
  • At the 2024 Marxism Conference, Red Flag Radio spoke to Argentinian socialist Cesar Latorre, union militant and leading member of the Movimiento Socialista Los de Trabajadores (MST). Chloe asked Cesar about the role of the revolutionary left in the struggle against far right Argentine President Javier Milei.

    Milei came to power promising radical free market policies, massive cuts to the public sector and a confrontational approach to the unions and the left. Since taking office he has unleashed a wave of attacks on workers, students and the poor -- announcing plans to sack 70,000 public sector workers, lower pensions, defund education and crackdown on dissent with attempts to outlaw forms of protest. Milei’s attacks and rampant inflation mean that working class living standards are in free fall.

    But Milei has been met with significant resistance. He has faced mass protests in January, two general strikes since taking office and an emerging student resistance to education cuts. The revolutionary left in Argentina has played a significant role in these mobilisations. Alongside the dangers of the moment, opportunities have emerged in the course of struggle for the socialist left to grow.

    Further reading:

    Red Flag on class struggle in Argentina:

    - https://redflag.org.au/article/fight-continues-argentina

    - https://redflag.org.au/article/left-argentinas-general-strike

    - https://redflag.org.au/article/shock-therapy-argentina

    MST analysis of the current crisis in Argentina:

    - https://mst.org.ar/2024/05/15/panorama-politico-luchas-sociales-tensiones-y-crisis-en-el-horizonte/

    Don't miss out on the next radical conference near you:

    - Sydney Socialism Conference: 16-18 Aug

    - Brisbane Socialism Conference: 23 Aug

    - Perth Socialism Conference: 10-11 Aug

    - Adelaide Socialism Conference: 14-15 Aug

  • Janey Stone is an anti-Zionist Jewish author and activist. She is the coauthor with Donny Gluckstein of a new book, "The Radical Jewish Tradition: Revolutionaries, Resistance Fighters and Firebrands".

    The claim of Israel and its apologists to represent Jews everywhere and the growth of the antisemitic far right, make understanding and celebrating the long history of left-wing and working class Jewish activism essential for leftists today.

    Chloe sat down to talk to Janey about her book and the relevance of its arguments for activsts and socialists today.

    Janey's work has done much to uncover the radical Jewish tradition. Before the Second World War the majority of Jews were working class and part of a wider struggle alongside their non-Jewish comrades on the left. The book celebrates Jewish radicalism from the Tsarist Empire to Poland and Germany, from London to New York. Far from the Zionist stereotype of the ultimate victims, Jews were revolutionaries, resistance fighters and firebrands.

    This inspiring radical tradition was ultimately checked by the callous indifference of capitalist governments to refugees and the horror of Auschwitz. However, its lessons must be passed on to inform working class and anti-imperialist struggles in a world in crisis.

    Buy Janey Stone's book: "The Radical Jewish Tradition: Revolutionaries, Resistance Fighters and Firebrands"

    Available online at Red Flag Books

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  • We were lucky enough to interview the inimitable Dr Gary Foley at the 2024 Marxism Conference where he was a guest speaker. Gary is a living legend of the Aboriginal rights movement: he was a founding member of the Sydney Black Power movement and the Aboriginal tent embassy in Canberra in the 1970s.

    Gary is a staunch supporter of Palestine, speaking at almost every Palestine demonstration in Melbourne since Israel’s war began, making the case for solidarity and resistance to colonialism, racism and capitalism.

    As well as being an inspiring activist, Foley is an educator of the next generation through his writings and his archive of Aboriginal history, set to be the largest of its kind.

    Emma asked Gary about his life, about the importance of standing up to Gaza and the importance of conferences like Marxism as gatherings of the radical left.

    Further readings

    Check out Gary's website here: https://www.gooriweb.org/

    Gary Foley: ‘a direct and fiercely intellectual man’ by Tony Birch in Red Flag

    The 1971 Springbok tour protests- an interview with Gary Foley in Red Flag

    Don't miss out on the next radical conference near you:

    - Sydney Socialism Conference: 16-18 Aug

    - Brisbane Socialism Conference: 23 Aug

    - Perth Socialism Conference: 10-11 Aug

    - Adelaide Socialism Conference: 14-15 Aug

  • Inspired by the encampment at Columbia University in New York, students at the University of Sydney this week occupied their campus to stand with the people of Gaza. They're condemning the complicity of their university and the Australian government in the invasion of Gaza, and calling to cut ties with the Israeli state and arms manufacturing corporations.

