We have been dealing with a spirit of fear that hasovertaken our world, and we are feeling anything but secure and safe. I want to caution you not to fall for a senseof false peace and security as things may seem to be getting better. We have a deceiving enemy.
The good news is, we don’t have to live with feelings offear and insecurity and as a child of God, your identity is wrapped up in the security of who you are in Christ.
In this episode, Tina is sharing about how part of our identity in Christ is our security in Him.
Who I Am in Christ by Neil Anderson https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-17931658/documents/a9f8c92c68a64072bdb0660f2f74a185/Who%20I%20Am%20in%20Christ.pdf
Join the Prayer Tribe https://mailchi.mp/24bba9787d3e/raisingkidsonyourknees
Flying Arrow Productions
If you don’t like what someone says, just cancel them. If you don’t agree with the way someone lives their lives, just move on from them. We live in a world where rejection is becoming the norm. Thankfully, our identity and acceptance don’t rest on the actions of others.
In this episode, Tina is sharing about how the acceptance ofGod is our identity and that is what matters for those of us who are followers of Jesus.
Join us in the Zoom Room Monday - Friday at 9:00 a.m. ET https://us02web.zoom.us/j/273129977?pwd=OEdMM2lYR3gvVXRoUHl6YW0wcmlEZz09
Join the Prayer Tribe https://mailchi.mp/24bba9787d3e/raisingkidsonyourknees
Flying Arrow Productions
Saknas det avsnitt?
I asked Jesus to be my savior at a coffee house at our church when I was eighteen years old. Then, I made the biggest mistake of my Christian life. I didn’t follow Jesus.
Maybe you can relate or perhaps you've been wondering why this Jesus thing is working for you. This may be your answer.
In this episode, Tina shares how to walk under the Lordship of Jesus Christ so that you can walk victoriously in your relationship with Jesus.
Donate to help Hurrican Helene victims in WNC https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/hurricane-relief
Join the Prayer Tribe https://mailchi.mp/24bba9787d3e/raisingkidsonyourknees
Listen to Legacy - A Mom Podcast with Tina and her daughter Britt. We are all leaving a legacy, have you thought about yours? https://open.spotify.com/show/7gUlB9MmhN1cTJT3RqYt2o?si=03c0f49f0c5b4744
Flying Arrow Productions
After celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, it’s easy to pack up the Christmas decorations for next year and move on with our lives, and put the story to bed until next year. There was a very intentional purpose for Jesus being born as a baby to come and live with us. We are the reason for the Christmas Season. It was because of our sins that Jesus had to come in the first place. One of the most important decisions we and our children will ever make is what we will do with Jesus Christ. As parents, one of our most important prayers is for our children’s salvation. We play an important role in where our children will choose to spend eternity. It is neversomething that should just be left to chance. In this episode, Tina is sharing the importance of praying for our children's salvation as well as giving you resources on how to pray and how to lead them to salvation in Jesus Christ.
Praying for the Salvation of My Children Journal https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org./prayer-journal
Join the Prayer Tribe https://mailchi.mp/24bba9787d3e/raisingkidsonyourknees
Flying Arrow Productions
We are standing at the door of a whole new year. What will2025 hold for us individually as well as our communities and our country? Although no one knows the answer to that question, God has already gone before us, sees all of 2025, and will walk us through it one day at a time. There are a few new things He wants to do in your life this year. Join Tina as she shares what those are and how to get started today.
Join the Prayer Tribe https://mailchi.mp/24bba9787d3e/raisingkidsonyourknees
Listen to Legacy - A Mom Podcast with Tina and Britt https://open.spotify.com/show/7gUlB9MmhN1cTJT3RqYt2o?si=42db769e8ffc409a
Flying Arrow Productions
As we dig into the story of the birth of our Savior, thereare many timeless lessons we may not have noticed. Personally, the more I dig in and ponder allthe events of the Nativity, the more I learn and the more I can apply to my life all year long. Just reflecting on all that God did in Mary and Joseph’s lives gives me great pause and wonder. They were ordinary people that God did the extraordinary. It is easy for me to think they are different from you and me just in what God was able to accomplish. That simply is not the case.
God longs to do the extraordinary in our lives as well. The common denominator I found in this story is their obedience and surrender to the will of God in their lives. Is it possible if you and I simply determined to live an obedient, surrendered life to God, that He can do the extraordinary in our lives too? Tina is sharing with you five timeless lessons in the Christmas story that, if we grasp, will allow God to do the extraordinary in your life as well.
Parenting is never easy and certainly not for the faint ofheart, but can you imagine being charged with the responsibility of raising God's own son? Our responsibility isn't all that different than what Mary and Joseph were asked to do. The children we have are a gift from God to be raised for His Kingdom, just like Jesus was. As we stare into the story of Mary and Joseph, there are at least five pieces of timeless wisdom that will strengthen our parenting and breathe life into our children.
