
  • We explore how disaffected young men anonymously posting memes online led to real-life violence including multiple mass murders, the forming of what came to be known as the alt-right movement, a seismic shift in the Republican party, and the January 6th, 2021 storming of the capitol. Joining us for this very special episode is Elle Reeve, correspondent for CNN and author of the new book Black Pill: How I Witnessed the Darkest Corners of the Internet Come to Life, Poison Society and Capture American Politics.

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to podcast mini-series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: http://www.patreon.com/QAA

    Elle Reeve: http://x.com/elspethreeve
    Black Pill: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Black-Pill/Elle-Reeve/9781982198886

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (https://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • In the wake of a disastrous debate, the presidential elections enter terra incognita. We attempt to contextualize the situation with journalist and repeat guest Dave Weigel, who has a deep knowledge of both presidential campaigns and voters across the country. We also explore how the debate has led some liberals online to spin up conspiracy theories of their own.

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to podcast mini-series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: http://www.patreon.com/QAA

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (https://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

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  • Self-exiled French conspiracy theorists attempt to set up a sovereign utopia in a desolate Bulgarian village called Mamarchevo. This turns into death threats, people getting scammed out of tens of thousands of euros, a plot to abduct a child, the flying of a Nazi flag, and lots and lots of alcohol. Our guest is journalist Anthony Mansuy, who you may remember from our exploration of French sovereign citizens and our two part investigation into the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The episode is based on an article he wrote for the French newspaper “Society”. He spent months chasing the story, and even traveled to Mamarchevo to interview those involved and experience their utopia first-hand. We also ask him about the general state of conspiracy theorizing in France and what the hell is happening with their recent political meltdown.

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to podcast mini-series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: http://www.patreon.com/QAA

    Anthony Mansuy: https://x.com/AnthonyMansuy

    Society Magazine: https://www.society-magazine.fr/

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe, Nick Sena & Jake Rockatansky. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (https://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • In 2012, rumors began to circulate through the Hollywood elite that a new screenplay surrounding the events of 9/11 was in the works. A committee of truthers entrenched in the entertainment industry were eager for the “real” story to be told, in the hopes that President Obama might see the film and open a new investigation into the tragic attacks. The script had been lost to the ages until Liv traveled into the far reaches of the internet and retrieved a copy. We’re going to dive into how the film came to be, who was attached to star, and perhaps… force Travis to act in a couple scenes.

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to ongoing series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: www.patreon.com/QAA

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Jake Rockatansky. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (instagram.com/theyylivve / sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • Conspiracy theories about weather control and the California Drought don't hold a candle to the grim reality: a cabal of wealthy farmers controlling California's water and committing ecocide. We speak to Yasha Levine and Rowan Wernham about their upcoming documentary, Pistachio Wars, a damning exposé of The Wonderful Company and the billionaire couple behind it: Lynda & Stewart Resnick.

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to podcast mini-series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: http://www.patreon.com/QAA

    Pistachio Wars: https://www.gofundme.com/f/pistachio-wars-pay-for-stock-footage / https://filmfreeway.com/pistachiowars / https://x.com/pistachiowars

    Yasha Levine on Substack: http://yasha.substack.com

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (https://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • We watched General Michael Flynn's "documentary" featuring family members, Tucker Carlson and early QAnon influencer Tracy "Beanz" Diaz. We find out that Flynn is a beautiful surfer, an anti-war angel, and a victim of deepstate machinations. Also his grandson is named Travis.

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to podcast mini-series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: www.patreon.com/QAA

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (https://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • Do you look back on the early 90s with a sense of fondness? In this episode, we hope to ruin that for you just a little bit. What if we told you that this time period was crucial in the development of American right wing populism and therefore crucial for the eventual election of Donald Trump and the rise of QAnon? Bet you’re a little less nostalgic for those slap bracelets now.

    We speak with John Ganz, author of the new book When the Clock Broke: Con Men, Conspiracists, and How America Cracked Up in the Early 1990s. He explains how KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, Economist Murray Rothbard, Paleoconservative Pat Buchanan, Texas Tycoon Ross Perot, and other colorful figures laid the groundwork for the results of the 2016 election and all its consequences.

