Do you feel like you are being pulled in a dozen different directions as an elementary school teacher? Are you constantly overwhelmed because you can’t get caught up? Do you ever get the feeling that no matter how hard you work, you still aren't doing enough for your students or for your family at home?If your answer is yes to any or all of these questions, you need a better way. You simply can't go on like this.Join Kristen Donegan of Easy Teaching Tools and The 3 PM Teacher as she talks about how to make teaching sustainable so you can finally say goodbye to grading papers after-hours and missing out on time with family and friends.While she can't fix the education crisis, each week Kristen will help you work smarter, not harder, have time to focus on the curriculum, enjoy teaching again, and still have plenty of time outside of the classroom to do what you love.Tune in to Real Teacher Talk and listen closely because it’s time to take back your power, finally leave school at 3PM, and enjoy your life!To find out more, visit easyteachingtools.com