
  • Today we have a truly insightful episode featuring Lisa Van Gemert, an expert in gifted education and the mind behind Gifted Guru. Join us as we explore the intricacies of perfectionism in gifted children, how it intertwines with their cognitive abilities, and its impact on their mental and emotional health.

    Lisa shares invaluable strategies for parents, including a unique "one to five" task evaluation approach that can help children better understand and navigate their perfectionistic tendencies. We'll also discuss the importance of connection and mindfulness, teaching kids empathy and critical thinking, and offering grace in the homeschooling journey.

    Key Takeaways: Evaluating Perfectionism: Lisa introduced a practical "one to five" strategy for helping children—and parents—navigate the pressures of perfectionism by rating the importance of various tasks. This helps them discern between crucial and non-critical issues, thus reducing unnecessary stress. Emphasizing Self-Reflection: We discussed the importance of normalizing self-reflection for children, helping them understand and accept their unique traits. This practice not only fosters self-awareness but also nurtures a healthy, growth-oriented mindset. Connection Over Academics: Lisa's advice for homeschooling parents is invaluable—prioritize moments of connection and love over sheer academic achievements. Your dedication and sacrifice are more than enough for your children.

    Tune in to hear more about how we can support our neurodivergent learners and help them thrive, both academically and emotionally.

    Our sponsor for today’s episode is CTC Math

    Links and Resources from Today’s Show

    Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Lisa Van Gemert's site: https://giftedguru.com Living Gifted: 52 Tips to Survive and Thrive in Giftedland by Lisa Van Gemert Managing Perfectionism | Strategies for Parents Perfectionism And Gifted Children: What You Need To Know RLL #55: Helping Your Child Manage Perfectionism Managing Perfectionism: 10 Tips for Helping Your Gifted Child Building Strong Writers at Home | Insights from Occupational Therapist Sarah Collins Learning Strategies for Reluctant Gifted Children Knowing If Your Child is Gifted The Social Emotional Needs Of Gifted And Neurodiverse Children Homeschooling Our Gifted Children: The Power Of Artful Questions Anxiety vs. Stress vs. Perfectionism: Helping Our Children Cope Homeschool Testing | Helping Your Perfectionist Do Hard Things

    Connect with Lisa Van Gemert
    Learn more on her website: https://giftedguru.com
    Connect with Lisa on Instragram @TheGiftedGuru,on Facebook @GiftedGuru, or on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/lisavangemert

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter @ColleenKessler, Facebook @RaisingLifelongLearners, Instagram @ColleenKessler
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz ==> https://raisinglifelonglearners.com/quiz/

  • In today’s episode, Colleen dives into the art of building a family team. Discover the importance of setting boundaries, taking personal time, and forming deep, meaningful connections with your loved ones. Colleen shares her personal experiences and offers practical tips on how to balance family and personal time, foster open communication, and create an empathetic, supportive home environment.

    Key Takeaways: Personal Time & Boundaries: Importance of balancing personal time and family time to model self-care for children. Flexible and adaptable coping strategies are crucial, especially during busy times. Shared Responsibilities: Creating a team dynamic through defined roles, shared activities, and collaborative decision-making helps in fostering mutual support and accountability within the family. Building Connections: Engaging in activities that build strong bonds—such as family meals, open conversations, and expressing love and affirmation—contributes to a compassionate and empathetic home environment.

    Tune in to gain insights and actions you can take to strengthen your family bonds and support system. Let's create a loving, united family team together!

    Our sponsor for today’s episode is CTC Math

    Links and Resources from Today's Show Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Activities to Strengthen Your Family Team Homeschooling Success | The Role of Strong Family Connections Masterclass | Building Family Connections A Different Kind Of Family Togetherness: Ideas and Encouragement For Connecting With Our Kids Rock Your Family Life and Raise Awesome Gifted Kids Family Night Game Guide Fostering Teamwork | The Power of Collaborative Learning in Homeschooling Masterclass | Raising Resilient Families Self-Compassion for a Healthier Mindset | A Conversation with Michelle Brownell How a Return to Outside Play Will Help Our Kids Thrive with Ginny Yurich

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter @ColleenKessler, Facebook @RaisingLifelongLearners, Instagram @ColleenKessler

    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz ==> https://raisinglifelonglearners.com/quiz/

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  • In this week’s episode of the podcast, we’re talking with Christine Fonseca, licensed educational psychologist, critically acclaimed author, and nationally recognized speaker on topics related to educational psychology, mental health, giftedness, and using storytelling to heal past wounds.

    Understanding the complex world of giftedness is crucial for providing the best support for your child. In this episode, we delve into key understandings that can make a significant difference in your homeschooling journey.