    When the Clock Broke: Con Men, Conspiracists, and How America Cracked Up in the Early 1990s

    John Ganz on Twitter

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to podcast mini-series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: www.patreon.com/QAA
    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (instagram.com/theyylivve / sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (pedrocorrea.com)

    QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • We read from poems by a "Truth Seeker & Spiritual Freedom Fighter” with Charles, Branson and Andrew from the E1 Podcast. Then we gather some of the best poets on earth — Thomas Kinkade Jr., Joseph Rogan No Relation, Jerome Durepois, Julien Feeld — and are joined by Hotdog Taylor, the poet turned famous rapper. He performs "Dumb Lib (I'm Sorry)", a hit single off his latest record "I Told You So".

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to podcast mini-series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: www.patreon.com/QAA

    E1 Podcast: https://www.patreon.com/e1podcast / https://soundcloud.com/episode-one-868768631

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. "Dumb Lib (I'm Sorry) written and performed by Jake Rockatansky with vocals by THEY/LIVE. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (https://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • Folks, they finally got him. A jury of Donald Trump’s peers determined that he violated New York Penal Law 175-10 in the first degree. We chat about how the conspiracist right is reacting to the news with a combination of vows for revenge, lamenting the fall of the nation, and insisting that this is good for Trump, actually. Plus we touch on the film 2000 Mules getting pulled by its distributor in response to a lawsuit and the DOJ alleging that Epoch Times is funded through a giant money laundering operation.

    After that, we are joined by journalist Ali Breland to discuss his recent Mother Jones article “How Q Became Everything: The conspiracy group’s goal was to convince people the world is run by pedophiles, and, well, mission accomplished.”


    How Q Became Everything: The conspiracy group’s goal was to convince people the world is run by pedophiles, and, well, mission accomplished

    Ali Breland On Twitter

    Guilty: Trump becomes first former US president convicted of felony crimes

    The upside-down American flag goes mainstream as a form of right-wing protest

    Publisher of ‘2,000 Mules’ election conspiracy theory film issues apology

    Epoch Times Executive Accused of Laundering $67 Million

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to podcast mini-series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: www.patreon.com/QAA

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (instagram.com/theyylivve / sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (pedrocorrea.com)
    QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • In the late 19th century a Frenchman pulled off one of the greatest hoaxes of all time and inspired countless conspiracy theories about Freemasonry that still circulate today. The man, who went by the pseudonym Leo Taxil, started his career by publishing several texts smearing the Pope and the Catholic Church. But then he switched sides. He claimed he converted to Catholicism and to prove his devotion he started publishing anti-Masonic texts.These new works included wild stories about a secret satanic sect with freemasonry called Palladism. Despite the fact that these stories are far beyond the limits of believability, they were taken seriously by the Catholic Church. Taxil finally admitted that his multiple books about satanism in Freemasonry were all part of an elaborate, 12-year-long-hoax.
    In the second part of the two-part series, we discuss Leo Taxil’s multiple books which supposedly exposed Satanism in Freemasonry, why he called Charleston, South Carolina the “Luciferian Rome,” and the dramatic public confession that sent shockwaves among Catholics and Freemason alike.
    Dickie, John. The Craft: How the Freemasons Made the Modern World. Public Affairs, 2020

    Ziegler, Robert. Satanism, magic and mysticism in fin-de-siècle France. Springer, 2012.

    Van Luijk, Ruben. Children of Lucifer: The origins of modern religious Satanism. Oxford University Press, 2016

    Introvigne, Massimo. "Satanism: a social history.". Brill, 2016.

    The Confession of Leo Taxil

    Mellor, Alec. A Hoaxer of Genius

    Wikisource: The Works of Leo Taxil

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (https://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • A paranoid, red scare conspiracy theory about a Japanese ultra-nationalist gang aiming to unite the African American population and overthrow the U.S. government. A flourishing proleterian literature scene driven to madness by the FBI. This strange story is brought to us by journalist and writer Devin Thomas O'Shea and set in Saint Louis, Missouri in the 1930's.

