Howdy team, it's Audrey!
You're doin' great out there! We're joined by fan favorite AJ Ditty from the Worst of all Possible Worlds to discuss your relationship difficulties as well as what liquors ghomes would drink.
Your questions!
So you're a bottom with digestive issues. How butt stuff? | Partner has repeated pushed/broken boundaries under non-monogamy. Is this airhorns? | A question for Lorne Lagorium. | Is it a Nutty Buddy or a Nutty Debbie?
Check out A.J.'s wonderful podcast!
https://www.worstpossible.world/ -
What's good party people, it's your girl Audrey posting in Donovan's stead! Sorry it's late!
Donovan fell ill this week and so we are joined this week by friend of the show, partner of the me, Korla! Tell her she did a good job cohosting! We discuss video games we've been playing and Korla's upcoming visit to Cincinnati to come see me! Then, we handle some listener questions!
How do I get my brother to give me my road bike back!? | How do my wife of 20 years and I ease our way into participating in orgies? | How do I get my girlfriend back? I'm down bad and she's busy with children and medical issues? | What characters are you romancing/fucking in Baldur's Gate III? | I'm a transbian and now that I've met another trans woman, we're having whirlwind romance. What red flags should I be looking for in this fast-moving relationship? | What dating apps are good for ethical non-monogamous dating?
Thank you for joining us folks! We had fun and hope you did too!
Check out our Patreon!
Check out Data Transfer!
Check out Post Ponies!
Saknas det avsnitt?
What's up folks! We're joined this week by all around rad person Kassidy Norman to talk dating, heartbreak, and one of the wildest embarassing stories we've ever heard. Then it's question time.
Thanks again to Kassidy for joining us, truly lovely person!
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
~FOLKS! We're unlocking a favorite episode of No, I'm Listening: A Frasier Podcast in lieu of a main feed episode this week. Next week we're back to our regularly scheduled programming but this week, please enjoy us talking about this 30 year old sitcom!~
The blues are calling once again, Seattle! What's up gang we're back in the Frayzh Zone™ and we're stoked to be joined by mega-homie and all-around brilliant guy it's A.J. Ditty from TWOAPW and THEATRE!
Great ep this week, both of No I'm Listening AND Frasier. Granted, this is only the sixth one I've seen but goddamn absolute banger. Get rekt Frasier.
Thanks again to AJ for joining us, we love him, go listen to TWOAPW and if you're in NY go see him he's incredible.
I accidentally dropped and exploded a seltzer moments before this recording. What's up gang we're joined this week by very cool animator Jesse aka MallBat! We talk bad movie dates and scary naps and making art and then your questions.
Thanks again to Jesse for joining us, go check out her animations on YouTube here they're so good: https://www.youtube.com/@mallbat
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
Use promo code LEFTSHARK to read this description! What's up gang we're back this week with Nate @vrunt who is also back. Two backs back to back. We catch up with Nate, we talk beards, we talk doppelgangers, we talk breakup moves, and then it's your questions.
Thanks again to Nate, go follow him on Bluesky @vrunt.social and also check out Gamer Dilbert and the rest of Powerup Comics @powerupcomics and the other stuff
And thank you for tuning in, go support us on Patreon and get you some bonus episodes each week, over 200 in the backlog, Frasier bonus series, streams, stickers, more! Patreon.com/RFTB
Weezer, trampolines, toilets, we cover it all this week and we're joined by cartoonist and all around cool guy Max Graves. We talk to Max about his history with relationships and a very sweet embarrassing story. And then it's time for your questions.
Thanks again to Max for joining us! Find him on Bluesky @maximumgraves and check out his comic What Happens Next right here https://whathappensnext.webcomic.ws/
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
What up Toteland, it's Audrey here with an unlocked RFTB After Dark episode!
No main feed this week because of our guest getting sick and Dono and Audrey being busy so here's a classic episode from our Patreon feed! Enjoy!~ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION~
Welcome back to mf character zone! What's up gang we're back after our live show sorry for the delay its been a chaotic week but it's showtime once again! We recap the live show, talk music and some great shows we went to over the weekend, debut Dono's new character The Rigatoni Jabroni and then Reddit questions.
Bit of a TW for one of the questions - I give a heads up before we get into it so watch out for that.
Thanks for your support folks we love yall, hope 2024 is treating ya alright so far ❤️
Happy new year gang we're back! Extendo mode! We cover what's in and what's out in 2025 and then answer a bunch of questions. It's a poweful ep to start the year. Griddy forth!
Thanks for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
It was a big bar, you gotta believe me. It was real good tho it was worth it. What's up gang we're joined this week by comedians, filmmakers, actors, 28yos Chicago weekenders, Budd and Judd Crud from Crud Country. We talk about how to make your seltzers not explode in the freezer and dating and embarassing stories and then a ton of questions it's an extendo ep.'