    Key Takeaways: Recognize Intensity: Gifted kids often exhibit intense emotions and behaviors due to their high sensitivity and cognitive abilities. Understanding this can prevent mislabeling their intensity as behavioral issues. Identify Needs: Differentiating between gifted traits and actual behavioral problems is crucial. Providing the right accommodations can help them thrive without pathologizing their uniqueness. Embrace Emotional Intelligence (EQ): Teaching EQ can have a profound effect on a child's success. Use everyday moments to instill skills like empathy, adaptability, and social awareness. Navigate Social Dynamics: Gifted children may find it hard to fit in due to their exceptional intellect. Helping them value and appreciate different perspectives can bridge social gaps. Knowledge & Resources: Books and websites can be transformative. Utilize practical resources to better understand and support your gifted child. Parental Reflection: Understanding and managing your own emotional triggers can help you respond more effectively to your child. Trust that they will be fine, and lead with patience and empathy. Community and Support: Engaging with communities offers valuable insights and shared experiences. Connecting with other parents can provide additional support and strategies. Links and Resources to Today's Episode

    Our sponsor for today’s episode is CTC Math

    Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Christine Fonseca: https://www.christinefonseca.com New Edition! Emotional Intensity in Gifted Children The Caring Child: Raising Empathetic and Emotionally Intelligent Children RLL 24: Asynchrony, Intensity, and Motivation | A Listener Question Giftedness & Intensity Calm the Chaos with Dayna Abraham The Social Emotional Needs Of Gifted And Neurodiverse Children The Unique Challenges of Homeschooling Gifted Kids When Giftedness is Misdiagnosed as a Behavior Problem Knowledge is Power: Helping Our Gifted Children Cope Perfectionism And Gifted Children: What You Need To Know Homeschooling Our Gifted Children: The Power Of Artful Questions Anxiety vs. Stress vs. Perfectionism: Helping Our Children Cope

    Connect with Christine Fonseca
    You can find Christine on: Instagram @ChristineFonsecaAuthor, Facebook @AuthorChristineFonseca, or LinkedIn @Christine Fonseca
    Christine's group: The Intense Life Tribe on Facebook
    Christine’s website: https://www.christinefonseca.com

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter @ColleenKessler, Facebook @RaisingLifelongLearners, Instagram @ColleenKessler
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz ==> https://raisinglifelonglearners.com/quiz/

  • In today's episode of the podcast, we dive into the power of building strong family connections, especially in homeschooling families.

    We'll chat practical tips like setting family goals, managing time with multiple calendars, and encouraging sibling collaboration. Then, I'll touch on how mindfulness, open communication, and family rituals can foster deep bonds and support your kids' emotional and academic growth.

    Tune in to embrace family time and create unforgettable memories together!

    Key Takeaways: Encourage Collaboration and Communication: Foster emotional connections and model respectful communication and empathy during conflicts. Simple actions like admitting mistakes and apologizing can nurture trust and respect. Promote Independence and Responsibility: Assign age-appropriate responsibilities and allow children to make their own choices. This builds accountability and helps them learn from consequences. Prioritize Quality Family Time: Focus on quality over quantity by engaging in one-on-one time and screen-free family outings. This can be achieved through creative solutions like car ride conversations or including kids in errands.

    We also discuss the resources available through The Learner's Lab community -- Join us if you haven't yet!

    Our sponsor for today’s episode is CTC Math

    Links and Resources from Today's Episode Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Activities to Strengthen Your Family Team The Importance Of Play For Your Entire Family Creating a Family Mission Statement RLL #76: Creating the Adventurous Family with Rachel Rainbolt Stick Figuring Through the Bible - NEED AMAZON LINK Host an Epic Family Movie Night Rock Your Family Life and Raise Awesome Gifted Kids Growing a Family of Character Find a Place of Belonging for Your Neurodiverse Kids RLL #102: A Conversation about Connection with Shawna Wingert RLL 10 Sarah MacKenzie: Building Connections Through Books A Thriving Homeschool | Strategies for Setting Boundaries Sibling Unifier: Peanut Butter Play dough Resiliency Resources Everything You Need To Homeschool A Child With ADHD

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter @ColleenKessler, Facebook @RaisingLifelongLearners, Instagram @ColleenKessler

    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz ==> https://raisinglifelonglearners.com/quiz/

  • In this week's episode of the podcast, we're talking with Rachel Figg, a trailblazer in the homeschooling world and the creator of Spark Schooling. As homeschooling parents, we recognize some challenges come with teaching children at home. This conversation focuses on sparkschooling, a novel approach to learning designed to ignite curiosity and engage students more deeply by integrating art, music, physical education, and STEM into daily learning activities.

    The heart of sparkschooling lies in its curiosity-driven approach, tailoring learning to align with a child’s natural interests. Rachel explains how Spark Schooling integrates non-traditional methods like using buckets and kitchen utensils to teach musical rhythms, or video classes for varied subjects to cater to diverse learning preferences and paces.

    This method not only respects each child’s learning journey but also fosters a supportive environment where learning is associated with joy and discovery rather than pressure and memorization.

