Neptune moves from Pisces into Aries on March 30th 2025 beginning its 2025-2039 stay. The last time Neptune was in Aries, the US experienced a civil war. Saturn also moves into Aries on May 24th 2025 for a two and a half year journey. These planetary movements bring great change and new directions. This podcast looks at some of the major themes from these life altering and global restructuring transits.
Across the US society, many are being traumatised by the current government, from black people through to women, trans and migrant communities. Meanwhile, economic indicators continue to worsen. Fast forward to the midterms and Erika from In The Company of Cards and myself take a look at what will be a critical election for the US.
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A raw look at my cancer journey and what it taught me and a reading from my new book Revealing Light - How Cancer Illuminated My Divine Blueprint which is published on 28th January 2025. To find out more head here: https://www.collectiveinkbooks.com/o-books/our-books/revealing-light-cancer-illuminated-divine-blueprint
As expected, the incoming US President has already upset allies, his own MAGA movement and been at the centre of the criminal court and justice system. 2025 will not be for the fainthearted, yet within the volatility are opportunities for strength and effective local action.
My book Revealing Light - How Cancer Illuminated My Divine Blueprint is on sale from 28th January 2025, and now open for preorders here
So much of our time is spent assuming the worst will happen and giving into our fears but this holiday season I will be looking for happiness in simplicity and understanding that what we fear does not necessarily come to pass. It's time to understand our power within the Collective and create the world in which we want to live.
Many of us are in a period of retreat; struggling with feelings of shock and devastation. The world is a volatile and untested place it seems. This is a time of huge change...and within that change, there are opportunities to tap into our ability to resist the turmoil and create the future we want and need. Many groups are now forming into a #resistance, resolved to act with willpower, strength and integrity. We should join that good fight when we're able.
This week's SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity has laid bare the abuse of power of America's highest court. It follows the disunity within the Democratic Party post presidential debate, at a perilous time. However, vulnerability should create courage and unity to win against the proposed dictatorship offered by the MAGA Republican Party. Can the US Republic survive these challenges?
The overturning of the legal doctrine of Terra Nullius (the land belonged to nobody) in 1992 by Australia's High Court led to the Native Title Act (1993) which established land rights for Australia's Indigenous peoples. We could learn from that historic decision globally and, particularly, in the dispossession of Palestinian peoples' lands who are Indigenous to the Israel/West Bank/Gaza regions. We can learn from facts, not religious fundamentalism, and that is why after all the death and destruction, there is hope that the current Gaza/Israel war will ultimately lead to a two-state solution.
All things cannot be unstable forever. There is always a restructuring after chaos & destruction, and so for those who feel helpless watching current global events unfold, understand that great change is occurring and resolution & new order are the result.
With a backdrop of potent planetary conjunctions, solar flares and war on the ground, as well as an uptick in climate events, we should ask ourselves where we are placed spiritually in an era of accelerated change. Are we ascending or descending. I believe, the choice is ours individually at this time. Light or darkness?
The peaceful protests by students in the US and elsewhere across the world, against the continued murder of muslims in Gaza & the failure to negotiate hostage release, are a stark reminder that truth knows no sides and to try and suppress that truth is a dangerous moral slippery slope.
Uranus energy can deliver lightening events which bring much needed change and breakthroughs in intractable and ongoing situations. Beneficial Jupiter energy will expand what Uranus delivers. The conjunction occurs in the fixed energy of Taurus on April 20th 2024. Rather than viewing this conjunction negatively, we can expect the unpredictable that can lead, in time, to the goals and future we desire.
The Baltimore bridge tragedy is a metaphor for the imbalance that is caused by rampant materialism that knows no bounds. It is there in Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu's indiscriminate bombing of GAZA and an unfolding genocide, along with reports of the desire for ‘ethnic cleansing’ and usurping of GAZA. It is there in Putin's lust for power and territory and his invasion of sovereign and resource rich Ukraine. How much is enough? I believe the energies are delivering consequences and this eclipse season will bring much to light.
The mainstream media in the US and Australia are covering Trump as a 'normal' presidential candidate. Of course we know through seeing the evidence, that he is not a 'normal' candidate. In fact, we've been warned repeatedly by his former Cabinet members he is a clear and present danger. His own VP whom he urged his supporters to 'hang' during the January 6th 2021 attack on the US Capital, has refused to endorse him. Yet...the media continues to cover him with credibility in their reporting. It's downright bizarre.
A parody meme on 'Christians against satellites' has gone viral, with many finding it hard to tell now what is real and what is not on social media...that is due in part to the basis of truth in parody. There are evangelical extremists groups dedicated to halting scientific and technological progress. These Middle Ages type of superstitions remind us of the power of Pluto in Aquarius in 2024 and beyond. It's a roadmap of what needs healing in the Collective.
So much of our social media is consumed with hate. US singer and icon Taylor Swift called out hate in her iconic song...ironically she is now the subject of violent threats and vitriol because she advocates for liberal values, rights and freedoms. Feelings of hate always find a useful home in those that seek power. It's up to us to choose our politicians wisely...do we choose the haters, or those who moderate and heal divisions.
We all suffer burnout at some point...we over-extend or we simply get lost in a world that is often lost itself. We can find our compass again through replenishing our wellbeing and, in the process, rediscovering and renewing our spiritual purpose.
In butterflies we see the fragility & joy of life. The average butterfly lives for just 2 weeks, and some species 8-11 months. They remind me that life is short, precious and all the more sacred for its brevity. Butterflies have also been a symbol of hope for me, and their proliferation around me at this time, perhaps, is an indication that there can be peace in the Middle East in 2024. I hope so.
The tragedies unfolding across the world due to the utter destruction and devastation of war...religion, murder and oppression, land and imperialism...drive a new awareness among many beyond the ignorance of cultural and political agendas. I believe the horror we are witnessing is leading to a spiritual paradigm shift which will change our world's timeline better. For those who are aware, Spirit has your back.
Faith and belief, and what we believe is an individual thing, yet there are those who would drag us all in to what they believe. That's a dogma, as a spiritualist, that I reject. Will there ever be a time when we are not persecuted for what we believe and how we express that belief? My prediction is that we are moving towards a freedom to believe in our truth, not someone else's version of it.
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