Thanks again to Crud Country, go find em on Insta and Youtube and Tiktok to watch their stuff it's extremely good! Here's a couple of my favs:
My Weekend As A 28yo In Chicago
I Hosted A Dinner For 8 Great Men
And thank you for listening! Support us and get bonus eps and our Frasier series and Discord access and stickers and more at Patreon.com/RFTB
Oops all follow up questions!
I remembered immediately afterwards - I watched like 100 hoof trimming videos. What's up gang we're joined this week by Deanna from The Worst Week Yet podcast. Also Andrew is here sometimes. We catch up and we have aphasia and then we answer so many questions.
Is it fucked up to jerk it thinking of a friend | Dating when you go to alaska for work every three months | Is foreplay supposed to be a two-way street? (Yes) | Weird spot with a guy where youre bein cute with each other but its not a relationship relationship
Thanks again to Deanna for joining us go listen to The Worst Week Yet wherever ya find podcasts
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
GOBBLE GOBBLE IT'S TURKEY DAY! And so ofc we're talking about the food we all know and love - Chili's in 2024. (Editors note there are not wheels on the chilis to go logo that was a fabricated memory damn) Holiday hell and travelling and Dono is a supergenius. And questions:
Dating app profile advice returns | Dipping toes into g e n d e r | Update on friend getting back together with crappy ex | Another one I can't remember
Thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
What's up gang! We're joined this week by part of the punk rock band GOCK! We do all the usual, answer a surprising number of questions, and goof out epic style. Sorry idk why I said that I needed a third thing I'm tired.
Thanks again to the Gock gals for joining us, find them on Insta @gocknroll and listen to their music wherever ya find music!
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
Hey you! We're joined this week by Natalie and Jon from the Fun With Sex podcast and $luts Party Chicago! Wonderful people, we talk about Gen Z's relationship to sex, building a club scene with good communication, and falling off the damn bed. Then it's your questions:
Recommended resources that informed our views on sexuality | New partner seems to be doing a lot of shit-talking to you about their other partner
Thanks again to Jon and Natalie for joining us, find Fun With Sex wherever you get podcasts or on TikTok/Insta, and find their Chicago events on Insta @slutspartychi
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
Well that shit sucked. But this guest? And you, listener? Wonderful. We're joined by musician MaryMary! to talk dating and synth stuff and embarassing story and then it's your questions.
Thanks again to Mary for joining us, go listen to her music as MaryMary! and find her on insta @marymarychic
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
Oooooo it's Halloween and election season, double spooky! And joining us this Halloweek it's streamer Libby Watson! We talk to Libby about Wal-Mart, democracy sausages, and a sink-pissing ex before answering YOUR questions, here's what we get into:
Having trouble cumming during sex and partner is feeling bad about that | Relationship of over a year is feeling off | Is Libby mad at chat? | Response to the nausea/eating problems question from last week
Thanks again to Libby for joining us, lovely person, find her on Twitch @libtron and Bluesky @libbycwatson
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
New week new guest! We're joined by youtuber Very Tall Bart and it's a good ol time, heres what we get into:
Help finding a side hustle without getting burnt out | Follow up to weight loss kink question | Partner has issues with eating
Thanks again to Very Tall Bart for joining us, go find his stuff on Youtube and Bluesky @verytallbart and you can find info on his trans support organization at loushouse.org
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
INSOMNIA ENERGY! Joining us this week in the midst of Dono's whirlwind of sleeplessness - it's returning champion Brian Alford from The Worst of All Possible Worlds. We talk about comets and a mexican restaurant with gamer lights and then it's question time:
Feeling lightly weird when people find out you've been in a relationship since high school | Friends keep asking for help moving but they're kind of hoarders and are never packed up when you get there | Having trouble wanting to be intimate with people after a breakup
Thanks again to Brian for joining us, go check out The Worst of All Possible Worlds if you haven't already it's a great show and we've been on a few times. And if you have already? Do it again! Right now! GO GO GO!
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
Folks! New ep, great ep, we're joined by a first time guest this week! Comedian, writer, and host of What A Time To Be Alive podcast it's Eli Yudin! We talk about Dono's horrifying cracker experience, Eli's new pup, and an absolutely punishing first date experience. And then it's questions:
Navigating being aromantic but wanting to have kids | Cheap date ideas for when ya broke | How do you wipe?
Thanks again to Eli for joining us, go check out his podcast What A Time To Be Alive (with past guest Kath Barbadoro) it's one of my weekly listens. And find him on Insta @chilisrestaurants
And thank you for tuning in! You can support the show and get a bonus episode each week at Patreon.com/rftb as well as our continuing Frasier series, Discord access, stickers, and more that's Patreon.com/rftb!
- Visa fler