybody knows those things now.

    And good, keep talking about it until something's done, and they go away, or they're all killed off, or they're all in jail. That's all I want, right? And so good, if you do that to children, you should have the worst things happen to you. Right. If you're a part of that, that world. Okay. So that's the situation with Ryan Garcia.

    There's, there's more to come. He says he's not talking about it. I'll give you one segue out of this, which is the fact that, Well, let's go ahead and let's listen to this clip first. Then I'll segue between Ryan Garcia and P Diddy. Cause PD is really the deep dive for today. And I'm not sure how, how long we'll be able to discuss that, but I do have a full 30 or 73 page legal documents highlighted outlines for us to discuss today about these very things.

    Okay. But first, let me tell you why I started Ronin. So after learning about EMF radiation, doing the deep dive into 5g, right. Here's my, my quick little pitch for you. The reason I started Ronin is because I looked for these Faraday products myself. Okay, I went online, I found there's, there's three or four of them that are out there.

    And one of them has decent design, but they're so expensive. A backpack is 850 literally. Okay. The other ones, when it comes to the apparel hats, that type of thing, their design work sucks. It was never anything I would want to wear and also very expensive. It was 90 for a hat, which is like, I'm not fucking spending 90 on a hat, especially if it looks like shit.

    So, and so. Having the background that I did, and I do I decided to, you know, I have a pretty heavy marketing background. And so I sourced the supplies and found a way that we can create these products and create them in a way that they're going to be affordable, in a way that they're going to be a design that I would actually be confident and comfortable wearing.

    And, and once I have these products shipped, you will not see me on this video without a Ronin hat on my head and you will love them too, I promise. So I made affordable and Actually desirable designs with these Faraday products that I've worked alongside this manufacturer for months and months to build.

    And so again, I ask you, there was only a few more spots left on the initial order and I'm doing it at a steeply discounted rate. The hats, I believe are about 40 to 45. Normally they're going to be a little bit more expensive than that, but nowhere near 90. So less than half of the cost in the, in the material, to be fair, the material that's, Lined in these is somewhat expensive.

    And that's really where some of the cost comes from. But I do think that some of the other organizations are just taking advantage of the fact that you don't know any better. So if you get it right now, it's half the cost of anywhere else. Both the backpacks is a fifth, a sixth of the cost. It's 180 for the backpack.

    And it's, it's. 45 for the baseball hat 40 for the beanie. Okay, only right now though because the prices are going to go up It's not going to go up like a hundred percent and up to their prices. I promise But I do have to make some margin on this what i'm really trying to do guys is just be able to get that first Bulk order so I don't have to spend thousands of dollars out of my pocket to get the bulk order to start doing the campaigns for you guys to get you to Get on this train because I truly believe that the effect that we can have in the country if we get any Everybody with a Faraday bag and everybody with an EMF blocking hat.

    One of the 10 foil hats, I believe that there will be a massive disruption in the way that we interact with technology and our health and everything will be much, much better as a result. So I'm super excited about this. The website is being launched as we speak. Don't purchase from the website because the prices are higher than what you'll get it for at the pre sale launch.

    But if you do want to go check out the website and the work that I'm doing there, that's going to be launched very, very soon. It's Ronan. It's RonanBasics. com, R O N I N B A S I C S, RonanBasics. com, and you can check it all out there. All right. I appreciate you guys. I love you guys. Thank you for the support.

    Go to the, the website. Go to the show notes here right under where you're listening to the podcast and you'll see that it'll be the very very first link will be the pre launch sale of Ronin and I'll be tracking seeing how well you guys respond to this because again, I know my podcast listeners. I know you guys.

    I love you guys. I've been talking to you and for, you know, over a hundreds of hours now. So I know you guys will love this too. And I know you'll support me. So thank you so much in advance. All right. Segway back to creepy Hollywood and music executives. Here's the video about Matt Reif. Here we go.

    Comedy Kat Williams The dark side of hollywood is finally being exposed Thanks to one of the true kings of comedy kat williams You know before I became wealthy in business. I actually had a somewhat successful career in stand up comedy I was on the way up I was invited to a meeting With some Hollywood executives along with some now famous comedian and we were offered the chance for a deal at online stardom.

    But the only way to receive the contract was by sucking both of the execs off. I immediately got up and walked to the door. But before I could even exit, the other comedian was sucking. Both of their d k simultaneously. That guy's name was Matt Reif. And that's Alpha King rule number 799. Just because someone is more famous than you, it doesn't mean they're better.

    They might just be gayer.

    It doesn't mean they're better, they just might be gayer. No, I don't think I believe this guy. But if this is marketing, this is great marketing because I've never seen this guy's face before, but his delivery is honestly too good. It's too practiced. It's it, there's very little emotion in it. It's, it seems to me like this is, this guy's full of shit, but a pretty good comedy bit if he is nonetheless.

    But. I didn't hear that whole video all the way through. So that's, that's pretty funny. Tom Segura and I think Duncan Trestle did a video. Making fun of this. Like I thought everybody knew you had to suck a dick to get into comedy. Like that's just the rule. And I think Matt Reif went and like blocked the guy who posted this Dom Lucre and all of this stuff and drama.

    I like Matt Reif. I think he's pretty damn funny. His crowd works amazing. I have nothing against the guy. I think this is pretty funny. And Hey, if you had to suck a dick. for hundreds of millions of dollars or whatever that dude's making and you're happy to do it. I got nothing against your man. Do you, my friend?

    It might not be more, better comedy. You just might be gayer. Oh, that's so funny. But if Reif is, he's a comedian, Again, a younger guy probably in his early 20s, mid 20s at this point sweeping the world on Tik Tok and all this stuff and got promoted a ton, like. Went into stardom like there's only a couple people who have really gotten super famous out of nowhere in the last couple of years It's like that out.

    What's her name? the podcaster Shit, why am I blanking on her name right now? The really good podcast whatever her name is, you know who she is on Instagram She just basically interviewed every largest celebrity ever Mark Cuban Drake, oh god, why can't I think of her name right now? Anyways, Bobby, that's what it is.

    Bobby Althoff and then Matt Reif. Like those two people got famous, like overnight. Seemingly no reason I met rice, talented Bobby is somewhat funny but not really enough to, to become that famous. So definitely some questions to be had there. But he did mention another thing, which is that there's a bunch of high level celebrities, like very, very well known people starting to have these conversations now.

    Ryan Garcia, Cat Williams you know, the P. Diddy situation is coming up. Ice Cube was just talking about it. Like all of these people are starting to have these conversations about the underworld that is Hollywood and fame. Now again, I don't think I believe this guy. This guy seems to be, you know, before I was a super wealthy business executive, I tried my hand at comedy and just didn't suck enough dicks to be successful.

    Like, eh, you're probably not that funny, buddy. But it's good marketing nonetheless. If you're into that kind of marketing. Okay. That has 25 million views, by the way. Pretty crazy. All right, so that brings me to the next point, which is that Ryan Garcia posted something about P. Diddy just Minutes ago, like literally an hour ago as I was doing my last second research on all of this And he posted this I heard Devil Haney is bringing P.

    Diddy to training camp to spar First one to tap out wins doghouse rules. Now that starts to gain some context as we start to talk about this. Now Ryan Garcia did he's say he's only going to talk about boxing, but the fact that he's bringing up P Diddy right now in the midst of this legal lawsuit about sex trafficking and the manipulation of minors and like all the stuff we're about to go into.

    It's pretty, pretty good on Ryan Garcia's part that he put those two together. Still talking about just boxing, by the way. So an impressive you know, sub, sub tweet there by Ryan Garcia. I'm not sure sub tweets still a thing. I remember it was like in 2011 when I used to actually use Twitter.

    Speaking of, if you do have a Twitter, you should follow me, the Austin J Adams. I just got one, like. Never really used Twitter at all, but I'm using it consistently now, so all my content's there. So, the Austin J. Adams on Twitter. Anyways so there's a picture of P. Diddy, and I'll show you right here briefly if you're on YouTube.

    You'll be able to see it, but and he tweeted out again, I heard Devil Haney is bringing P. Diddy to training camp. Basically saying that, you know, cause P. Diddy is, Gay. He talks about having sex with Meek Mill and Usher, allegedly, within these court documents, all this stuff. So, yeah. Alright, so let's go ahead and segue into the Usher situation.

    So, or I'm sorry, well, is kind of Usher's situation too, but P. Diddy's situation. So P. Diddy has a lawsuit against him by Lil Rod. Lil Rod, being the producer for P. Diddy during some of his movies. Recent work. And so the allegations against him are pretty wild, but this isn't something new. P Diddy had a lawsuit against him by his former girlfriend Cassie for very, very similar things, almost exactly the same things that he's talking about here.

    And so no, nothing really new coming out, but it is some, some, there is some new information here. That's definitely more alarming. And Epstein's name is mentioned like four times in P Diddy's legal documents. So let, let's start it like this. P Diddy has a lawsuit against him. For being the Epstein of the music industry.

    Essentially setting up and wiring his whole home. His entire house, every single room with cameras so that he could spy on politicians, musicians, celebrities that come to all of his crazy house parties that he would recruit sex workers and underage minors to drug them and then have them go do whatever they're going to do in these bedrooms and record it.

    So he has blackmail on everybody in the house. The industry, all the celebrities, all the politicians, everybody who came through, everybody who he drugged essentially, and then would hire these prostitutes to come into these parties and go off with these celebrities, go off with these politicians into these rooms that were wired with cameras so that he could then have blackmail.

    And this is corroborated. There's proof of this and evidence of this in the hearing and in the legal documentation that I'm about to show you. And so we can take a look at that. And start to walk through it together because it's, it's unbelievable. Some of the stuff that's in here and we'll start it from the beginning.

    All right. There's, there's video evidence, there's photos, there's screenshots that show that he used blackmail and, and video recorded everybody in his house doing these sex acts and would manipulate maybe manipulate. It's not the right word, but would coerce. These music artists and celebrities into, doing like gay acts for power and like all of this stuff.

    So let me go ahead and pull it up for you here. And we'll look at these documents together. Here we go. Let's see if I can get this into a full view for you. Full screen mode. Maybe not. Alright. Read mode. Maybe not.

    Alright. So anyways, let's start at the very beginning of this. The allegations against P. Diddy are, are, are wild. But if you know about P. Diddy's history, again, it's, it's not that staggering. Because it, it all seems very, very believable. Because there's some of these things that have been allegations against him before.

    Alright, so starting at the very beginning. This is Sean P. Diddy Combs V. Rodney Jones. Okay. The other people listed, this is case number 24, 1457. And I will include these documents in the show notes for you. It's 73 pages long. I'll include my highlights. You can check it all out there. Okay. So here we go.

    says trigger warning. Yeah, for sure. There's some pretty crazy stuff in here that will definitely be triggering to, to some people if you've dealt with things like this before. So you've been warned.

    All right, so here it is Rodney Jones verse Sean Combs, otherwise known as P Diddy. All right, and I'll walk you through all of this. with me here on the documentation. If you want this documentation, it's 73 page legal documents that I had to pay to get, but I'll, I'll upload my version of it with all of my highlights in the show notes for you.

    So you can go check it out as well. Alright, so, we'll skip through some of this. This shows the defendant is Justin Dior Combs, is the son of Mr. Combs, and Ms. J. Combs was born on December 1993. Okay, anyways defendant Sean Combs is a rapper, right? We know that. P. Diddy, Puffy, Puff Daddy, Puffy, Diddy, Brother Love.

    Anyways, we know who we're talking about here. Okay. Now the other people listed in here is the former CEO of defend of defendant Motown Records, and his name is defendant Ethiopia. Hab to Miriam is the former CEO and this is talking about Lucy and Charles Grange, who is a CEO of defendant of Universal Music Group is listed in this as helping cover up aid in the bad, the sex trafficking acts.

    The next person is the Ethiopian Hab to Miriam. which is the chief of staff who would basically supply him with drugs, all of that stuff. Then his chief of staff, all these people are listed within here, universal records, love records, so on and so forth. Okay. So here's the summary. It says from September 2022 to November 2023, Mr.

    Jones produced nine songs on Mr. Combs love album. Mr. Jones lived with Mr. Combs for months at a time, spending holidays, birthdays, and missing major family events. Mr. Jones resided at Mr. Combs residence located in Los Angeles, California, New York, and Miami, Florida. Mr. Jones also spent several weeks on the yacht rented by Mr.

    Combs in the U S of Virgin islands throughout his time. As we mentioned those islands, huh? Interesting. Throughout his time, Mr. Combs, Mr. Jones Mr. Jones witnessed, experienced, and endured many things that went far beyond his role as a producer of the Love Album. The claims raised in this complaint have been corroborated through witness statements, video, audio recordings, and images that Mr.

    Jones has in his possession. Mr. Combs required Mr. Jones to record him constantly. On several occasions, Mr. Combs took Mr. Jones's cell phone and began recording himself. As a result, Mr. Jones has secured hundreds of hours of footage and audio recordings of Mr. Combs, his staff, and his guests engaging in serious illegal activities.

    Mr. Jones secured irrefutable evidence of the acquisition, use, and distribution of drugs, ecstasy, cocaine, GHB, ketamine, marijuana, and mushrooms, displaying and distribution of unregistered firearms. Mr. Combs provided laced alcoholic beverages to minors and sex workers at his homes in California, New York, and the U.

    S. Virgin Islands and Florida. Mr. Combs chief of staff, Christina Corriman, instructing her staff to retrieve drugs so she can provide it to Mr. Combs. Christian Combs drugging and sexually assaulting a woman, Mr. Combs detailing how he planned to leverage his relationship with Bishop T. D. Jakes to soften the impact on his public image of Cassie Ventura's lawsuit, Young Miami's cousin or assistant sexually assaulting Mr.

    Jones, actor Cuba Gooding Jr., a sexually harassing and assaulting Mr. Jones is listed in the P. Diddy case. Rapper Redacted I'm Mr. Combs yacht consorting with underage girls, sex workers and r and b singer, redacted in Mr. Combs Los Angeles home consorting with underage girls and sex workers, chalice rec recording studio shootings.

    So this talks about a situation essentially, where in 2022 p Diddy was at a writers and producers camp, and it was his son and Justin's friend. named G. Mr. G is a 30 year old 30 year old tall African American male. In addition, there was other musicians present at the camp. The writer had spoken to several musicians who attended the camp.

    Mr. Jones was approximately two feet away. It says one evening during the camp, Mr. Jones, Jay Combs, his son and G were in a heated conversation. That conversation was moved out of the studio and into a restroom adjacent to where Mr. Jones was sitting. Mr. Jones was approximately two feet away from the bathroom when gunshots rang out.

    Mr. Jones recalls hearing multiple gunshots. Mr. Jones immediately went into a state of shock and feared that he would be shot next. Mr. Jones genuinely believed that he would be shot through the door due to how close he was. After the shooting ended, the crowd gathered around the restroom. When the door finally opened, Mr.

    Combs and Jay Combs exited. Jay was lying on the restroom floor in a fetal position, holding his stomach and bleeding out of his hip and leg area. Everyone stood around, looking up. At G, Mercer stood around looking upon G. Frustrated by the lack of aid, Mr. Jones dropped everything and began to place pressure on his gunshot wound.

    As he was applying pressure to his stomach, Mr. Jones realized that G was gushing blood from an area near his hip and leg, and he decided to lift him up and place him on the toilet. He also forced Mr. Jones, so it says that Mr. Jones lifted him and brought the ambulance to the front of the studio. At the time, Mr.

    Combs and Justin disappeared to another part of the studio. Mr. Combs gave strict instructions to inform the police that he had done not, had nothing to do with the shooting. He also forced Mr. Jones to lie to the police by telling them that Gee was shot standing outside the studio by a drive by assailant.

    Now from this, and they actually post all of the articles, that the all of the witnesses who spoke with the, with this writer anonymously due to fear of retaliation from Mr. Combs. They agreed to speak publicly when subpoenaed. Hmm. Mr. Jones says he has clothing that actually show it. They show the photos of the shooting and where it was taking place saying that he was not shot outside that it was not a drive by and it was done by P Diddy or his son.

    Then it goes on to talk about how he was sexually harassed and assaulted by P. Diddy. Said that they took a place in LA, New York, Florida, and in the Virgin Islands. That he was around him while he was naked, that he would be groped by him in his, groin and butt area. He attempted to groom Mr.

    Jones into engaging in gay sex. So what it says next, it says throughout the 1990s he basically said that he looked up to Stevie J, was the guy who is named in the lawsuit, the Mr. Jones and as a result of finding out, P. Diddy basically said that he went as far as to share a video of Stevie J penetrating a Caucasian male without a condom.

    This was done to ease Mr. Jones anxiety concerning homosexuality. According to Mr. Combs, this is a normal practice in the music industry. Look, even Stevie J is doing it, P Diddy said, to Lil Rod about having gay sex. This is a normal practice in the music industry, he says. Now this is something we've heard whispers of in a while, right?

    And even in this situation, there's a listing of names that were redacted, essentially that say that, you know, people are speculating that P Diddy had sex with Meek Mill and Usher. That he has on camera as well. And then Meek Mill went on this like weird tirade on Twitter as well saying that he, you know, I'm not gay.

    I love vagina. Like this whole weird thing.  

    So this is where it starts to get interesting and insert where some of the sex trafficking situations come up, the underage minors, all of that stuff that we talked about. So essentially what would happen is he would recruit this guy to go and have conversations with sex workers and have them, you know, he basically had a, a, a sign.

    So even when he was in the, booby trap on the river, wherever the hell that is, he would, he would tell him to go to this. Strip club and where his bad boys baseball hat and that would be a signal to the prostitutes that he's trying to recruit them essentially to go to his parties. Now what they would do at these parties is interesting and that's where the sex trafficking comes into play here.

    So essentially what they would do is they would go recruit these minors. They would go recruit these prostitutes to come over to his parties, his house parties and his, what do they call them? Freak parties, which was essentially like a big Gangbang orgy and then he would drug the politicians, drug the artists, the musicians, the the celebrities that would come over to his house, and he would have cameras wired everywhere.

    So if we skip ahead a little bit, these pictures are two women that he allegedly was coerced and forced into having sex with. And if you look at these photos, maybe it wasn't as forced as he's saying here. But as we kind of scroll through here, it gets a little bit darker when you find out that he was essentially.

    Saying that he would, he promised him ownership of his 20 million property. This is basically if he just went along with being groomed and, and got, you know peddled into this, this world of, of celebrities and utilized as his own kind of sex slave in this weird scheme. As we find out later with a name like Cuba Gooding Jr.

    coming up. As we find out, he almost got trafficked too. But he basically was promised all these, all these, all these things. Amazing things would happen if you just go along with this, this scheme. Right, go find the prostitutes, go coerce these underage girls to come over and party with us. And then we're gonna get all these celebrities to come over and then we're gonna drug the celebrities.

    They're gonna hook up with these prostitutes and these underage minors. They're gonna go to the rooms that I have wired with cameras. As we'll find out on page 33 of this, and then we have blackmail on everybody and everybody, anybody that we would want, and that gives us power, right? Blackmail is power, right?

    So it says he promised him ownership of his 20 million property. He promised him access to record label executives. And then he would often switch up his approach, and this is where it gets crazy. He would go from promising him the world to threatening him with physical harm. Mr. Combs threatened to eat his face and said, I'm willing to kill my own mother.

    What would stop me from killing you? Literally says that verbatim in this legal documentation, Mr. Combs threatened to eat Mr. Jones's face and informed Mr. Jones that he's willing to kill his own mom, Janice Combs, if he must, in order to get what he wants, so he wouldn't think twice to harm Mr. Jones. So let me get this straight.

    P Diddy threatened, in a legal document, as we see here, listed, under oath, P Diddy threatened to eat this guy's face. Literally. And said he would kill his own mom. So what would stop me from killing you? That's a crazy thing to say. Absolutely wild, crazy. Crazy thing to say. Wild. Now it goes on to say that in addition to so, I don't even want to glance over that cause that's just like the most wild and crazy thing you could ever say to somebody is that you would eat their face.

    That's a whole other rabbit hole, but we're not going to go down that one. It says in addition to sex workers, there was that, so it talks about, this is the next column, which talks about the drugs and illicit acts with minors and sex workers. So it says this was on July 2nd of 2023, so only like seven months ago.

    Mr. Combs had a listening party at his home. He said that present at the party was an R& B artist, Jay Combs, sex workers, and underage girls. Mr. Combs requested female sex workers and required Mr. Jones to solicit them. An hour later, several sex workers appeared. In addition to sex workers, there were these five women in the crowd that were under the age of 16.

    And then they have photo evidence of him. After being forced to drink a De Leon shots, Mr. Jones began feeling lightheaded. And recalls passing out and waking up at 4 a. m. the following morning naked with a sex worker sleeping next to him Screenshots of a video from that night are embedded below and here are the screenshots wild Okay Now it said mr.

    Jones believes that mr. Combs was grooming him to pass him off to his friends This fear became a reality when p diddy introduced mr. Jones to cuba gooding jr While they were on Mr. Combs yacht, and there's photos of this in the legal documentation of him grooming and peddling him off to Cuba Gooding Jr.

    You know, the fucking Nickelodeon star, the one from all the kids movies, the Iditarod guy, like, It says, During the introduction, Mr. Combs suggested that Cuba get to know Mr. Jones better. He then left him alone in the makeshift studio on the yacht. In evidenced by the video, of which screenshots are embedded below, Cuba Gooding Jr.

    began touching, groping, and fondling Mr. Jones legs, his upper inner thighs near his groin, and small of his back near his buttocks and his shoulders. Mr. Jones was extremely uncomfortable and proceeded to lean away from Cuba Gooding Jr. He rejected his advances and Mr. Gooding Jr. did not stop until Mr.

    Jones forcibly pushed him away.

    It says that throughout his time with Mr. Combs, That he was Mr. Jones was under an implied work for hire agreement. Talks about all of the, you know, money he wasn't paid, essentially. But there was a portion in there that talks about how this is just what you do in the music industry. Everybody's gay, right?

    He had sex with Meek Mill and Usher, allegedly. Like, everybody does it. It's just what we do, right? It's not gay. It's It's Hollywood, right? Like, I think that's gay. And so it goes on to talk about how Mr. Combs, we talked about eating his face crazy. But let's keep moving along here. It goes on to say that, there was another situation of a shooting that occurred a little bit before this, where, when he was dating JLo, where JLo essentially carried a gun into a club for him, passed him the gun after he got into an altercation with somebody, there is a shooting.

    Where P. Diddy was arrested, so was J. Lo, after a New York shooting. And this was in, what, 1999. And then, he made it clear that he had immense power in the music industry and with law enforcement. He said Mr. Combs made it clear that his head of security, Fahim Mohammed, had the power to make people and problems disappear.

    Now, this is where it gets really interesting, is once you find out about Fahim Muhammad. Fahim Muhammad is his bodyguard. Now, this bodyguard was the one that he said to all of his staff that if you ever get pulled over in L. A. or Miami, you need to just call my bodyguard, and he's got you. He'll get you off no matter what's going on.

    This is also the guy that allegedly cleaned up after him after the shootings, after all of his, like, crazy and wild situations, escapades, And this is where it gets weird. So as you realize that. P Diddy was only 24 when he founded Bad Boy Records, one of the most famous and successful record labels of all time, right?

    They brought on B. I. G., Notorious B. I. G. and Biggie. They brought, they like had the big, huge feud with Tupac, and we all know how that ended. And a lot of people think that it might've been P Diddy that did that, or at least called the shots to have that done. But at 24, you don't know shit about business.

    How are you going to create the largest record label, especially while you're doing all this shit on the side, partying like crazy? But essentially what it was, is that he had a weird relationship with this music executive, who essentially groomed him and helped him to create this, record label. Now the guy that groomed him into creating this record label that was fond of P.

    Diddy at just the age of 24 to help him create the world's one of the world's most successful rap labels ever also seemed to have some interesting ties to three letter government agencies. Now that starts to become weird when you find out that all of the rooms were rigged with video cameras and that he was Potentially dealing in a honeypot scheme to get blackmail on celebrities on music artists, right?

    On politicians that he had over to these house parties that he just so frivolously threw in his face just to try to get him to have sex with him, right? Now, Fahim Mohammed is Fahim Mohammed has his own interesting ties to law enforcement and three other agencies. Fahim Mohammed has no real background in security, right?

    There's no reason that he should have this job. But what he does have is an interesting tie to the Wharton school of business that he spoke at several times in the Wharton school of business, much like Yale has some very serious history in as being a recruitment area for the CIA. So when you look at You know, Ghislaine Maxwell's tied ties with the Mossad.

    You look at P. Diddy's ties with potentially these high level record executives in this bodyguard who has ties with the CIA. It all starts to become a little bit clearer as we move from page 27 to page 33. We'll see if there's anything between now and then, but it is most interesting once you start to learn.

    Oh, and here right in the P. Diddy. Paperwork right in the lawsuit paperwork against P Diddy. There is a side by side comparison photo of P Diddy and his girlfriend slash, you know, handler, Christina Karam and Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, right? Jeffrey Epstein being, you know, handled by Ghislaine Maxwell associated with the Mossad and P Diddy sitting here in this picture with Christina Karam.

    Now, Christina. In this, actually, Christina was basically responsible for making sure that every one of his employees from the butlers to the chef, the housekeepers all walked around with a pouch or a fanny pack filled with drugs, cocaine, GHB, ecstasy, marijuana, gummies, Tucci, which is a combination of ecstasy and cocaine.

    It said that, here's the, here's the comparison. It says, according to Mr. Jones, during the 13 months he lived and traveled with Mr. Combs, he witnessed Mr. Combs display and distribute guns from his bedroom closet in Miami, Florida, Los Angeles, California, the questionable individuals dressed in all black.

    Hmm, that's interesting. And the title of this situation that says defendant Christina Karam is the Ghislaine Maxwell to Sean Combs Jeffrey Epstein, which is a interesting, like subtle hint at the association of circumstances, right? The Epstein style situation, the recordings, the blackmail scheme, all of it.

    Very, very interesting that there's that side by side comparison. There's a point in this that they actually call it out a second time talking about how it could be even worse than what Jeffrey Epstein was doing. According to these legal documents, it says while living and traveling with Mr. Combs, Mr.

    Jones discovered that P. Diddy had hidden cameras in every room of his homes. Every room of every home P. Diddy owned was rigged with video cameras. It says that P Diddy possesses compromising footage of every person that has attended his freak off parties and his house parties. Upon information and belief due to this treasure trove of evidence that he has in his possession, P Diddy believes that he is above the law and is untouchable because of the amount of blackmail that this man has.

    It says that Jose Cruz is his IT director and is the gatekeeper to all of his recordings. It says that he stays out of the camera and from social media and the internet due to all of the incriminating acts he is required to record for P. Diddy. Wow. Now, As we move into the latter of the situation, You can start to put this together a little bit.

    So P Diddy would have these huge, massive house parties and freak off parties where he would invite celebrities, politicians, music artists, all of those people to his home. He would then drug them and bring in prostitutes and underage individuals, minors to his home to then go off with these celebrities, with these politicians, with these musicians.

    And then he would have blackmail on all of them. Meanwhile, with his. Super weird and nefarious associations with individuals who seem to have ties with three letter agencies. Doesn't seem like he's doing all of this just for his own right. Even if so, you could probably very easily have a, a trove of blackmail information, which is what literally it says here.

    And sell it off to the highest bidder when needed, right? Crazy, crazy situation here. It said that she, let's see, I want to find the situation here where it talks about how it compares the again, one more time to Jeffrey Epstein. Because in the legal documentation here, it says that what Jeffrey Epstein P Diddy is doing is even worse, even worse than what Jeffrey Epstein was doing.

    And I don't know how that is even potentially possible, but that's what it's saying here. So let's see if I can find that highlighted portion. And then we'll close it out pretty close to there. Let's see. Maybe I can control F this

    Epstein. Let's look for that. Okay, so page 57. Hmm. Okay. Well, guess not. So, but I do know that it's in here somewhere. I'm not going to sift through these 73 pages for you. But I do have it highlighted in this documentation that shows that the legal representation for this man who's suing is P Diddy says that what P Diddy is doing with underage minors and his sex trafficking is worse than what Jeffrey Epstein is doing.

    Here's your quick synopsis. P Diddy was running a sex trafficking honeypot scheme for celebrities, politicians, and music artists. He shot multiple people, one of them in the face in 1999 after being given a gun by J Lo, another one recently in 2023, just like seven months ago in his studio, got off all, all times.

    Every single time he got off. Well, why? Why? Well, it seems like he got off because he has blackmail on all these politicians, on judges, on law enforcement agents, on, you know, all of these individuals, all of these celebrities, all of these politicians. He has blackmail on everybody in L. A. He runs L. A. with all this blackmail.

    He is the, P. Diddy is the Epstein of Hollywood. Right. Epstein would do it with scientists and politicians and high level elites and all of those people with big money, right? He's the big money player. P Diddy is doing it to all the rappers, all of the musicians, all the artists. He has all these ties with the same people that Justin Bieber was caught up with, and you've seen them, what, what Justin Bieber's talked about in the past, like all of that, not only that, but he said he was going to eat this dude's face.

    And then he tried to traffic him to Cuba Gooding Jr. What the fuck kind of world do we live in? Like, this is the deep dark shit that we're talking about, and this didn't even get into the serious details of the sex trafficking of minors. Right, but this is absolutely a honeypot scheme to create blackmail against famous celebrities, politicians, and music artists in LA, in Miami, and on some weird island in the Virgin Islands, like Epstein 2.

    0, only worse, according to the legitimate legal document that states just that. Crazy, crazy situation. And with that. That's all I got. Thank you guys for listening. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. I will keep you updated on all of these wild situations. Head down to the show notes right now.

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    And I hope you have a wonderful day.

    Adams Archive.

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    Full Transcription

     Adam's Archive. Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the 100th episode of the Adams archive. I appreciate you for being here so much. And I'm so thankful that I get to do this here for you guys. So again, thank you for being here. I'm so excited about what's to come for the Adams archive. I'm Happy with what it's been so far, but we have much more work to do.

    So happy 100th episode to all of you, all of the listeners, all of the audience, all of those who have supported any of my shows, appreciated any of the topics that I've discussed, whatever it is you rock. You're awesome. Thank you for being a part of this. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

    Let's go.

    And I think that's the first time that I've ever used a soundboard. So if you're new here, just know that you'll probably never hear that again. But thank you so much for being here. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. And I love doing this for you guys. So let's go ahead and jump into it. On today's episode, we're going to be discussing some pretty wild topics.

    So the one being that Tucker Carl is actually going to be releasing an interview with Vladimir Putin, which if you know my stance on this stuff, I think that's incredible. That's called journalism. Who'd have thought there was still some real journalists around, but as a result of this, he's gotten tons and tons of negative, feedback, both from the UK, potentially sanctioning him from being put on an NGO list, which some people are calling a kill list in Ukraine, uh, some pretty wild stuff.

    So we will discuss all of that along with listening to the video by Tucker discussing the interview that he's going to be releasing. Then we're going to segue into another topic, which is the fact that Bill A bill in Hawaii could actually be the next state to boot Trump from the ballot, and we will discuss that.

    After that, we're going to move into the situation that is actually going down with Prince Charles. Now King Charles, in his short reign, and he has been diagnosed with a life threatening disease. So we'll look back at some of the things that have occurred, and then we'll also talk about what would happen if King Charles himself, Mr.

    Sausage Fingers, if you recall those photos that came out, were to pass away. So we'll look at that. Following that, that will move us into a discussion that will be our main topic for today, that we will be doing a deep dive on, which is the Oxford, Michigan shooter's mom has received a jury verdict for her alleged part defense.

    In the murder of the four children that her son committed. And now you must be saying, like, did she kill them? What, what, what happened here that you would be doing a deep dive on this? And what I would say to you, when you ask that question, is that This is setting the wildest legal precedence that I have seen in my time of life and we'll jump into that.

    What happened during the shooting, what his mom's part allegedly was in this for her to deserve a potential sentencing of 60 years. So stick around the longer you're here, the deeper we get. All right. So if you're new here, thank you so much. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. Go ahead and hit that subscribe button.

    If you are not new here, and even if you are new here for our hundredth episode, I just ask you, I know right now, how many reviews are in the Apple podcast and Spotify area. And it would take five seconds out of your day if you could just go there right now and leave a five star review. You don't even have to write anything.

    I'm not gonna do that to ya. But if you want to, it would be pretty cool. Pretty cool. If you wanna get a little bit of good karma in your heart. It's one of the easiest things you can do throughout your day today. That's going to impact somebody that you know, and love positively. And all you have to do is go into Apple podcasts or Spotify, leave a five star review.

    You can write something nice. If you like, tell me your favorite episode out of the first 100 episodes that we've done, but we have many more to come. So hit that subscribe button, leave a five star review and let's jump into it.

    The Adams archive.

    Alright, so the very first topic that we're going to discuss today is Tucker Carlson interviewed Vladimir Putin and the world is erupting in either positive or negative feedback for Tucker Carlson and some are going as far as entire nations trying to step up to the plate of stifling free speech and making sure that something like this, freedom of speech, never happens again.

    Pretty wild stuff. So, here is the video. Let's go ahead and watch that first of Tucker Carlson preempting his interview. He got all of this backlash, and so he felt it was needed to come out and have a discussion about it. We're in Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin. Now I would say, in today's world, in the, the coal mine that is American journalism, the only canary, the only voice of reason, the only light within the tunnel.

    It's Tucker Carlson. I cannot think of another mainstream, high, uh, high, uh, I don't know what the word is, high visibility journalist would even compare to Tucker Carlson. He is the man, the man for a reason, they kicked him out for a reason. Because he was just not playing by the playbook of the, the Murdochs and the, the rich elite of the world that owned the companies that he had to play on.

    But guess what? Tucker Carlson realized something. Bitch, this is 2024. I don't need to be on cable news. In fact, it would be much better for my career and my pocketbook. If I wasn't. So he moved to Axe, releases every one of his podcasts and interviews on Axe. He'll be doing the same with this one. He'll also be releasing it, I believe, on Rumble.

    And Rumble has been one of the only platforms that said, We will not stifle this at all. So has Elon Musk. So thank God for those two platforms, because they're one of the only places left for freedom of speech. So let's, let's, let's hear it from his mouth. And let's discuss it after that. Here we go.

    Warren in Moscow Tonight. We're here to interview the president of Russia. Vladimir Putin will be doing that soon. There are risks to conducting an interview like this, obviously, so we've thought about it carefully over many months. Here's why we're doing it. First, because it's our job. We're in journalism.

    Our duty is to inform people. Two years into a war that's reshaping the entire world, most Americans are not informed. They have no real idea what's happening in this region, here in Russia or 600 miles away in Ukraine. But they should know. They're paying for much of it, in ways they might not fully yet perceive.

    The war in Ukraine is a human disaster. It's left hundreds of thousands of people dead, an entire generation of young Ukrainians. And it's depopulated the largest country in Europe. But the long term effects are even more profound. This war has utterly reshaped the global military and trade alliances.

    And the sanctions that followed have as well. And in total, they have upended the world economy. The post World War II economic order, the system that guaranteed prosperity in the West for more than 80 years, is coming apart very fast, and along with it the dominance of the U. S. dollar. These are not small changes, they are history altering developments.

    They will define the lives of our grandchildren. Most of the world understands this perfectly well, they can see it. Ask anyone in Asia or the Middle East what the future looks like. And yet the populations of the English speaking countries seem mostly unaware. They think that as nothing has really changed.

    And they think that because no one has told them the truth. Their media outlets are corrupt. They lie to their readers and viewers. And they do that mostly by omission. For example, since the day the war in Ukraine began, American media outlets have spoken to scores of people from Ukraine, and they have done scores of interviews with Ukrainian President Zelensky.

    We ourselves have put in a request for an interview with Zelensky, and we hope he accepts. But the interviews he's already done in the United States are not traditional interviews. They are fawning pep sessions specifically designed to amplify Zelensky's demand that the U. S. enter more deeply into a war in Eastern Europe and pay for it.

    That is not journalism. It is government propaganda, propaganda of the ugliest kind, the kind that kills people. At the same time our politicians and media outlets have been doing this, promoting a foreign leader like he's a new consumer brand, not a single Western journalist has bothered to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict, Vladimir Putin.

    Most Americans have no idea why Putin invaded Ukraine, or what his goals are now. They've never heard his voice. That's wrong. Americans have a right to know all they can about a war they're implicated in. And we have the right to tell them about it because we are Americans too. Freedom of speech is our birthright.

    We were born with the right to say what we believe. That right cannot be taken away no matter who is in the White House. But they're trying anyway. Almost three years ago, the Biden administration illegally spied on our text messages and then leaked the contents to their servants in the news media. They did this in order to stop a Putin interview that we were planning.

    Last month, we're pretty certain they did exactly the same thing once again. But this time, we came to Moscow anyway. We are not here because we love Vladimir Putin. We are here because we love the United States, and we want it to remain prosperous and free. We paid for this trip ourselves. We took no money from any government or group, nor are we charging people to see the interview.

    It is not behind a paywall. Anyone can watch the entire thing, shot live to tape and unedited, on our website, tuckercarlson. com. Elon Musk, to his great credit, has promised not to suppress or block this interview. once we post it on his platform, X, and we're grateful for that. Western governments, by contrast, will certainly do their best to censor this video on other, less principled platforms because that's what they do.

    They are afraid of information they can't control. But you have no reason to be afraid of it. We are not encouraging you to agree with what Putin may say in this interview, but we are urging you to watch it. You should know as much as you can. And then, like a free citizen and not a slave, You can decide for yourself.


    So quite a bit to unpack there. The first one being that he said that Americans don't seem to understand the implications of what is going on within this war. And I actually agree with him on this. And I say actually, because why wouldn't I? But I agree with him on this completely. The Americans don't understand the implications of this war.

    Americans don't just think that we're like sending phony money over to Ukraine that has no effect on us. But there's a lot more difficulties that will arise from this in the future. One being that The brick has come out of this. The brick has become much stronger than that. Not a brick, like what you create your house out of.

    Uh, but a brick is in the allegiance or the alliance between the world's superpowers that we are not a part of that being India, China. Russia, all of those countries that have tremendous influence, much of it economically in the world. And up until this point, the U. S. dollar has always been the standard of trade.

    And there has been many alliances that have come out of this war that have shifted that. And when you see the three biggest superpowers behind the United States, Russia, China, And India all moving closer and closer together and starting to push us out of that conversation in the US dollar for you to think that that's not going to affect you is naive at best.

    And so that's what he's discussing there. And I think he's right in saying that the US citizens don't really understand the implications of this because it's going to be not just the next coming years, not the next 234 years. This is the. Potential downfall of the um, not just the U. S. dollar, but the U. S.

    in general from power. And that's a huge issue, obviously, for everybody. Our economic standings, our political standings, our military standings, all of it. Like, if you think about who are the U. S. 's biggest allies. Well, you have the UK, you have, I mean, like there's there's very few countries that you can point to that are the of the scale and power of just those three countries in and of themselves, right?

    There's, there's countries Very few. I can't even think of another one that would, that every one of them that we're in an alliance with almost pales in comparison to those three countries. And so, that's a huge piece of this. The next piece of it saying that everybody has flocked. The post war war.

    Flocked. to interview Zelensky. Everybody has, has gotten on their knees right in front of the man and let him just preach and preach and preach to the American people, propping him up as if he's not a five foot six comedian who wears leather pants and dances in front of everybody. And so they've, they've propped him up.

    They've tried to make him seem like this bigger than life figure. And all that man has done is gotten on his knees and begged, pleaded. Cried to the American people for more and more of your money. Why? Why? Well, we all are starting to put the two pieces together with Ukraine's, one of the most corrupt places in the world.

    Crane's one of the, the places where a lot of the, uh, bio labs that nobody wanted to admit were real are conducting horrendous types of experiments. On behalf of the, and commissioned by the United States of America, the Ukraine is where Hunter Biden and his father, the big guy, funneled millions of dollars into their family's portfolios.

    So, there's a lot more going on here, and there's a lot more reasons that we have interest in Ukraine, and not we as in the American people, but we as in the political elite class within America. It generally comes down to, who'd have thought, money. It's not that they're trying to protect democracy.

    Ukraine isn't, isn't even a democracy. The very first opportunity that Zelensky had, Zelensky was trying to Stifle his opponents, trying to get rid of them, trying to imprison them, trying to stop them from being able to compete against him during this time of war. That's not a democracy. That's authoritarianism.

    It's obvious. So all these news medias have flocked to try and interview this man, flocked to try and take government money to go over there, have these conversations with Zelensky so he can plead and beg for more and more of your money. Not like we have a choice in the matter. Anyways. But another great point by him.

    And so as we move more and more into this, he talks about how the government actually surveilled and put out news articles, say, like, going after Tucker Carlson for even having the audacity to interview Vladimir Putin. Not even for doing it, but for even Thinking about having a conversation with him and he's right in saying that there hasn't been any conversations at all with Vladimir Putin.

    I have been reporting on Vladimir Putin and what's happening in Russia by going to the Russia Kremlin website and pulling the transcripts. From Vladimir Putin's speeches that he's given on the U. S., and I hope you've heard those, and if you haven't, go back and, you know, just look through the podcast archives of, uh, look for World War III, you'll see a few of them, where I've actually read the transcripts from Vladimir Putin calling out the West for eroding the nuclear family, calling out the West for not even knowing what a man and a woman is, calling, just completely embarrassing us, rightfully, and that's it.

    Saying that you know giving the exact breakdown of the reason that he's he's doing the things that he's doing which Again, I like that Tucker Carlson said I'm not trying to convince you to agree with him I just want you to hear his opinion because that's what journalism is Journalism shouldn't be skewed one way or the other journalism should expose corruption within governmental institutions and corporations Journalism should offer you the the facts and the data and offer you and afford you the opportunity to be able to hear out Both sides and that's what he did here He tried to interview Zelensky and he tried and it did successfully interview Putin and so very very happy to see that this is happening and as a result of this as Expected, you know, he said with the very beginning of this is it's quite the dangerous quite a dangerous endeavor To be able to do so and I can't imagine the amount of threats that Tucker Carlson got as a result of this from very powerful Individuals and people

    So, from this, there has been a ton of backlash from several different places. The first one being that the European Union has said that they are seeking sanctions and a travel ban against Tucker Carlson for his interview with Putin. Now, this comes from Brian Krasenstein on Twitter, and it says, I've never thought I would be defending Tucker Carlson as much.

    So much within a period of a couple days, but once again, if you support freedom, then you support Tucker's right to interview Putin, just like many others have in the past, right? When you, when you go back, you see that there's been handfuls of, of journalists who have gone over and interviewed Vladimir Putin, but it's only now that you, there's an unspeakable, uh, unspoken rule that you can't go interview the subject of one of the largest military conflicts that have happened in the last, Sixty years.

    So. If, if the, all of the people around you, don't, don't, don't talk to him, don't talk to him, you better not talk to him, if you speak to him, we're gonna have a huge problem, right, it's gonna make you start to question, well, why, why, what is your vested interest in me not speaking to this person, right, if you understand, like, when you think of, uh, abusive spouses, When you think of abusive parents or abusive friends, people who have psychopathic and sociopathic tendencies, the thing that they like to do is they like to isolate you.

    They like to put you into a bubble that they can then create the environment around, they can create the reality that you live within. And they want to isolate you away from people who pop that bubble. They want to keep you away from people who would, who would question your reality in a way that would prompt you to do the same.

    And, and, that's exactly what we're seeing here. The, the authoritarian government, that is the United States government, as well as the European Union, are trying to, they don't even want you to have a conversation with Vladimir Putin. They don't even want you to hear his side of things because What if it's reasonable?

    What if what he's, the reason that he's going into this war actually has some merit to it? What if his criticisms of the West, what if his criticisms of the United States actually have value to them? What if we agree with a lot of the opinions of Vladimir Putin? Well, they don't want you to know. They have, they want you to stay in, in your little corner of silence and never hear from the man himself.

    And again, I'm not saying that that's what it is, in that you're going to agree with everything Vladimir Putin says. I think if you go back and listen to some of the interviews and transcripts that I've read of Vladimir Putin, that a lot of the things that he's said is very reasonable. A lot of the criticisms that he has of the West are very reasonable.

    And I think that's what they're afraid of here. Otherwise, why would a U. S. ally go to the lengths of saying that the single most visible and successful journalist within the United States probably ever Will no longer be able to visit their country. This is what this is. This is pressure. This is mafia style pressure on Tucker to not release the video, to not release the interview.

    They don't want him to release this interview, but again. You have to reverse engineer that and go, okay, why wouldn't they want this interview to be released? Right? Why wouldn't they want their reality to be challenged if they're correct? It's the same thing that we see with the left. They don't want you to have a conversation about these things because they know when their argument is challenged that it very quickly falls apart.

    The, the picture that they've created, the, the character. Caricature that they've created of Vladimir Putin will crumble the second that the largest journalist, the most successful journalist in the world, has a conversation with him. And all they're, they're, they're terrified of that caricature. Crumbling.

    Because then what? What is, what's gonna happen if really, if people start to realize that these things that he is doing or saying are somewhat reasonable? That these criticisms are somewhat reasonable? That's what they're afraid of. Otherwise, why would they be going to these lengths? Right, it says, I'm sure much of what Putin will say will be lies, embellishments, and inaccuracies.

    Well, why do you say that? Well, probably because you've been told to think that. Putin is the one. who should be sanctioned further, not an American who is asking Putin questions. The risks of this interview for Tucker shouldn't be sanctions from U. S. allies, is what this says. And I agree. I believe this guy is even a, uh, Democrat that is posting this, so surprising, but good, good.

    Something we can agree on is the fact that free speech shall not be stifled. It is an American right. It is a God given right. It is a A right to humanity as a whole to be able to speak the words that they wish to speak without it being stopped by another human. And this leads us to the next part of this.

    An absolute hit piece from CNN, where the anchor almost goes into tears talking about Tucker Carlson and his interview with Vladimir Putin. Here we go. We interview the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Tucker Carlson is lying from the streets of Russia, no less. Not a single Western journalist has bothered to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict, Vladimir Putin.

    That's a lie. Serious news outlets, including CNN, have requested Putin to interview over and over again. Most Americans have no idea why Putin invaded Ukraine, or what his goals are now. They've never heard his voice. Another lie. Serious news outlets, including CNN, have covered and, of course, reported on Putin's words since this war began, including one of his baseless justifications for the invasion of Ukraine, which he initially claimed was to stop the Nazis.

    First, because it's our job. We're in journalism. Tucker Carlson is not a journalist. Not even close. And his former employer, in a court case, actually agreed. Quote, The general tenor of the show should then inform a viewer that Carlson is not stating actual facts about the topics he discusses, and is instead engaging in exaggeration and non literal commentary.

    Two years into a war that's reshaping the entire world, most Americans are not informed. They have no real idea what's happening in this region, here in Russia or 600 miles away in Ukraine. For two years, real journalists have risked their lives to report.

    That lady can barely even speak. I don't know why she's a news anchor, probably because it's the best that CNN could afford at this point with their, I don't know, 100, 000 viewers. I don't know what's more comical in that video. Is that news anchor about to be in tears or the fact that she twice called CNN a serious news organization and then tried to delegitimize Tucker Carlson for what?

    For what? Getting the interview that she allegedly put in for that she didn't get? How funny and then to say that it's it's misinformation or that anything that has to do with the Nazi problem in Ukraine being unfounded. Right? Go, go look at the Azov regime, right? Like, this is absolutely fact that there is Nazis in Ukraine.

    Fact! You can, you cannot argue that any other way. And, and so, it's just so funny. You see hippies after hippies coming out. Then there was, uh, This, which came out as well, which was a article, which says that Tucker Carlson on Ukraine NGO, Miro Travis kill list after his Putin interview, and it says Twitter claims fact checked American journalist, Tucker Carlson has been placed on the Ukrainian NGO, my orchard vets.

    Kill list. Social media has come out in support of Carlson with users calling Ukraine president Vladimir Zelensky a dictator for using a Kiev based doxing website grossly nicknamed Peacemaker against Carlson following his interview with Russia's Vladimir Putin. And it has a screenshot from it there.

    Read Ukrainian or whatever they speak. Um, but it says American journalist, Tucker Carlson has been placed on this kill list. My ultra vets is a Ukrainian Kiev based website that publishes a running list and sometimes personal information of people who are considered by authors of the website to be enemies of Ukraine, or as the website itself States, whose actions have signs of crimes against the national security of Ukraine, peace, human security, and the inter national law.

    Although it has no official status, the website is regularly consulted at checkpoints to integrate government information systems. Social media has come out in support of Carlson with users calling Ukrainian president Zelensky a dictator for using a Kiev based doxing website. On Tuesday, Tucker Carlson, previously of Fox News, hinted at an upcoming interview with, uh, Russian President Putin.

    This interview marks the first time a Western journalist has spoken with Putin since Russia's invasion of Ukraine nearly two years ago. The Kremlin confirmed on Wednesday that the interview indeed occurred. They stated that Carlson's stance was not in favor of Ukraine or Russia, but rather leaned towards being pro Ukraine.

    American. An interview of Carlson's, uh, of Carlson's page on the website quickly went viral on social media, but the claims were sued and fact checked by other people online. It was revealed that his name had been put up on the so called kill list way back in June of 2023, proving that it had nothing to do with his interview with Putin.

    Fair. Carlson is a well known conservative media figure, critical of the West's backing of Ukraine. He has also previously expressed support for Putin. The 54 year old journalist visits, uh, to the Ukraine Capitol has been. Or, I'm sorry, to the Russian capital has been thoroughly covered by local media reporting on his every move.

    There are risks to doing an interview like this, Tucker Carlson said. Carlson mentioned that the commencement of the conflict in Ukraine, Western journalists have conducted numerous interviews with Zelensky, whom he repeatedly called a dictator. However, according to Carlson, these interviews are biased and Zelensky's advocacy for increasing U.

    S. involvement in the conflict. Carlson labeled them as fawning pep sessions and criticized them for being propaganda. Because they are. Interesting. So, it's interesting to note, what they said there is that, Oh, oh, this happened back in June. This has nothing to do with his interview today. But, as Tucker Carlson stated, he was actually trying to interview Putin.

    Right around that time. I forget the time frame that he said in there, but right around that same exact time, he also said that he went to go interview him. But he had all this backlash, so he decided not to. They were, they were bugging his phone. All of this stuff. So, there you have it. That's what's going on with Tucker Carlson.

    Now, according to some reports that I saw, Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin could come out as soon as, well, if you're listening to this on Thursday, February 8th of 2024, today. And I'm recording this the day before that, Wednesday evening, uh, the 7th. And so, if that is the case, You all know I'm gonna listen to it and you better to go listen to it It'll be at X on X or on rumble I'm sure it'll be on Tucker Carlson's website as well And then I'll do a breakdown for you guys because that is a very very interesting interview that will occur Alright, there you have it.

    There's the backlash. There's Tucker Carlson. This moves us into our next situation, which is that Hawaii could be the very next state to boot Trump from the ballot as they continue to try to find legal loopholes to make sure that your vote is not heard. And it says Hawaii bill to ban candidates for insurrection passes first hearing. So again, is Hawaii going to become the second state now to utilize a, a, the 14th amendment, which was passed to stop Confederate leaders who literally started a, a, a war within our country to overthrow the government?

    To be used on somebody who caused a, and I can't even say caused, right? Like the, the, the, there's so many problems with this, but let's, let's go ahead and take a look. It says Hawaii bill to ban candidates for insurrection passes first hearing. It says a bill that could bar former president Donald Trump from appearing in November's Hawaii election ballots received considerable pushback Tuesday from his supporters, some of whom came to the state Capitol dressed in patriotic wear.

    Senate bill 2390. Two, in Hawaii, introduced by State Senator Karl Rhoades, passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which Rhoades chairs, during its initial hearing. It could exclude political candidates who are disqualified by a constitutional or statutory provision. Trump's name does not appear on the bill, but his supporters invoked his name repeatedly during the hearing.

    Yeah, obviously it's aimed at him. What? Alexandria Lum, a native of Hawaii and woman, said, We all know what this bill is about, and it's about one person in particular. Rhodes told the Honolulu Star advertiser. After the hearing, that Trump has been indicted for his activities on January 6th and leading up to it.

    So it's hard to ignore the elephant in the room. Yeah, this, what, are they trying to say that it's not about him? Like, that makes literally no sense. If Joe Biden participates in an insurrection, it would apply to him too, Rhodes said. And nobody participated in an insurrection, you Idiot, there was no insurrection.

    Nobody's been charged for insurrection. Nobody's been indicted for insurrection. Nobody's going to jail for insurrection There's been no single charge that has occurred. That is a insurrection charge in the last four years at all period yet there's trying to pass this this Ridiculous idea that that trump tried to overthrow the government what?

    You know, remember the post that he posted on Twitter that got taken down where he was telling everybody to be peaceful and be nice to the police?

    There was no inciting of an insurrection. There was no insurrection. It was a bunch of old geriatrics walking through the Capitol building, being provoked by law enforcement officials, hidden as as patriotic individuals, telling them exactly where to go and what to do so that they could plan this. All along, this was a ace in the hole for the democratic party.

    This was an ace in the hole for the FBI and the CIA, which should just be obliterated just as Trump and John F. Kennedy have talked about these, these powerful countries within our country that have unchecked power and unknown, ungodly amounts of money. To me, this was all planned. They planted upwards of more than 50, I think somebody said hundreds of federal, of FBI agents within the audience of January 6, so that they could provoke this to happen so that they could do this exact, this was a strategic move for them so that one by one states could try to utilize and leverage this.

    Two 300 year old law that was utilized against Confederate generals who caused a civil war, a legitimate civil war where brothers fought brothers, mothers cared for the wounded of individuals who were two states away while they died in their arms. Like it's, it's the, the 14th amendment was not meant to be utilized in this way.

    And it's literally a legal loophole, just like they're trying to pin the other 91. Uh, indictments against Trump on is whatever in any way, shape or form that they can weaponize the judicial system against Trump and against you and against anybody else who speaks out against the government. They will, as long as it suits their agenda.

    It says in written testimony, this bill not only restricts Donald Trump from the ballot, but also prohibits the electors and elect. Alternates from voting for their candidate. She said that bias and hate for Trump aren't good reasons to change our u. s. Constitution Rhodes told the star advertiser that most people believe the u.

    s. Constitution should be followed including age and residency requirements and other like regulations under the 14th amendment section 3 of the 14th amendment states that a person who has taken an oath to support the u. s. Constitution and becomes involved in insurrection cannot hold government Office.

    I'm confident the opinion expressed by the MAGAGARS is not the majority opinion in Hawaii, Rhodes said. Michael Golda, Judge, testified to the Stonewall Caucus of the Democratic Party in Hawaii in support of SB 2392. It's something that should have been in the books already, he said. You violate the Constitution.

    You do insurrections. You attack our government. You do not get to be on the ballots and run our government. Okay, Abby Simmons, co chair to the Legislative Committee of the Democratic Party of Hawaii, also testified in support. We believe government officials should be held to the highest ethical standards as required by Article 14 of the Hawaii State Constitution.

    Yeah, well maybe if they're, you know, involved in Chinese financial scandals, maybe they shouldn't either. Maybe we should invoke the amendment on that. Oh wait, we won't because we're not as low as this, this craziness. As to try to, to legally weaponize the judicial system against, well, illegally weaponize the judicial system against our political opponents, just like they do in Maoist China, just like they do in, in any other authoritarian state.

    state, North Korea, right? Like this, it is so crazy and so saddening how far our, our government has fallen. Like not only it's, it's like, it's like if you, if you were in a situation where you're, you thought the world of your, your parents and your https: otter. ai Transcripts provided by Transcription Outsourcing, LLC.

    It's like that's what that's what's happened to our government in my eyes is like I was such a patriot I was I was so somebody who was so patriotic and so pro america and so pro You know like freedom of speech and all the the the constitutional amendments and nothing could do you know? Like our forefathers and and the way that they wrote this is incredible And I don't disagree with that today that our Constitution was Written correctly and I don't disagree that we are the greatest nation in the world today I absolutely believe that but I do believe that our government has been hijacked by a bunch of people who want nothing but for our Constitution our government to crumble around us for their own power and money grab This goes on to say the Democratic Party of Hawaii said in the written testimony They believe citizens deserve the right to clean and transparent elections where public servants meet the requirements of the United States and state of Hawaii constitutions Yeah, whatever.

    Alright, um,

    Just trying to see if there's anything of value here. Interesting. This is the only way that they think they can beat them now. Because they already played their election, uh, little BS that they did last year, or last election, with the mail in ballots, with the overnight changes in votes, with the, you know, all the things that happened there.

    And this is their ace in the hole, is they're going to try and get them removed from the ballot. So that he candidate, you can't even vote for the candidate of your choice. Right? And this, this brought this up to me, which shows something from Reddit, which was a, a post that I just recently posted myself, which showed this.

    It says 10 Wars and it has the past five presidents before Donald Trump. And then it goes on to show Donald Trump and it says Zero wars, right? So you have, you have Donald Trump with zero wars, you have the last five presidents with 10 wars, and then you have zero indictments. against the last five presidents and 91 indictments against Donald Trump.

    And you have to ask yourself, why? Why? Because that's what they want. They want more. They want, they want us to be in conflict because that's what makes us money. They don't want peace, and when you threaten their money, they threaten you right back with the entire power of the United States government behind them.

    And that should terrify every single one of you. And that's exactly what's going on in Hawaii, is they are weaponizing the justice system. Just like they did in the first state that did it. Because if they do it to Trump, what stops them from doing it from any other potential candidate in the future?

    Weaponizing the judicial system so that you cannot vote for who you want to vote for. And I believe that our Democracy, our voting procedures, the way that we view voting as a country today, has shattered. Like, I don't believe in our voting system. I will still vote. I will, because based on principle, I don't believe that it should be as, as, Uh, you know, can't say the word, but as, as fixed as it is today, but it is, it's absolutely a, it's a, it's a game that you cannot win through sheer voting.

    It is not a true democracy. A true democracy would take into consideration the votes, and there wouldn't be all of this political lobbying, and there wouldn't be this two party system, and there wouldn't be one candidate for each one of them, and it wouldn't be, it wouldn't be this big money game. If we were to re engineer politics in a way that was truly for the people, it wouldn't have to do with who could gain the most money from the most corporations to gain the most support by the institutions that could then control them later down the road.

    That wouldn't be it. It would be who's the most intelligent, articulate, Caring individual that we see as being powerful in their speech and capable in their actions that we would want to represent us on a world stage. And then we vote. And each vote counted the same. I still don't absolutely believe in the electoral colleges the way it is outlined today.

    But, that to me is a true democracy. We don't have a true democracy. We have, uh, corporatism is the current state of our government today. And that moves us on to our next thing, which is going to be a completely different government type, which doesn't seem to be too far off. You know, the, the, the Royal families in the United States today is the Royal Democratic family and the Royal Republican family.

    And whoever those families fix the show enough so that their son or daughters or brothers or sisters or friends from down the road can get into those political positions and so be it. But the Royal bloodlines in the US is the Democrats and the Republicans. That's what it is. But when we look at Buckingham Palace, it's a little bit different, but not too far off.

    Which brings us to our next segment, and that is the fact that King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer. And if we followed the news since his inauguration, or not his inauguration, his coronation, you would find that there was All sorts of questions surrounding his health at the time. There was a picture that came out that showed his fingers that looked like absolute kibossas in the packaging and, uh, it made you start to question it right away.

    It says King Charles has been diagnosed with a form of cancer, says Buckingham Palace. It's not prostate cancer, but we as was discovered during a recent treatment for an enlarged prostate. The king began regular treatments on Monday and will postpone public duties during it. The palace said the monarch 75 remains wholly positive about his treatments and looks forward to returning to full public duty.

    As soon as possible. No further details have been shared on the stage of cancer or prognosis. Charles informed both his sons personally about his diagnosis, and the Prince of Wales said to be in regular contact with his father. The Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry, who lives in the United States, spoke to his father and will be traveling to the UK to see him in the coming days.

    The King returned to London from Sadringham in Norfolk on Monday morning, and Palace says that he has started treatment as an outpatient. Although he reposes public events, the king will continue his constitutional duties as role as head of the state, including paperwork and private meetings. It is understood that his weekly audiences with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will continue and will be in person unless doctors advise that he limits such.

    Contact. Hmm. Now, this kind of brings us to the conversation of like, what would happen? Who would the, who would the crown go to? And that, of course, is Prince William. Prince William being the same Prince William that we'll get here to a second who had some controversies around his name just one year Ago.

    Hmm. This goes on to say that Prince William has also temporarily withdrawn from public engagements while he helped his wife, Catherine, the princess of Wales, as she recovered from abdominal surgery she had last month. But it was announced earlier on on Monday that she would return to public duties later.

    This week, the King was seen in the church service in Sadringham on Sunday, where he waved to crowds and walked for about 10 minutes. Don't see anything of value here. It says U. S. President Joe Biden expressed his concerns and said that he would speak to the King. In a post on X, he later said navigating a cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship takes hope and absolute courage.

    Joe and I joined the people of the United States Kingdom in praying that His Majesty experiences a swift and full recovery. Mr. Biden's son, Beau, died of brain cancer at age 46, and his long term friend, Republican Senator John McCain, died of cancer in 2018. Charles acceded to the throne on his death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth, in September 2022.

    Hmm. The King and Queen are scheduled to visit Canada in May in Australia, New Zealand, and Samoa. Interesting. The palace has yet to confirm whether the tours will go ahead, with no date suggested. There you have it. There's your prognosis. And what we find from this is that Prince William would be the one that would actually follow his reign.

    And there's been some interesting controversies around Prince William. And here it is. This happened in 2022. And it says that it's been more than a week since social media exploded with astonishment, glee, and far too many memes involving royals bending over in their polo kit. Over a scandalous and unsubstantiated rumor involving Prince William, an alleged affair, and a sex act that rhymes with jegging?

    Hmm. If you somehow missed the story, catch up here. Let's catch up there. Uh, it says this particular maelstrom was kicked up by a recent blind item tip via gossip account, Des Moines, but the regal tittle tattle around William and one of his And Kate's circle of countryside aristocrats, aka the Turnip Toffs, Rose Hanbury, has been doing the rounds since about the time those sprayed on jeans were in vogue.

    This salacious story was a trending topic on Twitter for nearly two days, and while William and the Palace haven't officially responded to it, their unofficial relations motto of never complain never explain means that they almost never comment in stories like this. There has been some interesting content emerging that could be seen as indirect response to the maelstrom scandal that captured the internet's imagination for a wild 48 hours.

    Very, very interesting. So let's see if we can find the check out this article as a response to this. And see what it was about, but I'm pretty sure you can use your wild imagination to figure out what rhymes with jegging that will tell you about the affair that he allegedly had, according to this article.

    Um, so I don't know if we need to dive into that, but I thought that to be pretty funny and the very next in line for. The throne seems to have had an affair where he may have been on the receiving end of not only the drama, but potentially something else, uh, that rhymes with Bilbo Baggins, just the first part of that.

    Um, okay, so this will segue us into our next conversation and that would be the fact. that there was a recent situation. Well, I guess Prince William responded to this situation about his father, and I don't really care to read it, but if you do, it's on Fox news. And the title of the article is Prince William break silence on Charles's cancer.

    Who cares? All right. So this moves us on to our next situation, which is going to be the deep dive for the day, which is the fact. That a mother in Oakland County, Michigan was found guilty for involuntary manslaughter. And as I mentioned earlier, this is the most, by far, the craziest legal precedence being set that I have ever seen.

    Which is the fact that now if your son or daughter commits a crime, you can be found guilty. Alongside of them. This is the first that I've ever heard of anything like this. There's very little case law that supports this. Nonetheless, I did want to walk through it with you because I find it to be very, very interesting.

    So let's pull this up. Imagine living in a home where you keep your car keys. On a hook by the door. A common slight in many households, this says. The setup is all too familiar. Now let's say one day, while you're not paying attention, your teenager grabs those keys, takes the car for a spin, without your permission, and ends up causing an accident.

    Suddenly the blame shifts to you for simply having the keys accessible at home, despite never actually handing them over. With the intention of letting your child drive unsupervised. This situation mirrors the complexities surrounding the Jennifer Crumbly case. It brings into focus the intricacies, intricacies that are dancing between trust, responsibility, and foreseeability.

    Within the family unit, it questions the extent of parental liability for their children's actions, particularly when indirect access to potential harmful objects leads to unforeseen consequences. The discussion isn't just about who left the keys out, but about the broader implications of responsibility and control in a world where accidents happen.

    Now, to be fair, it's not really an accident what happened. I, nonetheless, I do think it's interesting to point out the similarities between the situation. The legal case against Jenner, Jenny, Jennifer, Jenner, Jennifer, Jenny Crumbly, the mother of the Oxford high school shooter, Ethan Crumbly marked a significant and unprecedented event in the United States legal system.

    Jennifer Crumbly was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the 2021 shooting carried out by by her son, which resulted in the deaths of four students. This verdict represents the first incidents in U. S. history where a parent has been charged and convicted in relation to a mass school shooting committed by their child.

    Here are the key facts surrounding the case against Jennifer Crumbly, the mother of the son. In the Oxford school shooting now, let me give you some context on this because I think that's important understanding the totality and and the the concern surrounding this case. Now, this is not me sympathizing with this mother.

    This is not me agreeing that she did everything right. This is not me saying that this is not me saying that this situation could have been could not have been prevented by proper parental duties being You Taken within this context, but it is me saying that this is a scary, absolutely terrifying legal precedence to set in today's world.

    So, here's the situation. Ethan Crumbly, Oxford, Michigan. The shooting occurred on November 30th of 2021. michigan. Ethan crumbly k injured several others. T was a nine mm sig Sawyer father and given to Ethan gift. Ethan pleaded guilt murder and terrorism, ack in the shooting. He was s Of parole. Jennifer Crumbley, his mother, was charged with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the shooting, making a significant legal action as it pertains to parental responsibility and such incidents.

    She was found guilty of the charges, making it a landmark case regarding culpability of parents, their children's actions when involved. When it involves access to firearms, prosecutors argued that Jennifer and her husband, James Crumbly, were grossly negligent by failing to secure the firearms and ignoring warning signs of Ethan's potential for violence.

    Jennifer Crumbly's defense contended that she was not directly responsible for the actions of her son and that the tragedy was unforeseeable. As of the updates, she was charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, 15 years. Each. Totaling 60 years in prison as a result of this. So to me, this is a pretty serious case law being, precedent being set for case law in the future.

    Which is the fact that if your child does something wrong, should you be held legally liable as their parent? And I think that my, my response to that right off the cuff would be no, your child has their own decision making your child has their own terrible potential for violence, but that doesn't make you as the person who birthed them, or as the person who housed them responsible directly for their actions.

    And, and so this could be used in, in so many ways. And it, it parallels to me. The authoritarian legal system that happens in North Korea. If you are found guilty of going against the North Korean government, they don't just punish you for the actions. They punish your parents. They punish your cousins.

    They punish your entire lineage as the result of your actions. Whether justified or unjustified.

    And so, are we going to start prosecuting every parent of every child under the age of 18 for every gang member under the age of 18, which again is one of the leading causes of gun violence in the country? Are we going to go after the parents of every individual? In Chicago, who's under the age of 18 who committed murder, are we gonna do that?

    Hmm. Are we going to charge the parent of every child who committed theft? Are we going to charge the parent of every child who committed any crime at all? Because if this is the case law, if this is the precedent that we're setting, you have to go back to every single murder, every mass murder, every shooting, every, every beating, every assault charge, every, every shoplifting, every, every charge essentially ever and prosecute the parents.

    But where does it stop? Why just the parents? Why not charge? I don't know, the gun manufacturer, which I'm pretty sure they've tried to do in several instances. Why not charge the government for enabling all of this? Why not charge the school? Why not charge the company that created the car that got him there?

    Why not charge the company who made the clothes that he was wearing? This all seems ridiculous, because it is. A human is its own separate entity with its own decision making abilities, its own potential for doing massive amounts of good and great things in the world, and also massive amounts of evil and terrible things in this world.

    The decisions of your child do not directly, legally, at least shouldn't legally reflect the decisions of the parents. This is a conversation of nature versus nurture. Does your child have its own thoughts, its own ability to take action outside of the rights or the, or the, the, uh, the, the governor that is set by the parents.

    And so here are the different arguments. Let's give you an outline of the case. The prosecution argued that Jennifer Crumbly was grossly negligent for failing to secure the firearm and ammunition at home, thereby enabling her son's access to the gun. Okay.

    But that's not a charge in and of itself. They didn't charge her with negligence when it comes to firearms. They charged her with involuntary manslaughter. They highlighted that she and her husband ignored warning signs of her son's violent tendencies and mental health issues. Okay. Fair. Pretty sure if I recall correctly that her son was hearing voices in his head and The school went to them about it, and they didn't seek psychiatric help.

    Okay, that's fair, but I don't think that means that she murdered these children, at all. It was also noted that she failed to alert Oxford High School that the family owned guns, including the handgun used in the shooting. Okay, I own firearms, absolutely not going to call and alert my child's school as a result of that.

    Like if I called my child's school and said, Hey, uh, just letting you know, I own firearms. I'm pretty sure they would call the police on me because they would seem like a threat. Um, so those are the arguments for the prosecution. The arguments for the defense was Jennifer Crumbly's defense argued that it was not, she was not responsible for buying or storing the gun used in the shootings.

    True. They contended that there was no clear warning signs that her son could commit such a crime, asserting that the tragedy was unforeseeable. And the defense argued that it was her husband James Crumbly's responsibility to keep track of the gun and that Jennifer did not see signs of mental distress in Ethan that would require psychiatric intervention.

    Okay, fair positions. So to me, it's like, how, how do you take that from, like, and how do you give this woman 60 years? There's people who have literally curb stomped somebody to death and are serving less time than that. Like, you're sentencing, you're just sentencing this woman to death because she's, what, 50 years old?

    Like, 60 more years? You're sentencing her to death. Says rationale behind the verdict. The jury, which included gun owners and people familiar with firearms. Found Jennifer Crumbly guilty of involuntary manslaughter in all four counts, one for each student killed. The conviction was based on the argument that Jennifer Crumbly's negligence in storing firearms and ignoring her son's mental health and behavioral warning signs contributed significantly to the tragedy.

    This case can be seen as a potential precedent for holding parents accountable for their roles in enabling their children's access to firearms in shootings. But it says specifically school shootings, but I'm not going to harp on that because if this is the case, you have to go back however many times and prosecute the parents.

    Manslaughter in Michigan carries a penalty of up to 15 years in prison. Jennifer Crumbly's sentence was scheduled for April 9th, while James trial on similar charges was set to begin in March. This landmark case underscores the legal and moral responsibilities of gun ownership and parental oversight, especially concerning securing firearms and attentiveness to children's mental health needs.

    Okay, so let's look at some of the philosophical arguments surrounding this. One argument of this, being the argument in defense for Jennifer, Well, let's do the other side first, the argument against Jennifer Crumbly. From a moral standpoint, parents have a duty to care for both their children and society.

    This includes not only providing for their basic needs, but also ensuring they do not pose a danger to themselves or others. Virtue ethics, which focuses on the character and virtues of a moral agent, would suggest that part of being a good parent is instilling moral virtues in one's children and preventing foreseeable harm that they might cause.

    The concept of negligence highlights a failure in this duty of care. If there were signs of Ethan's distress for potential violence, ethical theories like utilitarianism, maximizing well being, would argue, well, this is very specifically philosophical, not exactly what I was looking for, but nonetheless.

    The argument for the moral autonomy and unpredictability would say that the argument from a standpoint of moral autonomy that individuals are primarily responsible for their own actions. Basically what I've said. Ethical theories like existentialism emphasize the importance of individual choice and personal responsibility.

    In this view, Ethan Crumbly's actions, though tragic, were his own, making it morally problematic to hold Jennifer Crumbly responsible for the actions she did not directly commit. Yeah. The principle of unpredictability, and that really comes down to the word of involuntary manslaughter. Involuntary meaning that I didn't even myself commit this?

    Like, that's probably the bigger legal situation that I would harp on if I was the legal counsel of this individual is like, I would attack the word involuntary. Involuntary does not mean I didn't do it. Like voluntary means I did it purposefully. Involuntary means I did it unpurposefully. Right? Like, then, then, then how far can you take it?

    You want to talk about the butterfly effect? Like, you ever seen the movie The Butterfly Effect? It's like, How far can we stretch the word involuntary until it means not only the mom, not only the dad, but the cousins, and the grandparents, and the, the, the, the owner of the house that they lived in, and the manufacturer of the clothing that he wore, and the gun manufacturer, and the car manufacturer, and the wheels that were on the car at the time that he drove to school, and the school for being there, and the desk that he sat in for not, like, how far can you stretch the word involuntary?

    Because to me, and if we look at like the legal, what is the legal definition of involuntary? Let's see if we can get an answer on that. But to me, you cannot convict somebody of something for involuntarily, by proxy, committing murder or manslaughter against somebody else when they weren't even within a mile of the situation that you were, that the murders were conducted in.

    Right? Like, how can you say that? It's such a legal situation. Stretch to say that this woman was responsible for these children's death. And a terrifying legal precedent to set because then, as we talk about the judicial system being weaponized against anybody and everybody that's political opponents, right?

    And again, this is like, this is a tragedy. This is horrible. The kid that is responsible for this got life in prison, as he should have. If not, he should have got the capital punishment as a result of this. I'm not against that in this situation. He pleaded guilty. He said it was me. It was obvious that it was him.

    It was a horrific act. Tip for tat, eye for eye, let the guy rot in jail, or eliminate the, the, the burden on, on our tax dollars for taking care of him after this horrific and tragic, terrible act. But to, to, to take this to the parents and say, you did this, you are responsible for this legally, like morally, maybe.

    Morally, maybe you should have stepped in. Morally, you should have taken your child to see a psychiatrist. Morally, you should have locked the guns away. Morally, you should have done this, and you should have done that, and you should have notified the school, and you should have done, like, morally, sure, make those arguments.

    And if we're talking about a Twitter thread where everybody's shitting on this mom for all the things that she should have done, Sure. Morally, she should have done more. But to set a legal precedence, which says that she is now responsible for those children's deaths legally and needs to pay for it through time in prison until she dies?

    Is an absolute abuse of our justice system. And so I actually had somebody that, that I have a tremendous amount of respect for that I have done, uh, juujitsu with that is a police officer, has been a private invest, or not a private investigator, but, uh, um, um, an individual who has handled certain situations like this.

    Um, but, but before I get to that, let's, let's go ahead and read this article. Which says, that should parents be responsible for child's mass shooting? The jury says yes. Hmm. Again, and it's not even like mass shooting because that's not the legal precedence that's being set here. It's should parents be responsible for their children's unlawful acts?

    Jury says yes. Because it doesn't just stop at mass shooting. It's gonna be, if your child commits vandalism, if your child gets into a car accident and they're at fault, if your child, whatever it is, this sets a terrible legal precedence. And it says, A school shooter's mother is headed to prison after a Michigan jury found her guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

    The verdict is the first of its kind in America, and puts the onus of responsibility on parents in a way that has never been before seen in a mass shooting case. The question of whether parents should be held accountable for the murders committed by their boys has reverberations that date back to the Columbine shooting in 1999.

    Those 13 deaths in Littleton, Colorado are widely seen as the opening of a dark era in which American schools and towns have become shorthand for the mass murder of children. We shall see the effect over time, but if this does not get overturned by a court of appeals, and of course I expect there will be robust appeals, it sets an approach to parental responsibility.

    And I think over time it could actually be a very Yes, that's, that's my, my legal standpoint on this is this is setting a crazy legal precedence, not just for this case, because there are some super weird things about this mom like they fled to a warehouse miles and miles away, because they heard the police were looking for them and like, Not smart, not the thing to do, but also this sets a, such a weird legal precedence.

    Uh, the trial garnered widespread attention given the severity of charges filed against the shooter's parents. What the outcome portends to, uh, portends for similar tragedies in the nation's ongoing battle with gun violence in 2020 for the first time firearm related incidents were the number one cause of death among children and teens.

    So, here is the situation. Here's the post that I found from somebody that I, again, respect highly. It says, I told them, and it finally happened. 30 year career, 7 spent as a detective. 4 of those 7 I investigated crimes committed by juveniles and against juveniles. And again, I'm using this just as a platform to have the conversation and see both sides of this.

    No venom against this person for posting it. Highly respect them. Um, but I, it is an interesting person that I think has a lot of merit in this situation. More to speak on than I, who has a, a passionate opinion from a law enforcement perspective on this. Uh, and so here it is. It says, um, 30 year career, 7 spent as a detective, 4 of those 7 I investigated crimes committed by juveniles or against juveniles.

    Every morning morning, there would be 5 or 6 new cases on my desk, crimes that took place Friday night through Monday morning. The story was the same. Usually, the parent of a 12, year old child, the phone would ring at 8am sharp. My child is out of control. You have to do something about it. I would politely and tactfully tell them their child was their responsibility.

    To be a good parent, get involved in their lives. Get them in counseling. Basically, supervise them. They generally push back. I don't have time for that. You have to do something. I would end the conversation by telling them, You do know you are responsible for your child's actions until they turn 18. They often replied, I can't possibly be held accountable for what my little Johnny does.

    Yes, you can. Today's verdict proves it. Accountability. Okay, so here's somebody calling the police and saying, My child is doing something that I don't agree with. I would like you guys to step in and do something. This person saying, Well, that's not my job, sir. That's your job. Okay, and this is why, to me, it comes back to a psychological debate, which is nature vs.

    nurture. Is a parent truly responsible for every action that their child commits? And not even that, because the child's going to school. The child's being influenced by teachers. The child's being influenced by principals, by social media, by all of these outside factors. It's not just the parent in today's world.

    In fact, More often than not, it's not the parent in today's world. Is it that the Reddit threads that they're on? Is it the Instagram followers that they have that are commenting on their stuff? Is it How many factors can you look at and say, Okay, we're gonna prosecute everybody this person has had contact with over the last six months for involuntary manslaughter and hopefully they all go to jail for 60 days.

    It's like, how do you, how do you dwindle this down to its most important parts and say, okay, you, you, you, and you, you're all responsible for the actions of this individual down to the point where if they go to jail for murder, you're going down too, buddy. It's like a Rico case against the entire family.

    Like, no, I, I just, I, I don't see that as being the case. And, and even when somebody's going to the, the police and saying, Hey, my child needs help and I don't know what to do, you're saying Good luck, bud. And in that case, like, what if that was the parents of, uh, crumbly saying, Hey, my child's going to, I'm thinking they're gonna do this thing.

    Like, to what extent can you stop them? Can you lock them in a tower with a dragon in it for the rest of their childhood until they're 18 and you're no longer responsible for their actions? I just don't, I don't see this. as having a positive outcome. I don't see it. Like, I don't see case law that could be utilized in this way.

    And if you look at the state versus Norman, 1989 in North Carolina, here's a case law against it, which says, although dealing with self defense, this case highlights the principle that individuals are primarily responsible for their own actions unless there is a clear, direct causation from another person's actions leading to the harm.

