I Know its Been A MIN with P.Y.O. I Miss YOU TO! Lets Catch UP!!
Just Press Play and Lets Heal.
"Experience is the Teacher of all things."
"Every Experience makes you GROW."
Follow @PyowithQueenshamula on IG.
Welcome Back to PYOwithQueenshamula!
Here's a Quick Short Episode! Lets Manifest More Money and Feel Good Doing!
This Year 2022 its about maintaining the Bag!
Visit www.pyowithqueenshamula.com to Purchase Some Herbal Baths, Get Your Money Cologne Or Book A Reading.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Money is energy & We are energy! What we do with our energy determine whether we attract a little bit of money, a lot or a huge amount. You Get to decide!!!
Here's 7 Secrets to help you attract money into your life right now!
Believe that you can have more money.Every time you spend money, you are investing.Be Grateful!Love the energy of money. Make money important in your life. Practice & Do Abundance Affirmations Daily!Take Control of your Finances!Bonas: Give Money, to get money!!
"Be weary of friends they will betray you more quickly! For they are easy aroused to envy, they also become spoiled and tyrannical! But higher a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend because he has more to prove, in fact you have more to fear from friends than enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them" based on The 48 Laws Of Power!
Just Pressed start and jump right in! Lets Catch Up!
FOLLOW @Queenshamula on IG to see the visual episode!
Welcome Back to PYOwithQueenshamula! This episode is based on the introduction of the book called The 48 Laws Of Power. Mastering your Emotions is a SKILL that requires practice & effort and might take you years to master! However if you Learn the GAME OF POWER! You will shift your perspective and learn how to Maneuver in this world.
“Emotions cloud reasoning and if you can’t see THE SITUATION clearly then you can’t prepare for and respond to it with any degree of control! “
FB: Putting you on with Queenshamula
IG: Queenshamula
Twitter : Queenshamula
......With the current challenges happening in your life right now, Take a moment to think about the path you're on or headed down.... Is it fulfilling? Do you feel isolated some days? Are you Creating your OWN path? Are you even asking yourself these questions? WELL P.Y.O IS ALWAYS HERE TO PUT YOU ON! HERE ARE 9 QUESTIONS TO START WITH! READ BELOW OR TUNE IN RIGHT NOW!
1. First question! Ask Yourself Am I on the right path?
2. Are YOU creating YOUR own path?
3. Do YOU get excited everyday?
4. Are YOU Accomplishing YOUR goals?
5. Do YOU feel like your life is an adventure?
6. Do YOU giving back to others?
7. Do YOU enjoy what YOU do?
8. Do people love being around YOU?
9. ARE Things are always working out for YOU?!
MUSIC SUBMISSION BY: @Theraa_p Follow her on IG! & Show her Some Love!! ( https://www.instagram.com/theraa_p/?hl=en )
Music video for the song:( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPfMnGJ79H0&feature=youtu.be)
I know she is also a co-host on @theefrontfesk follow & support! (https://www.instagram.com/thee_frontdesk/?hl=en)
If you would like to submit your music to be featured on PYO
Email me at Queenshamula@gmail.com !!
FB: Putting you on with Queenshamula
IG: Queenshamula
Twitter : Queenshamula
Before you CLICK on that Play button Lets take a moment to be GRATEFUL for 3 Things! Right now! 1...2....3... GO!
….What is having an Attitude Of Gratitude? and How can I delevop this Attitude? Wellllllllllll This is why #PYOwithQueenshamula is here to PUT YOU ON.....IN THIS EPISODE HERE IS 5 TIPS TO IMMEDIATELY DEVELOP AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE!!
FIRST thing you do when you awaken is Find 3 things that you are Grateful for & spend those first few seconds of your day giving gratittude…. or you can listen to (E. 3-Power Hour on #PYOwithQueenshamula.) :-)Wake up Enthusiastic! (BREATHE, STRETCH, SHAKE, & LET IT GO!) Be Thankful at every given moment! THINK OF YOUR DESIRED OUTCOME!_________________________________
TUNE IN NOW ! & Don't Forget to LIKE! SHARE! SUBSCRIBE! RATE & LEAVE A REVIEW ON iTunes! (P.S. I give a shout out to all my listeners who leave a review on my upcoming episodes!)
FB: Putting you on with Queenshamula
IG: Queenshamula
Twitter : Queenshamula
HEY! HEY! HEY! TO MY DEDICATED LISTENERS! I MISS YOU ALL! Welcome back to PYOwithQueenshamula! This episode is dedicated to the world pandemic virus call COVID-19 aka "CORONA VIRUS" that has Affected us ALL as a WHOLE! As we Know everything is shut down until April 30th. (IF you live in NYC!) Things may be back to normal for others!
.....SOOO PYO is here to TELL YOU "IF YOU CAN'T GO OUTSIDE, GO INSIDE!" Let's All take this time to reflect on our INNER-BEING & remember we can use this opportunity to reconnect with ourselves. GO AHEAD! CLICK THAT PLAY BUTTON! THIS EPISODE IS FULL OF POSITIVE VIBRATIONS! PRAYER AFFIRMATIONS & TIPS TO GO "INSIDE". Sending you PEACE, LOVE & PROSPERITY.
"This Too Shall Pass."
For God's Protection: Psalms 121
To Bless Your Home: Psalms 122
For A Peaceful, Happy & Healthy Home: Psalms 128
Welcome back! Its been FOREVER! right? well PYOwithqueenshamula is here to tell you GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING. In this episode we are going to talk about what @Queenshamula have been up to, reading my comments from my Listeners & more surprises on the way!
Upcoming Events:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crowned-reloaded-aries-takeover-tickets-96072335943 Get Your Early Bird Tickets!