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to podcast mini-series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: https://www.patreon.com/QAA

    Devin O'Shea: https://x.com/devintoshea / https://linktr.ee/devintoshea

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (http://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • In the late 19th century a Frenchman pulled off one of the greatest hoaxes of all time and inspired countless conspiracy theories about Freemasonry that still circulate today. The man, who went by the pseudonym Leo Taxil, started his career by publishing several texts smearing the Pope and the Catholic Church. But then he switched sides and claimed he converted to Catholicism. To prove his devotion he started publishing anti-Masonic texts. These new works included wild stories about a secret satanic sect with freemasonry called Palladism. Despite the fact that these stories are far beyond the limits of believability, they were taken seriously by the Catholic Church. Taxil finally admitted that his multiple books about satanism in Freemasonry were all part of an elaborate, 12-year-long-hoax.

    In part 1 of this series, we explore the childhood of “Leo Taxil,” his hoaxes in France and Switzerland, and the anti-Church writings that forced him to fend off lawsuits and criminal charges.

    In part 2, we’ll get into the thousands of pages he wrote about secret satanism in Freemasonry, how the public swallowed these stories up, and his dramatic confession that it was all a lie.


    Dickie, John. The Craft: How the Freemasons Made the Modern World. Public Affairs, 2020

    Ziegler, Robert. Satanism, magic and mysticism in fin-de-siècle France. Springer, 2012.

    Van Luijk, Ruben. Children of Lucifer: The origins of modern religious Satanism. Oxford University Press, 2016

    Mellor, Alec. A Hoaxer of Genius

    Wikisource: The Works of Leo Taxil

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (https://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • This week, Jake and Liv break down the rap beef that took the world by storm this past month. And of course, because it’s 2024 and the universe has decided to spare none of the QAA hosts, the lyrics contained within the multiple diss tracks became the source of endless amounts of conspiracy theories and baking - with one particular poster claiming to be a “secret insider” set to expose the crimes of the elite. Sound familiar? Of course it does! We will never be free of this, and our souls cry out into the void.

    For those who haven’t been following, Jake will catch everyone up to speed on why the beef began in the first place, as well as the accusations contained in each rapper’s lyrics. Then we will descend into hell where Liv will unpack the countless theories circulating in online forums, and the culmination of these theories resulting in real world violence.

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to ongoing series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: www.patreon.com/QAA

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe & Jake Rockatansky. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (instagram.com/theyylivve / sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • Mike Wendling is the National Digital Reporter for the BBC. He is the co-founder of the BBC's disinformation unit and was editor and presenter of BBC Trending. While topics related to disinformation and extremism became popular starting in 2016, he’s been covering this subject matter for decades. He is the author of the book Alt Right: From 4chan To White House as well as the brand new book Day of Reckoning: How the Far Right Declared War on Democracy.

    Jake and Travis chat with Mike about covering conspiracy theories, adventures in the field, the legacy of 2000 Mules, and Mike’s experiences attempting to use a medbed.

    Day of Reckoning: How the Far Right Declared War on Democracy by Mike Wendling

    Mike Wendling on Twitter

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (https://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • A discussion of the corporatization of media, his departure from The Intercept, how stories get "killed" and how conspiracy theorists and MAGA supporters' claims about the media get their oxygen — with Ken Klippenstein, investigative journalist.

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to podcast mini-series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: https://www.patreon.com/QAA

    Ken Klippenstein: https://www.kenklippenstein.com/

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (http://instagram.com/theyylivve / https://sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • We dive into an online community hellbent on improving their physical appearance through bizarre techniques like pressing their tongue to the roof of their mouth, hitting themselves in the face, and taking experimental growth hormones. Originating in Pick Up Artist (PUA) and incel forums, "looksmaxxing" has since become a proper tiktok trend.

    Thanks for being a patreon subscriber!

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get the full episode. You'll also get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to ongoing series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: https://www.patreon.com/QAA

    Liv Agar: https://linktr.ee/livagar


    QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • Relatives of Michael Flynn tried and failed to sue CNN because they didn’t like being associated with QAnon (despite saying “Where we go one we go all” on camera.) The QAnon community reacts to Donald Trump’s ongoing legal woes. And Jesse Watters continues to prove that he’s the most Q pilled of all the Fox News hosts.