    If this, if his mom, if the Oxford shooter's mom was shown in text message saying, go to school, Take this gun and shoot those children, then yes, she should go to jail.

    And maybe not for involuntary manslaughter, that would be murder, right? But she didn't do that. That wasn't the case. They're talking about negligence. Which, if you go in that weird, confuscated, gray area of negligence, like, there's so many Crazy ways that you can take this. Another one is that, uh, People vs.

    Kevorkian. In Michigan, the Supreme Court has addressed issues of indirect involvement in criminal acts, focusing on direct causation. While not primarily analogous, Kevorkian's case, which dealt with assisted suicide, emphasizes the necessity of a direct link between the defendant's actions and the harm that occurred.

    Yes, for sure. Now, if we want to look at the case law against this, we have to go all the way back to 1944 and 1907. One being in Massachusetts, which is the Commonwealth v. Walensky, which said this case established that the precedence for gross negligence, where the owner of a nightclub was held liable for the deaths caused by a fire due to inadequate safety measures, The principle here is that the failure to prevent foreseeable harm can constitute criminal negligence.

    Even that's so shaky. Like, so shaky. Like, you're going to give them involuntary manslaughter for everybody who died as a result of a fire? Maybe in 1944, I guess? Even still, that just doesn't make sense to me that that person would be held responsible for that. Maybe the person who lit the fire should be responsible.

    Right? It's like if somebody, sure, if there's an arsonist and they go to a nightclub and they light it on fire, that person should go to jail if people die. The owner of the nightclub, for not getting their sprinklers changed on time, should not be responsible directly or indirectly or involuntarily for the deaths of those individuals to get 60 years in prison.

    The other case law this points to is 1907. The Michigan Supreme Court case dealt with a man who failed to get medical assistance for a woman who overdosed in his home resulting in her death. He was initially convicted of manslaughter although the conviction was later overturned. The case however discusses the duty of care and how failing to act can lead to criminal liability under certain circumstances.

    So to me, in my opinion this is going to get turned in the court of appeals. I don't see how this legal precedent can be set because it just is such a a pandora's box of issues legally that could cause a ripple effect and and a a Utilization and weaponization of the law against people who are just unknowing and not non participants in crime just due to uh, just due to their um relationship with somebody, which in and of itself is not a illegal act.

    Like it's, it's crazy to me that this is, this is being set and she was convicted. And I guess we'll see the same thing happen with her husband until this goes through the court of appeals. And I could see this going all the way up to the Supreme court because the importance of the legal precedence is going to be set as a result of this case.

    Alright, and that, my friends, is what I have for you today. I appreciate you. I love you. Look out for that Tucker Carlson video. Have a great day. Thank you so much for listening to the 100th episode of The Adams Archive, and I'll see you next time right here, wherever the hell you're listening, whether it's Spotify, Apple Podcasts, leave a five star review, subscribe, do what you gotta do, but have a great day, and I love you.

    Thank you so much.

  • Welcome to "The Adams Archive," where we delve into the intricate weave of societal influences and global challenges. In our thought-provoking episode "Foundations and Frontiers," we explore the interplay between the development of political beliefs, the ethical quandaries of cloning, and the complexities of environmental activism.

    Episode Summary: This episode offers a deep dive into the foundational elements that shape our political ideologies and how these perspectives intersect with contemporary issues like the ethics of cloning and the paradoxes in environmental advocacy. We take you on a journey through these interconnected realms, providing a nuanced understanding of these critical topics.

    Segment on Political Socialization: We begin by unraveling the layers of political socialization. Discover how familial interactions, educational systems, and media landscapes contribute to the molding of our political identities from a young age.

    Segment on Cloning Ethics: Venturing into the realm of biotechnology, we examine the ethical implications and societal impacts of cloning. This segment explores the moral dilemmas, regulatory challenges, and public perceptions surrounding this controversial scientific frontier.

    Segment on Environmental Paradoxes: In our discussion on environmental issues, we confront the ironies and complexities of modern environmental movements. We analyze the actions and rhetoric of global forums and key figures, assessing how their approaches align or conflict with various political ideologies.

    Call to Action: Dive deeper into these vital discussions by subscribing to "The Adams Archive" on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and other platforms. Join our social media community for ongoing conversations and updates.

    All the Links: Access all our content easily at https://linktr.ee/theaustinjadams, your gateway to our episodes, social media, and additional resources.


    Full Transcription:

     Adams Archive.

    Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the Adams Archive. My name is Austin Adams and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we're going to go through some pretty wild current event topics, including the fact that the World Economic Forum in their meeting in Davos has decided that it is now bad for the environment for you to drink.

    Coffee. Could you imagine that? Flying hundreds of miles across the ocean in your private jet, only to talk about how it is now bad for the environment for you to drink coffee. So we'll touch on that. After that, we'll get into a conversation surrounding how scientists in China have now successfully cloned a monkey for the first time that has survived in good health.

    We'll talk about what that means, including the fact that there was 112 failed attempts, which is only, you know, pretty terrifying to think about. What the other monkeys went through to actually get there. Now, a lot of people are talking about how this is actually going to have something to do with human cloning, obviously, because that's the end result of all of this.

    And there's some arguments that that's already happening. So we will talk about that. Then we will dive into a conversation about the current situations between Rhonda Santus dropping out of the presidential election, Nikki Haley getting peppered and just chirped. Constantly at all of the events that she's at, including the fact that, uh, there was a recent article that talked about how she had an affidavit come out from a recent accuser of her being an adulterer, uh, to her then active duty husband.

    Uh, we will also touch on another man who starts discussing with her about how she's not going to be Trump and that she should be spending all of her hundreds of millions of dollars simply. Giving it to homeless veterans, which I guess I agree with. Uh, so we'll talk about Nikki Haley. We'll even talk about the fact that Nikki Haley said that she wasn't allowed in a beauty pageant because she was Indian because they didn't know where to place her, which is pretty comical.

    All right. So that will be our current events. Then we will dive into the deep dive conversation this week, which is going to be the dark psychology behind voting. Now, that will include a conversation surrounding, uh, political socialization, which is basically the idea of how you got to vote the way that you vote.

    Now, we all tend to think that we think for ourselves, but a lot of people don't understand the fact that there's a lot of circumstances that actually go into why you vote the way that you do. So, we'll talk about all that. And there's some pretty surprising things in that that I found when doing my research.

    Anything from the music you listen to, to the social media apps that you use consistently, all the way down to the income class and the city that you grew up in. There's, there's so many little different things in here. And then we'll talk about some different dark arts techniques that politicians use in order to try to gain your So all of that and more stick around the longer you stick around, the deeper we get.

    So go ahead and subscribe, leave a five star review, whether you're on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, you can join us on YouTube, by the way. Uh, if you go onto YouTube, type in the Adams archive, you can see all the articles, all the videos that we're discussing here, and I will see you there, but let's.

    Jump into it.

    The Adams archive.

    All right, let's jump into it. The very first topic that we're going to be discussing today is going to be that the world economic forum. If you don't know the world economic forum is a meeting of a bunch of. Elites or multibillionaires that think that they can control the general population. They meet once a year in Davos in Switzerland and their fearless leader is the infamous Claus Schwab.

    And so they got together this year and decided that the hot topic that they were going to discuss is the fact that it is now bad for our environment for you to drink. Coffee, like I said earlier, they fly hundreds of thousands, thousands of miles to get there in their private jets, just to tell you that you shouldn't be drinking coffee all the while they're the ones who are, I don't know, profiting from your extra, uh, ability to actually do things in the morning as a result.

    So we have a video here, um, this comes from, uh, let's see, the title of this article is coffee is bad for the environment claims world economic. Members, and it says the consumption of coffee is causing CO2 to populate the earth to pollute the environment and unelected bureaucrats Attending the World Economic Forum claimed speaking last Wednesday at the globalist Confab in Davos, Switzerland Swiss banker Hubert Keller said coffee drinkers should be mindful They're contributing tons of co2 pollution into the atmosphere Hmm.

    Basically, the coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tons of CO2 per ton of coffee, Cowher said. So, we should all know that. This is, every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the environment. Could you imagine? And one of the reasons is because most of the coffee plantations and most of the coffee is produced through monoculture, and monoculture is also affected by climate change.

    Now at this meeting, they are the very biggest topic this year. So you can actually go to the world economic forums website and you can look at, they do a analysis of what are the biggest threats to the world each and every year, and lo and behold, this year's was. Climate change. Hmm. Now, that's obviously the next big money grab after the end of COVID 19.

    Now, that's to be determined, I guess, when you have the variant X that's coming up and all that stuff. Um, but climate change is obviously the biggest money grab. And so when we look at conversations surrounding them trying to, I don't know, condemn you for drinking coffee. Just is unbelievable to me. Um, so this is, uh, this is the video.

    It comes from that Swiss banker and his name is who cares? Here we go. For the session and you raised the coffee example. I'd love just to give you the chance to

    Basically, the coffee that we all drink, um, emits between 15 and 20 ton of CO2 per ton of coffee. So, we should all know that. This is every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere. Um, the other, and one of the reasons is because most of the coffee plantation, or most of the coffee is produced through monoculture.

    And, um, and, and monoculture is also affected by climate change. Um, the quality of these nature assets is, uh, deteriorating quite rapidly.

    Now that's a conversation for another day is like, what is monoculture, uh, monoculture agriculture is, it is absolutely, uh, a completely ineffective way to, to do things and it actually poisons your food there. There's a whole bunch of our stuff that you can read up on monoculture, um, agriculture, but. Just the idea that all of these pompous assholes go meet up in some mountain somewhere to tell you that you shouldn't drink coffee is absolutely comical.

    Alright, that brings us to our next article, which says that, uh, this comes from, uh, the Telegraph. And this was something that came across, I had actually like a, a, a notice on my phone about this. And I, I've talked about some of these things before, whether it be the, uh, chimeras that were coming out of China.

    Whether it was the sheep that was cloned, whether it was like the baby pods that they were talking about, uh, you know, basically taking, uh, the sperm of the father and the egg of the mother and putting it in this like pod that they were going to grow a human out of. Um, and then more recently even creating children from stem cells, which is the most probably dystopian of all of this, but this is just along those lines.

    And so. In China, they cloned a monkey for the first time that survived in good health after 112 failed attempts. Now it says that Chinese scientists used the same method that made Dolly the sheep in 1996, uh, but it has lived longer than any other cloned primate. Now they, they, I think that they gave this thing a name, this one, not Dolly.

    I think it's called Retro. Yeah, that's the monkey's name. The cloned monkey's name is Retro. A monkey has been successfully cloned by Chinese scientists and in the world's first has so far lived for two years. Researchers have cloned primates before using the same method that created Dowie the sheep in 1996, but none have.

    Ever lived for long, either dying before birth or shortly afterwards. Now that was a conversation that I brought up last time, when we're talking about the human baby pods and you know, the, the human cloning is like, how many times are you going to go through this, whether it's the stem cell research, whatever it is.

    How many research subjects, the chimeras fill in the blank. How many research subjects do you have to go through until you successfully create a clone? Right. And they say 112. I'm sure they would rather not have, have people. You know, beating down their door to shut them down. So I'm, I'm sure that number is multiples higher than what they're reporting there.

    Just like I'm sure it would be if they started to clone humans, if they started these little weird baby pods, if they made these stem cell babies, chimeras, whatever it is, there's going to be a massive amount of casualties and gross scientific experimentation that goes into it. So to me. Anything and everything that revolves creating life that doesn't have to do with, you know, any scientist that's sitting there with a, you know, two beakers pouring them together or whatever the hell type of stuff they're doing here, um, is just sick.

    It's, it's, it's sickening to me because the, the, the torture that they put these, you know, even the two days of the trying to clone, uh, these monkeys or the, the chimeras or whatever it is, is just the, the amount of agony and the, the torture that they must go through, uh, as a result of getting this one cloned monkey.

    And, and, and for what reason, like what, what is the goal of this? Why, why, what is the problem that we have to start cloning things? What is wrong with reproduction current state? Well, I'll tell you what's wrong with that. You want to get deeper and deeper into that is, is you'll understand the idea that they don't want you and then this was something that I talked about with the baby pods.

    What's the most concerning to that to me is that that's no longer your property, you, you, you know, you remove the mother and the father from, from the reproductive process. Then you remove the, the hormones that are released when that baby is born. And as a result, you, you remove the protective shelter, the, the, the hormones, the, the, uh, um, You know, the motherly instincts that come as a result of birthing a child, that come as a result of having a child that is half your DNA and half the DNA of your spouse.

    Now you, I don't know, go to a government center and pay five grand or whatever, and now they get to create a baby on your behalf. Only by the way, it's not your baby. It's their property. They created it. You did not create it. And, and so that is one of the most Dystopian ideas let alone the idea that they can start to interject whatever types of CRISPR technology that they want to to make the the child the the Monkey, whatever it is more agreeable more likely to be and this will actually even lead us into our next conversation To be more agreeable to be less aggressive to have different in more More Uh, personality traits that are going to lead them to vote a certain way, that are going to lead them to act a certain way, that are going to lead them to be less or more docile and less likely to revolt, whatever it is, when you, when you take reproduction, and you give that to the government, right, you have China now cloning monkeys, for what end?

    I don't think they just want to clone monkeys. That's obviously not the goal. The goal is to clone humans. But why? Why? So let's, let's finish this article. It says, however, a modified technique designed to create a stronger placenta has seen a rhesus monkey be cloned, be born and live healthily for more than two years, making it the longest lived primate clone yet.

    The animal was labeled retro. Only one birth was successful from a total of 113 attempts. So, they tortured a hundred and twelve monkeys to create one. The process, called somatic cell nuclear transfer, involves extracting the genetic information from a standard cell and implanting it into an egg from another monkey that has had its own genetic material removed.

    Now they have this cute little diagram of how they cloned this monkey, um, but who cares? To me, that's the whole conversation, right? I think that, you know, even brings up an interesting conversation about surrogacy and, uh, you know, IVF and like, there's, there's definitely more to be talked about there, but I do think to me, this is highly concerning because you see exactly where this is going.

    We know what the end goal is, but why is that the end goal? Because we can, and I think that's probably the fair answer to all of these scientists, right? It's like the people who are commissioning these scientists to do these types of experiments. They have the goal in mind, right? They, they have an idea of what, what they want to do this for.

    And it's going to be profitable, right? It's going to be a reason that they can make money off of it. Right? And that, that was the baby pods, right? Like imagine Epstein Island having a whole lower layer, uh, underneath his island of baby pods. Like just, just all of the horrific things. And if you haven't heard of like the.

    Um, offshore, like, child trafficking stuff is just horrific, and, and they don't have social security numbers, they don't have moms, they don't have dads, nobody's looking after them, and, and, and, just, there's no reason to open up this box, there's nothing good behind it, absolutely nothing, what, what possibly could come from this that would be good, and then you get into the, the, um, Philosophical conversations.

    Does, does this monkey have, or human down the road, does it have a soul? Is it, is it, uh, you know, is it from a religious perspective? Is it, is it a child of God? Is it, is it something that is going to, uh, have similar traits even? Is it going to be sociable? Like, there, there's so much that will go into this.

    And, and just Why? Why do you want to do this? Right? But scientists want to do it because A, they're getting paid lots of money to do it, but also B, because they just want to see if they can do it, right? Scientists have a certain type of personality where they, they just want to see if they can make something happen, right?

    You have a hypothesis, you put it to the test, and all of a sudden you're creating an army of Lifeless, soulless, monkey human hybrids. To me, there's just, there's nothing good behind that wall. And this is just another step towards that. Another step towards whatever it is the reason, right? There's so many different ways that you could go with that, that is completely dystopian.

    And I can't think of a single good scenario that would come from Human cloning. I just can't. I, I, there's, there's zero, zero scenarios where that's a good thing for humanity. Especially in a world where they're telling us that we're overpopulating, when we're obviously not. The population's on a decline.

    If, if we're overpopulating on our own and reproducing way too much, according to them, why are you trying to clone humans? What's, what's the point of that anyways. So let's segue into our next conversation. This one is more recent and about politics and what that drives us from the last conversation into, and what I mentioned earlier is they can change with CRISPR technology, how.

    You might vote by changing certain personality traits. They make you a little bit less aggressive. They make you a little bit more agreeable. They make you a little bit more creative. And a little bit less, I don't know, uh, productive, whatever it is. There's so many little traits within your genes that are encoded inside of your body.

    And one thing that I was wondering is what is nature and what is nurture, right? Why do we vote the way that we vote? And do we Um, and I say we just like Americans do, are we born likely to vote one way or the other? The answer is yes. Um, and we'll look at that in just a minute as to why, but before we do that, let's get a little bit of election updates because Ron DeSantis has officially dropped out of the presidential race and decided to endorse.

    Donald Trump, and this comes from W. M. U. R. nine A. B. C. And it says, uh, it is clear to me that majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance. You think I, uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure he just obliterated every single person, uh, within the primary, um, in the caucus in Iowa. And so, you know, he saw the vague drop out almost almost immediately.

    We saw it. Ron DeSantis drop out almost immediately. And I think the Ron DeSantis hype train was like pretty good at the beginning. I would, it would be really interesting to look at the political marketing failure that was Ron DeSantis campaign, because he had so much political steam. He had, he had so many people behind him that were so pro Ron DeSantis that loved his ideas coming out of COVID.

    He was like the COVID king. You know, all the while, while Donald Trump being, you know, was getting flack, was, was being talked down upon for the way that he, you know, gave a medal to, to Fauci, the way that he, you know, boasted about lockdowns and certain things like that is, is, and so simultaneously, Ron DeSantis should have come out of this, like with a ton of steam, with a ton of, uh, you know, traction going into the election, and, and now what we see is that it, as soon as Ron DeSantis opened his mouth on a debate uh, stage, he just got obliterated.

    Even when we saw Gavin Newsom against Ron DeSantis and I'm not against Ron DeSantis. I think that again, his policies, that his track record during COVID was absolutely phenomenal. He was one of the only people speaking out one of the only people trying not to close down businesses. There's a lot of reasons that a lot of people should have been very pro DeSantis.

    I think he shook the hornet's nest with Donald Trump. Right? And I think, you know, the desanctimonious, uh, tagline stuck a little bit. Um, but, to me, it's like, he should have, had he came out on the debate stage the way that Vivek did, had he come out with the track record that he did and a great marketing campaign, there's no reason that he shouldn't be the only one left.

    But out of all four people that were on the stage and on the ballot for the caucus, the only one that's left now besides the obvious of Donald Trump is Nikki Haley, which makes absolutely no sense to me at all. She is. 100 percent the Republican Hillary Clinton. She, everything that comes out of her mouth is just a talking point from a war lobby.

    And I haven't heard a single thing from her. I think she had like one good. Exchange on the debate stage. But all I see from Nikki Haley is a a reoccurring talking point that is everything and anything that the lobbyists want. And you saw the one the one area that Donald Trump I think they said that he lost by one vote and I think that it was even changed that the fact that Um, he he actually ended up winning that area I'm not sure but there was out of a 90 or 100 99 of them were for Donald Trump and one of them was for Nikki Haley and by one vote So what you saw is the democrats in the areas that they were in where they could they actually went and voted in the GOP caucus and voted for Nikki Haley, so if The Democrats want Nikki Haley, then why would the Republicans, right?

    And if the war lobby wants Nikki Haley, then why would the Republicans? And if every big money machine from, you know, I I'm, I'm just surprised she doesn't have a Pfizer tattoo on her arm, uh, that she's showing off to everybody, but you already see her pandering to the left. So to me, it's, it's a little sad that the only two that we have left, because I do think that both Ron DeSantis and as much shit that I've talked about Vivek and, and all of the questions that I have about his history, whether it be about the Soros Foundation funding his, uh, his, his time at Yale, whether it be about his two years that he was on the world economic forums, young global leaders list only to, uh, tell them that, Hey, I didn't want that.

    Take that down. The only one that was inconvenient from him and he wasn't using it to, uh, get, it. seed round funding for his pharmaceutical startups. Um, so as much as, as much as I've talked bad about Vivek, Vivek or DeSantis are just absolutely a million times better up potential candidates than Nikki Haley.

    So what that tells me, especially if you understand that her husband. Is, isn't some tech mogul, right? He doesn't have billions of dollars. I'm not sure what her previous employment was, but I just doubt she has hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to spend on one. I think it's New Hampshire, whatever.

    We're going to see a video where some guy goes and calls her out and says, Hey, you're going to spend a hundred million dollars campaigning against Donald Trump. And we already know you're going to lose. Why are you doing that? Why wouldn't you just go spend that money to help homeless veterans? Well, the answer is that the political lobby is the one that's propping her up.

    That's where she's getting all of her money. The only reason that Nikki Haley is even relevant, the only reason she's standing on any of the stages she's standing on, is because she's literally has the, the war machine's hand and the pharmaceutical industry's hand up her ass telling her exactly what to say in every one of these exchanges.

    And so it's, it's, It'll be interesting to see how long she sticks around. How long will they prop her up? Because I, there's absolutely zero chance. Like I bet you, if you go look at the, uh, betting books and you look at the odds of Nikki Haley winning the 2024 election is just. Zero, you know, and if, and if there was any sort of reason, and I think this is something that Vivek said at one time or another that I talked about when he dropped out is the fact that, oh, well, they would never let Donald Trump actually, you know, get on the ballot.

    Something's going to happen. And, and. I'm not saying something's not going to happen, this always could be that fact, and especially when you understand that Donald Trump is like one of the most, uh, contentious and hated people in the world to the most powerful people in the world, it's an absolute possibility that something not, not good happens, you know, he's been indicted for like the 115th time, um, but the idea that Nikki Haley would be the one left in the running, and maybe that's their hope, I don't know, why would you spend a billion dollars to If there's a 1 percent chance, I don't know, maybe if you have hundreds of trillions of dollars like Raytheon, and uh, you know, Pfizer does, so, I don't know, it's very interesting.

    So there was a few conversations that came up about Nikki Haley. One of the ones that came up as a result was Nikki Haley made a comment. about her history growing up in the deep south, being brown. Now, I don't know about you, and maybe my eyes are deceiving me, but to me, Nikki Haley does not look brown.

    She looks like a white Suburban mother. That's what she looks like. Now, she did grow up in a Indian family. I saw a picture of her family the other day, and her dad was in some traditional type Indian garb. And, um, you know, but she, you know, if white privilege was a real thing, Nikki Haley would have it.

    Not saying that it's a real thing. But. Here, here it is. Here comes Nikki Haley saying that she was, she was teased every day for being brown while in the deep south and that she has black friends. Here we go.

    We were the only Indian family in our small southern town. I was teased every day for being brown. So anyone that wants to question it can go back and look at what I've said on how hard it was to grow up in the deep south. As a brown girl, anybody can look at my record and see when Walter Scott was shot down by a dirty cop, how I made sure that the Walter Scott family didn't suffer because we put the first body camera bill in the country in place.

    Anybody can look at the fact that when we had nine amazing souls die in Mother Emanuel Church, I did something that no Republican or Democrat ever wanted to touch, which was call for the Confederate flag to come down because it would take two thirds of the House and Senate and was an impossible feat.

    I don't know what you're implying with that, but what I will tell you is, saying that I had black friends is a source of pride. Saying that I had white friends is a source of pride. If you want to know what it was like growing up, I was disqualified from a beauty pageant because I wasn't white or black.

    Because they didn't know where to put me. So look, I know.

    So let me get this straight. Nikki Haley was disqualified from a beauty pageant because they didn't know whether she was white or she was black. Now, I don't know If my math's off, just like my eyes are off, apparently, because I don't see a brown woman in the deep south, I see a white privilege card holding, uh, you know, suburban mom, but Nikki Haley was born in like 1972, I think.

    And Nikki Haley would have been in a beauty pageant, let's say 16 years later, almost in 1990. Right, let's say she was 15, would have been 90, 72, 87, right? Like, was there segregated beauty pageants in 1987? Cuz I think I'm missing something here and and even if there was You think they're gonna have a white and a black category and then you're gonna be like, hey guys I would like to participate and then they would say, uh White black are you white?

    Are you? Uh, you're disqualified, like, do you think how that that's really how that conversation went? Or do you think that Nikki Haley is a liar? Because I think Nikki Haley is just a liar. And we see that further shown by her actions, which we will see here in just a second, against her husband, which allegedly.

    And I say allegedly because it's just a signed affidavit, just a signed affidavit, which, you know, means that if the person was lying, they would potentially go to jail, but just a signed affidavit stating that she cheated on her husband while he was, I believe, while he was active duty. If not mistaken, potentially even like deployed.

    I don't know if that's correct, but I know he was active duty at the time. Um, so we'll go ahead and read that article. And that to me, like if, if you are cheating on your spouse, right? Like your spouse is you're like, if you have everybody in your whole world, and there's one person that you are going to give.

    All of your trust to one person that you are going to be the most loyal to one person that you're going to Absolutely not do anything to hurt. It is your spouse, right? Like when you get into a Marriage you're doing it because well for a lot of reasons But you're doing it because you want to be with that person for the rest of your life Now if I'm your best friend and we've been best friends for 10 years 15 years and you cheat on your wife I know that if you're not loyal to her, you're not gonna be loyal to me If I'm your business partner and I find out that you cheated on your wife, I know that the first opportunity that you get to make a little bit of money that screws me and my business over, you're going to do it.

    So I'm not going to be your business partner and I'm not going to be your best friend. I know that if you find yourself in this situation and you are also running for office, how can I trust you as a candidate? Right? So to me, that like, that goes back to the idea that if If somebody, Nikki Haley is absolutely bought and paid for, she's going to do the thing that is aligned with what is in her, her, not even her family's, not even her, her, her immediate family, but her best interest, Nikki Haley's best interest.

    So let's go ahead and read this. This comes from the Postmillennial, and it says Nikki Haley allegedly cheated on her husband with lobbyist and communications consultant prior to South Carolina governorship. Yikes. Uh, court documents have revealed that Nikki Haley did in fact cheat on her husband before becoming governor, and that one of her lovers was a married South Carolina lobbyist.

    She was Having an affair with a lobbyist. So not only are you taking their money, but you're also, you know, Haley repeatedly denied that she'd been unfaithful to her husband, Michael. When allegations first broke in 2010, they've been married for 28 years. And have two children together. According to the Daily Mail, the aforementioned lobbyist, Larry Marchant, Jr.

    And Haley's communications consultant, Will Foulkes admitted in signed affidavits that they both, they had both on separate occasions had affairs with the then future government. So not one. But two people, both signed affidavits. In his affidavit, Marchant said that he and Haley had sexual intercourse during a conference in Salt Lake City in June of 20, or 2008.

    I came forward publicly on this matter only after being contacted by the press and after hearing Rep Haley claim that she had been 100 percent faithful to her husband in response to the folks allegations, when I knew her statements were absolutely false.

    Yikes. Um, so that to me says a lot, right? And that's not to say that somebody can't change and somebody can't, you know, go through a, a, a transformation and become loyal again. And, you know, I get it. Like, but that sounds pretty shady. stuff to me, right? And like I said, if you are going into that situation and you have your one person in life that is like, that's my guy, that's, that is my girl.

    That is, that is going to be the, the mother of my children, the father of my children, uh, whatever that is, if you can't find it within yourself. To conduct yourself in a manner that would align yourself with that trust that would align yourself It's just how are you gonna run for office and and let alone just even talk about the optics of this That how easy is this for them to bring this up?

    Now that's not to say that every single person that's been on one of these debate stages Doesn't have a ton of skeletons in their closet, which they do But this is one of them Right? And especially with like a lobbyist. It wasn't even like her personal trainer or something. I don't know. All right. Um, now I did have one last thing that I wanted to touch on and this is about Donald Trump.

    Donald Trump sent out a statement on truth and it said a president of the United States must have full immunity. Without which it would be impossible for him or her to properly function. Now I found this to be an interesting statement. The reason that I think this is an interesting statement is I kind of wanted to talk this through with you guys and see if I agree.

    And I don't think that I do. I don't think a president should have full immunity. I think that what, what is the, like, I believe that there are certain things that a president has to do. I think that the presidential role is inherently a criminal job. You have to. Murder people you have to you know engage with shady foreign entities You have to run the CIA and the FBI which just in and of itself is going to come with illegal illicit activities as they've shown a track record for for you know, however long since the you know, 47 when the FBI was or the CIA was created But to me, it's like how could I absolutely disagree with this?

    I don't think a president should have immunity I think that yes, the job would be hard If you didn't have immunity, that's the job. You have to do it within the guidelines of legality, because if there's no, if a president can get into office and immediately become unhinged and have absolute full immunity for every action that they've ever taken, then, then, then what's, what.

    What are we doing here? Like, you just get to murder people, you get with no repercussions, you have no barriers and guidelines to the way that you have to dictate your actions, you don't have to follow the Geneva Convention, like, what would make you think that the president should have full immunity? So, I'll continue his statement, give you the full context, but it says, Without much, it would be impossible for him or her to properly function.

    Any mistake, even if well intended, would be met with almost certain indictment by the opposing party at term's end. I, I think in today's political landscape, that is true. That's what we're seeing here is that Donald Trump has absolutely been a political witch hunt. Uh, you know, how, how many indictments does he have now?

    Like 30 or something. Um, how many states has he been indicted under? How many, how much of it is stuck? And really it's more about, to me, the precedence that this is going to set moving forward because then whoever gets out of office next time, same thing. Right. And so I understand the point. I understand the premise, but I just don't see how inaction that's an effective way to run a country.

    Is there any country that operates that way? Maybe Russia. Maybe Putin has like absolute immunity in North Korea and China. But like, is that really what we're shooting for? Is North Korea, China, and China. Right. You know, Russia's type of, uh, you know, totalitarian regimes. I don't think so. Um, even if well intended, would be met with almost certain indictment by the opposing party.

    Even events that cross the line, quote unquote, must fall under total immunity, or it would be years of trauma trying to determine good from bad. There must be certainty. Example, you can't stop police from doing the job of strong and effective crime, Trump said, prevention because you want to guard against the occasional rogue cop or bad apple.

    You can't stop police from doing the job of strong and effective crime prevention. Uh, sometimes you just have to live with the great, but slightly imperfect. All presidents must have complete and total presidential immunity or the authority and decisiveness of a president of the United States will be stripped and gone forever.

    Hopefully this will be an easy decision. God bless the Supreme Court.

    And this says, if anything, presidents and politicians should be held to a higher legal standard, not a lower legal standard. And I think that his, his example of police, uh, just kind of defeats his entire argument there. I just don't see how that holds true because if you give police absolute immunity.

    Then they're just gonna, like, I think that cops, people who sign up to be police are inherently good people. I do. I wholeheartedly believe that. I believe they generally have good intentions. But I also believe if you take a big enough sample size of people that there's going to be, as he quotes in here, bad apples.

    And that doesn't allow you to Just randomly walk down the street and, you know, not follow the, the force escalation protocols that are called for being in the police force. You still have guidelines and those guidelines that police have are far more stringent. And, and they get indicted or they, they get perceived or prosecuted probably at a far higher rate than, than any political person ever as a result.

    They literally have body cameras in the middle of their body that, that follows the every move. Right? Like, so, to me, the argument falls apart, and I think it's a little self serving. Um, again, I don't think Trump is going to be found guilty of anything, and I don't believe that he should be. But I also just don't think that the precedent of setting the example that the president just can absolutely do no wrong is a good one.

    I just think it's a false premise, and that it will cause something horrific to happen, just like if you gave police absolute immunity. Um, the people who hold the positions of power, You know, with great power comes great responsibility, right? Spider Man. It's like you, you have to inherently have a microscope on you.

    And the law has to be in place because without it, you could just turn it into a complete totalitarian regime. You could do whatever you wanted when you get, you could, and especially when you're determining, you know, the, you're the, the head of the entire largest, strongest military in all of history. So to me.

    I just don't agree. Um, so now that we've properly set the stage of what is going on in our current political landscape, this is going to bring us to our deep dive of the week and the deep dive of the week is going to be on the dark psychology of voting and political socialization. So political socialization is the idea that essentially all of the things that happen in your life, all of the people that you've come in contact with, all of the key moments of your childhood, a lot of it has an impact.

    on your voting and who you vote for and what political party you end up being a part of. Um, so we even have a video that I'll show you by Jordan Peterson, um, but let me walk you through this. So again, this is the go ahead and pull this up here for you says, um, so we're going to walk through this and there's a complex intersection of psychology and politics, and we're going to aim to unravel the intricate web of factors that influence our political decisions and voter behavior.

    Our focus is the profound and often understated role of political socialization in shaping party affiliation and political identity. Now. Let's begin by understanding what is political socialization, right? Sounds pretty, uh, you know, political science y, like, college, uh, terms that you were supposed to memorize, and it probably was.

    Um, but it's an important thing to understand. Because you have to see the other, at some point, the divisiveness has to clear. And you have to see that just across the aisle way could have been you. Could have been your, your dad, could have been your mom, could have been your, you know, otherwise things devolve into, uh, you know, what we saw in the revol or the, you know, things devolve into chaos and violence, right?

    So, so, I think this is an important conversation. I think it's just an interesting one anyways because there's so many small, minute points, whether it be the music you listen to, all of those things that, that influence your voting behavior. Um, so, this process, which is political socialization. is which individuals form their political attitudes and beliefs.

    And it's not a fleeting phase, but a cornerstone in our political makeup. It begins early in life, influenced by various factors. Our families, our education, our peer groups, the media, and significant life events. These elements do more than just mold our views. They embed deep seated political ideologies and preferences.

    Consider the family. Often the first and most influential agent in the process. The political discussions at the dinner table. The voting behavior of our parents. The political climate that we grew up in. These experiences lay the foundation for our political leadings. And as we grow, we get educated, and we have peer interactions.

    Those all come into play, introducing us to diverse perspectives and fostering critical thinking about political ideologies. Now you see with some children, right, some children just are going to do what their parents Raise them to do right. You're, you're in those, those political discussions. You have similar personality traits.

    You probably are similar in the idea of like aggressivity and passivity and creativity and all of these personality traits that align with your voting behavior. So let's go ahead and jump into this. I'm going to pull up this video from Jordan Peterson and we can watch it together because I think it properly frames the entire conversation around this and I find it to be pretty interesting.

    So let me go ahead and pull this up for you and we will watch it  Political belief is determined in large part by temperament and personality, and that's very strongly biologically influenced. And so conservatives tend to be lower in openness, which is a trait associated with creativity, and higher in conscientiousness, which is a trait associated with industriousness and orderliness.

    They tend to make good managers and administrators and lawyers. They tend to make good conservative business types. That's, that's their forte, that's their niche, and that's a valid Place to be and a valid thing to be and you know Conservatives aren't so good at being entrepreneurial, and they're not so good at being artistic and creative.

    That's not their niche That's more the niche of the liberal end of the spectrum and as far as I'm concerned for the political system to function properly You need proper representation for all the temperamental types, and they need to be engaged in dialogue So but the thing is is that when the conservatives are saying well, you know especially when they're perhaps Thinking about leading the damn party, let's say, that they're worried about speaking their mind in a conservative manner.

    That's just not a good thing. That means that something's gone wrong with our political system, and seriously wrong. You know, and the other thing that, another thing that I've noticed it, thing, you know, when, when this all, Some of you may know, and some of you may not know, that I made a couple of videos back September 27th.

    I woke up one night, because I couldn't sleep, and I thought, I usually go and write if I can't sleep, because I've got something to figure out. But I've been playing with YouTube videos. I've been putting my lectures online since 2013. And by last April, they had about a million views. And so, I thought, wow, that's, that's really something, man.

    You know, like, you write a book, and you sell a million copies, you're one happy character. And I thought, I'd A million views is a very large number of views. It really tuned me in to the fact that YouTube was something completely other than what I thought it was. But anyways, that night I thought, Oh, I'll get up, I'll make a video instead of writing it down.

    So, okay, what else? Here's some things you might think about if you're a conservative. These I'll get up, I'll make a video instead of

    These things have become What would you say? People are afraid to say them. Here's the first one. The fundamental assumptions of Western civilization are valid. How about that? You know, it's not

    You think it's an accident? Oh, here's how you find out, okay? Which countries do people want to move away from? Hey, not ours. Which countries do people want to move to? Ours. Guess what? They work better. And it's not because we went around the world stealing everything we could get our hands on. It's because we got certain fundamental assumptions right.

    Thank God for that after thousands and thousands of years of trying and because of that we've managed to establish a set of Civilizations that are shining lights in the world, you know now so we said two interesting things which he talked about is tray openness Right, which leads to creativity. And, uh, you know, and so when you think of all the main personality types, and Jordan Peterson has a really tremendous, um, personality test that you can actually go take online, I think it's like 6, it'll ask you like 300 questions, and it'll give you a score on your agreeableness on your openness on your, uh, all of these different, you know, traits, it's like the The, I forget the number of them, but there's, there's essential traits that build your personality profile.

    And so if you understand that what splits the party divide is essentially to me at a certain stage of the conversation is personality traits. Right. If you're more creative and you're more quote unquote open, you tend to align on the left side. He even mentioned entrepreneurial being more liberal traits.

    And you see that when it comes to like Silicon Valley and startups and, you know. The reason for that, and he talks about the people who are conservative being better managers, they're more structured, they're less creative. But the best and most creative ideas that do well in a startup environment are wild ideas that everybody will tell you are generally terrible.

    Alright, take Airbnb, for example. Hey, let everybody crash at your house for a night and, you know, you charge them money and then you come back and your house will still be there. It's like, eh. That's kind of a weird idea. I don't, I don't think I'm going to, I don't think I'm going to do that. Or Uber, right?

    I, I think you should press a button on your phone and then some random guy will show up and you should jump in his car and it'll take you somewhere. It's like, I don't think that's a good idea either, but they worked and they were crazy ideas. They were creative ideas and they were at the right time.

    And it just so happens that much of the startup space trends. liberal and, and, uh, Democrat as a result. And much of the higher levels, the C suite of organizations and the, uh, high level managers and the people who actually run the operations of the business tend to be more conservative. And the reason for that is because they're much more structured in their thinking.

    They, they tend to abide by, you know, uh, rule sets that tend to make things move along. If you're, if you're hyper creative, you can get. And you get too far out there and now you can't create a successful business. So the, the, the ideal world is you have a large amount of creativity and you can borrow some structural foundations to, to properly execute and build a idea into something that's great.

    Like all of the great foundational leaders. And you think of Steve jobs, highly creative. You think of, uh, Jeff Bezos, highly creative. I don't know if Jeff Bezos would be a liberal per se, but, um, but they were able to borrow from both sides. They weren't hyper one side. They weren't hyper the other. And so what we're basically looking at when we're voting into a certain level, cause there's critical thinking and people who change their minds, but to a certain level, I would be really interested in maybe this is something that we can find out is what percentage of people change.

    their voting registration from Democrat to Republican. And this is, let's, let's go ahead and find it out. I bet you there's been an answer. So let's go to chat GPT. And I will ask it for us. Because I yeah, to me, it's like we're almost looking at a spectrum of personality, when you look at the spectrum of political affiliation.

    And, you know, there will be creative people who Vote conservative, and there will be highly, uh, structured and, uh, Structured people with, with low trait openness and high trait, uh, or low trait agreeableness. You know, I tend to, I was in the 1th percentile of disagree, of agreeableness. Meaning if there's a hundred people in the room, I'm the most disagreeable person in the room.

    Who would have thought? Um, I, I would, I, but, uh, surprisingly Not surprisingly, if you know me, but I'm generally a very creative person. I have a lot of ideas. I'm very entrepreneurial So my openness and creativity was was fairly high So I'm kind of a unique hybrid human But I think that that it's interesting to think that through and determine, you know How much of it is personality and genetics, right?

    So, let's see what percentage of people change from liberal to democrat and vice versa in their lifetime. And what age does this generally Right? And there's the, there's the old quote is I'll show you a, a, a young Republican and I'll show you a man without a heart and I'll show you an old Democrat and I'll show you a man without a brain.

    That's the old school. Uh, that's the, because a lot of people trend more liberal when they're young and a lot of people trend more conservative as they get older. Some would say wiser, uh, but let's see what it says here. It says determining the exact percentage of people who changed their political affiliations.

    Um, It's challenging. Several factors contribute to this complexity. Don't care. Don't care. Don't care. Um, let's see, give a percentage cause it doesn't want to.

    But that's why you see the hyper, uh, successful small startups into Facebooks and Twitters and all this stuff trend, very liberal because in going to these ecosystems very liberal because well one, um, that the person starting that company is generally very creative. And two, the people Operating that company are generally in the tech space and and you're going to see people who are Um more introverted who have certain personality traits that are more creative that are going to find themselves in those coding type environments Um, so again another interesting one Uh, so I don't think it's going to give us a number here, but it says the terms live.

    Okay. Don't care Let's see overall give a percentage Geez. All right. So let's, let's finish out a little bit of this video here and then we'll continue our discussion.

    You can be pretty damn filthy and still be a shining light in this world, right? Because if you look around the world at the state of governance in most places, it's like the most Pathological corrupt and vicious thugs rule and to stand out as an illuminated light against that background isn't so difficult But nonetheless, you know, we're as good as it's got and unless we can come up with something better We should be very careful about messing around with that So why don't we start with the assumption that we're doing something, right?

    One of the things we're doing right, for example, is that we actually value the individual, right? The individual has intrinsic value in Western societies. Do you know how long it took people to formulate that as an idea? And how unlikely that idea is that poor you, you know, useless, powerless you, with all your damn faults, you're actually worth something.

    You're worth something to the point that the law has to respect you. Assumption number two, peaceful social being is preferable to isolation and to war. In consequence, it justly and rightly demands some sacrifice of individual impulse and idiosyncrasy. Because it's not and being more than normal and being and being unique and creative and contributing in that way is extraordinarily important But the fundamental point is is that social being requires the sacrifice of a certain amount of individual idiosyncrasy And that's a fundamentally conservative claim It's like you should be you should do what everyone else does unless you have a really good reason It's a good rule.

    It's like, you do what people have done throughout time. You grow up, you find a partner, you establish a stable relationship, you get a job, you make yourself useful, you have some children, you do something productive and interesting with your spare time, and you try to act like a respectable human being.

    That's what you do. That's a conservative ethos. If you have something spectacular about you that needs to be revealed to the world, then break some rules, man. Go right ahead. I'm dead serious about that. But most of the time, you don't. And even if you happen to be a special person, and you might be, 90 percent of you still isn't special.

    So most of the time, you're still going to be following the rules. And the rules aren't there to oppress. They're there to keep us at They're there to keep us away from each other's throats. Because human beings are very warlike. And we're very We're very competitive and we're very aggressive. And if we are fortunate enough to have woven together a social fabric that basically renders us peaceful and cooperative, we should try disrupting that at our great peril.


    No, I think that's an interesting one. What he just talked about is, is essentially like there's a, there's a familiar template for life of, of what is a, a, a fulfilling life template. And we're seeing people stray further and further and further from that. And he said that's a conservative leading ethos, right?

    The fact that you should, uh, have a family. You should get a good job. You should have a productive hobby. All of those things, you know, you should be a productive member of society unless you're like super, super gifted in one area and you just have to dedicate every moment to it. You should probably have children, right?

    And the reason that we do that is because, you know, one part of that to me is having children makes you see everybody else from a new lens. It even makes you see you from a new lens. Um, And this is in a lot of different ways, but the way that I have changed as a result of being a father is, is unbelievable, right?

    You, you see, uh, uh, even somebody who's your own age, even somebody who's older than you, and you see within that person, the thing that you realize as a parent is everybody in this world is just A child acting as if they're an adult at any given stage of their life, like, at least that's what it feels like, like, everybody's just trying, man, like, it's, it's, it's, it's a tough go at life, and every single person is, is, at least attempting to do what they can with what they've been given.

    That's not every case and there's some people who, who should probably try harder, but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't have empathy for them because it could be your child sitting on the side of the road asking for money. It could be you doing the same thing. If you were given a different life with a different set of skills and a different set of intellect and, and a different level of drive and, and all of these things.

    So. You start to, you start to see the world and other people and society in a different perspective. And that can bring you to a more interesting religious conversation, but we'll leave that for another day. But another thing that I found interesting is, this is a thought that I had regarding my children, and I don't remember a ton of my childhood.

    I wish I had a better memory. I wish I remembered, you know, the friends I had and how we played on the playground and um, sleepovers and, and uh, you know, time with my family and all of the fun trips that we went on and all of the things like that. And I do remember some highlights and I have it in there somewhere.

    But it's not as, it's not as vivid as I would like it to be. And so, when you have a child, You have to realize too, and I think about this, it's like, it's very easy to write off your children's experience because it's like, oh, they won't even remember this, right? Like, oh, maybe, maybe I shouldn't have acted that way, but they'll probably forget it, because I forgot what my parent did to me in that situation too, right?

    But that's a dangerous path to go down. But if you do, if you look at it from the right perspective, it's your children are the opportunity to live your childhood again only through the lens of someone who can actually appreciate it. And so, if you treat your child as if they are the opportunity for you to give your own inner self, your own inner child the opportunities in life and experiences that you, Wish you would have had or you wish you remembered.

    You get that opportunity. You get to experience that thing again. And as a result, the world can open up to you. The, the creative, the, the, the way that you view everything can change. And it's a secondary opportunity to, to, to have that. If you can put yourself in the shoes of your children, and I'm sure the same thing goes for grandchildren and great grandchildren and so on.

    It's really not that much so on after that, but you get the idea. So to me, it's like when you have children, you get to relive what should be and can be the most illuminating fun, exciting time of your life. There's magic and there's, there's mystery to everything. And there's so many questions that you want answered.

    Like, uh, with my daughter, I'll sit there and she was asking me today, like, how was the world created? I was like, shit, that's a good question. Well, there's a couple belief systems and one of them is the religious and Christian belief system, which is that God created the earth and all the people in the universe and the stars and the sun in, in seven days.

    And then there's a scientific perspective, which is the Big Bang Theory. And I tried my best to explain that pathetically, uh, but I, I explained those to her. And then she, she asked a better question when she said, is there other? Is there other things like our thing, like is there anything outside of what our, not our world, but our place, like everything, is there another everything?

    And I said, well, I think what you're talking about is Like the multiverse theory or even like kind of like string theory, right? Like things can be happening simultaneously in a different reality. And so we got to ask Chad GPT to explain these things and like just the, the interest and, and mystery to her that is the, the surrounding world.

    And, you know, I still feel that way that I don't know what the hell is going on. And for all I know, there's a firmament above us. And we, or for all I know, we really did go to the moon, like who knows anything, uh, which is, you know. Another interesting realization as you get older is a lot of history is just fabricated by the authors of large conglomerate organizations that wanted to rewrite history and in their way, I digress.

    That's a side note, but to me, having children so important living life in a way that you are. That your ancestors lived, and there's a reason you have children. Your biology changes, your perspective changes, the way that you view the world, the way you view society, the way you view people, it all changes.

    Everything, your perspective is so important, and the only way that you get that is by having a child, and having something outside of yourself that is a extension of you, that gets to go off into the world and face their own hero's journey as a result. And so Yeah, you better have a damn good reason, um, in, in all of that to, to get back to the, to the original point, which is that, you know, even Trending within the conversation that we talked about earlier of like the depopulation of the world and our trending downward spiral of population It's like there's one half of society that is absolutely outbreeding the other half of society there's one half of the political spectrum that is absolutely Having babies, not having abortions, not using plan B and living a happy, healthy, fulfilling life with children and grandchildren.

    And there will be somebody by their side with food and flowers and comfort and jokes when they are dying.

    And there's another half of the political spectrum that has fallen into the trap that you are. everything that matters in this universe, right? Go back to like postmodernism, right? Your perspective in your reality is the only reality. And they fall in for this trap that says like, well, I'm a girl boss. I don't need to be a mom.

    Those stay at home moms are just whatever, right? Like fill in the blank. And this culture has been tricked into believing that the mom should be, you know, that the ultimate. goal isn't to be a, a mother or a father in life like that. That is everything. And they've been deceived into thinking that that's not the most fulfilling thing that you could accomplish in your life is, is pro creating and, and.

    Creating something outside of yourself and giving that, that version of you, that extension of yourself, the opportunities and experiences that you weren't given, or maybe you don't remember or whatever, right? It's like such an important thing, but we are absolutely outbreeding the crazy. And eventually, the pendulum will swing right back in our direction.

    I think in 20 years, we're going to see either a huge wave of non liberal. Uh, ideologies poke their head from the next generation because a very large percentage of people, much larger than any other time period of history, are deciding not to have children. And doing so through many means, including, you know, birth control and, and Plan B, but also abortions.

    And, and doing so after the fact, and, and having, causing much, you know, there's, there's its own psychological effects that even come from that, so. Anyways, so important, very interesting to see him talk about that, you know, the conservative leaning ethos of creating a family unit and, and the value of that in today's world and And how that kind of even pertains to political ideology.

    So here we go. Just a minute. Equity, equity. That's worse, right? Equity means Equality of outcome. It means that every single organization has 50 percent women and 50 percent men. Doesn't matter whether the men and women differ in their intrinsic preferences, which, by the way they do, the scientific literature on that is completely clear.

    It was established by the early 90s. It was established in the Scandinavian countries, where they've done most to flatten out the socio economic Differentials, say, between men and women. Didn't get rid of the differences between men and women. In fact, they became exaggerated. The biggest personality differences in the world between men and women are in Scandinavia.

    Just as the biggest differences in interest between men and women are in Scandinavia. Because when you get rid of the socio cultural differences between men and women, the biological differences don't disappear. They maximize. So, you hear the egalitarian, clarion call everywhere. Everything should be equal.

    Everything should be equally distributed. We should strive for equity. It's like, wrong! Especially if you're a conservative. Wrong! What we want are just hierarchies of competence. Not everyone's a neurosurgeon. You know, if your father has a brain tumor, you probably want a hierarchy of competence for neurosurgeons.

    So you can pick the one that's the best, so that he might not die. That's what a hierarchy of competence is for. For the postmodernists, there's no hierarchy that isn't based on power. Well, because they think the world runs on power. We need the best plumbers. We need the best contractors. We need the best Alright, so, yeah, and so that touches on another conversation, which, you know, there wasn't as much political socialization aspects within that that I was expecting, but, um, there are some interesting points there, which even talks about gender, right, there, there is a specific divide when it comes to voting percentages that are tied to gender, um, so just pulling up some of my Notes here, and we'll walk through some of those together.

    So here are some of the statistics and formations of political affiliations. So here, here's what I have written up here. Um, political socialization and the determinants of party affiliation. So political socialization begins early in life. Influenced by a variety of factors including family, education, peer groups, media, and significant life events.

    The family is often the first and most impactful. We talked about that. The party affiliation is often a result of long term political socialization processes. Individuals tend to align with parties that reflect their values, beliefs, and perceived Social identities, key issues such as economy, social justice, national security, environmental policies can be determinants in aligning with the political party.

    Voters often choose parties they believe will be best addressing these issues according to their personal beliefs and values. Um, all right, so. impact of changing social and political contexts. Interesting, says that the political socialization is not static and can evolve over time. Changing social and political contexts, personal experiences, and exposure to new information can lead to a shift in political attitudes and party affiliation.

    Yes, says research has shown that individuals who grow up in a politically active household are more likely to participate in elections and have strong party affiliation. So even starting at the the answer of do you vote? Well, if your parents vote and they found value in that, you're much higher likelihood of voting.

    Surveys indicate that major political events, such as economic recessions and wars, can have a lasting impact on political attitudes and party preferences. Political socialization is Yep, and the interplay of personal experiences, we talked about that. Um, alright, so, geographic location. So people living in dense urban areas like New York City, San Francisco, often leads toward the Democratic Party, while those in rural areas, like, we know that.

    But why? Right, what is it about that that makes it, you know, what I think that comes down to is that when you're shoving a group of way too many people into way too small of a space, then there's Not enough resources to go around and there's way too much, uh, oversight happening there. There's going to tend to be, well, economic disparity, right?

    There's going to be people who make lots of money. As you see in every downtown area, there's like high rises with beautiful, uh, penthouse suites that are 5 million. And then there's also, you know, Shitty, slummy areas where homeless people are three minutes down the road, right? Also, occupational field, educational and field of study.

    Um, it says that individuals with advanced degrees in social sciences lean Democratic, while those with business degrees lean Republican. Okay. Religious attendance. That's probably obvious. Um, consumer preferences and habits. It says a preference for electric cars. Like Tesla's might correlate with democratic leanings.

    You don't say a social networks. If somebody's friends and family is predominantly democratic. They are more likely to align with the Democratic Party, and vice versa for Republican circles. So your actual social, social network in general, not social media networks. Um, attitudes towards change in tradition, travel experiences, hobbies and recreational activities.

    This is, this is a good one. Enjoyment of outdoor activities like hunting might correlate with Republican leadings, while urban hobbies like yoga might. Be more common among Democrats. Who'da thought? Uh, life experiences. Someone who has benefited from social welfare might support Democratic. Yeah.

    Psychological traits. Individuals with high openness experiences, which is what we talked about, have a, as a personality trait, might lean Democratic, while those with high conscientiousness might lean Republican. Dietary choices. Pet ownership. Sports. fanaticism, um, while fans of soccer or basketball could lean.

    So this is great. Um, fans of NASCAR and college football are more inclined to lean Republican while fans of soccer or basketball lean Democratic. So, the two biggest pansy sports there is are generally Democrats. Interesting. Who'd have thought? I would have. Individuals with interest in organic gardening or native plant landscaping might lean Democratic.

    Those who prefer traditional landscaping. Decorative preferences, literature choices, holiday preferences, tech usage, movie genres, commuting habits, craft and DIY interests. Um. Enthusiasts of crafts like knitting or pottery might lean Democratic, while those who engage in woodworking or metalworking might lean Republican.

    Sleeping patterns. Early risers might lean towards conservative ideologies, valuing traditional structures and routines, while night owls could lean liberal, often being more open to experiences. and non traditional lifestyles. Isn't that funny? So if you take all these into account, let's, let's like really archetype this person.

    A, uh, let's, let's just like start from the top. We have a, uh, a political, let's see, what did I say? Social sciences degree who doesn't go to church, drives a, a, a, uh, electric vehicle, um, likes to, uh, do yoga, nothing against yoga. I like yoga. Uh, Likes to listen to, it says classical jazz. Lean's more democratic.

    That's interesting. Um, it says dog owners who are certain breeds like Labrador retrievers and German shepherds are more Republican while cat owners. With non traditional pets like reptiles might skew democratic. Wow. That's an interesting one. So a soccer loving reptile owning knitting and gardening, uh, Tesla driver.

    Who do you think that is? Yeah. Well, but isn't that interesting? Like you can archetype these things and there's stereotypes for a reason. Like why, why does that matter if you would like to knit? Why does that make you a Democrat? If you like to hunt, why does that make you a Republican? It's such a weird, distanced correlation for me that, but the causation is just like almost too high, right?

    Is it, you can't say it's causation. Obviously if you hunt, it doesn't, maybe it does. Like if owning chickens will definitely make you a Republican. Um, but, but it is, and I guess there's something to that. It's like realizing that you don't need daddy government, realizing that you can have intrinsic freedoms that aren't.

    Just given gifted to you by those in power. No, they're they're your freedoms and and you are given those Regardless of what government says about it, right the we hold these truths to be self evident We were given these, these freedoms by God, not by the government, not by Joe Biden, not by, not by the, the tech overlords who determined censorship and what we can and cannot say.

    No, we, we hold these truths to be self evident. We have a right to life, liberty. The pursuit of happiness. We have a freedom of speech. We have a freedom of, of, uh, to, to bear arms. We, all of these things that are the most important were rights given to us by God, not allowed by daddy. Right. And so maybe some of these things are just gateways, right?

    I assume if somebody watched soccer, right. And you really like soccer, but then you watch, you know, watch some hockey or watch some UFC. You might realize that's a little bit cooler than soccer. If you start knitting and you see, uh, you know, uh, uh, I don't know, what were some of the hobbies? Um, whatever, whatever you want to say about a Republican.

    Um, It's just so interesting to me that there's, there's such a correlation between personality traits, hobbies, interests, all of these little buckets that you can put on is just like a perfect archetype of the situation here. And again, this isn't anything against. Uh, this is against you if you net, sorry, like, there's some cooler things you could do with your time.

    It's also against you if you like soccer or baseball over football or hockey or the UFC or jujitsu. Um, definitely against you, but not against you if you're liberal. I don't care what you vote for. Um, I do think there's some, you know, we don't need to get into all of that. I'm not going to apologize, but Um, I'm also don't, you know, cons, line perfectly conservative.

    It's, but anyways, let's, let's go on. Language usage. Uh, concrete language could correlate with conservative leanings while preference for abstract nuanced language is, can indicate liberal. Clothing brands. Hmm. Vacation choices. Humor preferences. Gadget preferences. Social media behavior. Recreational reading material.

    Artistic preferences. Parenting styles. Attitudes towards time. A more flexible and relative view of time might indicate liberal leanings reflective of adaptability and focus on present experiences, whereas a punctual, regimented view of time might suggest conservative leanings. Yeah, try that in the workplace, bud.

    Uh, gender and voting behavior. The influence of gender on voting behavior and political affiliations is a critical aspect of electoral dynamics, reflecting broader societal trends in gender related issues. Uh, historical trends, gender differences, and voting patterns have evolved over time, influenced by changing social norms and the political empowerment of women.

    Initially, women's voting patterns were similar to those of men, but over time distinct gender based preferences have emerged. Uh, Interesting. Uh, gender gap in partisan affiliation. Says the gender gap in partisan affiliation has been widening with women increasingly leaning towards the Democratic Party in the United States, a trend observed in several elections over the past decades.

    Uh, the shift can be attributed to a variety of factors. Um, the presence of female candidates, particularly high profile positions, also influences gender based voting. Um, interesting. Statistics. It says, according to Pew Research Center, in 2018, U. S. midterm elections, 59 percent of women identified as or lean towards the Democratic Party, compared to 47 percent of men.

    A Gallup poll showed that women by a margin of about 10 percentage points are more likely than men to prioritize issues like health care and gender equality. Interesting. Uh, so political tribalism is interesting. Uh, political tribalism is characterized by a strong in group loyalty and opposition to out groups has become a defining feature in modern democracies.

    Right, we see this play out perfectly and, and I, I, I would love to see RFK Jr. It's, it's really too bad that he just dropped out, you know, and, and decided to be independent because I would love to see, uh, Robert Kennedy jr. Be the Democratic nominee. I would be just as happy to see him as the Republican nominee I I just think he to me he has the the Despite shortcomings in his affiliation and ideologies that would align closer to mine I do think he's the most reasonable candidate.

    I do think he's the most capable candidate I do believe he has the track record that I would want to see of having a distinct Uh, issue with unchecked power, like the CIA and the FBI, to me, it is, you know, I don't think we're going to see a landslide victory for a third party, uh, candidate because there's just too much money and too much FRAUD for that to be the case, but too much money going that way even, right?

    So social media amplification. So a Pew research study found that political polarization United States has increased dramatically over the past two decades with more people ideologically aligning strongly with their respective parties. So people are now even more entrenched in the idea of the two party system, which I just.

    I don't, like I just said, I would vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. If it came down to it and he was actually a real candidate, like if he could actually win. I absolutely think that I, I would definitely consider the opportunity to vote for him. I think he's very reasonable. I love his stance on COVID and, and all of that stuff.

    I, I don't love his stance on, you know, uh, gun rights and a few certain things that I've heard of and I believe abortion. He talked about, um, some things like that, that I just, I don't align with him on, but I think overall. The position of president is a, uh, is a, more of a, uh, a figurehead than anything.

    And, and he aligns more with the figurehead that I would see demonstrating competency and the checking of power within our government than, than anybody else at this point. Um. So there's some really interesting subpoints that we could get into. Uh, you know, we, this has some things about media bias, only 3.4% of, wow, that's a crazy one.

    So let's talk about that. Only 3.4% of US journalists identify as Republican. So 90%, 97% of journalists that are out there today are liberals, are Democrats. And you wonder why our media, and this even goes for like people writing for Fox News, I'm sure it's not all conservative journalists, like, that is crazy.

    I just wonder why that, why that even would become the way that it is, especially in today's environment where like, the old school journalist is just the epitome of what I would like to see in today's world. Exposing government corruption and, and calling out the, all of the things that are wrong about our politics and, and everything like that.

    Like that used to be the, the, the, the cigarette in their mouth with like an investigator's hat in a, in a notebook and they would go find the truth. Like that used to be the old school journalists. 97 percent of journalists are, are liberals. So how do you, how do you function in a society where 97 percent of the articles, 97 percent of the opinions that are being pushed into the public psyche are not aligned with 50 percent of the country?

    And to me, it's just so wild that it is a literal 50 50 split. Like how does that even happen? The statistical likelihood that the political divide being a. Almost exact 50 50 split to where every year there's a potential that we might win or we might lose or they might this and they might that and like the percentage likelihood that it's a 50 50 shot is so unlikely to me like it just doesn't make any sense statistically that that that would be the split it just seems way more likely that 65 percent of people would be this or in 35 percent of people would be this and the next year right or four years from then You It's, you know, 43 to, you know, 57.

    And it just doesn't, it doesn't make any sense that it's so close. And then that just, to me speaks to the tribalism that is today's modern political divide, because, and again, I think it definitely comes down to personality spectrums and it definitely comes down to some, but, but it also comes down to the fact that 97 percent of journalists identify as one half of it and are pushing constantly.

    Right? That's the same reason that you see the big pushes for, uh, minority communities from the Democrats, for, uh, female communities from the Democra Like, they're trying to subsection and further tribal make it tribalistic, even more so than it has to be. Uh, but that's a wild statistic. Wild statistic.

    That 97 percent of journalists are liberals. And that came from a survey done from, and that was from the Washington Times. That is crazy.

    All right, let's move on here to the next portion of this, which is going to be, let's see any other interesting statistics. A study by Pew Research Center found that 77 percent of Americans believe that major news outlets,

    major news outlets report with a bias, you don't say, highlighting widespread concerns about media impartiality. Analysis by Harvard University showed that coverage of certain political figures and issues varied significantly across different news networks, uh, reflecting a varying degree of editorial slant.

    Yes, again, um, if you need a good news source, you should, and I signed up with ground. news, and they will show you, like they'll be able to tell you the article title, you can click it, it'll tell you how many people or what, what organizations with what political slant. Recorded what about that article or who reported none of it and it gives you all these really interesting statistics I highly highly recommend that more than anything else that I've you know news wise that I would recommend to you And then here's the more interesting part of this too, which is the psychology of political campaign strategies.

    All right. Now there's, there's a whole section on this and this, and this actually might be a, uh, it's pretty long. I think this might be a discussion for a whole nother day. So we will do that emotional manipulation and political advertising. Um, the cognitive dissonance in politics, the, I want to give it its due and I, you know, got to go to bed at sometimes guys, psychology of political campaigns strategies.

    Uh, countering media bias, all of that stuff. So, we will save that for another day. In the meantime, I hope you have a wonderful day. I hope you appreciated the conversation. I hope that I gave you some reflection on maybe why you vote the way that you do. And you start to question the construct that is your social, political identity.

    And say, hey, do I agree with literally everything that everybody on this half of the country, agrees. It says I should agree with, or maybe I have some varying degrees of, of, of, uh, thoughts on these topics. Maybe there's a spectrum within my own thought processes that are on one side or the other. And, and, you know, I can't point to too many things.

    That I, you know, uh, differ from, but I can point to several, several that I wholeheartedly believe, you know, when it comes to, uh, psychedelic legalization, when it comes to, uh, some social programs, I think there's some room for them. Um, but, but again, if I, you know, anyways, I hope I gave you some reflection and, uh, in the meantime, head over to YouTube, subscribe if you're there right now, I appreciate you.

    Uh, subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, leave a five star review if you appreciated this conversation. I appreciate you and I love you. I hope you have a great day and I'll see you next time on The Adams Archive. Adams Archive.

  • Welcome to the Adam's Archive, where each episode is a journey into the depths of intriguing topics. Join your host, Austin Adams, as he unravels conspiracies, explores controversial legacies, and dives into groundbreaking events that shape our world. From the dark secrets behind historical figures to the revolutionary moves by institutions like the FAA, each episode promises a captivating exploration.

    In today's episode, we peel back the layers surrounding Martin Luther King's assassination, exposing alleged conspiracies involving the FBI, CIA, and the military. We then shift gears to examine the debated values and controversies surrounding King's legacy. Brace yourself for a revelation as we unveil the FAA's bold move in recruiting diverse talents, exploring the impact on the aviation industry.

    But that's not all—tune in as we reveal the winner of the Iowa caucus and discuss the potential global concerns raised by influential figures about Trump's 2024 election prospects. With in-depth analysis, exclusive revelations, and compelling storytelling, the Adam's Archive is your gateway to the most explosive topics of our time.

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     Full Transcription:

    Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the Adam's Archive. My name is Austin Adams and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we're going to be doing a deep dive in the theme of today, which is actually Martin Luther King Day. You're not listening to it on Martin Luther King Day, but I digress.

    It got me interested in the topic and I learned a little bit more about it. So now I want to share my findings with you. Which is the fact that Martin, Martin, Martin, Martin Luther King was actually, allegedly, not really allegedly, but allegedly, assassinated by the FBI in cahoots with the CIA and The military intelligence and the reason that this came about was because of a 1999 trial by somebody who is a whistleblower who said that he worked with the mob and was paid 100, 000 to hire a hitman for this job by those same individuals who moved all the moving pieces around.

    To make it happen. So we'll discuss that. We'll dive deep into the situation. We'll also have a conversation about Martin Luther King in general. There's been some controversial conversations about his values and things like that. So we'll talk about that. And when it comes to some current events, we're also going to discuss this, which is the fact that the FAA is actively now recruiting people with severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities.

    As a part of a diversity and inclusion plan. Don't worry. We'll talk about it. After that, we will talk about the next thing, which is the fact that, uh, the caucus is going on tonight in Iowa. So we'll just briefly super briefly touch on that because I believe we already have a winner and we will also discuss the world economic forum coming out and saying that the idea that Trump could potentially win the 2024 election is.

    And I quote, and this actually came from, I believe, somebody, the, the, uh, head of BlackRock, uh, a woman there that was at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, said that it was a great concern, quote, unquote, if Trump won the election. Now, all of that and more, make sure you stick around, because the longer you're here, the deeper we get.

    Alright, so, before you do that, uh, go ahead and Leave a review, Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, wherever you're at, go ahead and click the five stars. If you're on Spotify or Apple podcasts, if you haven't watched the episodes before all of the stuff that I'm talking about here with you on the podcast is also available on YouTube, just with my beautiful face and all the articles and videos that we're watching up on the screen for you.

    So if you're working, whatever you got going on, you're cleaning up the house, whatever you're doing. Put on YouTube, man, I'll be right there waiting for you. And you'll actually be able to see everything that we're discussing all the articles and everything there. All right. So without further ado, let's jump into it.   The Adams archive.

     All right, let's jump into it. The very first thing that we're going to discuss today is going to be that the FAA came out and said, And you're hearing this correct. The FAA said that they were going to start doing diversity hires for people who are severely and mentally incapable. That seems like the absolute worst idea in the world.

    If there was any job that you would do, and I can actually speak to this, uh, and I'll get into more detail on that for you. But if there's any job that you shouldn't be able to do, this should probably be on the list. So here's this article. It comes from the post millennial and it says Biden's FAA is actively recruiting people with severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities as a part of diversity and inclusion plan.

    Yeah. If you're terrified. Because when I was in the, the FAA certification process right when I was going through air traffic control school to be in the Air Force when I was in the Air Force, um, we wouldn't even when you went in and you got your FAA certification, you got this little pink card that showed that you were an air traffic controller.

    You had to go through all these tests. The tests were quite difficult, by the way, so I'm not sure like my class of air traffic controllers from tech school at Uh, Biloxi, Mississippi did essentially, we had 24 people or 27 people or so when we started and by the end of it, eight of us graduated. So it's, it's not like this is easy stuff.

    And then you go to your actual base and then even a larger amount of people wash out at their base, depending on what base you go to. Now, when it comes to the FAA, allowing severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities to be a part of this organization and these types of jobs, we're talking about.

    People who have your lives in their hands at all times, when you talk about air traffic controllers and pilots, you need to be mentally sharp, you need to be mentally capable, you need to be able to make split second decisions that are going to choose life or death for hundreds of people at a time. And here's how I would explain air traffic control.

    You know, some people, everybody thinks it's like the person with the cone sitting down on the runway. No. The air traffic controller either has one of two jobs. One's in a tower, one's in a radar facility. And if you're in the tower, you're basically working air traffic within maybe five miles around your base.

    And if you're working in a radar facility, like I did, you work potentially up to 20, 30, even larger. Distances than that. So you're controlling. So when, when you're doing a radar facility, you see a screen when you're in tower, it's a little bit different and you use different tools, but when you're in the radar facility, you see basically a screen and it looks like a video game.

    And there's little triangles on there with little, you know, letters and numbers. Next to them. And each one of those triangles could represent anywhere from two to 250 people. And your job as an air traffic controller is to, is to look and observe the altitude of the aircraft that you're looking at, check their, uh, the altitude, their speed, and then you're supposed to create.

    Patterns. There's already generally pre created patterns, but you're, you're supposed to keep them within the air traffic patterns, tell them when there's traffic, give them the, the distance, the speed, the altitude of the traffic. And, and at the same time, you know, there were certain times in the air traffic facility when one person would be working upwards of 20 to 25 different planes at a single given time.

    So you can imagine what that looks like when you're trying to maintain and track 25 small triangles and make sure that they don't hit each other, because if those triangles touch each other, you could have killed 500 people. Now, when we're talking about the FAA allowing severely intellectually and psychiatrically disabled individuals into the FAA, we're also talking about pilots.

    Now, I don't know about you, but I just watched a recent Netflix movie and it's the most. It's like the highest net, the highest watched Netflix movie right now. Pretty sure it's like Sons of Snow or something like that and essentially what happened is back in the 1970s there was a pilot, a perfectly capable, unmentally handicapped, or severely intellectually disabled individual, a perfectly healthy individual, who was a pilot, who was the co pilot, and he hadn't really driven this plane through the area that they were in through these mountains and During the 70s, this, this plane was commissioned through the, the military to ride these like rugby players and their families all over to go play a match.

    And when they did that, the co pilot was maintaining the aircraft and was lost just by 40 miles. And 40 miles seems like a really long distance, but when you're going 300, 400 miles per hour It's not. And so you could do that in 25 minutes, 20 minutes of just going the wrong direction, you're 40 miles off off path.

    And so when what happened was this guy lowered his altitude and did so so much that he hit the tail end of the plane on the back of a cliff, broke the plane in half, it ripped the wings off of the plane and stranded these 27 people in this Horrific, mountainous, frigid, freezing area. And those people were there for 80, 81 days.

    They survived in the climate where the temperatures would drop 80 degrees in one hour. It's a little graphic movie, so I'll give you that. Parental discretion. Don't watch this with the kids, and don't watch it if you don't have a or if you're a little queasy when it comes to, I don't know, cannibalism, because it's kind of a theme throughout it all, but this is a real story that happened.

    And the only reason that these guys survived, a certain amount of them, survived was because of their, both their heroic acts, and The fact that they ended up cannibalizing each other and the story is truly amazing and in a testament to humanity and how certain individuals in that situation can step up into leadership roles and to, uh, you know, work alongside other people to delegate tasks and all these amazing things that they did together.

    It's actually a really interesting case study on like almost, uh, uh, the, the antithesis of Lord of the Flies. And I think that's partially because a small portion of these individuals actually happened to be teammates prior to this. So they were already on their own side. They were all wearing a Jersey together.

    They had some camaraderie. And so I think that's a, that's a big piece of it. But I also think that when you're in that situation, there's always going to be several leaders who step up and decide that they're going to speak for the group and that they're the ones that are most capable to lead them out of a terrible situation.

    And you really find the character out of an individual when they're in a situation like that, and whether they step up or they look around the room to meet the eyes of somebody who's going to, and there's different people for different roles in life. And that's not to say that any one person is less than the other, but I do think that there is a certain gene within.

    A man or a woman that makes them more capable leaders than others. And when you're in a situation that is literally life and death, you want to make sure that you have a capable leader. In this specific instance, they actually had the captain of their team that helped. Uh, take on that initial leadership role that they all kind of looked to throughout this film.

    Now, it's truly an incredible film, and I know I'm getting off on a tangent here, but you should go watch it. Don't blame me, because I already warned you about the cannibalism stuff. All right, guys, like, don't, don't be messaging me, getting all mad at me for, but it's, it's a great movie, and, and it's definitely worth the watch, and it'll make you queasy for, you know, a few scenes, but.

    It's worth it. It's interesting. And so, when you have somebody who's a co pilot and for 10 minutes looked the wrong direction and wasn't following the right, you know, path. Like, I don't know how many people were on the original plane, but it was probably at least 70 people died as a result of this tiny little mistake.

    This isn't a cab driver, and even then, you probably shouldn't be a cab driver if you have severe intellectual disabilities. So when it comes to the FAA, the standards are high for a reason. Hi for a reason, and it's for your safety. So when you have Boeing with their 757s that came out flaunting in a video where all of their engineers are now women walking through a trade show in slow motion thinking they're all cool.

    Meanwhile, they should have been in the back of a hangar with a screwdriver screwing on the windows or the door that fell off of the The airplane like every single piece of aviation has to be handled with extreme care from the mechanics that are working on a plane, obviously, to the FAA or traffic controllers that are maintaining your traffic and giving telling people where to go and how to get there and how to get there safely to the pilots that are actually sitting in that cockpit, making sure that you and your family land.

    Without dying, that's a pretty important role, don't you think? And I don't think that that's somebody that I want to have severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities. And when we go back to my time in the Air Force, when I was an air traffic controller, you wouldn't, if you were feeling any sort of anxiety, or depression, or any lingering mental health issue at all, you would never, never go speak with a therapist.

    It was a death sentence for your career. An absolute death sentence for your career. If you went to speak to a therapist, a psychiatrist, a psychologist, you would not be able, they would immediately strip you of, of your, your duties. You wouldn't be allowed to go do your job because now you're, you're at a risk and they can't risk having somebody with a medical history of any mental health issues or physical disabilities or intellectual disabilities because.

    You can kill people, not even just like one or two. You kill lots of people in air traffic or as a pilot. And all of those decisions that you have to make are split second decisions. So, this is absolutely crazy to me. But let's, let's go ahead and watch this here. Or I'll read it for you. Which says, The Federal Aviation Administration places a priority on hiring people with severe intellectual disabilities as a part of the Diversity and Inclusion Initiative.

    According to its website, the FAA claims individuals with targeted or severe disabilities are the most underrepresented segment of the federal workforce. Under its People with Disabilities program, the agency says, it actively recruits, hires, promotes, retains, and develops and advances people with disabilities.

    The FAA targets the following disabilities as a matter of policy. Hearing. Vision, missing extremities, God, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, and dwarfism. Could you imagine if you go to get into your plane and as you're boarding Delta flight, you see a blind, deaf dwarf with one arm sitting there ready to fly your plane?

    That doesn't sound like a good idea at all. I am immediately grabbing my luggage and turning right around and exiting the plane. Because that's, I'm not trying to be ableist or whatever the fuck you want to call it, but there are certain qualities that, that make you capable of flying a plane and being deaf, blind, missing extremities, or being deaf.

    Paralyzed seemed to fall under the category of the things that you wouldn't want from your pilot, I would say. Now, the FAA told Fox News that it seeked qualified candidates from as many sources as possible, all of whom must meet rigorous qualifications that, of course, will vary by position. Its website reveals that those with disabilities or those who have veteran status can be hired via non competitive or on the spot process as long as a manager files the proper paperwork, thus giving them preferential treatment in the hiring process.

    The aviation industry has received further scrutiny from the public in the wake of Alaska Airlines door plug being blown off the sides of its two month old Boeing 737 9 Max aircraft, causing it to make an emergency landing. In a post on X, tech mogul Elon Musk asked, do you want to fly in an airplane where they prioritize DEI hiring over your safety?

    He added, it's actually happening. People will die due to DEI. And I wholeheartedly believe we should just switch those. It's D I E, guys. When it comes to the FAA, at least, it's D I E. It's no longer D E I. So he posted that on X and then, uh, goes on to talk about how Boeing had that situation that occurred as well.

    Now, they go into a whole history of Boeing's DEI program, uh, which is just as concerning as we see it all actually playing out now with the 737's door falling off mid flight. Flight, could you imagine and the people that were supposed to be sitting in the the aircraft next to that door that fell off I'm pretty sure like missed the flight or something like that Now it says the Alaska Airlines situation came on the heels of a shocking report in December Which showed that there was 19 instances where planes nearly crashed into each other at the airports in the first in the first 10 months of 2023 Wow.

    This was the highest number since 2016. The report noted that the FAA had struggled to hire more air traffic controllers, and as the number of flights a day has gone up, the number of fully certified air traffic controllers is down 1, 000 people from 10 years ago. And that's when I was an air traffic controller.

    It was literally 2013, 2014. Yeah. So interesting. Wow. Didn't know they were in that much dire difficulty that they'd hire somebody who's completely paralyzed to be an air traffic controller. The bar is Sticky tape on the ground. All right, and that leads us to our next conversation here, which comes out of, and I guess let's do this two ways.

    We could do one of two ways. We can start with the caucus, or we can start with the World Economic Forum. You choose. I'll wait. Oh, you said you wanted to start with the World Economic Forum? Perfect, let's do that. So it says, from the post millennial, the potential 2024 Trump win of great concern to Davos elites at annual World Economic Forum meeting.

    So, every year, if you didn't know, A bunch of multi billionaires of all these corporations across the world that all come together to conspire on how to control you, on how to eliminate your freedoms, on how to put you into a tinier and tinier box every year, and strip you of the ability to transport yourself from point A to point B, and figure out a way to continue to siphon money off of you, so they can pay it to themselves.

    Oh, and also, you know, take every single power, uh, advantage that they can over the general public. They meet. In the, I think it's like the Swiss Alps in Switzerland and at Davos and all these people get together and they conspire together and they have these fancy looking meetings and then, you know, Klaus Schwab walks up there in his Star Wars attire and talks about how you're going to eat the bugs and you're going to, uh, Oh, nothing's I'm be happy with it.

    Like all of that stuff, right? That's the World Economic Forum, if you didn't know. Sure you did, because you're listening to me. But, if you didn't know, there you go. Now, the World Economic Forum leaders, specifically from BlackRock, said that Trump becoming president is of great concern for them, when it comes to their annual World Economic Forum meeting.

    And that's again comes from the post millennial, which says in 2024 GOP front runners, Donald Trump's potential return to the white house was of great concern to one elite and stoked fears and others at the earlier work at the yearly world economic forum meeting. In Davos, Switzerland, going to the into the Iowa caucuses, Trump is far ahead of primary competition in recent polls, the potential for him to become president of the United States against burden nervous discussions, thousands of miles away from the elite meeting.