April 19th: Have you wanted to ask me questions about Magic, Spirituality, Tarot, Spells or Divination? Well, you can! Live! I'll be on Madame Pamita's Live Magic Q&A Tea Party on (Sunday April 19th, 2020) at 5PM Pacific, 6PM Mountain, 7PM Central and 8PM Eastern time. To be a part of the live audience and ask questions, go over to spellsquad.com - when you sign up, you'll receive the link to join Madame Pamita and me LIVE! Log into that link and you're in! I can't wait to see you over there!!!
Email me at Queenshamula@gmail.com if you have any questions or suggestions for #PYOwithQueenshamula.
……The Ancients say that the Pineal Gland is the “seat of the soul!” When It is open up & Activated your intuition will be increased, your connection to God will be amazing! Like one with the universe!
When your intuition is magnify & you have a close relationship with the Higher Power, God or Source energy! You will manifest more effectively. Manifest what you truly desire! You will make an IMPACT in the world!
The deeper your intuition goes the more you’re going to manifest what you truly want to desire! So what you waiting for??? HIT THAT PLAY BUTTON & AWAKEN YOUR THIRD EYE.
HELLO KINGS & QUEENS! In this episode of we are going to switch up things just a little bit for the year 2020. Moving forward we will be doing more positive affirmations every other episode to stay grounded & focus! So Join me & Let’s Reprogram our MIND NOW!
Here are!
1. Low Vibrations can hold us back!
2. Let go of labels.
3. Let go of negative thinking!
4. You are what you eat.
5. Let go of negative people!
6. Learn to say NO!
7. Let go of negative TV,NEWS,MUSIC & BOOKS!
Do these 7 things and you will increase your vibrations instantly!
“Sometimes jealousy isn’t only because of what you have materialistically; people envy how others love you, show love to you, and have love for you. People envy the way you handled a situation that they would have probably died over. What they thought would’ve broke you, didn’t. They can’t stand to see you hold your head up high. Some people envy your intelligence and how you could make things happen. They envy because something that they couldn’t get pass, you passed with flying colors.” Just press the play button!
HEY! Are You Ready To Release & Let GO? Whelp! PYOwithQueenshamula is here to help!
As we know every Month we follow the Lunar Cycle (Approx. 28 Days.) We Have a chance to start OVER! BOOM!! In this episode we are going to talk about the benefits of Releasing & Letting Go on a Full Moon.
Learning to develop our own Full Moon Release Ritual & Letting go of the things that no longer serves us. SO TUNE IN! Get your Pen and your Paper & LETTTSSSS GOOOOOOO!
Follow my IG: Queenshamula
Welcome back to #PYOwithQueenshamula!
Hit that play button & Lets talk about “People & Their Perspectives.”
Someone is always watching and painting there own image of you based on their level of perspective, and sometimes we let the opinions of others dictate our own personal perspectives! IM HERE to remind YOU that the only perspective you should take in consideration is yours and Your ability to see the world from a different point of view! GO AHEAD CLICK THE PLAY BUTTON!
In This episode of #PYOwithQueenshamula I gave y’all 6 words to remove from your vocabulary. Words that we are unaware of and we use in our daily conversations.
The energy or root behind the words can be one of the main causes of not manifesting the things we truly want into our life.
In this episode of #Pyowithqueenshamula we are talking about Women+Universe = “Wombniverse” and how we can manifest through our womb by cleansing our wombniverse. If we treat our bodies with love and respect we can plant our desires into our womb. Take a minute to listen and learn! Knowledge is power!
S/O to FOLLOW @Sistahoodsleepovers on IG!
In this episode of #PyowithQueenshamula we will learn about the New moon and Full moon. There are also 8 different phases of The Moon. The New Moon is the perfect time to Start over, rewrite your goals and to Harness the energy of the Moon. Rituals are ways to connect with your inner being through out life. It is a symbolic way to also connect with the Universe within and to stay open to all the wonderful opportunities and possibilities we can manifest into our lives.
The week leading up to the New Moon is the perfect time to prepare yourself and get clear about the things you want into your life. Here are 5 steps on creating your own “New Moon Ritual” to become your Higher-Self and Stay connected with the Universe within!
Have you heard? “ITS OKAY, NOT TO BE OKAY?”
Welcome back to #PYOwithQueenshamula! One of the most important key to success is finding peace within. Always remember that you can start over at any given moment; All you have to do is STOP! PAUSE! & BREATH! Everyone is on there own journey and I’m here to remind you that “It’s OKAY, NOT TO BE OKAY!” Everything is within you! Take all the time you need in the world to find Peace within.
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IG: QueenShamula
FB: Putting You On With QueenShamula -
Welcome BACK To! #PYOwithQueenshamula. In Episode 9 we will continue to touch base on THE LAW OF ATTRACTION! I explained more tips and tricks on how to use T.L.O.A! I also included two very important books (down below) That help me stay on track and continue to manifest my goals! I used the word "WANT" in third person when I'm expressing how to make T.L.O.A work for you! I AM are the two most important words when we want to attract good things in our life, always speak in the present moment! (I sometimes forget myself but I always remember to REVERSE THE CURSE! lol)
(Great Reads) >>The Twelve Universal Laws of Success By Herbert Harris &
The Power of NOW! By Eckhart Tolle
We all want to achieve great things in our life! Right? So in this episode of #PYOwithQueenShamula we will be talking about The Law Of Attraction and how we can use it to manifest anything we want in our Life! Right Now! Think! Feel! Taste! Touch! and See! Tap into your Universal Powers today & use this available energy NOW!!
Email me at Queenshamula@gmail.com Today! For Questions! Topics & more! I want to get to know also!
- Visa fler