This episode mirrors the video posted earlier!
Topics include: 1
) I have been receiving SSDI for approximately 2 years. I have now requested back child support and am wondering how my benefit will be affected?
2) Any tips to get the judge to more likely approve you?
3) If I get back pay for SSI, and not qualified for future monthly checks because my SSD, my SSI back pay is going to send to Public assistance. Does my DIB pay me back for the SSI which was sent to Public Assistance?
4) Can you do a video about federal court process?
WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube:www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm.
For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel:@InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
This episode mirrors the video posted earlier!
Topics include:
1) Do I have to hire a Social Security attorney in the same state I live to represent me?
2) Hi, I requested a hearing in April of 2011 and here it is January 2012. I filed for disability on October 1, 2010. I haven’t heard from anyone since my 2d denial letter on February of 2011. How long with this take?
3) I have a question, might seem a bit odd but, when someone is in the process of applying for disability and they travel out of the country for some weeks, does the fact that they traveled work against their possible eligibility? I know those with disability do travel and needs normalcy as much as possible but is in the middle of applying the worst time to do this?
4) I have a question on child support issues. I was recently awarded SSDI and I have $38k that I owe in child support. I would like to know how much of my back pay / retro pay will they take or will they take all of it? I’m suppose to receive $15k after lawyer fees. Also, how much of my monthly check percentage wise will they take?
5) How do you feel about getting tested “neuropsychological”? How much more info would they need? It’s the wechsler abbreviated scale of intelligence testing?
WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube:www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm.
For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel:@InTheKnowwithTonyReeves -
Saknas det avsnitt?
This episode mirrors the video posted earlier!
Topics include:
1) What If I can’t completely fill out the forms Social Security provides me, but do my best to complete?
2) When should I hire a lawyer?
3) I got a turn down letter on my second level of SSDI. They said we know you have panic disorder and agoraphobia and you can’t go back to you job as a truck driver but you can work without being in crowded places or with the general public? This makes no sense to me. What job could I do not working with people from my home? 4) Is life over once I must go back on SSI or Social Security Disability?
WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube:www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm.
For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel:@InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
This episode mirrors the video posted earlier!
Topics include:
1) I was wondering say I am already on a continuing disability review, if I were to start the ticket to work program would I be fired from a job that they helped me receive if I were to be determined not disabled?
2) Are there any rules that say we can’t have a PO Box because the mail is government stuff?
3) SSA stopped my checks after 4 months stating I have a warrant for probation violation that is about 14 years old. I contacted the jurisdiction they stated we don’t a warrant for you, and by the way, it was for DUI. I did the probation requirements. I am not a criminal, and this my $ anyway, how do I fit in Clark v. Astrue?
WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube:www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm.
For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel:@InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
This episode mirrors the video posted earlier!
Topics include:
1) How much do representatives make off disability claims?
2) Do representatives cause delays in processing claims so they can make more money?
3) Why would Social Security need to send you to a Doctor in or to determine a decision?
4) Can SSDI be denied based on the activities of daily living forms?
5) Do you know what gives SSA the right to continue prior suspensions even after the court has ruled this particular suspension (Clark v. Astrue)?
6) Can a child receive both child support and social security benefits?
WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube:www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm.
For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel:@InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
This episode mirrors the video posted earlier!
Topics include:
1) My question is, in the case of a condition that was approved for disability but is expected to get better in a short period of time (I am 22 years old) if I lose the weight within the next year am I obligated to tell SSA that my condition has improved or can I just wait till they review my case again, and I will just agree with their determination?
2) Since I am 100% service connected, diagnosed as Bipolar 2 disorder and have chronic pain, what are my chances are getting SSD?
WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube:www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm.
For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel:@InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
This episode mirrors the video posted earlier!
Topics include:
1) Now my reply question is because I completed and received a 4.00 gpa, will the Judge say I can work a light stress job?
2) Is there a such a thing as ‘permanent disability’ under Social Security administration?
3) If someone worked one month in a year and earned over $5000 in one month under the Trial Work Period, is that considered SGA?
4) Can I work after I retire on Social Security Benefits?
