Pruning To Prosper - Clutter, Money, Meals and Mindset for the Catholic Mom
Belgien · Gina Morton/Declutter Coach, Mindset Coach, Budget Coach, Meal Planning Coach
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- Religion & Andlighet
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- Kristendom
The podcast for Catholic moms yearning to hear the voice of God through all the clutter, money struggles and mindset issues of day to day life.
Do you want more money, less clutter, a peaceful home and the courage to do what God is really calling you to do? He brought you here for a reason. Welcome, my friend.
Are you tired of moving clutter from place to place? Are you constantly yelling at or nagging other people to move their clutter? Are you too tired from tidying to actually clean? Do you make decent money but always feel broke or wonder where all the money went each month? Do you and your spouse fight about money or ignore the topic of money all together? Do you wish you could enjoy your money now while also saving for the future?
Would you sell your soul for one dinner that everyone in your family eats without complaint? Bonus if it’s a healthy meal! Do you feel like there has to be more to life than just cooking, cleaning, paying the bills and feeling unappreciated on a daily basis? Do you feel a tugging at your heart that you can’t quite explain? Is the noise of life drowning out the voice of God?
In this podcast, you will learn how to manage your money, declutter, meal plan, and implement routines while developing a growth mindset so you can run your home efficiently. With your home practically running itself, you’ll clear the clutter to more clearly hear God’s voice.
Hi, I’m Gina Morton, wife, mom of four living kids and one deceased child. A professional declutter, budgeting and mindset coach, Catholic, philanthropist, and cheerleader to all.
After 13 years as a stay at home mom and with my youngest child in school full time, I found myself yearning for more. My home practically ran itself and after so many years of penny-pinching, I knew how to budget and still enjoy the good life. My business, Tight Ship Mama, was born out of my desire to help other women declutter, manage their money, meal plan and implement routines so their homes could run just as smoothly. Except, I kept hearing women say they needed more. That’s when I realized, we needed to not just clear clutter and debt, we needed to create space for God.
When we put God in charge of our home, family, finances and mindset, we begin to see that His dream for our life is so much bigger than ours. When we learn to hear Him, truly listen and take action, our lives become more abundant than we could ever imagine. Through prayer, actionable baby steps and mindset work, we will step into the women God has created us to be.
This podcast was created for the Catholic woman who is ready to grow in her faith and stop playing small! If you’re ready to prune away all the clutter standing between you and the woman God has called you to be, you are in the right place. Grab your pruning shears...it’s time to prosper!
To schedule your in-person or virtual declutter, budgeting or meal planning session, please email me at: [email protected]
Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2099615896871716
Freebie to 100 days of decluttering list: https://mailchi.mp/f81329f110cb/9p8tvygn09
Monthly budget zoom link: https://mailchi.mp/0846ee7f69b6/fun?fbclid=IwAR2ENK7dxwhWeJPNU-KcXctHzc_J-7QeRkxRGuYfe2Yx2YealWeKEBSIaGA
Topics included in this podcast: Catholic homemaking, home management, money, money management, broke, debt, debt free, debt free lifestyle, debt free journey, managing God’s money, stewardship, Bible readings, Catholic money management, baby steps, Dave Ramsey, Ramit Sethi, debt snowball, frugal, frugal homemaking, abundant mindset, credit card debt, student loan debt, overwhelming debt, overwhelm, clutter, cluttered home, cluttered mind, decluttering, declutter coach, tidy home, tidying, clutter free home, accountability, meals, meal planning, budgeting for groceries, grocery budget, monthly budget, gluten free meals, gluten free diet, corn free meals, corn free diet, meals for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Catholic faith, Catholic wife, Catholic mom, Catholic friendships, rosary, womens rosary group, prayer group, organizing, organization, home organization