    CNN: Watch CNN Go Inside A Gathering of QAnon Followers

    Above The Law: Flynn Family’s SLAPP Suit Against CNN Slapped Down By Judge

    Media Matters: Fox News host Jesse Watters tells QAnon influencer he loves and follows him on social media: “We'll be in touch”

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to ongoing series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: www.patreon.com/QAA
    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (instagram.com/theyylivve / sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (https://pedrocorrea.com)

    QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • Well, here we are. The Julian loyalists are facing off against the Western Rockatansky forces as veteran journalist Mike Prysner (Eyes Left Podcast, Empire Files) remains a neutral and unwavering eye. The result? Total destruction of all three of our brains as we struggle our way through a showing of A24’s “Civil War.” We’ll look at everything from interviews with the film’s director to its reception by various audiences alike in an attempt to understand how and why this film was made. So, grab your squad, pop an XP token, and join us as we breach the Oval Office in an effort to make sense of “Civil War.”

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to ongoing series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: www.patreon.com/QAA

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by Pontus Berghe. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (instagram.com/theyylivve / sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (pedrocorrea.com)

    Mike Prysner: https://www.twitter.com/MikePrysner

    Empire Files: https://www.patreon.com/empirefiles

    Earth's Greatest Enemy: https://earthsgreatestenemy.com/


    QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.

  • So-called “Constitutional Sheriffs” fancy themselves as the real life version of Judge Dredd: the ultimate arbiters of the law according to their interpretation of the Constitution. Recently the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) held a conference in Las Vegas. Among the speakers were regular features of the podcast disgraced former General Michael Flynn, convicted former County Clerk Tina Peters, and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell.

    Our guest WIRED reporter David Gilbert attended the conference, and he told us all about what he saw at this gathering of conspiracists and pseudolaw enthusiasts.


    WIRED: Far-Right Sheriffs Want a Citizen Army to Stop ‘Illegal Immigrant’ Voters

    WIRED: No, a Shadowy Figure Is Not Buying Tents for Columbia Student Protesters

    David Gilbert on Twitter

    NBC News: A sheriff, a felon and a conspiracy theorist walk into a hotel. They're there for the same conference.

    MassLive: Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson calls cancellation of ICE contract a ‘politically motivated attack’

    Politico: The Troubling Sheriffs’ Movement That Joe Arpaio Supports

    American Oversight: The Constitutional Sheriffs Movement and Its Threat to Democracy

    NBC News: Former Colorado county clerk Tina Peters sentenced to home detention and community service in obstruction case

    CBS News: Mike Lindell's MyPillow evicted from Minnesota warehouse after lawsuit claimed it was $200K behind on rent

  • On June 13th, 1996, the leader of a Long Island UFO group was charged with conspiracy to poison local conservative leaders with the most absurdly deranged of methods. His motive? Retribution for the political cover-up of UFO activity in the area. Brad Abrahams joins us to tell this bizarre and melancholy tale of the alien obsessed John J. Ford. We unravel if John really was criminally insane, or if he was entrapped for getting too close to a real life, albeit more terrestrial cover-up. Jake reads some powerful UFO poetry, Travis daydreams about arcane murder methods, and Julian cowers in fear from his secretly sadistic co-hosts. It’s time to squeeze out some phosphorescent toothpaste and enjoy an episode of the Long Island X-Files.

    Subscribe for $5 a month to get an extra episode of QAA every week + access to ongoing series like Manclan, Trickle Down, Perverts and The Spectral Voyager: www.patreon.com/QAA

    Editing by Corey Klotz. Theme by Nick Sena. Additional music by NAP (doomchakratapes.bandcamp.com) & Jake Rockatansky. Theme Vocals by THEY/LIVE (instagram.com/theyylivve / sptfy.com/QrDm). Cover Art by Pedro Correa: (pedrocorrea.com)


    QAA was formerly known as the QAnon Anonymous podcast.