    You know, we've been there before and we survived it. So we'll see what it means. BlackRock Vice Chairman Philip Hildebrand said, according to Bloomberg. Certainly for a Europe, from a European perspective, from a kind of globalist, Atlanticist perspective, it's of course a great concern. You hear that, that word?

    Globalist, right? European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde. Thought that Trump going back to his office, it was obviously a threat in an interview this week before the elite meeting that she attends regularly. The video's in, uh, French, so I won't play it for you unless you speak French, in which case go find it and listen to it yourself and then you can tell all of us what it says.

    The former Swiss National Bank president also shared Lagarde's fears of Trump returning to office. Former Vice President Al Gore did not think it was a foregone conclusion that Trump would get elected. I don't think it's a foregone conclusion, he said. Yeah, well, thank you. I've Been through the process.

    I've run four national campaigns over the years and seen it from that perspective. I've seen a lot of surprises over the years. The yearly elite meetup started this week and goes until January 19th. And as always, I do cover that in length as well, every year. So I'm sure we will be doing that also this week.

    All right. Now, just because they just said that I would love to share with you that the Iowa caucus has been called and Donald Trump took just 34 minutes. To win the election or the caucus, whatever. Um, so let's go ahead and read a little bit about that here. And that is. Interesting to me because it was such a landslide that Donald Trump won in Iowa.

    He won by 75 percent of votes within the first 30 minutes. Now this is supposed to get dragged out a little bit, but basically everybody's already calling it because they're saying that there was so many people. And I'm sure we have even more of a definitive. Statistic now, but there were so many people that voted for Trump out of the generalized first election counting that was happening within the first 35 minutes that they just went, eh, guess it's Trump, which is scaring the shit out of a lot of people, especially if you're in Switzerland right now.

    Uh, so that's cool. What I found to be interesting was that following Donald Trump, at least at the time that I'm reading this was Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley. Surprised me by being in that position. And I guess she's kind of like the GOP, you know, the, if you want to use the word neocons or the, you know, the establishment conservatives, she's.

    Literally the face of it. She used to run, she used to work at like the NATO or UN side of things. And, you know, all of that deeply entrenched in the swamp. And it surprises me that she's in second place at all, because everything that's come out of her mouth is just warmongering bullshit. Next up after her right now is Ron DeSantis.

    Now, what's even more interesting than that to me is the fact that Vivek Ramaswamy is in fourth place behind DeSantis and Nikki Haley. For how convincing his speech is, it doesn't seem to be helping him much in the polls. There was a big spat this week and last between Donald Trump and Vivek, and I guess I said Vivek, but I'm pretty sure it's Vivek after I called him out a few times, but it's Vivek and In that spat, uh, Donald Trump basically said that Vivek is trying to go out and say that, Oh, he's, you know, there was a picture that came out of Vivek next to four individuals, uh, younger looking guys who were saying that, you know, Save Trump, choose Vivek.

    Which is basically the idea behind that is the fact that Trump's not gonna be able to get near the White House, and they would never let that, so you should choose me because I'm the next best option. Now, I don't disagree with the sentiment of some of that. But, that pissed off a lot of Trump voters, and it also pissed off Trump, which Made Trump respond to him and basically just obliterate the vague fairly quickly I would be really interested to see them on a debate stage together.

    I don't know if we will which is super sad to me Because it would be I don't know That's what democracy is is hearing two people stand up there and have an argument about their belief system so that we can decide Who's full of shit and who seems to be telling the truth? Now, the real answer is, they're all full of shit, none of them are telling the truth, but at least we get to feel like we partake in the process.

    At least we get to feel like we heard them speak from their own mouth and have some sort of verbal combat with the other individual that we're deciding between. And I think that's important. But it's telling, as we go into all of these debates, that there has been no Democratic debates at all. There has been no debates with Donald Trump in them.

    There has been no Joe Biden speaking out about what's going to happen. Now that's a super interesting one because we still have no idea who's even going to be the front runner. I believe there's more and more whispers now that it could be Michelle Obama, however, which would make for a very, very interesting election.

    I think that might be one of the only ways that you would see Trump have a difficult time winning. And specifically, and only because of perception. It's like, Oprah, Michelle Obama, I don't know, who else? The Rock, Mark Cuban. Like, those would be like the four people that I could see even giving Trump a hard time, potentially, if they actually showed up and debated him.

    Now. There you have it. There's your update on both Trump and the caucus. And I think that we will be seeing these landslides pretty consistently as the time goes on in the conservative party because Trump's just trounced absolutely destroyed the vague. And that to me is the only possible individual that It could have gone toe to toe with him in any way, shape, or form.

    So now it's like almost a race for second, which is what everybody's saying about this. It's like, yeah, we're watching this only specifically because we want to see who comes in second place. And, and hopefully, you know, honestly, I would rather have a vague than DeSantis or Nikki Haley. And, and I'm, I'm not against.

    DeSantis, his presence throughout this election cycle has just been absolutely atrocious. It was sitting on the debate stage getting just pummeled, pummeled by Gavin Newsom in their debate. Just watching that was so difficult. I just prayed. That Vivek gets the same opportunity. And again, I'm not a Vivek supporter.

    In that way, I have a lot of questions about Vivek and his sincerity. And, uh, there was actually even more news about Vivek that came out this week in his snaky little ways. Which is the fact that one of the companies that he owned, the one that made him much of his money, was a pharmaceutical company, right?

    We know that. But also, what ended up happening was he basically bought the rights to a dead pharmaceutical drug that lost all of its clinical trials, never went into the third phase of trials, and then, basically, this was for dementia, purchased the drug, and I think this was under Roivint, And purchased the drug and then put it back through trials.

    Only this time there was one difference in the way that he put it through trials. He put his mother on the team that was conducting the trials. Lo and behold, after a few rounds of. Running these scientific trials, suddenly there's this amazing breakthrough in the dementia world and this medication could have gone and been an amazing thing.

    The stock jumps up to almost 200 per share from almost nothing. Then, as it goes through the third round of trials, the stock plummets because it doesn't pass the third rounds of clinical trials. What we call that is a pump and dump the I there was their entire idea was to purchase this pharmaceutical drug make it appear through Scientific swindling which is basically all sciences today anyways, especially when it comes to pharmaceuticals over literally anything and then Pump up the stock by putting out some some PR information sending your son on a PR Trip to go to speak on all of the best talk shows and you know his Silvery slick little tongue.

    And then as soon as right before you're supposed to go through that third round of clinical trials, you drop all your shares and that leaves all of the money, all of the money that's lost to the individuals that don't drop it in time. And that's exactly what they did. So he's just a pump and dump little schemer.

    So thought that was interesting. Something I learned this week as well. All right. So, those are your main topics today, but there was one last thing that I think will segue us into the Martin Luther King conversation. And this actually is interesting because it comes from Robert Kennedy Jr. at a speech at Hillsdale College, in which he calls out another situation where the powers that be attempted to assassinate individuals who didn't fall in line, which perfectly segues us into our conversation about Martin Luther King.

    So, here's the video, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaking at Hillsdale College. And this is actually interesting because JFK is, you know, um, is actually the one who allowed, uh, the FBI to conduct its wiretapping on Martin Luther King. Now there's a reason behind that, that he was trying to basically allegedly expose.

    The fact that Martin Luther King wasn't a communist and all these claims and that a lot of that, but we'll get to that in a minute. But it is just funny that we're speaking to his nephew or watching his nephew speak about the topic that he was the one who, you know, allowed the wiretapping. Anyways, here we go.

    Watch here as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drops an absolute bombshell about the federal government and well, just watch because it's pretty wild. Then in 2001, in June, the CIA sponsors the first of its pandemic simulations. It simulates a biological attack on Washington, D. C. by Saddam Hussein.

    This is in June, 2001. That simulation got, got international press, and a lot of the CIA people like Judith Miller from the New York Times was promoting it, going around doing all the talk shows. It, uh, it triggered two Senate hearings, one by Joe Biden's committee. And that hearing was in September 2001.

    What happened in September 2001? The 9 11. So that hearing was going on during 9 11. As soon as 9 11 happened, the neocons, which were working on all this stuff with the CIA, Pulled out the Patriot Act, a 350 page statute from a shelf where it had been waiting for a while. And in one week said, we want to pass this in a week.

    There's only one member of Congress who read it, which was Dennis Kucinich. And he went crazy. And said, you have no idea this is the end of American democracy if you do this. It allows the CIA to spy on Americans. One of the things the Patriot Act did is it did not get rid of the Geneva Convention or the Bioweapons Treaty, but it said no federal official can be prosecuted for violating those two statutes.

    So it reopened the bioweapons arms race globally. And when the, a week after, when the Patriot Act was being debated, and it was being held up by two senators, There was an anthrax attack on the U. S. Capitol. It was blamed on Saddam Hussein, and although the neocons all said, see, we were right in the pandemic simulation, Saddam Hussein attacked us.

    And we used that as a justification to go to war against Saddam Hussein. And within two days, we passed the Patriot Act. Who got the anthrax? Two Senate offices. Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, the two senators who were blocking the Patriot Act. The FBI did a one year investigation. They said this anthrax was unique.

    It was Ames anthrax and there's only one place in the world it could have come from, Fort Dietrich, the CIA lab.

    Damn. Bomb. Shell. dropped by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. there. That is absolutely insane. Now, if you grew up in the area, the era that I did, or even after you remember being terrified of anthrax, you remember hearing about how, Oh, somebody could just send you a letter and all of a sudden you're dead on the ground, dad.

    But now come to find out that that entire scare, the entire anthrax scare that we recall that's sifted and that's, that's seared into our memory was because two senators held out on the Patriot Act because they said it would end democracy. And as a result of saying those things and deciding not to approve it, they had of all of the senators that were there, those are the only two.

    Individuals who received the letters with the anthrax in it as a threat saying pass this or else and as he just said in the very end there, the fact that not only were they targeted, that was obviously blatantly clear why they were doing it, but also the only way, the only way That that could have, or the only place that that specific type of anthrax could have come from was Fort Detrick with this CIA.

    This is what you have to realize, is when you're dealing with these organizations, especially, you know, and I say especially back then, and that could still be perfectly well the case. That nothing has changed, and they're still absolutely conducting this type of thing. They're probably just a little smarter about it, and the documents are classified for another 30 years, right?

    Because every 30 years, you're going to go, Oh, that was in the 1990s. That was in the early 2000s. They wouldn't do that to us now,

    guys, right? They, they wouldn't do that to us now, as all the senators are in a room, looking at each other, hire a specific, uh, a specific intern to open up all your mail, right? Like, it's so crazy to see that the lengths that they went to, you know, To go to combat anybody, anybody. going against their wishes.

    And even that's interesting what he said about the fact that they had a 350 page bill already written for exactly this type of situation. And then they utilize that emergency situation to pass whatever bills they wanted. And they could have put anything in there. And what he said is that there was only one person who read the damn thing.

    Because how do you get a week to sift through 350 legal pages, which is a nightmare. But that's your job. How isn't it that everybody read through those? How is it that they didn't come with, if I'm in that position, I'm coming, I'm taking all of those documents, I'm going home, and I'm putting a flashlight down on it with a highlighter.

    And then I'm, I'm taking those and writing notes into a journal, and making, writing down my thoughts, and then coming back to the table and going, here's what's wrong with this, here's why you shouldn't pass this, and make an actual argument. But that's not what these senators do. They are told, here's the package, you pass it.

    Now when anybody has a brain in these positions, you know, we talked about Madison Cawthorne a couple days ago, or a couple episodes ago, where he spoke out against some things that were happening, and guess what? With a 95 percent general re election cycle for a senator, he didn't, he was one of the 5%. And he was super popular among the people.

    Um, so, if you don't do what they say, you're not They're going to make you do what they say, whether it's through blackmail, like we talked about yesterday with or yesterday, we talked about it last episode. It seems like yesterday on Friday. Um, we talked about Epstein blackmail, right? We talked about now, even physical threats like anthrax, or even what we'll see from here from Truman's, uh, FBI here is the fact that they sent Martin Luther King a letter and they sent Martin Luther King a letter basically saying kill yourself And if you don't somebody else will do it for you within 34 days, and it won't be as pleasant That's an actual letter, and actually, I'm sorry, that was Hoover, um, that sent, that sent that letter, uh, but terrifying what these organizations are, are willing to do to hold their power and to make their decisions be unquestionable, right?

    You can't, you can't say anything back against these organizations or else, well, or else what? Well, or else we'll kill you with anthrax. Don't even read it. Because if you do, your moral compass will get in the way. Just pass it. That's all we need you to do. That's why you're in your position. It's because we paid for you to be here.

    Now pass the bill. Right? That's all they want you to do. They don't want you to think. You're not there to represent the American people. You're there to represent the globalists, like we talked about with the World Economic Forum. You're there to represent the lobbyists. And you're there to represent the people that gave you your money to get there.

    Not the people who voted for you quote unquote To be in your position. No, because that's not how you really got there. You got there because you had a 25 million dollar donation from BlackRock And I found this to be interesting too and this is a side note while I'm waiting for some other things to pull up here, which is the fact that George Soros has traditionally gone after local level officials because the cost to lobby people into positions of power in Washington is so much more than it is to do it locally.

    If he wants a DA in, in, I don't know, Chicago, he can get one there. If he wants a judge in Des Moines, Iowa, he can get one there at a much lower cost than actually trying to get somebody into a presidential position and get something somebody into a Senate position. It's much easier for you to get somebody into a local run.

    Then you are into a national one. So this leads me to where this all started, which is the fact that on Martin Luther King day, the FBI posted on their Twitter account, which is quite ironic. First of all, but let's go ahead and read what they had to say. The FBI posted on January 15th of 2024, this MLK day, the FBI honors one of the most prominent leaders of the civil rights movement and reaffirms its commitment to Dr.

    King's legacy of fairness and equal justice for all. Well, guess what? That got hit with a community note and I will share it with you because it's absolutely hilarious and I'm so glad that this exists. Here it is. Let me go ahead and share it on the screen for you here. So here's the tweet from the FBI and here is the Community note, which says the FBI engaged in surveillance of King attempted to discredit him and use manipulation tactics to influence him to stop organizing.

    King's family believed the FBI was responsible for his death. Praise the community notes gods that this got posted because in one community note on X, they absolutely obliterated the FBI absolutely obliterated them. This, this has to go down as the single greatest community note in Twitter X history is the fact that the FBI got community noted as being the potential perpetrator of Martin Luther King's death.

    Directly under their tweet. Now I would love to go look at the comments of that because that has 3. 7 million views, but this leads us into our next conversation. Did the FBI assassinate Martin Luther King? Well, by the end of this, hopefully you have your answer because I know mine. So let's begin this at the very beginning of the situation.

    I'll give you a brief breakdown and then we'll walk through some of the pieces that we pick up along the way. Alright, so, I have some of this written down, so bear with me, but I wanted to organize this in a way that was easy to understand the totality of this situation, because once you get into the details, whether it's JFK's assassination, whether it's Martin Luther King's assassination, whether it's Bobby Kennedy's assassination, whether it's John Lennon, all of these become so complex and confiscated because that's the goal.

    All they need to do is create enough enough doubt around the situation that they can just continue doing their job. So here we go tonight. We're peeling back the layers of a story that quite frankly, the mainstream media is too timid to touch. The assassination of Martin Luther King jr. Now. You all know the official story, the one that's been neatly packaged and sold to us by the FBI for years.

    But what if I told you there's another side to that story? One that's been shrouded in government secrets and mystery. First, let's set the scene. Martin Luther King, the face of the civil rights movement. A man who is no stranger to the specter of death. In 1958, he survived a near fatal stabbing. In 1963, post JFK's assassination, he eerily predicts a similar fate for himself.

    This isn't just a footnote in history, it's a chilling prelude to what's to come. Now fast forward to 1968, King and his Southern Christian Leadership Conference comrades are in Memphis, Tennessee, advocating for the rights of sanitation workers. It's a noble cause, but it turns out to be King's last. On April 4th, at the Lorraine Motel Room.

    Room 306, a room that practically had King's name on it. His life is tragically cut short by a sniper's bullet. The FBI story? James Earl Ray, a convicted criminal, acted alone. Sound familiar? But, let's not be so quick to swallow the narrative. Ray is captured, and the stories we're fed is that he's a lone, racist gunman.

    But hold on! Ray soon recants his confession, reclaiming that he was just a pawn in a larger game orchestrated by a shadowy figure named Raul. This is where the plot thickens. Consider this. The King family, not satisfied with the official account, starts digging deeper. They uncover enough anomalies and inconsistencies to file a lawsuit against Lloyd Jowers and various government entities, alleging a sprawling conspiracy behind King's assassination.

    And in a stunning turn of events, they win the case. Testimonies during the trial implicate not just Jowers, but also the FBI, the CIA, the U. S. Army, and even elements of the mafia. Now let's talk about the evidence. The rifle that was supposedly linked to Ray to the linked Ray to the crime scene was never conclusively matched to the bullet that killed King.

    So, the bullet that was lodged in King's head when he died was not a match to the specific rifle that James Earl Ray allegedly used. Now, then there's the mystery pattern of deaths and intimidations. Witnesses, key figures, anyone who dared to challenge the official narrative met with untimely and suspicious ends.

    Also sounds familiar to JFK's now doesn't it? Is this just a series of coincidences or does it point to a desperate attempt to silence the truth? Ray's own story, frankly, is riddled with holes. Here's a man with a limited understanding of firearms. A low military marksmanship score suddenly pegged as a mastermind, capable of executing one of the most significant assassinations in American history.

    We start to ask some more questions. Then there's the hasty manner in which Ray was pinned as the lone assassin almost immediately. Authorities find him in case closed. But the discrepancies are glaring. Questions about the ballistic evidence, the rush to judgment, the odd sequence of events post assassination.

    Is a jigsaw puzzle with far too many missing pieces. Now consider the broader context. This is the 1960s, a time of turmoil, of government distrust of agencies known for court, for covert operations and dirty tricks, the King's family lawsuit. And the subsequent verdict didn't just raise eyebrows. They blew the lid off the official story, suggesting that Martin Luther King's.

    Junior's assassination was not the act of a lone, hate driven gunman, but the outcome of a deep rooted, multi layered government conspiracy. So let's dive deeper. Ray's narrative of being manipulated by Raul presents a picture of a man who was unknowingly set up to be the Fall Guy in an assassination that was part of a larger and darker agenda.

    This Raul character, who remains shrouded in mystery, is said to have directed Ray's actions, including the purchase of the alleged Murder Weapon. It begs the question, was Rey just a pawn in a much more complex game of high stakes political chess? And let's not just gloss over the rapid response that was given in conclusion by authorities.

    Almost immediately after King's assassination, the focus narrows on Rey, with little exploration into any alternative leads. or motives. The evidence, such as the mismatched ballistics, Ray's lack of fingerprints in the alleged sniper's nest, and his dubious claim from escape from prison paints a picture of convenient scapegoating rather than a thorough investigation.

    The mainstream media also ignores the broader climate of the time, a period rife with political assassinations. Civil unrest and a deep mistrust of government agencies in this context, the idea of a government linked conspiracy doesn't seem so far fetched, does it? The King family, meanwhile, steadily, steadfastly, maintained that Ray was not the true assassin.

    They contended that his role was merely a diversion, a cover for a larger conspiracy involving government agencies and other powerful entities. Their victory in the civil trial against Lloyd Jowers and various government entities was just a win, wasn't just a win in court, it was a public declaration that the truth about King's assassination was far more complex than the world was led to believe.

    Now, let's talk about the aftermath. Before we do that, I do want to discuss one thing. Who was this Jowers fellow? Lloyd Jowers was an individual who was connected with the mafia, who alleged During this court hearing that he was given a 100, 000 to hire a hit man to kill Martin Luther King. He was told at the time that he was given that money that there would be no police presence around.

    They told him the exact place for him to be in. And when you look deeper and deeper into the situation with Martin Luther King, there's a ton of questions around this. First of all being they moved. Martin Luther King Jr. from his existing hotel room into another one, one with a balcony view. Interesting.

    Also, within this time, there was government assets on the ground in the area surrounding him. Not some security force, just random government assets on the ground. Similar to what we would say, I don't know, February 7th? Is that what they say? Or January 8th? What's that date again? Hmm. So, there's more and more questions to be asked here.

    Right? Now And again, the, the, the connection between the government, the CIA and the mafia is so bizarre during this time. You talk about all of the situation with Jack Ruby when it comes to JFK and the connection there. It just seems consistently a narrative that the CIA was working alongside the mafia to conduct these types of hits.

    Let's look at the aftermath of King's assassination and the series of mysterious deaths that followed. Key witness individuals with potentially damaging information suddenly and conveniently got out of the picture. It's a pattern that's too consistent to be mere coincidence. It's almost as if someone was tying up loose ends, ensuring the official narrative stayed unchallenged.

    Let's not forget the peculiar handling of the crime scene. The swift removal of potential evidence. Like the tree obscure, obstructing the alleged shooters view and the immediate intense focus on Ray as the sole perpetrator. It's as if the authorities were more interested in closing the case than covering the full story.

    This is where the mainstream media often fall short. They don't dig deeper. They question the narrative handed to them, but that's not how we operate here. We look at the facts, the inconsistencies, and we ask the tough questions. So, let's look at some more of these details here,   november 1964, after their earlier efforts to discredit Martin Luther King Jr. are unsuccessful, the FBI prepares to send Dr. King an anonymous package containing a document that will come to be known as the poison pen letter. FBI intelligence chief Bill Sullivan himself takes some plain unmarked paper.

    And pretending to be an American Negro, types out an anonymous threatening letter. addressed simply King. The letter began by calling Dr. King a fraud and warned that the demise of his reputation among the public was fast approaching. The package also contained an audio tape, a compilation of FBI surveillance allegedly of King engaging in multiple extramarital affairs.

    The document's ominous closing, according to some scholars, Suggested that Dr. King was given a deadline of 34 days to take his own life or suffer the humiliation of the tape's release. The interpretation of this by the people that investigated the FBI later and by just about everybody who has gone through these records believes that they intended for him to commit suicide.

    The FBI sent the package anonymously to Dr. King on November 21st, 1964, but it went unopened for over a month because King was in Oslo, Norway, accepting the Nobel Prize. The first person to eventually open Sullivan's threatening package long after Christmas is Mrs. King. King and his associates. When they listen, there you go.

    So. The FBI went to blackmail, that is blackmail, blackmailed Martin Luther King Jr. to try to get him to commit suicide in order to escape the humiliation of his own infidelity. And we talked about honeypot schemes when it came to Jeffrey Epstein in our last episode, and it seems to be the case here. All they did was, you know, potentially, had somebody go and show a lot of interest into him that was very attractive for lots of money.

    Had them sleep with her, him sleep with her, and then recorded the transaction that was occurring. And now they have blackmail to get him to do whatever they want. Now, obviously, it's probably not a fair exchange to either die or suffer humiliation of being an adulterer. But, they thought it was enough.

    And so And they're still doing this today, right? We saw that with the Anthrax, like they would even go further lengths than this to get their way. And their way has not changed, whether it was back then or today. They're still doing the same things, guaranteed. Maybe it's changed technologically in the fashions that they're doing it in.

    This is the same old tactics, it's the same old company that has been doing this since their inception in 1947. And I think the FBI is obviously a different time than the CIA, so I'm thinking CIA there. But same difference. Right? So, that goes into the next conversation, which is surrounding who was James Earl Ray?

    And why do we think he's innocent? So let's bring up that and we'll discuss that video, because here it is. This is actually from the trial, which occurred that we were discussing this entire time. And he, let's go ahead and here we go. Let's watch it.

    Item of evidence to with the rifle that allegedly a comparison was conducted of the bullet material removed from Dr. King with the 12 test bullets that could be adequately analyzed. This comparison revealed that the gross and unique characteristic signature left on the 12 test bullets by the James Earl Ray rifle was not present on the death bullet.

    There you have it. If you were to say Mr. Hathaway, what are your recommendations here today? I would say I continue on, try, uh, attempt the um, cleaning. It may or may not help. And secondly, I would attempt to get those FBI tests to see the earlier tests compared to the test of 30 years later.

    This is them conducting the testing for the ballistics to match when they fire the rifle.

    Which forensic science in the 90s and earlier was such horseshit. And I'm speaking about things that sucked then and suck now. I'm sure it's not. I'm sure it's much better now than it was. But just seeing these guys sit in the lab and be like, well, there's no scratchies on here. And so there's scratchies on that one.

    He must have killed him. You see them now be stopping them at different points. I'm

    going to just take it up to slightly higher. That's what we're going to be working on. There you go. So that was just the forensic science surrounding it. Let's see if there's any other conclusion. There you go. Yeah. As you can see, we can get much better. But, you have to make your own evaluation on that.

    Of course, I think there's other ways you might come to,

    you know, the same conclusion on it. Different, different ways.

    All right, so there you have it. There's the video of the ballistics and forensic science surrounding the rifle, not matching either. And then to top it all off, let's finish out with this video here from 1977, listening to James Earl Ray himself.

    So you heard, uh, you heard the news on, on the radio, is that the way you heard it? So you were driving, you left at that gas station at 2nd and Linden. What, about 6 or? I don't have any way of knowing, I think it was around that time, but I don't even know if it's Linden, I know the approximate area it is.

    I've seen the map on the inquirer. And you were going back to, uh, to pick up this man that you say is Raul? No, I was just waiting the car back. So you heard all this confusion, turned and flipped on the radio, they said Dr. King's been shot. Uh, at that, did you think you were set up at that point? Uh, no, I was headed towards, toward New Orleans when I had the radio on.

    I used to keep the radio on. I think, uh, I didn't, I have too strong feelings about the, the shooting. When, when you met Raoul, you, did you, you didn't know any other name for him? That's the name that he said was his, and that, that's all you ever knew? Yeah, I never did. And you met him where? Canada. Up in Canada.

    And, uh, and you just met in a saloon, or? It was a saloon in a waterfront area of Montreal. You never became good friends, then? No, I wasn't good friends. Just business. These were all aliases, I assume. You don't think Raoul was a real name at all, then? No, I've got some pretty good information. Papers in there saying there's Raul, San Diego or something, New Orleans, supposed to be, uh, him, but I don't have the FBI, that's material from the FBI files, but I don't have no, uh, nothing to substantiate that.

    So you think their mind was made up when they got you? Well, it had to be made up, uh, they couldn't, uh, Um, well I don't know what, if there was any penalty for, uh, extraditing someone fraudulently or not, but So there's his discussion around who the figure was that was Raul that helped to set him up that gave him the money to purchase the hitman and basically set up the whole scheme for him.

    That was the liaison between him and either the organized crime organizations and the FBI. So that's. That's the story in a nutshell, right? There's lots of little minute details. There's documentaries that have been done on this, that you can go check out yourself, but I wanted to give you that higher level.

    There was a lot of moving pieces, a lot of things that, that came up that changed, uh, that caused, uh, Martin Luther King to find himself in that situation in that time, that was the strings being pulled by these organizations. So I had a few of them written down from some of my research on this, and it starts like this, This.

    So, the FBI wiretapped and spied on Martin Luther King. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover tried to blackmail Martin Luther King, and the FBI covered up his death and investigated themselves. In a 1999 civil trial, they determined the FBI was involved in his assassination. Sure, we talked about that. Then they created a federal holiday, um, in his name.

    Right? What is it besides that? Let's look at some of these here. The King family friend and attorney, William F. Pepper, won the civil trial, which found that the U. S. government agencies were guilty of being part of a conspiracy that resulted in the wrongful death and assassination of Dr. King. The damning positive evidence, or body of evidence, presented to the jury, During this trial suggests that US governmental complicity, which the jury obviously found extremely credible and included testimony about the following.

    The US 111th military intelligence group were at Dr. King's location during the assassination. The 20th special forces group had eight, had an eight man sniper team at the assassination location that Usual Memphis police special bodyguards were advised that they weren't needed on the day of the assassination.

    Regular and constant police protection for Dr. King was removed from protecting Dr. King. Just an hour before the assassination military intelligence set up photographers on the roof of a fire station with clear view of dr. King's balcony dr. King's room was changed from a secure first floor room to an exposed balcony room.

    Memphis police ordered ordered the scene where multiple witnesses reported. As the source of shooting cut down on their bush or cut down on their bushes that would have hit a sniper. So Memphis police ordered the scene where multiple witnesses reported as the source of shooting to cut down the bushes.

    That would have hit a sniper along with sanitizing a crime scene. Police abandoned investigative procedure to interview a witness who lived by the scene of the shooting. The rifle Mr. Ray delivered was not a match to the bullet that killed Dr. King and was not. Cited to accurately shoot so there's some additional evidence from this trial that came out and obviously that's pretty damning and It goes right alongside the situation, you know You talk about John Lennon being assassinated this way for speaking out against the the war machine you talk about JFK you talk about all of these People that were speaking out to power finding themselves in the same situation Now here's an interesting thread, and this will be fairly quick.

    Um, and it comes from somebody on Axe. So again, take it with a grain of salt. But it says that born in 1929, Michael King was the son of a black preacher known as Daddy King. In 1935, Daddy King renamed himself after Protestant reformer Martin Luther, subsequently changing Michael's name to Martin Luther King Jr.,

    none of which was legalized in court. Hmm. So his real name was not Michael. It was Martin Luther King Jr. Uh, interesting. Um, there's a, uh, Martin Luther King Jr. Was a n notorious plagiarizer, so that I've typed up a few examples below. However, there are many such cases. Uh, the first public sermon that King gave in 1947 at the Ebenezer Baptist Church was plagiarized from a hully by Protestant clergyman Harry Emerson Foste entitled, life is What You Make It.

    Uh, the first book that King wrote, Stride Toward Freedom, was plagiarized from numerous sources, all unattributed according to documentation released and assembled by sympathetic King scholars. Four senior editors to the papers to Martin Luther King Jr. stated that Martin's writings were at both Boston University and Crozer Theological Seminary, judged retroactively by standards of academic scholarship, are tragically flawed by numerous instances of plagiarism.

    We get the point. Uh, As long as it's not the I Have a Dream speech, right? King's Ph. D. dissertation, A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Harry Nelson Wyman, contains more than 50 complete sentences plagiarized. from the PhD dissertation by Dr. Jack Boozer. According to the Martin Luther King papers, an official publication of the Martin Luther King Center of Nonviolent Social Change, whose staff includes Widow Coretta, in King's dissertation, only 49 percent of sentences in the section on tillage contained five or more words that were King's own.

    Okay, so Plagiarizer, right? Probably many people back then when they're going through school. Probably many people today using ChatGPT. This says that there's a article that says, Trained, Handled, and Surrounded by Jewish Bolsheviks. And it points to a old newspaper article. I can't exactly make out the, the, let's see if I can get in here.

    The Augustus Courier, the Augusta Courier, um, from August, uh, and from Augusta, Georgia. Um, it says Martin Luther King at Communist Training School. Uh, the article says, let's see, yeah, we'll move on from that, but interesting. I've talked about a few examples of the Communist infiltration of King's movement below.

    Most notable is the fact that every move I'm okay. Made was dictated and approved by the Jewish handler, Stanley Levinson, who referred to King as a slow thinker and refused to let him act alone. Interesting. In fact, the entirety of the civil rights movement was largely orchestrated and funded By Jews, what?

    Many examples of this can be found in Benjamin Ginsberg's The Fatal Embrace, I will list a few below. Hmm, I mean, I'll take it at face value, I guess, but I'd just, I'd have to do more research to substantiate that. Examples of the Jewishness of the Civil Rights Movement found in Benjamin Ginsberg's The Fatal Embrace.

    Jewish organizations worked closely with civil rights groups during the 1960s in their struggles. On behalf of voting rights and for the desegregation of public facilities and accommodations, Jewish contributors provided a substantial share of the funding for such civil rights groups as such as the NAACP and CORE.

    Jewish attorneys were at the forefront of the legal offensive against the American apartheid system and Stanley Levinson, a longtime official and fundraiser of the American Jewish Congress, became Martin Luther King's chief aide and advisor, having previously served as a major fundraiser for Bayard Rustin.

    Interesting. Jack Greenberg, head of the NAACP legal defense, was the most important civil rights attorney in the United States. And, let's see, uh, Jewish individuals were, I mean, okay, I don't see, okay, what does that have to do with anything? Um, because remember, diversity is such a blessing to America, it had to be enforced at gunpoint by the 101st Airpoint Division in Little Rock, Arkansas, during the forced racial integration of high schools in 1957.

    Uh, I mean, yeah, but it still should be done, right? Like, what? Um, Martin Luther King Jr. was also a well known sexual degenerate. Evidence was made available to the public when Trump instructed the National Archives to release documents pertaining to JFK's assassination. And again, not wholeheartedly buying much of this, although this is obviously true.

    The FBI documents that were unsealed. Um, but I'm not sure if it goes into detail on the sexual deviancy of him. Uh, it says he typed up some of the Information regarding King's degeneracy below. Evidence was also provided that King frequently used grant money to pay for alcohol, drugs, and prostitutes. Uh, worth noting that the man most responsible for the FBI probe in the MLK was an assistant director, William C.

    Sullivan. Sullivan describes himself as a liberal and says, I, that initially I was 100 percent for King because I saw him as an effective and badly needed leader. Um, okay, not seeing the sexual deviancy. Uh, in February 1968, while running a workshop on urban leadership in Miami, King hired prostitutes with funds from the Ford Foundation.

    He then engaged in binge drinking and group sex acts, which the FBI describes as deviating from the normal. Okay. The FBI relates how King participated in another drunken sex orgy in Washington, D. C. back in 1964. The sex acts were both natural and unnatural. Not sure what that means. According to the FBI and were performed for the entertainment of onlook.

    In 1960 this was a pattern for King who according to the FBI has Continued to carry on such sexual aberrations secretly while holding himself out to the public view as a moral leader and religious conviction I mean, that's fair The FBI documents reveal that King had a sired a baby girl out of wedlock with a wife of a prominent Dentist in Los Angeles, uh, King was known to participate in orgies, especially those involving prostitutes, usually paid for by grant money.

    The national civil rights museum, she's putting on display in two bedrooms of Lorraine motel where King stayed that night before he was shot has declined to depict in any way. The occupants of those rooms doing so according to exhibit designer, Gerald Esterhold would be close to blasphemy. The reason Dr.

    Martin Luther King jr. spent his last day on earth, having sexual intercourse with two women at a motel and physically beating and abusing a third. Let's see the substantiation on that. Um, J. Edgar Hoover personally saw to it that documented information on King's degeneracy and the communist connections was provided to the President and to Congress.

    Conclusive information from the FBI files was also provided to major newspapers and news wire services. Were the American people informed of King's real nature? Hmm. Uh, not sure I buy some of that, although these documents that were released from the JFK stuff seems to be pretty well substantiated. Um, Very interesting.

    So on that note, I still believe that he did a fair amount of good stuff regardless of the Articles he copy and pasted for his PhD dissertation, which I don't blame you for and if you're getting into sexual orgies Who cares? Although the fact that you're married with children probably isn't a good look and you shouldn't do that And yeah being a prominent leader of a you know, religious situation while doing those things probably not a good look either But I don't think that takes away from You know, the substantial, uh, impact that he gave during the times of segregation.

    Right, there's a reason. Now, I don't, I, obviously, the reason they gave him a federal holiday is because of the ideologies and impact that he had. But also, it was a little bit due to the fact that maybe they murdered him. That could have been it, too. So that is what I have for you guys today. Thank you so much for listening.

    I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. Head over to the sub stack. Austin Adams dot sub stack. com. Get signed up there. Uh, find me on Instagram, YouTube, rumble, Twitter X, all the places. Um, and I'll see you there. All right. Thank you guys so much. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. I love you.

    Have a great day.

  • Welcome to 'The Adams Archive,' where host Austin Adams takes you on an enlightening journey into the heart of global conspiracies, cultural enigmas, and political intrigue. This podcast series sheds light on the most thought-provoking and underreported stories, exploring the unseen forces shaping our society and global politics.

    Unravel the complex narrative of Taylor Swift's alleged involvement in psychological operations, diving into the blurred lines between celebrity influence and political media manipulation. Explore the mystery of underground tunnels beneath a New York synagogue, probing their origins and potential purposes. Analyze the intricate dynamics of recent U.S.-UK joint military operations, uncovering their geopolitical motivations and strategic implications on a global scale.

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     Full Transcription

    Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the Adams archive. My name is Austin Adams. And thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we have some wild topics to get through. And I'm excited for it. So the very first topic that we're going to talk about today is going to be that the Pentagon actually responded to the idea that Taylor Swift Is a PSYOP.

    So we'll look at what the response was. And that will actually look at the history of this because the fundamental idea around that is that there's a, uh, forces that be within our government that want to manipulate the art within our culture in order to influence the culture itself. And so we'll look at the history of that, whether it be Operation Mockingbird by the CIA, whether it be the CIA teaming up with certain artists during the cold war era, we'll look at all of that together.

    Then. We'll jump into the next topic, which is going to be that there was some pretty shady stuff found in New York, which actually ended up being an underground tunnel underneath a Jewish synagogue, I believe. So. We'll look at that and why it's pretty, pretty crazy stuff. So there's a couple of theories on it.

    We'll actually dive into the history of the specific group, because the specific group that we're talking about is a little bit different than your average, uh, Practicer of Judaism. Um, so we will look at that as well. And then we will dive into some breaking news here, which is that the United States. In hand in hand with the, uh, with Britain have the UK have actually, uh, conducted operations overseas against Houthi rebels, which some believe may be the spark of a war against.

    So we'll look at the history of that as well. So all of that more, but first I need you to go ahead and subscribe. If this is your first time, I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart, subscribe. And if you are here for your second time, third time around. 100th time, whatever, because we're actually about to hit that 100th episode.

    I believe we're on episode 96 right now, which is pretty wild. But thank you for being here. I appreciate you. I love doing this for you guys. Uh, we'll have some cool stuff coming up. Some interviews, some really awesome things that I am working on in the background. So thank you for being here. Leave a five star review and let's jump into it.

     The Adams archive.

     Alright, so the very first topic that we're going to discuss today is going to be that the Pentagon actually responded to the idea that Taylor Swift is a PSYOP. Now personally. I think this probably couldn't be more accurate. And so the reason that I think this, I think this is actually a lot of a part of the public psyche today surrounding Taylor Swift.

    We see everything that's happening with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey and Pfizer and her recently saying that she believes that Joe Biden has done a great job and will continue to do a great job. And he's exactly what our country needs right now to stop the divisiveness like That the only way that you are saying such a thing, even if you voted for Biden and you wholeheartedly believed in him at the very beginning of this, uh, I don't think there's a person out there who is not either protecting their, their ego by, you know, not admitting that they are wrong or, uh, or Are being paid off and the likelihood that you're being paid off if you're a multi whatever billionaire this Taylor Swift is at this time and a super famous actor, actress, musician, artist, whatever is probably pretty, pretty high if you're still sitting there banging the drum of Joe Biden, or you're just worried about not getting another job again.

    So you don't have to worry You go along with the, the river that is Hollywood. So it's, it's, it's crazy to see how far these people can go. So here we go. Let's go ahead and read this article. This article comes from the Post Millennial and it is titled, let me go ahead and pull it up here for you. It is titled, Pentagon Claims Taylor Swift PSYOP Speculation is a Conspiracy Theory.

    Hmm. Okay, you have my back. Attention. All right. This article says after Jesse water show on Tuesday, where he said the government has been turning Taylor Swift into an asset through a Psy op Pentagon spokesperson, Sabrina sign has denied the claim. An idea that first came from human events, senior editor, Jack Posobiec quoting from one of Swift songs and the statement to politics sign said, as for this conspiracy theory, we are going to shake it off.

    Wow, catchy. She continued to make other Taylor Swift puns in her statement, which stated, but that does highlight that we still need Congress to approve other supplemental budget requests as Swift Lee as possible so that we can be out of the woods with potential fiscal concerns. Haha. On December 6th, 2023.

    Right after Taylor Swift won the Time's Person of the Year award, Posobiec posted to Axe, the Taylor Swift girlboss psyop has been fully activated in her hand selected vaccine show boyfriend to dink lifestyle to her upcoming 2024 voter operation for Democrats on abortion rights. It's all coming. Uh, and that was in response to the Time Person of the Year being Taylor Swift.

    And I'm pretty sure that used to be Man of the Year? And now it's person of the year. I don't know. Pretty sure I heard that following the post ax Posobiec had Evita Duffy on his show, where they talked about why Swift could rally support for president Joe Biden in the 2024 election year. She's a girl boss.

    She has lots of failed relationships where she blames the man every time. Duffy then asked, why are we pushing Taylor Swift? Here comes a clip from Jack Posobiec. Uh, and let's go ahead and watch it here.

    Evita Duffy from the Federalists joins us now. Evita, they've just named Taylor Swift the, uh, you know, she's, that's basically her song that was used for that ad, which is a mix of Taylor Swift and Barbie, just named Taylor Swift times person of the year, uh, I

    was out about a month ago. You had a great show where he talked about the Taylor Swift army coming online for the 2024 election. Is this at what we're seeing now? Are they activating

    The Taylor Swift psyop. Yeah, it's not. It's not just happening now. This has been happening for pretty much a year. They've been pushing Taylor Swift on us. The corporate media has these articles fawning over her. She's like the greatest thing that's ever happened to humanity. Meanwhile, her music's pretty mid.

    Um, if you, it's actually something actually to break down of her music and, uh, the melodies, she has like the same melody progressions over 20, over 20 different songs. Um, she's always complaining about the same melodies. Okay, I'm going to have to question how old this girl is. If you're going to use the word mid, you better have been born pre or post 2000.

    You better be under the age of 23. If you're going to use the word mid, I'll just leave it at that. Anyways, I actually agree with it. So so if you understand what tick tock did when tick tock First started, TikTok artificially inflated the views, at least this is the idea that people have been talking about, is it took a few select amount of influencers and it artificially inflated the views that they were getting on the platform.

    Those people then, who felt like they were a big deal, went and talked to people about it and told people how many views they were getting on TikTok. As a result, a bunch of people fled into TikTok. And so. What they've and they cared about the original a few official people that got their views artificially inflated I think one of the names of the girls is I don't know There was one girl that started tick tock as like the tick tock girl and now nobody really cares about her, right?

    She just did like a dance and whatever and then all of a sudden she got like a billion views And so the way that they did that is they artificially inflated the views they artificially created celebrity And then they made those celebrities influence Be valued by the mass public, right? And so I think that that's exactly what happens with Taylor Swift here, I believe, because Her music to be fair is pretty mid.

    Although I am cannot say that with a straight face and never will But Taylor Swift's music is garbage. It's terrible. She's a great Performer and by performer, I mean she has a great team of people around her with fireworks and laser shows and All of that, but I did Taylor Swift is a very Un impressive musician, completely unimpressive to me in the fact that she is the single most.

    highest earning musician, music, musician of all musicians is astounding to me because she's just a performer. Anyways, so that to me lends into the idea. The same way that we will look at this in a minute is they artificially inflate these people's viewership. They, they get the mainstream media, the mainstream radio stations, the mainstream award shows to all.

    Pump these people up, pump them up, pump them up. Meanwhile, these people are just puppets for whatever they say, from the powers that be, goes. And so that's where this idea of it being a PSYOP comes from. So let's finish out this clip, if we can, tolerate this girl's vocabulary, and then we'll continue on.

    In breakups over and over again, these songs, Jake Gyllenhaal, somebody who she wrote the song all too well about, which is like a 10 minute song where she complains

    about a man that she dated for no joke, three months. This is not a musical mastermind. The media is pushing her on us constantly. And if you say anything negative about Taylor, the media, the Swifties and Taylor Swift herself.

    Okay. I think I know what she's going to say. A misogynist. And here's why I think that is. Taylor Swift is the perfect.

    Okay, Taylor Swift's music is absolute trash. So the only way that she got into the position that she's in is if she's working with the government. So here's the, here's the rest of the article. And it says, and this was December 6th that this conversation happened on Real America's Voice. But it says, uh, Waters posted a clip of his segment to Axe on Wednesday where he had, uh, he said an idea was floated at a NATO meeting in 2019 where Swift could combat online misinformation.

    So maybe here's some actual evidence of this potential Taylor Swift's the biggest star in the world. Sorry, Gutfeld. She's been blanketed across the sports media entertainment atmosphere. The New York Times just speculated she's a lesbian. And last year's tour broke Ticketmaster, a tour that's revenue tops the GDP of 50 countries.

    Wow, I like her music. She's all right. But I mean, have you ever wondered why or how she blew up like this? Well, around four years ago. The Pentagon's Psychological Operations Unit floated turning Taylor Swift into an asset during a NATO meeting. What kind of asset? A psy op for combating online misinformation.

    Listen. You came in here wanting to understand how you just go out there and counter an information operation. The idea is that social influence can help, uh, It can help, uh, encourage or, uh, promote behavior change, so potentially as like a peaceful information operation. I include Taylor Swift in here because she's, um, you know, she's a fairly influential online person.

    I don't know if you've heard of her. Yeah, that's real. The Pentagon's PSYOP unit pitched NATO on turning Taylor Swift into an asset for combating misinformation online. This is nothing new. In the 1950s, the government strong armed Louis Armstrong into doing propaganda tours across Africa. The CIA did the same thing with jazz singer Nina Simone, except they did it without her really knowing.

    In the 70s, Nixon enlisted Elvis in his war on drugs. He gave the king a badge and named him a covert federal law enforcement agent. Michael Jackson was tapped by Reagan, using his song Beat It and his public service campaigns against teen drinking and driving. Michael Jackson persuading minors not to drink, anyway.

    So is Swift a front for a covert political agenda? Primetime obviously has no evidence. If we did, we'd share it. But we're curious. Because the pop star who endorsed Biden is urging millions of her followers to vote. She's sharing links. And her boyfriend, Travis Kelty, sponsored by Pfizer? And their relationships boosted the NFL ratings this season, bringing in a whole new demographic.

    So how's the PSYOP going? Well, as usual, Biden's not calling the shots because he doesn't even know who Taylor Swift is. He's confused her with Britney Spears and Beyoncé. You could say even this harder than getting a ticket to the renaissance tour or, or, or Britney's tour. She's down in, it's kind of warm in Brazil right now.

    Former FBI agent Stuart Kaplan. Wow, that is brutal. Stuart, is this feasible?

    Jesse, the deployment of a PSYOP in the United States in this day and age is still illegal. Um, the national security law prohibits the deployment of PSYOPs or using an operative for psychological warfare. However, if I was running Biden's management perception team, I would identify someone who would align themselves with my agenda, such 600 million followers.

    I would target her, I would engage her, and I would get her what, get her to do what we used to see as like public service announcements, and that type of enlistment, that type of solicitation is analogous to the old days of deployment of a PSYOP. And so in modern times, with these people having such influence and such, you know, immeasurable amount of followers.

    She can potentially, single handedly, swing voters because of just the amount of followers that she potentially can influence. So the answer is yes, Jesse. Wow. And I completely agree, right? We see even back historically between Elvis and Louis Armstrong, this has been done before. This isn't a new tactic.

    And so as we go on, we'll see. And I wanted to kind of Preempt this for you. And he talked about it a little bit with Travis Kelsey, all of, and even behind that was the tick tock. There was a whole trend around the Travis Kelsey, Taylor Swift relationship situation on tick tock, right? People were going crazy.

    Girls were making jokes to their, their husbands and their boyfriends. And those were going viral. And I talked about this last time is If anything is going quote unquote viral and you think it's organic, the likelihood of that is probably low. If it's the number one most, most popular trend at the time, it's very likely that that was at least in some way, shape, or form even allowed, potentially, if that's the word you want to use, instead of being stifled, they at least allow it to happen because it fits their agenda.

    And if it didn't fit their agenda, they would slap it with a big misinformation, disinformation, or at the very least, they would shadow ban the content. And so we know that at this point, and as we start to look at more around this, I guess there's even more. situations, but it says, uh, and I wonder if we can look at the response, but that was crazy.

    The fact that the Pentagon PSYOP organization within the Pentagon actually came and pitched the idea. They pitched the idea that they could use Taylor Swift to conduct a PSYOP against the American people. That's an, that's actual footage available right now. I had no idea before watching that. And that is.

    Just crazy. So as we go back in history, I wanted to start to have a discussion surrounding this and see historically what ways has art and Culture been manipulated by governmental forces to align their agenda with yours. And so we can go back and we can look at this in a few different ways. And historically there has been not only Elvis and Louis Armstrong, but historically there's been many.

    Many governments that have done this from Nazi Germany. And I listed a few here after doing some research and under Adolf Hitler, the Nazi regime used music as a propaganda tool to reinforce its ideologies and suppress any opposing or non Germanic. cultural expressions. Jewish musicians and composers were not only banned from performing, but many were also persecuted and sent to concentration camps.

    The regime particularly promoted classical composers like Richard Wagner and Ludwig van van van Beethoven, who were seen as epitomizing Aryan and Germanic culture. Music played a pivotal role in Nazi rallies and events being used to evoke emotions of pride and nationalistic fervor among the masses.

    Hitler Youth was also heavily indoctrinated with music that promoted Nazi ideology. So there's one. The Soviet government, under Joseph Stalin, reinforced strict control over the arts, including music. Composers like, forgive me, Dmitri Shostakovich and Sergei Prokofiev faced severe restrictions and were often compelled to adapt their compositions to fit the state's demands for music that glorified socialism and the Soviet state.

    The government established the Union of Soviet Composers, which played a key role in censoring music and ensuring it adhered to the principles of socialist realism. Music that was considered formalist or bourgeoisie I don't know if I pronounced that right at all, was condemned and composers risked persecution if their work did not align with state ideologies.

    You even go back to Footloose, right? If you eliminate music, it has an effect. There's a reason that we sing in church. There's a reason that every religion across every country, across every historical timeframe ever incorporates music because music influences. And so if you can make one person the most influential musician in the world and then utilize them as a puppet to parrot the opinions that you want them to hold that align with your agenda, why wouldn't you do that?

    The Cultural Revolution in China is another example. Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution sought to eradicate Chinese traditional culture, including its rich musical heritage. Western classical music was also banned. Instead, the government promoted revolutionary music, particularly the eight model operas that were sanctioned by Zhang Qing, Mao's wife.

    Those operas and revolutionary songs were designed to glorify the Communist Party, Mao Zedong's leadership, and the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people. This was part of a broader attempt to reshape Chinese culture and align it with the Maoist ideology. In another example, people have talked about this before, I'm not sure if there's any evidence of this, just the same way that we can't say there's any evidence of the Taylor Swift Society, but people have talked about how when it comes to black culture in the Late 1980s talking about how rap music and not particularly any type of rap music, but well, I guess particularly a type of rap music, which was the, uh, you know, the violent and drug riddled gang, uh, promoting.

    type of rap that became popular. And we even see this today with the Travis Scotts, how much Satanism is incorporated into our music scene today. It's bizarre, but it's not bizarre because it's intentional. And so when you go back to the 80s, even the times where the government was literally pushing crack cocaine into the ghetto areas, low income black communities, the very same time that rap music became what it was, and I love rap.

    I even love late 90s or early 90s rap about gangster shit and drugs and gang stuff. But like, it, you can't deny the fact that it influences culture. It influences how people act. It influences how people want to be when they grow up. How do, how, what makes them cool? What type of clothes should they wear?

    What should they aspire to? Well When all you hear about in music is selling drugs, making a bunch of money, how good they make you feel and the type of girls that you get when you do it. What do you think you're going to do? Right? It goes hand in hand. Culture is music and music creates culture. And so, um, this goes on and on.

    I have other ones which talks about the apartheid South of South Africa. During the apartheid era, the South African government used music as a tool to support its racial segregation policies. Cambodia used it, Iran after the 1979 revolution, North Korea, and North Korea music is used as a tool of state propaganda to an extreme degree.

    All music in the country is strictly controlled by the government. Why? Why would they do that? They wouldn't. And of course they wouldn't do that here in the United States of America with us free people. Right? Our government would never do that. Songs are written in North Korea to glorify The Kim family, and the Workers Party of Korea, often incorporating themes of loyalty, patriotism, and devotion to the leaders.

    Music is used in schools, workplaces, and public events to instill loyalty to the regime and reinforce its ideologies. There is virtually no exposure at all to international music, and creating or listening to non state approved music can result in severe penalties. And when we talk about severe penalties in North Korea, we're talking about generational imprisonment.

    Not just you go to jail. Your sister, your brother, your mother, and your next three generations go to jail. Like, horrible, horrible stuff. And so Music has always been utilized as a weapon by governments, always, and to assume that we're just so far along that our government would never do that, they would never utilize our culture, our music, our art, our movies, against us in a way that would not be in our best interest?

    No, they just let us do whatever, and wherever our culture goes, they're perfectly okay with it. Yeah, okay. And, and again, this is going to be an unraveling for everybody, and I think this is maybe a really good next one that we can get into as a society, as we've already unraveled the pharmaceutical industry, the medical industrial complex, the government, the politicians, the big money, the lobbying funds, all of that has happened.

    Now, as a society, I think it's time for us to realize that our culture has been infiltrated for decades. The music you listen to, the movies that you watch, the TV shows on Netflix, the articles that you read, the news media that you take in, every single piece of it, the art that you consume, the art on your walls, all of it.

    The most famous artists have historically, in some way, shape, or form, and we go back to even the, the, the idea of post modernism. Post modernism is a somewhat new artistic theme, and we're seeing that artistic theme. Play out today in our own culture, culture is shaped by art. So that's where they start, right?

    Postmodernism is the idea that there is no true reality. You have your truth. I have my truth and there's no two plus two equals five. And so when you realize that that's what they want to instill in your subconscious so that consciously you accept it when they tell you that a male is not a male. A male is a floating soul with no gender binary, and women are just women, and you can just declare it by standing on top of a desk and saying, I'm a woman now, even if you don't have ovaries or the ability to reproduce.

    So that's postmodernism in action, and that's one way that they took art and implemented That subliminal idea into your subconscious so that later it can be activated and weaponized against you. And so you could say, okay, I don't know any examples of that, Austin. I couldn't imagine our CIA working alongside artists.

    Well, let me clue you in, my friend. For decades in art circles, it was either a rumor or a joke, but now it is confirmed as fact. The CIA used American modern art, including the works of such artists as such as Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell, William de Kooning, and Mark Rothko, right? Oh, a Rothko, right?

    You know, like the pretty sure that's like the square and a circle or whatever, as a weapon. In the Cold War. Interesting. In the manner of a renaissance prince, except that it acted secretly, the CIA fostered and promoted American abstract expressionist paintings around the world for more than 20 years.

    The connection is improbable. This was a period in the 1950s and 60s when the great majority of Americans disliked or even despised modern art. President Truman summed up a popular view when he said, If that's art, then I'm a Hot, hot and taught. What is a hot and taught as for the artists themselves, many were ex communists, barely acceptable in the American, in the America of the McCarthy era, and certainly not the sort of people normally likely to receive us government backing.

    Why did the CIA support them? Because in the propaganda war with the Soviet union, this new artistic movement could be held up as proof of the creativity, the intellectual freedom, and the cultural power of the United States. Russian art strapped into the communist ideological straitjacket could not compete.

    So basically what the idea was that our artists, the way of capitalism is just so much better than everything else. This free expression, the environment of freedom and democracy and all of this stuff is so amazing that we just allow brains to thrive. And artistic expression is just so much better here in the United States.

    And so they took Upwards of 20, what are they? It's 20 million and purchased this art specifically to prop up. It's like if you, if they funneled money into us companies. Through shell companies so that they could say that, Oh, but look at our democracy. Our organizations, our shell companies are so much more successful than Russian companies, because look at how much money they have.

    Well, you gave them the money so you could make that argument. That's the whole point. The existence of the policy rumored and disputed for many years has now been confirmed by the, for the first time by former CIA officials, unknown to the artists, the new American art was secretly promoted under a policy known as the long.

    leash arrangement, similar in some ways to the indirect CIA backing of the journal encounter edited by Steven Spender. The decision to include culture and art in the U S cold war arsenal was taken as soon as the CIA was founded in 1947. This made that the appeal communism still have for many intellectuals and artists in the West, the new agency set up a division, the propaganda assets.

    Inventory, which at its peak could influence more than 800 newspapers, magazines, and public information organizations. They joked that it was like a Wurlitzer jukebox. When the CIA pushed a button, it could hear whatever tune it wanted to play across the entire. The next key step came in 1950 when the international organizations division was set up under Tom Brayden.

    It was this office, which subsidized the animated version of George Orwell's Animal Farm, which sponsored American jazz artists. Opera recitals, the Boston symphonies, orchestra, international touring program. It's agents were placed in the film industry in publishing houses, even as travel writers for the celebrated photo guides.

    And we now know it promoted the America's anarchic avant garde movement. Abstract. Expressionism. Initially, more open attempts were made to support the new American art. In 1947, the State Department organized and paid for a touring international exhibition called Advancing American Art, which the aim of rebuting Soviet suggestions that America was a cultural desert.

    But the show caused outrage at home, prompting Truman to make his hot and taut remark in one bitter congressman to declare, I am just a dumb American who pays taxes. For this kind of trash, the tour had to be canceled. The U S government now faced a dilemma. The fill in the fill Philistinism combined with Joseph McCarthy's hysterical denunciations of all that was avant garde or unorthodox was deeply embarrassing.

    It discredited the idea that America was sophisticated, culturally rich democracy. It also prevented the U S government from consolidating the shift in cultural supremacy from Paris to New York since the 1930s. To resolve the CIA to resolve the dilemma. The CIA was brought in. Hmm. Very interesting Now this goes on and on and on.

    This is an article written by independent Independent dot co dot UK and the title of it is modern art was CIA Weapon and it was written written on Sunday the 22nd October of 1995 Super interesting article, I absolutely think that you could dive into more of the history of that, but I just want to give you that background.

    That's just one aspect of it, where our CIA has been a part of influencing culture through art. Now we can go into the next part of this, which is called Operation Mockingbird. And Operation Mockingbird was the hand in hand CIA operation between journalists, news networks, and Hollywood. And I myself need to do a deeper dive into this, but I had just recalled about this when talking about the Taylor Swift conversation and honestly, I didn't think this conversation would go that long.

    I usually have some warm up articles sometimes before I get into the deep stuff, but man, this is so interesting to me that I think we could probably sit here for five hours and talk about this. But it really is a culture death. You go back and listen to music, go back and listen to Led Zeppelin, go listen to a CDC, go listen to any of the, the great musicians of the 1970s and early eighties before the, the, the, the fingertips of the CIA started to get into our music and.

    We have done nothing but go downhill as a society musically. There's very few examples that you can give me that would even rival any of that. The very first, I'll give you a side story, go down the memory lane real quick. When I was maybe, oh, I don't know, 8 years old, 8 to 10 years old probably, my grandparents, Took me on a train ride to Chicago from Detroit to go see my cousins And I had just gotten for the train ride a new Walkman.

    I believe it was a gray Sony Walkman and My dad took me to go get my very first CD for my Walkman and I ended up getting the Led Zeppelin discography So all I listened to for probably Six months was every Led Zeppelin song ever and that is still to this day my favorite album I have the vinyl upstairs right now that I listen to greatest band of all time in my opinion anyways Trip down memory lane, so We have had a cultural death an artistic death here in the United States that has been unfolding for decades you even want to talk about architecture and I would love to do an interview with somebody who could speak more on this because I'm not an architect and I don't know the history of architecture But to me you go back and you look at even go back and look at Roman times Greek times go back and look at the Gothic eras and and go back and look at Pyramids like there go back and look at any history of time in the last 2000 years, and you will see if you took a time machine every 100 years, you would see beautiful architecture, cathedrals, and and political buildings and and courthouses and schools and all of these things are so beautifully created because when people used to create architecture, they used to do it to, to please the gods.

    They used to do it because there's a frequency within the building that you're in. And when you walk up to it and go through that door, there's a feeling that should be associated with that. And that is dead in the United States. Go drive your car around and the only thing you're going to see is a box and a box and a bigger box and a taller box and a wider box and you drive your box by the boxes and you see the boxes and you walk home to your box and you open up the box door to get into your box room to go into your box kitchen to create something in your box oven and pull something out of the box fridge to It's an endless cycle of squares in, in our culture, in our architecture.

    And it's, it's so sad to me to see that we just, that that's what we live in today. And so when we look at whether it's Project Mockingbird, whether we look at the CIA working hand in hand with the art within the Cold War, whether we talk about the, the historical aspects of music. There has been nothing but death of creativity in the United States.

    Every piece of culture that has been brought here has slowly dwindled and died, and it seems to me like it died at the hands of the organizations that are being funded by our tax dollars so that they can diminish our creativity, and so that they can control You are subconscious, and I think bringing it full circle back around to Taylor Swift is that's exactly what has happened.

    Here and now I do have a full article on the project Mockingbird. Let's see how far into this Well, we did 38 minutes on Taylor Swift

    So I think we can move on but I did find a substack article because it was actually a little bit interesting It's called a media manipulation the operation Mockingbird. It was written October 14th 2024 and it is from the reveal revealed. I Substack so revealed I dot substack. com and it looks like they do a pretty I don't know decent breakdown I haven't read through it all yet, but I think 38 minutes on on Media manipulation and Taylor Swift is probably a good start.

    So On your own time, feel free to go watch that. Here's a quick video on Project Mockingbird. Then we'll move on

    real concern That planted story is intended to serve a national purpose abroad Came home And were circulated here, and believed here.

    Because, uh, this would mean that the CIA could manipulate the news in the United States by channeling it through some foreign country. And we're looking at that very carefully. Do you have any people being paid by the CIA who are contributing to a major circulation American journal? We do have people who submit pieces to other, to American journals.

    Do you have any people paid by the CIA who are working for television networks? This, I think, gets into the kind of, uh, getting into the details, Mr. Chairman, that I'd like to get into in an executive session. Uh, at CBS, uh, we, uh, Had been contacted by the CIA. As a matter of fact, by the time I became the head of the whole news and public affairs operation in 1954.

    Ships had been established and I was told about them and asked if I'd carry on with them. We have quite a lot of detailed information, uh, and we will evaluate it and we will include any, um, evidence of wrongdoing or any evidence of impropriety in our final report and make recommendations. Do you have any people being paid by the CIA who are contributing to the National News Services, AP and UPI?

    Well, again, I think we're getting into the kind of detail, Mr. Chairman, that I'd prefer to handle in an executive session. Senator, do you think you named the new plan? So the answer is yes. Uh, that remains to be decided. I think it was entirely in order for our correspondents at that time, uh, to make use of, uh, C.

    I. A. agent, uh, chiefs, uh, of station and other members of the executive staff of C. I. A. as source. Alright, so there you have it. You can go, uh, read it through the article there, um, find it on Substack, uh, reveal. i. substack. com. Alright, so, let's move on. on from that into the next topic, which is going to be that in New York over the past few days, there has been a A bit of a debacle and one specifically between the Hasidic Jewish community in New York and the New York police.

    So the New York police showed up to a synagogue in, let's see here, let me go ahead and pull it up.

    All right. Basically what happened is the police showed up and they decided that they needed to shut down a underground. Tunnel system in New York, underneath a place of worship where these Hasidic Jews would go and congregate. And the idea behind this, the mainstream narrative is that the secret underground synagogue tunnels were causing destabilization of the buildings that were surrounding it.

    So that's the mainstream narrative that's come out in the last day or so. And nine of these Jews were arrested. And now I do want to preempt this with. Love my Jewish family. I'm not Jewish, so I don't technically have Jewish family, but you know what I mean? Love Jewish people. I love Christian people. I love Muslim people.

    I have no affinity towards any one class over the other. I have my own personal spiritual beliefs. I don't think that any religious beliefs in and of themselves make you a great or a bad person. I believe that there's Terrible people who are Jewish, and there's great people that are Jewish, there's terrible people who are Christians, there's great people that are Christians, there's terrible people who are Muslims, and there's great people who are Muslims.

    I've met them all. Mostly good people across the board. I can't even look at one and be like, Hey, I've met a bunch of people in this. No, every religion has bad apples. Just like you can say, you know, there's a bunch of people who say, Oh, police are bad. No, they're not bad. There's bad people everywhere in every occupation, religion, uh, country, uh, whatever it is.

    There's bad people everywhere, in every type of thing, but mostly people are good, mostly people intend good, and I, so, there's your disclaimer, as we go into this, because it's a very, um, very sensitive time, for this specific culture, and I get that, and so, I'm just going to preempt that. There's your disclaimer.

    All right. Now, everything from here forward is just me talking, but, uh, understand it from that framework. Um, so just as we were discussing, there has been a Jewish synagogue. That was creating underground tunnels. They were digging, digging, digging underground tunnels. And so the idea from the Jewish community that was there, and this is a very specific Jewish community.

    It's the Hasidic Jews, the, uh, I can see if I can pull up the exact names of them here for you. Cause it, it does matter because the specific culture is known for having to deal with some very specific, uh, um, pushback in certain situations in this small area. So this specific. Uh, Jewish culture, I believe is a, um, more Orthodox culture and I actually have a whole thing here, but to me, it's of Russian descent and So here's the general idea is that they were digging these holes and they claim that they were digging these holes because they were six.

    They started digging these holes six months ago because of the COVID restrictions or they dug them during COVID because they wanted to Uh, congregate and practice their faith during a time where they were being told, no, you cannot do that. Okay. Now there's a secondary theory, which is that they are digging these tunnels because the person that they, the, the, the Messiah, I believe that they believe in says that you have to consistently expand your place of worship.

    And maybe I'm getting that wrong because we'll get into a thread here in just a moment. Um, but let's, let's dive into the timeline of this. So on January 8th, videos circulated that showed a tunnel network under the Lubavitch, that's the specific one, the Lubavitch HQ in Crown Heights and several Jewish men being arrested.

    More videos show another Jewish man escaping through another tunnel and a group. resisting officers. The building was shut down afterwards. Initially, the claim was that the tunnels were made to pray during COVID. This, according to this thread, okay, and this thread is not, this is not CNN. This is not Fox.

    This is not, um, it's not a news organization. So In, I guess, everything you hear from every organization because I'm talking about those two, too. I wouldn't believe Fox or CNN on everything either, but this is the individual account on X, so take it with a grain of salt, but this seemed to be the most, uh, factually and organized article that I could find on this.

    It says initially the claim was the tunnels were made to pray during COVID. This is most likely false. Neighbor with Mikva access, as of six months ago, no work on the tunnel had begun. Since renovation was the main reason the tunnels were noticed, they could have Um, and now they add some receipts here, which says that the tunnel found burrowed under the women's section of 770, possibly destabilizing the building.

    And there's three, four other articles that are attached to this to back up the idea that they were just stating there. And so the next thing that it states here as we go into that, and so that's the, the general idea is that they were saying, Oh, we were doing this. During COVID because we weren't allowed to worship.

    Well, it seems to be that that was according to this false because these tunnels weren't started, but six months ago now where it really started to get some fuel on the fire is during one of these videos, as these people are. Resisting arrest. There was a, quite the scene. They're flipping over pews and creating these wall barriers as the police are grabbing them and they're pushing back and forth.

    And like this, this, the whole chaos ensuing inside of the synagogue. And as that's happening, a guy is breaking down the walls and like a police officer is like, or is breaking down the walls and starting to pull people out of it. And one of the, the, um, Jewish people that are there pull out a mattress and on this mattress, this is a soiled mattress that looks to be whether it's old blood or, uh, feces or something that's on this mattress.

    And it seems to be a small mattress. Um, Uh, that some people were saying was meant for, uh, a child and that's kind of what it looks like. Okay. But we won't make any assumptions yet, but that's, that's what's probably one of the biggest fuels of the fire. Now, the other thing that was very questionable about the situation is one of the people, one of the Jewish guys was escaping and he went through the tunnel system and he came up, right?

    Next to a child's museum. Hmm. Now that's not to say that there's children in the museum, but it is to say that the museum is meant for children. And so there has been theories that these individuals were using this for some sort of human trafficking. Okay. Now again, unfounded, a couple of weird coincidences and.

    Here's the side part. If these people were just digging tunnels so that they could pray during COVID, more power to them. That's awesome. You should do that. Fuck the government. They can't tell you what you can and cannot do, especially when it comes to your religious practices. So, wholeheartedly believe that.

    If that's what they were doing, awesome. They should do it. Um, but, there's a lot of skepticism around maybe some more nefarious reasons why this was happening. And so, as we go deeper into this thread and deeper into this article, It starts to talk about some of those things. It talks about the mattress, talks about the, um, the pushing and shoving that ensued, I believe nine people total were arrested that were a part of this synagogue.

     so the next portion of this says, The contents of the tunnel are very disturbing and don't seem like items extremists students would keep. A mattress with a dark stain was found. A baby high chair? Was found as well. So that's a weird one. The crowd protecting the tunnels isn't small. They are also aren't of student age.

    Here's the full video of the tunnel network that we have access to. The video shows passageways that extend that aren't explored. It's unclear whether the other passages might contain does this tunnel network look like something done in six months? So it's absolutely does not look like something done in six months.

    So let me share this with you here. Um, this is. It looks old, almost, to me. It looks like it's been used. There's, there's like, old chipped paint hanging off of door frames, and there's a big, uh, like, sand Let me go ahead and expand this for you here, but there's the, the high chair, there's what looks like some wheel barrels, a bunch of just stuff thrown around, cinder blocks thrown around some carved little tunnel doorways that they're crawling into now with a flashlight.

    And so as they walk back, it's just a crawl space now, essentially from the more. Substantial part of it that is where could have been where that person came up into that right right outside of that Children's Museum. So that's bizarre. I don't think this was built six months ago. Again, I'm not a archaeologist or whatever the hell you need to be to date that stuff.

    But it says where does the tunnel exit to using geomapping one of the tunnels exit near the local Children's Museum. It's also unclear how large the tunnel network is and where the other passages lead. As more information comes in, we will know how extensive the network is. And they show you the photos as to how they know this.

    This is where the video where the guy came out of it. This is the photo where they actually found that same portion of it. Um, discussion of the tunnels online has been avoided by many accounts. Some accounts claimed the tunnels were even fake. Israel War Room labeled such discussions of the tunnel anti Semitic.

    They claim that it's just a simple building code violation. Hmm, then why are we getting in, like, fights and arrested over building code violations? You get a fine for that. You don't get arrested. You don't get into pushing, shoving matches with the police over building codes. It says the label conspiracy theorist has been applied to people who believe tunnels could have been used to harm kids.

    No explanation has been given for the stained mattress and baby high chair in the tunnels. Is the conspiracy or is there more to the Brooklyn community? Research reveals a dark history of sexual assault in the Brooklyn area. If you do speak out about it, you are shunned from the community and harassed.

    Disturbing testimony in the article speculates that the number of young boys sexually assaulted could be as high as 50%. The community is, and there's four different articles that it attaches there. The community is very secretive and will oftentimes cover up or silence people who have been assaulted.

    The community is very religious and strict. If you go against the grain, the community turns against you. Hmm. And they have a video about this specific here with a religious look at the Satmar sect. John, good morning. Good morning. Fascinating case. And it's a case that's being watched closely Anthony, not just because of the allegation that a trusted community leader sexually abused a young girl.

    He was assigned to help, but also because the trial has.

    Hmm. Okay. So it sounded like maybe a different name of a different sect. That he was mentioning here, but within the Brooklyn area, a specific Jewish Pull back the veil, concealing the inner workings of a closed community. The trial of the Alright. So, here's shuns those who have been traumatized. They send threats to the survivors, harass them, and have total control over their lives.

    Police confirm it is very tough to get convictions and to have victims. While we wait for more information, here are some of the questions I and many others have about the tunnels. What was the liquid on the stained mattress? Why was there a baby high chair in the tunnel? Has a full forensic analysis been performed in the area?

    Where does the tunnels lead? Hmm. All good questions. Do any security cameras have clear view of entrances to the tunnels? If so, have they been subpoenaed? Have there been any people who reported this before the renovations in December 2023? Who anonymously tipped off the fire department? Who used the tunnels?

    How many minors entered the tunnels? Have any minors displayed behavior of a survivor upon exiting the tunnels? Okay, this is like, it's very specific. So, there's, there's the thread for you. Now, as we go into the culture surrounding this community that we are referencing here, which again is not just the normal Orthodox Judaism, it's not, um, it's a specific religious sect within Brooklyn.

    It's a very small, tight knit community, um, that are, uh, uh, uh, uh, Hasidic, uh, Yadkivik, right? Is that the name of it? So, very specific, uh, religious sect. So it says, okay. Once upon a time, it says, okay, for real. Once upon a time in Eastern Europe, a movement called Shabbat was founded. Its founder was Rabbi Schnur Zalman of Laity.

    This was in 1812. He was many things, among them a genius, Talmudist, and rabbi, the Kalbalist and mystic, and the rarest of things, a true original thinker. A Kabbalist, sorry, a Talmudist, meaning he follows the Talmud, um, and a rabbi and a Kabbalist and a mystic. So, there is a really interesting conversation surrounding the mystical Judaism, uh, there is a whole subsection of, of Judaism, uh, and historically much more prevalent.

    Back then, but that believed in mysticism and there is certain sections of this that still do, but like literal magic, um, while a true original of, and one of, in my opinion, the greatest philosophers and theologians in the history of humankind, he was also profoundly devoted to his own teachers in the Hasidic tradition and saw himself as the natural successor.

    The Hasidic tradition was founded a couple of generations earlier, and one of the prophecies is connection and devotion to a master in Hasidic parlance above all. Hasidism love and devote themselves to their rabbi as the one who helps connect the soul of the Jew with godliness. Okay, sounds a little bit like Catholicism, right?

    The aspect of Hasidic Judaism made into a lesser extent continues to make some people nervous. However, it has also been extremely thoroughly defended and broadly accepted as a legitimate manifestation of Judaism, which always has its Moses, Rabbi Akiva, and Vilna. And again, this is a single account. This isn't a religious text.

    This isn't a official person that is sitting here giving me this information, but it is, seems to be pretty legit to me. Um, but I haven't done a ton of research on the theology behind Hasidic mystic Judaism. Um, Rabbi, Rabbi Schnur Shabbat, uh, Rabbi Schnur Zalman Shabbat movement. So it's the Shabbat.

    Hasidic Judaism is one movement within a much broader Hasidic world full of dynasties of Rees, which each of their own rich traditions in ways, and it's R-E-B-B-E-S, not rabbis, although it is not a widely studied, they're al always emphasized point has has Hasidism Hasidism as part of their devotion.

    Generally see their rabbi as a Masonic figure. The word is loaded and makes people extremely uncomfortable. It may worth pausing briefly to explain that Hasidism is seen by, um, the founding of the movement as a redemptive revelation of Torah, a movement whose original Geist is to raise the Jewish people from the spiritual and physical malaise of exile and return them to their deepest soul and identity, a holy nation.

    with God. The more that holiness and redemptive soul is brought into the world, the more the time of the general redemption, the macronism of that inner redemption draws near. The rabbi is a Torah of flesh and blood, that general reality in state instantiated in a holy and saintly individual. Uh, so much for the brief explanation.

    They said fast forward to the 20th century, the descendant of Rabbi Schnur Zalman, Rabbi Joseph Yitzhak of Lubavitch survives imprisonment. and near execution by the KGB in the Nazi bombing of Warsaw, and after much deliberation, moves to New York City. Wow, that's wild. the known reasons for this choice are varied.

    Some are spiritual, New York becoming a center of influence on world Jewry. Not sure that's a word. Um, and some are very pragmatic. The Jews of the U. S. are already monetarily feeding most of the Eastern Bloc Jewry. Thus, the sixth Lubavitcher rabbi, Lubavitch is a tiny town in Belarus that has the home of the longest surviving branch of the Shabbat movement, um, comes to Brooklyn and moves into 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights.

    The sixth rabbi passes away in 1950 and is succeeded by his son in law and distant cousin, Rabbi Menchem, Mendel Schneerson. In 1951, though he doesn't live in the building, 770 is where his office is located and remains the HQ of the Shabab movement. Now you have to understand the Shabab movement in the U.

    S. in 1951 can practically fit into a single small room. It is a tiny poor immigrant community, remnants of a world for that the Nazis and Bolsheviks destroyed between them. They had nothing, no resources, no connections, barely any English, a tiny immigrant community in what was then a prestigious middle class Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn.

    What they got in 1951, however, was capital L leadership. Not sure what that means. The 7th Rebbi, henceforth the Rebbi, declares in his first official speech as Rebbi that this is the generation that will bring a final end to exile and usher in the messianic age. He declares this about a long room full of people.

    He then sets about changing world Jewry. Again, don't know if that's a word. Books could be written about the Rebbi and have been, but suffice to say the Rebbi creates from nothing a mass movement devoting to hunting down and love the Jews that Hitler hunted and hatred. I'm not going to read all of it.

    hunting down in love, the Jews that hunter, that Hitler hunted in hatred with bringing Torah and mitzvoth, in love. The commandments to every single Jew. Shabbat centers, so it sounds like they're trying to just expand among all of the Jewish people. Shabbat centers with no central funding whatsoever, by the way, are opened all over the world.

    The rabbi pushes and pushes for a single Jew to perform a single commandment. He seeks to revive a broken and orphaned generation. He expands Shabbat and massive global movement. All of this is just an atheist, know nothing All of this is just what an atheist know nothing can appreciate about the Rebbe.

    He barely slept and was totally publicly devoted to other people for decades. Stories of Jews and non Jews meeting with him are countless, and always he emphases the imminent redemption and how to get there. Okay, now it says we get to the sensitive part of the story, but I'm going to try to stick to simple public fact.

    The Rebbe's emphasis on, um, The Messiah grows greater and greater in his final years of leadership. The Rebbe passes away in 1994. The Rebbe's Hasidism very much believed, and believe, that if anyone in this generation was a candidate to become the final Redeemer according to Jewish law and tradition, it was and is the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

    However, following the Rebbe's passing, as the dust settles, there is a bit of a split. Some hedonism fervently believe that spreading the awareness of the Rebbe as the Redeemer is a core part of bringing about the Redemption. They are the Masik, Mes, Mesh, Ikitism. M E S H I C H I S T I M. Their flag is yellow and ubiquitous.

    The majority of Hasidism and ever growing consolidated core of Shabbat official organs believe that this is not the Rebbe's will. Okay. Um. Now another issue, 770, the home and place, let's see if there's anything specific we want to get into here. Uh, now you know a lot about a certain subsection of Jewish culture that you probably never needed to know so much about.

    Um, another thing you should know is that even beyond the, by now, old distinction between, uh, the maschicatism and the anti S, as they are known, Shabbat is highly decentralized and full of typical politics. Territorialism fights over money and all sorts of very human issues. Okay, uh, let's see what else.

    Um, this person is very thorough in their study of this. Um, and so, to the current contremps, you have a global, decentralized, massively successful organization that runs charities and synagogues and helps Jews with problems, physical and spiritual, all over the world with an official HQ partially occupied by something like a street gang.

    Sounds like we missed that part, but I'm not going to go back for you. Um, and so, uh, This basically just says they're not above violence to claim their own turf. There's a big turf war between that split off between one subsection of this and the other subsection. In any case, this week, the actual ownership of 7770 called the cement trucks to repair this damage and stop the progress on the expansionism.

    Um Interesting.

