This is a rendition of some thoughts that we shared at our minyan and Shabbos table on the Parsha.
What do the Rabbis mean when they use the expression, the light of the Torah? This is a rendition of a speech on Shabbos morning at the Ohr HaTorah Congregation of Phoenix on the occasion of a Siyum that I made on Tanach with commentaries and Seder Moed.
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How do the rebukes relate to the Book of Vayikra which is known as Torah Kohanim dealing with the laws of the Temple? This is a rendition of insight we said at our house during the Friday night minyan.
This a rendition of a court we related during our minyan on 5/24/24. We discuss endeavor to answer the famous question as to what the Sabbatical Year has to do with Mt. Sinai.
We discuss the issue of a Kohen becoming defiled by a non-relative when he is already defiled by a relative. Also where should his relatives be buried in the cemetery? This class was given at the Ohr HaTorah Congregation on 5/15/24.
This was a shiur given to Yeshivas Bein HaZmanim at the Ohr HaTorah of Phoenix discussing how outcomes can be a result of multiple causes.
We explain the connection between marriage and the splitting of the Yam Sof. This is a partial rendition of an insight that we shared at our house on the last days of Pesach 5784.
This is part of a rendition of an insight we shared at our house on Parshas Achrei Mos on 5/24.
We discuss if it is permitted to deliberately bid higher for an alyah without any intention to pay for it in order to get others to raise their bids. This class was given at the Ohr HaTorah Congregation of Phoenix on 5/8/24.
We discuss a complex area of law regarding possession and doubt. But, then we turn it into Purim Torah which is a colloquialism for untrue but fun analysis of the Megilla text. This class was given at the PJCC on 3/20/24.
We discuss the Ramban’s question as to why the Altar was called Holy of Holies and the two reasons why there is a mitzvah to build a Temple. This class was five at the PJCC on 3/13/24.
We discuss the laws of kiddush, havdalah, melavah malcah, & the resurrection. This class was given at the PJCC 3/3/24.
We read the Lev Eliahu regarding how Emunah is a chain that connects us all throughout the generations as one. This class was given at the Phoenix Community Kollel on 1/17/24.
We discuss the concept of Emunah, Oneg Shabbos in terms of preparing for the meals, and davening the proper tefilos. This class was given at the Ohr HaTorah Congregation of Phoenix on 1/14/24.
We discuss the insight of the Lev Eliahu that the hand of Hashem that we perceive in the world is directly proportionate to our faith in His involvement. This class was given at the Phoenix Community Kollel on 1/10/24
We discuss the proper time and place to light. We also discuss the custom of giving tzeddaka and daven for children during the time of lighting.
We discuss the question as to why did Yosef’s brothers only confess about ignoring his supplications rather than the more egregious infraction of selling him to Egypt. We also the discuss the reason why on Chanukah there is no mitzvah to make a festive meal in contra distinction to Purim. This class was given at the Phoenix Community Kollel on 12/23/23.
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