Praying for the Salvation of My Children: A Prayer Journal https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/prayer-journal
Little Ones on Their Knees Prayer Journal https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/little-ones-on-their-knees
Join the Prayer Tribe https://mailchi.mp/24bba9787d3e/raisingkidsonyourknees
Flying Arrow Productions
Treasure is something that adds great value to our lives.But, if you want treasure, you must dig for it. Within the story of the birth of Jesus, there are some treasures we don’t traditionally see or talk about. As we go digging for treasure this week, Tina has found some treasures in the Christmas story that I haven’t seen before that she is sharing with you in this episode.
Little Ones on Their Knees Prayer Journal https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/little-ones-on-their-knees
WNC Hurricane Relief https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/hurricane-relief
Join the Prayer Tribe and receive prayer sheets and devotions https://mailchi.mp/24bba9787d3e/raisingkidsonyourknees
The Raising Kids on Your Knees Zoom Room, Monday through Friday at 9:00 a.m. ET https://us02web.zoom.us/j/273129977?pwd=OEdMM2lYR3gvVXRoUHl6YW0wcmlEZz09
Flying Arrow Productions
Generally speaking, joy is pretty easy to find at this time ofthe year. Christmas music, the lights, and the gatherings all bring joy, but what about when the music silences, the lights are put away and the gatherings aren’t a part of the day? Christmas is a season of joy for most. It’s a time when family and friends gather around beautifully decorated trees and tables full of all kinds of goodies. However, finding your joy in tradition, material gifts, and peace on earth will leave you with anything but joy. Listen in as Tina talks about how you can find joy in all seasons of life. Plus she is sharing with you five tips to help you step up your spiritual parenting.
Join us in the Raising Kids on Together Zoom Room https://us02web.zoom.us/j/273129977?pwd=OEdMM2lYR3gvVXRoUHl6YW0wcmlEZz09
Hurricane Relief for WNC https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/hurricane-relief
Subscribe to the Prayer Tribe https://mailchi.mp/24bba9787d3e/raisingkidsonyourknees
Flying Arrow Productions
This is the week our focus is on all the things we are thankful for. But, did you know that learning to be thankful all year round has the power to bring you much more peace in your life? Learning to practice thankfulness in all seasons of life will be critical to your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health. Thankfulness keeps us focused on Jesus and the more we arefocused on Him the more at peace we will be every day. Being thankful in, not for, what we walk will be crucial. In this week's episode, Tina shares five biblical principles about thankfulness with you and gives you five ways you can step up your spiritual parenting.
Join us in the Zoom Room starting on December 2 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/273129977?pwd=OEdMM2lYR3gvVXRoUHl6YW0wcmlEZz09
Subscribe to the Prayer Tribe https://mailchi.mp/24bba9787d3e/raisingkidsonyourknees
Hurricane Helene Relief https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/hurricane-relief
Flying Arrow Productions
Admitting that you hear voices in your head may not be atthe top of your list of things to bring into the light. But I want you to rest assured you aren’t the only one who hears them. Truth be told, we all do. The tricky part comes when we need to discern whose voice they are. You might think I’m crazy when I tell you I have heard voices in my head over the years. I usedto think it was normal to have a committee meeting in my head every time I needed to make a decision or simply sit still for a while.
Little Ones on Their Knees Journal https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/little-ones-on-their-knees
Listen to Legacy - A Mom Podcast with Tina and her daughter Britt https://open.spotify.com/show/7gUlB9MmhN1cTJT3RqYt2o?si=72bd9a71c126465c
Flying Arrow Productions
When you think hospitality, do you think of throwing partiesand having people in your house? I did too, but that isn’t exactly what the bible talks about when it tells us to practice hospitality. You don’t need a gift of hospitality to be hospitable. Have you ever watched someone with a gift of hospitality love on others? Maybe you’ve been loved on by someone with a gift of hospitality. You can’t outdo someonewith a gift of hospitality, but you can learn from them.
So, what’s the big deal about hospitality, anyway? In this episode, Tina discusses biblical hospitality and what steps you can take to obey the command to practice hospitality.
Hurricane Relief https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/hurricane-relief
Listen to Legacy - A Mom Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/7gUlB9MmhN1cTJT3RqYt2o?si=c2781235006749c2
Flying Arrow Productions
If there is anything that the last few years have shown usas a church, it is that there is a battle going on that we must engage in. But, for the Christian, it isn’t a battle fought on an earthly playing field. It is a spiritual battle that must be fought in the spiritual realm.
Tina is sharing with you the necessity of fighting the spiritual battle that is waging all around us.
Hurricane Relief https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/hurricane-relief
Listen to Legacy - A Mom Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/7gUlB9MmhN1cTJT3RqYt2o?si=dfca75a40d1c429f
The Spiritual Chain of Command https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-17931658/documents/829e932b49ab4410bac56cbbccee1a03/Spiritual%20Chain%20of%20Command.pdf
Spiritual Warfare Resources https://raisingkidsonyourknees.org/spiritual-warfare-resources
Flying Arrow Productions
We live in a world that revolves around how many likes orviews a social media post gets. Or sometimes we work so hard behind the scenes and no one even notices…like doing dishes and folding laundry. Whatever the case may be, feelings of insignificance bombard us daily. But they don’t have to.