    Uh, basically it says that as a result of this expansionism and taking over this territory, they wanted to, uh, start breaking into, uh, the, the, so basically one portion of this subsection lives in the top floor and one portion lives on the bottom floor. And so, uh, you have a global decentralized, right?

    Like a streaking. This, uh, Fat Tim. have taken upon themselves in recent months unilaterally to expand 770. Their way was doing was starting to break into an adjoining basement. The main synagogue of 770 is in the basement and old decommissioned ritual bath. Or mitzvah. 770 is indeed, which a mikvah is basically where you're supposed to go bath, bathe yourselves.

    Women are supposed to go there before they have their period. Men are supposed to go there before and after they have sex. It's like a, it's like you cleanse yourself in this area. Um, 770 is, Uh, is indeed far too small for the massive number of people who wish to pray there, study there, or something that more and more Hasidism have been seeking a proper solution to for years.

    However, a bunch of teenagers breaking down walls in their free time, you be the judge. In any case, this week, the actual ownership of 770 called in the cement trucks to repair this damage and stop the progress on the expansion. Um, the Fatim responded territorially, the police became involved, and you have videos of Yeshiva students escaping arrest through sewer gates.

    I think that's most of the factual context. You're welcome. Wow! Uh, okay. Super super interesting. Uh, if you wish to read more about these topics, here are some good books. The Philosophy of Shabbat by Rabbi Nisan Mindel, The Rebbe's Army by Sue Fishcough, and Rebbe by Josef Tolskien. Hmmm. Very interesting.

    Uh, the broad interest in this story on Twitter and beyond is largely antisemitic with filth like this, uh, is a dime a dozen. Looks like something was, uh, deleted there. Um, interesting. Okay. So this makes much more sense to me and I think was probably. important to actually get into the details on, uh, then, uh, then long term human trafficking under the streets of New York.

    Uh, so we have come to a conclusion and that is I vote. Not human trafficking. That is my, that is my conclusion here. I have debunked this, uh, maybe not completely, but it seems much more likely that that was the case, is that there's a bunch of territorial, uh, Jew fights going on and they're fighting over territory and expanding their territory and the landlord called on them and they were digging into the basement and now we see what we have.

    A little weird that there was a high chair. There, so there's your competing threads, I guess, and one thread being these, uh, this Jewish sect is creating underground tunnels for human trafficking, the other one being this is a territory war between very somewhat poor, um, and, uh, emotionally charged organizations for territory.

    Um, so that, that seems to make a lot more sense to me guys than, than underground human trafficking. Jewish rabbis. I don't know. Um, but there is some articles out there of, of, you know, just as you can find for Christians and Catholics of wrongdoings, which if that's the, the ruler that you measure everybody's affiliations by, then you can basically say that everybody is running a human trafficking organization then, I guess.

    All right, so let's move on. The last thing that we're going to talk about, and we're going to talk about this somewhat briefly, is the fact that, uh, and let me go ahead and actually just pull this article up, because I haven't been, I haven't had time to read through this completely yet, because this just happened.

    So, this is breaking news, is the fact that the United States and the UK coalition conducted a strike on Houthi rebels. A joint strike, and So, as this article loads, we'll learn more and more, but I guess the, the, uh, the concern around this is that the reason that, the concern around this is obviously that the Houthi rebels are backed by Iran.

    Right? So, this is, this comes from Fox News, and it says, hold

    this over a little bit. Alright, this comes from Fox News, where it says, as it loaded and unloaded on me, um, That the U. S. and U. K. coalition strike Iran backed Houthi targets in Yemen after spat of ship attacks in the Red Sea. So you've been hearing this back and forth, right? The drone strikes, and the aircraft carriers shooting down the drones, and all of this has been going on with these rebel militants that are backed by Iran.

    And so what I think is interesting is it's always Iran backed militants. Is, is, are Ukraine, in every article by Russia, U. S. backed? Ukrainian militants? Do they? I'm sure they understand the proxy war just as much there as we do here, right? So if we're calling that every single thing, it's not it's not a war with Houthi rebels.

    It's a war with Iran. And that's what they're preempting for us. And that's that's what the priming that we're seeing here is before they put Houthi, they put Iran backed and that's for a reason. So Yemen's Iran backed Houthi militants have stepped up attacks or commercial on commercial vessels in the Red Sea and

    It says the United States and Britain carried out a series of strikes on military organizations and locations belonging to Iran backed Houthis in Yemen early Friday in response to militant groups ongoing attacks on vessels traveling through the Red Sea. Fox News is told that there were attacks on more than a dozen Houthi targets by air, surface, and subsurface platforms.

    The attacks were carried out with support from Australia, Netherlands, Iran and Canada, a U. S. defense official says the U. K. contributed aircraft. President Biden said he'd authorize strikes in direct response to unprecedented Houthi attacks against the International Maritime Vessels in the Red Sea, including the use of anti ship ballistic missiles for the very first time in history.

    These Houthi attacks, Biden said, have endangered U. S. personnel and its allies and have threatened freedom of navigation. These targeted strikes are a clear message that the United States and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our personnel or allow hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation in one of the world's most critical commercial routes.

    I would love to hear President Biden say imperil freedom of navigation together. That would be impressive. I will not hesitate. He said to direct further measurements to protect our people. And the free flow of international commerce as necessary. The strikes came shortly after the White House called a lid on President Biden's engagements for the evening as he was not expected to discuss the matter publicly.

    It follows news that the Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had not notified the President or other officials of his whereabouts for several days. Okay. A joint statement from the government basically said that the strikes were intended to disrupt and degrade the abilities of the Houthis use to threaten global trade and the lives of international mariners.

    Okay, um, the big question people have around this is the concern of getting into an engagement with Iran. That seems to be on everybody's mind, because if Iran steps in, right, then then the domino effect happens, then China could invade Taiwan simultaneously, as we're in this engagement with Iran, and then Russia and in the invasion in Ukraine, and then, right, you have all these these These pieces right when you play chess you move pieces in a position so that the second the You can cause a break that you're ready to go right you move your your Rook into a certain position so that he both has a defensive position and an offensive position But maybe you leave him there for ten moves Right?

    Maybe you get you give him some time while you put other pieces in position, and then there's always a certain time in chess where all hell breaks loose, right? At least when I play, I'm not the greatest chess player, but I enjoy it. But it always seems like it's like waiting, waiting, waiting, go. And I think that could be what people are concerned about here is that we're seeing this waiting.

    And the second that the the The second the United States begins, excuse me, the second the United States begins an engagement with anybody, then we're divided amongst several, several positions at one time and that's not a good thing. So the response to this by Hezbollah, the Hezbollah could strike in U.

    S., Intel officials warn and this is at the same exact time. Time. Lebanese terror group Hezbollah may attack American troops or diplomats abroad, or even strike the United States at home, officials told Political Wednesday. Hezbollah could draw on the capability they have to put people in places to do something, i.

    e. easy immigration into the United States. It is something to be worried about, that official, as well as three other anonymous ones that publication cited. Said that the Iran backed group would likely hit American targets abroad first. The terror group was more capabilities than others in the region, according to the officials, such as a more expansive international network.

    Many officials in President Joe Biden's administration do not believe that Iran wants a broader war, but they have been working to decrease tensions in the Middle East. Still, recent events have contributed to fears that the conflict between Israel and Hamas could spread into surrounding countries into the Middle East.

    Along with its campaign in Gaza, the Jewish state has exchanged fire with Hezbollah since Hamas October 7th terror attacks. On Tuesday, Hezbollah hit an Israeli base using drones, and the Israel Defense Forces killed three of the terror group's members in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah has said recent attacks on the Jewish state are part of a response to its apparent killing of a Hamas.

    FBI Director Christopher Wray said in early December that the general threat for foreign terrorist organizations has evaluated since October 7th and elevated, telling a Senate panel that he saw blinking lights everywhere I turn.


    Very interesting. In, uh, 1983, Hezbollah conducted bombings of the U. S. embassy and marine barracks in Lebanon during the country's civil war, which saw Israel invade it a year. Now, one thing that's interesting about this, as we go back, is that, uh, and this comes from the Post Millennial, as I was doing some research on this, it says, Trump designated Yemen's Houthis as terrorists.

    One day after taking office, Biden reversed it. So, the same organization that, you know, we're talking, we, we are, Now engaging in warfare against Donald Trump had them identified and designated as a terrorist organization. And Biden said, no, no, no, not that. And now all of a sudden we're, you know, bombing them.

    Um, so found that to be interesting. I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm not going to dive into that article. If you want to go read it, you can go to the post millennial. But that, my friends, is a scary potential, but I've said this before, and I'll continue saying it, you know, be prepared for whatever.

    Live your life as if nothing's going to happen, but be prepared if it does. And so, There, there is some very serious engagements that are happening. I don't know what to make of this one yet. We've just heard about it today. Time will tell, but until next time, don't listen to Taylor Swift. Put on some Led Zeppelin.

    Hope that Travis Kelsey drops the ball. And if you are in New York and you see a man with a, uh, a, um, you see a Jewish man pop up from a sewer. Don't worry. They're just in a territory dispute with their neighbors. All right, guys. Thank you so much for listening. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.

    Head over sign up for the substack austin Adams dot substack. com. You will be getting some emails. More recently, I just brought on somebody new to help out with that stuff for me so that we can get more content out to you guys. Uh, Anyways, subscribe, leave a five star review, and have a wonderful day.

    Thank you.

    Adam's Archive. Adam's Archive.

  • Welcome to a new exhilarating episode of "Adam's Archive," where curiosity meets revelations. I'm your host, Austin Adams, and today's journey is nothing short of a rollercoaster through the corridors of hidden truths and uncovered secrets. Brace yourself as we plunge into the labyrinth of the Epstein saga, unraveling over 10,000 pages of jaw-dropping legal documents. Unearth the names and narratives that have remained shrouded in mystery, from Bill Clinton to Stephen Hawking, and discover the startling revelations that emerged from these files.

    Next, we navigate through an extraordinary incident at a shopping mall, where reports of 8 to 10-foot tall beings have sparked a storm of speculation. Was it merely a scuffle between youths, or something far more mysterious and ancient? We delve into the enigmatic world of the Nephilim, the legendary giants of biblical lore, and explore the intriguing passages and contemporary discussions about these colossal figures.

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    Full Transcription

     Adams archive. Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the Adams archive. My name is Austin Adams, and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we're going to be discussing the two single craziest events that have kicked off our 2024 year. The first one being that Epstein's documents, I think it was over 10, 000 pages of legal documents were just dropped over four different days.

    Listing off the names of several, several people, almost all of them. We've talked about here. I've done, you know, more than a year ago, I did a serious deep dive into all the Epstein documents, the flight logs, the black book. I posted it all. It's on my sub stack. You can go find it right now, but there's some things that I don't think that we knew yet that came out about this, not that much though.

    There was a few names. There was a few. Really scathing words that came out, some about Bill Clinton, some about Stephen Hawking, hmm, some really interesting stuff. So we're going to dive into all of that. What were the most notable things that were discussed about this? Who were the five most important or powerful people that were on this list?

    And then. We'll go through the list in its entirety of the names, and I'll see how fast I can do it for you, because it was a lot. After that, we're going to jump into another topic, which was that there was a bunch of, a bigger police presence than you've seen at every school shooting, at every Black Lives Matter protest riot, at every January 6th, combined, at a single shopping mall.

    And apparently it was because these kids were having fights with sticks and fireworks. Four children, four kids having you know, violent acts with sticks. But some people are saying that wasn't the actual reason why. Some people are saying that there was eight to ten foot tall beings that were attacking people.

    Now it's kind of a weird situation because there wasn't very much video evidence that came from the ground and there wasn't very many people talking about what happened on the inside. You know, today, you have a Karen going off on a manager at Wendy's and there's always going to be a video of it. But we don't have any video footage of this.

    So it's pretty weird. But some people, which would lead us to our deep dive for today, have said that they believed this to be the Nephilim. If you don't know what the Nephilim is, that is the ancient biblical beings that are said to be extremely large individuals. And we will dive into a whole deep dive of what those beings were the passages from the ancient and biblical texts that they were mentioned in.

    And Some more recent discussions around them from even Tucker Carlson potentially alluding to these beings. So all of that and more, make sure you stick around, subscribe, leave a five star review, head over there, do it right now. If it's your first time listening, I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.

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    Let's jump into it

    The Adams archive.

      Alright, so the very first topic that we're going to discuss today is going to be that there was the single largest document release regarding Epstein. It happened over four days. And it, To me, this wasn't a huge deal. What I like about it is the fact that it brought attention back to the Epstein situation.

    Now, some people are arguing one way or the other, whether that's a good thing, whether it's a distraction from other things that are going on, whether it's an attempt to heighten the tensions of 2024 already leading up to the election cycle. I don't know. I think that it's probably just. a situation where there was a legal court judge that decided they were going to release these documents and then it just reignited the whole Epstein situation.

    I think that's probably the most likely situations here. I don't think it's a huge distraction. I don't think that these people want to throw everybody under the bus. But what I do know is that almost everybody who was on this list was already, Named we already knew these names. We already knew about Prince Andrew.

    We already knew about Bill Clinton. We already knew about Kevin Spacey We are the new even Stephen Hawking. We already knew these names, right? This isn't very much of this was already out there now. There were some details and some Snippets that have gone viral that have had more of an emphasis on them as a result of these documents But I don't think that it was anything earth shattering.

    So the first thing I want to do for you here I want to list the Let's see, let me pull it up for you here. I want to list the 90 names. I want to list the 90 names that were on the Epstein list. In as quick as fashion as possible for you. So the 90 names in 90 seconds that were on Epstein's list for you, and I'll speak fast, so try and keep up.

    But I just want to throw all these names out for you, because everybody's like, Where's the list? Where's the list? Where's the list? I don't see a list. I just see documents. Well, here you go. Here is the 90 names that were listed in 90 seconds. You can time me. I'm not exactly sure. Let's see. All right.

    We're at 2 minutes and 16 seconds. 2 minutes and 20 seconds. We'll begin. Glenn Maxwell, Virginia Lee, Roberts, Garuff, Kathy Alexander. Okay. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Let's go back. Seeing that Virginia Garuff's name is on this list, I do want you to know that this list is not just the perpetrators. This list was, and this came out, there was like 170 names.

    It's like, no, this list is not just the names of the people that were the perpetrators. This list, Virginia Garuff is the one who's legal case is the reason that this came out, and that's probably why she's number two on here behind Ghislaine Maxwell because it was Virginia Groff's legal case against Ghislaine Maxwell.

    So, now that I've preempted that here, I will point out to you within this list some of the names that maybe were a little bit newer, but were always A part of this conversation we've been having for a while. So here we go. Ghislaine Maxwell. Virginia Garoff. Kathy Alexander. Miles Alexander. James Michael Ostrich.

    Philip Barton. Redacted. Number seven. Kate Blanchett. David Boyce. Laura Booth. Evelyn Boulette. Rebecca Boylan. Josh Brunner. Naomi Campbell. Carolyn Casey. Paul Cassell. Sharon Churcher. Bill Clinton, David Copperfield, Alexandra Cousteau, Cameron Diaz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Alan Dershowitz, Mr. Mona Deveson, Redacted, Bradley Edwards, Amanda Allison, Kimberly Espinoza, Jeffrey Epstein, Ann Farmer, Marie Farmer, Alexander Fakai, Crystal Figueroa, Anthony Figueroa, Luis Ferra, Eric Ganney, Meg Garvin, Sheridan Gibson Butt.

    Robert Garoff, Al Gore, Ross Bowe, Fred Graff, Philip Grudegren, redacted. Shannon Harrison, Stephen Hawking, Virginia Hair, Victoria Hazel, Brittany Henderson, Brett Jeff, Michael Jackson, Carol Roberts, Cass, Dr. Karen Kutikoff, Peter Listerman, George Lucas, Tony Lyons, Bob Meister, Jamie Melanson, Lynn Miller, Marvin Minsky, redacted.

    David Mullen, Joe Pagano, Mary Paluga, Jay Stanley Pottinger, Joseph Ricari, Michael Reiter, Jason Richards, Bill Richardson, Sky Roberts, Scott Rothstein, Forrest Sawyer, Doug Schoedl, Kevin Spacey, Cecilia Stein, Mark Tafoya, Brent Tindall, Kevin Thompson, Donald Trump, Ed Tunnel, Emma Vagan. Kimberly Vaughn Edwards, Kresenda Valase, Anthony Velardi, Martinez Velasquez, Vicki Ward, Jared Weinfeld, Courtney Weil, Bruce Willis.

    Daniel Wilson. Andrew Albert, Christians Edwards, duke of York. There you go. There's your 90 names. Now again, this is not the client list, right? This is a list of individuals. That were a part of the documents in general, okay? So some of those people could have been victims, some of those people could have been listed for other reasons.

    But, we know some of those names, not even all of those names are the ones that are, you know, have been brought up in the past. There's some really wild ones that have been brought up too. However, I would like to note that there were some ones that stuck out to me. David Copperfield was one that I don't remember exactly discussing surrounding this and he's been a big conversation starter around this.

    Another one is Al Gore. I don't remember Al Gore being another part of this, before from before the conversation. And then another one is who has actually spoken out now is Cameron Diaz has come out to speak out against her name being on the list. Cameron Diaz came out and said that she has had never had any association whatsoever with Jeffrey Epstein.

    Well, my question would be where did her name come up on these documents, which I guess we could probably look a little bit further to see the actual legal documentation that has been brought up.

    But that's a we could dive into that in just a second here. So there are the 90 names of the individuals. Now let's see if there's anybody who commented on this. Let's go ahead and see. Somebody said these names were taken from transcripts of evidence given during Maxwell's trial. Being named means nothing without context, and even with context, the only thing it might spark is a police investigation into a name which is associated with a given incident or set of behaviors.


    I just saw the greatest thing about Stephen Hawking and I'm going to hold on to that because we're going to talk about Stephen Hawking in depth in just a minute. So I'm going to hold on to that one. So let's let's segue into this. Okay. Now, another thing that's happened more recently is I believe his name is Andrew.

    Andrew Epstein has come out and did an interview with Tucker Carlson. going Let me see if I can pull that up. Andrew Epstein being the brother of Jeffrey Epstein said that he no longer believes that Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide. And so let's see if we can pull this up. Jeff, Andrew Epstein, Tucker Carlson.

    All right. And so the reason that this is substantial is because Andrew Epstein is the only family that Jeffrey Epstein has. He's the only person that they should have been contacting as a result of this. Now maybe I got Mark Epstein. There we go. Mark Epstein is the name Not Andrew. Maybe I was thinking Prince Andrew for other reasons involved with Jeffrey Epstein, but I digress So let's go to the Tucker Carlson dot com to the Tucker Carlson Network and read this it says oh you did a whole episode with him where he had a discussion with his brother Which I'm sure would be very interesting.

    So if you want to watch that head over to Tucker Carlson dot but it's 26 minutes and I'm not going to drag you through all of that. So that was the situation is that Andrew or Andrew again, Mark Epstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Bruce brother did a interview with, with Tucker Carlson and said that he no longer believes that his brother, Jeffrey was.

    The person was attempted suicide or committed suicide. He believes that there's something more nefarious about the situation, like everybody else in the world, to be fair. There's a fair amount of people who too believe, I believe it was even Megyn Kelly came out just the last few days and said that we would be hearing from Jeffrey, she's, so to pre, what she said is that We're going to be hearing a lot more about Jeffrey Epstein, Megyn Kelly said.

    We're going to be hearing not only a lot more about him or his case or the situation, but we're actually going to be hearing from Jeffrey Epstein himself. This year said Megyn Kelly now, I'm not sure what that means to me That means that he's alive and well and is willing to speak out or at least maybe there's some files or videos That he has that were maybe some sort of I don't know lost videotapes of him speaking about this Honeypot situation, and I think that's a deeper conversation that we should get into now is it seems to be somewhat of a misconception for people who haven't been following this for for as long as I have been in depth.

    I followed day by day, word by word. The Glenn Maxwell trials even prior to that with Jeffrey Epstein. Went into the black book. I have it on my sub stack. Austin Adams dot sub stack. com. You can go in there, go back through the files and find the black book for Jeffrey Epstein, where it has the names and phone numbers of all of his associates, every known contact that he had in this book with their phone numbers.

    Okay. But anyways, there's a lot of people who are. being privy to this situation now, who maybe weren't before, who don't understand the background. I mean, there's a lot of people who were following this this whole time who maybe just thought, Oh, it's just a bunch of elite pedophiles who are sick individuals and, and they just have a, a proclivity to underage individuals and they're just disgusting pedophiles.

    And, and yes, you would be correct. But also the reason that the, the, the, it goes much deeper than that. Jeffrey Epstein, and I'll give you the synopsis fairly quickly, Jeffrey Epstein was with Ghislaine Maxwell, okay? Now Jeffrey Epstein, the financier, but very little people know where he got his money from, or his funding, to be a financier, right?

    And so, the speculation is that, in the correlation, the connections here, is that Jeffrey Epstein with Ghislaine Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell's dad, was an agent of the Mossad. And the Mossad is the CIA of Israel, essentially, and they're well known as the single most the, the, the single most powerful and capable intelligence agency in the world, even more than the CIA, which should concern you in and of itself, but the ties between Ghislaine Maxwell and The Mossad cannot be ignored.

    Her father was an agent of the Mossad. Which leads me to believe that there's some connection here. Although, in, in, background piece for her father is that her father actually got pushed off of a yacht and murdered. It was called an accident, I guess, so I can't say it was murdered, but the official thing is that it was an accident.

    But he fell off of a yacht and died, and that was the way that he died, which is a super mysterious, weird way to die. Especially for such a high profile, high net worth individual. Especially one associated with a foreign entity's intelligence community. You know, but I digress. So the situation is that the ties between Jeffrey Epstein and the Mossad cannot be ignored.

    So you take that to its extent, and what people have realized now, and what we actually know from these documents that came out now, is that not only Was Jeffrey Epstein tied to Mossad, but there was court documents stating blatantly that this was a black male scheme to get Hollywood elites to get powerful politicians to get people within the highest levels of science and education to go and partake in these horrific activities and then to have The video evidence of them doing so, so that it could be used against them at will by foreign entities.

    Now, whether it's just the Mossad, which is what I believe, or whether it goes further than that, which it very well may, because now we know that the CIA allegedly found all of these videotapes, and then they all went mysteriously missing. All the videotapes that they found, all the blackmail evidence, all of the VHS tapes of these horrific acts happening by these famous elite individuals suddenly went missing.

    How weird is that? You know, after it had been raided by the CIA, I believe. So this is much deeper than just some guy with lots of money feeding elites, what they're looking for. This is, this is a high level intelligence agency act by a foreign entity being the Mossad of Israel, the same Israel. Now this is, this is what should infuriate you more than almost anything about the Epstein situation is that you are funding.

    What happened on Epstein Island? Did you know that you are funding what happened on Jeffrey Epstein's Island, because the individuals who are behind Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and Maxwell's father was the Mossad, the intelligence community behind Israel and the Mossad had. All of this blackmail done on all of the most powerful people in the world so that they could control your reality from the movies that you watch to the universities that you go to, to the scientific journals that you probably don't read, to the politicians who make the decisions on whether or not where our tax dollars go, the laws that are passed.

    Who is, who is, who is allowed to walk free through presidential you know, signatures. All of that is being decided through blackmail. Through these honeypot schemes. And a honeypot scheme is basically where you send somebody who's extremely attractive to somebody who's in a position of power. And then you blackmail them by finding some video, photo, text message evidence of them doing something that they shouldn't be doing.

    It's a well known tactic. And it was executed perfectly. By an organization that you are funding. We are currently sending tax dollars to Israel. Israel's intelligence agency is the Mossad.

    So you're telling me that our tax dollars were going to fund the very organization that was conducting these types of blackmail, these types of blackmail on elites on Jeffrey Epstein's Island. Yes, yes, that is what I'm telling you. And if that doesn't disgust you, you should get your head checked. So, that's a weird realization to me, right?

    However, let's move on here, because there's some big names that we can discuss surrounding this, and I could go on and on and on about this honeypot scheme, but I, I, I believe That's exactly what happened. I still don't, I'm still not convinced, I should say. I'm still not convinced, that Jeffrey Epstein's dead.

    I'm not. You can't convince me of that because there's no evidence. Just the same way that they brought in, if you go back to the JFK files. When JFK died, they brought in their own autopsy officials, they kicked everybody else out of the room, they brought in their own autopsy officials, and had their own private autopsy done with nobody around.

    And it was funded by the very same organization who's allegedly the ones who conducted the assassination. Now, would you imagine that in a situation where Jeffrey Epstein In cahoots with these intelligence organizations that those very organizations were able to sneak him out the back door and put a body in a room and then sneak in an autopsy official to write the death certificate and say that it was Jeffrey Epstein.

    Oh, and by the way, it was also a suicide. Oh, and by the way. These cameras that are literally everywhere in this jail just just weren't working. Oh, and by the way, the security footage and the security guards that were supposed to be on on duty at the time fell asleep and they didn't even sign the documents that they were supposed to sign at the time that they were supposed to be there.

    That's interesting. Very interesting. So, I'm not convinced that he's dead. There's been footage that has circulated about somebody who looked like him, but it looked like it was filmed on a potato, so I don't believe that may have, you know, could have, could have not been him. I believe it was actually footage from the island that was released more recently.

    So, let's look at some of these names that came up here, now that you understand a little bit of the background of what this was, and why nobody's being prosecuted. Well, nobody's being prosecuted because it was probably At the very least and generously to say the word entrapment because these people you could never get anybody that I know to do these types of things.

    You never get me to do these types of things. So I don't think entrapment is the right word, but I think that they're afraid that if they would actually go after anybody that was on Epstein's list, if they went after anybody that was on Epstein's list, it would come full circle back around that the ones actually behind Epstein were the very intelligence agencies that our tax dollars are going to fund, whether it be the CIA or the Mossad.

    That's all I'm saying. All right. So here are the top five individuals. The top, not the top five, but the top five most powerful individuals that were on the most recent Epstein documents, starting with number five, Alan Dershowitz, a constitutional law professor at Harvard law school and one time impeachment lawyer for former president Donald Trump.

    Alan Dershowitz is well known in media circles, unsealed documents linked to the Jeffrey Epstein investigation. According to a 2014 court filing in the U. S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, Epstein instructed Jane Doe No. 3 to have sexual relations with Dershowitz on numerous occasions while she was a minor, not only in Florida, but also on private planes in New York, New Mexico, and the U.

    S. Virgin Islands. In addition to being a participant in the abuse of Jane Doe No. 3 and other minors, Let me share this with you if you're on YouTube with me, so you can actually see what I'm looking at here. This article comes from the Christian Post. All right? Tuesday, January 4th. So, it says that in addition to being a participant in the abuse of Jane Doe and other minors, Dershowitz was an eyewitness to other sexual abuse of many other minors by Epstein and several Epstein co conspirators, the court file alleges.

    The filing also claims Dershowitz helped negotiate an agreement that provided immunity from federal prosecution in the Southern District of Florida, not only to Epstein, but also any potential co conspirators of Epstein, including himself. Now, this is one of the most egregious things about this ever about Epstein is that Alan Dershowitz, the lawyer, and if we go back, the former lawyer of the impeachment lawyer for President Donald Trump.

    was involved in getting immunity for every one of the co conspirators in the state of Florida and Properly executed this and they tried to hide the evidence of this This deal completely they tried to make sure that nobody knew that Epstein's co conspirators Would be getting off under the name of under the guidance of Alan Dershowitz.

    So thus Dershowitz helped negotiate An agreement with a provision that provided protection for himself against criminal prosecution in Florida for sexually abusing Jane Doe number three. Now this wasn't. Outright said within the time because he just said anybody any of his co conspirators was what he negotiated this this Agreement, but he was included in that little did they know which seems like a conflict of interest Dershowitz in a YouTube live stream following the release of the Epstein files acknowledged flying on the Lolita Express in his presence on the Epstein list.

    Of course, I'm on that list. I was his lawyer I flew on his plane said Dershowitz. I had an innocent relationship with a man who I didn't know Nobody suspected had done anything wrong. Yeah. Okay. Dershowitz. All right, number four is this list pulls up here Number four is going to be none other than, dun dun dun, come on load the Christian post.

    Wow, that's brutal. You'd think I would internet from a, third world country. Bill Richardson. So number four on this list is Bill Richardson. Former U. S. Congressman, Ambassador, Secretary of Energy, and New Mexico Governor, Bill Richardson is among the names referenced in the newly listed documents. To Epstein.

    In a deposition taken May 3rd, 2016, Epstein's accuser, Virginia Garuff, claimed that she was instructed by Epstein's associate and sex trafficker, Julianne Maxwell, to give a massage to Richardson during a trip to Epstein Ranch. In New Mexico, when asked whether she met Richardson, gruff said, I want to say that he went, he was supposed to come over for dinner when we were in New Mexico.

    I don't know if I met him. I believe that he and Ghislaine had dinner separate from myself. Gruff also said that Maxwell personally instructed her to give massage to Bill Richardson Richardson, the chair of the 2004 Democratic National Convention was also n nominated. For the Nobel peace prize in 2019 for his work in North Korea's nuclear crisis.

    He died in September of 2023 in August, 2019 Bloomberg reported. Richardson denied ever meeting Garuff called the allegations completely false. Wow. He died in 2003. How could you ever imagine somebody randomly dying? That was a part of Epstein's situation? How weird is that? Now, I don't know much about Bill Richardson, but I do know that they said he was the chair of the Democratic National Committee?

    Hmm, that seems fitting. Now another thing that people have talked about, and I believe the name's on this list here, so instead of waiting, I'll just tell you. Some of the most notable things that people would see in the headlines when you saw Jeffrey Epstein's list here is Donald Trump and Bill Clinton.

    And if you watched MSNBC, you would have noticed that Donald Trump's name was actually listed eight times alongside the January 6th insurrection three times within the MSNBC coverage of the Jeffrey Epstein documents. Now the other person's name that I listed was Bill Clinton, which is another one of the two individuals that's listed on this list here.

    So let's talk about those two individuals while everything else is pulling up here. But one thing that I'd say about the difference between the way that Trump is portrayed within these documents, and the difference between the way that Bill Clinton is portrayed in these documents, and, and this will just tell you everything that you need to know about MSNBC and their reporting, is that when they reported Donald Trump's name eight times and Bill Clinton's name zero times.

    What they failed to mention was the fact that Donald Trump was essentially exonerated from all wrongdoing within these documents. Now, that's not to say that there won't be more documentation that comes out. That's not to say that Donald Trump is completely innocent because we don't know that. But that is to say that as far as the evidence is concerned today regarding Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein, Donald Trump has done no wrongdoing according to the individuals that have been interviewed at this time.

    So that's the first thing that. They failed to mention was the fact that every mention of Donald Trump's name within the Jeffrey Epstein documents stated that no, he never participated in any of these underage activities. Now again, I still think there's some element of guilty by association, that should be applied here.

    That, that, that, I'm just highly skeptical of anybody. Who is around Jeffrey Epstein at any time and immediately calling them innocent I just I still think that there's a lot to be that that will come out Especially if you listen to Megyn Kelly, I still think that there's going to be a fair amount of more trials that go on as a result of this But I do think that when you look at the evidence so far it shows that Donald Trump Did no wrongdoing here.

    And it shows that Bill Clinton word for word, Bill Clinton within the documents of Jeffrey Epstein's released documents recently states that Bill Clinton, according to the individual that was interviewed. He likes his girls young. That was the word for word conversation that was had from the legal documents.

    Under oath, somebody said, not only does he participate with people who are under 18, illegal pedophilia, but also he likes them young, which to me in the context of this situation tells you that he likes them even younger than 18, younger, younger, younger. Right? Now, we also know, well, and we'll get to that in a second, but that to me is the most egregious thing that we saw when it came to the reporting of this is Donald Trump's name was plastered everywhere about this.

    Bill Clinton's name was alongside it. Bill Clinton, two former presidents on Jeffrey Epstein's list of perpetrators. Well, no, one former president and one, one vice president would be accurate to say

    was not in any way, shape, or form shown to have committed any wrongdoing. And I'll be the first person to call him out when there's evidence to show otherwise. I've posted pictures about him in the past next to Jeffrey Epstein. I'm completely transparent. I have no skin in the game. I will absolutely, 100%, be the first person to call out Donald Trump when we see evidence that he was a part of this.

    Because we've seen so far, there is very clear evidence. I believe Bill Clinton's name was mentioned 157 times throughout the documents. Specifically saying, in one instance, that he likes his girls young. Ew. Now, let's go to the third most powerful person, because now we know who number two and number one are, so I'm sorry for Going back and forth on ya, but one that surprised me a little bit that I didn't see, at least I didn't dive into enough, and I haven't seen evidence of before, so let's read about this now.

    Says, Climate alarmist and former vice president Al Gore is mentioned in nearly 1, 000 pages of court filings and other documents linked to Epstein. While Gore was not identified as one of the Epstein's alleged clients, the former vice president was named in May 2016 deposition by alleged Epstein victim Johanna Schoenberg, who denied ever meeting Gore.

    Or seeing him or his wife, Tipper Gore, on Epstein's private island in Little St. James. In a separate filing on April 2016, Gore was named as a part of a list of documents requested by attorneys for Maxwell in a civil defamation lawsuit. The filing concludes an objection from lawyers from Epstein's accuser, Gruff, in response to a request by Maxwell's attorneys to turn over all photographs or video containing any image.

    Of you and Gore, along with several other individuals, including Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Stephen Hawking. In the court filings, Gore is not accused of any wrongdoing or illegal activity. Okay, so again, why are we talking about these people? Right, this is what you have to be careful with, with these documents, is that we can't just immediately say that they're guilty and they're this type of person.

    Right, because I hadn't read this yet, and I didn't know. Al Gore was not accused of any wrongdoing. Now again, there is some essence, just for Trump, as there is here for Al Gore, of guilty by association to me. I don't believe that I've been friends with any high level blackmailing pedophiles before.

    I've never flown to any suspicious islands. With children's toys where they shouldn't be, and I've never been in a situation where my name was listed in Jeffrey Epstein's documents, so it's a little hazy, but let's go ahead and let's just see where this takes us with Bill Clinton's name. As that loads, let's go back to our next document.

    All right, so I'll take you through some of the actual documents that were discussed here and the word for word conversations that were had surrounding some of these individuals. All right, so again, I think That you have to be careful when you're looking at these because some of the names on these lists were Individuals who were not being accused of anything specific But let's look at the actual documentation here.

    And this is from a Substack article Oh, and by the way, another really famous individual that was on Jeffrey Epstein's documentation and lists here was the former prime minister of Israel. Oh. So you mean to tell me the very association that Ghislaine Maxwell's father worked for, you know, the Mossad and the person that they worked for there, the prime minister of Israel, went and visited Jeffrey Epstein at his New York town home.

    That's weird. And when he did it, he covered his face with a scarf. Even there's pictures out there of him covering his face with a scarf. All right. So let's go through some of this documentation here from the list. And one of the names that shocked me the most. But we'll get to him in just a minute. But you can walk around, walk around, you can actually walk through these documents with me.

    If you're on YouTube, again, go to YouTube, type in the Adams Archive, and you can subscribe there. All right, so here we go. This portion, the top portion is going to be around prints. Andrew. So it says new details on the allegations against Prince Andrew have not also surfaced. Miss, and I'm just not going to be saying names of victims from here on out, that was silly to begin with, also testified that she met Prince Andrew in Virginia Corrath when she was 17 years old in New York City, along with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

    Here is her testimony. And do you recall who, if anyone, was at Jeffrey Epstein's home when you arrived? Yes. When I first walked in the door, it was myself, Ghislaine, headed for the staircase and said, Told me to come up to the living room and what happened at that point when you came up to the living room?

    I came up and saw Virginia, Jeffrey, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine, in the room. And did you meet Prince Andrew at the time? Yes. At Epstein's New York home was a Prince Andrew puppet, apparently from a BBC production. Weird. Maxwell brought it down for Prince Andrew and either Maxwell or Epstein took a scandalous photo of Prince Andrew with the girls.

    They put the puppet on Virginia's lap and sat, I sat on Andrew's lap, and they put the puppet's hand on Virginia's breast, and Andrew put his hand on my breast, and they took a photo. The most, the more disturbing allegations against Prince Andrew came directly from Garuff. Please name a person that Glam Maxwell directed you to go have sex with.

    And she said, Prince. Andrew. Now, the only reason I'm saying Garuff's name is because that's been the most high profile victim of some of this and she's come out and obviously been the forerunner in the victims to actually go after these people and is very, very open and public about it. Glenn Dubin is another one.

    So it says Garuff also alleged that she was directed to have sex with Epstein's friend and billionaire and then hedge fund manager, Glenn Dubin. Okay, well I need you to say the time when Maxwell directed you to go have sex with another person. So can you please tell me to whom Glenn Maxwell asked you to go have sex with another person?

    Mr. Edwards, the lawyer, said, Object to the form. And then she said, A. Glenn. Dubin. Dubin's ties to Epstein have been previously reported back in 2009 after Epstein was given his sweetheart plea deal from the Department of Justice. The Dubins hosted Epstein for Thanksgiving dinner. Wow. That must be quite the Thanksgiving dinner.

    Now one of the bigger names that we'll see here that came up to me that was the most surprising, you know, who's surprised by hedge fund managers and all that stuff.

    Well, let's just, let's take it in stride. It says Thanksgiving dinner telling his probation officer, they were 100 percent comfortable with his being around their teenage daughter. Ew. Another one was Tom Pritzker. Tom Pritzker is a billionaire businessman serving as executive chair for Hyatt Hotels and a chairman and CEO of the Pritzker organization.

    He's also a member of the Aspen Institute. Gruff alleged she slept with him once. Now, if we go into the conversation here, it says, if I were to ask you the question, how many times did you have sex with Tom Pritzker? Do you know what that question means? She said, I believe so. All right. And what is the answer?

    I believe I was with Tom once. Next one is David Copperfield. Magician, magician David Copperfield also emerged in the latest Epstein release. While there are no sex related allegations against Copperfield, at this time it's clear the witness testimony that he was friends with Epstein and had at least some knowledge of what was going on in Epstein's home.

    Perhaps he had been informed by Epstein or Maxwell that they were recruiting process where girls were paid to find other girls according to Johanna, the victim. Have you ever met David Copperfield? Copperfield, yes. And do you recall when you initially met him? Yes. Can you tell me what that was about?

    Sure, someone called me from the house and said that he would be there, and if I wanted to come have dinner, then I could meet him. And what happened at the dinner, if anything? He did some magic tricks. Did you observe David Copperfield to be a friend of Jeffrey Epstein's? Yes. Did Copperfield ever discuss Jeffrey's involvement with young girls with you?

    He questions me if I was aware that girls were getting paid to find other girls. Did he tell you any of the specifics of that? And no. And the biggest reveal for me from all of the Epstein documents that I hadn't seen before that it had no really backing until this more recent release is Michael Jackson's name came up in the Epstein documents.

    That's right. Michael Jackson. Now, again, I don't think this should surprise very many people when you get into the highest levels of Hollywood elites and Hollywood elite pedophiles. He's probably one of the first names that comes up. But even Michael Jackson, the king of pop himself, was friendly with Epstein.

    He was at Epstein's Palm Beach mansion at least once, as explained by the victim. Did you ever meet anybody famous when you were at Epstein? She said, I met Michael Jackson. Oh, really? And where was that at his house in Palm Beach at Jeffrey's house in Palm Beach. Did you massage him? She said, I did not.

    She would also testify that Epstein would speak on the phone with either celebrity with other celebrities, including Leonardo DiCaprio and Cate Blanchett. Here's the transcript said I was, I saw one press report that you said you met Cate Blanchett or Leonardo DiCaprio. I did not meet them. No, when I spoke about them, it was when I was massaging him.

    And he would get off, he would be on the phone a lot of the time, and one time he said, Oh, that was Leonardo, or that was Cate Blanchett, or Bruce Willis, that kind of thing. So, just name dropping. Yes. Okay. Here's the closing thoughts from this article. It says many of the documents that were released today were previously released in the course of Garuff vs.

    Maxwell's litigation, albeit in a more redacted form. For example, one document from today's allegations that claimed Maxwell took the passport of a 15 year old girl. We reported on that document back in 2022, it said. Also, as we discussed on December 19th of 2023, not all the Jane Doe's are alleged to have committed wrongdoing, or John Doe's, sorry.

    Today's documents included John Doe's who were doctors to the victims, friends of the victims, and family members of the victims. It's been unfortunate and rather sad to see the media and various morons with large platforms on social media. The list is long and distinguished to lump those innocent people with the predatory John Doe's, as if all the names to be released were part of Epstein's list.

    If there is a positive to all of that, We guess it's that you can can't really tell who doesn't, you can really tell who doesn't do the reading anyways. Then this is what I preempted that 90 person list with, right. It's like, you can't just go look at these names and say every single one of them was one of the perpetrators.

    No, you have to dig deeper than that anyways. The list of unknown John Doe's as opposed to the known John Doe's, such as Sarah Kellen, who are alleged to have committed abuse, is rather small. Today's release doesn't include all the perpetrator, John Doe's. There are more names set to be released in the coming days.

    This includes John Doe 113, a purported Epstein affiliate and witness, witness who is alleged to have engaged in serious wrongdoing. And we'll be here to report. The developments. All right. So there you have it. Now let's go back to the victim or I'm sorry, not the victim, but one of the most interesting cases that has come up, the probably biggest, biggest, most made fun of individual from all of this and rightfully, right.

    If you're on this list and a part of this, obviously you deserve to be ridiculed endlessly for the rest of your life. But, Stephen Hawking was on Jeffrey Epstein's list released. Hmm, you say Stephen Hawking? Isn't that guy a quadriplegic? Yes! Yes, he is. I have questions, and I'm sure so do you, but his name was on the list, and by far, by far, the best joke that I've seen on this so far is what I had mentioned earlier that I just ran into when I was looking at all of this, and it said,

    Stephen, did you hear about Stephen Hawking being on Jeffrey Epstein's list? Yes. Yes, I did. He was tried, convicted and sentenced. He got the chair.

    All right, so Stephen Hawking was on the list. Now this is probably, again, like I said, the, the most hilarious of them all and not really hilarious. It's not, none of it's funny, obviously, but the most crazy wild is probably more accurate. Stephen Hawking was now the center of every internet meme of all time now because he was found within the documents saying that he loved being a part, well, One of the victims, I guess, said that he loved being a part of underage orgies.

    And this comes from NDTV. It says, Okay, we all know all of that. Jeffrey Epstein once proposed A reward to disprove an alleged accusation involving renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, a report said. The latest finding comes in a large trove of documents released due to a lawsuit filed by Virginia Garuff, Epstein accuser against Ghislaine Maxwell, an accomplice to Epstein.

    In a 2015 email, Epstein reportedly Suggested to Maxwell that she could issue a reward to anyone who could disprove Giroff's allegations. Specifically, Epstein mentioned a purported claim that Hawking had participated in an orgy on Epstein's private island in the Virgin Islands. It's important to note that there are no specific allegations directly from Giroff regarding Hawking and that Hawking has never been charged with any sexual misconduct.

    Hawking did visit Epstein's private Caribbean Island as a part of a science conference trip, of course, to St. Thomas in March 2006, shortly before Epstein faced his first charges. Photos from the events show Hawking participating in activities on Epstein Island. However, the newly revealed email did not contain any evidence to substantiate the claim against Hawking.

    The same email also referred to a separate allegation involving President Bill Clinton, who Epstein said was falsely accused, of course, right? So basically what was happening in this situation is that Jeffrey Epstein was probably had Stephen Hawking or his crew reach out to him and go, Hey, we need you to find somebody who, in case something happens or this information comes out, is a friend of the individuals that were around this area that are making these claims that would then say that he was not there and he didn't participate and none of this is true.

    So he was just saying, I'll pay you or pay the, I will reward the individual. the amount of millions of dollars to potentially lie and say that he wasn't a part of this, which to me tells me, again, most of what you need to know. It says Virginia Garaffe was also accused upseen trafficker and forcing her to have sex with Prince Andrew, King Charles, thirds, the younger brother on three occasions when she was 17 in the 2022 statement, following an out of court settlement with Garaffe, Prince Andrews lawyer stated his intention to make a substantial donation to grow up, charity, to support a victim's rights.

    Yeah, okay. Now, another part of this is, did you know? That the Simpsons actually predicted Stephen Hawking being a pedophile. And the video, I saw the video of this, is he's basically in a a gazebo in his wheelchair. And he goes to leave and, and picks up, what is it? Not Marge's daughter. I forget the, how can I not know that?

    Right? Come on. Let's see if it's on here. But anyways Maggie, right? Is that Maggie? Yeah, I think it's Maggie. Or is Maggie the one, the younger one? Yeah, Bart, Homer, Maggie. Yeah, who cares? I'm sure you're shaking and your fist at me right now. But anyways, I gotta keep a lot of other stuff in here And I haven't watched The Simpsons in probably 15 years.

    So to be fair but Allegedly, this was a another Simpson conspiracy win here was Stephen Hawking picking up One of the Simpsons children and taking them on a little flight with him after he had left this little scene on the Simpsons. So let's see if we can get any of the comments here from the comments section.

    But, pretty wild stuff. Yeah, just, just the, the similarity, the correlation to the events is a little uncanny to say the least. Side note, I do find it funny, I did a video the other day about Madison Cawthorne, if you haven't gone and watched the Dave Chappelle comedy special that he just had released on Netflix, he actually does a joke about Madison Cawthorne, and I've had some short conversations with Madison Cawthorne before through social media, and he, he actually made a joke about Madison Cawthorne, and it was pretty good, it got a little dark for a second but it was a funny joke, and Madison Cawthorne took it in stride and actually went and To the show of Dave Chappelle and to see Dave Chappelle making fun of him Which I think is just the all time like best move that you could do in that situation is like the last thing you should do when somebody you know makes fun of you or your background, your, your shortcomings is try to cancel them like the left is constantly trying to do.

    Right? We've seen people from, from the left you know, always trying to, you know, there's the big walkout because of him and all this other crazy stuff. So it just seems like the wrong way to go about that. And Jeff. Or, And Madison Cawthorn actually drove out to the place where it was closest to him that he could go and have a, a actual full show of Dave Chappelle.

    So he could be made fun of directly by Dave Chappelle, which I just love. And it was uncanny because Dave Chappelle was making fun of like, why, why are you inviting a, he said, quadriplegic to a, to an orgy? Like, what is he going to do? Just wheel around and. Look and you basically just invited a snitch to come in there and snitch on everybody and you can't even participate and you know It's way funnier than me So go watch it and it was hilarious but the fact that the timing of that coming out at the same exact time that we find out that Stephen Hawking was Included in these Epstein orgies is like just just pretty weird Alright, so the next situation that we're going to discuss here is going to be that in Miami There was hundreds, what looked like, of cops.

    In Miami, responding to a call, allegedly, about children fighting each other with sticks and fireworks. And I think the number that I saw was four kids, or young adults, fighting each other with sticks. And you look at the videos of this, and there was at least 85 cop cars lined, I've never seen anything like it in my life, lined down the road, to respond to this call about four children.

    Fighting with sticks and fireworks inside of a mall. That seems weird, but there was reports coming out afterwards of individuals who were being interviewed because there was no footage of these kids fighting with sticks. There was no footage of the fireworks being shut off inside of this mall, which is weird because you have that much of a police presence.

    First of all, why do you have 70 cops? So you can't imagine how many cops were actually there, but 70 cop cars lined up all the way down the street just to respond to a call about four kids fighting each other with sticks. Dicks, not machine guns, not Tommy guns, not RPGs, no sticks. Okay? So weird. And there's no footage about it.

    And you, you go into any tropical smoothie and you'll see that there's a video somewhere on Tik Tok of, of a Karen yelling at a tropical smoothie manager somewhere. Like, if this was the case and it warranted this type of response, why not have video evidence of this? But there were people who came out from this Miami mall, allegedly, and said that.

    The reason that they were, the reason that there was such a large presence there was that because there was a large amount of shadowy aliens chasing down people in the mall that were reportedly eight to 10 feet tall. Now, this is going to lead us into our deep dive for this week, which is about the Nephilim, which is the ancient biblical beings, which were allegedly very tall and very strong and descendants of God and man.

    But we'll get into that deep dive in a minute. Whether or not I believe this is the case is another story, because it seems to me like, hey, if there's 8 to 10, if I think there's going to be footage of 14 year olds fighting with sticks, I definitely think there's going to be footage of 8 to 10 foot tall beings chasing people down in a shopping mall, unless there was some sort of men in black, you know, memory stick that erases everybody's memories and phone footage from iCloud.

    I don't know. I just don't believe that probably either. Right, there's probably going to be footage that comes out about that, either which way. So the weird thing is that we still don't really have the full narrative from inside or outside from the police that were there of what actually happened within this mall.

    But the reports that came out from within, and people who claim to have been inside of this mall at the time that this happened, was that there were shadow like alien figures chasing people down. So this comes from CBS news, Miami, and here's the article. It says a large brawl between teenagers caused chaos at Bayside marketplace in downtown Miami on Monday night.

    However, social media users claimed that what ensued then was much more. As the fight drew a heavy police presence to the area that evening, rumors quickly spread around Twitter and other social media platforms, suggesting that police weren't there to handle a group of rowdy teens, but rather nine or eight to 10 foot tall shadow aliens.

    According to an amateur video posted online, there was moments when a big creature could be seen in plain sight standing in front of the entrance to the shopping mall, causing many online conspiracies. Conspiracists . I like that online. Conspiracists. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a conspiracist to post their takes on exactly what happened that Monday night, and of course the memes came flooding in as well.

    Hmm. So here is the video of the amount of cop cars that were there, and I'll share this with you if you're on YouTube. Here it is. Let's watch this video. Here's the actual like, and we'll just kind of skip around so that we get to the, get to the part where you see the unbelievable amount of police officers that were actually here on site.

    If it'll load for us. Here we go. I'll turn the footage off or the sound off for you guys. So if you're on the podcast, it doesn't blast your ears just like that. So it's panning and as it's panning, you see down the road. Of this like, side street in front of the mall. I guess every time I go to turn the sound off, it's also pausing it.

    Here we go, let's just do this. There we go, it's panning and there's 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, like so many cop cars. Lined all the way down this whole road. So many cop cars. So, let's go on to the next part here. I don't know if the rumors are about the aliens in the Miami Mall are real, but I do know I've never seen this many police in one place, said one ex user.

    Wow, thank you for your feedback. Has some mean videos. Everybody has cell phones. Nobody has an up close video of the eight, 10 foot aliens at the mall. Another user posted. Yeah, good point. Me greeting the aliens at the mall. Isn't just some memes. All right. So I don't know what's going on here. I do know that there's a increasing amount of conversations surrounding beings.

    Surrounding aliens, surrounding spiritual beings, surrounding, you know, how many times have we heard about aliens over the last year, it is absolutely ramping up in the public psyche, which to me is priming, right? I think we're being primed. I think we're being primed for some sort of catastrophe event, you know, whether you want to call it project blue beam or whether they're actually is going to have something that ends up coming out that is real.

    Yeah. And they're priming us for that thing, potentially. But I do believe we're being primed for the situation. You want to go back to the most you know, publicized alien events over the last six months, let's say. There was the woman on the plane. That motherfucker right back there is not real. And, you know, remember her, right?

    That was priming. Right? I think, I think, you know, whether she was a part of it or not, whatever. But I do think that there are certain news entities and algorithms from social medias that can take a video like that and either do one of two things. They can suppress it, or they can add fuel to the fire.

    They can decide that they're going to give it 50 million views. They make those decisions, right? So when they decide whether to suppress a video, amplify it, you should pay attention as to why, right? Maybe that, that's what happened. And maybe she was drunk and maybe nothing happened, but still that video was allowed to circulate the way that it did through social media and then through news organizations.

    So whether or not that was It doesn't have to be intentional. She doesn't have to be an actress. It doesn't have to be this crazy conspiracy to happen. Maybe she was drunk on a plane and took a Valium when she shouldn't have or a Xanax. And then, Drank too much and she saw something weird and she was all whatever messed up and now she's you know a living meme for the rest of her life.

    But, so there was that event the first one that set it off a little bit. And there's been all those the senate hearings and stuff like that too, but let's let's not even talk about those. Let's talk about the social media aspect. Then, there was the video footage of somebody in their backyard who called the cops on exactly what's being reported here, an 8 to 10 foot tall being in their backyard that they allegedly found on their security footage.

    Interesting. And now, another situation that's circulating like crazy is the fact that there was these 8 to 10 foot tall, spiritual, Shadowy beings inside of this mall, and that's why the police showed up in this way. So I absolutely believe we're being primed in some way, shape or form. If you want to go back and look at the, you know, then the whole episode on project blue beam, I'll give you a synopsis.

    Project blue beam is essentially the idea that our government is going to cause some sort of catastrophic illusion that makes it seem as if aliens are attacking us to bring on one world government to fight it off. Okay. Which, you know, is interesting. I, you know, I'm reading a book right now that's actually going to become a Netflix series that I would highly recommend, which is The Three Body Problem, which is a Chinese book.

    It's a three part fiction sci sci fi book that you can read and I highly recommend it. It's beautifully written. It's really well done. It's really interesting. It brings up some philosophical conversations. It brings it jumps all through these beautiful timelines and There's, there's so many well done elements to it.

    I would highly recommend it. The Three Body Problem and then The Dark Forest and then Death Sent is the, the three part series of this, this book series. But it's actually going to be a Netflix series that comes out. Although from the trailer of the Netflix series, I'm a little disappointed because I'm a big fan of this book that I'm reading.

    I'm on the third one right now. I'm about, I don't know, 25 percent through it, but. They're not, they're not super light books, but I, again, if you read, go read it, and if you don't read, maybe go read the first one, because it's gonna get on Netflix here in March, and but, but it looked like in the trailer, they kind of butchered it.

    There was a Chinese version of it where I'm, seems like they were much more aligned with the way the book was written. And then the Americanized version of it looks like they took a lot of liberties that they shouldn't have taken. And it's done by the same people that did Game of Thrones. So it's obviously going to be pushed like crazy and it's coming in March, I think.

    So if you have the time, grab the three body problem, highly recommend it. I think you would like it. I've enjoyed it. It's the first sci fi book I've ever really read but it's been really fun journey for, for myself. So I think you'd like it too. And if you care, it's. It's the, the person who wrote the foreword for it, maybe not the foreword, but just wrote a review for it that's on the very front of it is Barack Obama, which is like the most random shit ever, anyways, so so that's where I believe, I, I believe we're being primed, I believe this is being allowed to circulate this way, I think that they probably, probably wanted to pump up the conspiracy theorists, just the same way they did with Q, right?

    They're going to infiltrate the communities and start to put stuff on Reddit and, and, and put the videos out there and, and spark all this conversation so that eventually some, some things going to happen, right? We look back at COVID and even back in 2000 and geez, I don't remember the date, but, but Bill Gates did a, did a, a.

    Speech on viruses and how it's going to cause this nationwide pandemic. And you look at the, the who or something wrote, wrote a gosh, I can't remember the document now, but you can go back. I've talked about it before. There was a document written on the direct response by the, this, whatever government organization was might've been the NIH about how to drill, how to deal with a Corona virus.

    If it just so happened to break out and it was like two years prior and it outlined exactly basically how. They approached this COVID situation. So whatever. But I, but I think that was priming and I think this is priming now and I think something will happen there. This is all leading up to something and whether it's this year or next year, the reason that.

    And if you listen to my last podcast, and I don't want to go on too many side tangents here, so let's just keep this the mainstream. I believe we're being primed. I believe that this is happening intentionally. I believe it's being allowed to circulate the way that it is right now because there's going to be something that happens, whether it's a trove of information that they're just getting us ready to like, to sleep about aliens until they actually tell us, yeah, they're real and hey, we're in contact with them and we've been in contact with them for over a hundred years.

    And guess how you got internet and guess how you got that cell phone that you can FaceTime your grandma six fucking million miles away from you and get instantaneous access to all the information you could ever want at will and Watch midget porn before you go to bed, whatever it is that you do, use the internet for and play video games and all of these other, all the technology that has come out from humans over the last hundred years.

    You look at the trajectory that we were on for technology, the, the thousand years prior was nowhere near, nowhere near the amount of technology that we've come out with in the last 50, a hundred years, a hundred years, let's say a hundred years is unbelievable. My firm belief, I firmly believe that the reason that we have all the technology we have, internet, cell phones, the basically almost anything and everything that's not a physically tangible, if it's a frequency that goes through the air, like Nikola Tesla stuff, right?

    I believe that it is not of this world. I believe that we are gaining technology. tips from some other entity that was either here before us or came from somewhere else. And you can call me crazy if you want to, but I just don't believe you. You're going to tell me that internet was designed by some random idiot like me in a basement by himself, like, or some five guys in a room together with A sharpie, like, I don't believe you, it's just, it's not convincing to me, but it is super convincing that somebody else who had far more technology than us has been dropping little pieces of it from time to time, whether that's directly through to you know, what Tucker Carlson will come out and say in just a minute here, when we watch his video is that they're in contact with these beings.

    They've been in contact with these beings. These beings have been here. They've always been here. And he believes they're spiritual beings. Just, you know, we'll get into that in a minute. But anyways, that's the story of the mall. That's my beliefs on that. And this is where I think it's going. I think that there will be some precipice of information that's released or some event.

    It's going to be information or an event. And I guess the information would be an event in and of itself if you've been following this long enough. But I absolutely believe there's going to be a, a, this happened big precipice that all of this priming has been about for so long. We're being told aliens this, and aliens that, and UFOs are real, and they go into the water, and this and that, and, you know, And they've basically, you know, I heard Joe Rogan talk about this this way, it's like, they've made being interested in aliens and aliens being released as like, boring now.

    That nobody really even seems to care. Like it's, it's so wild to see the way that it's been done. It's like, they've lulled everybody to sleep by making it 1, 500 page Senate hearings and Like, they just, when you were growing up in the 90s, you probably thought it was going to be some big saucer, just like,

    over top of your town, and then it goes over the farm, and up goes a cow, from like a big blue beam of light. That was what we all thought it was going to be. And it's not going to be that. It's not Independence Day. Or maybe it fucking will be, which is probably the most terrifying of the events, right?

    But anyways, that's where I think it's going. So, so that brings us to our next conversation, which is what Tucker Carlson has talked about, because he doesn't believe these, these things are from another world. He believes that they're an ancient spiritual civilization that has always been here. And there's good forces and bad forces within them, almost like angels and demons.

    And he doesn't address that directly, says, I don't know. I'm not going to make any leaps on this and, and, and honestly, it doesn't really matter. Like me personally, if there are ancient civilizedizations that are spiritual beings that are biblical, our longest texts of knowledge have been passing us information about forever, whether you call it a demon or whether you call it an angel, whether you call it a.

    Nephilim or this or that or whatever it doesn't it doesn't the sound that you make about your mouth about it doesn't really matter to me as much as the concept, which I find to be super interesting. So let's get into it. This is the deep dive on the Nephilim. Okay, and let's give you some background on the Nephilim, because I think that's a super interesting conversation that can come of this, which is a great video that I found here.

    And I had some videos and stuff about the Miami mall, but I don't see the point. Let's just dive into this video on the Nephilim because you can go find those in your spare time. Feel free. Be my guest. Oh, and while this is pulling up, you should go over to the sub stack. All right, go sign up for my newsletter.

    Austin Adams dot substack. com. I will be including all of this information in there for you. I'm actually getting some help here and over the next week or two that I'm going to be onboarding to help automate. I'm going to be shooting more episodes for you guys. I've told you big changes, all that stuff, automation, getting people to help me out with this, hiring some people.

    So head over to Austin Adams dot substack. com. The way that you can help me with that is by getting on a newsletter, being a part of the substack. In the sub stack, you can actually become a paid subscriber. I think it's like 7 a month. And so if you want to help out, pitch in, help me with some of the stuff that I'm doing with these people, I'm going to be bringing on to help multiply the content, be able to do more podcasts, all of that stuff, go head over sub stack, Austin Adams.

    com. Or not Austin Adams. com. That's like some random dude's resume, unfortunate. Cause I would totally get it. But Austin Adams. That's upset. com. All right. So here's the video that I'm going to put on. I actually really enjoyed this conversation by this guy. It's the Southern Seminary. YouTube channel, but this guy specifically is I have to see what his name is here, but he talks about the Nephilim here and this is what I want to preempt our conversation with.

    And here we go. The next piece is who are the Nephilim? In verse four of Genesis, here, let me do this cause I need to actually lower the volume here. Six. It says the Nephilim were on the earth in those days. And also afterward, when the sons of God had relations with human women and they bore children of them.

    End of sentence. New sentence. They were the heroes who were from the ancient past, men of renown. There's two major sentences there. First one says, The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and also afterward. There are two possible interpretations. of this expression. They were on the earth in those days and afterward.

    What does that mean? They were there in those days and afterward. Well, some people think this means that the Nephilim were the children that came from the angels who married. the women in Genesis 6 verses 1 to 3, and that the Nephilim were the product of these unnatural unions. And they appeal to texts from the 3rd century BC and 2nd century BC, the so called Enochic traditions, the traditions about Enoch, where the Nephilim are interpreted as giants.

    There's another interpretation that's possible. When it says the Nephilim were there in those days and also afterward, it could mean that before the hu, the angels had sex with the human women, the Nephilim were there, and they were also there after the hu, the angels had sex with women. So it could mean that the Nephilim had nothing to do with The angels marrying the humans.

    I think that is the correct interpretation for two reasons. First of all, I examined every occurrence of this expression. And also afterward I went. So what he's doing is he's discussing the it's Genesis 6, 13, and I'm actually going through this right now. I'll talk to you probably very soon about my new spiritual.

    journey and, and theology that I'm, that I'm walking through right now and trying to learn the histories of the Bibles and it's writings and the individuals who wrote them and why they matter and why their stories are believed and why they're even talking about the same God and all that stuff. But I'll dive into that on a different day.

    But I actually read this the other night before bed and it barely struck me. But, but I guess what he's saying is the Nephilim, Are told to be these ancient giant beings that were potentially the the conjoining of God's children or I'm sorry. Yeah The Angels and the women of man, right the females who brought children into earth so that was like basically the Nephilim were the children of Angels with women.

    So essentially like demigods if you want to go back to like mythology So think like hercules, but that's the idea behind the nephilim is that it's the conjoining of of angels and humanity to create these giant Strong warrior type human like beings. And what he's saying is that there's potentially two interpretations of that.

    One being that maybe they were here before and after that, or they were here. And the second interpretation best fits and suits how this word is used. So when it says they were there in those days and also afterward, it means the Nephilim were there before Angels cohabited with humans, and they were there after angels cohabited with humans.

    There's a second reason why this is the correct interpretation. The last sentence says, They were the heroes who were from the ancient past, the men of renown. This sentence does not begin with and. Now that's very, very important. Almost every sentence The Hebrew Bible begins with and when a sentence does not begin with and it it does.

    So for two reasons. It could be, it could be because it's beginning a new section, or secondly, because it's making a comment on the previous sentence, what we would call a footnote. It's very clear that this sentence is not beginning a new section, but it's acting like a footnote. on the previous sentence.

    So the previous sentence is saying that the Nephilim were before, were there before the angels and the humans cohabited, and they were there after. And it's making a brief comment that they were the ancient heroes. In this case, What Moses is doing is he's demythologizing the Nephilim. You notice, one of the things that we should notice is the text doesn't tell us who the Nephilim were.

    What does that mean? Why doesn't the, why doesn't the text tell us who they were? Because they were well known to the first readers of this text. The first readers of this text knew who the Nephilim were and didn't need Didn't need that explained to them. And all Moses is saying is, look, whoever you think these heroes are like Gilgamesh, these ancient heroes, these men of renown, you've read about them in the ancient mythologies, whoever they were.

    They're not part of this story. They don't come from the cohabitation of angels and humans. Interesting. And I think that's the correct interpretation. But the problem is, this has been a difficult text to interpret. And it has not always been interpreted correctly down through the centuries. And in the 3rd century BC and the 2nd century BC, they came to an incorrect interpretation.

    They thought that the Nephilim were giants. who were produced by angels cohabiting with humans. And this got into the book of Enoch. And Paul warns his readers against this because he says in his letters to Timothy, don't argue over endless genealogies and foolish myths. This is a direct reference to the book of Enoch, which has a long genealogy of all the angels until you finally come down to Satan.

    And then they blame all the evil in the world on Satan. What they're trying to do is they're trying to blame chaos and death and evil in the world on angelic sin. Instead of blaming it on human sin and the Bible clearly puts the blame on humans. Genesis three shows how sin came into the world. How did we live in a world?

    There's your, there's your beginning entry into what, what were the Nephilim? And so he says there's two schools of thought when it comes to who were Nephilim were either the children of angels, cohabiting, having sex with human women, or they were a being that was here prior to that. and existed after that.

    They were already here, and maybe that's not the case. And so that was, that was what the purpose of that portion of that was. So, interesting. Now that can preempt the next part of our conversation here, which is that Where I did a deep dive into this, so I, I found all of the references to the Nephilim within all of the ancient texts.

    So we'll look at the Hebrew Bible, which is the Old Testament, the Book of Numbers, the, and I'm going to butcher some of the names of this, so bear with me like I do with even congressmen, as you know is the Book of Numbers, then the Apocryphal. And pseudopigraphal texts, which is the Book of Enoch and Jubilees, and some other ancient texts that I will get into as well.

    So when it comes to the, Genesis 6, 1 through 4, it says this is the most well known reference of the Nephilim. Occurring in the narrative leading up to the story of Noah's Ark, the passage describes the Nephilim as the offspring of the sons of God and the daughters of men. It suggests that they were mighty men and renowned figures of the ancient world.

    The exact nature and identity of the Nephilim have been the subject of much debate and interpretation. So there's where he came in and said, here's my interpretation of it. This is why I believe this one's correct. And here's the other interpretation. And here's why I think that's wrong. Okay. Now let's look at what those passages were.

    Here's the Genesis six, one through four, which says, when human beings began to increase in number on the earth, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful and they married any of them, they chose. Then the Lord Saidmy spirit will not contend with humans forever.

    For they are mortal. Their days will be 120 years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children with them. They were the heroes of old. Men of renown. So there's your first reference to them from Genesis. Now again, I'm sure there's hundreds of debates that you could probably watch on this and different takes on the theology and backgrounds of this, but there's, there's the two most basic fundamental ideas of who the Nephilim were.

    Alright, then you look at Numbers 1333, which is the Hebrew Bible, Old Testament. Now this is the passage in which the Nephilim are mentioned in the context of the Israelite spies sent to Canaan. The spies report back that they saw the Nephilim there, describing them as giants, which made the spies feel like grasshoppers in comparison.

    This reference has led to much of the association with the Nephilim with giants. So this is where we get the idea, not only were they Strong warriors, but also that they were extremely large is numbers. 1333, which says we saw the Nephilim there. The descendants of a knock come from the Nephilim. We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them saying that they were these massive tall beings out there and We saw them with our own eyes, which is so interesting to me when you look at the Bible and this is you know Maybe I guess we're in it.

    We're in the theological conversations. Anyways to me is like It's so crazy that these little these accounts are in there. Like who are these people who wrote these things? Why do they matter? What gives them merit? What's the difference between? Historical account versus a you know, mythological account versus, you know, is it an analogy?

    Is it a real, like, this guy was sitting there as a journalist writing, Hey, we saw these fucking huge tall guys and we looked like grasshoppers. Like, how do you interpret this properly? And then, again, there are certain sections that are interpreted one way compared to another. But. That's crazy, right?

    Walking down the through a forest and all of a sudden there are these I mean us to a grasshopper is like I think of the scale differentiation there Now there's been recent accounts of people saying that they've like archaeologically dug up the remains of Large huge giant humans, which is like that adds another element to this which is really interesting But, then we can get into the Book of Enoch.

    Alright, now I'll give you the context of the Book of Enoch. Is that this is the ancient Jewish work, not included in the Karnad, Karnad Nicol, Hebrew Bible, which provides a much more detailed account of the Nephilim. It describes them as the offspring of fallen angels. The Watchers and Human Women. The Book of Enoch elaborates on the idea that these beings were giants and portrays them as contributing to the corruption and violence on earth.

    And that seems to be what he was referencing a little bit earlier. So it says the Book of Enoch is extensive and the Nephilim are mentioned in several parts, particularly in the first section known as the Book of the Watchers. Here is the representative passage from chapter 7. It says, It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days that daughters were born to them.

    Elegant and beautiful. And when the angels, the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamored with them, saying to each of them, Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget their children. They became pregnant, and they bore great giants, whose height was three thousand L's.

    E L L S, who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. Interesting. All right. So again, it talks about how big they are, these giants, the Nephilim. All right. The next mention of this is the book of Jubilees. All right, and the Book of Jubilees is an ancient text not included in the canonical Hebrew Bible.

    The Book of Jubilee also touches on the story of the Nephilim. It largely parallels the narrative found in the Book of Enoch in Genesis, adding its own details to the story. And this says, Like the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilee provides its own account of the Nephilim at Jubilee 5. 1, which is written, And it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them.

    That the angels of God saw them on a certain year of this jubilee, that they were beautiful to look upon, and that they took themselves wives of all whom they chose, and they bore unto them sons, and they were giants. So kind of the same re accounting story, right? These texts have been subject to various interpretations over time, reflecting the complex nature of these origins in the cultural context in which they were written.

    Interesting. Now it goes on to reference, in some of my background knowledge here, that the references in Genesis, Numbers, the Book of Enoch, and the Book of Jubilee explicitly mention Nephilim in other ancient texts are relatively scarce. So it's saying outside of those, it's pretty scarce. However, there are a few other sources.

    While not mentioning the Nephilim directly that are associated with them due to the descriptions of giants or similar beings. All right, so let's read those. Among them is the Dead Sea Scrolls. Particularly in some fragments, there are references to giants which some scholars believe might be connected to the Nephilim narrative.

    Especially considering the scrolls close association with the Book of Enoch. Now, the first one being the, Septuagint version of the Bible, which is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, and it translates the Nephilim as giants in the relevant passages. This has influenced some interpretations and connections made in later Christian and Jewish traditions.

    So, like, it seems like these are all basically retellings. of the same story a bit, but it says that the Septuagint does not have a distinct passage different from the Mesoretic texts or the traditional Hebrew Bible regarding the Nephilim. However, in Genesis 6, 4 in Numbers 13, 33, then the word Nephilim are translated as giants.

    Okay. So that's like the text prior to the Jewish translation was the Greek. Translation, I believe that's what I'm taking from it before that was the Dead Sea Scrolls. All right, so the Dead Sea Scrolls Is basically, you know, I'm not gonna it doesn't have the the outline for me here But from what I understand is that the most ancient most aligned biblical text that we actually have some, some portion of today, but in the Dead Sea Scrolls, it says, the book of giants.

    This text is found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, which elaborates on the narrative of the giants, which is often linked to the Nephilim as an example of the fragment from this text is has dot, dot, dot. They knew the secrets of dot, dot, dot, and they knew the requests of, dot, dot, dot, and the giants plead with them, dot, dot, dot.

    It says the text is fragmented and incomplete, so it provides only a partial account. Well, it'd be nice if the partial account had the names of the of, right? They knew the secrets of blank. Is it the secrets of, you know? Bill Gates, is it the secret of Jesus? Is it the secret of, you know, it would probably be a little helpful here if we could have the fill in the blank of the dot dot dots, but I'm not sure.

    It looks like it's fragmented and they didn't actually have it or they couldn't translate it properly. So, next one is the Jewish Midrash or the Talmudic texts. Then it says that there are very, various references to giants in these texts, but they're not directly mentioned the Nephilim. For example, in the Babylonian Talmud the, in Nidda 61a, there is a discussion about the size of Og, king of Bashan, who is considered a giant, which says, Rav Yehuda says, That Rav says the height of Og, king of Bashan, was 300 cubits, which, I don't know what that is compared to an El's.

    I don't know. And then the last one was Christian Aporacrypha. Apocryphal. Apocryphal. Christian Apocryphal text often explains or expand on biblical narratives with additional details and stories. However, specific passages about giants akin to the Nephilim are not explicitly divine in the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilees.

    An example of this being from the gospel of Peter, which describes the resurrection of Jesus and features a giant emerging from the tomb. Whoa, but this is not directly related to the Nephilim narrative. A giant. Instead of Jesus? Wow, weird. It is important to understand that these texts provide a broader cultural and mythological context rather than direct references to the Nephilim.

    The interpretations and connections of the Nephilim narrative are often made by scholars and enthusiasts who study these ancient texts and their interconnections. These theories typically It involved the Nephilim being depicted as giant or supernatural beings, often who claimed that they were the offspring of the sons of God and daughters of men, as mentioned in biblical texts.

    So male angels, female, humans. Now there's your ancient biblical backgrounds. Now, here's some of the theories, conspiracy theories, be it historical theories, theological theories surrounding the Nephilim, okay? One of which is the alien ancestry theory, right? So we're going to take a pivot here, which I find to be an interesting one, which is that the this theory suggests the Nephilim were aliens or were of alien descent, right?

    Being a different species completely, or an ancient. Species of the Earth. Proponents of this view often link them to the ancient astronaut theory, suggesting that they were either extraterrestrial visitors themselves, or the result of humans breeding with aliens. This is often linked with the interpretation of ancient texts and artifacts that supposedly depict extraterrestrial beings.

    Hmm. Right? And that, that's such an interesting conversation to me, it's like The different conversations, like if the angels fell from heaven, is heaven not, it's such a difficult, distinction between heavens being of a different realm, being a different universe, being of, of the, the, the sky above us falling from the clouds, right?

    Could very easily be interpreted as. Extraterrestrial aliens being angels that fell from the clouds onto our earth and bred with our women and created these large Giants and then you know, like There's such an interesting intersection between today's conversations of aliens extraterrestrials UFOs and ancient biblical texts to me right aliens deities Mythological creature like all of these things could be very intertwined and lost in Ancient texts or history books or even scrubbed intentionally.

    Because they don't want you to know the true story, because, as we saw before John Locke's The Great Enlightenment of Humanity, where we decided that we no longer needed humans to speak to God, there, there's, a very interesting intersection here between those, so, So the next one is the Fallen Angels and the Giants. So it says, in this popular theory, the Nephilim are believed to be the offspring of fallen angels and human women, which could very just easily tie into the alien ancestry, right? It's just, what is the difference between the word alien and angel, if not fallen from the heaven?

    Organisms, right? This interpretation is based on certain things of religious texts, including the book of Genesis in the Bible and the apocryphal book of Enoch. Giants were often described as having great strength, size, and sometimes blamed for leading humanity astray. The next one is the advanced pre flood civilization, another theory, and I was going to get into this in a second or later on in that earlier thought process, but another theory posits that the Nephilim were a part of a highly advanced civilization that existed before the great flood as described in various religious texts.

    This theory often includes the belief that the Nephilim possessed advanced technology and knowledge, which was lost. In the deluge, right? So before Noah, took all of these species of the world onto his arc and the great flood wiped out everything and everyone that wasn't a part of that arc, which it doesn't seem like the Nephilim were on there, so maybe they were just completely wiped out or put into the oceans with their advanced technologies underwater, right?

    The same, the same drone like technology that we're seeing now come out of the water and dive into the water way faster than any technology that we have could just very well be owned by this ancient civilization of the Nephilim, right? It's just different sounds from your mouth speaking the same thing, right?

    When we talk about the difference between aliens and angels, right? Like, How do we not know that these are interconnected philosophical you know, conversations that are just the same thing, right? Spiritual or symbolic interpretations. Some theorists propose the nephilim should not be understood literally as physical beings, but rather symbolically or spiritually.

    In this view, they represent certain spiritual truths or conditions, such as the struggle between good and evil or the consequences of moral decay. And then the hidden influence on humanity. Some conspiracy theories suggest the Nephilim or their descendants have been invisible forces guiding or influencing human history.

    This could include secret societies, controlling elite groups, or other hidden powers that trace their lineage back to these beings. Damn. Right? Um, and so this conspiracy theory suggests that Nephilim, because I asked it, you know, we got into more history on that when I was doing this research and that's the hidden influence on human history was a super interesting one to me, which says that the conspiracy theory suggests that Nephilim or the descendants have been a hidden influence in humanity is quite elaborate and blends elements of mythology, history, speculative myth.

    And in speculation, essentially, it says secret lineage and bloodlines. This aspect of theory poses that the Nephilim or their direct descendants have maintained a secret bloodline throughout the human history, right? You want to talk about the six secret you know, royal bloodlines, their same reason that the royalty, you know, the shape shifting reptilians of their crown have so much information.

    You know, so much incest inside of their family is because they're trying to keep their bloodline pure, keep their blood, what part of your bloodline pure from what, right? So the idea behind the ancient royal bloodlines is that this is exactly this, and I've talked about this before, and it's a crazy theory, but it makes sense in this context, which is the idea that there was.

    Some sort of being here prior that breeded, bred with humanity and through those lineages, they wanted to keep their bloodline pure, as pure as possible. So they engaged in incest so that they weren't breeding with outside sources and muddying the power of their bloodline. What else would make sense about that?

    Well, you know, you look at the history of the royal families, right? And it's not secret lineage bloodlines. Like we know who these people are, at least most of them. Um, uh, but these bloodlines are intermingled with royal aristocratic. The proponents of the idea often claim that these bloodlines have intermingled with royal or aristocratic families, preserving their unique heritage and characteristics across generations.

    Hmm. Now, the next one says that control and influence on human affairs. This theory suggests that these descendants have played a significant role in shaping historical events and societal structures. This includes the formation of secret societies, influencing political decisions, and guiding the course of civilizations.

  • This week I wanted to have a brief discussion about the future of the podcast, the changes that will be made and the future ahead.

    Thank you for taking this journey with me, I am truly grateful.


    Full Transcription

      Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the Adams Archive. My name is Austin Adams and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, I'm just gonna keep it real with you guys. All right, I've been having some questions surrounding what we should do here with the upcoming new year. I've been looking at some of the metrics and Stuff was when it comes to the podcast.

    So I just wanted to have a brief discussion with you guys directly about where I see this going, some changes that I hope to make in the future for the podcast, and why I, I made those changes. I'll also include some talks about, uh, new Year's resolutions and, and some things like that. So I hope you enjoy.

    As always, hit the subscribe button, leave a five star review, and let's jump into it.

    The Adams archive.

    All right. So I just wanted to have, like I said, just a brief discussion with you guys today. And the reason for that is because I've been doing some thinking. I've been looking at the growth of the podcast over the last year or so. And I have goals in everything that I do, right? When I go into something, it's not just to do it, although I enjoy and love to do this for you guys.

    One of my goals for this is for this to become, at least in the future, a very real source of income for my family. by participating in a passion of mine and sharing the messages and conversations that I'm interested in sharing with you guys. And a part of that journey, right? When, when, you know, I'm also have a business side of me.