    Key Takeaways: Curiosity-Driven Learning: Rachel Figg emphasizes the importance of fostering curiosity in children as a fundamental aspect of sparkschooling. This approach encourages students to pursue their own interests and questions, leading to deeper engagement and understanding. Integrating Creative and Analytical Learning: Both Rachel and Colleen discuss the importance of combining left and right brain activities—such as art and STEM—into homeschooling to develop both creative and analytical skills in children, enhancing overall learning and problem-solving abilities. Hands-On Experiences: The episode highlights the significance of hands-on learning experiences, like the real-life application of physics concepts in a homeschooling with horses class to understand inertia. This method helps cement knowledge through practical application. Resource Accessibility: Sparkschooling is likened to a Netflix-like library where children can choose from a variety of activities based on their interests, all available in a simple, self-paced format. This accessibility makes learning adaptable and tailored to each child's pace and interests. Higher-Level Thinking Skills: The discussion underlines the need to focus on developing higher-level thinking skills from an early age, moving beyond basic knowledge to analyzing, evaluating, and creating. This prepares children for complex problem-solving and independent thinking. Low-Pressure Learning Environment: The sparkschooling program is designed to create a low-pressure, non-judgmental learning environment that encourages exploration and reduces the fear of failure, enabling children to explore new subjects and discover their passions. Simple Integration of Diverse Subjects: Rachel suggests practical ways to integrate diverse subjects like music, art, physical education, and STEM into daily homeschool routines to ensure a holistic education that keeps children engaged and promotes well-rounded development. Encouraging Physical Education: Physical activities are highlighted as crucial for children's education, not just for physical health but also for teaching persistence, coordination, and critical thinking through physical challenges. Engaging and Fun Learning Activities: The episode emphasizes the importance of making learning fun and engaging through activities like using kitchen utensils as drumsticks to learn musical rhythm, which helps sustain children's interest and enthusiasm for learning. Following Children's Natural Curiosities: Both host and guest stress the need for parents to pay attention to and nurture their children's natural curiosities, as this will lead to more meaningful and self-motivated learning, making education a joy rather than a chore.

    Our sponsor for today’s episode is CTC Math

    Links and Resources from Today's Show Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Spark Schooling HUB Join The Hands-on Homeschool Virtual Enrichment Program Free Gift: Sample Classes | Spark Schooling (The Hands-on Homeschool) RLL #94: The Importance of Music with Jessica Peresta Unleashing Childhood Creativity in the Homeschool Environment Awesome Art Additions Embracing Art and Its History for Kids With Sensory Issues How a Return to Outside Play Will Help Our Kids Thrive with Ginny Yurich Sneaking In Summer Learning Make a Paper Plate Maze STEM Challenge Real-Life Science Mysteries Book

    Connect with Rachel
    Check out Rachel’s website at https://sparkschooling.com/
    You can find Rachel @TheHandsOnHomeschool onInstagram or Facebook with the handle @thehandsonhomeschool

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter @ColleenKessler, Facebook @RaisingLifelongLearners, Instagram @ColleenKessler
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz ==> https://raisinglifelonglearners.com/quiz/

  • In the latest episode, we dive into the fascinating world of puzzles and their role in fostering lifelong learning. Eric Berlin, a renowned puzzle maker and author, shares his experiences with puzzles in educational settings and their impact on child development.

    Eric discusses the integration of puzzle-solving into educational curricula. He shares a time when his daughter, influenced by puzzle video games, designed video game levels herself, showcasing how such engagement can foster a practical understanding of complex concepts like coding and design.

    Key Takeaways: Foster Critical Thinking: Puzzles encourage critical thinking and creativity, essential skills in today’s rapidly changing world. Tech-Savvy Learning: Incorporating puzzle video games can promote visual thinking and problem-solving skills among children. Community Collaboration: Participating in community puzzle events can build teamwork and social skills.

    Find Eric and his engaging puzzle books at puzzlesnacks.com and ericberlin.com. Connect with him on social platforms for more puzzle fun!

    Whether you’re a parent, educator, or puzzle enthusiast, this episode offers valuable insights into making learning a playful and engaging journey. Tune in to discover more

    Links and Resources from Episode 242:

    Our sponsor for today’s episode is CTC Math

    Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. The Puzzling World of Winston Breen by Eric Berlin Puzzlesnacks by Book by Eric Berlin Free Gift: Puzzlesnacks Sampler Ever So Logical | PuzzleNation.com Blog Creative Thinking Activities for Kids How to Encourage Innovative Thinking in Your Kids Raising Problem Solvers One Person Logic Games that Rock The Learning Game | A Conversation with Ana Lorena Fabrega Giving Your Child Life Skills | Metacognition

    Connect with Eric
    To try out Eric’s puzzles click over to Puzzle Snacks: http://www.puzzlesnacks.com
    You can find Eric @puzzlesnacks Instagram or Facebook with the handle @puzzlesnacks

  • As the days grow longer and the flowers bloom, it's the perfect moment to refresh your homeschool approach and cater to the bright energy of the season. On this episode of the podcast, we dive into the art of embracing change and the beauty of flexible learning environments.

    Colleen, an advocate for shaping education around a child’s needs and curiosity, guides you through the perks of adjusting your homeschool routine to sync with spring's lively vibe.

    Key Takeaways from the Episode: Flexibility is Your Superpower: Harness the adaptability that homeschooling offers. Shift learning times to enjoy the splendid spring weather, and don't shy away from eclectic approaches to fit your family's unique rhythm. Create Unforgettable Stories: Prioritize shared family experiences and connection. Whether it's "just because we can days" or diving into a "bucket list of mini adventures," these moments foster not just learning, but lifelong memories. Embrace Your Homeschool Journey: There’s no one-size-fits-all in education; tailor your teaching style and schedule to what resonates with your family—Colleen's insights can guide you on this personalized path.

    From combating the infamous mid-year slump with spontaneous outings to leveraging Colleen's extensive experience in homeschooling, the episode is packed with gems that will revitalize your educational outlook.

    Tune in for the full episode on changing things up in your homeschool routine, accessing exclusive resources, and joining a community that uplifts and inspires.