When we were spiritually dead in our sin, we had a verypoor sense of our worth and unfortunately, as a child of God, we are prone to still believe the lies the enemy tells us about our worth and value.
In this episode, Tina is unpacking how significant we are to God according to the Bible and how He created us on purpose for a purpose.
Hurricane Relief https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/hurricane-relief
Join the Prayer Tribe https://mailchi.mp/24bba9787d3e/raisingkidsonyourknees
Who I Am In Christ by Neil Anderson https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-17931658/documents/a9f8c92c68a64072bdb0660f2f74a185/Who%20I%20Am%20in%20Christ.pdf
Flying Arrow Productions
A spirit of fear is again trying to overtake our country andwe are feeling anything but secure and safe. The good news is, we don’t have to live like that as a child of God. As a child of God, part of our identity is that we are secure in Christ no matter what. In this episode, Tina is talking about what it means to be secure in Christ and how this is your identity in Him.
Hurricane Relief https://raisingkidsonyourknees.org/hurricane-relief
Subscribe to the Prayer Tribe https://raisingkidsonyourknees.org
Flying Arrow Productions
We are having an identity crisis in the world, but what’sworse is that the church is having an identity crisis of its own. The Bible tells us that Jesus fully accepts us as His children. Yet we are always looking to be accepted by the world and those around us. Why do we struggle so much with acceptance? Neil Anderson in his book Victory Over the Darkness says this: “Acceptance was replaced by rejection; therefore, we have a need to belong.” Do you wrestle with rejection from others? Thankfully, there is freedom in the acceptance of God. This week Tina is talking about how as a child of God we are fully accepted by Him.
Join the Prayer Tribe https://raisingkidsonyourknees.org
What is salvation? https://raisingkidsonyourknees.org/salvation
Donate to local WNC churches for storm relief:
First Baptist Church Hendersonville, NC https://fbchnc.rockcloud.com/page/186
Biltmore Baptist, Asheville, NC https://www.828strong.com/
Samaritan's Purse https://samaritanspurse.org
Convoy of Hope https://convoyofhope.org/
Flying Arrow Production
We are having an identity crisis in our world today. Peopleare confused over their gender and some even their species. It’s a sad situation. Unfortunately, the church is having the same identity crisis. We don’t know who we are.
This week I’m diving into some deep cultural watersconcerning identity. I know this is a very touchy subject in the world, but it shouldn’t be among those of us whoknow Jesus as our Lord and Savior. And that is who I want to talk to today, those who are Bible-believing followers ofJesus.
How can you help WNC?
First Baptist of Hendersonville, NC: https://fbchnc.rockcloud.com/page/186
Biltmore Baptist, Asheville, NC: https://www.828strong.com/
Samaritan's Purse: https://samaritanspurse.org/
Flying Arrow Productions
Prayer has the power to transform your children’s lives. Seeing answers to your prayers for your children is one of the biggest blessings you have outside of the privilege of being their parent. Teaching your children to pray will set them up for victory in their lives. Prayer is their greatest offensive weapon against the attacks of the world, their flesh, and the devil.
In this episode, Tina shares with you five specific disciplines that she has learned that have transformed her prayer life and they will transforms yours too.
Purchase a copy of Praying for the Salvation of My Children: https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/prayer-journal
Listen to Legacy - A Mom Podcast with Tina and Britt: https://open.spotify.com/show/7gUlB9MmhN1cTJT3RqYt2o?si=c4e96cbbda884802
Flying Arrow Productions
Praying for the salvation of your children will be the mostimportant prayer you ever pray for your children. Let’s face it, eternity is hanging in the balance and the last thing any of us want is to spend our eternity separated from God and those we love. Just like how the foundation of our home ensures stability and safety, the foundation of our spiritual lives must be on a firm foundation as well. That firm foundation begins with believing that the Word of God has absolute authority and is absolute truth. If we believethat, asking Jesus to be our Lord and our Savior will come naturally. Until we make those two choices, we are building on shifting sand and when the wind and waves come, our faith is likely to waver. We won't be able to stand when the tough times come.
https://open.spotify.com/show/7gUlB9MmhN1cTJT3RqYt2o?si=6901c8045db94496 -
Is there wisdom we can trust? If so, where is it? How do we find it? Fortunately for the JesusMom, we have the best source of wisdom there is. This week I want to peel back the curtain on the differences between godly wisdom and worldly wisdom. We live in the prove-it-to-me culture where it’s become more fashionable to lean on the research and data rather than leaning on the wisdom of the Bible.
After all, isn’t the Bible outdated? Hasn’t the research proven that what was appropriate in Old Testament, or even New Testament, times just isn’t relevant today?
Join Tina as she talks about how to embrace God's wisdom in an age of research and data that is counter to biblical wisdom. She also shares with you five tips that will help you step up your spiritual parenting.
Praying Moms Do Matter: https://raisingkidsonyourknees.org/articles-and-devotions/prayinteg-moms-do-matter
Join the Prayer Tribe: https://mailchi.mp/a9ae76996f9d/ten-prayers-that-will-transform-the-school-year
Flying Arrow Productions
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