    I always have. I've always been an entrepreneur. Immediately when I got out of the military. I guess even before that, when I was in the military, I actually had a, a, a clothing business, um, that I started, and, uh, had a, a family member of mine that had started something similar, and they came down and helped me out, so at 18 years old, I actually ended up making more money from a side business that I had, selling clothing outside of, uh, a certain type of, uh, a business, um, and inside of it.

    So I would basically go in, set up shop. It was a women's clothing line that I would order online from basically Chinese drop shipping companies. And I would set up these, these clothing, uh, stands within these types of businesses. And it was all cash. And I would split a percentage with the owner of the business.

    And so I actually made a good portion of cash. Directly from that, during my time in the military, so much so that at one point it was making me more money than me being an air traffic controller in the Air Force. Uh, so it was pretty wild, but I've always had an entrepreneurial spirit. Right, I've always been engaged in some type of side hustle business, when I was in high school it was network marketing, like I've always been, I've always had my hands dirty in, in business, and that's because I love creating stuff.

    I, I love the, the, the pursuit of taking an idea. Cause I always have a lot of them and trying to see that come to fruition and not only come to fruition, but also to see if other people like your idea, there's not too many mediums that you get to. Take something and get real time feedback of whether your idea was a good idea or whether your idea sucked.

    And business is a great medium for that because it will, you'll always know, the market will always tell you whether or not your idea is good or not. And so that, you know, segues me into the next thing here, which is that anytime you have a business, anytime you have an entity, anytime you have a business idea, there's an idea On, you know, there's a couple of books that you should read if you, if you're in business and you're, you're wanting to dive deeper into this, but one of them is the lean startup.

    And the idea with the lean startup is that you don't go, you, you go into an idea and you have what's called a leap of faith, which is your original hypothesis that you then test through the market, right? Whether you do it through different email campaigns, whether you do it through paid advertising, whether you go talk to people with boots on the ground, see if people like what you're doing and.

    You'll get pretty good feedback almost immediately. And you shouldn't go into your business with this concrete sense of what it's going to be until you get consistent market feedback from running experiments. And so anytime you see stagnant. Uh, when anytime you don't have any growth in your business or any entity, maybe it's because you don't have what they would call product market fit, right?

    And what that means is essentially that the product that you have is something that people want and they want it so much, much so that they would share it with their family and friends without you having to pay them for it. And that causes a virality effect and, and, and through that you find out what is the best product within.

    The market that you're trying to fulfill. Now, when you start a business, you should start a business or a pursuit with a mission or a set of, uh, ethics or ethos that you're starting it with, that you can then build the products around. Don't start a business with a product, start a business with a problem.

    And through the problem that you're trying to solve, you'll create multiple different opportunities to be able to fulfill the problem and give a solution. to the problem that you're seeing. And when you don't see a specific outcome, that is called feedback, right? If you have a goal, let's say your goal is to sell 1000 t shirts in six months, and you reach for two months, and you've sold three t shirts.

    You, you haven't exactly hit that product market fit. And so what I found when I started my podcast is that I had immediate growth. Now, some of that comes from an analysis called a pestle analysis. And through that analysis, you can identify some of the environmental factors, some of the political factors.

    And there was a lot of political and environmental factors at the time that when I started my podcast. There was a hunger, a thirst at the time for the conversation surrounding politics and conspiracies and the lockdowns. And I have a, I have a hunch here. I have a bleep of faith that that's going to come back around in 2024 when it comes to the elections and some of the wars that we're seeing and things like that.

    But, but, but You also have to be engaged enough to continue the business pursuit around the mission. And so what I saw as immediate growth, my, the, the most views that listens that I had within my podcast was probably in the first six months, uh, there was an immediate growth because there was an immediate thirst and a hunger for the content that I was putting out.

    Now. I made several pivots throughout that early stage of that, one being that when the Ghislaine Maxwell trial came out and the Kyle Rittenhouse trial were happening almost side by side or back to back, uh, I started to do political analysis outside of some of the historical recounts and revisionist history that I was doing and conspiring.

    conspiracies and Deep dives into cults and all these cool things that I was super interested in at the time Still am interested in those things, but I took a pivot into the politics arena and I I Enjoy talking about politics. I'm very passionate about these things a lot of the conversations that we're having are almost I've said it before about trans stuff and, you know, they become, it's just tiring talking about similar things every single time.

    So what I've decided to do is to do what any good business owner or dreamer should do when they have a goal and they're not exactly in the trajectory that they want to see from that goal, uh, is Um, make changes and identify the changes, uh, and what their impact is. So that's what I want to do here. And that's called a pivot, right?

    So I've hit a point in the podcast where I've decided that the, the article after article after article is not exactly the format that excites me the most. And I don't think that's the case for you guys either, because that's the feedback that I've gotten through the podcast. And so I've seen. a lack or not the trajectory of growth that I've wanted to see and I think that's due to some of the content that I'm putting out.

    So I'm going to be making some changes over the next coming weeks and moving into 2024 and my idea is that I actually put out a survey and that's one of the things you should do whether you're a business owner or you have a dream and you have a goal is hear from the people that you are looking to have the growth alongside, right?

    Whether that's customers, whether that's, um, you know, whatever that is for you, you always want to hear, you want to get feedback from people. And so I put out a survey and I asked people through Instagram, what was, what would be the most interesting topics to you, right? Is it politics? Is it, Revisionist history right when I did my one of my early episodes.

    I did it on the reaccount of the Salem witch trials Which was super interesting to me both psychologically sociologically Seeing how that played out how it was originally Discussed and how it actually played out right it ended up that the the witchery that was going on was actually a tainted bread.

    Like, who would have thought how crazy that it was really ergot poisoning. That these witches were causing them hallucinations and convulsions and all of this crazy stuff. Um, but all that to say that's, that's revisionist history and some of the conspiracy stuff that we've talked a lot about. Um, those things are super interesting to me.

    You know, and some other things that are interesting to me is spirituality and theology and learning more about religion. And some other things that are interesting to me is using AI to talk to people who I would love to have spoken to who are either dead or never existed. And, um, some of the other things I'm interested in doing is talking to experts in their industry and people who are super passionate about what they do and some things like that.

    So, I'm going to figure this out guys and I'm going to be experimenting. This year and trying some new things and I'd love feedback from you guys If you ever have anything that you were like, hey, I fucking loved that episode, right whether it was the AI Reincarnation of George Orwell that I interviewed or JFK or whether you loved my deep dive On the Salem witch trials, or whether you loved the, you know, you just like the normal political articles that I go over with you guys, whatever it is, I need that feedback from you guys.

    So I would love to hear from you. You can always reach out on Instagram, DM me. I look at every single DM that comes in. It's the Austin J Adams. All right. But I need that feedback. And so what I'm gonna be doing over the next coming weeks is I'm both gonna be bringing in interviews, I'm gonna be setting up new topics that we're gonna be discussing surrounding some of those more things, things that I'm more interested in.

    Now, that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna still touch on politics and current events. And, you know, some crazy stuff just happened with Jeffrey Epstein's files coming out, and I'm obviously still in that arena. I'm still in the, a part of the political and, and, um, libertarian movement and, uh, anti woke.

    Army, I would say. Trying to fight back against the virus that is, uh, extreme leftism. But it's, it's not exactly what I think is the most interesting stuff that I could be going over with you guys on any given basis. And sometimes you just need a break from that stuff. And so I'm excited about some of the topics.

    Now, the very first topic, what I did is I actually took a whole list of like seven categories. And from those seven categories, I created 20 episodes per. And from those 20 episodes per I created randomization within a calendar setting that I put in, and then I generated five potential. Uh, authors or experts within those topics that I wanted to potentially interview around those things.

    And then I also did the same thing with the AI interviews. So I put in, again, topics and subjects I was interested in. And, you know, some of the, the things that, like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna interview Adolf Hitler on how to leverage propaganda and authoritarianism. I want to interview, uh, uh, I want to interview the joker on anarchy versus capitalism.

    I want to interview, uh, so many interesting people and figures that you can enter, you can, you can start so many interesting. Thought experiments with that can lead us down some really interesting conversations. So that is what I'm excited about the future for with you guys. And so, um, stick along with me, I'm going to be experimenting on these things.

    I'm going to be still engaging in some of the politics, but really I want to figure out what you guys want to see from me that aligns with what I'm extremely interested in. And so we just talked about a few of them and I'm going to have those conversations with you guys. And. I need your feedback. So let me know what you like.

    Let me know what you love. Leave a review, put it in the review, right? Whatever, whatever you can do to reach out and give me that feedback would be great. And so this leads me down to the conversation, which is that this is a great way of framing your life, right? It's like when you hit a time where you're either not feeling the the the trajectory where the trajectory of your life isn't on a a path that is leading you to where you want to be, where you're, whether it's your career, whether it's your friendships, whether it's your, your activities that you engage in on a daily basis, um, whatever it is that that is, you need to take a step back and analyze it.

    And I love that for new years. There's so many. Fucking New Year's haters out there, which I, as a business owner, just don't get. Um, it doesn't make sense to me, right? Like when, when you have a business and you have a legitimate business, you always have annual goals. You have annual themes, you have annual goals, you have quarterly goals, you, you break those down into monthly goals, you break those monthly goals down into weekly tasks.

    And you watch the, the only way to hit a goal is by setting milestones to get there. And so anybody who's a hater on. New Year's resolutions or anybody who's a hater on you trying to improve your life is like That's just not somebody I want to be around, right? If you're like, Oh, too cool for self improvement or tracking where you want to be and setting out goals and allowing a yearly calendar cycle to dictate, um, that analysis, or at least be a trigger for it.

    I just think that's, everybody should do it. It's such a good practice to have a reset. Now we can get into other conversations like maybe, um, The calendar should be more oriented towards the new year being In the change to spring, which I would agree with. I think there's some, some conversation to be had around that, but I, but I do think put some resolutions together.

    And I, I think the idea that, you know, a lot of people are like, Oh, I missed it. It's now January 3rd, 4th, and I didn't do it like to me. It can be an ongoing process. You don't have to shove it all into one day, but you should write something down and I'll give you kind of the way that I do it. The way that I like to go about this and the way that I'm doing it this year is that I'm actually doing a, um, uh, and I did this the last couple of years as I have a theme for the year, whether it's one word, two words, three or three words, I have a theme.

    theme, right? Um, in the past, my theme has been sticktuitiveness. That was a word that I came up with because I found myself to be very excitable and, um, very, uh, passionate about things, but it was for a short period of time and I needed to learn how to find something I'm passionate about and stick with it.

    And that was actually the same year I started my podcast, which is interesting, but, um, and here we are today. So sticktuitiveness was my theme one year, right? This year, it's like, Responsibility is self care, um, you know, and, and structure. And so then I take that and I create kind of what, what do I want to see out of that?

    But I can always just rely on those two to three words, one word to allow me to dictate a change in my decision making for the year surrounding those things. And so. There's a lot of different things that you can do, but I think the most important one is setting an intention. And I have goals for this podcast.

    I have goals for my business life, my personal life, my family, my, um, my Instagram, my other social media platforms. And I think that's good too. But I think the most important thing is just having one to two words that you can always fall back on. Even if you lose your way with a goal or, you know, which people just have a hard time tracking through, which even businesses have that, that difficulty, that's why you need to set meetings, whether that's with yourself, your spouse, your significant other, your, your friend, who's going to be your accountability buddy, um, whoever that is, I, I think you need to, to start to move on.

    Have accountability whether that's just to a calendar, right? That's what it is for me and I know on the end of the month the 31st of every month I look back and see did I hit my Milestones for that month. Did I accomplish the goal the the tasks that I needed to to hit the goals that I Milestones that I need to to hit them goals that I need to to hit the themes and have it be a year that that's fruitful for me And so again, this all just comes back to today, we're making some changes and I realized that the feedback that I was getting was that this, this wasn't exactly the format that's going to create the type of growth and trajectory and connection that I want with you guys.

    And, and so. Again, I'm excited about the future and I appreciate you guys being here with me, taking this journey with me. It's going to be constantly experimenting with, with new guests and new topic titles and, and, um, formats and, and different things. But through that, I hope it keeps you engaged and interested and, uh, We'll learn through this together.

    And so, um, I appreciate you guys. I'm excited about the future. I hope you are too. Set some intentions for the year. Analyze your last year and, you know, find your highlight reel. What was it about the last 365 days that you loved about your year? What was it that you learned from your year? What was it that you could make, you would have, if you could go back that you would have improved about your, yourself or your outcomes?

    And What is your theme for the year, right? And I can go into a whole thing on goal setting and how to, how to do it, how to write it down, how to put it in front of yourself and, and there's a whole way of going about that, but that, that's a different conversation for a different day. Um, but for this portion, I just wanted to get with you guys.

    Tell you, I appreciate you. We're going to be making some, some cool, fun changes and experiments together. And, uh, I hope you like the guests that I bring on. I hope you like the topics that we discuss and, uh, truly I'll get your feedback on whether or not you're sharing the podcast with other people. And I see that growth.

    Um, but until that day and we hit those goals, um, going to be experimenting, going to be changing things up a little bit and trying new things and hoping to hear. What you guys love about it along the way. So with that in mind, go set your intentions for the year. Set your goals, set your themes, right? Find accountability buddy that you can sit down with on a monthly or quarterly basis and go, yo man, how's your workouts going?

    How's your diet? How's your business? How's your podcast? How's your, how's your alcoholism? Are you, are you lowering your intake of alcohol, right? Whatever that is. There's lots of different ways to improve your life and um, I hope you do that for yourself and for your family and for your friends. And uh, if nothing else, do it for somebody else.

    Tell them, Hey, I know you got some goals and I wanna help you hit those goals. And I'm gonna do that by meeting with you once a month for an hour to talk through where you're at and what we can do to help each other out. Alright? That's what I got for you guys. I love ya. Happy. 2024. I appreciate you and excited, super excited about what's coming in the future for the Adams archive.

    Thank you guys so much.

    Adams archive.

  • Welcome to another fascinating episode of Adam's Archive! I'm your host, Austin Adams, and today we're diving deep into some of the most compelling and lesser-known stories of political intrigue and historical conspiracies.

    🔍 In This Episode:

    The Business Plot of 1933: Discover the shocking attempt to overthrow President Roosevelt, led by corporate giants. We unravel the plot's complexities and its impact on American history.North Korea's Unusual Plea: A closer look at Kim Jong Un's emotional appeal for increased birth rates in North Korea. What does this signify for the isolated nation?Real Estate's New Giants: Delve into how 44% of single-family homes are now owned by private equity firms like BlackRock. We explore the implications of this significant shift in the housing market.FBI's Congressional Grill: Join us as we dissect FBI Director Chris Wray's responses on Hunter Biden's laptop and warrantless surveillance controversies during a recent congressional hearing.

    💡 Deep Dive Discussions:

    American Coup: We discuss an intriguing list of the top five worst US presidents and how it connects to the business plot of 1933 to overthrow FDR in 1933

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    Ready to unravel some of the most intriguing stories hidden in the folds of history and current affairs? Let's jump right into today's episode of Adam's Archive! 🎙️

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    Full Transcription

     Adam's Archive. you beautiful people, and welcome to the Adams Archive. My name is Austin Adams, and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we're going to be doing a deep dive back to 1933 to look at a attempted coup of president Roosevelt. And what makes this even more interesting was the corporate interests that surrounded it and the individual that they attempted to have executed.

    Which was a very, very famous, probably the most decorated and famous Marine of all time. And we'll walk through some of his history, what he was asked to do, and then we'll actually look at the transcripts of this. And I actually had a New York Times article that was pulled up, um, from the day after this hearing.

    So it's a wild thing. It's called the business plot. And it's one of the craziest conspiratorial aspects of American history, one that is pretty well, uh, censored online, but I found some good articles on it. Uh, so we will dive deep into that, but first we'll discuss a few other topics.

    The first one being that Kim Jong Un, the leader and totalitarian dictator of. Not thriving North Korea, it was crying during a video where he was seen asking, pleading, begging with the women of North Korea to start to have more children to stem the birth rate decline. After that, we will look at a couple other things, one of them notably being that 44 percent of All single family home purchases were by private equity firms.

    And we'll dive into some of that because I'm sure you've heard one story or another from somebody that you know that dealt with this. And it is wild. Now, the, the leading picture on this article. Has the very front of the company BlackRock on it. So if that tells you anything, so we will look at that as well.

    After that, we'll look at a Chris Wray from the FBI getting questioned during a congressional hearing Where he addresses some of the things that he is grilled on, including Hunter Biden's laptop story, as well as the warrantless surveillance of Americans. So, all of that and more, and then what will lead us into that discussion, that deep dive into the business plot of 1933 to overthrow the government, is a list I found on Reddit.

    Brought me to that point, which is the top five worst presidents in us history. Now, some of the points that are made on this, uh, infographic are pretty valid. Now it's a very ugly infographic, uh, but I digress, um, some interesting discussions that we'll have surrounding that, that will lead us into the business plot as well.

    So. All of that and more. First thing I need you to do is go ahead and hit that subscribe button. It just takes a minute, not even a minute, a second. Literally a second of your day could be spent. If I spent another ten seconds talking about this, you could have done it ten times. So, just hit that subscribe button, leave a 5 star review on Apple Podcasts, go ahead and follow me on YouTube, The Adams Archive, and you can actually watch the videos.

    So as I'm reading all of these articles, there is the pop up right next to my beautiful face here, and it will show you exactly what I am discussing while I'm discussing it. So make sure you head over to YouTube, as well as the Substack. Go ahead and get signed up. That's how I stay in contact with you guys.

    So anything that I have is news, updates, uh, breakdowns from the podcast, articles, whatever it is, head over to the Substack, sign up, austinadams. substack. com and we will start getting more material out there as well. So, let's jump right in.

    Alright, the very first thing that we're going to jump into today is the fact that Kim Jong Un is now seen on camera crying, weeping, begging the women of North Korea to have more children because of the decline in birth rate. So, here is the article. It comes from Fox News and it says, The dictator appeared to wipe away tears as he called on women to have.

    I'm not sure if this changes over into English. So if it doesn't, I'll, I'll narrate it for you on my end. There's a bunch of people cheering. There's a hammer on the front of this beautiful desk. As he walks up to a crowd of people jumping, clapping all together, huge crowd of people in pinks and greens, celebratory looking garb.

    And as he walks up, claps his hands. What a beautiful ceremony. He sits down, allows everybody else to sit down. Wow, they're really going to go full, full throttle on this, uh, North Korean. Celebration. No, no. Dub over this by Fox News. So he bows to the crowd. I wonder if they'll even give subtitles. That would be ideal.

    Doesn't look like they're going to give any context to this, of what he's actually saying. So, let's see if we can find this man crying. Wow, so many people jumping up and down crying. Because if they don't, they will be murdered. That is sad. It's how it goes in North Korea. I've actually listened to, uh, there was a podcast that came out, I believe it was, um, Oh, what's her name?

    Uh, she's been on Joe Rogan a couple of times. She just wrote a book. Uh, I bet you I can find it. North Korean Joe Rogan interview.

    Yoni Park, who has some really like horrific stories that she went into surrounding growing up and living in North Korea. And one of the things that she mentioned was that when his, when Kim Jong un's dad died. They were all required, required for like two full weeks to go outside and sob, crying, in the streets all together.

    Imagine walking out on your street in the suburb and everybody requirement at a certain time of day had to go out there and sob. And if you didn't show enough emotion, they would essentially, uh, uh, imprison you and all of your relatives, as well as. Several generations after, if you didn't cry loud enough for two weeks straight outside your home, uh, surrounding the loss of a dictator, pretty wild stuff.

    Anyway, so this says that North Korean dictator Kim Jong un implored women in the East Asian country to have more children and raise them as communists and wept as he delivered the emotional address, uh, address to an erupted, Stopping the decline in birth rates and providing good childcare and education are our family affairs that we should solve together with our mothers, Eun said, dabbing tears with a white handkerchief.

    During a 5th National Conference of Mothers in Pyongyang, Eun tackled housekeeping duties, which included calling upon women to fulfill their duties and strengthening national power by having More children, preventing a decline in birth rates and good children are all are all of our housekeeping duties.

    We need to handle while working with mothers, we need to handle interesting. There is his Ugly fat face. And so when when your dictator tells you that you need to go and have more sex, you do it, especially if you're in North Korea. Can you imagine this guy crying in front of you telling you that you have to have go go have more sex with your husband and have more children, or else the communism and your totalitarian dictatorship won't thrive?

    Like how about no, Um, especially in a country that like, you know, it's probably the most morose, mundane, boring sex you could ever have. Uh, the leading comment on here says, personally, I think if he stopped jailing everyone that doesn't jump at every one of his, uh, off the wall moods and actually spent money on food for them, maybe.

    There would be more inclined to listen. Yeah, that's a fair point. Like, maybe just don't jail everybody. Like, if your concern is about the declining rate of, uh, children in the country, um, the declining birth rates and the longevity of your dictatorship based on how many children are born, maybe just Stop jailing everybody for disagreeing, you know, with how long they should be outside their homes mourning their dictator's loss every day for two weeks straight.

    There's like some horrific stories, like you go back and listen to that Yomi Park episode, it's like 16, I just had the number up. And she might have been on a couple of times, but it's a really crazy episode to hear how absolutely terrible, uh, it really is in North Korea. That was episode 1691, I believe was her first episode.

    Um, so, pretty comical. Anyways, that's all we'll touch on for that. There's more that you can read into about that article. But, we're going to jump on to the next one, which is going to be that This is just something that I found to be interesting and now there's a difference between causation and correlation, but we'll explore that here.

    So the next thing that we're going to discuss is that Derek Chauvin, um, was stabbed 22 times by a federal inmate who says he attacked him on Black Friday as a symbolic connection to Black Lives Matter. I thought we dumped that movement. I thought we were on to transgender, uh, Ukrainian women now, like, we're like five stages away from Black Lives Matter at this point.

    I'm not sure what this guy was. I guess he's in jail. So he doesn't really follow the news. So maybe that's why but Yeah, sorry, bud. Black Lives Matter is out. Israeli transgenders is in. Um, now one interesting thing to note about the guy who stabbed Derek Chauvin was that he was a former FBI informant and a former Mexican mafia member.

    Now, again, we'll address some of these things. Like, was it causation or correlation? Like, did the FBI order this hit on Derek Chauvin? Maybe. Or, has this guy been in jail and probably knows very little about what actually happened there? I'll guess, although I guess he said it was about the Black Lives Matter movement, so potentially.

    Uh, but, you know, you go into some of these comments here and that's what people are saying. Informants are all over the prison system. They are not undercover agents. They are criminals who made a deal to get less time for the crime. Now, not when there was 30, I guess, when was this? Yeah, it was 2000 when this guy actually went to jail.

    So that's 23 years ago. Um, not exactly. Somebody who, let's see, this is a former Mexican Mafia member who admitted carrying out a number of crimes while working as an undercover FBI informant was sentenced Monday in Los Angeles federal court to 30 years in prison. So this is the guy that, the guy that stabbed Derek Chauvin.

    was actually a FBI informant. Now, whether or not that had something to do with it, who knows, but it's an interesting correlation. Uh, as you read through some of the comments of this, they seem to think not. I says, wait, can somebody explain this one to me? Um, you know, there's a difference between an informant and an agent.

    The feds are so good at planning they had this guy arrested 22 years ago just to ensure he'd be in the right place at the right time. No, but there is sleepers like, you know, if you see this guy getting released five years before his sentence now, maybe that's a good indication that this was done on their behalf.

    Right? What is the statistical likelihood that the person who stabbed Derek Chauvin, especially after all of this stuff has come out, um, about the actual, uh, death. that actually he's in jail for, right? All of this stuff has come out about it actually being a, uh, fentanyl overdose. And let's see if we can pull that up.

    But there was a whole, uh, documentary that came out about how basically him, you know, this was the police officer who put his knee. On the neck of George Floyd, right? If you remember that. And so when you actually go back and you look at the tape, it really wasn't a position that should have stopped both arteries from, uh, from giving blood flow to his brain.

    Right? Again. If you understand the methods of strangulation or choking, there's two different ways to do it, right? You can stop the airflow to your lungs, right? You can stop the ability to breathe, stop airflow. But the more effective way is to stop the carotid arteries from delivering blood to the brain.

    That's going to cause somebody to pass out much quicker. It's much easier, honestly. Really, choking somebody's airway, an air choke, is much more difficult to accomplish than a blood choke. But when you have a knee on one side of the neck, Right. Just by looking at that, I think you go back and you can even watch my initial analysis of the video when that actually happened.

    But the way that he had his knee on the neck just did not make sense for it to cut off both of the carotid arteries or be a proper air choke, um, so that he couldn't breathe properly. And, and so when they ran the toxicology report and when he actually went in front of, uh, the, the court about this. They raised the fact and they, they, uh, questioned the autopsy, the individual who did the autopsy and asked him if there was a lethal dose of fentanyl in the system.

    And he said, yes, there was, but I don't believe that was the cause of death. He said, okay, you know, the, the deadly dose of fentanyl or the knee on your neck for, you know, eight minutes, it's most likely the deadly drug. Um, But I digress. So, so that's where this conspiracy goes into is, is what did the FBI, did somebody want to silence or kill Derek Chauvin after all of this information has been coming out now, they're releasing him back into the general population of the jail, back into the same jail that he was just stabbed in.

    And I assume with the same guy who. Was an FBI informant. I thought that was pretty interesting. Um, but who knows? All right, that moves us into our next topic, which is going to be that 44 percent of all single family home purchases were by private equity firms like BlackRock in 2023. You heard that right.

    Now, if you recall, when I have heard from so many people, so many of my friends dealing with the real estate market, and they would be bidding on a house, bidding on a house, bidding on a house, and then all of the sudden there would be one buyer who would not be named, who would come in under an LLC and purchase the home cash with like 15 percent over asking price.

    Which made no sense, right? All through 2022, 2023, this happened constantly. And so now what we're finding out is that 44 percent of all of the single family home purchases, single family, meaning this is something that you or I would live in, right? Purchased by private equity firms. And why would that be?

    So let's go ahead and read this article. This comes from Medium and it says private equity firms have been making significant inroads into the residential property market, a trend that has led to some shocking statistics, and then they cite the real other sites as well, which is that 2023 Homebuyers and Sellers Generational Trends Report, which is where they pulled this from, according to a study by Business Insider during the third quarter, these firms accounted for 44 percent of the purchases of single family homes compared to independent homeowners.

    Operations. This increasing presence of private equity in the residential property market has raised concerns about its impact on housing prices and the ability to, for individual homebuyers to compete. The latest version of the housing villain story targets private equity firms and hedge funds, broadly institutional investors that have supposedly been out competing regular homebuyers and therefore responsible for the skyrocketing prices.

    It says private equity has been rapidly growing its share of the housing market, taking advantage of a housing crisis, and in some cases, exacerbating it.

    According to census data analyzed by the national multifamily housing council, a lobby representing landlords who own multifamily properties. 38 percent of multifamily units were owned by individual investors in 2021, and investors bought 24 percent of single family homes in 2021. Before the Great Recession of 2009, financial Oh, dang, we're gonna get, uh

    We're gonna get blocked by mediums login. This is before the Great Recession of 2009 financial institutions and investment firms focused on purchasing multi family dwellings like apartments and essentially ignored single family homes. But when a ton of homes were suddenly being sold at incredibly low prices with low interest rates, these investors jumped on the opportunity to scoop up these homes.

    And what we're going to see is like this is only going to get worse as we move into another. ebb and flow of our economy as we see the housing crisis a huge bubble, you know, Robert Kiyosaki, um, just did a big thing on this where he talked about how we're going to see the largest, uh, bubble in history, essentially, um, like we've never seen before, he said.

    And so, When with that looming and with how much interest there has been and how much volatility there has been in the housing market It's going to be no wonder It won't surprise me one bit if we see this just get completely exacerbated that they take up far more of the housing market is immediately just like they did the following 2009, right?

    Because they have the money, right? The people are the ones that that suffer. It's not the business entities that have large, uh, large abilities and, and, uh, to, to source funding to make profitable movements, right? So now that we have the article back, it says, uh, institutional over the last decade, the number of investors purchasing family homes went from 10 percent to 15%.

    Wow. So many. Videos embedded. Um, over the last decade, the number of investors purchasing single family homes has moved from 10 to 15, uh, increased from 10 to 15 percent each year. According to data provided by the PEW trust and originally gathered by core logic corporations backed by private equity groups, such as Blackstone and, uh, Pret premium partners bought tens of thousands of home across the U S belt.

    Uh, Sunbelt prices for detached homes have increased faster in key Sunbelt States. Then the national average institutional investors may control 40 percent of us single rental homes by 2030, according to MetLife investment management, the increasing presence of private equity in the residential property market has led to concerns about its impact on the housing prices and the ability for individual homebuyers to compete.

    Right, and I wonder what, like, what else comes with that, right? What are the, what are the biggest concerns that we have when it comes to having majority of homes, especially in a world where you're moving more towards social credit scores every single day, right? It's bad enough that we have credit scores, which were designed essentially like in the 80s or 90s, right?

    But to have a social credit score based on your social media behavior, right? You see all the verifying that's happening on Twitter or x or Instagram or Facebook, right? They're trying to attach you to your identity. So that when you speak out against something that they don't want you to speak out against once once you say something against the propaganda arm, then they can punish you for it.

    Endlessly, right, the new jailing system will not be a behind bars, it will be in your tiny little home with your 20 percent interest rate with a car that you, you can't afford because the interest is so high. And you're making just as much as your neighbor who has twice the house and twice the car because, you know, they're a docile little agreeable person who goes along with the government's narrative.

    Right. So that's basically what they want to turn it into. But let's see what else let's see if we can get time. I'm going to mess around with chat GPT here, see if it can tell us some of the other concerns with having large private equity companies in the real estate market. So let's see.

    Can you name for me what are the biggest concerns when it comes to having private equity firms be Transcribed Owning majority of single family homes. Let's try that one more time. Let's try that one.

    We can go back.

    What are some of the drawbacks and biggest concerns for having large private equity companies purchasing majority of the single family houses in America? How does that affect the individual and what things should we be concerned about?

    Having large private equity companies buy up a majority of single family houses in America raises several concerns. Here's a breakdown. One, market distortion. These companies often have significant financial resources, allowing them to outbid individual buyers. This can drive up house prices, making it harder for individuals to buy homes.

    Two, rental market impact. More homes under corporate ownership can mean more homes are for rent rather than for sale. This could limit the availability of homes to buy, pushing more people into the rental market, which might increase rental prices. Three, community stability. Local communities might be impacted.

    Homeowners are often more invested in their communities than renters. With more houses being rentals, there could be less community engagement and stability. Four, tenant rights and quality of housing. Corporate landlords might prioritize profit over tenant well being. This could lead to issues with maintenance, tenant rights, and overall living conditions.

    Five, economic risks. If these companies face financial issues or a market downturn, it could have a broad impact on the housing market. For example, if they decide to sell off properties quickly, it could lead to a market flood, reducing home values. Six, Loss of first time homebuyers. The competition from these companies makes it harder for first time buyers to enter the market, potentially delaying or preventing homeownership for many.

    7. Wealth Inequality Homeownership is a key way families build wealth. With more homes owned by corporations, there's a risk of increasing wealth inequality. For individuals, These factors can make it more challenging to buy a home, lead to higher rental costs, and potentially impact the quality of housing and community engagement.

    It's important to be aware of these potential issues, especially in areas where corporate ownership of homes is prevalent. Policies and regulations may be needed to address these issues. Alright, so, interesting, right, I like to, we'll probably add that more here. Um, excuse me, um, so I brought up a few interesting points to me and this is something that I've brought up before, which is that when you move from a corporate entity that's controlled by a CEO, something that's not a public company, but a private company where it's, it's, there's a singular or several leaders.

    Who have humanity at the center of their decision making, not always, but majority of the time, there's at least some of that taken into consideration, right? When you, when you have an individual who started a company with a mission, a vision and dreams for that company, the impact that it was going to make, which that should be what drives most companies to success, right?

    The products just lay over that. So when you understand that and you understand that a company driven by a CEO driven by a founder who started it from nothing, who has skin in the game and worked long nights and, and sweat and tears to create a product that he could bring to the market that could then be be loved by people or help people or improve, uh, whatever it is.

    But when a company goes from public to PRI or from private. To public, what ends up happening is the only metric that gay is gauged is profitability and margins. And so when you get into a world where margin is literally the single only thing that matters despite any, any person, any moral compass, it has to step on to get there, then that's what leads to.

    evil in this world. Almost every time, right? Power hungry, money hungry, but it always starts with money and then it always moves to power, right? So when you have a company like Blackrock, that's purchasing all of these homes and they're now your landlord, right? Blackrock and Vanguard will be your landlord in five to 10 years.

    You will own nothing and you will be happy about it, right? That's their goal. So when that happens, what happens is the landlord no longer takes into consideration humanity. at all. They're going to be kicking people out on their ass two days after they don't pay their rent, regardless of how many kids they have, regardless of whether they just lost their job, regardless of how hard they're working or how good their communication is to their landlord about the problems that they're having and how they're going to improve them doesn't matter.

    None of that matters. The community doesn't matter. The, the, the, the neighborhood doesn't matter. The individual doesn't matter. The family doesn't matter. The children doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is their bottom line. And so it will create a market where the people renting homes is no longer people.

    It's corporate entities and boardrooms making massive decisions that move their margins 1 2%, even if it affects 50 percent of the country in a tremendously negative way. Because that 2 percent to them equals billions of dollars, and the billions of dollars equals millions in bonuses to those board members.

    And if you're a board member who has anything in mind in these large corporate entities and banking institutions, other than that profit margin, you're gone. That's just how it works. So it's no different here than it is in any other company. If they own all of the property, that's where this leads. And that is a dark world, especially as we're moving towards Klaus Schwab's dream of smart cities, of social credit scores, of you'll own nothing and be happy, and surveillance states where every move and decision and word that comes out of your mouth or is tweeted by you has a Algorithm behind it that attaches it to your identity that moves your social credit score up and down and now they have all of the housings Imagine if the government owns the houses all of the homeowners are now the government.

    That's all it is Especially when you look at blackrock and vanguard those that is the government They're they're the ones who place the politicians in there They're the ones lobbying to back all of the the laws that help them become more profitable. That's what it is so when when The house housing market is essentially owned by the corporate institutions.

    That is our government in today's world. You don't want the government owning every home. That's that's called extreme socialism. And that's what we're moving towards. As we see all of these large organizations bringing in all of the housing under their corporate umbrellas. And that is a terrifying world, terrifying world.

    So thank you chat, GBT for bringing up some, some. Very good points. So market distortion, rental market impact, right? Community stability, tenant rights and quality of housing, economic risks, loss of first time home buyers and wealth inequality. And that's fair. One of the major things people pass on to their children is their houses.

    I saw Grant Cardone, who's a large real estate investor and. Um, sales trainer guy from, um, that business world side of things, Grant Cardone said, it will be very soon that you will see 100 year mortgages because they want to give you the illusion of ownership and a 100 year mortgage just means you'll never live to see it.

    You'll never really own your house. So he says within. Our potential lifetime, you will see 50, 60, 70, 80, and a hundred year mortgages. And again, the only reason that they do that is so that you never actually own your home and they can utilize a hundred years of that value where they actually truly own the property to take out loans on it, multiply it by nine, as we know, by fractional banking and, and dominate the entire economy.

    So that they can keep their shoe on your throat and on that note, let's move in to our next discussion, which is the segue into our deeper conversation surrounding the, uh, history of the United States and the business plot. But first, let's talk about this, which is that there was a hearing. With the FBI and with Christopher Wray, where first he had said that he couldn't admit that Hunter Biden's laptop was real because it was election season.

    Oh, was that the reason? Here's the clip coming from the post millennial and you can make up your own thoughts about it.

    The, the, the laptop's real. I didn't just tell everybody the laptop's real. We're not vouching for what's on it, but it's real. This isn't a fiction. Well, I, as you might imagine, the FBI cannot, especially in a time like that, be talking about an ongoing investigation. Second, I would tell you that, at least my understanding, is that both the FBI folks involved in the conversations, and the Twitter folks involved in the conversations, both say that the FBI did not Direct Twitter to, uh, suppress that particular story.

    But others were in government. Well, I can't, again, I can't speak to others in government. That's part of the point that I was trying to make. Because the Fifth Circuit's opinion But you're the FBI. You're not part of the White House and part of Homeland Security. You're not supposed to be political. You see all this controversy going on.

    Why didn't the FBI said Time out, folks. We're not getting the middle of this, but the laptop's real. Again, we have to be very careful about what we can say, especially in the middle of, uh, an election season. Because that's precisely some of the problems that led to my predecessors, uh, negative findings from the Inspector General.

    Did you hear a gavel? Thank you, Senator Kennedy. I heard a gavel. You can't speak on an ongoing investigation? How about 52 FBI agents and high level officials? Signing a document stating that it was Russian disinformation. Why don't we bring that up? Right. You want to say that you can't speak to an ongoing investigation, especially in during election season. Well, how about election interference, which is the fact that you and all of your pals wrote a letter and then, and got people to agree with you.

    About what was obviously a lie to the American people to persuade them to vote for Joe Biden, because I remember a poll that I saw, it might have been 30, 40%. Let's call it 40%. Let's even call it 30%. Let's call it 5%. If 5 percent of voters did not vote for Joe Biden, because of the Hunter Biden laptop in association with China and Ukraine and the Russian energy companies, or I'm sorry, the Ukrainian rep.

    Energy companies like Burisma. If that was the case, they would have never voted for them according to those polls. And guess what? We wouldn't be in the shit show that we're in today. Simple facts. So when you're sitting in front of Congress, when you're sitting in front of, you know, the government asking you these questions and you say, Oh, we, we just can't.

    We can't, we don't want to say anything out of line during election season. How about literally going to people and getting them to sign a document to lie directly to the American people so that you can get exactly what the way is of the people who, who are in power that puts you in the position that you're in.

    Right. It's just so crazy to see how. How soft the government goes after these people. Because it's just a horse and pony show, right? Whatever the hell that means. It's just puppeteering. This says, from the post millennial, Senator John Kennedy, Sorry, this is in front of the Senate, not the Congress. Um, Senator John Kennedy, grilled FBI director, Uh, Christopher Wray, in the Senate.

    On Tuesday, demanding to know why the agency did not come out and say the Hunter Biden's laptop was real when it was reported on by the New York Post in October of 2020. The FBI had known about the existence of the laptop for nearly a year before the contents were made public. Despite this, the FBI had warned Twitter execs to be on the lookout for potential Russian disinformation.

    Go back to the conversation between Elon Musk and Lex Friedman and with Joe Rogan where they bring this up. Why didn't the FBI just say, Hey, the laptop's real. Why didn't you just tell everybody the laptop's for real? We're not vouching for what's on it, but it's real. This is. Not a fiction, Kennedy asked Wray.

    And so it just gives some transcriptions from what we talked about. Says, this laptop was widely denied as having been Russian disinformation. This messaging came from the Biden campaign, was disseminated from there to the intelligence community, and was picked up as fact by mainstream media outlets, many of which had to go on to eat their words, as it was proven again and again the contents belonged to Hunter Biden, Post Millennial says.

    Last but not least, it says, in addition to cracked out photos of the younger Biden, his genitals and his dates slash Russian prostitutes, uh, laptop contained potential evidence of influence peddling information about the Biden family business, emails, correspondence, and more. This material has been used as a starting point for Republicans to investigate the Biden's relationship to foreign business partners and to insinuate that Joe Biden has been guilty of selling the power of his office during his time as vice president in Barack Obama's White House.

    Now, in this same hearing. The same exact hearing in the Senate, but being questioned by somebody else about a different topic. He still fumbled over answering anything with the truth. And here it is here. Also coming from the Postmillennial. It says Mike Lee blasts FBI Director Chris Wray over warrantless surveillance of Americans.

    Let's see if we can get the video on that. Here it is.

    FBI and other agencies searched Americans communications over 200, 000 times. Only 16 of which were evidence of a crime only searches that returned information. I'd like to ask you to give a yes or a no, uh, answer to these questions. Were the three related batch queries consisting of over 23, 000 separate queries relating to the events of January 6th?

    Were those evidence of a crime only queries? Yes or no.

    I don't know the answer to that. The answer is no. I do know the answer. The answer is no. Were there 141 queries for the activists arrested in connection with the George Floyd protests here in Washington, D. C., evidence of a crime only queries? Those were non compliant queries. And again, they all predate the reforms that we've put in place, which Which echo other reforms that other FBI directors have told me about every darn year.

    How about the 19, 000 donors to a political campaign? The answer there is no. What about the query for a sitting member of Congress? The answer there is no. What about the query involving a U. S. Senator, which for all we know could be any one of us? The answer is no. And so what, what does that tell me? Well, what I'm hearing and what these data points all point to is that a warrant requirement Or prohibition relating to quote unquote evidence of a crime only queries would not have been something that would have prevented any of the most egregious examples.

    Of the abuse that we've seen under section 702. So, the FBI is already required to obtain a court order in some circumstances before accessing the contents of Americans Communications in the context of 702. They're already required for that in some circumstances. Since 2018, how many times has that requirement been triggered according to government reporting?

    Do you know? You're talking about the so called F2? Uh, uh, how many times has it been triggered? Yes. I think it, I think there have been two instances where I think it's maybe the number. 103. 103 times it's been triggered. And out of those 103 identified times, the FBI should have obtained a court order.

    How many times did the FBI actually obtain one? Do you know? That I think the answer is none. Zero. So you're telling me that the FBI has completely ignored the limited court order requirement that it's already subjected to. You have the audacity to come here. And you told us that getting, uh, adding a warrant requirement to 702.

    Even for queries involving U. S. persons on U. S. soil, that that would amount to some sort of unilateral disarmament. That, you have a lot of gall, sir. This is disgraceful. The Fourth Amendment requires more than that, and you know it. I know every single time for centuries, even prior to the founding of this country, there were similar protections built into the laws of the United Kingdom before we became a country.

    Even then, the government was making the same darn argument you're making today, which is, it's too hard. This would make it hard for the government. That's why we have a constitution, sir. And you must comply with it. Mr. Chairman, may I respond briefly? When you ask why are things different this time, I would point you again to the findings of the court and the department themselves, both of which have not been shy about identifying some of the same instances that you cited in our colloquy.

    They themselves have observed the effectiveness of the reform, which is why the, uh, pre versus post date of the reforms becomes very significant. So that's number one. Second, second, uh, as to your claims about constitutionality, I would point you back To what the case law actually shows on this subject, which is that no court has found seven or two in its current form to be, uh, unconstitutional.

    And every court to have looked at it has found it to be constitutional. And last point. How lucky for you because no one has standing to do that. No one knows when they're being surveilled. Yeah, that is not an argument, sir. Last point, Mr. Chairman, uh, is that in some of the instances, and you went through a number in your, uh, questions, in some of the instances in particular that I know about, uh, those are instances where the queries were run in order to get to.

    A public official, a member of Congress, to warn them about foreign influences targeting them, and a warrant would not have enabled that. We call those consent searches, and consent searches do not require a warrant, sir, and you know that. There is nothing that you have done that is not entirely within the FBI's control and supervision.

    You're asking me to believe something that is not believable because your, your agency has made it unbelievable, and I refuse to accept it. Good. It's, it's, it's at least a little. It's at least a little, uh,

    before we have that go on, um, it's at least a little comforting to know that there's at least some people questioning these people.

    Now, I don't think we've ever seen an inch of traction in holding the FBI or the CIA accountable for any of the egregious acts that they've conducted, whether it's conducting black operations in the dead of night in countries that we've never heard of or care about to, to install shadow puppet.

    Governments and so they can peddle influence or whether it's about surveilling your cell phone so that they can make sure that they have something on you in the event that you actually are successful in speaking out against them. It's, it's infuriating to see that everything that Snowden did, everything that, uh, all of these whistleblowers have come out with has done.

    Nothing to stop the continued, continued surveillance state on the American people with zero, zero retribution, zero, uh, actual accountability for their actions consistently. There's been not a inch of movement in holding these organizations accountable, right? So, so at least we make one guy sweat in front of them with this shitty, uh, you know, drama that plays out during the times that the camera's on.

    And then, you know, these guys go back and are talking to the lobbyists and realize that, Oh, maybe I shouldn't have went so hard on an FBI agent. Cause now I need to get funding. But. It's, it's infuriating to see that just, just as simple as that. They won't answer questions. They have no accountability to anybody.

    There's never any single indictments for these people yet. You see Donald Trump getting indicted 35 times, but not a single. CIA, FBI head is, is getting in trouble for the countless egregious stomping, uh, actions on our constitution, right? Just just trampling it over and over and over again. When it comes to the fourth amendment, when it comes to the second amendment, when it comes to the first amendment, when it comes to, uh, you just.

    Name it in the constitution and the FBI or the CIA has just shoved it in a fire and, and stoked it with a bunch of Kindle and, and it's, it's Kindle, kinder, tender, I don't know, but you see what I'm saying? It's infuriating. And there's, there's no direction that we're, there's no trajectory that we're on that makes me feel better about that.

    Right. It feels nice to see him sweat a little bit in front of the Senate, but there's actually no outcomes that have happened that lead me to believe in any way, shape, or form that the FBI or the CIA is in any danger of losing or, or not continuing to gain more and more power over the American people, right?

    These are the shadow governments. When you go back and you look at, you want to dive deep into this book, Legacy of Ashes, the history of the CIA, right, the, the, the countless egregious acts, um, it says, must read for every presidential candidate who wants to understand why the nation repeatedly stumbles in from one disaster abroad after another.

    With shocking revelations that made headlines in papers across the country, Pulitzer Prize winner Tim Weiner gets into the truth behind the CIA and uncovers, uh, here why nearly every CIA director has left the agency in worse shape than when they found it and how these profound failures jeopardize our national security.

    You can look at just example after example of the ways that the CIA and the FBI have gone behind the backs of the American people with zero accountability to the Constitution or any governing body. At all and done atrocious acts that were absolutely not in the best interest of the American people.

    It's, it's truly astounding that these organizations still exist. So when you go back and you look at the quotes of, of, uh, you know, John F. Kennedy speaking about the CIA and saying that it should be shattered into a million pieces, he was speaking the truth. And you see that echoed in his, his nephew with Robert F.

    Kennedy Jr. Now go listen to any of his speeches about the FBI or the CIA. And he, he still echoes that conversation that these are the most corrupt, most power hungry institutions in the world with some of them, the, and it's done with our tax dollars. Like who decided that, did I check the box that said we should go?

    I don't know. Install it. Puppet government in Uruguay like that doesn't seem to be something that I'm interested in my money going to so I, I pray, I hope we see some sort of movement. I wouldn't hold my breath because just these types of conversations, great, but nothing will come of it. There will be zero accountability to the CIA or the FBI for, you know, inciting January 6th for shoving, as we found in some of the, the more recent videos, literally a guy with near peace and a woman saying, you pushed me, you pushed me, you pushed me into the Capitol.

    And he's saying, Oh, you know, like they. Insighted these riots. They incited Black Lives Matter. They incited the January 6th insurrection. They, they constantly are on the Proud Boys or Antifa, breaking windows, throwing Molotov cocktails, trying to get these, these huge. Riots going and massive social movements one way or the other to stoke fear to stoke, uh, instability to, to make you worried about your children's future and you are funding this with your tax dollars.

    So that leads us to our next conversation. We have a, there'd almost be a better segue just to go directly into the, the business plot. Um, but I do want to, let's touch base on this first. And before I do that, go ahead and hit the subscribe button. Leave a five star review. Follow me on YouTube, on Rumble, on Instagram, on X, on wherever the hell else you are.

    Threads, if somebody's still using that shit. I don't think they are. Find me, TheAustinJAdams. And, um, find the Adams archive, wherever you listen to your podcasts or watch. Your videos, uh, Substack Austin Adams dot substack. com and. That's what I got for you. All right. So the next topic that we're going to discuss here is here is a list of the top five us presidents that were the worst president.

    So the top five worst us presidents, and here we go. We'll start with number five and we'll, we'll discuss why here. Number five is George. W. Bush for the reason of after 9 11, Bush increased the size of the government and created a de facto police state in the name of collective security. Let's talk about, uh, the, um, all of the totalitarian surveillance state that got pushed in through Bush Bush invaded Afghanistan.

    And Iraq killing millions and spending trillions. He also expanded the Ponzi scheme of social security with Medicare part D, which has eclipsed social security's trust liabilities in just 10 short. Let's not even get into some of the other stuff, but, uh, you know, conspiratorial situations. Um, number four worst president is Lyndon Johnson.

    Johnson, uh, escalated the Vietnam conflict on the lie of the second attack in the Tonkin Gulf, right? The Gulf of Tonkin situation. Absolutely a false flag. Killing Two to five million people, primarily Vietnamese civilians. He expanded the Ponzi scheme of Social Security with Medicare and Medicaid and created the infrastructure of a welfare state that has doomed millions of lower income Americans to continued poverty.

    Number three, Franklin Roosevelt. FDR eliminated the Spessy gold standard in 1933, stealing a 75 percent increase in American gold wealth. His economic policies prolonged the Great Depression and created the Ponzi scheme of Social Security. Moving. The U. S. fleet to Hawaii in 1940 prompted the Japanese to attack on Pearl Harbor.

    FDR incarcerated Japanese Americans with no due process. Coming in at number two of the worst presidents. Woodrow Wilson, pressured by bankers that had Loaned allies over 2 billion. Wilson entered the U S into world war one and was directly responsible for over 320, 000 us casualties world war. One also set the political stage for every military conflict sense as well.

    Wilson created the federal reserve, which has destroyed American purchasing power through unbridled debt. So, honestly, that would be my number one, probably, is Woodrow Wilson, just for the Federal Reserve alone, not even getting into the World War I situation and the bankers that he's actually referencing there.

    Um, let's see if we can get a breakdown of that real quick while we're in the testing phase of using ChatGPT during some of these conversations. Let's see if it can give us some insight into that.

    Here we go. Tell me about the bankers, who they were, that pressured Woodrow Wilson into getting into World War I, and why they did so, and why he gave in.

    The narrative about bankers pressing President Woodrow Wilson into entering World War I is a complex and somewhat controversial topic. It's important to approach this with an understanding that historical interpretations can vary and some views might be more speculative than others. One context of World War I.

    When World War I began in 1913, the United States initially remained neutral. President Wilson re elected in 1916 on the platform of keeping the U. S. out of the war. American banks, including Morgan Co, have lent substantial amounts of money to the allied powers of Britain and France. There is a view that these financial ties influence the U.

    S. government's stance. The reasoning is that if the allies like the war, They might not be able to pay their debts, which would hurt American banks. Three bankers in the U. S. influence, leading bankers like JP Morgan, were seen as influential figures in the U. S. economy. While there isn't concrete evidence that they directly pressured Wilson, their significant role in fighting the war effort and their economic interests aligned with the allies could have indirectly influenced policy decisions.

    For Wilson's decision, Wilson's to enter the war in 1917, publicly justified by several factors, notably the German unrestricted warfare, which included attacks on American ships and the Zimmerman telecom, in which Germany proposed a military alliance with Mexico against the U. S. Interesting. All right. So not sure what that was.

    So we'll work on it. But I think that's cool. So yeah, JP Morgan Chase. Now we know who are the bankers that they're talking about. It's one of the six royal banking bloodline. Families, right? The Rothschilds, the JP Morgans, the chases, the ones who set up the Federal Reserve to begin with, if they had got him to be a part of the, you know, the creature from Jackal Island that we've discussed in detail before here, which came out of that conversation with those banking families to become the Federal Reserve.

    So they essentially owned the ability to print American money at will and lend it back to the American government. Yeah, that's probably the one of the worst ones to me. So, and they probably had the ability to influence him when it came to the wars, if they got him to essentially hand over the keys to the United States banking system.

    Coming in at number one as the worst president of all time, according to this list, is Abraham Lincoln, which it says killed between 600, 000 and 900, 000 Americans in the Civil War, created the first income tax and Commissioner of Internal Revenue Service with the power to confiscate property for nonpayment of taxes, suspended Habeas Corpus and imprisoned thousands of civilians without due process and unprecedented assaults on the U.

    S. Constitution. Hmm. Now, I wonder how much whitewashing there truly was done, and like, I don't even wonder, I know everything that we probably learned in high school about all of the presidents was probably some super whitewashed, super, uh, you know, um rewriting of history in this dramatic, positive, patriotic, propagandized way.

    So when we're talking about that, I guarantee you everything that we now this obviously doesn't list the things that they did well. And it seems like for all the propaganda from Abraham Lincoln that there's probably got to be some backing behind that right we can go back and look at that Maybe a different episode, but it was super interesting to me that they had him as number one now when we're talking about Habeas corpus if you don't know what that is It's essentially if you're a prisoner in jail and you believe that you're being imprisoned for false pretenses Or for no reason at all then you can basically essentially Leverage habeas corpus to get in front of a judge quickly to be told whether or not your jailing is based on true law, right?

    So it's like, if you're just being held without any process at all, for any reason at all, and you don't have habeas corpus, it's, it's essentially making it so that they can throw you in jail without any due process and you have no right or, or no. Uh, yeah, no rights, no freedoms to be able to combat that in the government.

    So at least what habeas corpus allows you to do is say, Hey, I'm saying I need to see a judge right now. If you're holding me and detaining me, and I need to know what crime I'm have been accused of committing, because if I haven't been accused of a crime, you have to get me out of here. There's no reason to jail me.

    Right? So. That's what they're talking about there. Alright, now, what that led me into from the comments section from that is the conspiracy of the business plot. And this was specifically discussing FDR. And so when we drive or dive deeper into this conversation, this was a coup aimed to overthrow FDR back in 1933.

    Now, again, this is one of the most censored pieces of American history ever. And so let's take a deeper look. The year 1933 saw several consequential worldwide events brewing. Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Engle Engelbert Dfas dissolved the Austrian parliament and assumed dicta, uh, dictatorial powers as chancellor of Austria.

    Alejandro LaRue came to power in the Spanish general election, igniting a brief and bloody insurrection. Attempt committed by an anarchist national confederation of Truo across the Atlantic. A similar insurgency attempted to destabilize the United States earlier LA that same year. The business plot of 1933 was a failed attempt to overthrow FDR and install a dictator.

    And it was not led by a fringe group of working class radicals, but covertly bankrolled by a Wall Street coalition of affluent businessmen. Leading up to the business plot, Western powers had been scrambling to alleviate the devastating effects of the 1929 stock market crash on tens of millions of workers.

    At the time, Farm Bureau Federation President Edward O'Neill famously, uh, told a Senate that unless something is done about the American farmer, we will have a revolution in the countryside in less than 12 months. Thousands of unemployed world war one veterans were among those stifled by the depression and the limited government intervention in July 17th of 1932.

    Tens of thousands of veterans and their families descended on Washington, D. C. to set up tent camps and demand immediate payment of the bonuses promised to them by the World War Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924. The veterans were dubbed the Bonus Army by the media. And after 11 days, Attorney General William D.

    Mitchell ordered that they be removed from all government property. Resistance ensued.

    Major General Smedley Butler, a popular and decorated military figure at the time, appeared at the Bonus Army marches. Butler had emerged as a fervent, or fervent, can't speak, fervent, uh, public advocate, uh, against capitalist exploitation of the masses by that point. In the 1932 presidential election, He backed Roosevelt over Hoover.

    And what you'll find is that, um, uh, general Smedley Butler was a very well known, very decorated soldier who also happened to be a libertarian. Many conservative businessmen were upset by Roosevelt's election because of his campaign promise to have the government provide jobs for the unemployed.

    Wealthy businessmen were concerned that he would introduce reckless spending and economic socialism. Roosevelt's New Deal policies, which addressed almost every sector of the economy in the form of regulations, social programs, and financial reforms, made him an ever growing problem in the eyes of big business and banks.

    Furthermore, the United States adherence to the gold standard deteriorated with the onset of the Great Depression, even after Western European countries abandoned it. Roosevelt officially moved to the United States from the gold standard when he signed the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, which made most forms of gold illegal for the general public to possess.

    The end of the gold standard was said to have shocked Wall Street because they saw a currency that was not solidly backed by gold as inflationary, undermining both private and business fortunes. The 1973 book, The Plot to Seize the White House, notes That Roosevelt was damned as a socialist or communist out to destroy private enterprise by sapping the gold backing of wealth in order to subsidize the poor.

    This formidable class, and here's a picture of, uh, General Smedley Butler, um, And man, this guy's story is actually pretty crazy. Like he has some wild war stories. I'm pretty sure he was the single only person to get, uh, I forget the name of the, the, the honor of the metal that he got. There's like only two people who have ever gotten this metal and only one of them has gotten it twice and it's him.

    And he was like just a complete bad ass. This formidable class of disproportionate money and influence began plotting, uh, plotting to take action for. Their grievances, a scheme that finally unraveled before public eyes in November 1934. In a series of allegations, General Smedley Butler revealed the existence.

    Of a political conspiracy of business leaders to depose president Roosevelt, a special house committee heard his testimony in private. Now I actually have that full testimony, uh, transcription. And if I can get to it this week, I will put it in the sub stack and send it out to you. So austinadams.

    substack. com, go ahead over and check that out. And I'll put that in there and I'll read some of it to you. Today, Butler and McGuire's meetings began in July, 1933, and lasted until the first half of 1934. McGuire's initial proposal seemed innocent. He asked Butler to run for national commander of the American Legion, a well known veterans organization.

    When McGuire steered the conversation towards getting the American Legion to pass a resolution in favor of restoring the gold standard, Butler's suspicions grew. According to Butler, McGuire's the gold standard was a veteran's issue because their bonuses would be worthless paper if the currency was not backed by gold.

    Eventually, McGuire revealed the extent of the true plot to Butler. In return for his participation, Butler's mortgage and his children's college education would be paid for. McGuire already told Butler's former personal secretary that the plot's conspirators would meet at a Veteran of Foreign Affairs convention to plan their next steps, which Butler passed on to Veterans of Foreign Affairs Commander James E.

    Van Zandt. Butler alleged that the entire scheme was backed by a new conservative lobbying group called the American Liberty League. This group includes J. P. Morgan, Irun Dupont, and the CEOs of General Motors, BirdEye, Bird's Eye and General Foods, among others with nearly 40 billion in assets equivalent to 78 or 778 billion today.

    So JP Morgan, again involved here, DuPont General Motors, BirdEye, and General Foods.

    It says, in addition to the list of alleged conspirators included former presidential candidate, John W. Davis, JP Morgan partner Thomas Lamont, Prescott Bush, who would've thought a Bush would be involved and numerous. Military leaders. Butler named Bill Doyle, the commander of the Massachusetts American Legion, uh, as a co conspirator.

    As Doyle apparently attended the first few meetings, Butler also gave the name Robert Sterling Clerk to serve the second lieutenant under Butler during the Boxer Revolution or Rebellion in China. He came from a wealthy family and was the heir to the Singer Corporation fortune, earning him the nickname, the Millionaire Lieutenant.

    Interesting. It said that, uh, all parties alleged to be involved, however, publicly denied Butler's story. Interesting. Um, Instead of following through with McGuire's instructions and personal favors, Butler turned to the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, in the fall of 1934. All parties alleged to be involved, however, publicly denied Butler's story, dismissing it as A joke, fantasy, or slander, but Butler, a distinguished veteran and two time Medal of Honor recipient, was the most decorated Marine in U.

    S. history at the time, and had no apparent motive to lie. After hearing Butler out and collecting additional information, the Congressional Committee informed Congress it had received evidence that certain persons had made In an attempt to establish a fascist organization in this country. There is no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned, and might have been placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it expedient.

    Right, so you are going to have these major corporations, JP Morgan Chase, DuPont, uh, General Motors, all backing a coup to install a totalitarian dictatorship. That's what we're talking about here, right? Let me put all of those words into a a summary for you. There were no further investigations or Prosecutions at the time the plot was completely dismissed by the news media with the New York Times editorial calling it a gigantic hoax Who would have thought?

    the New York Times And they balled an unconvincing narrative. However, the publication swiftly changed its tune after the Congressional Committee released its last report. Today, most historians agree that the business plot was real. The only question is whether it was ever close to execution, as Butler claimed, or if it was merely a Hair brained scheme brought up in discussions that never gain traction.

    Butler was well known for his book, War is a Racket, published shortly after the events of the business plot, in which he stated that he had named names and that those names had been removed from his testimony before it was released to the public. Like most committees it was, it has slaughtered the little and the little and allowed the big to escape.

    The big shots weren't even called to testify. He stated in a radio interview. So that's a wild one. So there's your overview. Essentially. They took the most decorated Marine of all time to medal of honors from two separate deployments and two separate situations for two separate things, right? That the history of, of, uh, Butler is just wild when you look at his military records and all of the things that he accomplished,

    So here is the committee hearings that he was a part of, where he came to them and told them the plot, told them who spoke to him, what they said, what the bribes were, what the goal of this was. All of it, and I won't read you the whole thing, but I will include this, uh, in the sub stack this week.

    So again, austinadams. substack. com, but I'll give you the overview from both of these, because there's two full articles and all of the transcriptions. It said, uh, did a vast, powerful and influential click of businessmen, politicians briefly plan, or perhaps attempt to execute a coup against president Roosevelt in 1934, which would have relegated the president to a figurehead in a new fascist military government.

    Libertarian hero and icon of military history, General Smedley D. Butler, said as much under oath in front of the United States Congress. The centerpieces of the plot were Butler's, uh, popularity among the military and the policy of a return to sound money, being that they're gonna get back to the gold standard.

    Butler then, was then approached by the conspirators as early as 1933, and he revealed the scheme publicly, though Congress did not. begin investigating the claims until 20th of November, 1934, the McCormick Dichtstein committee investigated the alleged plot for three months and published its findings.

    Though newspapers began dismissing Butler's claims immediately after his testimony was. Proof was given John L. Spivak, a communist reporter for the magazine New Masses, observed and recorded the proceedings of the committee investigation, including key portions of the testimony redacted from the Congress official report.

    Portions dismissed by the committee as hearsay. The redacted testimony transcribed by Spivak appears emboldened.

    Um, one being the first redaction was going to be that Johnson had taken this list. As the White House for, uh, to the White House for approval that Lewis Howe, one of the secretaries of the president, had crossed my name off and said that I was not invited, that the president would not have it. So what they tried to do here is what he thought was that they were just trying to get him riled up, that the president didn't want me there, this decorated war hero would be for sure insulted by that, right?

    Why would the president not want him there? So, that was one of the redacted portions. Continuing on, another one is that, let's see, just went past another one. Um, no, no, no, he does not control anything in the Legion now. This is about the Legionnaires. Is he responsible too? Talking about, he is on our side.

    That is the reason he makes the kings. Let's see who they're discussing here.

    Uh, Colonel Murphy. And so, they're saying that, um, Is he responsible, too, for making the Legion a strike breaking outfit? No, no. He does not control anything in the Legion, though. I said, you know very well that it is nothing but a strike breaking outfit used by Capital for purpose, and that is the reason they have all those big clubhouses, and that is the reasons I pulled out from it.

    They have been using these dumb soldiers to break strikes. He said, Murphy hasn't anything to do with that. He's a very fine fellow. I said, I do not doubt that, but there is some reason for him putting 125, 000 into this. Then they redacted some dates. And something about John W. Davis being the one to tell him about his speech costs a lot of money.

    So, an interesting thing. Essentially what they wanted to do was have him go up and speak so that he could start to gain the favor of these individuals. Start to build and create this group and movement towards this so they can install this coup. Now the second part of this. Investigation hearing. And again, I'll put the transcriptions of all of this into the sub stack.

    It says, this is the second installment of our investigation into General Smedley D. Butler's claims that a mysterious clique of businessmen and politicians attempted to lead a fascist coup against President Roosevelt in the early years of his administration. In the first piece, we read General Butler's testimony before McCormick Dickson, or Dickstein Committee.

    Butler painted a vivid picture of bribery and intrigue. With the goal of establishing a fascist military dictatorship and relegating President Roosevelt to the position of figurehead and puppet, Butler would lead millions of veterans and soldiers much like the fascist regimes which rose to power through thuggery.

    In the streets, in parliaments of Europe. Horrified, Butler, uh, exposed the conspiracy and testified against the plotters before Congress. So what they wanted to do was create this, you know, pseudo fascist military dictatorship where the president was just a figurehead and a puppet. Oh, wait, that is what it is.

    The corporations own everything and our president is exactly that. Like this has already been enacted in today's world. So despite, uh, you know, um, Butler's best attempts, uh, but it said that the McCormick Dickstein committee pursued Butler's claims, questioned several of the men implicated in their plot and concluded that the key questions remain unanswered.

    It would appear that the plot. Uh, never materialized and that the conspirators either remained, uh, broad and beyond the reach of the committee, outright denied Butler's claims before the committee, or simply claimed ignorance and the inability to account for large sum of money. Congress, much more concerned with chasing communists than fascists, dropped the issue and Butler's testimony remains the only significant evidence that such a conspiracy ever existed.

    As before, portions of the committee's reports were redacted from the copy and, uh, from the copy released to the public, but were re, uh, reported by journalist John Spivak. The redacted portions appear below in bold. So, let's see if there's any interesting things that were redacted here. But it walks through the entire story, top to bottom.

    Um, And here's one of the redacted portions said, he said, you know, um, I said, the idea of the great group of soldiers then is to frighten Roosevelt. Is it? He said, no, no, no, not to frighten him. This is to sustain him when others assault him. He said, you know, the president is weak. He will come right along with us.

    He was born in this class. He was raised in this class, and he will come back. He will not, or he will run true to form. In the end, he will come around. But we have got to be prepared to sustain him when he does. Essentially back him up with a great military. That's why they mentioned, uh, Hitler and, uh, Mussolini basically being propped up entirely by a military force.

    And that's what they wanted to do here in the U. S. Backed by these businesses. And again, JPMorgan Chase, uh, which puzzles me a little bit if that was a piece of it because he was a part of the Federal Reserve being designed to begin with. So I wonder what the relation is there. Um, let's see, let's give one more shot to this whole chat GPC thing.

    If JPMorgan Chase was involved both in the business plot with Smedley Butler trying to overthrow FDR. Also, simultaneously, for the reason to reinstall the federal, er, the gold backing, why would he do that if he was a part of the original meeting on Jekyll Island to create the Federal Reserve in the first place?

    involves two separate historical events, each with its own context and set of facts. Let's break them down. One, the business plot in Smedley Butler. The business plot, also known as the White House coup, was an alleged political conspiracy in 1933. Major General Smedley Butler, a retired U. S. Marine Corps officer, claimed that a group of wealthy businessmen were planning a coup to overthrow President Franklin D.

    Roosevelt, FDR, and replace the government with a fascist veterans organization. Butler testified to a congressional committee about this plot. However, the committee's final report found no evidence to support the existence of such a plot. It's important to note that J. P. Morgan Chase, as a banking entity, was not directly implicated in this alleged plot.

    To J. P. Morgan Co. and the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve System was established in 1913, before the era of Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was created to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system. While J. P. Morgan Co., the president of J. P. Morgan Chase, was a significant banking institution at the time, the establishment of the Federal Reserve was a governmental response to financial panics, particularly 1907, in which J.

    P. Morgan played a key role in stabilizing the banking system. The creation of the Federal Reserve was not a result of a singular effort by any private bank, but rather a legislative response to systemic issues in the American banking system. In summary, While JPMorgan Co. was a significant financial institution during the early 20th century and had a notable impact on the American financial system, its direct involvement in the events you mentioned, the business plot against FDR and the establishment of the Federal Reserve, is not supported by historical evidence.

    The business plot remains a controversial and somewhat speculative part of American history, and the creation of the Federal Reserve was a complex process involving many stakeholders and broader economic considerations.

    Then how can you refute that information when he was mentioned specifically within the transcriptions from Smedley Butler, as well as the information presented in the book, The Creature from Jekyll Island, which clearly indicates that it was a part of JPMorgan Chase, as well as the Rothschild families and other banking elites who designed the Federal Reserve to begin with.

    The reference to The Creature from Jekyll Island suggests you are mentioning a book by G. Edward Griffin, which presents a particular viewpoint on the creation of the Federal Reserve. Griffin's book is known for its critical perspective, arguing that the Federal Reserve was created to serve the interests of a few elite bankers.

    Yes, including those from JP Morgan and Co and Rothschild families. However, the historical consensus around the formation of the Federal Reserve is more complex and nuanced. One meeting at Jekyll Island. In 1910, a secret meeting did take place at Jekyll Island, where several bankers and economic policy makers discussed banking reform.

    This meeting is often cited as evidence of a conspiracy, but mainstream historical analysis views it as part of a broader, more transparent effort to reform the U. S. banking

    system. Yeah, that's why you meet in private, is for public banking systems.

    The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which established the Federal Reserve,

    not just bankers. Politicians, economists, and other stakeholders were involved in shaping the legislation. Three, the role of J. P. Morgan Co. and others. While it's true that J. P. Morgan Co. and other major banks of the time had a significant influence on the financial system, the creation of the Federal Reserve was not solely for their benefit.


    panic of, of course not. Nothing that JP Morgan Royal Bankers do is just for their benefit system. It's for the benefit of the people to manage

    monetary policy and prevent financial crises. Four, controversy and criticism. Griffin's book and similar theories are part of a larger body of critique against central banking and the Federal Reserve.

    These critiques focus on issues of monetary control, economic manipulation, and the influence of elite financial interests. 5. Historical Interpretation. It's important to distinguish between historical consensus and alternative interpretations. While there's room for critical analysis of the Federal Reserve's formation and function, mainstream historical scholarship often disagrees with the more conspiratorial views presented

    in it.

    Yeah. You know the ones who are owned and put into positions within the, uh, the universities that are, create the books for children that are owned by the same banking companies? And the Rothschild family. This perspective is not universally accepted in historical scholarship. The establishment of the Federal Reserve is understood as a complex historical process involving various stakeholders influenced by the economic and financial challenges of that era.

    All right, we're done with you. Um, but fair enough. So you get some alternative perspectives here. I think I'll use that more once I can figure out the setup better. Um, so it doesn't, you know, have to be through the mic, but I hope you appreciated that. So there is the breakdown. One of the craziest, if not the craziest coup attempt in the United States ever was backed by JPMorgan Chase, DuPont.

    And General Motors and, uh, was, uh, you know, outlined perfectly in this transcription of this discussion. So there you have it. There you go. There's your deep dive for the week. I appreciate you guys. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I hope you have a wonderful week. Um, and, uh, we'll see you next time on the Adams archive.

     Adam's Archive.

  • Get ready for an explosive episode of Adam's Archive, where host Austin Adams tackles some of the most jaw-dropping and contentious global stories of our time. The episode blasts off with Elon Musk's unexpected venture into Israeli politics and his intriguing pact with Netanyahu. The plot thickens with President Biden's contentious Hamas apology, stirring up a political storm. In a shocking health expose, a former White House doctor spills alarming details about Joe Biden's well-being. Austin then dives into the Orwellian world of the Department of Justice's massive data collection from Trump-related Twitter activities. Brace yourself as the episode unveils a mysterious and potentially catastrophic new illness sweeping through China, triggering flashbacks of the pandemic's early days. The climax hits with the dramatic OpenAI saga, revealing Sam Altman's surprising reinstatement and Elon Musk's cryptic warnings about a secret AI program. Don't miss out on this episode of Adam's Archive, packed with Austin's unfiltered analysis and bold perspectives.

    All the links: https://linktr.ee/theaustinjadams

    Substack: https://austinadams.substack.com


    Full Transcription

    Hello, you beautiful people, and welcome to the Adam's Archive. My name is Austin Adams, and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we are going to be jumping into several current events, including Elon Musk visiting Israel. Not only that, but having a discussion with Netanyahu, personally walking through some of the areas of the war and destruction that happened there, as well as coming to a Somewhat surprising agreement with him, which we will discuss first, then we will walk through the next discussion, which also has to do with Israel and Hamas, which is that Biden is apologizing for something that he said more recently about questioning Hamas.

    So we'll talk about. After that, we'll jump into a former White House doctor, one that served under Bush, Trump, as well as Barack Obama, coming out with some pretty serious warnings about Joe Biden's health. Then we will jump into the Department of Justice collecting some really serious information about basically every single person who interacted with anything about Joe Biden.

    With about Trump on Twitter, following that into a discussion around a new, a new sickness, or at least. A serious sickness that's causing waves in China right now. And if that sounds familiar and alarms you, it probably should, but the U S is now sounding the alarm after a new Chinese pneumonia outbreak raises serious health concerns, PTSD, anybody.

    And then we will talk about an update. So last week, uh, the last episode, I talked about the situation with Chachaputi, OpenAI, Sam Altman, um, and all of the employees there and this crazy wild story that finally came ahead and one hour after, just one hour, one hour after my podcast, it was like two in the morning when they reinstated Sam Altman, completely got rid of the entire board.

    But that raised some even weirder questions, something I raised originally, but I'm starting to get the full picture now. And Elon Musk posted something that was said Q Anon with a star between Q and Anon, but it was actually about open AI and potentially AGI or artificial general intelligence and his concerns around a secret program.

    Within OpenAI, all of that and more. But first I need you to hit that subscribe, but button, I need you to leave a five star review. Go hit that five star button on Apple Podcasts, subscribe on YouTube. You can watch all of the episodes directly on YouTube. I'll now be posting all of the topic clips individually there as well.

    Um, so make sure you follow on YouTube, the Adams. archive, you can find me there and watch along, you can see my beautiful face, uh, see the articles that we're talking through together. Uh, so make sure you head over there, do that, follow, subscribe, leave a five star review. That's honestly the best thing that you can do at this point to help out is just leave a five star review on Apple podcasts.

    Okay. It takes two minutes out of your day. It gives you some of that good belly feelings in your gut just for helping out. All right. I appreciate you guys. Thank you so much for listening. Let's. Jump into it,

    the Adams archive.

    All right. The very first thing that we are going to discuss today is going to be that Elon Musk met with Netanyahu. In Israel, not only that, but he also walked around Israel looking at all of the, uh, after effects of some of the war that happened there in this article says Israel tells Elon Musk Starlink can only operate in Gaza with a It's approval.

    So now Elon Musk, after putting up Starlink in Ukraine, after putting up Starlink over Gaza, after being the savior to all of these, um, citizens, when there's a war breaking out and the commanding force shuts off their access to the internet to do God knows what now he's given in. So Netanyahu is going to be telling Elon Musk, whether he can or cannot.

    Activate their internet with Starlink. So this article says Israel tells Elon Musk, Starlink can only operate in Gaza with its approval says entrepreneur meets country's leaders amid fervor over alleged antisemitism on his social platinum or platform X. I'm not sure that's what it was exactly about, but it says Israel has told Starlink satellite network will only be allowed to operate in Gaza with its approval as the entrepreneur met with country's leaders amid a furor, furor, f u r o r e over alleged antisemitism on his social platform X.

    The world's richest man declared that last month that his satellite internet service Starlink would support connectivity to internationally recognized. Aid organizations in Gaza seems like a good thing to do, right? If there's a massive war going on and one of the sides decides to shut off all access to the internet, you know, not only does it do that, but it cuts off their messaging between people.

    Uh, in families locally, it cuts off their access to the outside world, so they can't post videos of things that are going on there, I don't know, by maybe some organization that's dropping bombs on them or doing terrible things to them, or, I don't know, just everyday things, right? Phone connectivity, internet, work, all of that stops.

    When you can't access the internet. So originally what happened is Elon Musk came in just like he did in Ukraine and said, okay, you guys can battle this out, but you're not going to eliminate one person's access to the world. So he has Starlink. And if you don't know anything about Starlink, it's basically satellites.

    I'm pretty sure Elon Musk has more satellites than any. Now, something like that, but a Starlink, uh, is a way that he can turn on and turn off access to wifi and the internet for anybody in the world, basically at any given time, just by utilizing his satellites. And so it says the world's richest man declared late last night that his satellite internet service Starlink would support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza, which has suffered lengthy blackouts under.

    Israel's bombardment. But on Monday, Israeli communication minister, Shlomo Kari posted on X that the entrepreneur had reached a principal understanding with the ministry and has said now that Starlink units can only be operated. In Israel with the approval of the Israeli minister or ministry of communication, including the Gaza strip.

    Now, what that saying is that you have to listen to the words carefully and read between the lines here. It says Starlink satellite units can only operate, be operated in Israel, in Israel. Okay. With the approval of the Israeli ministry of communications, including. Which means that within this tweet itself, they were already claiming ownership to Gaza.

    Already saying that that is our territory. Already saying that that is a part of Israel. And we'll go ahead and we'll watch some videos here shortly. Uh, where there's some pretty interesting conversations by one of my fans. favorite political commentators, uh, and, um, he, he kind of discussed the background of Israel, the background of the Ottoman empire and Palestine and, uh, all of the, the things that kind of led up to this disputed territory, which I found to be really interesting.

    So we'll pull that up in just a minute and listen to that. Um, but it goes on to say that Musk has not yet publicly confirmed any deal. The SpaceX and Tesla chief executive is visiting the Jewish state for the first time since Hamas October 7th assault on southern Israel, which killed 1, 200 people and triggered a war between Israel and the militant group, this says.

    Israel's ferocious retaliatory bombardment and siege of the Strip has continued or created a humanitarian crisis, killing more than 13, 300 people and led to prolonged blackouts. These have obstructed rescue efforts, notably by preventing ambulances from reaching, or from locating wounded people. Now the interesting thing about that is like, they want to say that it's not controlled by Israel, but then they can cut off their water, they can cut off their electricity, they can cut off their access to internet.

    What about that says that you're not controlled by somebody? Because it seems to me that if somebody has access to, you know... You're to shut off your water. If somebody can shut off your electricity, if somebody can shut off your ability to drive on roads, if somebody can shut off your ability to access the internet or the world, it seems like that's pretty much control, right?

    And they want to say that it's not controlled by Israel already. Uh, but it doesn't exactly seem to be the case. It seems pretty well controlled. After appearing to endorse an anti Semitic conspiracy theory in which a white house Spokesperson said was abhorrent Musk has been forced to defend himself from changes or from charges of discrimination.

    Wow, I can't read today. Nothing could be further from the truth. He said, an acts I wish only for the best for humanity. I wonder what this conspiracy theory could have been. A video released by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office showed Musk wearing a flag jacket as he toured burnt out homes. Uh, a far Aussie, a kibbutz devastated by the militant group's assault, taking pictures on his mobile phone.

    Actions speak louder than words, Musk posted cryptically on X after the visit. Musk's initial commitment to enable Starlink in Gaza was followed by telecommunications blackouts in the enclave sparked. Uh, which sparked a spat by the Israeli government, which argued with the connectivity would be used by Hamas for terrorist activities.

    Yeah, just like basically everything and anything they ever want to stop as a government, they can just say is, oh, used for terrorist activities, right? Like, anybody who, as we'll find out later, followed Donald Trump is now on a list somewhere. Liked any of his tweets, retweeted any of his tweets, any single person who did that on Twitter is now on a list from the Department of Justice.

    Anybody who was there on January 6th? protesting, whether they walked into the Capitol and got a museum tour by the local police or not is now on some terrorist watch list, right? They can say whatever they want. That's the hard thing with like language and the way that what language can be weaponized, right?

