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Ольга Тихомирова и приглашенные ведущие в прямом эфире обсуждают со своими гостями и публикой самые главные события недели. Не только политика! Пишите в студию, спорьте, спрашивайте! "DW Новости Шоу" выходит еженедельно по средам в 19.30 по московскому времени (17.30 - по Берлину) в прямом эфире на YouTube-канале "DW на русском". Ольга Тихомирова и приглашенные ведущие обсуждают в течение часа со своими гостями в студии в Бонне события недели. Пока идет стрим, вы можете писать в студию, спрашивать и комментировать. Если вы пропустили прямой эфир, не проблема - выпуски "DW Новости Шоу" есть на нашем сайте и в приложениях для подкастов Есть вопрос? Пишите на [email protected]
Breaking news on global crises and climate change from all around the world. Always current information and hot news on world events, timely information about significant events, what is happening to the planet and how the climate is actually changing. What awaits us in the near future? Are we ready to face global climatic changes, when one part of the planet's population will become refugees, while another will become a host party? The only way out is to get united and build the new format of society - the Creative Society.
Visit website for more details. -
Every week Beaverton editor-in-chief Luke Gordon Field assembles some of the country's best comedians and writers to talk, mock and riff their way through the news of the week. Then he puts their knowledge to the test in a very important quiz where the winner gets absolute nothing. Part panel show, part interview, the Beaverton Weekly Report is an hilarious look at what's going on in the world around us. It'll be just like watching CNN, only funnier and with fewer erectile dysfunction ads.
Cleaning up the mean streets of the internet - because somebody's gotta do it. From the cyberpunk hellscape of Neo-Chicago, Officer Kevin and Officer Grant monitor the world wide web so you don't have to.
Leave us a voicemail to play on the show: 312-788-7361 or send an audio file to [email protected]
The Thought Cops have deputized a number of your favorite thought leaders, content creators, comedians, online personalities, and more, in their effort to clean up the internet once and for all. -