After 200 regular-season episodes, Quiz & Hers comes to a conclusion. In our last episode ever, Hallie has written six trivia questions about the six years that we have been doing this podcast. So, take a walk with us down memory lane, as we also talk about football, pop music, and some of our favorite movies, all while trying not to get too weepy.
3:25: Q1 (Times & Places): The name of the 2018 Winter Olympics location was “rebranded” so as not to be confused with the capital of what neighboring country?
11:44: Q2 (Arts & Literature): In 2019, what Canadian author released The Testaments, her sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale?
16:43: Q3 (Sports & Games): In February, 2020, which NFL team won their first of two Super Bowl wins in the last six years?
23:12: Q4 (Everything Else): On August 23, 2021, which company’s vaccine became the first COVID-19 vaccine to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States?
32:11: Q5 (Music): What artist’s 2022 album, Midnights, featured the hit singles “Anti-Hero”, “Karma”, and “Lavender Haze”?
42:20: Q6 (Movies & TV): What film, released in May, 2023, was the conclusion to a trilogy as well as the 32nd film in a larger film franchise?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
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Docs That Rock Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/docs-that-rock-podcast/id1399865196
Cormac on Twitter: @CormacsThoughts -
In the final episode of Learned Lately, Justin discusses the five classical Orders of Architecture, because why not end a years-long endeavor by talking about columns? Why not, indeed. We also rip through a backlog of submissions for Fact or F*cked, and look forward to our series finale next week!
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/ -
Saknas det avsnitt?
It’s Justin’s last episode ever, and he has but one simple message for you: Support Indie Podcasts! Every question this week is inspired by another independent pod that we love, and we also discuss ancient history, Shakespeare, and one of Hallie’s favorite musicians!
5:45: Q1 (Everything Else): A delightful episode of Journey Into Fandom is about fans of what attractions, located in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Paris, and two U.S. cities?
16:10: Q2 (Times & Places): The subject of an episode of Deep Into History, what semi-historical conflict was fought between the Achaeans and a city otherwise known as Ilium?
24:07: Q3 (Sports & Games): As I learned from the “Baseball” episode of the Brain Ladle Trivia Podcast, what former left fielder holds the MLB career record for stolen bases?
35:13: Q4 (Movies & TV): A frequent topic on the podcast Retro Late Fee, what teen drama made Luke Perry and Shannen Doherty household names?
45:36: Q5 (Arts & Literature): Featured on an episode of Book Cheat, what Shakespeare play begins with Prospero summoning a storm to cause a shipwreck?
50:53: Q6 (Music): The podcast Firestarters covers the real history of all 118 notable events rattled off in a famous list song by what singer-songwriter?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/
How Will I Die? Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-will-i-die-pod/id1449548959
Cormac on Twitter: @CormacsThoughts -
On this week’s edition of Learned Lately, Justin covers the surprisingly long, convoluted history of the “Madame Butterfly” story, from origins you’ve probably never heard of to the popular stage versions and some other adaptations that just might surprise you!
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/ -
This week, Hallie has written a game all about lawyers, the law, and legal cases! She also briefs us on a literary classic, two classic TV shows, and some very recent history!
3:11: Q1 (Times & Places): Which Supreme Court justice initiated the single majority opinion and confirmed the power of the federal government in cases like Fletcher v. Peck and Dartmouth College v. Woodward?
10:58: Q2 (Arts & Literature): In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch defends whom in court after he is accused of raping a young white woman and no one wants to defend him because he is Black?
18:58: Q3 (Sports & Games): - In the court case Clay v. United States, what athlete appealed his conviction for refusing to report to the U.S. military during the Vietnam War as a conscientious objector?
34:39: Q4 (Movies & TV): Name the two title TV lawyers, one played by Raymond Burr and the other played by Andy Griffith, who both identified the perpetrator in each episode and then faced them in dramatic courtroom scenes.
43:02: Q5 (Everything Else): Name either side of the 2022 Supreme court case in which the Supreme Court ruled to uphold Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act and to overrule Roe v. Wade?