    Our sponsor for today’s episode is CTC Math

    Links and Resources from Today's Episode:

    Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Masterclass | Building Family Connections - Raising Lifelong Learners Masterclass | Raising Resilient Families How a Return to Outside Play Will Help Our Kids Thrive with Ginny Yurich RLL #43: Getting Your Kids Outside with Justin Wren Homeschool Rising | A Conversation with Christy Faith Growing Gardens with Kids (includes free printable garden journal) Cultivating Curiosity for a Thriving Homeschool Navigating Summer Learning With Gifted And Twice Exceptional Kids 5 Things to Do on Your Next Nature Walk A Week of Epic Backyard Nature Science Fun | Summer Camp at Home Backyard Nature Activities for Kids Create the Best Homeschool for Your Family Adventuring Together: How to Create Connections and Make Lasting Memories with Your Kids: Eskridge, Greta - needs affiliate link 100 Backyard Activities That Are the Dirtiest, Coolest, Creepy-Crawliest Ever by Colleen Kessler M.Ed. Hands-On Ecology Book by Colleen Kessler M.Ed.

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz!

  • This week, we welcome the inspirational Samantha Shank to the show. From blogging as a teen to becoming a digital nomad, Samantha's journey is a testament to the power of homeschooling and following one's passions.

    Here's what this can't-miss episode holds in store for you:

    - Discover Samantha's transition from stifled student to a flourishing creative mind, and how homeschooling played a pivotal role in her personal growth and professional success.

    - Gain insights into the ways Samantha's childhood interests in subjects ranging from Hebrew to history blossomed into invaluable skills for her travels and career.

    - Embrace the beauty of imperfection to help combat perfectionism in learners of all ages.

    - Explore the virtues of adaptability and resilience as we dive deep into the importance of these skills in our constantly evolving world.

    In this enlightening conversation, we offer practical strategies to help you guide your child through the lifelong learning journey with curiosity, courage, and joy.

    Remember, teaching kids about resilience, the normalization of failure, and the power of the "yet" mindset can make a world of difference. This episode is a gentle reminder of how embracing the learning process, including its ups and downs, can pave the way to a fulfilling life.

    Don't let your child miss out on the opportunity to thrive in an ever-changing environment. Tune in to this episode and equip them with the tools they need to succeed in life, not just in the classroom.

    Links and Resources from Today's Show

    Our sponsor for today’s episode is CTC Math

    Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Masterclass | Raising Resilient Families What Does A Gifted Homeschool Graduate Really Think About Homeschooling? The Need for Flexibility When Teaching Your Gifted Kids Cultivating Curiosity for a Thriving Homeschool RLL #103: Entrepreneurial Mindset with Brian Weisfeld Delight-Directed Learner Turned Published Author | A Conversation with Millie Florence 10 Things I Love About Homeschooling: A Gifted Kid’s Perspective Homeschool Rising | A Conversation with Christy Faith Homeschooling High School With Interest-Led Learning Homeschooling High School Isn't Something to Fear RLL 34 Ginny Kochis: Cultivating Critical Thinkers The Learning Game | A Conversation with Ana Lorena Fabrega Idiom Matching Game - Raising Lifelong Learners

    Connect with Samantha
    Learn more at: https://learnincolor.com
    Find Samantha on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest with the handle @learnincolor

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz!

  • In this week's episode, Colleen dives into the world of collaborative learning and how it can transform your homeschooling experience. Listen to gain insight into creating a dynamic, engaged, and cooperative learning environment right in your home.

    Key Takeaways:

    Collaboration Empowers: Discover ways to implement co-ops, community projects, and family initiatives that develop skills like cooperation, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Shared Learning, Shared Growth: Learn how rotating leadership roles and involving the entire family can create rich educational experiences that go beyond the traditional curriculum. Unleashing Potential: Understand the high value of tailoring education to your child's unique needs, fostering a love for learning that prepares them for a complex, interconnected future.

    For any homeschooler looking to elevate their child's learning journey and unlock the full potential of their educational experience, tune in to this inspiring episode.

    Our sponsor for today’s episode is CTC Math

    Links and Resources from Today’s Show Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Finding Your Community as a Neurodivergent Family Why Community Is So Important For Gifted And Twice Exceptional Kids Finding Community: Building a Support System Online and In-Person Thriving Together | Creating Supportive Environments in Homeschooling Building Social-Emotional Skills While Helping Others Find a Place of Belonging for Your Neurodiverse Kids Activities to Strengthen Your Family Team Free Solar Eclipse STEM Printable for Your Homeschool RLL 22: Finding a Homeschool Co-op and Creating Killer Classes | A Listener Question Why Community Is So Important For Gifted And Twice Exceptional Kids Science Buddies Electronics Kit for Arduino

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz!

  • In the latest episode of the podcast, we chat about a skill that often leaves even the most adept homeschooling parents in search of guidance: handwriting.

    Sarah Collins, our favorite occupational therapist with a homeschooling background and a love for nurturing writing skills in children, unpacks the multifaceted journey of handwriting, from the initial scribbles to fluent cursive.

    Key Takeaways From This Episode Include: Encouraging fine motor skills in everyday play. Understanding and leveraging technology to support writing. Instilling self-advocacy in your learners. The vital role of grip strength and motor control in writing. Strategies for boosting endurance without causing burnout.

    ✍️ Actionable Insights for Your Homeschooling Adventure

    The episode is more than a mere dialogue.