    In this episode Emma interviews the student demonstrators and their supporters about what inspired them to take action, the role of Australian institutions in facilitating genocide, and where the campaign can go from here.


    - If you want to support the students or get involved, get in touch with Students For Palestine USyd on Instagram

    - Read the coverage in Red Flag

  • We interviewed Damian Ridgwell, a veteran socialist activist and leading light in Australia's pro-Palestine movement for almost 20 years. Damian talked about the recent history of the movement and why it's so important to take a stand for Palestine here in Australia.

    Chloe and Emma also talked about the new data which reveals that the majority of Australian corporations have significant internal gender pay gaps. We expose some of the problems with the report and the government's approach, and explain the nature of the deep gender inequality in the Australian economy.

    Further Reading

    - "Why the global movement for Palestine matters" - https://redflag.org.au/article/why-global-movement-palestine-matters

    - "To end sexism we need to destroy capitalism" - https://redflag.org.au/article/end-sexism-we-need-destroy-capitalism

  • For this special episode we interviewed one of our favourite return guests Diane Fieldes. Diane is a socialist activist and writer who participated in the campaign against police repression after the first Sydney Mardi Gras in 1978. She talks about the homophobia of those years, the violence of the police, and the triumph of the Gay Liberation activists who fought for their rights - including the right to protest.

    Further reading:

    - https://redflag.org.au/article/mardi-gras-was-riot


  • The fight is on in Argentina! Javier Milei, the newly-elected President and self-described anarcho-capitalist has announced a slew of attacks on working class living conditions and democratic rights. But workers are fighting back. We spoke to Jasmine Duff, a socialist activist who visited Argentina and participated in the resistance to Milei's attacks. Jasmine roamed around Buenos Aires interviewing activists and reporting for Red Flag newspaper.

    But first up, Chloe and Emma dissect the latest news from Gaza and the Middle East, including the ICJ decision, the Western defunding of UNRWA and the US bombing campaign against the Houthis.

    Further reading:


    "The Left in Argentina's general strike" by Jasmine Duff in Red Flag (Feb '24)"'We're not going to take it!' - Mass protests in Argentina" by Jasmine Duff in Red Flag (Dec '23)

    Palestine and the Middle East:

    "Hypocrisy about the Houthis" by Mick Armstrong in Red Flag (Jan '24)"‘A small, arrogant, violent, wicked nation’: Israel’s permanent war on the people of the Middle East" by Omar Hassan in Red Flag (Jan '24)
  • A special episode on the fall of South African apartheid! Chloe interviews Tom Bramble, socialist author and witness to working class struggles in South Africa. Tom spent time in South Africa in the years following the overthrow of the racist apartheid system, and he wrote a book and numerous articles about South Africa. He tells us about how the racist apartheid system was finally destroyed, and how the workers' movement played a crucial role in its destruction.

    Further reading

    Rethinking the Labour Movement in the 'New South Africa' - edited by Tom Bramble and Franco Barchiesi

    How South African Apartheid was Ended by Emma Norton in Red Flag (2023)Lessons from the South African anti-apartheid struggle by Deaglan Godwin (2023)South Africa in crisis by Tom Bramble in Red Flag (2016)Hypocrisy in West's reponse to Desmond Tutu's passing by Tom Bramble in Red Flag (2021)Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) by Tom Bramble in Red Flag (2013)
  • What is the state? An overgrown behemoth, a neutral arbiter, a tool of the ruling class? In our first episode for 2024, Chloe and Emma explain the Marxist theory of the state. We also chat about what we read over the break.