50:43: Q6 (Music): Whose lawyer made them change the name of the song, “My Name is David Ruffin and These are the Temptations” so they wouldn’t get sued?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
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TV Tuners Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tv-tuners/id1418941362
Cormac on Twitter: @CormacsThoughts -
On this edition of Learned Lately, Hallie tells us all about Jonathan Swift’s famous satire, Gulliver’s Travels, because it comes up in trivia all the damn time. All. The. Damn. Time.
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/
It’s Part 2 of Justin’s two-part game about the Chinese Zodiac! We also talk about punk rock, Caribbean geography, and a legendary actor!
2:09: Q1 (Music): “Four Horsemen” is one of the tracks on what seminal double album by The Clash, the title of which refers to a station identification phrase used by the BBC World Service during World War II?
7:29: Q2 (Times & Places): One of many places on Earth called Goat Island belongs to what alliteratively named Caribbean nation, with its capital at Port of Spain?
14:54: Q3 (Everything Else): In 2011, two monkeys, - specifically, crested macaques - took selfies using equipment owned by wildlife photographer David J. Slater. This kicked off a multiyear legal dispute that focused on whether nonhumans could own what, defined as the exclusive permission to distribute, adapt, display, and, especially, duplicate, a work?
22:36: Q4 (Movies & TV): Later played by Jeff Bridges in a remake of True Grit, Rooster Cogburn was originally portrayed by what legendary actor, who appeared in some 80 Westerns?
30:44: Q5 (Sports & Games): While huskies and malamutes are the most common breeds in sled dog racing, what is the only dog breed used in track racing, which, much like horse racing, brings in most of its revenue through gambling?
38:59: Q6 (Arts & Literature): A pig named Wilbur and the title character inhabit a barn in a classic children’s novel by what author, who also expanded and updated an early English style guide?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/
Time Sensitive Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/time-sensitive/id1452429903
Cormac on Twitter: @CormacsThoughts -
On this edition of Learned Lately, Justin tells us the twisting, tragic tale of arguably the most influential disc jockey of all time, Alan Freed, with a brief digression into the payola scandals of the 1960s, which doomed Freed’s career.
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/ -
(Apologies for the slightly late upload.)
It’s sequel season, because Hallie has written a second game all about people and characters named Martin! We also talk about cars, American history, and a scandal that hits home for people with our particular hobby.
2:24: Q1 (Everything Else): What automaker became popular after its DB5 model was featured in the 1964 film Goldfinger?
7:23: Q2 (Movies & TV): In what 1994 film, directed and produced by Robert Redford, does Martin Scorsese play Martin Rittenhome, a business executive involved in the rigging of the 1950s show Twenty-One?
13:04: Q3 (Times & Places): In 1840, Martin van Buren lost his reelection bid to what member of the short-lived Whig party?
24:32: Q4 (Arts & Literature): Martin Chuzzlewit was one of the least popular novels written by what author, whose other less popular novels include Bleak House and Our Mutual Friend?
31:21: Q5 (Sports & Games): Matt Martin is a winger for what National Hockey League team who played at Nassau Coliseum until 2021 when they moved to UBS Arena at Belmont Park?
37:32: Q6 (Music): What American singer known as the “King of Cool” is best known for the songs “That’s Amore”, “Ain’t That a Kick in the Head?”, and “Sway”?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/
Voice from the Underground Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/voice-from-the-underground-politics-pop-culture/id1302884018
Cormac on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CormacsThoughts -
On this very artsy edition of Learned Lately, Hallie tells us all about two prominent artists that we haven’t yet talked about, whom you may mix up sometimes, Henri Matisse and René Magritte!
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/ -
This week, Justin proves that there’s no idea so bad that he won’t revisit it, because he’s designed another two-part, 12-question game, this time themed around the signs of the Chinese Zodiac! We also talk about weird books, anime, and Egyptian mythology!