5) What are the levels of appeals when it comes to SSA?
6) Why can’t I receive benefits further than a year before the date of the application in a DIB claim?
WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube:www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm.
For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel:@InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
This episode mirrors the video posted earlier!
Topics include:
Does the Workers Compensation offset apply to the retroactive payments that people get when they approved your case to be disabled? MY question is I suffer from PTSD (due to years of sexual abuse as a child), depression, anxiety and personality disorder, but I have completed online computer classes, which due to my personality disorder, I can not remember anything I have l learn, will this cause with my mental health SSDI caseWATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube:www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm.
For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel:@InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
Topics include:
Can you tell me what is a Depressive disorder!?Will I lose my my ssdi due to Self Employment?WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube: www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm. For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel: @InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
In this video, I answer key Social Security Disability questions, including:
I do have a lawyer but i call with updates and talk to the receptionist. i have only talked to my " lawyer twice in the past 2 years. Does this sound normal?My question is if I am approved must i stay in the USA or am I able to live abroad while i collect my SSD? What if you have a chronic illness and you try to do a little around your home, but not able to be able to do the same job you were on or do any other work? What if medical testing results clearly show you are sick and have been sick for a long time, as in years? Would that qualify a person for benefits??For more exciting content, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com.
WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube: www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm. For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel: @InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
This episode mirrors the video posted earlier this week! Topics include:
I was told today when I called to check the status of my disability case. I was told that it was closed and a decision has been mailed. What does that mean? Does that mean my case has been denied? What should I except in the letter?What I do if I think my representative is causing the delay in getting my disability benefits??WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube: www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm. For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel: @InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
This episode mirrors the video posted earlier this week! Topics include:
When social security does the Continuing Disability Review I assume they will ask for updated medical records. Will they give my doctor the opportunity to say how treatments are going and how I am doing? Also, when you see Continuing Disability Review cases denied what normally are the reasons? Is it possible i will find out the day of my hearing if it's in my favor? Would it be helpful if i have my 3 treating doctors write a letter to the Social Security Hearing judge? With my long history of job loss, meds, and seeing doctors, 4 to 5 times a month do you think my chances are good on winning my case? Can my onset date be from the 1980's or 1990's? My father has been hearing that they take away five months of your back pay. Is this true? How long will it take for him to receive his back pay? Will the back pay be in one big check? WATCH THE VIDEO! Prefer visuals? Watch the remastered version of this episode on YouTube: www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm.
For additional resources, visit www.AnthonyReeves.com and check out my main YouTube channel: @InTheKnowwithTonyReeves. -
(ORIGINAL posting on 9/11/2011
REMASTERED on 12/15/2024
1) I am wondering if the gap in medical records will affect my benefits? (For an initial application and Continuing Disability Review)
2) I have a hearing soon & wonder if I am entitled to be reimbursed for all the medical expenses I've paid if awarded benefits?
3) Do I take documents to my Social Security Disability hearing with me?
4) What if i have a doctor i want to see and sometimes he has a Physician Assistant see me instead, then the Physician Assistant takes over my treatment. Does that still count as seeing the doctor?
5) Should i make it specific that i want to see the doctor because seeing a doctor has more weight when applying for disability? Which besides an MD., does social security accept a Doctor of Osteopathy carry weight when it comes to getting treatment?
6) This is my condition 42 y/o male, Hiv +, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma and depression, plus i get sever migraines. Do i have a case, i all this conditions i had more than 15 years?
7) If Social Security requires me to have a representative payee, is there anything i can do to prove i can handle my own money? -
REMASTERED: 12/8/2024
For additional exciting content, please visit anthonyreeves.com
Video available on www.youtube.com/reeveslawfirm
1) What is a Continuing Disability Review?
2) Why does Social Security make such a big deal over receiving Unemployment Compensation benefits? -
REMASTERED - 12/1/2024
Podcast available in video: https://youtu.be/64UoFeosko0
1) How do I deal with my doctor when they tell me one thing and then does something else?
2) When and how am I amble to view a copy of my file?
3) Why would you need a representative?
