Raising My Inner Child
Norge · Ryan Koriya
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Growing up in Zimbabwe in the 80s as the first generation of 'born frees' as we were called, was quite the trip! From the colonial segregation of our parents before and during the Rhodesian war era, being born into a newly-freed rainbow nation of hope and prosperity... all the way to the epic fall of a super young but promising country. My childhood was nothing short of a gargantuan emotional (and traumatic) roller coaster!
In this podcast series, I will be travelling back in time to converse with my younger self at various key points of my childhood, to support him in ways he really needed back then but couldn't access. From the perspective of his now future self, who has figured out a lot of kinks in this volatile world of humans. Things that if he had known back in the day, would have made the trauma less debilitating and allowed him to believe in himself much more. Shaving off years of struggle from his magical journey towards the dream that he is still in the process of spectacularly carving out in his early 40s. In a modern world that his 5-year old self would not even recognise if he was here right now.
There's a healing that occurs when you can go back to provide your inner child the specific support and understanding that was needed in those formative times. Back when parenting was more about being fed, being clothed, being housed and being educated. Basically keeping you alive, but very little about your emotional state or inner well-being. Back when no one really knew or acknowledged that the entire country was in a state of complex collective trauma, as taboo as it still may be to talk about today.
Being born at independence, I am the same age as my country Zimbabwe (pretty cool!), though I'm not quite sure which of us is currently in better shape than the other!
Psychologically and emotionally, when it comes to a parent giving a child what is needed. They often cannot give what they themselves were not given, or do not have to give in the moment! What becomes normalised may be collectively damaging.
For example, how do you demonstrate and show up as a healthy masculine role model if you yourself grew up without a father, or with one who was physically there but emotionally a ghost? How do you show up as a grounded and healthy feminine role model if you yourself grew up around traumatised or abused women?
Let's re-parent our inner children and integrate that newly-acquired peace and wisdom, so that we may continue to show up in a way that reassures and empowers us in the present, also benefitting those we interact with and relate with in everyday life. Our essence is contagious to those around us.
When it comes to the evolution of the human race, children tend to grow up to become the superhero that would have saved their parents. A massive deficiency can create the deep desire to manifest the solution in order to fill the traumatising hole within the generational tapestry.
Can you identify what your own adulthood cape is, the one you wear to make sure certain generational challenges are not to be repeated?
Let's discuss!
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Ryan - The Soul Mechanic ✨
How Can I Help You?
Hi, my name is Ryan. As the Soul Mechanic, I enjoy helping people tap into their true potential by first addressing what's blocking them from within. This happens through fast and deep change by the rewiring of your neural pathways. It's like finding out what the unique you-shaped tool is that you need in order to confidently continue to transform and free up your own life.
I also teach you how to keep conquering your fears or habits on your own as you go about your day to day.
If you would like to book a call to discuss how I can help you change any unhealthy habits or patterns that are holding you back, or to help you get unstuck in your love life or your career, please email me on [email protected]
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