    Go Back in read 1984, right? When, when you can take a singular word like terrorist and start to apply it to anything and anything that doesn't agree with the government's narrative, that becomes a huge issue, right? Just like when, when all the liberals were calling everybody Nazis. It just loses its venom after so long.

    So like when, yeah, I agree. Hamas, what they did was an act of terrorism, obviously terrible. Don't do that. But when you start saying that the people that were walking through the Capitol on January 6th were also domestic terrorists. It's just factually incorrect, right? You can't, you can't, every time you use that word in a way that it's not meant to be used or a way that is not legitimate, it loses its sting, right?

    So, so when you say that, Oh, you know, we're, we're putting up all these cameras on highways to To stop terrorism. We're doing it to stop mass shooters. We're doing it to stop violent criminals, right? Well, we talked about in our last episode, you know, all the cameras that are going up on every single highway in America, you know, we're doing it for your safety.

    Like, don't worry about us. We would never spy on you. We would never follow and track you and see where you're going. We would never do that. It's just for those bad guys over there that, you know, you don't, don't agree with our opinions on politics. It's, you know, all of the, the terrorism talk that's happened domestically has just really, really, uh, caused the venom of that word to, to, to be questioned.

    Right, so it says Starlink, part of Musk's rockets, uh, Starlink, part of Musk's rockets and satellite company SpaceX, uses a constellation of Earth orbiting satellites to beam internet connectivity into places where traditional access to the web is denied. difficult. Musk has provided Starlink equipment to Ukraine's frontline with Russia.

    The Starlink signal is received through small satellite dishes called terminals. But Musk said in October that no terminals have actually attempted to connect from the besieged Gaza. And so I was on board with that. I'm on board with that. 100%. I don't think that I think that in today's age, when we can give access to these things, I believe that it's absolutely something that everybody should have access to.

    If you have the ability to beam it onto the earth, which apparently we do, why wouldn't we want Anybody and everybody in the country to or in the world to have access to that, right? You should it gives you access to the ability to Conduct work it gives you access to the ability to communicate worldwide to be in the know of what's happening Right to know literally everything it should be basically a right that you have internet today now maybe you should pay for it if you're in a place that you know like the United States where you can Have a job and be a functioning member of society, but maybe eventually not like, but why should we have to pay for internet?

    Why isn't it just considered a, you know, utility bill at some point? But anyways, I digress. Here we go. Um, the article continues on and says, let's see if we can get this to be Full screen here, and says that, uh, Musk's visit to Israel coincides with the last day of the four day pause in hostilities and comes as advertisers pile pressure on X over a rise in anti Semitism on the platform after appearing to endorse an anti Semitic conspiracy theory, which a White House spokesperson said.

    Let's see if we can find that out. Uh, let's see. Musk tweet anti Semitic. That should be easy enough.

    Conspiracy tweet. Let's see what comes up for that. It says, This comes from CNN. com, so it should be a good one. Uh, here we go. It says Elon Musk has publicly endorsed an anti Semitic conspiracy theory, popular among white supremacists, this says on CNN, that Jewish communities push hatred against whites.

    That kind of overt thumbs up to an anti Semitic post shocked even some of Musk's critics, who have long called him out for using racist and otherwise bigoted dog whistles on Twitter, known as X. It was the multi billionaire's most explicit public statement yet endorsing anti Jewish views. Let's see, uh, it says that Jewish communities, Musk has, was responding to a post Wednesday that said Jewish communities have been pushing the exact kind of dialectic, dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.

    The post has also referenced hordes of minorities flooding Western countries, a popular anti Semitic conspiracy theory. What is anti semitic about hordes of minorities flooding western countries? Seems to be factual when you're talking about the southern border. I just wanted to see if I could see the tweet, but apparently they're not going to link it here because they're afraid you'll actually read into it and see if this is it.

    Nope. Hmm. So, doesn't sound exact The way that they can twist somebody's words and say, oh, they're they push hatred against white people, which you know, you follow the money in a lot of these places may be factually true. But anyways, um, it says nothing could be further from the truth, he said on Next. A video released by Prime Minister Netanyahu's office showed Musk wearing a flak jacket.

    Just discuss that. Actions speak louder than words. Discuss that. Discuss what Starlink is. The Starlink signal is received through small satellite dishes called terminals. But Musk said in October that no terminals had actually been attempted to connect from besieged Gaza. And Israel controls the movement of goods into the coastal enclave.

    During the seven week war, Israel has, at times, reportedly cut communications to the Strip. I wonder why they would do that. Hmm. And I think that ceasefire is gone now, isn't it? All right, moving on, Biden reportedly offers an apology to Muslim American leaders for questioning the Hamas death toll. We talked about this last time where Biden was saying that he did not agree with the death toll coming from Palestinian health organizations.

    And now he's walking back those statements because obviously there's been a tremendous amount of death, a tremendous amount of, uh, question or, um, of. Bombs that have been dropped in Palestine, a tremendous amount of men, women, and children that have died as a result of the actions of Israel. Factual. Go, I don't know, fly a drone over there.

    Like, look at the, look at the, the, the destruction that has happened in the videos. And, and, who's to say whether that's completely accurate or not, but It's absolutely true that there has been a massive amount of death for men, women, and children in Palestine. So Biden is now recognizing that apologizing saying he's quote unquote, I believe, let's see what this.

    Let's see if we can get the full article. Oh, we gotta, we gotta subscribe folks. Let's find a different one. Now. My favorite News connector is ground news and we can go here and let's go Biden Offers apology now if you go to ground news what it does for you And okay, I would highly recommend educating yourself on this platform because I absolutely love it So I'll just give you a breakdown what this looks like.

    It's ground And they give you the headline, they give you the top three points, and then they tell you the bias of the news distribution. So what percentage has been reporting on this, um, 41 percent of the sources that are reporting on this lean right. Right. Of those, um, there's two that are center, 61 percent biased, I'm sorry, 61%.

    I'm just blind. And then they give you all of the articles. So then you can sort and sift through those articles. You can say you can look at all of them. You can look at the left leaning articles. You can look at the right leaning articles. You can look at the center articles. Then it gives you the factuality of each one of those and who owns those media companies.

    So it's like, very basically anything and everything that you would want out of the actual reporting. Um, so it gives factuality scores, ownership scores, like whoever is responsible for this just does an absolute tremendous job. It's incredible.

      All right, so here it is. It says this is coming from the Daily Post and it says Israel Palestinian war. I'm disappointed in myself, Biden says as he apologizes over comments on Gaza. Now, obviously, like we talked about, it's not Gaza in general, what a terrible headline. But here's what it says. It says, United States President Biden Joe Biden has apologized to some prominent Muslim American leaders over his public questioning of the Palestinian death number reported by the Hamas controlled Gaza Ministry of Health, right?

    And again, it's like you would just have to watch out for the framing on this because do we, is it, I don't know. I don't, I've never done research on the. Gaza Ministry of Health, but they just like frivolously throw that out there to delegitimize the numbers. And now he's apologizing for it, right? So they, they tried to shoo it away as saying, Oh, that's what the terrorists said.

    We don't believe the terrorists. You're not a terrorist. Are you? You're a flag loving American. Right? Maybe not flag loving because then nowadays that makes you a terrorist anyways. But you see what I'm saying, right? Like, just, just listen to the framing Biden, according to the New York post, made the apology at a meeting with the five Muslim American leaders the day after his October 25th comments on reported Gaza deaths.

    Vowing to do better. Biden told the group, I'm sorry, I'm so disappointed in myself, Biden said, when he heard the leaders describe individuals they knew who were personally affected by the conflict. Before the press conference, Biden had openly questioned the accuracy of the casualty figures from Gaza, given Hamas terror track, Hamas terror track record.

    The president was smeared with criticism at home as he made great efforts to pressure Israel to minimize civilian casualties. He said, I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. I'm sure innocents have been killed and it's the price of waging war, he said.

    Wow. Is that the price of waging wars? You kill innocent people? According to data from the Hamas controlled Ministry of Health, more than 14, 000 Palestinians in Gaza, including many women and children, have been killed in the conflict. Meanwhile, Israel has suffered more than 1, 200 fatalities, almost a tenth, less than a tenth.

    Mostly civilians who were killed when the terror group launched a massive attack on Israel in October. The Muslim American leaders who have met with Joe Biden pleaded with him to show more empathy for the Palestinians. So here's, here's something that I see to, you know, I find this to be pretty interesting.

    You go to almost any major, uh, account right now. Now there's a few, there's a few people who are... actually honest and truthful, but you see a lot of mainstream media accounts, a lot of mainstream influencers, a lot of conservative voices, just giving the most egregious points on, on the Palestinian conflict.

    Like you go to Prager U right now, you go to, you know, go listen to Ben Shapiro. You hear them literally saying word for word. That the reason, or that the blood of Palestinian children and women is on the hands of Hamas. Not on the hands of Israel, who actually bombed them. You know, but it's on the hands of Hamas, because, you know, they did this to us first, so they deserved it.

    Right? Like, that's, that's, we're almost word for word, verbatim, what both Dennis Prager and, um, and, uh, uh, Ben Shapiro had said about this almost verbatim, like literally go find it, then they'll say, oh, you know, Hiroshima was was something that just had to be done. We had to murder an entire city and block of a mile of people in order to stop this war.

    It's, it's like, no. Well, what should we do? Well, maybe send special forces in there and take them out. Like, don't just bomb the children. Uh, and that's what's so funny about this argument that like, oh, Hamas is shielding themselves with women and children. And instead of, you know, trying to wait for a sniper to have a good I am the target so that they can kill just the terrorists behind them, right, like their their point is that, oh, they use women and children as human shields.

    They use human shields. How egregious how much of a terrorist are they for using human shields? And it's like, okay, you don't use human shields, you just bomb the women and children, regardless without any thought to it. It's like, which one's worse, just endlessly bombing women and children without any say or reason why really and or using somebody as a human shield.

    They're equally bad because in both scenarios, somebody dies who was innocent, equally bad, right? But they've they've probably done government think tanks and had massive surveys where they found out that if you say the human shield buzzword that that now all of a sudden people are on your side, right?

    It's like, You definitely can't use human shields. Just bomb them all. Anyway. So there's your update on that. And, uh, from that, speaking about Joe Biden, the next thing that we'll discuss is that a former white house doctor has come out and raised some concerns surrounding the health of Joe Biden. So, you know, not that any of us thought that he was in great health or anything.

    Uh, but. It seems to be deteriorating just quicker than anybody would have even thought. Um, so let's read this article together. And it says, Former White House doctor warns that Biden won't last another five years in office. They're saying that he has completely degenerated just during the time in his office.

    And this is somebody, this is a doctor who served under George Bush, who served under Donald Trump, who served under Barack Obama. So this isn't some run of the mill, you know, was in there for six months and now all of a sudden he has a political opinion that this man was unfit for duty. No, this is somebody who was trusted by the White House to give their unbiased opinion about the health of our presidents.

    And he's come out and said that he does not believe Joe Biden is in any shape or form able to act the duties. Now, I agree completely, like Anybody who's, the only thing that they could have done that's worse than this is what they did to Feinstein, right, where they wheeled her out there the day before she croaked, the day before she died and had her vote on the floor, while some guy was whispering in her ear telling her to shut up and say yes.

    Here we go. Uh, the article says, uh, Ronnie Jackson, a Republican from Texas, a former White House physician, warned this week that President Joe Biden won't make it another five years if he's reelected in 2024. The decline is happening quickly, Jackson said, who served as a physician under former Presidents George Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, as he told Fox News on Sunday.

    Jackson argued that Biden's cognitive acuity has declined rapidly, even since 2020, when he was first elected. It's just unbelievable how much he's degenerated through his time in office. We cannot afford to have this man in office for the remainder of his term, and then for another four years after that.

    He's already putting us at great risk, right? Now, he says, citing his experience with the white house, Jackson said, he knows firsthand what it takes to be the commander in chief and the head of state. It's a grueling job, both mentally and physically, the man can't do the job he's proven to us over the single or every single day that he can't do the job, but this is just getting worse.

    Fair enough. Right. And I had this conversation with somebody the other day, to me, it's like, what is the, the, even more so than his, like, Then his politics, right? Because you probably can't even point to Joe Biden's politics at this point or his position on things. But what you can point to is, is the absolute embarrassment, the absolute embarrassment to our country.

    That is Joe Biden representing us on a world stage. The man can't string a sentence together. The man can't walk up a flight of stairs. The man can't. shake the hand of any other person knowing fully well who they are at any given time. Like, how are you going to trust that man to make some of the most complex decisions of any position with the biggest impact of any position in the world?

    How do you expect that? You don't. You want to know why? Because, you know, and I would almost rather have, that's what you have to understand about the president is that the president is. Essentially just a figurehead. They should exude power. They should exude intelligence. They should be charismatic. They should be able to calm a crowd in times of war and, and Excite them in times of peace to do great things and Joe Biden does absolutely not a single one of those things, right?

    So I would, I would almost rather have somebody whose politics are just absolutely atrocious, but at least represent our country well, then Joe Biden, and that's what you have to know by now is that Joe Biden is absolutely 100 percent only in this position because he has nothing to say at all when it comes to politics.

    He is essentially a puppet with a literal hand up his ass telling him exactly what to say and when to say it. He has no opinions of his own. He is absolutely bought and paid for in every position that he holds. And that's why he's in this position. And that's why they would probably hope to keep him in there another four years.

    They being the people who really lobbied to get him there. The Black Rocks, the Vanguards, all of those people, right? So it's like, he is... Only in the position that he is in because he holds no position and that's what you saw in the Osama bin Laden letter And I called it was I said Saddam Hussein. It was actually Osama bin Laden's letter I think I was reading it wrong or no, that was just in a clip that I posted on Instagram.

    I Posted a clip on Instagram and I had to edit it out because I was I kept saying Saddam Hussein instead of Osama bin Laden Silly me, mixing up my terrorists. Alright, so, pretty wild stuff, not that wild, because we all knew the guy could, is, is about to die at any single moment. And then that's like probably the most, the most exciting thing about Joe Biden's presidency, is that the man could literally be in the middle of a speech, or walking up a flight of stairs, and just die.

    In front of anybody, everybody with all these cameras on him at any given moment. It's like, we should have a death. What is it? The dead pool, a death pool, uh, for Joe Biden and have over unders on whether or not he would make a second term. All right. Now, speaking of that, uh, the next thing we're going to discuss is that the Department of Justice collected every single name of every single Twitter account that liked, followed, or even retweeted anything regarding Trump, right?

    Anything from Trump that he ever said. If you liked him, if you followed him, or if you retweeted him, you're on a list somewhere. The Department of Justice has collected every single name of every single Twitter account that he ever And this comes from HeadlineUSA. Not sure what that is. Twitter is, I got it from, uh, The Ground News, so.

    It said mixed factuality, so. Most of them do, to be fair. Um, Twitter is required to disclose following information. All lists of Twitter users who have favorited or retweeted posts, tweets, uh, tweets posted by Trump, as well as all tweets that include the username associated with the account. So any mentions or even replies with Trump's name.

    It says that Ken Silva, Uh, stated that the Justice Department attorneys have released record records related to their search warrant for Donald Trump's Twitter account, revealing that prosecutors obtained a vast trove of data about the former president's social media activity, including info on every single account to like, follow.

    And retweet him. The heavily redacted search warrant was released Monday, pursuant to a November 17th judge's order, which was made after a coalition of media groups filed an application in August for the warrant and other records to be made public. From the looks of it, Twitter forked over massive amounts of information to the Department of Justice.

    Um, indeed, Special Counsel Jack Smith sought and apparently ultimately received all users Trump followed, unfollowed, muted. Un unmuted, blocked, or unblocked, as well as all the users who have followed, unfollowed, muted, un unmuted, blocked, or unblocked Trump. Additionally, Smith demanded da, uh, Twitter data on all the lists of Twitter users who have been favored their retweeted tweets posted by Trump, as well as all the tweets that included the username associated with the account.

    Wow. In some we that the district court's ruling in all aspects, the, uh, the district court's properly rejected. Uh, let's see here. It's gonna be a jerk to me again. Need to figure this out. My, uh, I, I have my iPad as the secondary monitor here and it keeps like going out on me. So sorry If we have any lulls in the action for you.

    It says, in some, we affirm, we affirm that the district court's ruling in all aspects are all respects the district court properly rejected. Twitter's first amendment challenged to the, the non-disclosure order, the appeals court said in the decision unsealed in August. Moreover, the district court acted within the bounds of its own, of its discretion to manage its docket when it declined to.

    day to stay its enforcement of the warrant while the First Amendment claim was litigated. So any single person, any single person who liked, followed, tweeted, untweeted, retweeted, no tweeted, anything at all to do with Donald Trump is now on a list that the Department of Justice has. For what reason? What would you want that for?

    What would you want that for, right? You want, you want to start surveilling those people, right? Especially the high profile people. If anybody actually has a following and, and you are somebody who voted Trump is, follows Trump tweets, Trump likes his posts, anything at all, you know, because very easily you could just take an Excel spreadsheet, which I'm sure somebody did over at the department of justice and filtered it based on follower count.

    So they could find out who are the people of influence that are a part of Donald Trump's network. Okay. Right. Not even network, but just support group. There's nine comments here. Let's see if any of them are any good. Uh, what was the name of the Beatles song? Oh yeah. Back in the USSR. Yeah. I mean, pretty fricking wild.

    Uh, do not fund the justice department. Yeah. Nothing, nothing too good. Not enough. All right. Cool. Um, so to me, that's egregious. To me, that shows an absolute surveillance state. To me, that shows that the, the collusion between Twitter and Department of Justice now has been fossilized in, in Excel spreadsheets somewhere at a, uh, Government facility to say whether or not you could potentially be a domestic terrorist because you followed Donald Trump, the president of the United States, one of the most followed, liked, retweeted people of all time on Twitter.

    Hmm. But now you'll find yourself on a list somewhere. Alright, after that, this one's. A little bit, even more concerning, but before we talk about that, the first thing I need you to do is I think you know what I'm going to say, which is that you should subscribe. You should leave a five star review if you haven't already.

    And if you're driving, it's okay. I forgive you. But when you get where you're going, stop what you're doing, pull out your phone and it takes 10 seconds, 10 seconds is all it takes. All you got to do is scroll a little bit down on the Apple podcast. Hit that five star review. You can give a five star on Spotify.

    It just doesn't let you write anything, but an Apple podcast, it really helps. Uh, go follow me on Instagram at the Austin J Adams. Uh, go follow me on Twitter at the Austin J Adams on, you know, all the things. Uh, Truth Social, I'm even on there. I don't really use it ever, but that's gonna change. I'm starting to get some help over here, so uh, looking forward to being more consistent with you guys on content that I'm putting out.

    Getting back to the sub stack, which you can follow at austinadams. substack. com. Um, and that's what I got. Adams Archive.

    There it is. Let's jump into it. Um, the article says, The U. S. sounds an alarm after new Chinese pneumonia outbreak raises serious questions and concerns. And the article says that U. S. officials began expressing concerns this week about a new outbreak in respiratory illnesses in China that have sent a surge of Children to the hospital.

    NBC News reported that the outbreak in northern China has caused hospitals to become overwhelmed with sick Children. According to pro med, a publicly available reporting system for emerging disease or diseases and outbreaks. The news comes after COVID 19 began spreading in Wuhan, China in late 2019. And in the span of a couple months through the entire world into a global pandemic that killed millions and was used by governments to implement draconian measures.

    Yep. Now, as far as the killed millions thing, I would like to revisit that and tell you that all of the PCR tests, you know, the with kid who died with COVID or died of COVID are serious things that we need to revisit and stop saying there's millions of people who died as a result of COVID when you have to understand that there was actually somebody who got bit by a shark and died as a result of being eaten by a shark and COVID 19.

    Was considered a COVID death because they had tested positive for COVID at the time And then you have to take that a step further and understand that not only were they marking people dead with COVID So that they could make their money because they were incentivized off of this because this is all stuff We can't let seep through our memory people We have to understand the lengths that they went to for this propaganda campaign one being that it wasn't Died of COVID.

    What was important was died with COVID that they would mark as of COVID. The second thing is even when they ran those tests and said that they died with COVID. They ran the tests with PCR testing at cycles that were way higher than what was supposed to be allowable for PCR tests to be accurate whatsoever.

    And then as things wound down, guess what they did. They lowered the cycles on the PCR tests. So there wasn't as many false positives. So when you're talking about millions of people dying, you have to understand The real number of people that died of COVID is far, far, far less than what was reported originally.

    Because first of all, as we just talked about, they marked people dead. Uh, with COVID as of COVID, they marked people with COVID incorrectly because the amount of cycles they were doing on PCR tests, which was far above the allowed, allowable, uh, at least justifiable amount of cycles. It's like anything above 19 cycles is a very high rate of, of, uh, false positives, right?

    You go back to the podcast I've done about Carrie Mullisk, you go read the, who actually came up with PCR testing, Nobel prize, uh, winning laureate, uh, scientists, uh, who who designed the PCR test. And it's really interesting if you go back and listen to some of those episodes, even episode one, right? I'll mention that a couple of times is, uh, assassinations, coverups, and the cult of science that I did.

    Uh, I highly recommend you, you listen into that podcast. It may not, I haven't gone back and listened to it myself in a while, but, uh, it's the very first one I ever did. So cut me some slack. Uh, but I think there was a lot of value in there. And I went through that book that I discussed last week. Uh, code blue about the military or the medical industrial complex.

    So a pretty good one, but a highly, you know, when, when we're talking about millions of people that you have to remember the context, you cannot forget that when we talk about that. All right. So it says China's recent pneumonia outbreak raises serious questions in the world health organization is asking them said us ambassador of, uh, to Japan, Ram Manuel.

    It's time to abandon COVID deception and delays as transparent and timely information saves lives, he said. Full cooperation with the international community is not an option. It's a public health imperative. Will Beijing step up? China's, and this is, uh, the ambassador that actually tweeted that, so.

    There's the exact tweet. Um, NBC News says that it witnessed long lines and crowded waiting rooms at Beijing's Children's Hospital. And this is, again, when you see the word children, right? Why would something be specifically affecting children? Children generally have much better immune systems than you and I.

    Uh, or even older individuals, right? The reason for that is, well, they're young, they're healthy, their antibodies are much more aggressive in dealing with these things. Their hearts are healthier than ours, their lungs are healthier than ours. Um, Lots of reasons, but says the who said in the statement that today who held a teleconference with Chinese health authorities in which they provided requested data on respiratory illnesses among children in northern China.

    The data indicates an increase in outpatient consultations and hospital admissions of children due to Mycoplasma pneumonia since May and RSV adenovirus and influenza virus since October. You mean we're going into December and we have a rise in flu cases. What will we do? It's almost like this has happened every year since humanities existed.

    Um, the who continued some of these increases are earlier in the season that historically experienced, but not an unexpected given the lifting of COVID 19 restrictions as similarly experienced in other countries. Yeah. Okay. They've already cried wolf and like, nobody will literally believe them. If there was a flesh eating zombie disease at this point.

    I think you would still have a large portion of the country in complete disbelief, right? The boy, let's go back to the boy who cried wolf, right? Or the government who cried pandemic is probably a more accurate one.

    It goes on to say the COVID 19 pandemic was marked by lying and deception from communist China about the origins of the coronavirus as well as attempts to cover it up. The World Health Organization was also accused of not being forthcoming with what it knew about the coronavirus and of trying to cover for China.

    Yes, we know. All of this. All right. Cool. So there's your article on that. So to me, you know, they, they've come out now and said that this is not a novel virus, that it's not something that they have not seen before. Um, so they, they, they've said, you know, it's, it's nothing to be concerned of, uh, until, you know, it's not like last time.

    Right? Until it is something to be concerned about. Um, But, I guess, Time will tell, And we'll have to wait and see if that's the case. And, Uh, When it is, Make sure you just, Buy enough toilet paper, I guess. Or a bidet. Cause, Bidets are awesome. And, You get to limit your toilet paper use. I never went on a bidet rant here.

    But I could. Bidets are amazing. If you've never used one, High, Highly recommend. All right, the very next article that we're going to discuss here is going to be one of our last ones, which is about open AI. So we talked about this last week, there was this whole wild escapade, this whole story, this crazy situation happened, where the Altman for not being completely candid in their letter, um, and then said that even if open AI went under.

    That it would be aligned with OpenAI's mission that OpenAI went under. Now, I mentioned that last time in reading that. Um, we can go back and listen to that if you want to. But, um, I mentioned that. That that wording was weird to me. That if OpenAI went under, they said that it would be aligned with OpenAI's mission.

    And OpenAI's mission is for safe and aligned AGI, right? And if you don't understand AI much or what AGI is, we'll talk about it. Um, but AGI is artificial general intelligence, meaning that something that is basically sentient and conscious, right? We don't believe today that the AI that we have is considered AGI.

    Right, it's AI, but general intelligence, meaning that it essentially has its own consciousness, that it can think for itself, that it's not just an input and output of, of a, A, Bs, or X, Ys, or, you know, whatever, the matrix essentially, right? So it's not binary coding that's deciding its next output, it actually can actively think and Um, you know, have conversations in a way where it has its own emotions and, and things like that.

    Right. So that's what AGI is. And that's what terrifies people is once we get to that point where it can start to detach itself from the infrastructure that we have, and it's sentient in and of itself, that it could escape the small black box that it's within metaphorically and take over the world and eliminate all of humanity.

    And maybe that's why the board was trying to kick out Sam Altman, because he wasn't candid about this program that is called QSTAR, which is a allegedly, uh, true AI potential path towards AGI that Sam Altman didn't discuss. Um, so this article says, and we'll, let's give this a better introduction, is the fact that Sam Altman getting fired could have been the best thing for humanity.

    If Q star, which is potentially the black secretive program within open AI that could lead to AGI, or maybe already is AGI or sentient, a sentient, uh, a life form of AI very well could mean the end of humanity to very many people that project these things, you know, almost even I think Sam Altman there, or even the Twitch CEO that was put into position said, yeah, it's a 50, 50 shot.

    If we reach AGI, whether or not. Completely kills off all of humanity and a lot of people think to agree with that. I think Elon Musk said the same thing. It's about 50, 50, right? So, so when we're talking about Sam Altman, not being candid with the board and the board saying that if open AI goes under, it might be aligned with our mission to begin with.

    And then we find out about Q star and Elon Musk, funnily enough, posted something that said Q star Anon, right? And then. Posted this article, um, not the one that we're looking at, but one about the similar topic, but this says from Forbes about that mysterious AI breakthrough known as Q star by open AI that allegedly attains true AI or is on the path towards.

    artificial general intelligence. It says in today's column, I'm going to walk you through a prominent AI mystery that has caused quite the stir leading to an incessant buzz across much of social media and garnering outside headlines in the mass media. This is going to shock, or this is, this is going to be quite a Sherlock Holmes adventure and a sleuth of detective exemplifying journey that I will be taking you on.

    Now let's close the, let's close the loop here. Um, In the fact that Sam Altman was reinstated an hour after my podcast at two in the morning as the CEO and they fired the complete board after 757 people signed that letter saying they were going to move over to Microsoft to the 777 employees gave in fired the entire board and rehired Sam Altman.

    Wild story, definitely going to be a Netflix documentary in like the next two years, um, if we make it that long after QSTAR. Uh, but this says, please put on your thinking cap and get yourself a soothing glass of wine. I wish I had one. The roots of the circumstance involving the recent organizational gyrations.

    In notable business crises, drama associated with the AI maker OpenAI, including the off and on again firing and rehiring of CEO Sam Ullman, along with a plethora of related carry ons, my focus will not particularly be on the comings and goings of the parties involved. I insist, or I instead seek to leverage those reported facts primarily as telltale clues associated with the AI mystery that some believe sits at the core of the organizational earthquake.

    We shall start to do it. Uh, we shall start with the vaunted goal of arriving at the topmost AI. The background of the AI mystery. Let's see how long this is. Holy shit. This is a long article. Wow. They did do some detective work. Oh man. Um, wow. So go to Forbes yourself and read through some of this. Uh, cause yeah, it's, it, this is a extremely thorough write up on this.

    Um, the title of the article is the one that I gave you earlier. Which is, um, I don't know if I'm going to be able to get through all of this tonight with you, but... Or this morning, depending on when you're listening to this, uh, about that mysterious AI breakthrough, look that up on Google with Forbes, and you'll you'll find this article and you can go through the full thing, but I'll see if I can skim it effectively with you.

    Uh, it says the background of the AI mystery. So here's the deal. Some suggest that open AI has handed up or landed upon a new approach to AI that either has attained true AI, which is nowadays said to be artificial general intelligence, or that demonstrably resides on, or at least shows the path towards AGI as a fast background for you.

    Today's AI is, is considered not yet a, the realm. Of being on par with human intelligence. The aspirational goal for much of the AI field is to arrive at something that fully exhibits human intelligence, which would broadly then be considered an AGI or possibly going even further in a super intelligence, nobody has yet been able to find out and report specifically out.

    Um, on what this mysterious AI breakthrough consists of, the situation could be like one of those circumstances where the actual occurrence is a far cry from the rumors that have been reverberated in the media. Maybe the reality is something of a modest AI advancement was discovered, but it doesn't deserve the hoopla that was ensued.

    Right now, the rumor mill is filled with tall tales that this is the real deal, and supposedly will open the door to reaching AGI. Time will tell. Uh, on the matter of whether the AI has already achieved AGI per se, let's, uh, noodle on the prostulation. Let's not, because I already kind of clued you into that.

    It's not AGI already. At least, at least not what we have access to. Um, it has a hard enough time on some of the things, and it's probably from my use, and I use it basically daily in my, uh, career, uh, company. Um, It's, it seems to me like it's almost gotten worse over the last few months or so, but anyways, uh, you see, this is the way that those ad ho hunches frequently go, you think that you've landed on the right trail, but you are actually once again back at the woods, or you are on the correct trail, but at the top of the mountain is still miles upon miles in the distance, right?

    So basically, it's just saying, we don't know what AGI could even look like, right? We have no idea whether what we're looking at is just a highly advanced football Uh, you know, Texas Instruments calculator that is just compiling all the information and spitting out, uh, based on connections of data and quick reading of, of information or whether it's actually having some sort of, uh, development, uh, thought processes that are outside of, um, you know, normal variables.

    So so now that you know the overarching context of the AR mystery, let's see if we want to read any of this here. Potentially or inadvertently is getting this to the immediate doorstep of AGI. So, so yeah, the idea is that it seems like it's pretty far away. Now that you know the overarching context of the AI mystery, we're ready to dive into the hints or clues so far that have been reported on the matter.

    Let's skip the caveats. Um, I'm going to draw upon these relatively unsubstantiated foremost three clues. Uh, the name of the AI has been Ben said to be supposedly q star, the AI has supposedly been able to solve grade school level math problems quite well. And the AI has possibly leveraged an AI technique known as test time computations.

    Interesting, which should be interesting because Chachi Bouti, as we know it today, has far more capabilities than solving grade school level math problems, but it's not the idea that it's doing it in the way that a calculator would do it when it comes to AGI. Right, it would be that it's thinking and learning those things on its own.

    Uh, you can find lots of rampant speculations out, uh, online that uses only the first of those above clues, namely, uh, the name. Q Star. Some believe that the mystery can be unraveled on that one clue alone. They might not know about the other two above clues, or they might not believe that the other two clues are pertinent.

    The first clue is allegedly the name of the AI. So let's walk through these. It says it has been reported widely that the AI maker has allegedly opted to name the AI software as being referred to by the... Uh, notation of a capital letter Q that is followed by an asterisk. The name or notation is this Q star.

    Believe it or not by this claim alone, you can get into a far reaching abyss of speculation about what the AI is. I will gladly do so. I suppose it is somewhat akin to the words Rosebud and the famous classic citizen Kane. I won't spoil the movie for you of the emphasize that the entire film is about trying to make sense of the seemingly innocuous word of Rosebud.

    If you have time to do so, I highly recommend watching the movie since it is considered one of the best time. Uh, films of all time, there isn't any AI in it. So realize you would be watching the movie for it's incredible plots, blended acting. Okay. Um, back to our mystery at hand. What can we divine from the Q star name?

    That's a good question. I'm glad you asked, but my iPad froze. So. Again, give me one second. And this is like some horseshit because I have a very nice setup here and For some reason just this last like week or two I've never run into this issue and it's uh, just being finicky with me for some reason all right, so Let's do this.

    Let's do that. So so yeah, so to me it's like This seems like the most likely reason that OpenAI went through everything that it did. It seems by far from the clues that I read and I basically called it out just from the letter, right? You, you go back and listen to that episode. That's what I said is why would they say that it would be aligned?

    Well, it would only be aligned if they believed that the way that Sam Altman was Being non candid to them would lead to unaligned AGI, right? Which, which means essentially they're concerned about the direction the company is going because you have to understand, too, that the board of OpenAI is not a for profit board.

    Um, they're, I believe that all of the board members, like, essentially don't have any stake in the game financially when it comes to OpenAI, and they're literally just there to, like, oversee the operations to make sure that it's aligned with its mission. Um. So this says, what can we divine from the q star name?

    Those of you that are fairly familiar with everyday mathematical equations are likely to realize the asterisk is typically said to represent a so called star symbol, thus the seemingly q asterisk name would be conventionally be pronounced aloud as q star. Okay, who cares? Um, overall, the use of the specification of the letter q innately coupled with the star present, um, representation does not notably denote anything already popularized.

    Um, I am saying that the q star doesn't jump out as, Meaning this in particular, so let's see what it does say for us,

    It says the capital letter Q does have significance in the AI field. Furthermore, the use of an asterisk as a star does have significance in the mathematics and computer science arena. Hmm, so he's going to talk about those, which is that one of the most historically well known uses of the asterisk is potentially similar to context was used in the mathematician Stephen Kleen when he defined something known as V star.

    You might cleverly observe that this notation consists of the capital letter V is followed by the asterisk. Wow. Thank you so much. In his letter in 1950s, he described that, uh, suppose you had a set of items that were named by the letter of V. And then you decided to make a different set that consists of various combinations associated with it that are in the set, in the set V.

    This now, uh, new set would. By definition contain all the elements of set V so basically saying that there's subsets of that V variation, right, that all house within V. But with V star, it's saying that it could be V, A, V, A, B, V, A, B, A, B, V, A. So it's just saying that it could an unlimited amount of combinations within the subset of the primary V. So You are said to be maximizing the letter to the nth degree, right?

    Um, okay. Makes sense. The use of the asterisks or stars in the case of a capital a, you're going to love the next bit of detective work. I brought you up to speed about the, okay, come on, dude, get to the point. As an aside, the, the classic paper was formulated a star and is entitled heuristic determination of minimum cost paths.

    Okay. Imagine a set of cities with roads connecting certain parts of them. Suppose we desire a technique for discovering a sequence of cities on the shortest route from a specific start to a specific goal city. Our algorithm prescribed, uh, prescribes how to use special knowledge. The knowledge that the shortest route between any pair of cities cannot be less than the airline distance between them in order to reduce the total number of cities that need to be considered.

     So I'll give you the TLDR of some of this, and when it's talking about Q star, what it's referencing is that the letter Q within AI or encoding is traditionally discussing the idea of reinforced learning, right? Reinforced learning being that, um, and traditionally when you're doing something like AI, it's reinforced learning through human feedback or RLHF.

    And what that means is essentially you're giving it feedback every single time it gives an output. A thumbs up or a thumbs down, right? When you answer this, it's good. When you answer this, it's bad. And now it takes that information and it learns off of it and enforces better. outputs, right? Just as if a dog is doing a trick, um, and you want to teach it to roll over when it starts to make the movement, you give it a treat.

    And then the next time it goes a little bit further, you give it a treat. And eventually it's doing it on command to the word that you say before you made it do the rollover, um, through reinforced learning, right? Lean forced, just give it a treat. Um, now the star being, which we got into a little bit, but the star being the idea that it's the infinite possibility behind what is that.

    Initial framework, right? In this case, the infinite, right? If you use something, let's use the dog example. Again, you, you think of the word dog and you put an asterisk or behind it in the world of coding, that would mean dog could now be dogmatic. It could be doggy. It could be. Doggy style. I couldn't leave that one alone.

    Um, but the idea is that reinforced learning and the star being the exponential possibility behind that. And so what the idea is that the asterisk might suggest, is what this says, that this is the highest or most far out capability of Q learning. Reinforce learning that anybody has ever seen or envisioned.

    This would simply imply that the use of reinforcement learning as an AI approach and that the model free and off policy can leap tall buildings and go faster than a speeding train, metaphorically, to be able to push. AI closer to being AGI. If you place this into the context of general generative AI, such as ChatGBT or OpenAI of OpenAI, perhaps those generative AI apps could be much more fluent and seem to convey reasoning if they had this Q star included in them, or GBT 5, essentially.

    Right? Um, And that could give a huge edge over the competition is what it says. It says, take a moment to deliberate on the razor sharp question. Should AI companies be required to disclose their AI breakthroughs? If they do so, would this inadvertently allow evildoers to use those breakthroughs for evil purposes?

    Is it fair for a company that spent, that spent its resources to devise AI breakthrough that cannot profit from it and must Just handed over to the public at large, who should own and control AI breakthroughs that get us to the realm of AGI. And do we need newer, additional AI related laws that will serve to regulate and govern what is happening in AI?

    Um, now in that theme, I'm on the boat that where there should be some framework of, of, uh, Oversight and governing bodies by individuals who actually know what they're talking about because this is a highly scary, terrifying industry, um, if it goes to the nth degree, right? If AGI occurs and it's not aligned with humanity and it identifies humanity as a threat to, I don't know, the world or, uh, you know, doesn't weigh our lives over that of the animals that we slaughter on a daily basis.

    Um, lots of reasons that it could think that we're bad because, you know, some of us are. Uh. Very interesting questions, but I do think that there should be some, you know, we could dive deep into that, but I absolutely believe that. Um, it says... Uh, now this talks about the solving of grade school level math, um, don't want to get too far into that.

    That one's interesting to me because it just doesn't make sense why that would be such a huge deal. Uh, but I guess, um, no direct calculations or formulas were involved. You might suggest that this is a monkey see monkey do kind of answer by the generative AI. The similarity between the two math problems greatly overlapped in terms of its wording just to add the wording.

    Hmm. Wow. This guy uses the word noodle. Let's see if he gives a Okay. So let's see. So it says, whenever they say this, the database converse will decry things that will go backwards in the older and disdained ways of rules. Okay. Anyways, there's the idea. The Q star situation is one that could mean that.

    Sam Altman was hiding this from the board. Sam Altman was putting the humanity into jeopardy, and all these 770 or 57 employees could now have been the reason that the Terminator happens, and Arnold Schwarzenegger comes here from the future, and we all potentially die. Or maybe not, and they were just dicks, and didn't know what they were doing, and let down all their investors.

    Um, but, I guess. We'll never know, but that's what I got for you guys today. Thank you so much for listening. I appreciate it from the bottom of your heart. If you want to go read that article, I gave you the name of it earlier. It's from Forbes. Um, really interesting read. I'll, I'll read the whole thing at some point, but just don't want to, it's, it's a very long article.

    So you're better off reading it on your own time than sitting here and me talk about it, but an interesting thing. Nonetheless, I absolutely am. Very as confident as I could be that I believe that that's what happened is that Sam Altman was not being forthcoming now What I think is an interesting theory about this That I noted is that Sam Altman was on Joe Rogan and on Lex Friedman Not two weeks before this huge publicity happened and what are the odds of that a question to ponder?

    Probably not very high. Do with that information what you will. But I appreciate you guys. Thank you so much for listening from the bottom of my heart. You are awesome. I hope you have a wonderful day and see you next time. Thank you.

  • In this riveting episode of the Adams Archive, host Austin Adams takes you on an exploratory journey through a series of compelling and thought-provoking topics. From the storm brewing on TikTok over Osama Bin Laden's controversial 2002 letter to America, Austin doesn't shy away from delving into the complex narratives that are often avoided. He challenges the mainstream outrage and seeks to understand the underlying truths in these contentious dialogues.

    Following this, the episode shifts to an examination of the recent Israel-Hamas ceasefire. Austin will dissect the nuances of this agreement and its potential longevity, providing insights into the geopolitical implications.

    The conversation then takes a technological turn, delving into Michigan's capital gun ban enforcement through AI. Austin scrutinizes ZeroEyes' AI technology, raising critical questions about its impact on Second Amendment rights and the future of surveillance.

    The episode also covers the U.S. Army's reversal of its COVID-19 vaccine mandate decision. Hear the Army's call for the return of the troops who left over the mandate and Austin's take on this dramatic policy shift.

    Then, gear up for a deep dive into the OpenAI saga, a whirlwind of decisions and employee backlashes that could potentially reshape the AI industry's future. This segment promises to unravel one of the most astonishing episodes in modern business history.

    Finally, Austin introduces you to the newly elected Libertarian President of Argentina, a figure attracting global attention for his unorthodox approach and bold declarations against the deep state and government overspending.

    With a fresh crew cut and his signature engaging style, Austin is all set to guide you through these fascinating topics. Don't forget to hit subscribe, leave a five-star review, and get ready for an episode packed with insights, analyses, and a touch of the unexpected.

    All the links: https://linktr.ee/theaustinjadams

    Substack: https://austinadams.substack.com


    Full Transcription

     Adam's Archive. Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the Adam's Archive. My name is Austin Adams and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we are going to be jumping into first, what happened recently with Tick tock and all these conservative influencers calling out all you young tick tockers out there for talking about even considering speaking about this document that must not be named.

    But I am me and I will name it and we will read it. And that is Osama bin Laden's letter. From 2002, a letter to America. Now there was a ton of controversy that came out on tick talk about this, a ton of conservative channels that are crying out saying, you should, you should be ashamed of yourself for even considering agreeing with any of his points.

    And I understand the sentiment, right? We have, um, some wounds from that man as a great country, however. I think that kind of takes away from the point, right? If you're afraid to look at something in the eye, uh, then maybe that's more of a reason to address it head on. So we will read that together. And I believe personally, there is actually some valid points and hold your thoughts until I read it.

    Cause I think. You might agree to. Alright. Once we walk through that, we are going to then move on into what has been called a agreement on a ceasefire between Israel and Temas. We'll see how long that, uh, lasts for and what the actual, uh, the actual breakdown of the deal was. But we'll go into that together.

    After that, we will go into the Michigan capital enforcing its gun ban with artificial intelligence. We'll actually look at the name of this company, which is zero I, and we will watch some of their advertisements. We will see what this technology actually does and talk about what the implications of that could be on your second amendment rights in the future where big brother knows exactly who's carrying and when following up on that.

    We will go into. The situation with the U S army who has asked their troops who left because of the COVID mandate. Come back, come back. We need you. Oh, that's silly. That's the only thing we did where we kicked you out because we wanted to mandate a, a experimental drug on your body and then not pay for the effects of it later.

    Oh, that thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Don't worry about that. Um, just, just come back, come back. So we'll actually read that letter together from the army that they issued. And then we'll talk all about the open AI drama that has been going down. If you haven't heard about this, it is crazy. This shit's definitely going to be a documentary in like 10 years from now, five years from now, who knows, three years from now, if AI can put it together fast enough.

    Um, this was one of the wildest sagas that you've seen in modern business history. Okay, so we will talk about that. We'll walk through what the situation is. I am pretty... Astounded by the way that this went down. They essentially could have just dismantled a multi billion dollar, probably the single most powerful entity in the prospect of the future of humanity as standing today.

    over a weekend and over a split second decision, which was not very well thought through, which ended in 200 or some, sorry, 95 percent of their employees threatening to leave and go to a different company. So we will actually read that letter today together too. Wow. We're reading a lot of letters. I didn't realize that.

    And then, uh, last but not least, we will talk about the, uh, president. of the Libertarian President of Argentina, um, that was recently elected and he has some wild moments, but I also have some, some agreements with him. And I, they're calling him this far, right? Crazy guy, because he's talking about the deep state and saying he wants to dismantle the over bloated government.

    And, uh, so lots of interesting stuff. And then he went through. The parade with a chainsaw saying he's going to cut down government spending so wild dude, but I'm all for it. Alright guys, that's what I got. Go ahead and hit that subscribe button. Leave a five star review. If you are watching this and not just listening, you'll notice that Cut some hair on top of my head.

    So, uh, essentially, uh, got, uh, a, uh, crew cut now. So, you know, if you see me on Instagram, I might look a little bit different than, than you saw me before. All right. That's what I got for you guys. Subscribe, leave a five star review and yeah, let's jump into it.

    The Adams archive.

    All right, all right, the very first topic that we are going to discuss today was the recent document from Osama bin Laden, which went viral. On TikTok, now there was over 9 million views mentioned, but TikTok tried to diminish it in a recent, uh, recent note. I believe it was on Twitter even, or X, now as the kids call it.

    Uh, but, I digress. Let's jump into it. This is a letter that was written by Osama Bin Laden in 2002, which was a letter to America. Now in the way he, that he breaks down this letter, it's, it's hard to argue with some of the... Thoughts that he, the way that he portrays the United States. And so, we'll read that full letter together.

    But first, let's read this, which breaks down how this all went down and why this even came to fruition. Because I never read this document until I heard about this. And the way that I heard about it was all these conservative influencers that were coming out and saying, How dare you, these young kids coming out here siding with the terrorists.

    How dare you read this letter. How dare you say that you agree with any of his points. That he had valid opinions. How dare you? And we go back to this, this idea of, of the good guy and the bad guy, right? And this has been a theme more recently in the Israel and Palestine and Hamas conflict for me, which has been reconciling with the fact that We've almost always been told, whether it be through Hollywood, whether it be through music, whether it be through plays and books and everything that we've ever been told is that there's a good guy and that there's a bad guy.

    And that philosophy, as I've come to know it now, today, is generally flawed. And the reason that I say that is it's... It's far more complicated than we're giving it credit, right? There's generally not just a good guy and not just a bad guy, right? There's absolutely people who do acts of malevolence and horrific, atrocious acts in the name of being a terrible person and just inflicting pain on people.

    That is true. That is factual. But majority of the time that you see these national and world stage conflicts, it's generally not. The case, most of the time, what you'll find is both sides think that they're the good guy, right? And not just both sides is this radical extreme side of things on the far, far terrorist organizations.

    It's not just them. It's the people behind them, the general population, they have some. with these people that there's a good guy and there's a bad guy. And, and so I think the only way that we reconcile and we start to actually pull the curtains behind the military industrial complex is by, by recognizing that.

    It's not that simple. There's not generally a good guy and a bad guy. This isn't, and even when you look at the old western, you know, westerns, where they try to portray it, you know, there's cowboys and there's Indians, and those are the savages, and we're the upstanding. You know, uh, enforcers of the law, right?

    It's again, it's just generally not that simple. And you, and as you start to take this framework and start to untangle the programming that you've been given, which is that there's again, a good guy and a bad guy, as you start to untangle that, you can almost go back through. Almost any conflict in history, I say almost, almost for a reason, but you can almost go back and look at any framework, any, any conflict, any large scale war, any, and you start to pull on some of the threads, like, okay, there's a, there's an idea in debate and then, uh, I guess, I don't know what, what to classify it as, but there's the idea of steel manning within an argument which is essentially if I was taking the, the opposing individual or opposing forces position and trying to be as generous as possible and trying to make the most compelling argument for it.

    Their side of the argument for them being the good guy and me being the bad guy in this instance How would I do? So how would I? Take critical thinking and how would I? Critique my own position and and if you can do that right if you can actually steel man the argument and and look and at the the conflict or the Situation or the debate point that you're arguing and say, okay if I had to take their position If I had to steel man the case that X, Y, and Z was the good guy, and now I'm the bad guy, how would I do that?

    And if you take that into the equation, you start to see that, okay, maybe there are some compelling opinions on maybe why we shouldn't be in this conflict to begin with, right? And maybe it's a sign of peace rather than a return of fire in some instances. Now again, that's not to say there's not... There's not reasons for war at certain points and for certain reasons and if we are gonna say that you know in the instance of Israel vs.

    Palestine, I would much rather them come out and just say hey We're taking our land back almost the same way, you know that they tried to frame that as what it was for Russia Right Russia not wanting Ukraine and NATO to infringe on their territory or at least within the immediate vicinity of it They even tried to go.

    Oh, they're colonizing Ukraine. It's It's like, okay, that's not really what's happening here. So even if we were to be generous within the Israel and Palestine, uh, conflict and say, okay, they're doing this as a response and not just to colonize the area, which it seems more and more likely that they're just trying to take that area over.

    However, we'll get into that ceasefire a little bit later in here, but, but my point in this is that when you go back and you start to do those on that unwinding and start to take that steel man argument and look at some of the things that have happened in history, whether it be to the United States or by the United States against other countries or individuals or, uh, organizations, you can start to, at the very least, steel man your argument.

    If you want to say that the United States is the good guy and every other country we've ever been in conflict with is the bad guy, and you want to die on that hill, you better, you better be able to steel man that argument. And if you're not, you're just blindly following a religion. Right? You're not, you're not even reading the textbooks, right?

    You're just blindly having faith that, oh, daddy has my back, right? Daddy government knows all and is, is essentially, you know, giving blind faith into that institution, which we already know is corrupt. So whether you're right or you're left, you should think critically about these things and go back and start to pull on those threads.

    And that's what we'll do here today. So on that note, this comes from Time Magazine. And the article title is Why Osama Bin Laden's Letter Went Viral. Now within this letter, he mentions Palestine several times. Okay, and I'll share this with you. So if you're on YouTube, you'll actually be able to see what we are looking at here together.

    If you're not on YouTube, you can always join us over there. And it's just the Adams archive. So if you type that into YouTube at the very top, you'll be able to see what we're looking at. However, let's move on. It says two decades ago, Osama bin Laden, the Al Qaeda leader behind 9 11, it says, probably also next to the three letter organizations, laid out his attempt.

    His attempt at justification for the attack against the U. S. that killed nearly 3, 000 people in his letter to America. This week, that same letter went viral on TikTok among a new generation, many of whom are debating the Israel Hamas war and the role played by the U. S. for some, a big part of Bin Laden's justification.

    American support for Israel's occupation of the Palestinian territories and what the U. N. deems a violation of international law resonates with what's going on now in the Middle East, leading them to renew calls. For a Gaza ceasefire in one video, which was live on the app of Thursday afternoon with more than 900, 000 views, a tick tocker made the claim that everything we learned about the Middle East 9 11 and terrorism was a lie.

    Others on social media have criticized the video sympathizing with terrorists and legitimizing violence. In a statement posted on the next on Thursday, TikTok said content promoting this letter clearly violates our rule in supporting any form of terrorism. We are proactively and aggressively removing the content and investigating how to get it on how it got onto our platform.

    So let's watch this video. Let's see if it's actually still there. It might not be anymore. If they were removing all of it. Yeah, and there it is. It's gone. Who knew censorship for the Not when, uh, in a statement posted on X on Thursday, TikTok said, Nope, we just read that the company also says that the content did not reflect a widespread trend, but rather just a few posts on the platform.

    Number of videos on TikTok is small and reports of a trending on their platform are inaccurate. This is not unique to TikTok and has appeared across multiple platforms. And the media views on video shared by the hashtag letter to America had over 14 million views on Thursday, CNN reported. But as of Thursday afternoon, the phrase could not be searched on the app due to guideline violations.

    This isn't the first time that Tik TOK has faced controversy for what's been shared on the app. The company has responded to Republican criticisms on the platform being biased towards pro Palestinian content by pointing to polling that shows younger people are more sympathetic to Palestinians. While tens of thousands of people recently publicly showed their support for Israel and the U.

    S. condemned anti semitism in France, hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets in pro Palestinian protests around the world calling the ceasefire to protect civilians in Gaza since the start of the war on October 7th. Okay, now we have context. Now where I originally went to search for this was the Guardian.

    And if we go look at the Guardian's website, which we can do right now, the document was originally set here on, uh, November 15th of 2023, it was removed. It was originally placed on this by on Sunday, November 24th of 2002. So 21 years later, they decided that, oh, now this is dangerous for people to read because They're actually reading it.

    So you can actually find this document and I will keep it in the, uh, I'll actually send this out. So if you're on my Instagram, go to at the Austin J Adams. So the Austin J Adams on Instagram. And if you comment on my most recent video and some of my other videos that will be about this, after I get some of this content out, I will send this letter to you.

    Okay, so let's go ahead and read the letter, the letter that must not be named according to TikTok and the guardian. Here it is. All right. It says page one in the name of God, the compassionate, the merciful to the American people, peace be upon those who follow the righteous track hereafter. The subject of my talk to you is in the overwhelming control of capital.

    And it's a fact on the ongoing war between us. I direct my talk specifically those who support real change, especially the youth. I say from the onset, your former president warned you previously about the devastation or the devastating Jewish control of capital and about a day that would come when it would enslave you.

    It has happened. Your current president warns you now about the. enormity of capital control and it has a cycle whereby it devours humanity when it is devoid of the percepts or the precepts of God's law and says in parentheses sharia the tyranny of control of capital by large companies has harmed your economy as it did ours And that was my motivation for this talk.

    Tens of millions of you are below the poverty line. Millions have lost their homes, and millions have lost their jobs to mark the highest average unemployment in 60 years. Your financial system in its totality was about to collapse within 48 hours had the administration not reverted to using taxpayer monies to rescue the vultures by using the assets of the victims.

    As for us, our Iraq was invaded in response to pressure from capitalists with greed. from black gold and you continue to support the oppressive Israelis in their occupation of our Palestine in response to pressures on your administration by a Jewish lobby backed by enormous financial capabilities. Hmm.

    Okay. So let's break that down a little bit. We start from the very beginning. And he talks about the Jewish control of capital, right? Your former president warned you previously about the devastating Jewish control of capital. This has been a pretty consistent conversation, right? Surrounding the control of media within media about the control within Hollywood and news corporations and.

    So this is in line with some very recent conversations that people are having and that probably leads to why this had some effect of ringing true, especially when you bring in something like Palestine and the conflict and him referencing that occupation all the way back 21 years.

    So now what he says is the tyranny of control of capital by large companies has harmed your economy as it did ours. And that was my motivation for this talk. Tens of millions of you are below the poverty line. So now he's calling out the, the lack of. care from our government surrounding people of low income surrounding people who are homeless surrounding, you know, talking about the financial system and its totality was about to collapse within 48 hours had the administration reverted to had not the administration reverted to using taxpayers money to rescue the vultures by using the assets of the victims.

    Essentially saying that the banking. Corporations, the banks, all lever, when they went bankrupt, they essentially took taxpayer money and then utilized that to bail the banks out when the people who suffered the most from that was not the organizations, it was the individuals who banked with them, right?

    So he's saying. Your own government used your money to help the people who oppressed you to begin with. As for us, our Iraq was invaded in response to the pressure of capitalists, then talks about their greed for black gold, meaning oil. And you can continue to support the oppressive Israelis and their occupation of our Palestine in response to pressures on your administration by a Jewish lobby backed by an enormous Financial capabilities now what we look at there is is the discussion surrounding The the fact that the and you continue to support the oppressive Israelis in their occupation of Palestine in response to pressures by your administration Okay, so What, what we can get into from that is, is realizing that this has been a longstanding issue that has been bubbling below the surface for a very long time, right?

    This discussion around the powers that be the, the individuals that we know that the, you know, however many families that, you know, control a massive amount of wealth, right? You want to get more into that? But go back to the episode that I did on. Uh, the creature in Jekyll Island, which is a great book that was written surrounding the end of the gold standard and the rise of the Federal Reserve.

    Now go back and look at who the people were that were involved in that conversation. I believe it was 13 families that were on a private train together and essentially on Jekyll Island, which is a small island, came up with the idea of the Federal Reserve and then implemented it. Perfectly. And they now control all of the world as a result of controlling the largest corporation or the largest country's capital, being able to essentially print money at will with no repercussions to themselves.

    And just to the American people, right? In walks inflation. So now it goes on to say that an observer of the policies of the new administration relieves or realizes that the change is tactical and not strategy or strategic. It does not at all agree with this, the change you seek. There are very many indicators of this, especially concerning important matters related to your own security and economy, particularly the ongoing war between us.

    The previous administration was successful in implicating you in the wars against us under the premise that they are necessary for your security according to the promise that it would be short and would finish in six days or six weeks. Six years has passed, and that administration is gone without realizing the victory.

    The man calling for change promised you victory in Afghanistan and set a time for withdrawal. Before the end of the set time, Patriots from the previous administration came and asked for an extension of six more months if it was The six day war that started by President Bush and six years have not enough to has not been enough to finish it Then the wise men should question How long would a six month war?

    take and whether you would be able to fund a war that requires a large amount of money that weakens your economy and Your dollar

    interesting. Okay. So what he's saying there is essentially that they said this would take six days. Now they said it was six weeks. Now they're saying it's six years, right? And how much are you willing to sacrifice as a country of your financial stability as a nation, by simply coming over here and looking to go after our oil, which, you know, we go back to the weapons of mass destruction conversation, which were never found.

    So, moving on here, uh, so, so that's interesting to me. It's like the amount of people that are now realizing that there's some. Some cracks in the armor, right, that, that, the great nation that we were told that we were brought up as patriots for that, you know, I myself joined the military to defend, right, maybe there's some questions that should be asked about whether or not we should be in these wars, and you guys know.

    If you listen to me enough that I'm at this point, there's very little you could do to convince me that we should be at war with essentially anybody unless we're specifically defending our home territory, which nobody's encroached upon the United States in Lord since the British. So moving on. This says for Obama to leave one third of its soldiers in Iraq and the statements from his administration about this, especially from Aderno about the possibility for Obama's ordering the return of the forces he took out of Iraq, it would have been better for him had he disagreed with the ethics of the previous administration and adopted the truth as a friend and told you that he would not withdraw from Iraq, which may not serve the U S interests, but it is in the interest of the large corporations, right?

    So he's talking about the war machine. Right? He's talking about the Military Industrial Complex. It serves... Doesn't serve the U S, but it serves the large corporations, meaning the same corporations that we know own all the other corporations, the same corporations who own all of the politicians, the same corporations who own all of the military companies like Raytheon, or at least have the largest share percentage within those companies.

    It says the course of these policies of the president administration in several areas clearly reveals that whatever, whoever enters the white house, even with good intentions to safeguard the people's interests is no more than a train operator. His only task is to keep the train on the tracks that are laid down by the lobbyists in New York and Washington to serve their interests first, even if it's counter to your security and economy.

    Any president who tries to move the train from the lobbyist tracks to a track for the American people's interests will confront very strong opposition and pressures from the lobbyists. Your president described the decisions by the court in favor of corporations to intervene in the political arena as a victory.

    But it is not for the American people, except for the big corporations. Okay, so now what he's saying is that your president... is controlled. No matter how many, how, how good of intentions he has, if he goes to fight the machine, if he goes to do what's in the best interest of the American people, he will be met by the corporations, right?

    So that's why when people are saying, Oh, there's merit to this. Yes, there's absolutely some merit to this. Our government has been commandeered by large corporate entities that have the only best interest of their entities making more profits. And generally, the best way to do that is by siphoning it from the people, not by serving the people's best interests.

    And we've talked about this, our system is fundamentally flawed, almost everybody who goes in with a good intentions gets spit out, or ends up 13 indictments before they go for re election. We exactly saw that play out with Donald Trump. The entire machine. All the news companies. All the, the, the, entire, entirety of Hollywood.

    All of the, the journalists that, that were a part of any actual legitimate organization. All of them conspired. Even the FBI and the CIA did the same thing with the letters that they signed about the Hunter Biden laptop. Right?

    It says. The course of the, the course of the policies of the President Administration in several areas clearly reveals that whoever enters the White House, even with good intentions, to safe, to safeguard the people's interests, is no more than a train operator. His only task is to keep the train on the tracks that are laid down by the lobbyists, even if it's counter to your security and economy.

    Now tell me you disagree with that, because I, I will argue that point with you all day. There is no doubt about it, that it is right, and... That it is also a right for the administration to support the oppressive Israelis for the continued, let's, let's get context. I think I maybe skipped something. Um, it says, There is no doubt about it that it is a right, and it is also a right for the administration to support the oppressive Israelis for the continued occupation of our land and the killing of our brothers, marking a victory for the Jewish lobby.

    The president was not able to defend you against the security and economic loss. The way for change and freeing yourselves from the pressure of lobbyists is not through the Republican or the Democratic parties, but through undertaking a great revolution for freedom. Not to free Iraq from Saddam Hussein, but to free the White House, and to free Barack Hussein so he can implement the change you seek.

    It is not, it does not only include improvement of your economic situation and ensure your security, but more importantly, help him, helps him in making a rational decision to save humanity from the harmful gases that threaten its destiny.

    Let's read that again. So what, what he's saying there again. The way for change and freeing yourselves from the pressure of lobbyists is not through Republican or Democratic parties, but through undertaking a great revolution for freedom, not to free Iraq from Saddam Hussein, but to free the White House and to free the president so they can implement the change you seek.

    Free them from who? Free them from the lobbyists. Free them from what lobbyists? Well, and what he's referencing here, he says the Jewish lobbyists, the individuals who own those large corporate entities. Who control a portion, a large portion of Hollywood. And the news entities, right? So again, and this is far different than when everybody wants to ring the anti Semitic bell.

    It's like nobody's saying anything about the religion and nobody's saying anything about the people who are in those areas who hold the title of being Jewish. No, it just so happens that the people that we're discussing here have a Jewish background, have Jewish blood running through their veins, and are from That origin.

    It does not mean anything against the peoples themselves. It means that there is a large portion of people who also hold these characteristics that is what they push their agenda through. Okay, so it's like, it's very important to make that distinction. No, it is not all Jewish people that are running Hollywood.

    It is not all Jewish people that are controlling the White House. It is not all, no, it has nothing to do with the fact that they are Jewish or their beliefs in their religion or where their origin is from. It has to do with that. There is a small, very small, like, handful of people and families in power that all have similar characteristic that unites them, which so happens to be that cultural background.

    So everybody crying anti semitic when you say, oh, don't bomb or don't agree with the fact that, you know, there is a strong Jewish lobby. It's like, you're missing the point.

    Love Jewish people. Love all my people. I have nothing against really any class or group or culture or background or ethnicity or race or religion. It's like that to me is such a low frequency beta. Uh, uninteresting perspective to have that has just no value. There, there is no reason to have any distinction between people and, and, and say, this group is this thing.

    No. But there is a way to categorize people based on that. And when a small group of people who hold Those powerful positions hold that uniting culture, then it's going to be referenced, which is important to make a distinction of. Okay, moving on. The British military governor in the United States used to have the right to appoint judges and mayors.

    Similarly, the corruption is deep and rooted now in all the higher authorities, thus giving authorities over to these officials or these offices to corporations. Hmm. Subsequently, the higher court adjudicated their support of political financing by corporations under such circumstances. Now he's talking about the lobbying.

    Reading the book by the intellectual Thomas Paine helped your fathers in the revolution against the oppressors. It is useful for you to read it under the current similar circumstances. You are in need of people like Thomas Paine to publish books pointing out the similarities between the two phases, and that will have a similar effect.

    You are also in need of men with courage and initiative like those of your forefathers at that time when they refused to allow one company to harm the interests of the United States, a company that had a monopoly on tea and its prices. Talking about the Boston Tea Party. Right? Talking about the, um, the, what is it?

    The, the Indian tea company or whatever it's called. I'm going to have to look that one up. Um, forget the, the, uh, God, what's the name of it? Um, that's so stupid that I can't remember that.

    Let's see.

    The East India Trade Company, is that what it is? Pretty sure that's what it is. East India Trade Company. Um, Yeah, the East India Company. That's what it was. Thank you. At least I got it right. I got there eventually, guys. Before even Google told me, and you can reference the YouTube video to see it. Um, alright.

    So, it says, uh, yeah, there are now many companies that endanger the United States economy, which continues to be vulnerable to collapse, and they also formulate the policies for the White House. They threw hundreds of thousands of soldiers against us and have formed an alliance with the Israelis to oppress us and occupy our land.

    That was the reason for our response on the 11th. Palestine has been under occupation for decades. Now what he's referencing there is obviously September 11th. Now, obviously that's obviously not a justification to commit acts of terrorism against random civilians, which has been the theme this whole year with the Israel and Palestine conflict.

    So again, Don't agree with that. It's a horrific way to respond to this. The way that you respond to this is what this letter was attempting to do. Just do it more effectively. Cause the fact that nobody read this, now all of a sudden people are reading this and now there's value to it. Anyways, it says, uh, Palestine had been under occupation for decades and none of your presidents could talk, talked about it until after September 11th, when Bush realized that your oppression and the tyranny against us were part of the reason for the attack.

    Then he talked about it, the necessity for two States. Obama is trying to address the issue with the same solutions, suggesting by his predecessors they are quilting fruitless solutions not of concern to us. If you want a real settlement that guarantees your security in your country and safeguards your economy from being depleted in a matter similar to our war of attrition against the

    Soviet Union, then you have to implement a roadmap that returns the Palestine land to us. All of it from the sever or the sea to the river. It is an Islamic land, not subject to being traded or granted to any party. In conclusion, be assured that we do not fight for mere killing, but to stop the killing of our people.

    It is a sin to kill a person without proper justifiable cause, but terminating his killer is a right. You should be aware that justice is the strongest army and security offers the best livelihood. You lost it by your own making when you supported the Israelis in occupying our land and killing our brothers in Palestine.

    The road to safety starts with the stopping of aggression. And again, the way to combat aggression is not more aggression. And the way to stop people from killing your people is not by killing their people. Fundamentally disagree with him on that. Palestine should not be seen, and even in his own argument there, he says that it is a sin to kill a person without proper justifiable cause.

    Okay, 3, 000 people on 9 11 that you killed without proper justifiable cause, regardless of the country that they lived within. Palestine should not be seen captive, for we will try to break its shackles. The United States shall pay for its arrogance with the blood of Christians and their funds. Peace be upon those who follow the righteous track.

    All right, so again, fundamentally disagree with a lot of what he says there, but there is merit to some of the points that he makes surrounding lobbying, surrounding our president not being in control regardless of good intentions. Several things that he said there that holds true. in the awakening that we've seen over the last three to four years.

    So when you see all these people shouting at, you know, saying that anybody who reads this and agrees with any of the points made that they're a terrorist, it's no, that you're missing the point. And We probably, if you hadn't already gotten to this point where you realize these things without reading a letter from Osama bin Laden, like maybe you should do that first and there's far better ways to probably get to this point from far more intelligent, far less polarizing, far less bloodthirsty people, then Osama Bin Laden, so there's that, like you could definitely get this point across without having to hear it from him.

    But, that, that, you see the censorship, you see the people coming out and calling, you know, everybody a terrorist who reshares this, or says that there's any merit to some of the points that he made about the occupation, and so. I just wanted to get that out there. I think it's a value to actually read through these things and not just hear the headlines and just assume that everybody who makes any point about this is siding with a terrorist organization.

    Because again, I fundamentally, fundamentally disagree with the acts that were committed on behalf of this ideology. But that doesn't mean that there's no merit to some of the points that he made about the United States of America being flawed, because It is. And if you disagree with that, you're very likely brainwashed at this point.

    All right. Alright, so the next thing that we're going to discuss is that Israel and Hamas have agreed to a temporary ceasefire for humanitarian purposes that include a hostage release deal, which has come from Fox News. Let's go ahead and read this article where it says the Israeli government is committed to the return of all hostages home.

    Tonight, the government approved the outline for the first stage of achieving this goal. According to which, at least 50 hostages, women and children, will be released for four days, during which there will be a lull in the fighting. The release of every 10 additional hostages will result in an additional day of respute.

    The Israeli government, the IDF, and the security forces will continue the war in order to return all the hostages, to complete the elimination of Hamas, and to ensure that Gaza does not renew any threat to the State of Israel. The ceasefire was officially announced hours after Israeli and Hamas leaders said Tuesday that negotiations were in their final stages.

    Both sides ultimately agreed to their conditions. Qatari... Negotiators helped broker the agreement under the deal. Israeli's government has agreed to temporarily stop its pursuit of Hamas, including its ground invasion of Gaza and its airstrikes for humanitarian purposes. Also, Hamas has agreed to release dozens of hostages in tandem with Israeli government or with Israel agreeing to release Palestinian prisoners on a three to one ratio.

    Fox news, Trey Yankst reported Hamas leaders would release one hostage for every three Palestinians that Israel releases from its prisons. Hamas, so that means that Israel essentially has to have three times the amount of hostages slash prisoners. Hamas, which governs Gaza, took about 240 hostages from Israel during its terror attack on October 7th when it invaded Israel and killed approximately 1, 200 people, mostly civilians.

    The terror group said at the time that it took enough hostages, which included Israelis, Americans, and other foreign nationals, to free all Palestinians in Israel.

    Interesting. So you'll see the first hostages come. out over the course of Thursday. Netanyahu met with his war council Tuesday afternoon, then the security council, and then this full cabinet before the agreement was announced. Ahead of the meetings, he said he hoped there would be good news. Earlier Tuesday, Hamas leader Ismail Hanaya and Mark Rijev, the senior advisor to Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, openly said a deal was closed.

    The deal being, hey, we'll stop for three or four days and we'll, you know, exchange hostages. You know, for every one that you give us, we'll give you three. Um, okay, so not exactly what I was thinking. So not a long term, this is not a long term ceasefire. This is just a ceasefire for three or four, potentially five days where they release their hostages together.

    And then Israel will go back to leveling the city of Gaza, apparently. Uh... Yeah, that's what it seems like. Okay, not exactly what I was thinking, but as you guys know, when things pop up and we have breaking news, you'll get it while we're here. Um, so again, this was Israel and Hamas agreed to a temporary ceasefire hostage release deal, including freeing three Americans.

    Now, the original headline of this made it seem like it was more of a longstanding agreement, which obviously it's not. So let's move on to our next topic, which is that the Michigan Capitol is going to enforce gun bans with artificial intelligence. There's a software that has been created that allows them to using video surveillance footage in real time to identify threats.

    And by threats, they mean anybody who's potentially carrying a weapon, whether it be lawful or unlawful. So let's read this article. It comes from, uh, bridgemi. com. And the article says, Michigan capital to enforce a gun ban with artificial intelligence. Now, to me, this signifies some dystopian stuff, right?

    What my concern around this would be is now that this has... Been created. You can't put it back in the box, right? You've opened the box. Now, there is a software that will allow them to identify people who have weapons on them, whether it be lawfully or unlawfully because it is our right to carry and bear arms.

    It is our right to conceal weapons. It is our right to open carry weapons where the laws allow. So now. You can be punished for that. You can be approached by police and you can have this technology that will be implemented in God knows what way, right? We don't know how this is going to be used for sure.

    How do you make sure that this isn't going to be used to, I don't know, stop people from defending property or defending life at rallies when they're allowed to open carry right in walks Kyle Rittenhouse to me, it's like, this isn't the issue that I have is not. Making sure that we're more safe in our capital buildings.

    It's is what is the actual use case for this going to be right? when you're talking about Smart cities and things like that and the totalitarian surveillance in Michigan itself just put up 400 400 cameras on one highway alone 400 cameras, Michigan just put up to surveil its own citizens in the name of stopping violent crime.

    How does 400 cameras on a highway stop violent crime? That's not what it's for. It's to surveil the general public. If you think that that data just stops and they're scrubbing through hundreds of thousands of tens of thousands of millions of cars flying by every single day, To look for one, two, three, four people.

    No, there's no return on investment there, right? They want to surveil people. They want to know where you're going, how you're getting there. I challenge you to drive down the highway right now, drive five miles in any city without seeing a camera up in the sky watching you drive. It infuriates me. It's so frustrating that you can't even drive your car on a road that they built with your tax dollars without daddy government Big big brother sitting there watching you tracking your license plate This says authorities in the michigan state capitol are beginning to use artificial intelligence to detect any Firearms in a bid to increase security amid a growing national wave of political threats and violence Show me a recent violent gum crime at the Capitol and what justifies utilizing this software.

    In fact, why don't we use this software at school zones? Why don't we put this software outside of every single school in America? Instead of funding Israel's war, instead of funding Ukraine's war, why don't we take this software and actually use it for some implementation that people want? Because the implementation that people want is not going to Capitol buildings that already have security.

    Arm security at that. Why not put it into school zones? Why not put a video camera on outside of every single school that identifies threats that way? I'm cool with that because you shouldn't be open carrying by a school anyways.

    Company officials at the Zero Eyes firm announced the deployment Monday, saying Michigan is the first state capital in the nation to use its gun detection technology, which has also been implemented last year at Oxford High School in the wake of the mass shooting. Thank you. The system, which also analyzes footage from existing video cameras to identify brandished or otherwise drawn firearms, represents the latest in a series of escalating security measures at the Michigan capital following armed protests in 2020.

    I'm sure you'll be fine.

    The Michigan Capitol Commission earlier this year approved installation of metal detectors inside the building and implemented a full indoor gun ban. Except for lawmakers with a concealed weapons permit. Except for lawmakers with a concealed weapons permit. So the lawmakers get to protect themselves, but not the citizens who are there, right?


    Um, commissioners last month unanimously approved the, the lease with zero wise, a Pennsylvania based firm, which expected to cost about $3,000 a month. The money will come from existing security funding. First proposed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who is the subject of a kidnapping plot by the FBI, by the FBI orchestrated by the men who also discussed storming the capitol.

    You mean the FBI agents? And also the people, I'm pretty sure they got released because it was entrapment. It's just another layer of protection, Rob Blackshaw said, an executive director of the State Capitol Commission. Our latest goal, as we've said from day one, is to decrease any potential of a mass shooting and increase our level of safety for the people who work here and visit here.

    The artificial intelligence system will tap into existing surveillance video at the Capitol, including inside the building and outside grounds when openly carried firearms are still allowed. Where openly carried firearms are still allowed. So again... If a gun is identified, images will be immediately reviewed by trained specialists at Zero Eyes, including military and law enforcement veterans, the company said on Monday.

    If those specialists confirm a threat, they'll send alerts and other actionable intelligence to Capitol Police in a matter of seconds, according to the firm. Hmm. So how do you identify a threat for somebody who's not a threat? Do they wear a red jersey? Do they, you know? Anyways, here's the video by Zero Eye, so you can see what this technology is all.

    About. And we'll go ahead and watch it together.

    ZeroEyes is a team of former Navy SEALs and military special operations veterans teamed up with elite technologists with a mission to save lives. We use your existing video cameras coupled with our artificial intelligence gun detection to prevent threats rather than react to them. There is no better purpose right now and no more difficult problem to solve than mass shootings.

    We go over the existing security cameras at a building, so on the interior and exterior, at entrances, exits, choke points, bottlenecks, inside the hallways. So when a shooter walks up and they take out a weapon, zero eye system will pick that weapon up. And our military trained operation experts verify every detection before sending out alerts to local staff, security.

    And the local 911 center to get the alert to first responders.

    It takes about three seconds from the time a gun enters the frame of a camera to the time an alert is sent. So now they know what the shooter looks like. What type of weapon they have. We have an armed subject in the southwest vault. How many there are. And what was our last known location? First responders on scene have access to this information before shots are fired.

    That will allow them to go directly to the shooter and prevent more violence from occurring. Drop your weapon now! Drop the gun! Drop the gun! So we can really decrease response times and save lives. Turn around! So we're going to stop threats at first sight, not first shot. Mass shootings are devastating.

    Current alternatives are reactive. We need a proactive solution that mitigates gun violence, provides actionable intelligence, reduces response time, ultimately saving lives, while at the same time respecting our privacy and rights. ZeroEyes is that solution. Save time, save lives.

    Interesting. So, I don't disagree with the premise of the application when it's in the context of school environments. But literally probably only school environments. It just doesn't seem to me that there should be any other use case for this other than schools, because when you put it in the context of government and organizations, and what the potential is for this software to be leveraged nationwide when you have Basically, a surveillance camera on every single corner now within three seconds of anybody ever having a weapon that they are legally hold according to our Second Amendment rights, they can be identified and immediately, immediately have authorities contacted for no other reason than lawfully carrying a firearm.

    Right. And like I said, you have Michigan putting out 400 cameras just on their highways alone with your tax dollars to surveil you. And for 3, 000 a month. They, too, can make sure that you're not actually leveraging your rights as an American citizen. So, you know, when we talk about a surveillance state, that's a terrifying application.

    And again, under the context of school shootings and this being leveraged within schools and the perimeter of schools, I don't have any problem with that. I think it's a great idea. I like the idea of proactive identification of threats. It doesn't end there. It won't end there. And that's where I have a problem with it.

    All right. So that seems to me like, you know, again, I don't think that there's any way to remedy that the cat's out of the bag. And obviously there's going to be military applications for this and, and government applications for this, but I don't think that we have to allow it, right. We can push back against our tax dollars being used for these things.

    As long as the application is not being used in a way that is, uh, you know, useful to the people. And useful to the people, to me, does not mean the Capitol building. It doesn't, because they already have armed security there. And we as, as the people in the United States of America have a right to carry firearms.

    Now, if this was communist China, just imagine the applications of this in communist China. And that, my friends, is coming to a city near you in the very near future, right? Oh, you, you actually can identify a, a, uh, concealed weapon, right? Down the road. Maybe they can see people printing on the side of their waistband.

    Uh, and now all of a sudden it bumps your... Your social credit score, right? Like where where does this end and this is obviously just just the beginning So that that's more so the the terrifying applications of this All right moving on the next thing that we're going to discuss here is going to be that the u.

    s army asked the troops who they Fired who they gave dishonorable discharges to just, just come back, right? The people that they got out of the military, right? The U S army kicked people out of the military for not having the vaccine for not getting the vaccine for not agreeing with an experimental drug being injected into their bodies now.

    They're telling them to come back, come back. We won't even mandate that to you. And I think there's a bigger play at hand here. I don't think it's just as simple as them saying, Hey, we're missing recruiting numbers. I think it's bigger than that. Um, I actually think the, the app, the reason that they're doing this is to mitigate legal costs more than very likely.

    Um, so let's look at this together. This comes from the post millennial and it says the U. S. Army asked troops who left over COVID mandate to come back as war looms. Now, I don't know if that's the reason why. Um, I, again, I think this might be more of a legal play than anything, but the United States Army is inviting, because if you're in the army, you're not going to be able to sue the army, right?

    But there could be a large class action lawsuit against the institutions that mandated this as. Especially when it was the federal government, the United States army is inviting service members to return to the branch who had been separated over the refusal of the COVID 19 vaccine. This comes as the US military struggles to, uh, to achieve targeted recruitment numbers due to years of woke political activism, which has reportedly turned off its primary recruitment base.

    And you see this, you see the, I think it was the air force now doing special forces, uh, videos for recruitment where it's all white. How dare you? How egregious! Could you imagine a military that was mostly occupied by straight, white men who don't dress up as, you know, women on their weekends to shake their ass for dollar bills at a gay bar?

    Like, imagine the world. Uh, the United States Army is inviting its service members to return to the branch who had been separated over the refusal of the COVID 19 vaccine. The Army issued a recent letter to former... Service members informing them that they can apply to return to service following the recession of the vaccine requirement.