    Further reading on the capitalist state:

    - "What is the Australian State" - by David Peterson in Red Flag

    - "Marxism vs. the State" - by Sadia Schneider in Red Flag

    Emma and Chloe's summer reading:

    Here are the books we talked about at the start of the episode:

    - "The State and Revolution" by V.I. Lenin: https://shop.redflag.org.au/products/state-and-revolution?_pos=2&_psq=state%20and%20&_ss=e&_v=1.0&variant=34797667581997

    - "Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver

    - "Holding the Line: Women in the Great Arizona Mine Strike" by Barbara Kingsolver

    - Georgy Plekhanov on Marxism and Philosophy: "The Development of the Monist View of History" https://www.marxists.org/archive/plekhanov/1895/monist/index.htm

  • Our main segment in this episode is an interview with Daniel Taylor, an anti-Zionist Jewish socialist and regular contributor to Red Flag newspaper.

    Daniel and Emma talk about why the mainstream media are so aggressively pro-Israel. From the Murdoch press to the state-run ABC, the mainstream media dehumanises the Palestinians and helps cover up Israeli war crimes. We go through all their tricks, double standards and hypocrisies, and try to explain why the media landscape is so homogenous when it comes to Israel.

    But first up, Chloe and Emma discuss the recent resurgence of anti-refugee rhetoric in Australia. With the High Court overturning a decade-old legal precedent which held that refugees could be detained indefinitely - Australian politics has once more descended into a hysterical anti-refugee race to the bottom.


    Further reading

    "The mainstream media are pro-Israel propaganda" by Daniel Taylor in Red Flag

    "Why journalists must speak out about Gaza" in Red Flag

  • We spoke to high schoolers from Melbourne and Sydney who went on strike for Palestine, defying intimidation from the media, politicians and their own schools.

    The Melbourne school strike for Palestine was the biggest of its kind in the world! But students faced a barrage of condemnation in the lead up to the strikes. Journalists said that students were too stupid to understand such a complex issue, and many prinicipals threatened students with disciplinary action. But thousands of kids remained defiant and showed up in numbers to demand that our government cut diplomatic, economic and military ties with the genocidal state of Israel.

    Also in this episode, Emma and Chloe talk about the worrying rise of far right governments around the world, most recently the victories of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands and Javier Milei in Argentina.

    Note: we recorded this episode during Israel's propagandistic "pause" in its bombardment of Gaza - since then they have only escalated their campaign of ethnic cleansing. Our fight for Palestinian liberation goes on. Get involved in Palestine solidarity organising near you!

    Further reading

    Red Flag articles:

    - "We won't be silenced": Why high-school students are walking out for Palestine

    - Far right victory in Argentina

    - Marxist Left Review article - "Dark clouds over Europe - facing the new far right"

    Get involved in Palestine activism!

    High school groups:- Melbourne School Students 4 Palestine - Sydney High Schoolers for Palestine

    Uni student groups (look up your own university and "Students for Palestine" on insta to find campus-based clubs!)- Students for Palestine Victoria - Students for Palestine Canberra - Students for Palestine WA - Adelaide Students for Palestine - Students for Palestine Sydney Uni

    Main campaign groups for each city:Sydney - Palestine Action Group Melbourne - Free Palestine Melbourne Brisbane - Justice for Palestine Meanjin - Brisbane Perth - Friends of Palestine WA Adelaide - Campaign against Racism and Fascism Canberra - Palestine Action Group - Canberra Hobart -

  • In the middle of a new anti-war movement against the genocide in Gaza, we thought it would be timely to release an episode about the movement that helped end the Vietnam War. At Socialism Conference 2023, Emma interviewed two seasoned anti-war activists about their role in the movement that swept the world in the 1960s and 70s America (and Australia's!) brutal war. Allen Myers was a socialist GI, drafted into the American military, who spent years agitating against the war among fellow soldiers. Diane Fieldes was a student in Australia who got involved in the movement while at high school and became a lifelong socialist. We have a lot to learn from their experiences as we stand up against the horrors of war and occupation today.

    Further reading:

    Red Flag Articles:

    - A People's History of the Vietnam War - by Lily Campbell

    - Students in the Anti-Vietnam War Movement by Grace Hill

  • Our guest is Josh Lees, one of the leading organisers of Sydney's massive Palestine solidarity rallies. Josh critiques the so-called "two-state solution", explaining why it provides no real solution for the Palestinians and how the slogan has been used and abused by Western governments to cover up Israel's crimes.