4) What would be the next step for the American people and have paid into this involuntary system and are on Social Security? Can you sue Social Security for the remainder of your money that we were forced to pay into?
5) What are the appropriate steps to take with my insurance company who wants me to apply for Social Security Disability while I’m getting Long Term Disability and who wants to represent me on my Social Security Disability claim?
6) What is the likelihood that I will get approved for SSD for optic migraines, intractable migraines and depression?
7) How does the recent talk about SSD running out affect those who are applying now and in the future, will this affect their chances of winning their case? Will less people be approved? -
ORIGINAL POSTING - August 14, 2011
REMASTERED - November 14, 2024
Available in video:
1) Is my DLI is something I can get from (or find) the annual Soc. Sec. statement?
2) i settled a workers comp case back in 2007, Since 2007 I haven't worked or seen a doctor for my injury.Focused more on elderly parents care. now its 2011 and I am having neck and back pains daily along with depression. is it too late to file for disability? Did I wait too long to apply for disability?
3) My question involves part-time work or college (online classes only) while currently receiving DIB. If a person getting ssdi benefits has a disabling condition that limits them to possibly being able to work a sedentary type of job for a only a few hours (2 - 4hrs) a day cause their DIB benefits to cease? Would these hours count against the trial work period considering that the income wouldn't even come close to the SGA amount?
4) if a DIB recipient was physically unable to attend college but tried to take 1 or 2 online courses per semester would that negatively affect DIB?
5) Do you think online classes would allow disabled individuals the freedom to work at their own pace and would allow the individual to learn new skills to try to re-enter the work force?
6) Can a Long Term Disability Carrier charge me for more than the totall SSDI benefit I received? Is there a way to contest this and who do I contact?
7) I'm 32 with CHF with a heart fraction of 20%. I apply for disablility in April of this year. I just got a letter stating that I have to go to one of their doctors. My doctor gave them all the information that they asked for but the letter stated they need more medical evidence about my condition. I do have a college education. ( 2 degrees) I don't know what to make of it. I know watching one of your videos my age will be a great problem in getting my case approve. Can you tell me why do I have to go to the examination? Why couldn't they use my medical information? What happens after I go to examination? What kind of heart case will get approve?
8) what if you have a bad back and are 300lbs because you are no longer active, and your doctors tell you to lose weight . and you are applying for disabilty for back injury. before you were able to dance,play basketball/touch football yet since hurting your back your activies are limited to walking or riding on a bike trail. yet you feel you cant work any longer. how does one exercise without worrying that ..oh you can ride a bike and take walks your not disabled?
9) what if you have a hobby and make personal items for folks every so often and they pay you cash. you make 20 dollars here & there will that effect your disabilty claim? or should you stop doing it? -
Original Posting - 8/21/2011
REMASTERED - 11/14/2024
Video available on YouTube
1) In your most current video you talked about how the SSA may look at cases involving heart conditions with applicants who are young (32) and have a college degree vs. an applicant who doesn't. Is this a major factor in how they decide whether or not you qualify for SSI or SSDI?
2) I only have ER and hospital visits to prove my case. I don't have a primary doctor but I have a serious health condition. Is the lack of a Primary care Dr. going to hurt my case? If so, what are some of my options?
3) I filed Jan 2011. I have recently went to a SSDS appointed meeting with doctor. Seven months have went by and I am struggling as you can imagine. If the claim is approved, will payment be retroacted to a certain time in the application submittal process? In plain english, will there be back pay, if so, to what point?
4) What is a medical source statement?
5) When can I get a copy of my Social Security Disability file during the process? How do I know if my file is complete? How do I know if certain medical records got in my file??
6) Have you any experience handling cases for those with Asperger's Syndrome? And what is the general outcome of those claims?
7) Student Loans. I have heard that student loans can be forgiven if the person is been considered disabled by SS. If so or not, I'd like some clarification on the matter? -
DISCLAIMER: The views expressed on this channel are solely those of the speaker, and that there is no real or implied endorsement by the Social Security Administration or any other part of the federal government
Originally posted on YouTube, Q&A: Social Security Disability Benefits on 11/4/2013 - Visa fler