    The Army had enacted four separations for unvaccinated service members early last year and announced in early 2023 that they had rescinded the mandate for current service members and applicants. The letter uploaded to X reads, Dear former service member, and I'll read it here verbatim for you. Dear former service member, we write to notify you of new army guidance surrounding the correction of military records for former members of the army following recession of the COVID 19 vaccination requirement.

    As a result of the recession of all or the rescission of So let's try that again. We write to notify you of the new army guidance regarding the correction of military records of the former members of the army, following the rescission of the COVID 19 vaccination requirement. As a result of the rescission of all current COVID 19 vaccination requirements, former soldiers who were.

    involuntary separated for refusal to receive the COVID 19 vaccination may request a correction of their military records from either both or either or both of the Army Discharge Review Board or the Army Board for correction of military records. Individuals may request a correction to military personnel records including records regarding the characterization of a discharge by submitting a request to the ADB or the ADRB or the ABCMR online at Uh, individuals who desire to apply to return to service should contact their local U.

    S. Army Reserves or Army Recruiter for more information. Individuals may locate an Army Recruiter by visiting that website. How about no? How about if you want to mandate upon my body a experimental experimental drug that we now know caused harm to me, that you did not have my best interest in mind. You had the best interest in mind of pharmaceutical companies.

    You had the best interest in mind of saving political face to half of the country who wanted to, you know, call on people to have separation of, of workforce and, and have people lose their jobs and lose their livelihood and not be able to even see their grandma in a hospital if they don't get vaccinated.

    Right? Like we went so crazy during COVID and now you see them walking everything back. Even the army walking back the ability now to join again now that they hit no recruiting numbers that they've had like the lowest recruiting numbers we've seen in a very long time. In one of the most highest tension times in American history.

    So no, you have to, you have to look at this and take a stand and say, this person, this entity, this thing did not, and obviously most people in the military know that the military does not immediately have their best interest in mind. Let's be very clear about that. Um, but, and in this case, the only thing they had in mind was how do we, how do we a make profits for the pharmaceutical companies, which is actually where vaccines became popularized to begin with.

    So we can, we can. touch on that fairly quickly, which is that the reason that vaccines became mandated even in schools was because the, the, the penicillin manufacturers, which is where vaccines became very prevalent was penicillin shots during world war two penicillin because of world war two was used so often.

    And so the, the, the people who came up with the penicillin shot, and I believe if you go back and look, it's, it was Pfizer and I have a book back here. called Code Blue. See if that knocks over my whole thing here. This book, Code Blue, is a tremendous read. It's inside America's medical industrial complex, and it goes back into the history.

    And I actually did a whole breakdown of this on the very first episode. That I did so go back and listen to the very, very first episode of the red pill revolution podcast, which you can just find in the feed that you're on right now, um, where it talks about this and why the penicillin became such a prevalent drug and why it was mandated in schools was specifically due to the fact that they had built so many industrialized or in so many industrial plants to build penicillin.

    That they, I'll put this here for you guys, um, that they essentially needed to continue perpetuating that profitability. So, instead, they, instead of shutting down all their manufacturing plants for penicillin, they actually opened, or they actually started to spend their money on lobbying, uh, Washington to make it mandatory within schools that you now vaccinate your children.

    And the reason they were doing this for, for soldiers was because people were coming back with like gangrene and all types of shit in World War II. And I went into the military, when I went into the military, we called it a peanut butter shop. One of the very first things that you get is a big needle shoved in your, your ass so that they can inject you with penicillin.

    For no reason at all, by the way. None of us were, well, maybe not none of us, but I wasn't sick when I went in. I didn't need penicillin, but they just give it to you because you're cattle. That's all you are to them is cattle. So when you talk about what, what they, what happened here, you realize that it was far more about.

    appeasing the pharmaceutical complexes that probably lobbied to make it mandatory within the military than it was about, you know, and, and who that helped at the very top of the military that makes these decisions, right? There's lobbying in that aspect too. Um, so I find it comical. Absolutely not. You showed your hand and we will not be a part of it.

    No matter how many cool badass Advertisements you put out showing straight white men you showed your hand and now you just you don't get the support And that was obviously a mistake. All right, and that leads us to one of our bigger discussion points today, which is a Historical Historical blunder by one of the most successful companies of all time, which almost overnight collapsed an entire An entire industry essentially and we'll get to that right after this which is the fact that you haven't subscribed yet You haven't left a review because I see you.

    I know I look every week to see who did what and I know Maybe it seems like you didn't leave a review. Not last week. Not this week. Not yet So what I'm asking you right now is stop what you're doing unless you're driving and then you know pull over There's there's somewhere you could there's a gas station right there.

    There's a McDonald's. Maybe there's a rest stop pull over right now Be safe. Don't do it while you're driving go to Apple podcasts. Go to Spotify hit the Five star review button. If you're on Apple podcasts, go ahead and leave a note. That's actually means way more than it does to just hit the five star review button, leave a review, say something nice, what you like about the podcast.

    I would appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. All right, so let's get into this open AI essentially almost collapsed overnight after the board fired Sam Altman. Now, if you don't know the back back. Story of Sam Altman. Sam Altman is the front face of Silicon Valley. He has been for a very long time.

    He was the head of Y Combinator, which is a startup incubator in, uh, in Silicon Valley. And For a very long time. He was not very well known outside of Silicon Valley until more recently with open AI He just he exploded in his celebrity and he was just most recently which makes me have some questions about this More recently is the fact that Sam Altman was on both Joe Rogan And Lex Friedman, not two weeks before this whole thing happened.

    So he gets one of the biggest celebrity moments and pushes of his face and his name just two weeks before he gets fired by the board. And what is the worst decision making ever by any company literally ever. As shown by the fact that 725 people, the last time I looked, signed a letter saying that if they don't reinstate him and fire the entirety of the board that made this decision, all 725 employees will go over to the same company that offered Sam Altman a position as the CEO of a new venture with an AI company.

    Which is Microsoft, and we'll read about that in just a second. So, essentially, let's, let's go ahead and let's dive into this article together. And I'll give you the very first thing, which is that OpenAI came out with this letter, directly on their website as a blog post. And it reads, Not what I wanted.

    And it reads, Chief Technology Officer Mira Murati, appointed Interim CEO to lead OpenAI. Sam Altman departs the company. Search process underway to identify permanent success for. The Board of Directors of OpenAI, that acts as the overall governing body for all OpenAI activities, today announced that Sam Altman will be departed as CEO and leave the Board of Directors.

    Mira Murati and the company's Chief Technology Officer will receive or will serve as Interim CEO, effective immediately. A member of OpenAI's leadership team for five years, Mira has played a critical role in OpenAI's evolution into a greater AI leader. She brings a unique skill set, understanding of the true company values, operations, and business leaders, and already have leads the company's research product and safety functions.

    Um, okay. Who cares about that? Mr. Altman's departure follows a deliberative review process by the board, which concluded that he has not been consistently candid with his communications with the board, hindering its ability to exercise its responsibilities. So the reason that they state, which is so obscure and vague, and nobody seems to actually know the reason, and they won't come out with it, even after being threatened by all sorts of people within OpenAI, including the letter, uh, Mr.

    Altman's departure follows a deliberative Review process by the board, which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board. So because he wasn't candid with us, we're going to fire him. Okay. Probably the worst decision ever. The board no longer has confidence in his ability to continue leading open AI.

    In a statement, the board of directors said open AI was deliberately structured to advance our mission, to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity. The board remains fully committed to serving this mission. We are all grateful for Sam's many contributions to the founding and growth of OpenAI.

    At the same time, we believe new leadership is necessary as we move forward. As the leader of the company's research product and safety functions, Mira is exceptionally qualified. Well, Mira was the CEO for approximately 24 hours until they, uh, instated a man who used to be the CEO of Twitch and seems like a kind of off fellow.

    Weird for this endeavor, uh, but we can get to that in a moment. Now, um, during this transition, you'll find that they had all sorts of crazy things happen in the wake of this, which is the fact that as a result of them outing Sam Altman, 95 percent of open AI workers have threatened to quit open AI in a letter if Sam Altman is not reinstated as CEO.

    And this is further backed by the fact that Microsoft offered to match their salaries. For anybody that moves over to Microsoft from open AI. Now, the interesting concept around this that has come out several times, which is that Microsoft could potentially acquire open AI for essentially 0. I wonder if that's ever happened in the history where a large corporate entity somehow manages to acquire a company through the stupidity of the smaller company's board and create such.

    A whirlwind of shit. Now this was even weirder because as of today, all of chat, GPT was down for approximately seven hours, which is longer than it's been down for the entirety of the time that I've known about it, which is almost a year now, which tells me that there's zero probability, zero probability that chat GPT being down today has.

    Nothing to do with this whole board situation or Sam Altman situation that absolutely has to do with it. And what I would see happening is that there was, you know, this is pure 100 percent gold standard speculation for, for you, but my speculation is that what might have happened here is it was essentially a hostage takeover.

    This is my view of it anyways. What if they, what if they essentially said we are not, there was a show of power from the employees potentially. My thought complete speculation, um, so probably completely inaccurate, but, but what if, what if these employees, the 95 percent of disgruntled employees who said they were going to leave the company within 24 hours of the most large outage in chat, GPT history held the, the software hostage from the board members saying we are, we absolutely are not reinstating the software, not allowing our users to access it unless.

    You do what we ask which seems a little bit more believable when you understand that 95 percent of the company signed a letter saying they Were gonna quit and move to Microsoft just a few hours prior to this shit show happening, right? Kind of weird

    So let's go ahead and read this article together, which states 95 percent of the workers talks about the letter that was written and here we go The article comes from business Insider. And it says

    nearly all OpenAI staff members have threatened to quit unless all board members resigned and ex CEO Sam Altman is re employed according to the latest count of staffers who have signed a letter demanding his return. The number of employees who have signed the letter has been rising through the day on Monday and now includes nearly all of OpenAI's workforce of 770 according to a tally by a reporter at CBS News.

    The letter to the board, OpenAI employees, including CTO Mira Murady, This, you know, interim CEO we just talked about and CEO Brad Lightcap said that the firing of Altman had jeopardized all of this work and undermined our mission and company and that they would quit and join the ex OpenAI CEO at Microsoft if the board did not resign.

    The letter was first reported by Wired on Monday and shared by tech journalist Kara Swisher online, who said that the list of signees is growing and we can read that in just a second. Your conduct has made it clear that you do not have the competence to oversee OpenAI, the letter said. The letter's signatories include OpenAI's chief scientist, Ilya Sutskever, who posted on X that he deeply regretted being a part of the move to out Altman.

    Jan Lake, the co lead of OpenAI's super alignment team with Sutskever, uh, and posted on X, I think the OpenAI board should resign. Words that appear to have become another rallying call to open AI staff. The letter out of the board also said that Maradi, who was initially named the interim CEO, was also replaced against the best interests of the company.

    The letter to the board in the latest development after the weekend of the chaos and confusion at the AI startup. Late on Sunday, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announced that Altman and former OpenAI President Greg Brotman would be joining a new AI team at Microsoft after efforts by investors and current employees to bring him back as OpenAI CEO, or as OpenAI CEO fell apart.

    OpenAI subsequently appointed Emmett Shearer, former CEO of Twitch, an advocate for slower AI development, as its interim CEO. But the company's board has been dealing with an enormous backlash from employees over the way Altman's exit was handled, with several quitting to follow him to Microsoft and public displays of support being posted on X.

    In his initial statement announcing Altman's firing, the board said that they had not been consistently can that he had not been consistently candid, and that it no longer had any confidence in his ability to run the company. Company. Wow. So there is that right now. We'll actually go ahead and we can read the actual letter here to give you more context.

    Um, But it, it touched on the major points right there and it's pretty wild. Like to have that type of buy in is unbelievably impressive. You don't get that type of loyalty in your own family. For most people, you're not going to get a 95 percent approval rating from your own family members, let alone getting that from such a large entity.

    So that speaks volume to Sam Altman himself, his character and his, his buy in as a leader. That he has so many people willing to put their jobs on the line for something that they thought was done in Malice and done unrightfully and good on them for doing it, right? Pretty awesome stuff if you're looking at that.

    So And maybe this I don't know if this is breaking news or anything Let's see if this is an article coming out of here. This comes from yesterday. So Yeah, not breaking news Here we go. Here is the letter that came out and was signed by 725 of the 770 employees, which says OpenAI is the world's leading AI company.

    We have employees of OpenAI. We, the employees of OpenAI, have developed the best models and pushed the field to new frontiers. Uh, our work on AI. Safety and governance shapes global norms. The advocacy or in the products we built are used by millions of people around the world until now, the company we work for and cherish has never been in a stronger position.

    The process through which we terminated Sam Altman and removed Greg Brotman from the board has jeopardized all of this work and undermine our mission and company, your product. Uh, Your conduct has made it clear that you did not have the competence to oversee OpenAI. When we all unexpectedly learned of your decisions, the leadership team of OpenAI acted swiftly to stabilize the company.

    They carefully listened to your concerns and tried to cooperate with you on all grounds. Despite many requests for specific facts of your allegations, you have never provided any Written evidence. So they haven't showed any reasoning why they would actually do this. They're there. There's obviously something that they don't want to be public here.

    They also increasingly realize you were not capable of carrying out your duties and we're negotiating in bad faith. The leadership team suggested that the most stabilizing path forward, the one that would best serve our mission company, stakeholders, employees, and the public would be for you to resign and put in place a qualified board that could lead the company forward instability.

    Leadership worked with you around the clock to find a mutually agreeable outcome. Yet, within two days of your initial decision, you again replaced interim CEO Mira Murady against the best interests of the company. You also informed the leadership team that allowing the company to be destroyed would be consistent with its mission.

    That's a weird statement. You informed the leadership team that allowing the company to be destroyed would be consistent with the mission. Now, when you think of OpenAI's mission is to create a world of safe and effective AGI, an aligned AGI, AGI being, uh, generalized artificial intelligence. Um, Artificial generalized intelligence, meaning something that is actually sentient.

    So something that has, uh, um, is more than just inputs and outputs actually has its own consciousness, right? So the idea that the fundamental mission of, of open AI was to create aligned AGI, meaning that something that isn't going to fundamentally destroy humanity immediately, right? Probably a good thing.

    So them saying that. Destroying the company would be consistent with the mission. So is the board saying that they believe that the AGI potentially has been created and potentially is. Unaligned or misaligned with humanity? That's an interesting statement to me. It says your actions have made it obvious that you are incapable of overseeing OpenAI.

    We are unable to work for you, work for, or with the people that lack competence, judgment, and care for our mission and employees. We, the undersigned, may choose to resign from OpenAI and join the newly announced Microsoft subsidiary run by Sam Altman and Greg Brockman. Microsoft has assured us that there are positions for All open AI employees at this new subsidiary, should we choose to join, we will take the step imminently unless all current board members resign and the board appoints two new lead independent directors, such as Brett Taylor and Will Hurd and re estate Sam Altman and Greg Brockman.

    And again, 95 percent of people within the company have signed that agreement. That is. So crazy. So crazy. And again, then we get into the fact that today, for almost 7 hours, ChatGPT, inaccessible. So, you want to put your tinfoil hat on. That was my tinfoil hat going on my head. You want to put your tinfoil hat on.

    I think they had ChatGPT by the balls. I think that they were using it as a leverage tool. And I think that maybe we'll see tomorrow what the outcome was of today's blackout. But only time will tell. Now the next article that is surrounding this, And I have several of the, you know, the Twitter accounts of Greg Brockman, Sam Altman, Mira, all the people involved in this.

    Open it up. But I don't know if there's too much value. There was some simple, initial, interesting tweets, but you know, the whole AI team said, I love the open AI team so much. And that was, well, that was Sam Altman. Then all these other people came out and said, essentially, and we can look at Mira's, which I believe would have,

    says, Most confusing check drama ever. Um, a lot of people from the company were posting this one singular thing and everybody was just loving it and hearting it. And anyways, I digress. Um,

    interesting. And Mira, the interim one day CEO, it, which is even weirder because now all these people signing this, um, they all said open AI is nothing without his people, right? Which was. Retweeted by Sam Altman and hearted and all this stuff But she even came out after writing assigning that letter and they were kind of pumping up even Greg Brockman pumping up the use your Voice thing for open AI so that's like an interesting signal the maybe there's more going on here that we're just not seeing yet And Sam Altman when this all went down No, no new tweets from him after this all happened but essentially Posted a picture of himself Where he had, uh, basically was inside of OpenAI and had a guest badge on and said, first and last time I ever wear one of these and, uh, people replaced it with a UNO reverse card because as everybody else said, they outed Sam Altman, but then, but then.

    Sam Altman really kind of outed the board because he was the person with all the chips because he had actual buy in and loyalty from his people, which the board did not. And this is like, from a leadership perspective in business, uh, it's really quite astounding to see somebody that can get that much buy in.

    Um, imagine having your entire school, like 700 people, and having almost every single one of them like you, that's like almost unheard of, right? To not have more friction than that. Uh, and it's an interesting case study, and I think that, you know, there'll be a long time that business, uh, business schools break down what happened here in its entirety and try to refigure out, you know, the inner workings of this as a case study.

    And Elon Musk goes on there and trolls, are you going to use Google meet again? Because what you found from this is that a company essentially acquired by, or, or, or invested 49 percent of the company's shareholdings. By Microsoft used Google Meet Which is just hilarious There were some articles that came out today and yesterday One being Sam Altman is still trying to return to OpenAI as CEO Says Altman's move to Microsoft isn't the done deal and Ilya Sutskever's flip to supporting Altman means two board members need to change their mind And that's it Interesting, uh, quote from Sam Altman said, We have more unity and commitment and focus than ever before.

    We are all going to work together someday or another. And I am so excited. One mission, one team. And another article says, That Microsoft hires Sam Altman hours after AI rejects his return. That was a couple days ago. And then the next article says, Microsoft offers to match pay of all OpenAI staff. And again, not sure what's going on with this guy's chin.

    That is like, a weird, uh, This guy's got like a landing strip on his face. I'll show you this because this is just hilarious. Uh, this is a Microsoft, uh, guy, I guess. I don't know. Why would you have that on your chin? Just completely, uh, I don't know. Anyways, Microsoft is offered to match the pay of any staff who join from the crisis ridden OpenAI.

    Sam Altman was controversially sacked as CEO on Friday, leading to a job offer, and it's crazy that it's only Tuesday. Almost every staff member at OpenAI has threatened to leave unless he and co founder Greg Brockman are reinstated. It is unclear whether Mr. Altman will ultimately join Microsoft, unless, or in which is OpenAI's biggest investor so far.

    Uh, Evan Morikawa, an engineering manager at OpenAI, has claimed that 743 now out of 770 employees at OpenAI have signed a letter calling on the board to resign, with staff themselves threatening to leave if their demands are not met. In their letter, they claim that they have offered, been offered jobs at Microsoft, something that company's chief technology officer, Kevin Stott, has now confirmed, telling staff that if they needed, they would be hired by Microsoft in a role that matches your compensation.

    Hmm. Interesting. And this is the tweet from Kevin Scott, which is at Kevin underscore Scott, which says to my partners at OpenAI, we have seen your petition and appreciate your desire, uh, potentially to join Sam Altman at Microsoft's new AI research lab. Know that if needed, you have a role at Microsoft that matches your compensation and advances our collective mission.

    And I like how he matched it. He didn't say, you know, we're going to match it and give you a 5 percent raise. So it like really looked better on. Uh, Microsoft because of that because they totally could have like just poached everybody at this time. But like, you know, you might as well jump ship because, you know, your company's dead anyways essentially at this point, which is just so wild to hear about open AI when just five days ago, they were probably the most sought after investment.

    In the world and had like a market value of like 45 billion dollars or something maybe even more than that at this point like it's unbelievable how quickly something can go sideways with just bad judgment, right? Such bad judgment that they had in this instance, it says the uncertainty about people's futures extend to Mr.

    Allman with Microsoft CEO telling CNBC that he might not be joining adding that he was committed to open AI and Sam irrespective of what configuration. Obviously, that depends on what the people at OpenAI are staying there or coming to Microsoft. So, I'm open to both options. Very interesting. Hmm. Now, this obviously gets, uh, deeper and deeper into the situation.

    But, um, Emmett Shear, right? This is where some of the, uh, Emmett Shear being the, um, Head of Twitch, who has been named the interim head of OpenAI, uh, was a part of Y Combinator at some time. It says that the pair crossed paths years ago when they were involved with startup investment program Y Combinator with a viral photo of them as part of the group spreading on social media.

    It says photo of Emmett Shear and Sam Altman when they were in the original 2005 Y Combinator class. Wow, Sam Altman just barely aged. I wonder who all was in this class here. It's such an interesting thing to see, uh, just a group of people that you would never expect to just be unbelievably successful people.

    And I guess maybe this is truly what success looks like in today's world. Um, Crazy. Um, here you go. I'll show you the picture. There it is. The original class of 2005's Y Combinator. Um, and again that was something that I had kind of brushed shoulders with in the past is originally had presented an idea to, um, it was actually Sam Altman's assistant around the potential to, uh, getting into, uh, Y Combinator at one point with a startup idea that, um, I had been working on, uh, with, um, actually my father at the time, which was really interesting.

    So, um, Interesting stuff. Here is, uh, the rest of the article. If you want to go read the rest of it, it's from BBC, and again, it's titled Microsoft Offers to Match Pay of OpenAI Staff. It's probably one of the most recent articles, which was written at 11 o'clock today, and, um, you can catch yourself up to speed on all of it.

    But pretty crazy stuff to me. Wild, wild situation. Um, And probably the biggest thing that's happened over the last five days, by far. Even compared to that, you know, 72 hour ceasefire that, you know, all the news companies got so excited about. Here is the next one. So the, um, the Libertarian Millet pledges new political era after election win.

    Um, which for, uh, essentially, let's go ahead and read this. This comes from Reuters and it says, um, Argentina elected right wing libertarian Javier Mile as its now president on, uh, elected right wing libertarian Javier Mile as his new president on Sunday, rolling the dice on an outsider with radical views to fix an economy battered by triple digit inflation.

    Heard of that before a looming recession and rising poverty. Mile, now this is really anarcho capitalist. And if you don't know what that means, it means essentially that, you know, you, you want very, very minimum, like essentially zero government, uh, intervention within almost everything and you allow the market to dictate, uh, where money is allocated, right?

    Like true capitalism, essentially. It's not. Anarchy in the way that it was framed back when we were growing up with like an a with a Slash through it in a circle around it, which meant, you know, you're gonna like burn down a building and smoke math or something It's like anarcho capitalism uh is is actually a well known in and um, I don't know if thought out's the word but political Ideology that that a lot of people seem to start to agree with and it's like when you're libertarian and you're hyper Libertarian like almost want to rid the government completely and then just have capitalism take place and no government assistance programs you know, there's like a famous video of Javier Mili just just sitting in front of a board with like The Department of Agriculture, and he rips it off of it, and he says, Gone!

    Department of Infrastructure, gone! Department of this, gone! And he's like, just, he's a very eclectic, um, ostentatious individual. Um, has some interesting energy about him, and I don't know what's more interesting, his energy, or his toupee. Um, he very obviously seems to wear some sort of hairpiece. Uh, who wrote a wave of voter anger with the political mainstream one by a wider than expected margin.

    And this is probably more aligned with like. Trump effect I would say right like to see the effect that Trump had in the United States and then see it kind of bleed over and that sentiment and that That collective consciousness across the world to see like, oh, maybe if you know changing up the system shaking up the system with an outsider Works for them.

    Maybe it can do so for us now I'm not sure if this guy's background is as prestigious as Donald Trump's but Who knows? He lands some 56 percent of the vote versus 44 percent for his rival. Uh, the model of decadence when it has come to an end. There's no going back, Mille said in a defiant speech after the result, which while also acknowledging the challenges that face him.

    We have. Monumental problems ahead. Inflation, lack of work, and poverty, he said. The situation is critical and there is no place for tepid half measures. In downtown Buenos Aires, hundreds of melee supporters honked horns and chanted his popular refrain against the political elite, out with them all, as rock music played from speakers.

    Some people set off fireworks as excitement spread. Uh, we came to celebrate this historic triumph, said Efren Viveiros, a 21 year old student from the Providence of Salta. I'm honestly ecstatic, they said. Honestly, ecstatic. Alright, that's a good way to put it, right? And just kind of like feel the mass energy of that country.

    At one time when you go watch these videos of these parades and this man like legitimately running around with a chainsaw saying that he's going to cut off all of the government spending in like this wild show, uh, was pretty interesting. Um, and we'll watch that clip in just a second. Here's the rest of this article which says

    Which says that, uh, Mille is pledging economic shock therapy. He plans to include shutting down the central bank, ditching the peso, and slashing spending, potentially painful reforms that resonated with voters angry at the economic malaise. Mille is the new thing. He's a bit of an unknown. It's a little scary, but it's time to turn over a new page to the 31 year old restaurant owner Christian, who voted on Sunday.

    Miley's challenges are enormous. He will have to deal with the empty coffers of the government and central bank. A creaking 44 billion debt program with the International Monetary Fund, inflation nearing 150 percent and a dizzying array of capital controls. Some Argentines have characterized the vote as a choice of the lesser evil.

    Fear of Miley's painful economic medicine versus anger of MASA and its Peronist party for an economic crisis that has left Argentina deeply in debt and unable to tap global credit. Miley has been particularly popular among the young who have grown up seeing their country large from one crisis to another.

    Perhaps not everything Miley says I can agree with or identify with, but he is our future. Miley represents a future for young people like me. Massa was everything that is wrong with her country. Miley's win shakes up Argentina's political landscape and economic roadmap and could impact trade in grains, lithium, hydrocarbons.

    Miley has criticized China and Brazil saying he won't deal with communists and favors stronger U. S. Ties.

    Interesting. Now here's the video that we all have been waiting for. At least I have, because I haven't watched the full thing yet. Um, Javier Malay won a convincing victory in yesterday's presidential election with a promise to sharply cut government spending and tackle the country's worst economic crisis in decades.

    He says he'll bring a chainsaw to the economy. In fact, he brought a chainsaw to many of his campaign rallies as a prop. Also, he cloned his dog. That's what he's known for. Ed O'Keefe has this very strange story. He cloned his dog? A massive political shakeup in Argentina. Javier Malay, a far right economist and television personality, joined the political fray just three years ago.

    Now he's in charge of the third largest economy in Latin America. as it teeters on the edge of disaster. Porque hoy comienza la reconstrucción argentina. Malay rode to power on a wave of popular discontent over a stagnating economy with a 40 percent poverty rate and inflation nearing 150%.

    This woman says she supports Malay because she's looking for change in Argentina. A country, she says, has been suffering from years of decadence. He became known for his unorthodox showmanship during the campaign, wielding a chainsaw to symbolize his war on government spending, threatening vital public services, and printing a picture of a U.

    S. dollar bill with his face on it. Part of a widely criticized campaign to use the U. S. dollar as Argentina's currency. The self described anarcho capitalist has also advocated for eliminating the country's central bank. Malay's controversial tirades against the political class have drawn comparisons to neighbor Brazil's former president Jair Bolsonaro, as well as former president Donald Trump, who sent congratulations to Malay on Truth Social, saying he will make Argentina.

    Great again. For CBS Mornings, I'm Ed O'Keefe. Alright, there you have it guys. So that will be really interesting to play out. To see as somebody who is a self proclaimed anarcho capitalist. To see them in a position of power. A libertarian. To me, it's... What makes the most sense in politics is less government, right?

    And maybe not less government to the sense that there should be absolutely no foundational government whatsoever. And maybe there's a balance of that in anarcho capitalism, but you know, there, there should be some infrastructure for protecting your borders, protecting your people from themselves and some, some other things like that.

    Uh, but essentially, you know, in some social programs, again, not against all social programs, but. Uh, the government, just like the United States, I'm sure there is just far over bloated there. Most of the government is, the government is essentially bad at every single thing that it's ever done. Almost ever like almost a 0 percent batting average on doing great things as a overall entity.

    Uh, so it'll be an interesting case study to see how it plays out. And on that note, guys, thank you so much for listening. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. I love you. I hope you have a great week. Uh, look out for all my content coming out this week. It is at the Austin J Adams on Instagram.

    Find me on Twitter since I'm just starting to use that again. Um, and everywhere the hell else that you can find me subscribe, leave a five star review. Have a great week. Thank you.  Adam's Archive.

  • Join us on today's riveting episode of 'The Adams Archive,' where host Austin Adams delves into a medley of current, hard-hitting topics.

    We begin with an extraordinary event in the political arena: Senator MarkWayne Mullins' open challenge to fist fight a Teamster boss during a Senate hearing. Austin provides a unique analysis of this rare display of raw emotion in politics, examining the intricate backstory of these two figures and the implications of their confrontation.

    Shifting gears, we explore Elon Musk's bold stance against the 'woke mind virus.' Austin breaks down Musk's recent comments and actions, discussing their broader impact on cultural and corporate landscapes. This segment promises to provide an insightful look into the intersection of technology, culture, and free speech.

    The episode then navigates the complexities of the Israel-Hamas conflict. Austin offers a nuanced perspective on the recent developments in this longstanding geopolitical struggle. Listen in as he dissects the intricacies of this conflict, including the global reactions and the profound consequences on regional stability.

    In addition to these thought-provoking discussions, Austin will share his personal experience of being confronted and harassed for his views, offering a candid reflection on the current state of public discourse.

    Don't miss this episode packed with deep dives into politics, technology, and international affairs. Subscribe now, leave a five-star review, and join Austin Adams on this journey through some of today's most pressing issues in 'The Adams Archive.'

    All the links: https://linktr.ee/theaustinjadams

    Substack: https://austinadams.substack.com


    Full Transcription

     Adam's Archive.

    Hello, you beautiful people, and welcome to the Adam's Archive. My name is Austin Adams, and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we have a lot to catch up on. There's been some wild stuff that's happened over the last week and a half or two weeks since our previous episode, and I'll catch you up on...

    All of it, at least all of it that I'm interested in. And the very first thing I'm interested in this week is going to be that there was a Senator, Senator Mark Wayne Mullins, who actually challenged a Teamster boss to a fist fight on a Senate hearing of the Senate floor during a hearing. Um, and personally, I think this should probably happen more often as it did.

    A long time ago. Uh, so we'll dive into what actually happened in that exchange. The bad blood between this Senator and the Teamster boss, as well as diving into Markway Mullins previous history. Cause this man was actually a MMA fighter. Uh, so probably not the guy that. You would want to mess with if you were some fat, bald, uh, bald old dude like this Teamster boss was.

    Uh, so, my money is on Senator Mullins. That's all I gotta say. So we'll dive into that. We'll actually break down some of his MMA fights, um, and dive deeper into the bad blood because it goes back months and months ago where this exchange originally happened that got brought to The Senate floor just a couple days ago, after we address that, we will also jump into the next topic, which is going to be that there is a overwhelming well, and I guess, yeah, the next article after that, we'll have a few small quick ones.

    First of all, apparently some people think that white people that are generated by AI look more real than photographs. Uh, so there was a, basically this, um, statistical study that showed that if people were generated, like if there was images generated by AI and they were white, according to white people, it was harder to decide who was real and who was AI.

    Which is interesting. So we'll talk about that and how they tried to spin this into somehow AI is now racist, I guess? Hmm. Anyways, after that, we will dive into another article, which is all about, uh, the majority of Americans taking notice in the rise of tipflation across industries. And it's all about when you go to every single place ever now, whether they give you service or not, or you're just.

    paying for gas. It seems like everybody's asking you for a tip, asking you for a handout. I don't think that's how this works. And it drives me nuts. So we'll talk about that. After that, we will go into the police arresting the ex arresting the hockey player. I believe this was in the ECHL, not the East Coast Hockey League, but the European League, I believe we talked about it in the last podcast, but they actually arrested the guy who ended up having his Gate hit the guy's throat and ended up in the death of Adam Johnson.

    So we will discuss that, and I still hold true to my thoughts on that. So, uh, I, I don't believe that that was rightful for them to do So. Uh, there was a California team who was suspended from school for wearing, uh, the black, uh, paint on his face during a football game, which everybody all knows what I'm talking about, right under your eyes.

    was suspended from school for wearing that because the principal says he was wearing blackface. After that, we will dive into some of the conversation that was had between Elon Musk and Lex Friedman, including his thoughts on the Israel and Hamas war, leading us into a conversation about a poll that was done around people's support or lack thereof of what is happening by Israel.

    Then we'll jump into a discussion of, uh, between Theo Vaughn and Dana White. So all of that and more. And at the very end, I have a little interesting tidbit about, uh, the interstellar movie that I thought was interesting. Let's jump into it. But first, go ahead and hit that subscribe button, leave a five star review. I appreciate you being here from the bottom of my heart. I love, love, love doing this for you guys. And I don't ask for much. I don't even give you advertisements.

    I'm making nothing off of this conversation right now other than the joy of knowing that you're about to hit that subscribe button. You're about to leave a five star review. And I'll even tell you a story about how I was chased down, harassed after being noticed by some liberal in a bar recently last night, to be exact.

    And we'll talk about that. So, uh, all of that more hit the five star review button, subscribe. That's all I got. And let's jump into it.

    The Adams archive.

    All right. So the very first thing that we're going to talk about today is that there was a senator who challenged a teamster boss to a fist fight on the Senate floor, only to be stopped by the one and only Bernie Sanders, who would have thought that that man would be the voice of reason, but let's go ahead and watch this clip.

    And then I will give my opinion on what happened because. You probably know my stance. I think they should have thought it out. First for you here, here is the article. Let's go ahead or the video actually. Let's go ahead and take a look and watch this. Clip together. Um, and here we go. So actually I'll read you a little bit about the article because Bernie Sanders is going off here in the background, but it says that a Congress, a congressional hearing devolved into an angry confrontation between Senator and a witness on Tuesday after Republican Senator Markway Mullen of Oklahoma challenged Sean O'Brien, the president of the international brotherhood of Teamsters, otherwise known as unionized mob boss.

    Uh, To stand your butt up and settle ongoing differences right there in the room. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, uh, the chairman of the Senate panel that was holding the hearing yielded at Mullen to sit down as he challenged O'Brien to a fight. Mullen had stood up from his seat at the dais and appeared to start taking his ring off.

    Might be a good move to leave it on, actually, I'm, you know, cut him up a little bit. This is the time, this is the place, Moen told O'Brien, after reading a series of critical tweets O'Brien had sent out about him in the past. If you want to run your mouth, we can be two consenting adults and we can finish it right here.

    And here is... Video for you.

    It's quite different, but after you left here, you got pretty excited about the keyboard. In fact, you tweeted at me one, two, three, four. Five times. And let me read what the last one said. Um, it said, greedy CEO who pretends like he's self made. Sir, I wish you was in the truck with me when I was building my plumbing company myself and my wife was running the office because I sure remember working pretty hard and long hours.

    Pretends like he's self made. What a clown. Fraud. Always has been, always will be. Quit the tough guy act and these Senate hearings. You know where to find me. Anyplace, anytime, cowboy. Sir this is a time, this is a place. If you want to run your mouth, we can be two consenting adults, we can finish it here.

    Okay, that's fine. Perfect. You want to do it now? I'd love to do it right now. Well, stand your butt up then. You stand your butt up. Oh, hold on. Oh, stop it. Is that your solution every poll? No, no, sit down. You know, you're a United States Senator. Actively. Okay, sit down, please. All right. Can I respond? Hold it.

    Hold it. If we can't, no, I have the mic. I'm sorry. This is what he said. You'll have your time. Okay. Can I respond? Oh, no, you can't. This is a hearing, and God knows the American people have enough of contempt for Congress. Let's not make it worse. I don't like thugs and bullies. I don't like you, because you just described yourself.

    Hold it. You have the mic. You have time. Make your statement. And let's do this, because I did challenge you, and I accepted your challenge. And you went quiet. No, I didn't go quiet. was... No, hold on. You challenged me to a cage match acting like a 12 year old schoolyard bully. Hold it. Hold it. No, excuse me. I will say, I will say exactly what you said.

    Senator Mullen, I have the mic. You have questions on any economic issues, anything that's said, go for it. We're not here to talk about physical abuse. You brought him here. We're not talking about... Of course I did. And let me tell you, let me show you his hearing, because I want to, I want to expose this thug.

    To who he is and you're not pointing me. That's disrespectful. All right. I don't care about respecting you at all. I don't respect you at all So hold it. Hold it. No You don't want to hold it the most all day. Please act it please. All right This is a excuse me. Mm hmm. This is a hearing to discuss Economic issues.

    All right, if you have questions for mr. O'Brien or anybody else on what He has said, go for it, but we're not here to talk about fights or anything else. I'm quoting exactly what he said and say what you want. This is, this is your, this is your witness. You brought it. Let me, I'm, I'm exposing him. You can talk anything you want.

    So in 2013, in 2013, O'Brien was suspended by the Teamsters for intimidating your own members. In 2014, uh, you were, um. Uh, part of, what would you say, organizing the harassment and intimidation of the top shelf crew? Chef, not chef. Oh, top, oh, top, top chef, okay. And then, uh, and I think in the reports it says sexual racist and homophobic slurs and death threats.

    Fourteen tires were sliced and five teamsters were arrested and you said, well, I had nothing to do with it. But however, in that same statement, you said, but if I get called to test file, plead the fifth. This is, this is what, this is a witness you brought in here. In 2017, you were removed as lead negotiator by then president Hoffa for UPS for your actions.

    And then in 22, when this guy was elected, what he said after he got elected was he wanted to bring the mob mentality back to the teamsters. This is your guy. And you're obviously going to give him a chance to respond to your questions. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Because this is my question. Because you called me out.

    I didn't call you out. You said any time, any place. That's that. Let's get the record straight. Miss, hold it. No, hold on. Senator Mullen. Do you have a question for the witness? Yeah. Okay, let's let's hear it. And there you go. Absolutely hilarious that that's what just went on. But honestly, I like it. I think that, I think that we should probably have more fist fights in the Senate.

    Just like, If you go back 100 years, 150 years ago, senators were literally dueling in the streets, killing each other. Go back and look at Andrew Jackson. How many duels did that man win? How many fistfights did he get in for arguing about politics, which is should be passionate like that, right? So if this mobs boss, this teamster boss wants to run his mouth on Twitter, and then all of a sudden hide behind Bernie Sanders, when this guy actually wants to do something about it face to face, that's what we call a coward, right?

    You want to run your mouth until you're face to face with somebody. Maybe just don't run your mouth. Right? If you're not the big, tough guy that you think you are, maybe don't say anything to somebody who you know nothing about because what it turned out is that this man was actually an ex MMA fighter.

    And you're really not an ex MMA fighter, you know, to me is like, you still can fight. Maybe you don't actively engage because the guy's probably like 45, 50, maybe, but he's an MMA fighter, right? You see a little bit collier on this end of there. Right? So, I think this is awesome. I think there should be more fistfights in Senate.

    I think that the reason that it's shaped like a circle is for everybody to watch as two Senators fistfight or a Senator and a Teamster mob boss who are talking shit on Twitter get together face to face and actually do something about it. Because imagine how much shit would be, how much less shit would be talked on Twitter if you had more people Like Senator Mullins out there willing to actually confront people when they're seeing them face to face.

    So speaking of, I'll take a little sidetrack here. Speaking of seeing people face to face, I was at last night, I was at a, uh, business, uh, networking event. Um, I, I do have a life outside of this podcast guys. I do have a family and children to feed. So I do, I am in a professional environment and. In that professional environment, I have to go out and speak to people and promote my business and, uh, build the business and have connections with other people.

    Now I don't talk about my business very much here because I don't see much of a need to yet. But in this case, I was walking around doing some networking at a nice bar, had a beer in my hand, and all of a sudden I have this guy out of nowhere go, Austin Adams, the far right. Podcaster didn't expect to see you here.

    Why are you here, Austin? This is a blue state. You don't belong here. You hate gay people. You hate transgenders. You, you don't agree with this and that, and just. heart straight up harassing me loudly belligerently drunk man who could barely string a sentence together, uh, let alone formulate a proper argument to back up his criticisms of my alleged positions, which he seemed to have wrong more than right, but he also seemed to have followed my stuff for a fairly long time, which is really interesting.

    Um, if you ever see me out and about, come say hi, uh, I'll shake your hand. I'd love to talk to people. I've had several, several, several people come up to me and notice me just walking around, whether it's an event or, you know, I had somebody come up to me and I talked to for a long time at Jordan Peterson.

    You know, it's, there's, there's some, I love interacting with you guys. So if you want to get belligerent and you don't like me, that's fine too. Cause Guess what, bitch? Just like Senator Mullins, I ain't scared. Come up and say hi. Tell me what you disagree with. I'd love to have a conversation with you. So anyways, this guy comes up to me belligerently drunk, starts yelling across this bar at a nice, nice bar at a nice, well put together networking event.

    And, uh, And so this guy follows me around the bar because I just go are you here for business or are you here for politics? I'm confused and Just just tried to walk away from the guy and he follows me follows me follows me and start keeps Yelling belligerent shit at me And so finally I set my beer down and I just turn and face him because this guy wasn't going anywhere and I obviously wasn't in any physical danger with this belligerent out of shape older man So, I put my beard down, and I faced the guy, and I go, Okay, what do you want to talk about, man?

    What is it? What is it? What am I, what do you think about my positions, since you know them so well? First of all, he starts off with the fact that I hate gay people, and don't think gay people should get married. I don't agree with gay marriage. Which... It is not my opinion. I think gay people should be able to do whatever they want.

    I think they should get married. I think that the marriage that we have today is essentially a tax write off. And they should be able to have just as much of a tax write off depending on their sexual orientation as anybody else. And honestly, the gays are the homies now. You have the trans agenda that I think everybody, whether you're straight or gay, can agree with is the problem, not sexuality, right?

    And this is, you know, you look at the, uh, you go into animalistic, uh, Parallels, right? Animal kingdoms. And you look at, okay, there's absolutely, uh, homosexual tendencies within the animal kingdom. But I don't think you see anywhere a hippopotamus throwing on a tutu and putting lipstick on its face and calling itself a rhino.

    I don't think that's directly comparable. Um, but essentially that's what it's doing, right? Um, So, you know, to me, the, the, the gay agenda, the gay whatever, I don't care. Do what you want to do. I totally think that you should have every right that straight people have. I don't think there should be any, I don't know, I think basically, literally, everybody agrees with that, unless you're a super evangelical, you know.

    Very, very right conservative. Hyper old school conservative. I think basically everybody agrees that gay people should be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, as long as it's not shoving your education about sexual tendencies down my child's throat in school, which you haven't done at all, so nobody's saying shit about that.

    Then he goes into about the trans agenda. Right, he starts talking about, oh, you hate trans people, and again, how many times will I say this? I don't hate trans people. I, in fact, think there's probably a certain portion of trans people that I'm empathetic to. I think it's an obvious mental illness that I couldn't imagine dealing with, where you feel stuck in this body that isn't yours.

    And, and, Again, I think that's maybe a 30, 20 percent of, it probably gets smaller and smaller percentages the day, that actually have legitimate gender dysphoria, where they live in the wrong body according to them. And I can't imagine being stuck in that frame of mind. And I'm sure it's mental torture every day to wake up thinking that you should be this when you're that.

    I'm empathetic to that. But I also think that they're being taken advantage of for medical pharmaceutical profits. I also think that, you know, we talk about the 20 percent of actually having gender dysphoria. I think there's about 80, 70, I don't know. I'm throwing fucking numbers out there for you guys.

    But I do think there's a, there's a larger percentage than not that is doing it for attention. That is doing it because That's the new thing. It makes them important. It gives them a reason to wake up every day and be better than you. That, that makes them feel special on the inside. And that I have no empathy for you.

    I, I, I, I don't hate you. I don't have a reason to hate you, but I don't have empathy for you. And I, and then I think there's a smaller subsection of that. That's looking, both looking for attention and then also trying to peddle a pedophilia. Uh, agenda down the throat of children, which is, you know, maybe it's not the majority of that percentage, but who knows, you know, but we see it consistently every day.

    You see a new thing come out about that. So yeah, those are the people I don't like is the people who think that you should shove the trans agenda, hyper sexualization of children down the throats of, of young children at a very early age. At really any age, you shouldn't talk to my child about sexual orientation, or gender binary, or this or that, or how to give a blowjob, at all.

    Because guess what? That makes you a pedophile creep. And I don't like pedophile creeps. Whether you think you're a boy and you're a girl, or you think that you're a rhinoceros when you're a hippopotamus. I, I just, that's where I stand on the trans agenda, so let's be very clear on that. And then next he gets into, you know, uh, all these other things that he just assumes my position on and I've said this before, I, I'm much more, more, uh, when it comes to political affiliation, probably more on the side of libertarian than I am on the side of, you know, extreme conservatism.

    And I think that the government is essentially bad at almost everything that it does. And the more that you give the government, the more that they're going to want to take and that. Most of the government shouldn't exist. That's my position. Um, but with that comes not intervening in people's lives, including gay people, including, you know, I just don't think the government should have their hand in things that aren't about eliminating the golden, or, you know, uh, people from trespassing on other people's body and property.

    That's essentially where I stand. I, you know, everything else is inflated. There should be some social programs for people who are disabled. There should be some social programs for people who make a lower income, um, who are intellectually incapable of earning a better living. I think there's some of that to be had.

    Uh, but I don't think that the government is essentially very good at anything that it's ever done, almost ever as a whole. And I think it's comprised of traditionally. And and historically corrupt individuals who are very bad at what they do and only align their positions with where the money That funded them came from so it's a flawed system to begin with so that doesn't really put me on the side of Extreme far right, you know like it's just not where I land and if you think that you'd probably just don't listen enough And you know if you think that are you know?

    And then this is the thing too because we've seen my opposing opinion several times irk people who think I am And this or I am that And it's like, I am me. I have my own opinions on basically every topic. I don't align with a political affiliation in the way that I view most things as non political. I don't think trans is a political issue.

    It doesn't have to do with the government or politics. It's a social issue, and it's, it's a dangerous one, and it's a part of this woke mind virus that we'll listen to Elon Musk talk about in a little bit, and I don't think that's a political affiliation to have a problem with the, the, the mind virus that is Woke ideology, which is permeating across the entire consciousness of American culture, which is killing the once great nation that we were.

    That's where I stand on that. So anyways, this guy follows me around and all of a sudden, you know, I'm, I'm, you know, not being hyper aggressive back and I just ask him, are you here for business or are you here for politics? Do you actually know my positions or are you assuming? Because I think... You're wrong on this.

    I don't think that. I do think this. I, I, you know, something that we talked about abortion and I said, yeah, absolutely. I don't think that the government, I think the government should because he, I said, I'm more libertarian than I am traditional conservative and he goes, Oh, well, then you must think that, uh, you know, you probably voted this on that about abortion.

    And, uh, you know, I said, I think that the government should have a place in stopping the ending of human life. And I do believe that a baby in the womb is a baby and is of value and shouldn't be murdered senselessly for your own, statistically speaking, comfort. Or, uh, lack of maturity. Again, that's my position.

    So anyways, that was my, and by the end of this conversation, this drunk man standing next to me, thinking he was gonna come, I don't know what he was thinking he was gonna do, um, demeaned me personally for having opinions and sharing them and people finding value in them. Eventually was like, you know what?

    I actually kind of like you. I'm sorry that I came up to you and did this and that and you seem like a nice guy and you know, Maybe you'll find that too if you come up to me whether you like me or not But always come up and say hi. I would love to talk to you guys if you ever see me out and about but anyways, the next part of this topic on Senator is that, uh, this feud goes back several months.

    So let's see if we can find the video here because, um, this feud goes back all the way to, uh, a time where the original contact that they had together. And give me a second. Cause I'm, uh, delaying this because my connection with my other screen wasn't working properly. Um, there we go. So. The the what essentially happened four months prior to this.

    There's a there was a video that came out But after this in engagement, so let's watch this one first and then we'll go back to that after this engagement the news crew Caught up to him and had some questions for him in which they asked him about this Engagement and what his thoughts were on it. So let's go ahead and take a look At this, here's the video.

    Well, you should probably ask him that. I mean, he's the one that kept tweeting at us. Uh, we didn't respond until the fifth tweet. And when he said, any place or any time, any place, and you know where to find me, cowboy, I thought, well, this is the time, this is the place, and you don't do that in Oklahoma. You don't run your mouth unless you're gonna answer the call.

    Well, that might be the question. Was that the place? Was the Senate hearing the right place to challenge someone to a physical confrontation? Well, I'd already challenged him to September 30th. He could have done it then for charity. Um, I said April. They're the, the, um... What's it called? The smoking guns charity for the firefighters and police force.

    We could have done it then. I've been happy to, but he said, stand up. And so I stood up. Yeah. But what about, I mean, just the idea that fighting as a way to solve a problem, is that kind of, are you concerned the way the conversation is happening here on Capitol Hill? People's been fighting for a long time.

    I canings. It was legal to do duels. Um, if you have a difference, you have a difference. I didn't start it. I didn't tweet at him. I didn't go after him. I have no beef with a guy. I mean, I don't even know the last time I've gotten a street fight. I used to get paid to fight. I'm not, I'm not looking. What do I have?

    What victory is it for me to beat up O'Brien? That would be a shock, right? Uh, but he said it and I just simply responded. If he wants to call it off and we just go have a cup of coffee, fine. Let's go have a cup of coffee. I have no hard feelings. It's not personal to me. He just challenged me, and I accepted the challenge.

    Do you regret it? Regret this moment at all? You should probably ask him. I mean, he's the one that said it. I don't regret asking him. You know, he said any time, any place, so. And has leadership talked to you at all about this? No. No, not at all. Have you done any outreach to him at all, or has he reached out to you?

    O'Brien, meaning, reached out to you afterwards. No, no, no. You know, I ended it and said, if you want to end it here, that's fine. If you want to sit down and have a cup of coffee, I'll sit down and have a cup of coffee. It's not personal, you guys. This is not personal. Nothing personal. It's just he made the challenge, and I accepted it.

    It's just that simple. What about just the general tension right now on Capitol Hill? Do you feel as though things are, there's more angst than there has been at other times? And is it preventing you from getting things done? I don't, you know, I can only speak for my time here, right? Uh, ever since I've been here, there's always been a little bit of tension.

    This is a total separate issue. You know, this doesn't have to do with that. This has nothing to do with policy. This doesn't have to do with politics. This had to do with a guy calling me out and I simply responded to it. Uh, that, that's, so I don't think the two are really comparable. This has nothing to do with me against unions either.

    I have nothing against unions. I made that very clear at the end of the hearing. I have nothing against unions. A lot of good friends and family are, are union members. This has to do with just his thug mentality. I mean, look at his background, look at his history. The guy has a history of this constantly.

    Um, I mean, he was the one, after he got, became president, he was the one to bring back the mob mentality. What the heck is a mob mentality? And then you're gonna bring that mob mentality to me? Okay, well... You can't run your mouth against me. I'm just not that guy. If you want to run your mouth, then we can settle it a different way.

    Literally, if you were to run your mouth to anybody in politics at all, this was the wrong guy to run your mouth to a former pro MMA fighter and Oklahoma state wrestler. Like. Literally the worst person you could have thrown a dart at the board and probably fought 90 percent of these old hacks sitting in on Capitol Hill, but you picked the absolute wrong Motherfucker to pick the only guy who is an ex professional MMA fighter So what I want to do next is just watch a little bit of his one of his MMA fights because there actually is a couple of them that is up on, uh, that is up on YouTube that I found.

    So let's go ahead and I will pull this up for you. But man, I totally agree. Bring it back. Bring back duels. I don't care if you really want to be tough. I'm pretty sure there would be no Democrats left if there was still duels or fistfights in politics. They would probably just all be dead. Um, but let's go ahead and see if we can pull this up again.

    Um, And get this MMA fight pulled up for you because, um, I'm sure, uh, if he's from Oklahoma and he wrestled, I'm sure he's, uh, not, not a bad MMA fighter. Um, so here we go. Maybe not. Here it is. Director Rick. I now recognize, uh, Mr. Pflueger, the gentleman from Texas and the chair. Is that what we're looking for?

    There was an MMA fight posted from one of his... Here we go from, uh, March, may,

    and it's only three minutes long.

    Your fight Psych com trading cards get noticed with these high quality, full color trading cars.

    So let's see if we can get the order your background today and get noticed some of the moments here. These high quality. Notice.

    Somebody just went for a takedown, bad shot, and immediately to the UTI. Oh my god. Problems holding against him. He's a little bit too long. He looks like he's about to give up. Um, which is just not a good thing. He's a rapper. He's got a bad side of his shoulder. You know, he's a rapper. He's got a bad wrist.

    He's a rapper. You know, he can actually create a terrible spine fracture on his shoulders. Um, it gets on top of that. It gets on top of that. Um, Okay, I'm not sure which one's which, I guess it's supposed to be. I'm going to have to go back to the, uh, organization to figure out who. But I would assume the guy on top is probably the one on top.

    So keep, safe to assume. Uh, they're up against the cage.

    And, looks like he's about to take his back. Oh no, he's in full mount. And... Still looking for what looks like that. Kimura. Transitions. As the guy tries to get up to his back a little bit. Arms stuck behind his hip. Flattens him out. Has his back. Has his arm trapped. You're pretty much done there. Because you can't even defend with one hand.

    And man, that would have just been so refreshing to watch a fist fight in Senate. Where. Uh, you know, a Republican Senator just demolishes a shit talking mobster, and he's on full mount now, just raining down haymakers on this dude's face. Guy gives his back up, transitions to the back,

    and that's probably all she wrote right there, huh? We're just dominating. Dominating.

    And, that's you.

    Has his hooks in.

    Yeah, that's it. I'm gonna tap. Took his back. Rear naked choke. Few shots thrown. Uh, not sure if we can get a verification that this is actually the right guy here, but, uh, we'll assume so. Um, but it looked like it, you know, looked like his wrestling was, was pretty decent and, uh, has the same exact name, so we'll assume.

    Alright, moving on. Outside of this. Let's talk about some other stuff, which is not nearly as interesting or exciting as watching a senator beat up a mob boss on the Senate floor. Uh, but hey, there's not too much that you can do to, uh, get that. Um, looks like Markway Mullins is really enjoying this guy's ground game.

    Uh, yeah, a lot of people have been seeing that. Um... Let's see, it looks like Mark Wayne Mullins is really enjoying this guy's groggy. Uh, the big question is, nine months after this fight, who is going to get custody of the baby? What? I'm so confused. Um,

    Interesting. So it was him who, it looks like, uh, Yeah, he, he was actually the loser here. So his wrestling didn't look all that good for coming out of Oklahoma. If somebody takes your back so easily and you don't really have much of an answer to it. Um, but anyways, I digress. Either way, he's still beating the shit out of that teamster boss.

    Um, all right, the very next article that we're going to discuss here is going to be that the If you didn't know, AI is now racist, according to some news articles who claim so after, uh, white people seem to be able to get more confused by pictures of people who are AI thinking they're real more than they think.

    Real white people are real. And where this gets, uh, pretty funny is that this was white on white racism, not even, you know. They're saying by definition, because white people are confused by other white people, that the language learning models, the, the, the AI algorithms, are biased because they're being fed more white people photos and they are being fed other races.

    Um, so let's read this article. It comes from, uh, popular science and it says, as technology evolves, AI generated images of human faces are becoming increasingly indistinguishable from real photos. But our ability to separate the real from the artificial may come down to a personal biases, both our own as well as that of AI's underlying algorithms.

    According to a new study recently published in the Journal of Psychological Science, certain humans may misidentify AI generated white faces as real more often than they can accurately identify actual photos of Caucasians. More specifically, it's white people who can't distinguish between real and AI generated white faces.

    In a series of trials conducted by researchers collaborating across universities in Australia, the Netherlands, and the UK, 124 white adults were tasked with classifying a series of faces as artificial or real, then rating their confidence for each decision on a 100 point scale. The team decided to match white participants with Caucasian images.

    examples in an attempt to mitigate potential own racial or race recognition bias, the tendency for racial and cultural populations to more poorly remember unfamiliar faces from different demographics. And then remarkably white AI faces can convincingly pass as more real than human faces and people do not realize they are being fooled.

    Research is right. In their paper, this is a no slim margin. Either participants mistakenly classified a full 66 percent of AI images as photographed humans versus barely half as many as the real photos. Meanwhile, the same white participants ability to discern real from artificial people of color was roughly 50, 50 in a second experiment, 610 participants.

    You could also say, it's like, how do you take this and go, Oh, AI is racist. Because you could also say that white people are just bad at distinguishing. What's real and not real, in which case, now you're the racist one. How's that for the UNO reverse card? Um, in a second experiment, 610 participants rated the same images using 14 attributes, contributing to what made them look human, without knowing some photos were fake.

    Of those attributes, the faces proportionality, familiarity, memorability, and the perception of lifelike eyes ranked highest for test subjects. They have a beautiful little... Graph here has qualitative. Uh, it says the team dubbed this newly identified or identified tendency to overly misattribute artificially generated faces, specifically white faces as AI hyper realism.

    The starts to stark statistical differences are believed to stem from well documented algorithmic biases within AI development. AI systems are trained on far more white subjects than POCs. According to who? Leading to a greater ability to both generate convincing white faces as well as accurately identify them using facial recognition techniques.

    This disparity ramifications can cripple through countless scientific, social, and psychological situations from identity theft to racial profiling to basic privacy concerns. Our results explain why AI hyperrealism occurs and shows that not all AI faces appear equally realistic, with implications for proliferating social bias and for public misidentification of AI.

    The team writes in their paper adding that the AI hyperrealism phenomenon implies there must be some visual differences between AI and human faces, which people misinterpret. It says, it's worth noting that the new studies test pool was both small and extremely limited. Oh, it's worth noting that everything that we just wrote about really has no scientific basis and extremely limited.

    And some research is undoubtedly necessary to further understand the extent and effects of such biases. Hmm. Interesting. So AI is racist because what? Because it's generating more real white faces according to white people. Because there's no grading system other than this hundred or sixty whatever people that they just had take this survey But now all of a sudden AI is racist who would have thought although when working out is you know when working out is a sign of white nationalism and Eating healthy is now also classified as you being a racist or whatever I guess it's no surprise.

    Now, the next thing that we're going to talk about is that, uh, that's something that, you know, you probably heard about is they all look alike. Um, this comes from a foreign book, four vertical, it's called the other race effect, where, um, people who are white or people who are Indian or people who are black or Hispanic or whatever have a much easier time distinguishing the differentiation between somebody of their own race than other races.

    Um, so that's actually contradictory to what you would kind of expect here, where you would think that. And I wonder if they did, how well will white people rate other colors, other races, right? Um, and vice versa, right? Did they only do white with white people and black with black people and Hispanics with Hispanic people and Mexicans with Mexicans and Indians with, I don't know.

    They really gave us very little information to go off scientifically. Um, but I die. Grass. All right. The very next article that we're going to discuss here is going to be about, Oh, you know what? Let's hold that thought right there because I appreciate you because I know earlier when I asked you that you hit that subscribe button.

    I also know that you probably left a five star review, but I also know that maybe there's one of you out there, one of you that unlike all of the other people who are listening to this, maybe didn't. Leave a five star review. Maybe you're the one person. Maybe you think I'm talking to you right now because I am.

    I'm talking directly at you because you still haven't left a five star review and it takes five seconds and all you have to do is click the button, press the five stars. If you're on Apple Podcasts, all you do is scroll down just a little bit. Hit the fifth star and then type something nice. I don't know.

    Maybe act like that blurs and guide the bar and tell me what you hate about me, but just leave you as long as it's a five star review. It's cool. Right. Anyways, um, go ahead, leave a five star review. Tell me what you liked about the episode. What you like about the podcast in general. Um, love feedback. So anything that I can do for you guys to improve, I would be happy to.

    All right. And. Back to the thing. The next thing we're going to talk about is that majority of Americans are now taking notice to the rise of tipflation is what this is being coined across industries. It says around seven and 10 us adults say tipping is expected in more places today than it was five years ago.

    And I. Completely agree. If you are in a regular business establishment, if you are not actively serving me, nothing drives me crazier is when you flip around your little card reader and you go, Hey, could you just. You know, just, just tap one of those buttons right there and it says, Hey, do I want to give you seven dollars for me?

    Swiping my own debit card and you doing your job and nothing more or nothing less, right? There's very little that you could do to make me want to tip some person that works at 7 eleven I don't know the last time I was in a 7 Eleven, but, uh, I, it's just so wild to me how confident people in restaurant industries, and this, it's really comes down to the point of sales.

    And you have to understand that the psychology around this is it's just a, it's just a sales technique. You know, it's like 90 percent of people, uh, don't even ask for the sale when it comes to sales. And that's why most people suck at selling stuff, but they just integrated into the point of sale systems, a way to say, Hey, do you want to give me more money?

    Then what, you know, inflation has already caused us to increase our prices for, right? Because who knows where this money is actually going? Is it actually being distributed amongst the, the, the staff at a coffee place? Like when all they did was make the coffee when they're getting paid to. Make the coffee, right?

    Like I get if you're a bartender, I get if you're waiting on somebody, I get a few, you know, like I have a rule, everybody basically gets 2025 percent unless you do something terrible or you never check in on me or my drinks completely empty the whole time and you get 40 percent or more. If you, wiping the table in front of me, getting the crumbs off the table, like taking it that extra step that you would expect when you go to a really nice restaurant, um, so it's like if you are going above and beyond, you deserve a tip if you're in a service industry and your wage depends on it, but you do not deserve a tip for literally Um, almost any industry you're getting paid for a service, right?

    There's no reason that I should have to pay you above and beyond what that amount is. And even in the service industry, tipping should go away overnight and the restaurants should just start paying fair wages to their employees. Not working through this loophole to where you have to beg people to work.

    And again, I'm for commission. I'm for incentivizing people to do their job well. When you're selling and there's a transaction and I guess maybe that's kind of what it is. That'd be a counter argument or a devil's advocate to my position, which is that you want to incentivize your weight staff to work.

    And be better at servicing people that are at your restaurant and the way to do that is to allow a capitalistic form of that, which is if you give good service, then you get more money. But this probably doesn't work generally out that way. I just think that the restaurant should pay the people like everybody else in the entire world and just pay them what they should get paid for doing their job.

    Would make more sense to me. Anyways, nothing drives me crazier than going through a drive thru and then having them turn around. their point of sale system and then look me dead in the eye like their puppy just died, hoping that I give them 3 off of, or for as a tip for my 3 coffee. Like, no, thank you.

    But this article says, and I'll just skim it for you. Cause we just talked about it for Probably too long as it is. Americans are realizing the tips for servers aren't just for restaurants and bars anymore. Pew Research surveyed 12, 000 adults almost in August 2023 using the center's nationally represented American Trends.

    Don't care. Um, they feel about the practice across a variety of different services from takeout to haircuts. That's another one. If you're giving me food, you charge me for the food, not for making it. That's inherently built into the price. A broad majority of Americans say they're being asked to tip service workers more frequently than in the past around seven and 10 us.

    Adults say tipping is expected in more places today than it was five years ago. Finding that tracks with anecdotal reporting has never been dubbed deflation and I guess. All that you're realizing is that the new point of sale systems have integrated this completely because why wouldn't you just ask for more money?

    This appears to be true across demographics and is partially due to changing technology as the adaptation of the point of sale tablets, apps, and digital kiosks have made it easier for businesses to provide customers with tip prompts and suggestions. Yeah, exactly what I said. The report noted that even as Americans are increasingly asked for paid tips, relatively few have a great deal of confidence about what and how or when and how to do so.

    Only about a third say it's extremely or very easy to know whether or To know whether or how much to tip for different types of services. How about zero for all of them? Unless you're waiting on me and bringing me beer consistently. There's also not a consensus on whether tipping is a voluntary choice or an expected obligation.

    Around two in 10 Americans say it's more of a choice. While 30 percent say it's more of an obligation. Ew. The largest share of 50 percent says it depends on the situation, underscoring the lack of a single set of rules of expectations. Okay. More Americans oppose than favor businesses suggesting tip amounts to their customers.

    For example, on the bill or on a checkout screen, another 32 percent neither favor nor oppose the practice. Interesting. Who cares? Let's move on. Anyways. Hmm. It has some percentages as to which, you know, what people think about certain industries asking, which, you know, who cares? Anyways, uh, the next thing that we're going to talk about here is going to be that what is this one?

    Um, yeah, so we talked about this last week, but, um, the individual. Let me see if I can pull his name back up. Police in England have arrested a suspect in connection with the death of former NHL player Adam Johnson, who tragically died last month when his neck was slashed by the skate of an opposing player.

    The South Yorkshire Police released a statement Tuesday confirming an arrest in their investigation into the death of 29 year old Johnson. The suspect, who was not identified by law enforcement, was arrested on suspicion of manslaughter. Police said the suspect remains in custody. Teammate of ex player...

    NHL player calls tragic deaths the most traumatizing thing that I've seen in my entire life. Yeah, definitely. The former Pittsburgh Penguin forward was playing in the challenging or a challenge cup between the Nottingham Panthers and Sheffield Steelers on October 28th when, during the second period, he suffered a fatal neck wound.

    Matt Peckgrave collided with another player causing a skate to go up in the air. Um, so basically they Uh, the police said on Thursday that an autopsy revealed his official cause of death was the result of a fatal neck injury. Yeah, he bled to death on the ice, guys. That's, you're not finding anything new.

    And it's exactly what these like, witch hunt that we saw with all these conservative voices, including the people that I mentioned last time. You know, the DC draino, the, uh, libs of TikTok, the, all of these, you know, gross attempts at trying to act like you actually know what was going on in the ice. But what you find is when you look at that footage a little bit slower, you'll see that the skate basically traveled up the, the stick of another player as this guy was in a weird, like, hip check position and his leg went up the, the skate or the stick and hit the guy's neck, which is like, again.

    It's just, it's tragic what happened. But should this guy get, go to jail? No, he shouldn't go to jail. Like, if a cleat hit a guy's throat on accident, and again, I absolutely believe this was an accident. I don't think it was a... You know, in Dominic and Sue's situation where he jabbed his cleat into the guy's throat purposefully to try and hurt him.

    And then yeah, if that's the case, but there's just nothing that indicates intent here. There's nothing that indicates that this guy should go to jail for anything other than playing the sport that he loved and having inherent risks. Because where does this stop now? Because guys literally fist fight each other on the ice.

    Right? And granted, that doesn't generally end in death. I don't think there's been a single case of that that I can recall. Um... Besides maybe one where the guy fell on his head in the ice like a long long time ago But to me, there's just there's there's no true reason that this guy should be arrested. I Completely disagree with this.

    I Absolutely believe that this was an accident But I just wanted to tie that loose end for you guys that that guy was arrested and is currently incarcerated for suspicion of manslaughter. Now, it'll be interesting to see this case go to trial and to actually listen and then see what's being said and what the argument is, because I just do not see an argument for this man going to jail for playing a sport that is inherently dangerous and having something happen.

    Like what happened, which again is tragic. Um, just wanted to tie that loose end for you guys. Now that leads us to the next sporting event, which is that there was a California teen who was suspended following a blackface allegation on the football field for literally wearing eye black. You know, the thing that you've seen every football player almost ever have on their face was suspended from school and told that he cannot return to his sport because he was wearing blackface.

    This article coming from Toronto Sun says that an 8th grade student of Loyola California has reportedly been suspended for allegedly wearing blackface to a local football game. However, a national civil rights group called the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression claims the boy identified as J.

    A. was wearing black eye paint to reflect any glare as many football players do. You should. According to the New York Post, the student was photographed on October 13th attending a high school football game between the Lowell High School and Morse High School, with dark face paint covering his cheeks and chin.

    We had a fun, great night without any trouble. This is literally a, what, a 13 year old that wore eye black on his face to a football game? And probably put a little bit too, it's not, it's so silly, I guess, kind of need to see a picture of it to make a real distinction, but it can't be worse than what Justin Trudeau did, you know, literally wearing the turban on his head and wore blackface acting like a, I don't know, a snake charmer or something, the most racist thing that you'll ever see if you want to talk about blackface, right?

    Go look at Justin Trudeau, not some 13 year old going to a football game wearing paint under his eyes. Like, this is where we've gotten to where AI is racist and wearing eye black under your 13 year old's eyes is now blackface. Like, let's find real demons to slay here. I think that's where we've gone as a society now is like, there's always been, there's always been eyes in the bushes.

    Right? And our amygdala is constantly surveying our surroundings, looking for something to jump out and attack us. And obviously that's not the case with what we're talking about here. But I think that we've been so conditioned to find... Uh, to find problems with our surroundings that now there's, we're in such a cushy, soft environment where very little violence actually occurs, you know, unless you're on the Senate floor next to Bernie Sanders, um, but very little violence occurs, very little real confrontation occurs, and, and In a world where that happens, we seek it because we are biologically wired to engage in confrontation, to have real demons, the, the, the, the monsters that have been around for years and years and thousands of years, as we know it, the raping, the pillaging, the war, the, this, the, that, and obviously war is still going on, and we'll talk about that in our next subject, but in the day to day life, people are so removed from real violence.

    People are so removed from, from what it meant to be a human a hundred years ago. Right? And so you have a principal going off of a social media picture, suspending a student for literally wearing sport eye black under his eyes. looking for to make a monster out of a child who literally just went to a football game.

    This is the first amendment projects J. A. 's non disruptive expression of team spirit via style commonly used by athletes and fans notwithstanding your inaccurate description of it as blackface. Fire calls upon the school to remove the infraction from J. A. 's disciplinary record and lift the ban on his attendance at future athletic events.

    Tear said J. A. 's appearance emulated the style of iBlackWarm by many athletes. Noting that such use of eye black began as a way to reduce glare during games, which is different from blackface, as is dark makeup worn to mimic the appearance of a black person and especially to mock or ridicule black people.

    Yeah, there's some horrific actual instances of that. Go look at Howard Stern's, uh, old, um, I don't know what you call it, bit. Where he did, uh, blackface, pretending to be talking to Whoopi Goldberg, I think it was. And he said the actual N word, like, seven times, thinking he was being funny. And then, what is it?

    The Prime Minister of Canada! Wearing blackface. I'm pretty sure like multiple times for Halloween. Um, all right now, speaking of war, let's go into this transition. Elon Musk was on Lex Friedman's podcast and during this conversation together, uh, Elon Musk, um, had a really interesting and similar opinion to what I have when it comes to the Israel Hamas situation, which is it.

    What I will play for here you hear in just a second But I would say something that I've noticed more recently is that Lex Friedman his podcast if you don't listen to this podcast It's it's it's one of my favorites. I definitely think there's Is probably the best most tactful well done podcast that is out there today Above even Joe Rogan.

    You go listen to the podcast with Joe Rogan and Elon Musk. It's not half of as insightful and empathetic and interesting as the conversation that was had with Lex Friedman. Um, so just a side note, but let's listen to this conversation and see what he had to say about the Israel and Hamas war.

    All right. And here it is. He wants to do that. So like I said, somehow controversial. You've been a proponent of peace. A little bit of technical difficulties here. I'm having a problem with my other screen is freezing every single time I go

    to use the screen. So just give me one second here. But while that happens, I'll kind of give you the. TLDR of what Elon Musk says, which is essentially that if he had to give advice to Israel in his position today, what would he say to the leadership there? How do you get out of this and have it, uh, is there a winning side?

    Is there a possibility to even win this war? And what, what would you say to Israel in order to to, to come out of this better than you went into it, right? Because they're quickly, as we'll find in the next, the next situation, they're quickly losing favor by the American people. Um, so when, when that's happening and you're, you're seeing it in real time, them start to have, you know, coming out with propaganda campaigns just today saying that, Oh, look, we found these weapon caches and in this hospital that we just bombed and raided.

    It's like, uh, okay. Because you could have just as easily planted those weapons to justify your war, which would be one of the least bad things that has ever happened in war as a false flag. But anyways, I digress. Here is this clip, Lex Friedman and Elon Musk.

    Or maybe it's not, because my computer is freezing again. Um, so let's see, one last time here, and then we'll move on to the next one if we can't get it here. Uh, so we will jump out. We will jump back in and share that screen one last time. The path to peace could be, how do you hope the current war in Israel and Gaza comes to an end?

    Uh, what path do you see that can minimize human suffering in the longterm in that part of the world? Well, I think that part of the world is definitely, like, if you look up the, there is no easy answer in the dictionary, it'll be that, like, the picture of, uh, the Middle East, um, and Israel especially. So there is no easy answer.

    Um, what my, this is strictly my opinion of, uh, you know, uh, is that, uh, the, the goal of Hamas was to provoke an overreaction from Israel. Um, they obviously did not expect to, uh, you know, have a military victory. Um, but they, they expect, they really wanted to commit the worst atrocities that they could in order to provoke the, the most aggressive response possible from Israel.

    Um, and then leverage that, uh, aggressive response to Um, rally Muslims worldwide, uh, for the cause of, uh, Gaza and Palestine, which they have succeeded in doing. Um, so the, the, the counterintuitive thing here, I think that the, the thing that I think should be done, even though it is very difficult, uh, is that, um, I, I would recommend that Israel engage in the most conspicuous acts of kindness possible, every part, everything.

    That is the actual thing that would towards the goal of the mosque. So in some sense, the degree that makes sense in geopolitics, turn the other cheek, implemented. It's not exactly turn the other cheek, um, because I do think that there's, um, you know, I think it is appropriate for Israel to find the Hamas members and, you know, um, either, either kill them or incarcerate them.

    Um, like that's something that's something has to be done because they're just going to keep, keep, keep coming otherwise. Um, but. In addition to that, they need to. Do whatever they can. Um, there's some talk of... So I do like what he said there. Conspicuous acts of kindness. Right? And then he gets into the philosophical reason as to why he believes that, you know, those conspicuous, you know, obvious acts of kindness that everybody sees should be happening as a way to gain public, uh, uh, gain public, I don't know if, um...

    What the right word would be there to gain public popularity, and I don't even know if it's popularity, but acceptance of this war and the acts that they're committing, right? And he's saying that because the way that people are viewing this right now, we're going to find, find out that almost 70 percent of people in the US today believe that Israel is going overboard in its reaction against Palestine in Hamas, right?

    Bombing the, the Um, safe zones, like hitting ambulances with rockets and all of these things are, are war crimes. That's exactly what they are. They're war crimes. And as a established nation state that is, uh, uh, uh, a, a agreed upon nation. By all the other countries in the world, you don't get to commit acts of terrorism.

    And I see constantly, constantly people are arguing me saying that Israel is justified in committing acts of terrorism because they're dealing with terrorists. Well, guess what? You know what that makes you? A terrorist, regardless of your reasoning, because if you look to Hamas, they have their reasons too.

    But the way that they act is not within the confines of what's allowable in order for them to be an agreed upon nation, to be a part of the Geneva Convention, to be, uh, to be somebody that is recognized on a world stage, right? That makes you a terrorist organization, right? And so when everybody says, Oh, well, how are you supposed to deal with this?

    You deal with it with a scalpel. Not with Roman candles, right? You didn't see the United States bombing hospitals. You didn't see them bombing ambulances. You didn't see them killing unbelievable amounts of women and children, which to be fair is not completely true. There was lots of women and children killed by the United States command during our war in Afghanistan and Iraq, which are, again, I totally disagree with, you know, and I have other people going, well, you know, casualties have to be made in war.

    It's like, to what extent? Or are you just perpetuating sickness and, and, and, and murder and, and hate that is going to be generational now, because even if I knew that my grandparent was killed by Israel or whoever, fill in the blank, because they hated them or to, to, in response or revenge for whatever silly act, it's never about the reasoning.

    It's just about who did what to who, when, and if you're related to me and. or if you kill somebody who's related to me, I will spend my life coming after you, right? I absolutely will dedicate my life to hunting you down as any sane man in protector should.

    So you mitigate that by inconspicuous acts of kindness, which I like the way that he phrased that by, by showing compassion and showing empathy and showing love. For, for this, the civilians that are on the other side of this, that are truly the victims of both sides, whether it's Hamas or Palestine or Israel, the, the Palestinian civilians are, are literally the, the, the worst off of anybody, right?

    Cause they're getting it from Hamas. They're getting it from Israel, and they have nothing to do with either side of it. They're just stuck in the middle. And so, he goes on to explain the philosophical reasons why, and I won't ruin it, because he will probably explain it maybe the high level better than me, and I might have a little bit to add to it.

    So establishing, for example, a mobile hospital. I'd recommend doing that, um, just making sure that, uh, you know, there's food, water, uh, medical necessities, um, and, and just be over the top about it and be very transparent. So it's, it's, so that it can't, people can't claim it's a trick. Like just put a webcam on the thing, you know, all 24 7.

    Deploy acts of kindness. Yeah, conspicuous acts of kindness that, that with, that are unequivocal, meaning that can't be. Somehow, because Hamas will then, their response will be, oh, it's a trick, therefore you have to counter how, how it's not a trick. This ultimately fights the broader force of hatred in the, in the region.

    Yes, and I'm not sure who said it, it's an apocryphal saying, but an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. Now that next to the words, they really believe in the whole eye for an eye thing. Um, but. I mean, you really have, if you're not going to just outright commit genocide, like it against an entire people, which obviously would not be acceptable to, to, to really shouldn't be acceptable to anyone, um, then you're, you're going to leave basically a lot of people alive who subsequently, you know, hate Israel.

    So really the question is like, how, for every Hamas member that you kill, how many did you create? And if you. Create more than you killed. You've not succeeded. That's the you know, the real situation there and it's safe to say that if you know

    If you know if you kill somebody's child in Gaza If you've made at least a few Hamas members who will die just, just to kill an Israeli. That's the situation. So, but, but I mean, this is one of the most contentious subjects one could possibly discuss, but, but I think if, if the, if the goal ultimate is some sort of long term peace, one has to be, look at this from standpoint of over time, are there more or fewer, um, terrorists being created?

    Which is the perfect depiction of how, how To approach this properly, right? It's like the end goal isn't in for some people. Maybe it is. It's just revenge. Right? But the end goal should not be just revenge. The end goal should be the elimination of the faction that is perpetuating acts of terrorism against you.

    And you saw what happened against ISIS. You saw what happened against all the other terrorist organizations that you've seen pop up over the last 25 years. It doesn't go away overnight. The guerrilla warfare tactics that they utilize makes it very, very difficult to win a war against a terrorist organization.

    Um, And so what you find is that for every, what he said is like, if you kill five Hamas members, and for every five Hamas members, you kill three civilians, right? You can go that. Shallow in your math, but if you go for every five hamas members, you kill three civilians of those three civilians You kill one woman and one children and of those one women and one children of those civilians that you killed Each of those have a family where you created six more hamas members So let's do terrorist math, and now you know that you killed five hamas members, but you created 12 of them as a result.

    So it doesn't work out where you just have this wrath of, of revenge against the Palestinian and Hamas members and Palestinian civilians, where you come out on this on top, because you're just going to, if there was a ticker, Of how many Hamas members there are, there's probably more now than there was before you started bombing ambulances, right?

    You can't justify those acts. And so when you are committing acts of terrorism in the name of eradicating terrorism, it's a losing game. You're just perpetuating the very thing that you set out to destroy. And you became it yourself in the name of your own righteousness. Which is just factually incorrect.