    It’s a treasure trove of actionable tips and heartwarming humor (don’t miss the part about being “raised by wolves”!).

    📚 Resource Roundup

    We’ve heard your calls for resources, and Sarah Collins doesn’t disappoint.

    From fine motor screeners to grip-strengthening exercises, we provide a rich landscape of free resources and proven curriculums tailored to your individual learner’s needs.

    👂 Listen and Learn

    Ready to demystify handwriting hurdles?

    Tune in to this inspiring session with Sarah Collins.

    Our sponsor for today’s episode is CTC Math

    Links and Resources from Today’s Show:

    Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Homeschool OT with Sarah Collins The OT is IN Podcast Join the OT is IN Membership! Strengthening Executive Function Skills: A Conversation with Sarah Collins Helping Our Kids Self-Regulate with Sarah Collins Coping with Stress | Supporting Kids and Teens Thriving Together | Creating Supportive Environments in Homeschooling Self-Care and Co-Regulation | Balancing Parenting and Sensory Needs The OT is IN - Understanding the Role of Vision in Your Child's Learning Journey The OT is IN - Visual Pathways to Learning: Harnessing Nature and Vision in Homeschooling The OT is IN - Understanding the Power of Form Drawing: A Parent's Guide to Waldorf Education Handwriting Motor Skill Assessment

    Connect with Sarah Collins
    Website: Homeschool OT
    You can also find Sarah on Instagram @HomeschoolOT

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz!

  • In This Episode:

    As homeschoolers and parents, we often find ourselves juggling the demands of educating our children, managing our professional lives, and maintaining personal well-being. It's a balancing act that calls for solid boundaries. In the latest RLL episode, Colleen dives into the art of setting and adapting these vital limits.

    Take a listen to insights stemming from her own recent hiatus and the deeper exploration of boundaries in homeschooling environments:

    Key takeaways from this episode include:

    Setting Boundaries: Learn the significance of establishing boundaries to maintain a healthy balance between homeschooling, work, and family life. Managing Time: Get inspired by Colleen's personal journey towards better time management and organization, which is especially crucial for parents with neurodivergent children. Modeling Healthy Behavior: Discover the importance of teaching our children to set their own boundaries and prioritize, a skill essential for lifelong success.

    Our sponsors for today’s episode are CTC Math and Night Zookeeper

    Links and Resources from Today's Show: Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Finding Homeschool Balance Masterclass | Prioritizing Self-Care Dear Mom With Quirky Kids: You Cannot Do it All Self-Compassion for a Healthier Mindset | A Conversation with Michelle Brownell Finding Energy to Balance it All Thriving Together | Creating Supportive Environments in Homeschooling My Neurodivergent Kiddo Needs So Much Help… Self-Care and Co-Regulation | Balancing Parenting and Sensory Needs Boundaries Updated and Expanded Edition: When to Say Yes, How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life - NEEDS AFFILIATE LINK Masterclass | Building Family Connections Finding Peace in a Life Filled with Intensity Prioritizing Self-Care is Important for You and Your Kids

    Connect with Colleen
    Website: Raising Lifelong Learners
    You can also find Colleen on Instagram or on Facebook

    How does your child learn best?

    Take the Quiz - https://raisinglifelonglearners.com/quiz/

  • In this episode:

    With her new book Homeschool Rising, Christy is here to deconstruct the myths surrounding the conventional educational system and to advocate for a tailored, flexible approach to teaching our kids at home. Whether you're new to homeschooling or a veteran, Christy's story—from her professional background working with affluent families in Los Angeles to her decision to homeschool her own children, including twins, prior to the global pandemic—will resonate with you.

    From her classical education inclination to embracing the philosophies of Charlotte Mason and unschooling, Christy's journey is a testament to finding what truly works for your family. We'll dive into her unique ideas, explore why big box curricula may not be the one-size-fits-all solution, and discuss the irony of the socialization debate.

    For any parent grappling with the idea that only trained teachers can effectively educate our kids, or struggling to advocate for a child with special needs, this episode offers deep insights and compassionate encouragement. So, let's dispel the misconceptions, embrace the unique needs of each child, and discover together how to be confident in raising lifelong learners. Stay tuned for a fascinating conversation with Christy Faith.

    Key takeaways from this episode include:

    Parents Are Natural Educators: Data and experience support the idea that parents, regardless of professional training, are highly suited to homeschool due to their instinctive understanding of their children's needs. Flexible Approach is Key: Integrating various homeschool styles—classical education, Charlotte Mason, interest-led, and unschooling—can create a custom-fit curriculum that respects the individuality and pace of each learner. Child Advocacy and Customization: Homeschooling offers unparalleled opportunities for child advocacy, allowing education to be tailored precisely to each child's developmental and learning style, which is often unachievable in traditional school settings.

    Our sponsors for today’s episode are CTC Math and Night Zookeeper

    Links and Resources from Today's Show Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners New Release! Homeschool Rising: Shattering Myths, Finding Courage, and Opting Out of the School System by Christy Faith The Christy Faith Show Podcast Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Christy Faith - Homeschool and Educational Expert Homeschooling Middle School Using Your Own Interest-Based Curriculum Thriving Together | Creating Supportive Environments in Homeschooling Building Our Own Curriculum – Why it’s Easier Than Buying Boxed Homeschool Curriculum Choices Create the Best Homeschool for Your Family Taking An Eclectic Approach To Homeschooling Your Gifted Child Homeschooling and Public Schooling | Differentiating for Your Own Kids RLL #80: Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School? with Blake Boles RLL #97: (Facebook Live) Empowering Kids Through Homeschool Buy-In

    Connect with Christy
    Website: https://christy-faith.com/
    You can also find Christy on Instagram or on Facebook

    Connect with Colleen
    Website: Raising Lifelong Learners
    You can also find Colleen on Instagram or on Facebook

    How does your child learn best?

