The beacons of tomfoolery have been lit yet again, the barren podcast hellscape called for Pat and Ray. Alas the giants slumbered for many eons until the fateful day it all happened and a happy accident came to be - this episode, big whoop and wow!
Scholars from far and wide have gathered to discuss important topics like Pat's parasocial relationship with people during leagues, PAT NEW PC YES FINALLY, being thankful for important things in life (such as NASCAR or dry protection) and of course Run Escape and Rings of Lords in Power.
Today we are talk about old Run Escape yes thank you!...
Sorry, had an aneurysm there, took a few months to recover but now everything should be fine, maybe. Then again looking at this episode it sure doesn't look like Pat and Ray are fine, like at all. There are talks about conquering mighty beings (Chad), gnome BDSM and unintentional (and unpaid!!!) advertisements.
Also as per usual in the quiz, Pat goes in raw while Ray is left dying in the corner, all is well in the world.
Saknas det avsnitt?
It's quite warm outside and the brains of these two are clearly cooked and not in a good way. Pat and Ray discuss what it'd be like to actually be knowledgeable about building your own computer and not blow up the world, poisoning rats (in game of course) and test their might in knowing a bunch of nerd shit, as per usual.
(Also who the hell keeps naming these episodes the most convoluted way possible, is everything alright with the person?)
No point in mentioning the time passing again, Ray has beaten it to death (literally) and Pat just isn't all there anymore. Alas that does not mean there haven't been any changes - no spoilers, but levels were gained, destinies fulfilled and metal plates drilled in the middle of 2 dudes talking.
Description doesn't make sense? Well duh, you got to listen to the episode, silly.
Many moons ago 2 geeks decided to talk into a microphone and now we're 11 episodes in, a new season starting and what do have to show for it? Literally the world has changed and now you too shall hear what Ray and Pat have concocted these past few months and it's proper monkey business, maybe even madness? Only time will tell how long this debauchery will continue, probably centuries.
Well, well, well, what do we have here, after all this time? Pat and Ray attempting at a finale for the first season of a god-forsaken Old School Runescape podcast? Yes, the answer is yes and always will be yes. As the kids say - "Never back down never what? Never give up!" and neither have these 2 troglodytes. Explosive moments of promises unbroken, new paths in our journeys forged and all in a spicy sauce of anti-drug PSA sections.
And as they say about things in the end - it doesn't even matter. They're taking the hobbits to Isengard either way.
What the falador did you just flippin' said to me, you little bwana? I'll have you know we graduated at the top of our class in the Warriors Guild and we've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Lumbridge Goblins and we have over 300 confirmed kills...
Sorry got carried away, these are tough times for Pat and Ray as the penultimate episode of the first season is at hand. You want to know, what we're taling about? Well, bucko, only this audio will reveal the secrets and it sure is unholy.
Sometimes you look back at the time spent and think to yourself - "what have I done and said that has warranted this current situation?". In this episode of the journey Pat and Ray do not provide answers to such questions. What they do provide are ham-fisted topics such as leagues, mythical Spanish creatures and m u s i c.
There are questions, there are failures, triumphs and tears - all in a neat package to truly and deeply enjoy, even our deaf listeners!
Also why are we still doing these Star Wars pun episode names, help.
In an endless wasteland of failure, ill-advised decisions, big gains and unanswered questions, Pat and Ray still survive and somewhat even thrive, but for how long?
Topics of discussion include modes of transportation, spreading your seed(s) for agricultural gain, plugging in, all that with a pinch of existential dread. Also there might even be a certain activity involving questions and answers!
Oh and if anyone listening has any great questions to ask or topics they want to hear - do let us know via e-mail or leave a comment on the episodes!
Do you know what a peasant and being a wizard have in common? A really bad Scottish accent and them both being fantastic beings.
This time Pat and Ray are (physically and spiritually) back together and yet again it gets weird, but in a good way, we think. We also talk about future of Run Escape, democracy, dietary advice and survive a GOSH DARN QUIZ!!!
PS! Does anyone even read these descriptions?
As Pat and Ray delve deeper into their inner selves, things take unexpected (yet expected) turns, this time them being physically separated, the horror. Dangerous promises will be made this episode, godspeed.
Somewhere, deep down in our hearts, we still love Old School Runescape.
Another month, another episode. This time we're at the palace of Pat. A change of scenery is nice to have once in a while while discussing important topics like our current life, general shenanigans and the essence of Runescape basically being a huge chatroom. Don't forget to answer the questions down below and feel free to contact us if there's anything that needs to be said or asked etc.
After an everlasting hiatus we are finally back and stronger than ever (debatable). We delve deep into our vast backlog of knowledge on modern medicine, education and hear tales from abroad.
Oh yes, all in a tasty sauce of Old School Runescape, notes of bittersweetness and spice - do enjoy!
This is a podcast and this is also about Oldschool Runescape.