    You are not the good guy. There is no good guy in this situation. There isn't one. And for anybody who thinks that there's good guys and bad guys, I heard Dave Smith talk about this and say, you know, there's um, there's Decepticons and there's uh, you know, and maybe that was uh, I think that maybe that was Elon Musk even.

    Um, but I've heard um, There's the decepticon and um, you know, those are the bad guys and there's, there's the good guys, right? Um, it's just a, it's a flawed, it's a flawed ideology. It's a flawed, philosophical understanding of war. There's no, there's no good guy here, neither side. is, is committing acts of terrorism in the name of goodness.

    They're just killing women and children. And maybe some of the people that they set out to kill, to begin with. Which, you can either argue one way or another whether that's acceptable or not. But, if you just want to take it and say, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Yes, because for every eye that you take, there's going to be one, I don't know how I'm going to take that reference.

    There's going to be one that regrows and, Looks at the other two eyes that are in front of them and those two eyes know six other eyes behind them are watching I don't know how far I was gonna take that But anyways, the idea is the same, right? Perpetuating acts of terrorism to eradicate terrorism does not work Elon Musk just stated that perfectly though And I believe they're absolutely creating more terrorist members as a result of the bombings that are happening in Palestine Then they had at the beginning of this war and it's a losing game, right?

    So the next thing that they discuss is the woke mind virus as I mentioned earlier And I do appreciate this especially the timing of this because a lot of people, you know, he Lex Friedman asks Elon Musk, you know, how do you feel about becoming increased? Do you regret becoming increasingly political in your public appearance over the last?

    You know, year or so, and he goes, I don't know if I've become political in the same way that I just disagree with the The idea of the woke mind virus. So here it is. Here's another very tactful good conversation between Elon Musk and Lex Friedman, and in true spirit today, it doesn't want to work properly, but here we go, because I'll get it to work.

    All right, there we go. And here it is.

    You do have to admit that I have some skill sitting here talking and also running this show and pulling up the clips all simultaneously. A lot of podcasters have guys behind the scenes.

    Just, just me and my boy over here. You know, my, my plastic see through dog behind me. But, you know, I got some skills. Here we go. Over the past year or so, since Since purchasing X, you've become more political. Is there a part of you that regrets that? Have I? In this battle to, um, sort of counter way the, the woke that comes from San Francisco?

    Yeah, I guess if you consider fighting the woke mind virus, which I consider to be a civilizational threat, to be political, then yes. So basically going into the, the battle, the battleground of politics. I mean, is there a part of you that regrets that? Yes, I don't know if this is necessarily sort of... one candidate or another candidate, but it's, um, I'm generally against things that are anti meritocratic, uh, or where there's an attempt to suppress discussion, um, where even discussing a topic is, uh, you know, not allowed.

    Um, the woke mind virus is communism rebranded. Well, I mean that said, because of that battle against the woke mind virus, you're perceived as being right wing. If the woke is left, then I suppose that would be true. Um, but I'm not sure, I think there are aspects of the left that are, that are good. I mean, if you're in favor of, you know, uh, the, the environment, um, you know, if you want to have a positive future for humanity, if you believe in empathy for your family.

    So I totally agree with that. And I think that's, uh, something I haven't been able to articulate as well. Fellow human beings. Um. As he just did there, which is the idea that if being anti woke and being woke means being left and being anti woke means being right, then sure, I'm definitely right. I'm not left.

    Right? I do think that, but from an individual level, I disagree with some things on both sides. And I agree with something here and I disagree with something there and I agree with something on the right and I disagree with some things on the right as well. So it's like, in the sense that there is this.

    and has been this movement towards pushing into or pushing back on this woke mind virus as he calls it. It's the perfect depiction of this because I don't think you need to be a traditionally conservative or can traditionally liberal liberal or traditionally, you know, conservative or a Democrat or Republican to be against All of this woke ideology that's been permeating from critical race theory to trans agendas to hypersexualization within our school systems to, you know, the push for abortion at any late stage, regardless of the age of the baby, there's there's so much.

    Radicalism that is on the left. And I've said this before, and I think it's true. It's like, you look at what the far, what it means to be far left. They have far more radical opinions than what it means to be far right. Right. To be far right means don't infringe on gun rights. Uh, absolutist free speech. Um, uh, no, a complete ban of abortion.

    Uh, What are more far right things like that? There's a elite class of people who are generally pedophiles, which we know to be true. Like, what is it that means to be far right? Because to be far left, it means that gender does not exist. It means that children should be killed in the womb regardless of what stage they are in development.

    It means that children should be taught how to give a blowjob in second grade. And it means that, you know, you should, there's far more radical ideologies. right on the left and there is the right and that is the woke mind virus and you see it, you know, it means that if you're white you're guilty of colonialism and mass genocide, even though we're how many generations removed from that.

    It means that you're you should be constantly apologetic for the color of your skin, which is literally just reverse racism. And by the way, let's give the reminder that The Democrats started the KKK and the Republicans abolished slavery. Like, that's, that is the truth here. Like, no matter how much you try to, uh, anti or, or wash, whitewash our, our history, the Democrats were historically the racists and the Republicans abolished slavery.

    Like, okay, I, I'm just, I just fail to see what is the extremist right side of things that, that makes a far right person far right. Um, that, that is. The equivalence of what you see being the radical ideologies of the far left. I just don't see it. Maybe I'm wrong. And if you think there's things that I'm being blind to on the far right side of things, tell me what they are, because I would be interested.

    Because it just doesn't equate to the same radical, uh, unfounded truth that you see from, you know, gender theory, and critical race theory, and all these non existent, uh, You know, scientifically unproven ways of making you guilty for simply existing. Anyways, I thought that was a really, really good articulation of what it means to, to...

    You're political, you have to be political by default to be in this battle. Right, because it's, it, the, where it's being fought, the battleground where these things are being pushed is within politics, is within the governmental school systems, is by educators, is within the, the, the confines of our tax dollars, right?

    Everything that we just talked about, Planned Parenthood funded by taxes, uh, gender theory being taught in schools, um, critical race theory being taught in schools, diversity, equity, inclusion. Uh, you know, non meritocracy based, uh, outcomes, you know, equality of outcome, all of those things are, are being perpetuated through your tax dollars.

    So by default, in order to get on the battlefield and say, Hey, I don't think you should tell a third grader how to give a blow job, or Hey, maybe don't have the coked up man dressed as a woman. Um, Wearing woman face who, you know, was in a hypersexual culture yesterday gyrating in front of a crowd for money Reading books to my children like maybe don't do that.

    I think that's a pretty fair fair thing So it's you know where you have to fight that is in the political sphere, you know, if I had it my way I would be talking about more non political things than political things. All of the conversations that need to be had are within the confines of politics today because that's where the battleground is being fought on this mind virus.

    That is where they are, that is the channel that they've decided to, to sink their venomous teeth into, um, to perpetuate their theories, uh, and, and enforcement of such. So you have to get involved at that level in order to be effective. All right. Now, moving on from that, there's some other great clips that came out from some podcasts this week.

    Another one coming from Dana White. And Theo Vaughn. Uh, Theo Vaughn is probably the funniest dude ever to live in this history of humanity. This guy. Theo Vaughn is like by far my favorite personality within this world. The dude's so off the wall. His brain just works different. And everything that comes out of his mouth is just...

    Absolutely hilarious, but he did a interview with the UFC is Dana White recently, and they touched on a couple things that I wanted to talk about the first one being about Bud Light and the second one being about, uh, Donald Trump and sponsorships and, uh, you know, similar conversation to what we just had about this like woke mind virus and the cancel culture that's come as a result of it.

    Uh, so let's go ahead and pull that up and we will look at it. Together. Here it is. And this one's about Bud Light.

    I know you guys have a new sponsorship. You guys have a new sponsorship with Bud Light, right? Yep. But is it, do people like, do companies come and do like Shark Tank for you? Kind of to present the brand? Kind of. Yeah, kind of. So, um, you know, UFC's at a point now where, you know, guys come to us and, and, and want to pitch their, their brands or whatever it is to, To, uh, advertise with us and recently, uh, you know, I, I've become very involved in the, uh, on the sponsorship side.

    So, you know, I, I meet with these guys and, and, um, you know, I, I just did a, an interview the other day with, with the media at the scrum at slap, and it's just, I'm at a point now where in my life, in my career, I want to be with people that I'm aligned with people that, yeah, it's, it's not. It's not just about the money.

    It's like this whole Bud Light deal, you know, people are talking shit now Sell out and all the shit that they'll fucking say believe me. I'm the furthest fucking thing from a sellout Yeah, Bud Light is the right move for me. They're exactly who I want to be with right now and We are very aligned as far as core values go, you know what I mean?

    65, 000 Americans they employ. Yeah That right there should be enough. 65, 000 Americans are employed there. Why would you want to put a bullet in that brand? Off of one fucking thing. How about you go back and look at all the good things they've done. Yeah. Right? That's a good point. And where they really stand and what they really believe in.

    They take care of veterans, they take care of veterans families and first responders families who have fallen. And the list just goes on and on. Almost a billion dollars a year with U. S. farmers. Wow. That alone is the reason you should be drinking fucking Bud Light. Yeah. So, I look deeper than just fucking, you know, oh they did this fucking can with whoever.

    I don't give a shit about that. They've already they're showing right now that they're coming with me and they want to be aligned with me Those of you that are hardcore's some of you guys are fanatical on this shit That should be your you know, I you guys think you're all looking for an apology ain't gonna fucking apologize to you So here's my thought on that.

    So Dana White goes with the Yvonne and just says You know you guys you guys are blowing this out of proportion and they employ 65, 000 Americans that alone should make you drink Bud Light There's a lot of Industrialized corporations out there that just because they employ people doesn't automatically mean you should buy their stuff.

    And by the way, the reason I don't drink Bud Light is because it tastes like shit. But what you have to understand is this was a, a line in the sand, right? You have this, this woke ideology permeating into all of these different subcultures, and they just... Did it with the wrong brand and everybody took this, took a stand.

    And the reason that Dana White did this is not because they're aligned politically. The reason Dana White did this is because he bought the, or got this sponsorship for ungodly amounts of money. And in a section of the hyper masculine culture, which is the MMA and UFC and all of that, that is the perfect play for the right.

    This is a smart marketing play on Bud Lights, which is probably what they should have done in the first place instead of paying some, uh, man wearing woman face to, to support their brand. Uh, this, this is a smart move by Dana White because they're probably willing to pay ungodly amounts more than they would have to.

    Or than they would have had to two years ago, right, to be the partner of the UFC. Because they've lost all respectability from the general American public. And this is the perfect marketing play. So whoever is the head of marketing at Bud Light at this point, smart move. But Dana White sitting here saying that this isn't about money, and we're politically aligned.

    I just don't buy it. There's no way that Dana White is doing this for any reason other than money. No, you just can't justify that. You can't say that that you're aligned politically. Yeah, they've given back to veterans. Okay, like, what does that even look like? And there's far there's a lot of organizations who do that as a tax write off.

    Like, I just there's there's nothing that you could tell me right now that would have everybody go, Oh, you're right. Bud Light, we're going to keep drinking your shitty beer because the only reason people bought Bud Light was for the brand, was for the marketing, was for the, the legacy that was an American, uh, an American brand that has always been traditionally American and, and held American values and American values don't hold disintegrating femininity into sexual organs and makeup and hair, right?

    There is, uh, uh, Something that went out today. I believe it was by Xavier, uh, I don't know how to pronounce his last name, but he's with PragerU and And in what he said was diminishing femininity down to their sexual organs And trying to say that, you know, you can cut your, your dick off and invert it and all of a sudden you're a woman because you now have an orifice where you shouldn't, doesn't make you a woman.

    The whole reason that you have that sexual, uh, organ to begin with is so that you can create life. It's so much deeper than the, the surface level. Uh, that, that they're trying to make it out to be so no, there's, there's nothing, I don't think this will work. I think if anything, it's going to hurt the UFC is, uh, the, the non fanatic UFC people from, because guess what?

    The same happened with the NFL. The same happened with the NHL. They all eventually the pendulum swings back. And so Dana White very well may regret this decision. And Maybe he won't because he's probably getting paid a large chunk of money this, which is what Dana White is. He's a brilliant, brilliant businessman.

    And by the way, Dana White looks good right now compared to what he looked like before. Dana White was in rough, rough shape health wise for a long time and Um, the, the way that he was able to turn around and even just the bags under his eyes, the weight that he carried, the age that he had, he looked like, like, it's crazy that Dana White looks about as good as he ever has at this point, even better than what he looked like at like 30 when he was running the UFC.

    And I liked Dana White. I think he's a great businessman. I

    And if that's the case, and there's a positive ROI. Why wouldn't you just take that positive ROI as the individual because it's much easier for me to tell you guys, Hey, this is my product. This is what I create. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into this. This is my idea. I want you to show your support for it.

    Come support me, go to my website and sign up right now. Then it is to say, Hey guys, here's this company that's paying me to say this thing, right? You guys are going to far more be likely to convert on a campaign or, or, um, uh, You know, something that I talked to you about that's my own stuff, then you would be the two, even for a sponsorship.

    But the only reason the sponsor is doing is because the eyes and conversions on, on the campaign would be higher than what they spent out, what they gave you for the sponsorship. So he's right. If you have the time, the bandwidth, the ability to outsource some of the, the, the, um, the work that goes into building that brand and then offer it through your podcast, specifically your, your.

    You're going to make more money than you would with investors anyways, because that's the only, or sponsors anyways, because that's the only reason they're sponsoring you is because the money that they give you is less than the money that they make back. So he's absolutely right. And that was brilliant to hear from Theo Von because not too often you get like business insight from Theo, but he's absolutely right.

    Um, all right, let's see what else we got here. I think we have maybe one. Clip here and maybe not one more clip. Uh, maybe we just have this last article, but let's see what we got. Um, here we go.

    All right. So the last thing that we're going to discuss here is going to be. And this will just kind of be a fun one to end this on. So I really randomly came across, um, you guys have all heard the Interstellar song probably at this point. And I'll even play it for you guys in the background as we close this out.

    But I thought this was cool. And being a father myself, you know, I seem to, you know, I think it's cool when you find... Some wisdom that's dropped or at least people who've put enough pride into that to try to display that through art and what it means to be a father, especially when the entire world is, you know, demasculating what it means to be a man and what it means to be a man is truly the epitome of a man as a father, as a protector, as a provider.

    A man sitting at his home by himself cannot be, cannot reach his full potential when he's not responsible for Other individuals that look to him for guidance, for protection, for providing a shelter and food and having those responsibilities and bearing that weight is what truly makes you a man. I always, this is my take on having children is that you can't, until you're the father of children or the mother of children, you're always the children of your father or your mother.

    And that paradigm shift of going from like, And Jordan Peterson talks about this at length is like that transition from son to father is a truly important one and he argues that it doesn't truly happen until your father actually passes away. And the reason that he says that is because until then you can always rely on your father, if you ever need that, that he can still be the overall.

    Provider, protector, um, to you and, you know, you know, and I love my father and he's always there for me and whenever I need it, so I get that 100%, but I also think that they're the biggest step is when you have small children and a wife looking to you for direction, looking to you for, uh, providing Shelter and food and, and protection and masculine love, right?

    Masculine love is far different from feminine love and to, to, that's why you see, uh, high crime rates in instances where the father leaves the house. That's why you see, um, high or low outcomes for children whose parents are divorced because the father's usually out of the picture or, or less in the picture than they would be otherwise.

    Right? So, you know, to me, being a father is, is being the epitome of a man. And to take pride in that, right? And to take pride in providing, to take pride in the traditional role of what it means to be, uh, the provider, to be the protector, to be the, you know, all of that. Um, and so here was a number that was written by Hans Zimmer.

    And this is a, I believe, it's become quite the famous song since, um, you probably heard it. Uh, but if you haven't, I'll play it in the background and I'll tell you the story about this. Cause I find it to be pretty interesting. Um, and again, my computer wants to give me trouble today. Which I haven't had trouble with anyways.

  • Welcome back to another riveting episode of ‘The Adams Archive,’ where your host, Austin Adams, takes you on an enthralling journey through today's most pressing and controversial topics. Today’s episode is a rollercoaster of emotions, insights, and expert commentary that you won't want to miss!

    First on our agenda is a jaw-dropping scandal from the world of competitive Jiu Jitsu, involving a male competitor disguising himself to compete in a women’s grappling event. As a seasoned purple belt, Austin dissects the situation with precision, applauding NAGA’s swift response and commitment to ensuring fairness and integrity in the sport.

    Next, we transition to the ice, delving into a tragic incident in the European hockey league that has sparked widespread debate and misinformation. With 18 years of hockey experience under his belt, Austin provides a rare and necessary expert perspective, debunking myths and bringing clarity to the horrific event.

    In a somber turn, Austin reflects on the sudden passing of Matthew Perry, beloved actor from the hit TV show 'Friends'. Navigate through the web of conspiracy and pay respects to a star gone too soon, as Austin provides a balanced and respectful commentary on this sad affair.

    Lastly, we plunge into the complex and ever-evolving Israel-Palestine conflict, analyzing recent statements from Netanyahu and the controversial actions of various world powers. Austin leaves no stone unturned, offering a comprehensive and critical examination of the events and their potential implications.

    But it’s not all heavy topics on 'The Adams Archive.' Austin ensures to sprinkle in positivity, humor, and his signature charismatic commentary throughout the episode, keeping you engaged and enlightened from start to finish.

    So, hit that subscribe button, leave a glowing five-star review, and join Austin in this intellectual adventure. Whether you’re a long-time listener or new to the show, your support means the world, and it’s listeners like you that make ‘The Adams Archive’ a thriving community of curious minds and critical thinkers. Let’s dive in and unravel the mysteries of today's most captivating stories together!

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    Full Transcription

     Adams Archive.

    Hello, you beautiful people and welcome to the Adams Archive. My name is Austin Adams and thank you so much for listening today. On today's episode, we are going to discuss some pretty crazy current events, starting with the North American Grappling Association, also known as NAGA, which is a very well known jiu jitsu Competitive platform for people like myself who basically are, uh, What they're under fire for was the fact that there was a woman Not a woman, a man pretending to be a woman wearing woman face who went and competed against actual women in a grappling competition, a martial arts, a, uh, you know, a literal fight and one, obviously, because It's a man, spoiler alert, uh, so I can actually speak to that.

    I'm a purple belt in jiu jitsu myself, I've been practicing since 2012. So, we will get into that and why it's so crazy. But, positive note, silver lining here, is that Naga came out and made a statement saying this will never happen again. And they outlined the reasons why and how they're going to ensure that that happens.

    So, I am... proud of you, Naga. Thank you so much for making it so that I don't have to go compete at other organizations and boycott your shit because I would have. Now, the next thing that we're going to talk about is not too often that two of the things I'm most able to speak to come together and intersect into this platform.

    Like usually, the things I'm talking about, yeah, I've done a lot of research on them. And I try to give my most non biased opinion on them. But When it comes to two of these things, like jiu jitsu and hockey, I actually have... Much more of an expert opinion than most people. So, uh, hockey, there was a situation that happened in the European hockey league, which was a horrific incident.

    Now this guy, um, Adam Johnson, I believe it was basically was skating across the ice, had a guy, um, who basically ran into another guy, clipped his leg, his leg went up and sliced his neck. And he ended up dying, which is horrific. It's terrible. Um, It's, it's horrific to see, uh, so we'll get into that and why there's a lot of people, like, a lot of large conservative influencers coming out acting like they're experts in hockey now who are saying, like, some horrific things about the guy who did this, saying that he did it on purpose, that it was murder and this and that, and so we'll talk about that because I don't think that was the case.

    I watched the footage. Again, played hockey for 18 years, um, very high level hockey, and, uh, I'll give you a little bit of that background, but we'll jump into that. After that, we will get into the next current event, which is about Matthew Perry from Friends Dying. Which is again, terrible. Not trying to start your day off like this.

    If you're listening to this in the morning, I'll put some positive spins on it for you. Sprinkle some, uh, some, I don't know, some, some, some, some

    positivity into your day throughout this But there's some weird little conspiracy things that people have pointed out about this that we will talk about as well now, obviously respected guys death and all of that. But there's some shady shit. And we'll get into it. After that, we're going to jump Back into the Israel and Palestine conflict with some stuff coming out of there, including a conversation by Netanyahu, where he says, this is everybody's war.

    This isn't just my war. This is all of you, because if you don't stop this now and give me your tax money, it's going to come to your doorstep. Tomorrow. So we'll look at that as well as his son skating the essential kind of the draft that's going on over there Where they called all these reservists we'll also discuss the un general assembly Asking for a gaza resolution calling for an immediate and sustained humanitarian truce in which there was only 14 countries who denied it out of almost 140 120 Who agreed with it and 45 who abstained?

    But guess who was in those 14 countries? Hmm. The United States of America. So we'll look at why that might've been. And then we'll talk about the information blackout, the cutting off of the internet in Gaza and why that might be as well as Mr. Elon Musk coming in with Starlink to save the day and Israel saying there might blow up his satellites or some shit like that.

    So all of that more. But first I need you to hit that subscribe button, leave a five star review. If this is your first time here today, I appreciate you. You were awesome. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I love doing this for you. Every single week we have conversations like this, sometimes multiple times a week, depending on my schedule.

    And, uh, I give you my takes on everything that's going on throughout the world, whether it be politics, religion, history, conspiracies, philosophy. All that shit. So make sure you subscribe, stick with me here, leave a five star review. If you've been here with me, it's about the only thing that you can do in your day today to get some good karma.

    So leave that five star review. Again, I would appreciate it. You're my buddy. You're my pal hanging out with me here every single week. So do something for me. It takes five seconds, hit that five star review, whether you're on Spotify, Apple podcasts, or whatever obscure ass podcast, Software, you're listening to this on go ahead and leave a five star review and then write something nice.

    I don't care what it is. Tell me your favorite recipe for Thanksgiving. Who cares? Just write something nice. All right, and without further ado, let's jump into it. The Addams Archive

    All right, let's jump into it on the very first article that we're going to talk about today is going to be the North American Grappling Association had a transgender man, woman. Man, man, woman, who a man who thought they were a woman who competed in the women's bracket in jiu jitsu now This is horrible out of all the sports that we've talked about whether it be Leah Thomas with swimming or the dudes that were dominating women's Sprints to I don't know all of the crazy things that were going on even chess tournaments like guys were getting in the number insert crazy, ridiculously high ranked person here.

    And then they went into chess and just obliterated women in chess. It's like, just let the women do their thing, dude, what's wrong with you? Anyways, this is probably one of the worst of them outside of MMA, right? There was a guy who was sitting there gloating on social media, like I need to pull up the posts of this.

    Because this guy When in, as a biological man dominated these women, I would actually really be interested to see some of the footage because they would have been just amazing if one of these women almost had was able to, because there's some, uh, like I said, so let me give you my background. I've, I've practiced jujitsu since 2012 when I was in the military, there was a sergeant who posted a poster on the wall.

    And it was a competition that was happening on base at my air traffic control, uh, tech training that I was doing in the air force. And so when I saw that I was like, super interested at the time I had watched, you know, I watched a little bit of Joe Rogan and was really interested in Eddie Bravo and watch some jujitsu at the time, liked the MMA culture.

    Wrestled a little bit in high school, but like wasn't super good or anything, gotten a lot of fights in hockey. And so I thought I was tough. And so I went to this jujitsu competition with a couple of my friends that was, uh, at the base gym in like a back room where they had all these mats laid out. And I go up to the guy who was staff Sergeant Hawk, shout out to staff Sergeant Hawk.

    And he's like. You know, I was pretty good shape at the time. I was lifting a lot. All I had to do was lift in the outside of tech training. And so I went up to Sergeant Hawk to sign up and he's like, Hey, man, how you doing? And shook my hand is super nice guy. Love staff Sergeant Hawk. And he basically like looked me up and down.

    I was like, so you have any training you ever done any wrestling, anything like that. And I told him I did a little bit in high school, maybe two or three years. I wasn't really good or anything, but you know, so he ended up putting me in the advanced bracket. There was a beginner's bracket and an advanced bracket, and maybe there was six, seven guys in each bracket.

    And just because I had watched some Jiu Jitsu YouTube footage and knew a little bit about every Eddie Bravo and did a little bit of wrestling, I ended up actually winning the advanced bracket. That I had no business being in, uh, but really, to be fair, in 2012, like nobody really knew about Jiu Jitsu. So, um, I ended up winning the bracket, won the tournament, got my very first gi from that tournament.

    And from then on, I started training, uh, under Staff Sergeant Hawk and out of Dixon's dungeon, which was under the John Dixon in Biloxi, Mississippi, who was fought in the very first pride fights. I actually used to run like a mile and a half, two miles every single day. from base to Dixon's Dungeon right outside of Biloxi, Mississippi.

    And so, I know a little bit about Jiu Jitsu. I still currently train. I did a tournament, uh, a competition like three months ago. And, uh, it wasn't a Naga tournament. It was a Grappling Industries tournament. Um, but I'm active. I train several times a week. I compete jiu jitsu is like, that's my hobby. That's what I do.

    That's my thing. So I know a little bit about this shit, right? So when it comes to like a man doing jiu jitsu with a woman, there's a certain level of like, respect that you go into and being you know, in any gym, you're going to roll with women. decently consistently, right? And there's such an obvious disparity in strength.

    Now, that's not to say that there's not some women out there that will just kick the shit out of most men. And by most men, I even mean men who train jujitsu. Like there's a there's real high level Jiu Jitsu black belt females who will just fuck up a guy even if they train consistently like I've gone with some girls who are just like, you know, would definitely like black belt females that are high level competitors will definitely, I've definitely gone with some women who could Like, very likely beat me in jujitsu, maybe not like, you know, a hundred percent, but like, there's, this is nothing against women's jujitsu.

    There's some bad ass females out there right now who would just trash me. Um, so when we talk about this, it's like, The way the jiu jitsu tournaments work is there's, you know, there's, especially if you're talking no gi, which is what this would look like, there's like gi, which is where you wear the kimono kind of looking thing, and then there's no gi.

    No gi is where you kind of just wear shorts and a t shirt, it looks a lot more like wrestling, that kind of deal, so it's just straight grappling. This was no gi. And so when you talk about no gi, usually it's not specifically belt based, where there's like white belt, blue belt, purple belt, brown belt, black belt.

    In no gi, it's beginner bracket. Intermediate bracket and advanced and beginner is like, you've been doing it for one to two years. Intermediate is you've been doing it for like two to five years, six years, seven years and advanced bracket is like you're a black belt or a brown belt. Um, so I'm somewhere in between there.

    I'm in the intermediate bracket. As a purple belt, you know, like I said, I started training in 2012 fell off for a little bit, started training back about five, six years ago, been training consistently ever since. Um, but when we're talking about male against female, there's such a, it's astounding how much of a difference when it comes to size, strength, um, agility, like, and, and there's a reason that there's brackets, right?

    Like for a, and, and, and so in the area that I live in, there's several prominent gyms. One of the prominent gyms that I don't train at, there is a. There is a transgender, uh, man, woman, guy who, male, who is identifying as a woman who is just the biggest, most jacked person you've ever seen in your life. And that individual, like all respect to them, competes, I'm pretty sure, in the male bracket because it would just be so unbelievably unfair.

    They are just, just jacked. Like, so, this, this situation to me is just such, so indicative of where we are as a culture that this even was able to slip in under the radar. Now, Naga came out because there was such an immense amount of pushback as a result of this. Naga came out and made a statement. And here is...

    That statement that I'm going to pull up for you. Just give me one second while I do. And Naga said... Let's see if I can... Drag this over to my screen here.

    All right. So Naga statement around this was, I am Kip Kolar, president of Naga. And I would like to address the controversial issue of transgender athletes competing in Naga events, decisions that involve conflicting rights and needs between different groups are inherently difficult. That said, maintaining fairness for female athletes in our paramount is our paramount priority due to the legacy effects of being.

    Born male through puberty in parallel with the policy of FINA, the world governing body for swimming, world rugby, and numerous other global sports organizations, male to female transgender athletes who have gone through male puberty are excluded from competing in the female division at Naga events.

    This position is of course, even more important given the heightened. Potential for injury when grappling. All right. Now, let me read the rest of that for you that I'll pull up from my phone here. So we don't have to mess with this. And it says, cause I reposted this on my story and Naga actually liked it.

    So again, shout out to Naga. It says, Implementing this policy poses challenges. The registration system used by most grappling events, including Naga, SmoothComp, unfortunately only allows users to choose between male and female genders when registering. It does not provide an option to register as transgender.

    Ideally, there should be an option in the registration process to declare yourself as transgender. Transgender. We have requested that this change be made in short order. We are a dish. We are adding additional text to the event and rules page of our website, which I'll show you in a second here because they've already done so.

    And our smooth comp event pages to help inform transgender females which division they need to enter. We feel these additional steps will help to make sure all competitors are in their correct division. If a competitor is discovered to be in an incorrect division, they will be contacted and provided with the option to move to the correct division Or receive a refund just as we do.

    If there, we were notified that a D one wrestler was in the beginner division. Yeah, because that D one register, uh, D one athlete, uh, wrestler would just smash every single white belt in the division. Now this says moving forward, we will be guided by the science around male advantage and physical performance.

    Good on them for using the word science. Which will inevitably develop the coming over the coming years as further evidence becomes available. We will review our position, but we believe the integrity of the female category and athletics is one of the most as is the most of the most profound importance.

    Thank you. Kip Kohler, President, North American Grappling Association. On Naga for making sure that women don't just get absolutely destroyed now like when we're talking about sports when we're talking about swimming it doesn't it's not a matter of life and death right everybody wants to look at you just do it like there's all the there's this category of people with jujitsu is like oh it's not a fight it's not a fight It's a fight.

    Like this is not, this is not a regular sport because if there is not a ref intervening, when somebody is choking you unconscious and you're tapping and they decide to just keep that choke, what happens you die that you go to sleep and you don't wake up. What happens when there's no ref to intervene when you are in an arm bar and somebody is ripping your limb apart and they shatter your arm or your knee or your shoulder, like.

    It is absolutely a fight. Like when we talk about hockey, yes, it's a sport. The end result of hockey is a goal, right? Is a winning position within the overall game. It's a game. This is a sport. When we talk about football, the overall win is based on a scoreboard. Right. But when if there is not a ref to intervene, especially when you talk about like Nogi submission only grappling, the only outcome if there is no ref is essentially death.

    So it's absolutely a fight, right? Like there's no, there's no logical argument to me that Jiu Jitsu is not fighting. Sure. It's fighting without punches just as much as boxing is fighting without submissions. Right. There's only one, then there's only one category that you can call fighting in this MMA.

    And even at that case, you can't bite each other. You can't hit them in the balls. You can't do all this. You can't even go from a six to 12 elbow strike. So it's like, oh, is that not a fight now either? It's, it's such a silly argument. So anyways, I digress. The idea is that when you go into a fight, it is absolutely unfair for a man to fight a woman based on.

    biology. We all know that by now, right? When we go even like, even in sports like swimming and running, we've decided that it's unfair. So when you talk about a actual combat sport, where the there is actual consequences where you are going to be choked, unconscious. Or have your knee ripped apart, or your shoulder, or your arms, or your, like, ankle.

    Like, there's so much that can go wrong here. There's a reason there's weight categories. There's a reason there's male and female categories. There's a reason there's belt categories. You have to maintain the safety of this. And to not do so is absolutely, like, it would be horrific. To not make this an egregious act that is completely condemned by NAGA.

    It would set such a precedence in the grappling world. And so I am so happy that NAGA spoke out about this. You know you'd never see this in like the larger organizations like ADCC or WNO or like who's number one or anything on flow grappling that you would see. So, to know that There's, there's, there's barely, there's only a few safe communities and it happens to be like the martial arts community is absolutely one of those communities that would just never let this happen.

    So good on Naga, happy to be a part of a industry, a sport, a hobby, a, a passion that would not allow women to just get absolutely trampled by men because they feel a little. Demasculated today. Alright, so, there's that. Pretty crazy. Glad Naga spoke out about it. Next up is going to be that... So, there was a situation.

    It was a guy named Adam Johnson. Who recently passed away just over the weekend now. He was a 29 year old hockey player for the Nottingham Panthers. He originally played in the NHL. Um, I've actually been familiar with his name and I, you know, I was looking at his, um, prospect I forget the name of it, but it's like hockey prospects is where you can look up a lot of guys who played where, you know, like growing up.

    So let's, let's talk, just talk real quickly about my background with hockey. So I grew up playing hockey since I was three years old. I am in an area, a state that is a very prominent hockey state. I played at a very high level up until I was 18 years old, right before I went in the military, um, I went to play, uh, a, in a junior's league, and the day before I was flying out to, uh, a team in Texas, uh, I shattered or destroyed my ACL on a stupid little, uh, basketball game.

    So, um. Retour my ACL and or in meniscus the day before I was supposed to fly to Texas to go to the main camp for the team that I was going to play for. Um, so again, I played triple A hockey in Michigan, um, all, you know, growing up, played since I was three years old, have a very long standing background playing hockey three, five, six, seven times a week.

    I was out. Whether it was at the rink, whether it was behind my house on the canal, um, during the winter in Michigan grew up from the time that I was little. The only thing I ever wanted to do was play in the NHL. All right. And I was pretty fucking good. All right. I played for a very, very well known triple a team here in Michigan.

    You know, one of the best teams in the world. Um, I'm well versed, I'm way better at hockey than I was at jiu jitsu, starting off, so if that tells you anything, right? Even especially if you wanted to like list out the priority of people in the world. So, my opinion on hockey actually has some merit, right?

    Now, we had all of these conservative influencers, whether it was DC Drano, whether it was, uh, the, the, um, Tick tocks of, or liberals of tick tock, whether it was end wokeness, whether it was, uh, Robert star bucks or whatever his name is, all of these conservative influencers seem to have a very vehement, very serious opinion about this situation that happened in the ECHL, which is the European hockey league.

    And so this guy, Adam Johnson, again, played in the NHL, played for the Pittsburgh Penguins. For some time in the EIHL, I'm sorry, not the ECHL, the EIHL for the Nottingham Panthers, and let's read this article. It says Adam Johnson, a 29 year old hockey player for the Nottingham Panthers, died in a tragic freak accident on the ice rink while playing against the Sheffield Steelers on Saturday in the UK.

    Johnson, who played for the NHL's Pittsburgh Penguins before transferring to the elite ice hockey league in August, suffering, suffered a fatal neck injury when he collided with a player from the opposing team midway through the second period. The BBC reports that the injury was reportedly caused by a split or escape blade to the neck.

    Now, one thing I'd like to point out about this is that the people who were posting this, whether it was, uh, the TikToks or liberals of TikTok, or whether it was, um, DC underscore Drano, just never We're so tone deaf to the situation where it was so disgusting and so gross the way that DC Underscore Drano and liberals of tick tock posted about this guy Dying like they literally slapped the video DC Drano did slapped the video at the very beginning of his Uh, his reels or his, his post and like, it was like, Oh, graphic warning.

    It's like, yeah, dude, don't post the guy fucking bleeding out on the ice, spilling blood all over the ice. If you respect them, you don't respect them. This dude was just looking for clicks. Drano went about this post. So. They go on there, and, and, and, there's, here's the video here, and I'll, I'll, I, I don't even like watching this shit personally, like, it doesn't, I just don't.

    Um, but to me, you know, I'll break it down for you, I'm not gonna go very much past it, where you, you literally see him, like, holding his neck as blood is just pouring out of it onto the white ice. I, I, it's just not my thing, dude, like, I'll watch the beginning of it with you and break it down for you. So.

    Nope, that wasn't it. So they're probably not even going to show it on this post here, but DC Drano did and so I'll kind of walk you through it as I pull it up on my phone. And so DC Drano posted this along with like six or seven other posts that were related to this from other conservative type of influencers.

    So the guy goes across the ice. There's a two on two going down past the red line right past the blue line and right as he goes down the ice. Uh. The one guy clips legs with one of the other players that are next to him as he goes to to hit him. So there's, um, he misses the, the, like close to the first guy.

    And sorry, I keep kind of messing this up here on this. I'm watching it. Um, so two guys going on a two on two, the first guy crosses starting to cross at the blue line. And the defenseman goes over and crosses paths with one guy to hit the guy with the park, right as they cross the blue line, which was it.

    It looked to me like offsides to begin with. Not sure why that wasn't offsides and the ref calls it off. But the, the defenseman, the offside defenseman, um, crosses right across the blue line past the guy that he's next to on the two on two. And let me see if I can, I'm going to actually even just like record this and watch it.

    Let's see if I can break it down to a little bit of a slower pace. Okay. So I just recorded that. I'm going to pull it over and watch it from there. Cause then I can go frame by frame. So, two on two, two guys in red, they just cross over the red line, not sure why that wasn't off sides, because the guy in white in front of the guy with the puck crosses over the blue line, it looks like, before him, um, he goes to try and, uh, like skate down the blue line as the defenseman comes over and crosses.

    And he runs what looks like into,

    let me see if I can zoom in.

    He actually doesn't make much contact with him,

    but cross pass with him

    connects with the first forward. There's not a ton of contact, but the guy's leg comes straight up and gets the forward right in the neck. And when he does this, the guy goes straight to the ice, grabs his neck. And that's where I'm going to stop it. So all of these conservative influencers making these claims that this was intentional, that it was murder, that it was manslaughter, that it was whatever, you have to understand how fast a hockey game is actually Right.

    So when DC Drano gets on here and he says Adam Johnson was an NHL player who was killed while playing in England at the age of 29, another player's blade hit his neck, slicing an artery media called the incident, a freak accident, but replays show Matt Peck grave intentionally. So I just cannot see an angle here, right?

    And I don't think there was a ton of contact. Like originally when I looked at this, it was pretty far away. So when I break it down and go slower and zoom in on that, there's not a ton of contact even despite that. I just don't see any single scenario. If you're a player, he could have easily hip checked him.

    He could have easily just laid his hips out and stopped him like that. He's not gonna fucking karate kick him in the throat with his skate. I wish I could show you guys what I'm looking at here and maybe let me see if I can send this but anyways, there's just no way this was an intentional kick to the throat.

    I just don't see it. There's not nearly as much contact as I would have thought there was originally, and I'm going back and forth watching this kick.

    I just don't see it. I don't see how any situation

    would have caused this to be intentional. So what you're seeing is a bunch of people who don't play hockey, who don't understand how fast the game moves, who don't realize that these split microsecond decisions are the difference between your leg being Three inches lower or three inches higher or you clipping this guy's hip ends up with your it just the game moves so fast.

    It's the fastest game there is there's no other sport that moves faster than hockey. So you get all these people who don't know how the actual sport works. Or, or even understand the logistics of the game coming out, saying that this is murder, right? Coming out saying that this is manslaughter. And it's it to me, frankly, that wasn't even the grossest part.

    The grossest part was you have all these people. And when you look at like the libs of tick tock post on this, and now this I will, I will share because this was just like the most egregious thing was libs of tick tock posted this, uh, This meme that they created that said where is it? They must have taken it down.

    They must have taken it down.

    Yeah libs of tick tock took that posted down because it was so Disgusting they posted the meme of Petgrave with his leg up saying that what was it was something around along the lines of like Um, that kick wasn't dirty, the kick, and then it had him with his leg straight out and his blade sticking straight up.

    So they actually deleted it because it was so disgusting. Now I posted on that and said, just talked about my experience in hockey and said that like, this is just disgusting how, you know, it's absolutely not intentional. And like, let's see if that one even went away. Yeah. Wow. Dang. Who'd have thought that lives of tick tock would, would have taken that down because they realized how disgusting they were for posting that gross meme about this dude who just got his throat slit that you saw bleed out in front of the world on the ice.

    And you're posting a meme with his leg up saying the kick like, Oh, really? He is that. Is that. That's entertainment to you. That's what the people that you, your, your target audience want to see. Wow. At least they took it. At least they had the decency to take it down. Because that to me was probably the most disgusting was.

    One was, you know, DC Drano actually posting it was disgusting. But them actually, actually, uh, you know, having a silly, gross meme about it was probably the worst thing. So. I don't think it was intentional. I think things happened at a very, very quick pace in hockey. I think that there's a hundred different reasons that that happened, none of which had to do with premeditated or purposeful manslaughter.

    Okay, and anybody who tells you differently just doesn't understand the sport of hockey, has never touched ice, never played at a high level, never, never found themselves crossing the ice to try and hit some guy crossing the blue line at that pace, like you just, you just don't get it. Um, so. I digress.

    Let's move on. That to me was very disgusting. And the more that like I'm finding myself distancing myself more and more from like, as we get post COVID, the straight, strict, conservative influencers, because the things that they're keep doing, whether it's about Israel versus Palestine, whether it's about this here that we're seeing, like, I'm just starting to see some of the clickbait, some of the grossness that is coming out of like the strict.

    traditional conservative movement that I just don't it just does not vibe with me. And so honestly, I've always said that I've always said I'm not just your average, you know, person leaning left or leaning right, I have my own opinions about Basically everything. It just so happens that a lot of it aligns with a certain side at a certain point.

    And as we get further and further from COVID, as we get further and further from lockdowns, as we get further and further from even Ukraine and Russia, and we see what the, the, the war machine beating the drum is all the conservatives are calling for war against, uh, Palestine and Hamas and calling for us troops to go intervene there.

    It's like, nah, not me. So let's move on here. There was a conspiracy that came out. So Matthew Perry, the Friends star, uh, Chandler passed away suddenly and horrifically. And so what you saw about that was that basically he died in his hot tub. They said there was no, he had been pretty well known for recently over the past few years of having some type of like drug addiction.

    Um, and so there was. There was questions around that and the police came out and said no, no, no, there was no drugs found on the scene. There was no foul play reported, all of that. Now what we're seeing here, and again, my condolences to his family, my condolences to everybody that knew him. It's a horrific, public, tragic incident, just as the last one that we talked about.

    But in this case, there's actually some more deeper questions to be had. So there was something very strange about meth. Matthew Perry's death. The first one being that for a very long time, he hasn't been posting on social media. So I'm going to pull up his social media here. So I can kind of walk you through the timeline of events, but on his social media, he had been posting until seven days ago, very, very little.

    Now, seven days ago, he started posting. A post a day, essentially seven posts within just a few days. And every single one of these posts had a strange thing about them being the Batman symbol. Now, when you think of the Batman symbol, when you look in the sky and you see the Batman symbol, or you go watch the movies and you see it being displayed, what do you, what do you think when you see the Batman symbol?

    Well, normally when you see the Batman symbol, you, when you see the Batman symbol, you normally think. It's a sign of distress. So when Matthew Perry essentially posts the Batman symbol seven times over seven days, it starts to raise some questions for people right now. In one of his last posts, in an eerie, uh, is an eerie hand drop, uh, dropping some of what seems to be cranberries on the table with the caption saying, This is what I've had to eat today.

    I'm Mat Man. And it also says that it's worth, worth mentioning that the lead of the group of the cranberries died by drowning? That's a weird one. So let's see here.

    I don't know if I see that post with he's talking about here is me.

    Yeah, this is some super weird obscure posts. It's also noted that the very last chapter of his book was called. Batman. So maybe he just has some weird obsession with Batman. Maybe you know, maybe he was cast in the next Batman. Maybe that's it. But to make things more interesting, his third to last post has again, the Batman symbol with the caption saying, do you know what I mean?

    So let's, let's like look at this full timeline. April was the last time he posts before the most more consistent posts. The one after that is October 11th, where he said, why can Elon Musk send a woman to the moon and not be able to invent a silent leaf blower? Okay. Super obscure, weird, probably just a random post.

    Although most of his posts before that seemed like Somebody else is doing them like they're all not off the cuff weird things like that Anyways, he posts himself what looks like picking up leaves. The next post says here is me and my father John both holding a beverage Okay, super tragic to see his dad knowing what just occurred Anyways, the next one says, no need to worry everybody, I've got the streets tonight.

    This was October 17th. With the Batman up on three different, Batman, like this Batman background up on three different TVs, like one of the Batman movies. Why do you have three TVs in your room? Um, the next one says, sleep well, everybody. I've got the city tonight, Matt man, and it's a post of the Batman symbol.

    The next one is. Says WTF with a picture that says Batman plays pickleball. Oh, and here's the cranberry one It's literally just a video of him dropping three cranberries on a table and said this is what I've had to eat today I'm Matt man, huh?

    Interesting in a week ago. Somebody says is his account hacked something feels off

    his next post after that being October 22nd was a A batman carved pumpkin, which said, do you know what I mean? And again, if you go into the comments of this,

    a week ago, said, do you want us to send help? Is this your signal? Somebody else said, so Matt, you do know there are a few of us who are a little concerned about you right now. I am hoping you're just having a little silly fun and you're hinting at a new project. Your fans adore you and want you to be happy and healthy.

    Please take care of yourself. Thanks. The next person said, what's with the Batman obsession? Is nobody going to talk about Bruce Wayne faking his death to live a peaceful life? Somebody said that two days ago. So after he died,

    um, somebody else said, he said in his book, the day he needs help, he will send a bat signal and no one was listening. Wow. A week ago, you're trying to tell us something. Hmm. A week ago. I feel like you were trying to tell us something. A week ago. Is this some kind of hint?

    Wow. A week ago? SOS? Wow. This is super weird.

    Alright, so somebody posted on that and said, If anybody is confused, here's a little information about the conspiracy theories we have. If you have read his book, you may have remembered that he wrote, If I need help, I'll put a Batman symbol or something similar. His last post, a week before his death, yesterday, were all Batman posts.

    He even posted a picture on his jacuzzi with a red Batman logo on it. We think that Matthew is signaling for help. He was warning us about what was going to happen. His last posts were on Instagram where a picture of him in his jacuzzi. If you don't know, Matthew allegedly died in his jacuzzi.

    Investigators believe it was a drowning because he didn't find any intoxication in his body. There is a lot of more investigation going on so we will just have to wait. He was struggling. He needed help. He's in a beautiful place now where he doesn't have to hurt anymore. May his beautiful soul rest in peace.

    Okay, I'm convinced that this was not just the weird suicide that everybody was talking about after reading all of that. This is crazy. So, Matthew Perry, seemingly, was calling for help a week before his death, before his alleged suicide, with the very same messaging that he said that he would give if he needed help.

    And maybe that means... I need help because I'm dealing with mental health issues. Maybe that means I need help because, I don't know, some obscure entity is coming after me and wants me dead. Maybe it's, I don't know, and maybe the former seems much more likely than the latter, obviously. What a tragedy, right?

    And so you go into the last post or last two posts. The second last post says, Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you? I'm

    A week ago are you okay? Should we send for help? A week ago are you trying to give us a hint or something? A week ago, I hope you are doing well. I've always absolutely adored you and saw you, your struggles, and sometimes your sadness. I love your laughter and I'm always rooting for you. I know you won't see this, but I see you, and hope you are happy and living a beautiful life.

    Somebody else said, I can see the signs six days ago.

    Somebody else said, I've listened to your podcast so many times to know that this is a subliminal message. Keep up the good fight, bro.

    Wow. So there was so much, so much leading up to the death of Matthew Perry that it's Pretty crazy that nobody and a ton of the commenters did say that like we see this like we we know that this is an issue We know that you've said this before We see you and we love you. We're here for you like Somebody said don't relapse.

    Somebody else said the man was sacrificed by the elite. Although many people think this is a lie, it is reality. He already knew what was going to happen to him. Wow.

    This is probably one of the craziest conspiracy theories that I've seen play out in real time. Ever. Like, this... Matthew Perry died in like the single most

    horrific ways and his very last Instagram post he posted from the hot tub that he died in and said, Oh, so warm water swirling all around you makes you feel good. Question mark. I'm Matt, man.



    I'm trying to see if there's any

    posts here like the other ones, but man That's got to be just one of the Craziest.

    Oh Man, that's a rough one, right? And so There, it says there are only two options here. Yes, he could have been trying to hint at a new appearance in an upcoming Batman movie, or it was something else, something that may have gone right over the heads of those who needed to interpret it. My theory is that in the last few days, this says Matthew has been calling for help in a subtle way that hopefully his friends and family would have caught on to.

    Unfortunately, he dies. A week later, it's worth mentioning that in one of the comments the last chapter of his recent book is titled Batman this seems to be adding up all too. Well,

    wow, so He also commented on one of his posts rest easy. I'm on a tall building Hmm. Somebody else said planned suicide That's fair, right? Um, somebody else is my best guess based off of nothing but pure speculation. In the background in behavioral health, Matthew was going through a manic phase, which led to an increase in social media posts.

    This mania may have caused him to relapse on substances, which hot water and drugs is a very dangerous. It also says from another person that read to understand the last chapter of Matt's incredibly personal book is called Batman. It had his life photos in it. It's the most essential chapter regarding his life.

    Batman has repeated multiple times in his book as his pickleball, because he started that sport after he almost died from opiate use. He says something along the lines of when things are bad and you can't find yourself, just ask what would Batman. Do. Batman also is a single man with no children, which Matthew spoke about a lot in a matter that resembles depression type speaking.

    I think he relapsed and started posting weird from the day he says he's having a drink with his father. As in the book, he also speaks on his father in an incredibly emotional, hmm,

    very interesting.

    Somebody else said, who took that last pic of him? He's pretty far from the camera. Hmm,

    interesting. Wow. Pretty crazy. stuff. Um, it also said, I'm not sure if it was a cry for help. He signs off Matt man as in Batman as in he is the Batman Batman's whole theme is justice over vengeance. He fights crime to ensure no one would suffer like he did. What's that all about? The last picture is all is also pretty much Almost literal foreshadowing of his own death as if it was planned exactly like that.

    It feels a little bit sacrificial, like he needed to die to protect something. Mmmh, that seems like a stretch. Alright. Terrible, horrible. My heart goes out to the family, the loved ones, the friends. You know, no pun intended, uh, but pretty wild conspiracy theory, cause I don't think I've seen one happen like, see that play out like that in a long time, and again, maybe it's just foreshadowing his own death, and maybe it was a planned suicide, and that probably makes the most sense, but even so, such a, such a tragedy.

    Alright, we're going to switch gears now, um, and go into some of the Palestine, uh, situation with Israel, but first, What I need you to do go ahead and hit that subscribe button leave a five star review I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. I told you already if you didn't leave a review All you gotta do is leave a review, and then when I bring it up in the middle of the episode, you have to go, Oh my gosh, he already mentioned this, and I haven't done it yet, and now you have that little feeling in the stomach that just makes you feel like, Ah, man, I should have done that already.

    And now I don't feel good. But you can feel good right now! I'm giving you the opportunity, I for give you all you got to do is hit that subscribe button and leave a five star review. All right, then next time we're sitting here talking and you're going to be like, hearing me talk about five star reviews and you're just every time from then on, you're going to get a dopamine hit because you're like, yeah, bitch, I already did that.

    So go ahead and do it right now. Then you'll feel good. Every single time from here on out, knowing that you left a five star review. All right, that's what I got. Let's jump back into it. The very first thing that we're going to discuss today is some of the remarks that came from Benjamin Netanyahu as he delivered his remarks in Tel Aviv on 10 30, 2023, which is.

    Today. All right. So here it was his statement, some of which I was highly concerned about. I'm not sure we'll get to all of them, but I'm going to start this, uh, as he speaks in English for some of it and then transfers over. So let's listen to it right now. And if you are on YouTube, You'll be able to follow along as I just pulled up with you and you can watch it along with me.

    If you are listening on the podcast, great. I appreciate you. But also you can watch it. You can see my beautiful face. You can watch my crazy expressions. You can see it all. Just join the YouTube and subscribe there as well. All right. The Adams archive. Here we go. Here is what

    enabled us to move. Until

    recently, many believed. That the promise of progress in the 21st century would enable us to move beyond the barbaric horrors of the past towards a better and brilliant future. Many believe that we could go about our comfortable lives and that evil will simply pass us by. It will not. The horrors that Hamas perpetrated on October 7th remind us that That we will not realize the promise of a better future unless we, the civilized world, are willing to fight the barbarians.

    Because the barbarians are willing to fight us. And their goal is clear. Shatter that promising future. Destroy all that we cherish. And usher in a world of fear and darkness. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a turning point. A turning point for leaders and nations. It is time for all of us to decide if we are willing to fight for a future of hope and promise.

    Or surrender to tyranny and terror. Now rest assured, Israel will fight. Since October 7th, Israel has been at war. Israel did not start this war. Israel did not want this war. But Israel will win this war. Hamas launched this war by perpetrating the worst savagery our people have seen since the Holocaust.

    Hamas murdered children in front of their parents. Murdered parents in front of their children. They burned people alive. They raped women. They beheaded men. They tortured Holocaust survivors. They kidnapped babies. They committed the most horrific crimes imaginable. Now I, one thing I'd like to point out, and this doesn't take away from and detract from anything that he just said that was horrible.

    Obviously, everything you just talked about was horrible. But something that was the most egregious act that every single person was unbelievably disgusted by in this war was the idea that there was And it hurts just to say the words. But there was the idea that there was 40 or whatever, there was 44 or whatever number they threw out.

    It was something like that. 44 babies that were beheaded. He specifically just used the word beheaded, but did not say babies. If there was babies that were beheaded, and again, I just like, Oh, it crushes my soul to even have those words around each other. But if that was the case, don't you think he would have just said it?

    Like, all the propaganda that we're seeing come out about this and like, all the emotional strings that they're trying to pull with this propaganda, like, if that was the case, he absolutely 100 percent would have just stated that, that was a fact. But it didn't. You want to know why? Because it's unfounded claims.

    Something that they cannot validate. Something without the ability, and he hasn't the whole time because he knew that it wasn't something that was founded in fact. It wasn't something that they could. Come out and say to be true because, and again, from my standpoint and from every, the standpoint of the, you know, the same, um, uh, news organizations who called it wrong on that hospital in Gaza.

    called it wrong on this, right? If that was the case, they, he would have absolutely 100 percent said it because it's true. And they know, and it's one of the most egregious things that they could point to and say, they did that to our people. And here's why you should support us. But he can't do that because it was not factual.

    Transcribed by https: otter. ai And again, that's not to support Hamas. It's just saying that that wasn't the truth and that was propaganda. And you need to don't to know when you're looking at anything in this war, that there's such a, such a fog around every single statement that made is like, it's either big enough to make headlines and you find out it wasn't true 48 hours later, or it's not big enough to make the largest of headlines and nobody remembers it the next day.

    Like that's just. how it generally has played out. Right. But the 7, 000 people, and we'll get to that in a minute, 7, 400 or so people that it, that Palestine has said, including women and children and everything, like all of this is just horrible. Right? So when he's sitting here saying, Oh, we're the good guys.

    And like, he'll get to that. Biblical conversation here in just a second where he says, we're the good guys and they're the bad guys and there's right and there's wrong. And we're the good ones who get to murder in the name of rightness, righteousness. And, and they're the bad people who murder in the name of, you know, badness.

    It's like. Anytime somebody tries to sell you the idea of good versus bad without a nuanced conversation between what went wrong between the two groups like, yeah, there's inherently bad people for sure and we know that, but very much more often than not, it's a much more deep conversation to be had and maybe that's not something as a culture that we've been ready to discuss for a very long time.

    There's always been good guys and there's always been bad guys, right? Right. But in the, in this case, it's like, yeah, you are bombing children and women too. If you go look at some of the footage that is coming out. It's not like, and, and the only reason that I have to say this is because the, the propaganda machine is propping up Israel unbelievably.

    Right. Like if they were saying, oh, Hamas did it. All right? Hamas is the good guys. Hamas this, Hamas that like support Hamas, like I would be condemning them consistently too. And I do condemn the acts that they've taken. But they're not the ones in the mainstream media that they're propping up with, you know, this type of propaganda campaign.

    So I, it goes without saying that what they're doing is wrong, right? And what Israel is doing is wrong is being sugar coated as fucking unicorn f Farts. Like, it's like, Oh, I know we did that wrong thing, but everything that we do is in the name of righteousness. It's like, no, it's not. No, it's not. You're bombing children.

    And actually, like they have called to bomb hospitals at certain points. They're like, Oh, they're hiding their stuff in hospitals. If you don't evacuate, we will bomb you. It's like, Okay, no, that's not how the Geneva Convention works. You don't just get to bomb whoever you want, whenever you want, because there's allegedly weapons or people within there that are persons of interest.

    You just can't do that. I want you to find any single situation where the U. S. bombed a mosque or bombed a hospital or bombed an elementary school. You can't find it because we followed the Geneva Convention, right? But Israel is not doing that. So let's continue listening to what he has to say. And they're part of the axis of evil that Iran has formed.

    An axis of terror that works by arming, training, and financing Hamas in Gaza. All right. Now listen to this. I'll go back a minute just so you can hear that from the very beginning, but we talked about this with Iran, right? When, when we bomb, I ran back groups. We're not bombing. I ran back groups. We're sending a message to Iran, right?

    We didn't bomb Hamas because that would have caused this just crazy domino effect of large superpowers coming in. But what we did do was a strategic message to Iran saying, stop it, right? Even the, the, the message from Kamala Harris to Palestine and Hamas, she literally gets on the camera and goes, don't.

    They asked her in an interview, and I should pull it up here, but, um, I did, I didn't have it ready to go, but it says they asked, they asked Kamala Harris, what is your message to Hamas and to, or I'm sorry, they asked Kamala Harris, what is your message to Iran? And she said, don't. That was her message because they know the likelihood of them retaliating against us when we.

    Do offensive attacks against their backed militias is high because they know the message that they just sent to Iran. So they look back at Iran and go, you better not jump in while I beat the shit out of your friend here. You better not jump in because if you do, then we're going to war too. Don't. Right.

    So Kamala Harris sent a clear message to Iran. This is nothing but a message to Iran. This was not a message to whatever obscure terrorist organization that sent a drone to our, our military, uh, uh, operating bases and, and hurt 24 people and I say hurt because they were at work the next three days after and the only person who really got hurt had a, uh, a heart issue that likely stemmed from some sort of vaccine and not the drone attacks that drone attacks don't cause heart attacks.

    Right? So it's like I want you to pay attention to his next statement, which is a statement to Iran. Just as the question to Kamala Harris is not, what is your statement to these militias? It was, what is your statement to Iran? Just as we talked about. Here we go. And they're part of the axis of evil that Iran has formed, an axis of terror that works by arming, training and financing Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthis in Yemen and other terror proxies throughout the Middle East and beyond the Middle East.

    In fighting Hamas and the Iranian Axis of Terror, Israel is fighting the enemies of civilization itself. Victory over these enemies begins with moral clarity. It begins with knowing the difference between good and evil, between right and wrong. There you have it. It means making a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent And the unintentional casualties that accompany every legitimate war, even the most just war.

    So there you have it. He just said the intentional deaths of, what did he say? Let's just go listen to his own words. Netanyahu just said the thing out loud that when they kill civilians, they're the bad people. But when we do it, it's just a casualty of war. Don't blame us. Blame them. Company every year of the year.

    He's making a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent And the unintentional ca casualties that accompany every legitimate war, even the most just war. It means holding Hamas responsible. They are trying to gaslight us into thinking that civilian casualties, the death of women and children should be normalized in the name of what's right and what's wrong.

    When they kill, when, when, when they kill. Women and children, they're the bad people. But when we do it, it's just a casualty of war. Don't mind us. Definitely don't condemn us. We're the good guys. Guess what? Good guys don't kill women and children. Good guys don't level entire cities. Good guys don't don't destroy entire Entire cities filled with non violent individuals, right?

    When they do it, they're the bad guys. But, you know, people make a moral distinction between when they deliberately target civilians and when we deliberately target civilians and also maybe kill some bad guys, quote unquote. Jeez. And the unintentional casual I'm just going to play that for you one more time.

    Between right and wrong. It means making a moral distinction between the deliberate murder of the innocent and the unintentional casualties that accompany every legitimate war, even the most just war. It means holding Hamas responsible for the double war crime it commits every day by deliberately targeting Israeli civilians while deliberately using Palestinian civilians as human shields.

    It means making clear The use of human shields is not only an immoral tactic of terror, but also an ineffective one because as long as Hamas' use of Palestinian human shields result in the international community blaming Israel, Hamas will continue to use it as a tool of terror and so will others. So when they use their human shields and we shoot women and children, whether you saw it or didn't see it.

    Right? It's like, that's something I remember about the Iraq war, and the war in Afghanistan, and ISIS, and like, there was always the human shield element. Right? Like, how many instances were people actually using human shields? We don't know. It's just a narrative. It's just something that's spoken that goes, they're the bad guys, and we're the good guys, and they use human shields, and we don't, and when they target women and children, they're doing it for bad reasons, and when we do it, we're doing it for good reasons.

    I just, anybody who's on this train of Israel is just so baffling to me, and I'm not on the train of anybody, by the way, I'll keep reiterating that. There's no good train here guys. It's all bad. It's all bad. Now whether or not the acts on October 7th, right, they're trying to make into their 9 11 whether or not that which is the the EDM concert that the the Hamas state or the the terrorists went into and killed all those people whether that that was You know, there's still questions around that because there's people who say that they knew there's questions about people who said that they were informed about this just weeks ahead of time, days ahead of time, consistently over and over again by Egyptian intelligence officers.

    So it's like, okay, but maybe they were just waiting for a reason, and who's to say they didn't let this happen, and who's to say they didn't make it happen in order to conduct this attack on Gaza and retake over this land for this holy war, quote unquote, that they said they've deserved for thousands of years.

    Hamas will continue to use the basements in Gaza's hospitals as the command posts of its vast terror tunnel network. It will continue to use mosques as fortified military positions and weapon depots. It will continue to steal fuel and humanitarian assistance from UN facilities. While Israel is doing everything to get Palestinian civilians out of harm's way, Hamas is doing everything to keep Palestinian civilians in harm's way.

    Israel urges Palestinian civilians to leave the areas of armed conflict. While Hamas prevents those civilians from leaving those areas. Hamas is also preventing foreign nationals from leaving Gaza altogether. And most despicably, Hamas is holding over 200 Israeli hostages, including 33 children. Holding them, terrorizing them, keeping them as hostages.

    Every civilized nation should stand with Israel in demanding that these hostages be freed immediately and freed unconditionally. I want to make clear Israel's position regarding a ceasefire. Just as the United States would not agree to a ceasefire after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, or after the terrorist attack of 9 11, Israel will not agree to a cessation of hostilities with Hamas after the horrific attacks of October 7th.

    Calls for a ceasefire are calls for Israel to surrender to Hamas, to surrender to terrorism, to surrender to barbarism. That will not happen. Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible says that there is a time for peace and a time for war. This is a time for war. A war for our common future. Today we draw a line between the forces of civilization and the forces of barbarism.

    It is a time for everyone to decide where they stand. Israel will stand against the forces of barbarism until victory. I hope and pray that civilized nations everywhere will back this fight. Because Israel's fight is your fight. Because if Hamas and Iran's axis of evil win, you will be their next target.

    That's why Israel's victory will be your victory. But make no mistake, regardless of who stands with Israel, Israel will fight until this battle is won. And Israel will prevail. May God bless Israel, and may God bless all those who stand with Israel.

    No, thank you, sir. Let's go back and listen to a couple of those closing statements, which is that our fight is your fight. Regardless of who stands with Israel, Israel will fight until this battle is won. Iran's axis of evil win. You will be their next target. We'll back this fight. Because Israel's fight is your fight.

    Because if Hamas and Iran's Axis of Evil win, you will be their next target. Excuse me, sir. Israel's fight is not my fight. Israel's fight is not my children's fight. Israel's fight is not my friend's fight. Israel's fight is Israel's fight. Israel is 7, 000 miles away from the United States. Israel is its own nation with its own capable military with the most advanced.

    Uh, the most advanced, one of the most advanced militaries and intelligence organizations in the world. Why in the hell would you need my money? Or my son's blood? Or my blood? I'm fighting age, still. No thank you, I'm not fighting your war, send your son. Oh, but wait, you won't send your son, your son sitting at a beach in Miami because of the 350, 000 reservists that you just recalled of the men across the globe that are from Israel.

    You forgot your own son, the coward sitting here in the United States today who won't go and fight your war for you just as much as you don't believe it. And he doesn't believe it. Because if you were going to believe in this war, if you were going to truly believe in this fight, go send your son to do it.

    You're not going to send mine. You're not going to send me. Especially if you're not going to send your own son. And that's a fact. Let's pull this up here, which is the fact that during the same exact time that he's talking about this here, during the same exact time here, which is an article from the Daily Mail states, where is Netanyahu's son, Israeli soldiers blast Benjamin Netanyahu's son, Yair, 32, for abandoning them by staying in Miami.

    While 360, 000 reservists are called up to fight against Hamas. But you sell me. You tell my family members. You tell my friends that your war is our war. And that we should go fight it for you. But you won't send your own son. That's disgusting. You believe in your war? Send your son. Send yourself. Don't send mine.

    Don't spend my tax dollars. Don't spend my son's blood. Don't send, spend my blood on your war. You, you decided to engage in this conflict. You of 140 countries decided that a ceasefire wasn't worth it.

    So why would I send my son? Why would I sell and send myself? To a war that you're not even willing to sacrifice. You're not even willing to send your own son to fight. Here's what the article says. The son of Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been blasted for staying in Miami while reservists returned home to fight Hamas.

    Yair Netanyahu, 32 years old, has been in Florida since last April after his father told him to stop making inflammatory posts on social media, which saw him sued for defamation multiple times. Meanwhile, an unprecedented 360, 000 reservists have been called up, many of them dropping everything to fly back to Israel, even abandoning honeymoons.

    And there's some links on there, but yeah, a year has remained in Miami. To the irritation of many troops, Yair is enjoying his life at Miami Beach while I'm on the front lines, one soldier, a volunteer, serving on Israel's northern front, told the Times. It's us who are leaving our work, our families, our kids, to protect our families back home, in the country, not the people who are responsible for the situation.

    Our brothers, our fathers, sons are all going to the front line, but Yair is still not here. It does not help build trust in the leadership of this country.

    Hmm. Wow. And here's the picture of Netanyahu and his son. Another deployed to the border of Gaza said, I've flown back from the States where I have a job, a life, a family. There is no way I can stay there and abandon my country, my people at its critical time. Where is the prime minister's son? Why isn't he in Israel?

    It is the most uniting moment for us. As Israelis, in our recent history, and every single one of us should be here right now, including the Prime Minister's son. Yair, who studied theater in high school, undertook compulsory military service and worked in the spokesman's unit of the IDF, rather than as a combat soldier.

    Military service is compulsory for the majority of Israelis when they turn 18. Men have to serve 32 months and women 24. After this, most of them can be called up to reserve units until the age of 40 or even older in case of a national emergency, and they fight alongside the regular troops in times of war.

    Reservists are also used in non combat roles, meaning that Yair's lack of frontline experience would not automatically exempt him. Israelis, uh, abroad, after using WhatsApp chats to organize their return, sharing information on where to find available flights, said, Yadida. Yedidya Shalman, 26, who was in Thailand on his honeymoon after the violence exploded out of, uh, Gaza.

    Um, we set up WhatsApp groups almost everywhere in the world. We called people to join them, and we slowly working to bring as many reservists as possible back to Israel. He told Reuters, explaining he and his wife did not hesitate to curtail their holiday. Of course, we didn't think twice, and are currently on our way home on an L Al Plain, he said on WhatsApp.

    Yair Netanyahu is pictured in New York City in a photo posted October 2022. Wow. Very interesting.

    And here he is in a picture with Bill Clinton. Yair and his brother Evner are pictured with their mother Sarah and Bill Clinton in the White House. Watch out, children. That man's dangerous. Not who you want your child to be around. Um, wow. Crazy.

    Yeah. Where's your son Netanyahu? Cause he's not fighting in the war. He's in Miami. Snorting coke probably like Joe Biden's son and messing around with strippers probably. Wow. Oren Saar, 37, runs a food startup in Woodspen, New York City, where he lives with his wife and three young boys. A former captain of the Israeli Army, he immediately acknowledged the call out, but didn't tell his children what he was doing.

    The kids are very young, and it's not something that you want to explain. We told them I'm going on a business trip to Israel, and that it was going to be tricky to keep his new business going in his absence. But you know, there's just no question about what to do when my friends, my family, and my country are at risk, and that's what you would think you would do.

    If the words that came out of Netanyahu's mouth were true, but they're not

    so wild.

    Just reading through this, uh, it says on October 5th, two days before the Hamas terror attack, it emerged that he, Yair was wanting to stay in the United States permanently. Yair was overheard at the wedding in London over the summer, worrying about, uh, that he would be turned away by the U S authorities because the Biden administration was frosty towards Netanyahu.

    An American immigration law firm, Wilds and Weinberg, then announced on Facebook that the newly minted offices in Tel Aviv, Yair, joins our list of distinguished clients from Israel. Hmm.

    Very interesting. He has been carving out a name for himself as a right wing podcast host and media figure, and has regularly shared controversial memes and posts resulting in several defamation cases over the year. Yeah, here, where are you at boy? Let's see you. Yeah, you're netting Yahoo. His most recent post.

    It's got 110, 000

    followers. It's about. As much, almost as I have, if you combine my accounts, on two of them, on Instagram. Uh, so not that big. Let's see. Let's start looking through some of his stuff.

    Wow. I'm sure how many followers he got over the last, uh, you know, few days, few weeks, sitting here in Miami, with his poodle. You little...


    so crazy.

    He posted the Israel flag on October 11th. Saying, we are united, we will have revenge, we are going to win. Then posted a link to donate.

    The link I'll speak Hebrew, so I don't think that'll help. But

    please stay with us. We're gonna be in English in a minute.

    See if we can get to the English part for you. All you do is grab the candy. Why do you think so many? Oh, wrong shit. Hold on.


    Hello, friends. Please stay with us socially. Why do you think so many? Especially on the left soldiers, but until that time, we'll be there for. Let's switch to English. Rabbi, uh, please tell us about your NGO. What are you doing now to help the war, the war effort and the wounded soldiers? So our primary focus is to let wounded soldiers live a life without limits.

    Our vision is to close down the organization today so that there won't be any more wounded soldiers. But until that time, we will be there for every single soldier, giving him or her whatever they want. Amen, soldiers. Who was wounded recently, uh, two years ago is Raz Mizrahi. She was brutally murdered by Hamas on Tuesday, on Friday night, actually.

    And it's shocked our staff completely. But we are there giving soldiers everything they need. Our staff is going to every single hospital in Israel right now, finding the soldiers, meeting them, giving them what they need. Our facility in Kiryakona has been transformed into a rehabilitation center where we provide every single kind of therapy there is for our wounded soldiers.

    We will be there for them and with them every single step of the way. Thank you so much, Rabbi, and this is really important to donate directly to the wounded soldiers, our heroes, coming back from the battlefield. Uh, please go on my Instagram and, uh, view, uh, uh, the link. Thank you so much, Rabbi. Thank you.

    Yeah, maybe Badiou should go back to Israel and fight this war.

    There's another one. Please tell about your NGO and what you're doing in these days. Uh, vis a vis the families of the victims, applying them a lot of spirits. So he doesn't say shit himself. That's all he's got, huh? Nothin I stand with Palestine equals I stand with ISIS. I stand with Al Qaeda. I stand with the Third Reich.

    It's amazing how many times the Holocaust is being brought up in this, like we've talked about, you know, the hollow, you're a Nazi being brought up in the United States so many times over the last, I don't know, few years, like two, three years that it's just so ridiculous that the comparisons even being made.

    Now, to be fair, this is probably closer than what those were, you know, like the Proud Boys are not the Nazis. Hamas probably isn't the Nazis, right? Like there's no, there's no way that they're going to, you know, it just seems, it seems to undermine the idea and seems to devalue the true horror that was the Holocaust.

    Right? When you get into like holocaust deniers and all this shit, like, the holocaust was absolutely the one of, if not the most, horrific acts of man ever. And by you sitting here and saying that the holocaust is basically these guys who flew in and killed 200 or so people in one day, it's like, no, it was 6 million Jewish people killed specifically for their religion.

    Right? So it's like... I just, I don't know. I just don't see it being a valuable comparison and I think it's almost, it's pretty gross. And I guess it's a little bit less gross when it's being used in this context because it's actually against Jewish people. Um, but I don't think it's against Jewish people in the same way that the Holocaust was.

    Where it was like, specifically religious and like, long, this seems to be more so a... attack on the standing nation, not on the religion, right? And you have to make that distinguish with Judaism. It's like, yes, it's a nation state, but it's also a religion where like, there's almost way more gatekeeping in Judaism and Jewish.

    Cultures and there isn't like almost anything else where they believe anybody outside of the Jewish culture literally that this is for my understanding speaking with Jewish friends of mine that I do jujitsu with and like have had long standing conversations with and some of the research that I've done is like They believe that people who are non jewish like you're not allowed to go be a part of a legitimate Jewish organization Unless you have the blood of a mother who is Jewish Right?

    That's the way it works. Your father's Jewish? Cool. We don't, you're not invited to the club. Right? Like it's a specific blood right to be able to be allowed within the Jewish culture. It's pretty wild stuff, like, and then you get into some of like the Jewish, uh, mysticism and the, uh, you know, it gets pretty crazy, right?

    And that's where some of the other things come in with like, you know, we won't get into that in this context, but it gets pretty wild, right? So, anyways, I just think that it's a gross comparison. Um, so there's Netanyahu's post, and there's a little bit of history on his son, which is obviously, should probably be in...

    Israel right now, not in Miami. Where are you at dude? Anyways, now this brings us to the UN General Assembly, which in this UN Assembly, there was a call for a humanitarian truce, a ceasefire. And in fact, there was a vote in the UN on a ceasefire and there was 120 people in favor. Of this ceasefire in favor of this truth, truce.

    And there was only 14 countries who opposed it. Do you want to know which one of the countries out of almost 160 or so countries opposed a ceasefire, opposed a truce in Palestine, in Gaza with Israel? The United States was one of those countries. One of the 14 countries who opposed a ceasefire in a truce.

    Why do you think that is? Maybe because all of the military industrial complex representatives that are funding all of these wars are potentially in the United States? Hmm, maybe. There's a picture here showing the countries that did and the countries that didn't. And let's, let's see if we can get a little, uh, closer to this here.

    And see who those countries were. So here are the countries. That voted no.

    The first country of the over 160 countries that voted no was Austria, Australia. Hmm. Interesting. Let's see if we can get a, okay. So that's an abstinence. Right, and abstent, abstentation, abstention. So the against was not Australia, it was Austria. Austria decided they didn't want a ceasefire. Fiji decided they didn't want a ceasefire.

    Croatia, Chechnya, Guatemala, Hungary, Nauru, Micronesia.

    Marshall Island, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Tonga, and the United States of America. So of the 14 countries that said no to this truce to the ceasefire at the UN Assembly, only maybe two of them you've ever really heard about or cared about, which is, I don't know how much you care about Chechnya, Hungary, Croatia, Guatemala, or Paraguay, but United States of America was the single only powerful country that decided that they shouldn't have a ceasefire or a truce during this UN assembly.

    How disgusting is that? Right? Doesn't that raise a little bit of red flags in your brain? The fact that we are one of only one real country that is saying, eh, maybe We don't want them to stop this war. Well, why do you think that is? Maybe because it's profitable. Maybe because it's profitable. And then you look for some of the, you know, US, uh, backed countries and, and see, like, who only abstained from this because the United States was a part of the group that said no.

    Including Ukraine, the UK, Sweden, Serbia, the Philippines. Romania, Monika, Moniko, not Monika, not that uh, I'm like Monika, Andrea, and Rita, and as I continue, it's only getting sweeter. Italy, Iraq, India, Iceland, Haiti, Greece, Germany, Georgia, Finland, Canada. So all the countries that didn't want to take a strong stance said they abstained.

    from answering it, but only 14 countries said they were against it. And only one of them truly mattered, which was the United States of America. And that should tell you everything you need to know about this, right? You are not the majority, even if you're in the United States. And even if you're on the side of Israel, you are not the majority.

    Nobody in this world agrees with you, right? Unless you're talking about. Tange or, or Guana or some shit, whatever that, whatever that was, right? So then you get into what's going on in Israel and Gaza right now, which is the fact that Gaza suffered a near total information blackout, which means they cut all of the lines for wifi.

    They cut all of their internet access. They called all of their network communications, telecommunications providers, complete severance from all communications and internet services. Which is interesting because why would you cut the internet service? Why would you cut the communication with the external world unless you were planning on doing something that Justified you not allowing them to share your actions for right?

    Like why why would you want to eliminate their ability to communicate with the world? Unless it had to do with something that you were going to do to them that you didn't want them sharing Right? And that's exactly what we saw here in Israel doing to Palestine is they cut off complete access to internet services, all cell phone services, all internet stopped completely in Gaza after Israel expands its military operation against Hamas.

    Well, it's not against Hamas then, it's against Palestine, right? Disgusting, right? And then, and then Elon Musk doing what Elon Musk does put up Starlink as soon as they did this. But guess what then? Israel threatened to destroy Musk's Starlink over Gaza, because nobody shouldn't have access to the internet, especially if you're bombing them, right?

    Says Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Kari has vowed that Israel will use all means at its disposal to fight. SpaceX planned provision of Starlink internet access to Gaza. Hamas will use it if We will use it for terrorist activities, Kari claimed, adding that there is no doubt about it. We know it and Musk knows it.

    In response, the tech billionaire said he is not so naive, explaining that he has proposed scheme would work while promising to do a security check with both the U. S. and Israeli governments before turning on even a single terminal. Per my post, no Starlink terminal has attempted to connect from Gaza. If one does, we will make extraordinary measures to confirm it is only used for purely humanitarian.

    Earlier on Saturday, Musk said that he would open the Starlink satellite network to internationally recognized aid organizations working in Gaza after a wave of Israeli airstrikes severed the enclave's last phone and internet connections to the outside world. Internet and cell phone services stopped working in Gaza on Friday night after a wave of Israeli airstrikes.

    The outages left news organizations and aid groups unable to reach their workers, with the UN's Children's Agency and the World Health Organization, Doctors Without Borders, Red Cross, and Red Crescent all reporting no contact from their employees. Um, Arabic, uh, RT Arabic has also temporarily unable to contact its correspondents and photographers in Gaza.

    Musk's plans would mark the second time that he has deployed Starlink to a combat zone shortly after the start of Russia's military operation in Ukraine. The tech tycoon supplied Kiev with Starlink terminals. However, he fell out of favor when he barred the Ukrainian military from using the network to guide drone strikes on Russia's Russian ships in the Black Sea.

    Very, very interesting. Hmm, pretty crazy. So, there you have it. And there's the hockey situation again popping up here. Media defends hockey throat slasher who killed opponent in freak accident. Yeah, not throat slasher. Like, get out of here. Crazy. Anyways. All right. That's what I got for you guys. That is your update.

    And until next time, I hope you have a great week. I love you. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart. Head over to the Instagram, the Austin J Adams, head over to the sub stack, Austin Adams. substack. com. Um, leave a five star review, subscribe, make sure you get this shit every single week. I appreciate you.

    And I hope you have a great day. Thank you so much. And see you next time. Adams archive.