4:06: Q1 (Arts & Literature): What Nobel Prize-winning German author wrote the novel The Rat, though he is better known for The Tin Drum?
11:32: Q2 (Sports & Games): Owen Lloyd “Ox” Parry was a tackle who played three seasons in the 1930s for what NFL team, the only one whose official, legal name includes the word “football”?
18:35: Q3 (Music): Jackie “Tiger” Brown is one of the principal characters in what “play with music” by Bertolt Brecht, which is famous for the song “The Ballad of Mack the Knife”?
27:50: Q4 (Times & Places): Br’er Rabbit is a trickster character in the folklore of what African-American ethnic group, who have their own unique Creole language, and primarily live in the Lowcountry and Sea Islands of the Carolinas and Georgia?
35:53: Q5 (Movies & TV): The Dragon Ball anime franchise includes, of course, Dragon Ball, and its direct sequel Dragon Ball Z. Name any one of the other anime series in the franchise.
41:30: Q6 (Everything Else): What Egyptian goddess obtained her power by placing a snake in Ra’s path, and later reassembled her husband Osiris’s dead body before resurrecting him?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/
Cooking with Grief Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cooking-with-grief/id1436653211
Cormac on Twitter: @CormacsThoughts -
On this week’s edition of Learned Lately, Justin tells us all about the rise and fall of one of the strangest sports shows of all time, the Wide World of Sports. We learn how obscure sports you’ve never heard of propelled it to the thrill of victory, and how the rise of cable ultimately led to the agony of defeat.
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/ -
This week, Hallie has written a quiz all about works (mostly books) that were adapted into other works (mostly movies)! It is a very hard quiz. Justin gets big mad. We also talk about children’s literature, soccer, and some recent history!
2:37: Q1 (Times & Places): How One Man Saved the British Monarchy is the subtitle of a 2010 non-fiction book about George VI that was adapted into what 2010 film directed by Tom Hooper?
13:01: Q2 (Arts & Literature): What 1963 book, written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak, was adapted into a 2009 film with some of the large creatures voiced by James Gandolfini, Catherine O’Hara, and Forest Whitaker?
18:45: Q3 (Everything Else): The Accidental Billionaires, the book that was the basis for the film The Social Network, was written by Ben Mezrich in consultation with what Facebook co-founder who broke contact with Mezrich after settling his lawsuit with Mark Zuckerberg?
30:10: Q4 (Movies & TV): The Godfather was adapted from a 1969 novel of the same name by what author who also co-wrote the screenplay with Francis Ford Coppola?
36:34: Q5 (Sports & Games): The 2005 film Fever Pitch completely changed the subject of the 1992 essay it was based on. While the film is about the main character’s obsession with the Boston Red Sox, the essay was about the author’s obsession with which Premier League team based in Holloway, North London?
42:41: Q6 (Music): Victor Hugo’s novel, Les Miserables, was adapted as a stage musical. Name either the composer or lyricist who also co-wrote the book for the musical.
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/
3 Beers In Podcast: https://www.3beersinpodcast.com/
Brain Ladle Podcast: http://www.brainladletrivia.com/
Cormac on Twitter: @CormacsThoughts -
This week on Learned Lately, Hallie talks about something she probably should have talked about in her game all about state names, Mr. Tennessee Williams himself!
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/ -
He’s done it again. In our final season, Justin has gone to the well once more and written yet another game about strange, unexplained events. We also talk about punk rock, baseball, and ancient history!
2:28: Q1 (Movies & TV): What multiple-time Academy Award nominee drowned under mysterious circumstances near Santa Catalina Island while on a boat with Christopher Walken and her husband Robert Wagner?
9:50: Q2 (Times & Places): Named for a mythical king and generally considered the first advanced civilization in Europe, what ancient civilization centered on the island of Crete declined and disappeared around 3,000 years ago, for reasons that remain unknown?
15:28: Q3 (Everything Else): While Jane Goodall studied chimpanzees and Birutė Galdikas studied orangutans, and what third member of the “Trimates” studied gorillas, and was the victim of a still-unsolved murder in 1985?
