This is a podcast where I call scammers and waste their time!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
There’s a million things you “should” be doing, but can you be bothered? 🤔
Our plan was to stop "living for the weekend" and finally find a hobby we both enjoy. That hobby, is now a podcast, about trying different hobbies! (Or basically anything we hear people talking about, or saying you "should" try). The goal? See if they really are worth all the bother of getting up out of our comfy seats to actually try.
We'll test them and discuss as many as possible, so you can stay put in aforementioned, "comfy seat"!
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hello, I am a marital therapist, communications trainer and author. I have thirty-five years helping couples and individuals make better relationships. I have written twenty-plus self-help books which include the international best-sellers ‘I love you but I’m not in love with you’ and ‘How can I ever trust you again?’ My books have been translated into twenty languages. I trained with RELATE the UK’s largest counselling charity.
Perhaps it has been turning sixty but I have become interested in spiritual as well as psychological questions. Who am I? What are my values – as opposed to my parents, my teachers and the wider society? What makes my life meaningful? What do I believe about life, the universe and everything? Although my clients might come to me because of destructive arguments, falling out of love and infidelity, they are also interested in having more meaningful relationships and a more meaningful life.
So what is the meaningful life? Why do we so easily lose our way and get lost in depression, anxiety, doubt, addictions and obsessions: the swamplands of the soul? One thing I know for sure is that there is not one answer. Each of us has to find out for ourselves what makes our life meaningful. But we can learn from each other, share our experiences of how to navigate the journey, how to endure and learn from the swamp, and finally how to find solid ground.
I have decided to use my original training in radio and journalism to interview witnesses for what makes life meaningful. Each week, I invite someone who is a therapist, academic, self-help coach or who has an enlightening personal story to share their knowledge or experiences. I hope our discussions will help you discover what makes your life meaningful and find more purpose and contentment. -
Join host Morgan Absher and her team of co-hosts as they scavenge Reddit, listener write-ins, and the rest of the internet to give their hot takes on the juiciest dating, relationship, life, and AITA stories. Morgan's IG: Listen to exclusive stories: Follow along on Instagram: @TwoHotTakes Check out our YouTube Channel for full length videos!
Bonjour et Bienvenue dans ce podcast de développement de soi ! ✨️
Je suis Romain Basmaison, coach multi-outils et formateur en entreprise. Ma mission est de vous accompagner vers l’harmonie dans vos différentes sphères de vies, en mettant l’introspection au service de l’action, tant dans la sphère personnelle que professionnelle. ♻️
Ici, je vous invite à partir en voyage à l’intérieur de vous. 🛕
Retrouvez tous mes accompagnements sur !
Très bonne écoute 🥰
Humainement vôtre,
Romain -
Mia Skäringer är äntligen tillbaka med sin nya podd “Skalla dagen”. Premiär 18 oktober hos PodMe!Vi får följa med Mia när hon åker Sverige runt i sin husbil och träffar intressanta personer. Några av dom som Mia träffar är Edvin Törnblom, Nina Persson, Fredrik Wikingsson, Johanna Nordström och många fler!Hör alla avsnitt av Skalla Dagen hos PodMe!
يختلف تعريف النجاح من شخص لآخر. فقد يعتبره البعض ملازمًا لتحصيل المال أو الراتب العالي. بينما يرى الآخرون نجاحهم مقرونًا بالشهادات العلمية. وقد يكون نجاح الأهل مرتبطًا بنجاح أبنائهم في الدراسة.
ولا يختلف الكنديون من أصول عربية في تعريفهم للنجاح عن باقي الجاليات المكوّنة للفسيفساء الثقافية الكندية.
وقد بلغ عدد الكنديين الذين يصرّحون بأنّهم من أصول عربية ما يقرب من 1.000.000 شخص في عام 2016 أي بنسبية لا تتجاوز 3 % من إجمالي عدد السكان، وفقًا لبيانات وكالة الإحصاء الكندية.
وفي سلسلة البودكاست هذه، تحدّث القسم العربي لراديو كندا الدولي مع عيّنة من الكنديين العرب الذين حقّقوا نجاحات في ميادين مختلفة كالسياسة، والإدارة وريادة الأعمال والعلوم والبحوث الجامعية والفنون. -
Badara Ndanane est une plate-forme web qui diffuse incessamment de façon méthodique des vidéos religieuses en les répertoriant en fonction des exégètes et oulémas, mais aussi des chapitres et thèmes traités.
Pour cela, elle est réputée être l’une des rares chaînes que l’on se réfère souvent.
Tout ceci montre une idée de l’ampleur de la dime -
This show discusses all the different aspects of Dog and Cat care, Dog Training and the best way for us all to look after our beloved pets. With great conversations and interviews ( and the odd argument ) you are sure to learn and enjoy learning why Homestead Kennels is your "Pets Home Away From Home"
The Natural English Podcast is both a study tool and a place to hear practical advice on improving your English. It is the podcast where you can hear success stories from beyond the English language barrier and be inspired by other people’s journeys with English, in a variety of interesting fields and career paths.
Visit for transcripts, study tools, and more. -
Welcome everyone! You are exactly where you are meant to be, let me share my journey with you. I study spirituality, a variety of religions, psychology, metaphysics, and philosophy. I tackle concepts on the nature of reality, universal truth, consciousness, and the sacred connection. I hope you enjoy my podcasts!
IB Teacher Talk will shine a light on the people who teach the IB all over the world. We try to discover what motivates these educators and what drives their teaching. Every episode we hope to learn about how to improve our teaching from our guests.
This work/product/service has been developed independently from and is not endorsed by the International Baccalaureate Organization. International Baccalaureate, Baccalauréat International, Bachillerato Internacional and IB are registered trademarks owned by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
Music by - The Combobulators
Design by Mika Sacdalan
Thanks to: Scott Smith, Mathew Aaron, Mateo Solares, Fritz Solares, Students and Teachers. -
This show gives spiritual tools to find balance in a chaotic age, including sleep! It's humor with heart. I give breathwork tools from my Toltec lucid dreaming practice, talk about dreams and share answers to questions my lucid dreaming students ask me. I read short stories, self-help books and shamanic texts. This podcast is meant to enlighten and enliven you, inspire or calm you down.
It's a tour into ancient precious knowledge. See you soon! -
Tafseer of Quran is recorded for the purpose so that we could understand it and use and keep reminding and learning in future also, we should gain from the people of knowledge the knowledge and true meaning of Ayahs of Quran due to very less availability of these sessions at each and every masjid, we should learn by keeping in mind that the knowledge is most important in knowing Allah and connecting with him you need to have a knowledge of Quran I want you to stay connected with me till theday I am living at this place I will try my best to bring the lessons attendedeachday. Forgivemymistake's