The Horse's Advocate Podcast is about helping horse owners find the missing horse owner's manual for owning and caring for horses. Geoff Tucker, DVM (aka, "Doc T"), brings you wisdom from almost 50 years with horses. But beware - some of this stuff is NOT what you might expect. When the "box to think outside of" was built, he was never included and remained outside! This show aims to Help Horses Thrive In A Human World.
The People of Animal Health podcast features industry leaders and trailblazers who have made a significant impact or are making an impact in the Animal Health and Veterinary industries.
Show host Stacy Pursell chats with them to learn more about their lives, their careers and the unique and interesting things they have done to contribute to the Animal Health or Veterinary industry. She is here to share their stories with you. -
Od svoje 16. godine, tokom svoje 30-godišnje karijere rada sa psima stekao je neuporedivo stručno znanje i iskustvo. Kroz projekat " Sve što ste hteli da znate o psima a niste imali koga da pitate" Saša odgovara na pitanja svojih pratilaca na Tik Toku i Instagramu užvo, nedeljom u 21.h. Dobrodošli.
Welcome to Mum Made Me Do It.
Join Saffron Barker and her mum Wendy as they chat all things mums and daughters in everyday life, totally unfiltered.
They'll be chatting about everything from relationships to body confidence, growing up to YouTube, giving you guys some advice and getting their bug bears off their chests.
Get involved!
Email us with your questions, ask for advice and of course send in your bug bears to: OR 07745 266 947
Follow us on Instagram: @Saffronbarker @wendybarker100 and @mummademedoitofficial -
Pozdravljeni v najbolj poslušanem slovenskem podcastu za starše in bodoče starše, kjer z različnimi gosti pokrivamo tako strokovne kot lifestyle tematike, ki se navezujejo na otroke, vzgojo in starševstvo. Več zapisov in epizod lahko najdete na, za kakšno idejo, komentar ali vprašanje pa pišite kar na 💙
Ever wonder if your kids have it in them to be a killer? It's okay, we've all had the thought once or twice. And if you're willing to admit that, you'll love How Not to Raise a Serial Killer.
On this podcast, criminal psychologist Dr. Michelle Ward digs into the childhoods of some of the most notorious criminals and killers in order to learn from them and prevent future tragedies. Dr. Ward will use her expertise to determine what went wrong with each killer (a brain injury, an undiagnosed illness, a specific trauma) with the help of a fellow mom/non-expert who can weigh in about their own taboo parenting fears. Because on our better days as parents, we want to know how to raise good humans. But on our worst days, we at least want to know that we're not raising a future serial killer. -
Il mondo della genitorialità non ha più segreti per Diletta Leotta: ha imparato tutto quello che c’è da sapere e ora non ha più nessun dubbio! Beh ma magari…
Nella quarta stagione di “Mamma Dilettante”, il podcast dedicato alla genitorialità, Diletta approfondirà in compagnia di molti amici e tantissimi nuovi argomenti legati al meraviglioso universo che lega genitori e figli, per superare i dubbi che naturalmente si formano a proposito del “mestiere più difficile del mondo”.
Niente paura, è tutta una scoperta!
Produzione Dopcast -
Life as a mum in this modern world is very different to how it use to be. We are all juggling a crazy amount of things and yes, it can be a chaotic, delightful mess. I am always on the lookout for ways to make my life easier and create more space in my day for ME. A lot of the time hacks and solutions to my everyday problems I have learnt from other mums. Whether it is organisational hacks in the home, what to cook, how to move my body, menu planning, kids, balance, homework rituals, breathing or just where to hide in my house when I have had enough of the kids and need a break.......This podcast is about everyday mums making things work. It is a celebration of wins and also failures because that is how we all learn. It is a community of mums and chicks raising each other up to thrive in this crazy mess we call motherhood.
Are you an Audacious Mama? An ambitious single mom in business who's raising kids and building a profitable business to support her vision for success? If so, you're in the right place!
Audacious Mamas take bold risks, step outside the box, and create a life and business that aligns with their deepest desires for freedom, flexibility, connection, and wealth. And you, my friend, are one of them!
Steph's entrepreneurial journey began eight years ago when she escaped a controlling and abusive relationship. Since then, she's been on a mission to heal and create a peaceful, happy life while making money doing what she loves.
Join Steph as she shares tips and strategies for single mom survivors. Tools to get more business with less effort, develop an expansive and resilient mindset, and become more efficient to free up your time while growing your income. She also interviews victorious mama entrepreneurs and ambitious women who share their secrets on balancing it all, and achieving success.
Don't miss out on all the Audacious Mama goodness! Hit follow and check out this episode Survivor to Successful Mompreneur with Emma Ferrick to learn, grow, and thrive as an Audacious Mama!