22:57: Q4 (Music): What American rock band never released its planned album Cigarettes and Valentines after the demo recordings were mysteriously stolen, choosing instead to focus on a new project called American Idiot?
29:25: Q5 (Sports & Games): Before seemingly disappearing without a trace, a man named Roger Szmodis won a contest to name what Pacific Northwest MLB team, who were formed after the Pilots left town?
38:49: Q6 (Arts & Literature): You know I love an art heist. Among other works, Landscape with Cottages was stolen from the Montreal Museum of Art in 1972. What Dutch master painted this still-lost work?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/
Deep Into History Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/deep-into-history/id1440486315
Cormac on Twitter: @CormacsThoughts -
On this edition of Learned Lately, Justin walks us through the nine Muses of Greek mythology, because they seem to inspire an awful lot of trivia questions, which we seem to get wrong.
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/ -
This week, we strap on the pads and hit the gridiron, because Hallie has written six trivia questions all (sort of) related to NFL team names! We also huddle up and talk about English history, baseball, and classic rock!
2:43: Q1 (Times & Places): The Minnesota Vikings are so named because Minnesota is the center of Scandinavian American culture. Name either of the two real Vikings who claimed the English throne before the Norman conquest.
7:46: Q2 (Sports & Games): What Major League Baseball team with the second-most World Series wins of any team were originally called the Brown Stockings?
14:15: Q3 (Movies & TV): What actor who starred in a film that shares its name with the University of Alabama’s teams also starred in a film that includes the name of the only NFL team to have two players rush for 2,000 yards in a season?
22:46: Q4 (Arts & Literature): One-third of the title of what 1950 novel shares a name with an NFL team who has not won a championship game since before the Super Bowl era?
31:55: Q5 (Everything Else): The only NFL team to have a perfect season is named for what animal, the most well-known species of which is Tursiops truncatus?
38:56: Q6 (Music): What band’s greatest hits album from 1976, fittingly titled Their Greatest Hits, is the best-selling album in the United States, having sold 38 million copies?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/
The List Game Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-list-game/id1291797303 -
This week on Learned Lately, Hallie finally clears up which of the two famous female authors who went by “George” is which, because neither one of us can ever remember (and we know you can’t either)!
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/ -
We are officially back for our final season, and Justin starts us off by finally finishing our sporadic six-part series on the basic emotions, with a whole quiz about disgust and disgusting stuff. We also get a little queasy talking about classical music, football, and movies!
2:55: Q1 (Music): What classical composer wrote numerous scatological pieces, including Leck mich im Arsch – “Lick me in the ass” – though Eine kleine Nachtmusik is performed more often these days?
8:54: Q2 (Sports & Games): In one of the most disgusting and horrifying moments in sports history, Giants linebacker Lawrence Taylor broke quarterback Joe Theismann’s leg in two places, ending his career. What team did Theismann play for (either the current name or the name at the time is acceptable).
18:06: Q3 (Times & Places): The Erfurt latrine disaster involved about 60 noblemen drowning in human excrement after King Henry VI of Germany called an assembly. Despite this, what other, more powerful title was bestowed on Henry in 1191 by Pope Celestine III?
25:55: Q4 (Movies & TV): Known as much for his signature pencil mustache as for his transgressive films, what director’s work includes the so-called “trash trilogy” of Pink Flamingos, Female Trouble, and Desperate Living?
31:06: Q5 (Arts & Literature): What famous muckraking journalist said about his most famous (and famously gross) novel, “I aimed at the public’s heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach”?
36:45: Q6 (Everything Else): What psychologist developed the theory of basic emotions and originally studied disgust, along with happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, and fear?
Theme music: "Thinking it Over" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY 2.0
E-Mail: quizandhers@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizandhers/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/quizandhers
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quizandhers/
History of the Atlantic World Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/history-of-the-atlantic-world/id1363411819
Brain Ladle Podcast: http://www.brainladletrivia.com/ - Visa fler