    Earlier in the episode, Emma and Chloe talk about the current situation in Gaza and get stuck into the UN for its historic role in greenlighting the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

  • We interviewed Vashti Fox, author of "The Story of Palestine: Empire, Repression and Resistance". We talk about how Israel has been a racist, imperialist project from the very beginning, and Vashti explains why ruling classes around the world still offer their full-throated support for Israeli war crimes. Emma and Chloe discuss the situation in Gaza and expose many of the media devices that cast Israel as the victim with a "right to defend itself", while Palestinians are consistently dehumanised to justify Israeli war crimes.

    Further Reading

    - Vashti Fox's book The Story of Palestine: Empire, Repression and Resistance, available at Red Flag Books

    - Map of "Disappearing Palestine" as of 2014 https://www.palestinecampaign.org/wp-content/uploads/disappearing-palestine-A3-poster-PRINT-Jan-2014.pdf

    - for coverage of the genocide in Gaza, follow Red Flag

    Find a Palestine solidarity rally in your city this weekend!

    NB- We recorded our discussion on 22nd October, and a lot has happened in a little over a week. The death toll in Gaza has doubled since then, to over 8000, and we are seeing increased ground offensives in northern Gaza. Western politicians have doubled down on their pro-Israel rhetoric, and only a trickle of aid is being allowed into the besieged Gaza strip. The humanitarian crisis there is dire.

    In response to these horrors we have seen continued resistance around the world. The past weekend saw the biggest pro-Palestine protests in Australian history, including 50,000 people who marched in Sydney.

  • It's been just over a week since Australia went to the polls and returned a resounding 60% majority "No" vote against an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. What do socialists make of the result? Emma spoke to Red Flag Radio regular Jordan Humphreys, author of Indigenous Liberation and Socialism, about the significance of the defeat. Jordan explains how the "No" camp tapped into a well of anti-Aboriginal racism in this country. We discuss the tepid "Yes" campaign, and why Labor should be held accountable for its decades-long role in pushing racist ideas and policies. Jordan also offers some reflections on the fight for Indigenous rights going forward.

    Further reading

    - Jordan Humphreys' article in Red Flag: Voice Defeated - Fight against racism continues

    - Indigenous Liberation and Socialism by Jordan Humphreys, available at Red Flag Books

    A note on the ongoing genocide in Gaza

    We are living through a historic moment. In the space of two weeks, Israel has slaughtered over 5000 Palestinians and destroyed almost half of the building in the Gaza. Millions of people have been protesting across the world against this atrocity, with demonstrations planned for the future.

    - Check out this episode, where Chloe interviews Omar Hassan about the issue: Why socialists support a free palestine - Get yourself to a Palestine solidarity protest in your city this weekend!

    We are working hard to get you more Palestine-related content in the coming weeks. Look out for our next episode which will include an interview with Vashti Fox, author of The Story of Palestine, about the racist and imperialist origins of the Israeli state.

    - Buy Vashti's book The Story of Palestine: Empire, Repression and Resistance, available at Red Flag Books

  • Right now, Israel is mobilising for a full-scale war in response to an offensive by Hamas. Netanyahu has vowed to turn Gaza, with its population of 2.3 million people, into a deserted island, and Israeli politicians are openly calling for another Nakba — referring to the genocidal massacres in 1948 which marked the beginning of Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

    Western politicians are lining up to pledge their support for Israel’s “right to defend itself”. The US has sent an aircraft carrier to aid Israel, and Biden has taken this opportunity to rally support for Western imperialism & funding for the Israeli Defence Forces.

    Chloe spoke to Omar Hassan about the history of military occupation and genocide from 1948 to today, and why the left must stand with Palestine. Omar is a socialist from Melbourne, a long-time Palestine solidarity activist and editor of the Marxist Left Review.