    Take the Quiz - https://raisinglifelonglearners.com/quiz/

  • In This Episode:

    We discuss the importance of foundational skills while still leaving room for our kids to pursue their passions. We'll talk about balancing the digital with the tangible and how technology can be a powerful tool that complements our children's learning styles.

    Are you worried about too much screen time? Well, you're not alone. Colleen shares her own struggle with her son's screen habits and how choosing the right tools—like a mini Sphero or coding kits—can transform screen time into an educational experience that prepares them for the future.

    We'll also delve into the versatility of homeschooling curriculums and how to tailor learning to fit your child. Colleen will take you through her approach to organizing her family's physical space to encourage curiosity and hands-on exploration, while also acknowledging the beautiful mess that homeschooling can sometimes be.

    Whether you're reading with your kids, picking out the right educational app, or seeking that elusive balance between clutter and order, we've got you covered.

    And for those of you feeling the weight of taking on the homeschooling journey, remember, you are capable, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Plus, stay tuned for details on how to preorder my new book, "The Homeschool Advantage," where I dive even deeper into these topics and offer strategies for fostering that love of learning.

    So grab your notes, get cozy, this is Raising Lifelong Learners, and we're about to create a learning-rich oasis right in your own home.

    🔑 Key Takeaways:

    A tailored learning experience is pivotal. Incorporating foundational skills with the freedom to explore personal interests helps in raising engaged and self-directed learners. Technology, when used mindfully, can enhance learning. It’s about empowering kids to create with tech, not just consume it. The environment matters. A home that invites curiosity and discovery paves the way for children to imbibe a genuine love for learning.

    💫 Sponsors for this episode: CTC Math and Night Zookeeper 💫

    Links and Resources from Today's Episode

    Pre-Order - The Homeschool Advantage: A Child-Focused Approach to Raising Lifelong Learners by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Unit Studies - Raising Lifelong Learners Books - Raising Lifelong Learners Unleashing Childhood Creativity in the Homeschool Environment Cultivating a Learning-Rich Environment The Learning Game | A Conversation with Ana Lorena Fabrega 101 Reasons Eclectic Homeschooling Works for Gifted Kids Nurturing a Strength-Based Approach to Learning in Homeschooling Making Homeschool Fun for Early Learners Benefits of Keeping It Playful With Teens Homeschooling High School With Interest-Led Learning Interest Led Homeschooling: Helping Your Child Find Their Interests Every Book List You Will Ever Need For Your Homeschool!

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    How does your child learn best?

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  • NOTE: This episode as been re-edited due to one of the guest's sound issues. In the previously uploaded episode it seemed like the show cut out, but it was actually a very quiet mic. We've re-engineered it because the content is valuable, but know that in bringing the sound up for the one guest, it caused another's voice to be very loud in a few cases. We are SO sorry for the sound difficulty and will make sure to check guests' audio setups better in the future before recording.

    In This Episode:

    We're joined by two amazing guests, Christy Faith and Sarah Collins, to engage in an insightful discussion about the challenges and joys of homeschooling, particularly as it pertains to finding and building community.

    Both Christy and Sarah bring a wealth of experience to the conversation as they tackle the often tricky balancing act that working moms face in establishing a solid support system within homeschool co-ops. They underscore the value of intergenerational interactions and fostering connections that go beyond traditional age brackets.

    Throughout the episode, we delve into the necessity of adaptability and the pursuit of relationships over the elusive ideal of perfection. In a world that’s more connected yet increasingly isolating, we discuss the importance of guiding our children through ambiguous social situations and nurturing real, meaningful connections.

    Our discussion also explores the shifting landscape of homeschooling communities, particularly in the wake of the pandemic, and how our community needs evolve alongside our children's growth. We emphasize the need to embrace community support, and not just for our children – we talk about the value of finding like-minded individuals and the need for parents to cultivate their own friendships and networks.

    Together, we journey through the complexities of modern relationships and how these affect our kids and ourselves. At the end of this heartfelt and honest conversation, we realize that the shared experiences extend beyond our microcosms and plan to cross-promote this enriching dialogue across all of our platforms.

    So grab a cup of something cozy, and let's dive into a discussion full of empathy, practical advice, and heartfelt insights into the world of homeschooling communities.

    This is Raising Lifelong Learners, episode 234. Let's get started.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Power of Intergenerational Connections: Uncover the irreplaceable value of forming bonds beyond traditional age groups, fostering a community that enriches our children's learning experiences. The Art of Adaptability: Learn about balancing work, homeschooling, and parenting through a lens of flexibility, emphasizing the vitality of prioritizing heartfelt relationships over the elusive ideal of perfection. The Evolution of Community and Relationships: Explore the challenges and opportunities of raising children in a highly connected yet isolating modern landscape, and the essential role of guiding them in forming authentic, enduring connections.

