The Kind Place is an audio series brought to you by the British Red Cross.
Series 2 “We are VOICES” is produced by refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK. They bring you into their lives to share the challenges they face and speak up for change. It was made by The VOICES Network, in collaboration with The British Red Cross and supported by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Senior Producers: Bridey Addison-Child and Jude Shapiro.
Series 1 “The Loneliness Line” explores loneliness through a series of phone conversations between those experiencing it. People from across the UK shares what it really means to be lonely and what they’re doing to get through it. It was produced in collaboration with On Our Radar. -
Tüm dünyadaki çözülmüş ve çözülmeyi bekleyen cinayet ve kayıp vakalarını beraber incelediğimiz Karanlık Dosyalar'a hoş geldiniz!
Ben Sezgi Aksu, Podbee Media ile beraber hazırladığımız bu podcast serisinde dinleyici olarak sizleri davanın içine bir üçüncü şahıs olarak yerleştireceğiz. Meraklısını fazlasıyla doyuracak, daha önce deneyimlememiş olanlar için de bağımlılık yaratacak. Ne dersiniz? Hazırsanız başlayalım.
Over a million and a half non-Koreans call South Korea home. This number grows every year as the country continues to internationalize through travel, investment, finance, IT, culture, technology, and other sectors. At the center of it all lies Seoul, among the largest metro areas in the world. This podcast is a showcase of the diversity of the city and the surrounding areas.
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