    Join the solidarity protests:

    Sydney Sunday Oct 15, 1PM Hyde Parkhttps://facebook.com/events/s/stop-the-war-on-gaza-free-pale/237050879370266/MelbourneSunday Oct 15, 12PM State Libraryhttps://facebook.com/events/s/palestine-rally-end-the-siege-/621858313442265/CanberraFriday Oct 13, 5:30PM Garema Placehttps://facebook.com/events/s/stand-with-palestine-no-war-on/2258919267638772/AdelaideSunday Oct 15, 2:00pm SA Parliament Househttps://facebook.com/events/s/solidarity-with-palestine-no-w/7143090389076667/BrisbaneFriday Oct 13, 6:00pm King George Squarehttps://facebook.com/events/s/no-war-on-gaza-solidarity-with/884972343033190/PerthFriday Oct 13, 5:30pm Murray St Mallhttps://facebook.com/events/s/rally-for-palestine-no-war-on-/1046067476425215/WollongongSat Oct 14, 1:00pm MacCabe Parkhttps://facebook.com/events/s/wollongong-rally-free-palestin/1951351455251789/

    Further readings:

    Check out the War on Palestine section of the Red Flag website: https://redflag.org.au/category/palestine

  • In this episode, Emma and Chloe take a deep dive into the system behind sexism. Why has women's oppression persisted long after the Women's Liberation Movement won formal equality? Why is the gender pay gap actually widening? We also tackle some of the major debates between feminists and socialists, like who benefits from sexism: men in general or the capitalist class?

    Further reading

    - "Why Sexism Persists" by Diane Fieldes

    - "The System Behind Sexism" by RFR's own Roz Ward

    - And check out this collection of books for sale on gender and sexual oppression at Red Flag books: https://shop.redflag.org.au/collections/women-lgbtia

    NOTE: We recorded this episode before the recent events in Palestine began. We are hurrying to record and release an episode explaining Israel's already catastrophic war on Gaza and the West Bank, defending the right of Palestinians to resist their oppression. Look for that towards the end of this week.

  • Part two of an interview with Jordan Humphreys about his new book Indigenous Liberation and Socialism. Emma and Jordan chat about the inspiring history of Indigenous struggle in Australia. This one's not to be missed! Jordan shares his fascinating research on on how the early workers' movement fought for Indigenous rights - from Aboriginal shearers who joined a militant union to Communists who led strikes for Indigenous liberation. We talk about Australia's own civil rights movement, and how Black Power came to Australian cities in the 1970s.


    - Grab a copy of Jordan's book at Red Flag Books and join us for the third and final part of this interview in a few weeks.

    - Check out Jordan's latest offering in Red Flag newspaper about why you should vote yes in the Voice referendum!

    - Jordan's article in the Marxist Left Review on How Australian Communists fought for Indigenous Liberation

    Get involved in a Socialist Alternative branch near you

    Leave your details here if you want to get active in building the socialist movement: https://redflag.org.au/getinvolved

  • Louisa and her workmates have had enough. They work at Mint My Desk stationery stores across Brisbane and are illegally paid below the minimum wage, cash-in-hand. Last week, after more than a year of trying to get their bosses to pay the legal minimum, Mint My Desk workers walked off the job. They have now had two strikes and have stared down intimidation and threats of sacking. In this special episode, Emma talked to Louisa, the socialist and unionist at the heart of this campaign, about how retail workers can stand up for their rights.

    Further reading:

    Latest article on the strike from Red Flag

    Original coverage from Red Flag

    Mint My Desk Workers United on TikTok

  • This is part one of our interview with author Jordan Humphreys.

    We talked about Jordan's new book, Indigenous Liberation and Socialism.

    Indigenous Liberation & Socialism delves into the history and politics of Indigenous struggle, exploring the forgotten legacy of the workers’ movement and the socialist left in the fight for justice against Indigenous oppression. It presents a compelling argument that the liberation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will only be won if we build a multi-racial anti-capitalist movement which can smash all systems of oppression.

    Jordan is a socialist activist in Sydney and a member of the editorial board of the Marxist Left Review. He has been researching and writing about Indigenous issues since 2019.

    Get yourself a copy of his book from Red Flag Books.

    Keep an eye out for parts 2 and 3 of Emma's interviews with Jordan.

    Producer: Jack MorrisHost: Emma NortonMusic: Daniel Kenny