    Our sponsors for today’s episode are CTC Math and Night Zookeeper

    Links and Resources from Today's Episode:

    The OT is In! Podcast with Sarah Collins The Christy Faith Show Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. The Homeschool Advantage by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Homeschool Rising Book by Christy Faith Finding Homeschool Community (for our children and ourselves) Why Community Is So Important For Gifted And Twice Exceptional Kids Finding Community: Building a Support System Online and In-Person Find a Place of Belonging for Your Neurodiverse Kids Helping Our Kids Self-Regulate with Sarah Collins Strengthening Executive Function Skills: A Conversation with Sarah Collins Homeschooling with Clarity, Confidence, and Calm | A Conversation with Michelle Brownell

    Connect with Sarah Collins
    Website: https://www.homeschoolOT.com
    You can also find Sarah on Instagram @HomeschoolOT

    Connect with Christy Faith
    Website: https://christy-faith.com/
    You can also find Christy on Instagram @Christy Faith Homeschool or on Facebook @Christy-Faith Homeschool

    Connect with Colleen
    Twitter @Colleen Kessler

    Facebook @Raising Lifelong Learners

    Instagram @Colleen Kessler

    How does your child learn best?

    Take the Quiz - https://raisinglifelonglearners.com/quiz/

  • In this episode:

    This week's episode continues last week's conversation with Michelle Brownell. Join us as we dive deeper into the emotional landscape of parenting and homeschooling.

    Michelle shares her personal journey of connecting with her children through the highs and lows, her strategies for cultivating a nurturing environment, and the power of self-compassion in the process.

    Three Key Takeaways:

    The Eight C's of Connection: Michelle introduces the 'Eight C's' as a robust framework for staying grounded and compassionate, especially vital for parents navigating intense emotional landscapes with high-needs children. Self-Care as Crucial Care: Learn why prioritizing your emotional well-being isn’t just beneficial; it’s essential—for both you and your children. From breathing techniques to the magical moments of everyday touch, we explore practical methods to foster resilience. Play Isn't Just for Kids: Rediscover the joys of play as an adult. It's not only stress-relieving, but it also fortifies the bonds with our children, and Michelle's family traditions offer ample inspiration.

    Tune in to this incredible episode filled with both vulnerability and humor, touching on everything from dealing with teenage appetites to the power of six-seven-eight breathing.

    Whether you're a parent, an educator, or simply on a journey of lifelong learning, there are invaluable nuggets of wisdom.

    Our sponsors for today’s episode are CTC Math and Night Zookeeper

    Links and Resources from Today’s Show: Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Homeschool Essentials Community with Michelle Brownell Homeschooling with Clarity, Confidence, and Calm | A Conversation with Michelle Brownell Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Self Compassion - The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself - Dr. Kristin Neff Masterclass | Building Family Connections Masterclass | Prioritizing Self-Care RLL #70: More Than Enough with Kara Anderson Prioritizing Self-Care is Important for You and Your Kids The Family and the Intense Child Dear Tired Mom of Gifted Kids Dear Mom With Quirky Kids: You Cannot Do it All Moms, You Are Doing A Great Job Self-Care and Co-Regulation | Balancing Parenting and Sensory Needs RLL #69: [Audioblog] Seven Tools for Peaceful Parenting that You Can Use Today Benefits of Keeping It Playful With Teens The Importance Of Play For Your Entire Family Activities to Strengthen Your Family Team

    Connect with Michelle Brownell
    Connect with Michelle on Instagram and Facebook
    Michelle’s website: https://homeschoolessentials.net/
    Free gift: https://homeschoolessentials.net/wow/

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz!

  • In this episode:

    Join as special guest Michelle Brownell, a veteran homeschooling parent and advocate for emotionally secure learning environments chats with us about the challenges of homeschooling twice-exceptional children and the universal lessons on setting healthy boundaries for family wellbeing.

    Check out these takeaways:

    Understand and exercise your right to say no to protect your family’s emotional well-being and maintain a tranquil household. Create a learning partnership with your children that respects their stress thresholds and leverages their innate interests. Remember that sometimes less is more - slowing down can lead to deeper learning and stronger family bonds.

    Join us on a journey of discovery, compassion, and growth on your path as a homeschool parent. Whether you're new to homeschooling or a seasoned pro, there's something for everyone in this rich conversation.

    Our sponsors for today’s episode are CTC Math and Night Zookeeper

    Links and Resources from Today's Show:

    Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Homeschool Strengths & Struggles Conference Starting February 15th with Michelle Brownell Homeschool Essentials Community with Michelle Brownell Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed.
    Parenting Gifted Kids with Gail Post Ph.D. Parenting in the Moment with Your Child Parenting and Teaching a Twice Exceptional Child Parenting Gifted and Intense Children RLL #102: A Conversation about Connection with Shawna Wingert Finding Homeschool Balance Coping with Stress | Supporting Kids and Teens

    Connect with Michelle Brownell
    Connect with Michelle on Instagram and Facebook
    Michelle’s website: https://homeschoolessentials.net/
    Free gift: https://homeschoolessentials.net/wow/

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz!

  • In this episode:

    Colleen delves into why play isn't just for little ones. Join us as we debunk myths and highlight play's pivotal role in the growth and development of adolescents.

    Parents -or anyone invested in the wellbeing of teens – this one's for you. Tune in for insights into how shared moments of joy can forge stronger relationships and promote resilience.

