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We go deep on the Lakers. The team, the players, the coaches, the front office, even the competition. If you are a Laker fan, or just a serious basketball fan, this is the podcast for you. Donna Wright is always right. Greg is a hater. Together they give you in depth analysis of each Laker game, and in the playoffs, we will go nuts! Join us this season. We're not corporate, we answer to no one. We are Lakers fans from the Jerry West era (when he was a player). We bleed purple. Let's go Lakers!
Oddaja V navezi je namenjena vsem, ki jih na katerikoli način zanimajo gore in z njimi povezane aktivnosti. Predstavlja stično točko vseh dogodkov, ki se v našem prostoru na tem področju dogajajo – izobražuje, obvešča, prinaša reportaže in pogovore z ljudmi, ki so z gorami tako ali drugače povezani. Ozira se tudi v zgodovino, iz katere vam v vsaki oddaji predstavlja ključne dogodke, ki so izoblikovali našo alpsko identiteto. V navezi z vami vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu na Prvem ob 14:30.