The 17 Verses podcast is a short, daily recitation of the Qur'an in spoken English. Our purpose is to enable busy Muslims (or non-Muslims) to be exposed to the Qur'an each day, delivered to their phones/iPads/etc.
If you average approximately 17 verses per day, you can get through the entire Qur'an in about a year. The Qur'an can definitely feel intimidating but if it's taken in small pieces, it needn't be so. So join us as we go through the Qur'an every day. -
Daily reading Al Quran, hopefully it can be Istiqomah, from juz 1 to juz 30. Life in the world is only temporary. Just trying to give meaning by sharing Support this podcast:
Hai sahabat podcast, channel podcast ini men-share tentang islam, silahkan dengarkan dan resapi, Silahkan follow, diusahakan update tiap hari •||• Donasi Podcast: _______________ Mau Wakaf Qur'an? Hubungi WhatsApp: Kerjasama iklan: **************** Support this podcast: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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الموسوعة الحديثة لتلاوات الشيخ المنشاوى - تلاوات اللقاءات الاذاعية المتفرقة
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