Welcome to Divine Alignment - a Podcast about how we can create Divine Alignment in our mind, body, and soul. How do we break free from the traditional paradigm into that of infinite potential? Through raising the vibration of our food and nutrition along with our thoughts and consciousness. By nurturing and healing our mind, body, and spirit - we heal.
Hosted by Jasmine Elise, a holistic nutritionist, energy healer, and hypnotherapist, she pulls from her own journey and experience to help you find true health and healing in your life. After over 20 years of misdiagnoses and searching for answers, she found that much of what she needed was already within her.
Tune in each week to discover how you can have Divine Alignment with you.
@IamJasmineElise -
Contra Sequía es un podcast semanal en dondé creemos profundamente en las cosas que Dios puede hacer surgir en medio de nuestras sequías. Conversamos desde un espacio donde admitimos nuestras experiencias, aciertos y fracasos a lo largo de nuestro caminar con Dios. No siempre las cosas van como queremos, pero si algo estoy seguro es de que algo grande se escucha venir.
Instagram: @contrasequia -
Why do people self-injure? And what is the best way to respond when someone tells us they self-injure? Dr. Nicholas Westers, a clinical psychologist at Children's Health and Associate Professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, collaborates with the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS) to interview the leading experts in the field of self-injury and self-harm as well as individuals with lived experience of self-injury and parents and family members of those who have self-injured. This podcast is meant to be a resource for parents, professionals, and people with lived experience.
We discuss anything related to relationships and dating. We go into great detail covering attachment styles, which is also known as attachment theory. We cover the attachment styles known as the secure attachment style, the preoccupied attachment style, the dismissive avoidant attachment style, and the fearful avoidant attachment style which is also known as the disorganized attachment style.
Te invitamos a sumergirte en los arcanos conocimientos del esoterismo, de la mano de nuestros colaboradores quienes semana a semana compartirán con ustedes distintos tópicos relacionados con la Magia, la herbolaria, los mitos y leyendas del reino vegetal entre tantos otros interesantes y profundos temas.
Con María José Álvarez B. experta en autoestima, relaciones de pareja y felicidad, encontrarás un valioso regalo para tus oídos. Cada palabra dicha aquí activará nuevas redes neuronales en tu cerebro que te llevarán a verte a ti, a tu relación de pareja y a tu vida, desde una perspectiva increíble.
Inscríbete al Newsletter con contenido exclusivo del podcast
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Like all couples, NeuroDiverse (AS/NT) Christian couples face challenges with communication and connection. Those challenges are nuanced in a way that most couples, therapists, and clergy don't typically recognize. Often NeuroDiverse Couples have children on the spectrum (or or other differences), this podcast will dedicate topics to the NeuroDiverse Couple as well as issues that may arise in spectrum or special needs family systems. We invite you to learn about NeuroDiverse Christian couples to understand those aspects more fully.
Step into the enchanting realm of occultism, rituals, high magic, Qabalah, and Western traditions. Our channel is dedicated to exploring the depths of esoteric knowledge and unveiling the secrets of ancient wisdom.
Join us as we provide step-by-step guides on performing specific magical practices. From the creation of powerful sigils to the art of spellcasting, astral projection, and meditation techniques, we'll be your trusted guides of these mystical arts.
Prepare to unveil the extraordinary power that resides within you. 🕯
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Welcome to The Awakening Her Podcast, your go-to podcast for manifestation and creating the life you see in your mind’s eye. Hosted by Talia Joy, an intuitive channel, spiritual guide and manifestation mentor who is here to help you master your mind, transform your life and manifest a freedom-filled future.
Join me as we explore self growth, spirituality, awakening, manifestation, the law of attraction, intuitive development, and tuning into your Soul’s callings. Whether you’re an old Soul, seeker, empath, lightworker or cosmically curious - this podcast is designed to help you to manifest your dreams.
If you’re ready to expand your consciousness, dive into quantum manifestation, develop spiritually, practice manifestation, hone your intuition, and heal your past to step into the future, you’re in the right place. Tune in and let’s awaken your potential together. -
Podcast “Somos Vibraciones” Contenido de Manifestación, ley de atracción, Crear nuestra realidad , Espiritualidad, crecimiento personal , nuestra conexión con el cosmos, alineación con nuestro espíritu en nuestra experiencia terrenal. Creando Nuestro cielo en la tierra }
Nuestro Podcast va del cariño con nuestras experiencias y Epifanias de nuestro camino , recorriendo lugares internos tanto como externos , el viaje de nuestra alma , queremos compartir nuestras Epifanias por este Medio sagrado. Manifestando una realidad consciente siendo uno.
Nelson y Maritza ( Tía y Sobrino) -