    Here are some takeaways to pique your interest:

    Skill Building: Play isn't just fun and games; it's key for developing critical skills. It enhances problem-solving abilities, fosters creativity, and improves emotional regulation, setting up our teens for success in all walks of life. Emotional Wellbeing: Through activities like role playing and theater, teens learn to navigate complex emotions and build resilience. Play is therapeutic – it's a stress-buster and a source of endorphin release, contributing to happier, healthier adolescents. Stronger Bonds: Play is a gateway to open, judgment-free communication. By engaging in play that resonates with teens, we demonstrate respect for their evolving personalities, support their growth, and strengthen our connections with them.

    Whether through board games, theater, sports, or role-playing games, play is essential in raising well-rounded, lifelong learners. Discover more practical tips, compelling stories, and strategies by listening to the full episode, and don't forget to share your own experiences of connecting through play!

    Listen, learn, and let's raise the bar together for teens' development!

    Links and Resources from Today’s Show: SPONSOR|CTC Math SPONSOR|Night Zookeeper Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Great Games for Teens and Their Families The Importance Of Play For Your Entire Family Why I Still Read Aloud To My Tweens and Teens RLL 04 Amy Milcic: Keeping Things Fun While On-the-Go - Raising Lifelong Learners A Different Kind Of Family Togetherness: Ideas and Encouragement For Connecting With Our Kids Raising Creative Kids: A Collection of Simple Creativity Prompts for Children Les Miserables Movie Study The Social Benefits of Online Gaming

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz!

  • In the latest episode, Colleen sits down with the talented Millie Florence, whose literary works are captivating readers of all ages. Prepare to be swept into a world of persistent dreams, sibling dynamics, and the sheer courage of pursuing one's passion – all in the backdrop of historical and high fantasy.

    In this episode, you'll hear about: The unique process Millie underwent to find a publisher that cherishes the quirky and indefinable genre of her books. The varied paths to getting published and the importance of steadfastness and strategy. The role that familial support plays in fostering creativity and confidence in young authors. Key Takeaways: Learn how to be your child's biggest cheerleader in their creative endeavors. Explore strategies for marketing at events and online to reach a wider audience. Understand the significance of self-education, curiosity, and tailored learning environments in raising lifelong learners.

    Don’t miss out on this enriching discussion – perfect for aspiring writers, parents, and anyone with a love for literature and learning.

    Links and Resources from Today’s Show SPONSOR | CTC Math SPONSOR | Night ZooKeeper Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Find out more about Millie Florence at MillieFlorence.com Millie’s latest book The Balter of Ashton Harper Millie’s first book Honey Butter Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. Create a Custom Homeschool The Learning Game | A Conversation with Ana Lorena Fabrega Interest-Led Learning In The Early Years: Preschool and Beyond Homeschooling Our Gifted Children: The Power Of Artful Questions Why Unit Studies are Ideal for Interest-led Learning Homeschooling Middle School Using Your Own Interest-Based Curriculum Homeschooling Your Gifted Child With Interest-Led Learning RLL #107: Learning as an Unschooling Family with Robyn Robertson Homeschooling High School With Interest-Led Learning RLL #68: Self-Directed Education with Peter Gray, PhD

    Connect with Millie
    You can find Millie on Intagram, Facebook, and YouTube
    Millie’s website: MillieFlorence.com
    Newsletter Sign Up and Free Gift: millieflorence.com/free

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz!

  • In today's episode, we talk about managing expectations and fostering an environment where your children's uniqueness can thrive. There are incredible benefits to prioritizing and nurturing your child's creative spirit—benefits that extend far beyond the canvas. They have an impact on cognitive, emotional, and social development. Get ready to explore how open-ended play and critical thinking are key to raising problem solvers and innovative thinkers.

    Fostering artistic talents in various forms can enhance your child's problem-solving skills and confidence to tackle life's hurdles. Whether it's through journaling, imaginative play, or academic endeavors, creativity is a window to self-expression, emotional processing, and personal growth. So, let's get comfortable with creative messes and remember to trust in our children's natural drive to explore and innovate.

    You don't want to miss today's conversation. So settle in, grab your watercolor pencils, and start sketching out your thoughts as we discuss how to weave creativity into the tapestry of your daily learning adventures.

    ➡️ Our sponsors for today’s episode are CTC Math and Night Zookeeper ⬅️

    Links and Resources from Today’s Show

    Raising Lifelong Learners Membership Community - The Learners Lab Raising Resilient Sons by Colleen Kessler, M.Ed. The Different Faces of Giftedness: Understanding Your Child Raising Creative Kids: A Collection of Simple Creativity Prompts for Children Real-Life Science Mysteries Book Falling Unexpectedly in Love With Homeschooling My Gifted Child The Best Advice I Can Give You: Become A Student Of Your Child Inspiring Creativity in Kids Sparking Creativity with Dragons and Netflix Hands-On Art History–Discovery through Creativity Learning with Spielgaben | Play-Based Problem-Solving Inspire Creativity with LEGO and Netflix Creativity Means Dreaming Big Raising Problem Solvers Creative Thinking Activities for Kids How to Encourage Innovative Thinking in Your Kids Q-Tip Snowflake STEM Snowflake STEM Bundle

    Connect with Colleen
    You can find Colleen on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
    How does your child learn best? Take the Quiz!